Pavel Samoilov died. “He sent me photographs of clouds”: the fate of those killed by the Moscow disaster

According to the latest data, 16 people became victims of the hurricane that hit the capital region the day before, and almost 150 people were injured. 11 people died in Moscow, five more in the Moscow region.

The hurricane has already been called the worst in Moscow in recent decades. The families of the victims received one million rubles as compensation.

The media describes the details of people due to the elements. Muscovite Nikolai Kotov was waiting for a bus on that ill-fated day at a bus stop on Kirovogradskaya Street.

According to MK, a 65-year-old man was standing on the side of the pavilion when a sudden gust of strong wind tore the bus stop out of the asphalt and carried it straight towards him. In a matter of seconds, the pavilion knocked the man down and crushed him under his own weight. Passers-by tried to turn the structure over and rescue the victim. But he died before the ambulance arrived.

Pensioner Nina Andreeva was walking along Narimanovskaya Street (in the east of Moscow) when a tree collapsed on her. “I was just driving my car out of the yard, and I saw a woman lying under the branches. It was clear from her face that she was dead. Severe injuries received - including an open fracture of the leg. They called the doctors, they pronounced him dead,” the publication cites eyewitness accounts.

On Bratsevskaya Street (north-west of Moscow), where repair work is being carried out near the temple, iron sheets scattered due to the wind. One of them fatally injured 57-year-old Ivan Babii. According to eyewitnesses, the man did not have time to jump away in time.

On 7th Parkovaya Street (in the east of the capital), a very young Muscovite, 20-year-old Daria Antonova, was killed by a tree that flew into her. It is reported that the girl was returning home from school with a friend. A gust of wind brought down a large trunk on them, uprooted.

Passing men tried to lift the tree trunk, but it was obvious that the girl could no longer be helped.

“Everything there looked terrible: there was a lot of blood, my foot was torn off. The second one was in shock. Her entire shoulder was covered in bruises, but she didn’t seem to hear anything. We put her in an ambulance,” said an eyewitness.

Another girl died at VDNKh while roller skating. A poplar fell on her. Not far from the Karelia pavilion, a tree crushed a 10-year-old child.

As a result of the hurricane, 146 people were hospitalized, 108 of them remain in hospitals, including 22 children. RIA Novosti was informed about this by the capital's health department. The majority of requests came from residents of the Southern, South-Western, Western and South-Eastern administrative districts, the Ministry of Emergency Situations said. The least number comes from the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts and Zelenograd. Due to natural disasters, 3.5 thousand trees were felled in the city. In addition, the wind damaged cars, power lines and railway tracks, the agency notes.

The exact details of the victims of the tragedy have not yet been made public, but some names of the dead are already known from media publications:

Pavel Samoilov, 20 years old

Ivan Babiy, 57 years old

Nina Andreeva, 62 years old

Daria Antonova, 20 years old

Nikolay Kotov, 65 years old

Andrey Temnikov, 37 years old

Ekaterina Sinelnikova, 36 years old

Valery Gudkov, 17 years old

Stanislav Smirnov, 28 years old

Makeeva, 11 years old

Unknown, 20 years old

Unknown, 28 years old

The Ministry of Emergency Situations warned that showers with hail and gusty winds will continue Central Russia and the Volga region for two more days.

Ecuadorian authorities have denied Julian Assange asylum at the London embassy. The founder of WikiLeaks was detained by British police, and this has already been called the biggest betrayal in the history of Ecuador. Why are they taking revenge on Assange and what awaits him?

Australian programmer and journalist Julian Assange became widely known after the website WikiLeaks, which he founded, published secret documents from the US State Department in 2010, as well as materials related to military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But it was quite difficult to find out who the police were leading out of the building, supporting him by the arms. Assange had grown a beard and looked nothing like the energetic man he had previously appeared in photographs.

According to Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno, Assange was denied asylum due to his repeated violations of international conventions.

He is expected to remain in custody at a central London police station until he appears at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

Why is the President of Ecuador accused of treason?

Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa called the current government's decision the biggest betrayal in the country's history. “What he (Moreno - editor’s note) did is a crime that humanity will never forget,” Correa said.

London, on the contrary, thanked Moreno. The British Foreign Office believes that justice has triumphed. The representative of the Russian diplomatic department, Maria Zakharova, has a different opinion. “The hand of “democracy” is squeezing the throat of freedom,” she noted. The Kremlin expressed hope that the rights of the arrested person will be respected.

Ecuador sheltered Assange because former president held center-left views, criticized US policies and welcomed the WikiLeaks publication secret documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even before the Internet activist needed asylum, he managed to personally meet Correa: he interviewed him for the Russia Today channel.

However, in 2017, the government in Ecuador changed, and the country set a course for rapprochement with the United States. New President called Assange “a stone in his shoe” and immediately made it clear that his stay on the embassy premises would not be prolonged.

According to Correa, the moment of truth came at the end of June last year, when US Vice President Michael Pence arrived in Ecuador for a visit. Then everything was decided. “You have no doubt: Lenin is simply a hypocrite. He has already agreed with the Americans on the fate of Assange. And now he is trying to make us swallow the pill, saying that Ecuador is supposedly continuing the dialogue,” Correa said in an interview with the Russia Today channel.

How Assange made new enemies

The day before the arrest editor-in-chief WikiLeaks Kristin Hrafnsson said that Assange was under total surveillance. “WikiLeaks uncovered a large-scale espionage operation against Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy,” he noted. According to him, cameras and voice recorders were placed around Assange, and the information received was transferred to the Donald Trump administration.

Hrafnsson clarified that Assange was going to be expelled from the embassy a week earlier. This did not happen only because WikiLeaks published this information. A high-ranking source told the portal about the plans of the Ecuadorian authorities, but the head of the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, Jose Valencia, denied the rumors.

Assange's expulsion was preceded by the corruption scandal surrounding Moreno. In February, WikiLeaks published a package of INA Papers, which traced the operations of the offshore company INA Investment, founded by the brother of the Ecuadorian leader. Quito said it was a conspiracy between Assange and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and former Ecuadorian leader Rafael Correa to overthrow Moreno.

In early April, Moreno complained about Assange's behavior at Ecuador's London mission. “We must protect the life of Mr. Assange, but he has already crossed all boundaries in terms of violating the agreement that we came to with him,” the president said. “This does not mean that he cannot speak freely, but he cannot lie and hack.” ". At the same time, back in February last year it became known that Assange at the embassy was deprived of the opportunity to interact with the outside world, in particular, his Internet access was cut off.

Why Sweden stopped prosecuting Assange

At the end of last year Western media citing sources, they reported that Assange would be charged in the United States. This was never officially confirmed, but it was because of Washington’s position that Assange had to take refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy six years ago.

In May 2017, Sweden stopped investigating two rape cases in which the portal’s founder was accused. Assange demanded compensation from the country's government for legal costs in the amount of 900 thousand euros.

Earlier, in 2015, Swedish prosecutors also dropped three charges against him due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Where did the investigation into the rape case lead?

Assange arrived in Sweden in the summer of 2010, hoping to receive protection from American authorities. But he was investigated for rape. In November 2010, a warrant was issued for his arrest in Stockholm, and Assange was put on the international wanted list. He was detained in London, but was soon released on bail of 240 thousand pounds.

In February 2011, a British court decided to extradite Assange to Sweden, after which a number of successful appeals followed for the WikiLeaks founder.

British authorities placed him under house arrest before deciding whether to extradite him to Sweden. Breaking his promise to the authorities, Assange asked for asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy, ​​which was granted to him. Since then, the UK has had its own claims against the WikiLeaks founder.

What awaits Assange now?

The man was re-arrested on a US extradition request for publishing classified documents, police said. At the same time, Deputy Head of the British Foreign Ministry Alan Duncan said that Assange would not be sent to the United States if he faced the death penalty there.

In the UK, Assange is likely to appear in court on the afternoon of April 11. This is stated on the WikiLeaks Twitter page. British authorities are likely to seek a maximum sentence of 12 months, the man's mother said, citing his lawyer.

At the same time, Swedish prosecutors are considering reopening the rape investigation. Attorney Elizabeth Massey Fritz, who represented the victim, will seek this.

"Dream of big football"

Friends of Valera Gudkov cannot believe that now the number eight on the football team needs to look for a replacement. The guy played in the Moscow Vodnik. He was only 17 years old. The elements caught him at the moment when he was returning from college. On his way home, a tree fell on him. The blow was so strong that the doctors could not do anything.

“He left us very early,” says friend and teammate Zhenya Shvets. – We will play in memory of our always positive and smiling Valera. Two days ago we were walking from training and thinking about how in three weeks we would go to play in Belarus. Valera wanted to try his hand at the Tula-2 team and in the future to become a famous football player. He hasn't even lived yet.

Valera's only relatives are his mother and his 15-year-old brother, who is very similar to him and also plays in Vodnik. Friends believe that he should continue his career as a football player and fulfill Valera’s dream of big football.

"Died with a friend"

36-year-old Ekaterina Sinelnikova and her 37-year-old friend Andrei Temnikov also did not return from a walk from Gorky Park. A tree fell on them. “ Ambulance“They didn’t wait - they died on the spot.

We managed to find out that a young woman has been living in Moscow for several years - she came from Volgograd. In the capital she worked in a dental clinic.

– Yes, Katya worked for us. She was a wonderful doctor and just good person, - said the ImplaDENT clinic. “It’s hard to express in words the pain that her family, friends, colleagues and friends are now experiencing.

In her free time from work, the girl did yoga and dancing. Over the weekend I even took part in the large-scale marathon “Running Hearts”.

20-year-old Pavel Samoilov also loved to play football. But he was more fascinated by geography. The guy was a second-year student at the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University. During the hurricane, the guy was in Jawaharlal Nehru Square, he did not have time to find shelter. The students say that Pavel was a shining example how you can and should love life.

– A successful photo shot, a beautiful canopy on the football field, a Panama hat with ducks – any little thing could make you happy. You really felt nature, knew how to admire great things and beautiful world, was inspired by people. You were a geographer to the core. You wanted to conquer the peaks, to see as much as possible more people and countries, learn new things, - friends from the university will say, but Pasha will no longer hear them.

They still can’t believe that their Pasha is among the 10 dead. Friends cannot yet accept his death and decided to think that he just went on another hike, where he can’t pick up the phone, but where Pasha will do his best shots and you will see something that none of them have ever seen.

“We didn’t have time to take cover”

In the village of Putilkovo, Krasnogorsk district, 57-year-old Ivan Babiy died.

Neighbors say that a metal sheet from the fence was blown away by a strong wind - it fell right on the man’s head. It happened not far from the temple, where the man might have wanted to run, but did not have time. He died on the spot from his injuries. Ivan himself came from Ukraine to work - he worked even on weekends. In Putilkovo he was a landscaping specialist in a housing company.

Before 62-year-old Nina Andreeva could escape the falling trees, she was found by passers-by in one of the Moscow courtyards. 20-year-old student Daria Antonova was returning from study when a tree fell on her and was uprooted. Another tragedy occurred at VDNH. Eyewitnesses say that the girl was riding a bicycle when tree branches fell on her during the storm. Immediately there was information about a 10-year-old boy who was crushed by a tree. Fortunately, the child was saved. But an 11-year-old girl could not be saved after a tree fell in the village of Kratovo, Ramensky district.

A bus stop near the Prazhskaya metro station overturned on 65-year-old Nikolai Kotov. The man was waiting for the bus, when suddenly a metal structure was torn out of the asphalt and carried straight towards Kotov. The man died on the spot.

The hurricane began on the afternoon of May 29. As Roman Vilfand, director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center, later explained, warm atmospheric front met with a cold one. Information that emergency services were transferred to an enhanced operating mode appeared late - along with the lists of the dead.

At VDNKh, a tree fell on a girl. Two women were unable to hide on Preobrazhenskaya Street and in the Izmailovsky district. In the capital, cranes, banners, and bus stops fell. Strong gusts of wind tore off a fragment of the roof from the main building of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Petrovka, and demolished part of the roof from the Senate Palace.

In Moscow, a hurricane claimed lives:

Pavel Samoilova, 20 years old

Ivana Babiy, 57 years old

Nina Andreeva, 62 years old

Daria Antonova, 20 years old

Nikolai Kotov, 65 years old

Andrey Temnikov, 37 years old

Ekaterina Sinelnikova, 36 years old

Valeria Gudkova, 17 years old

Stanislava Smirnova, 28 years old.

The names of two more are unknown.

We ask for prayers for the repose of the victims and help for the victims and relatives of the victims!

The mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims and promised to pay them compensation.

More than 18 thousand people were left without electricity in the Moscow region. Two people died. An 11-year-old girl from the village of Kratovo, Ramensky district, died from her injuries - a tree fell on her. A 57-year-old man died in the village of Putilkovo, Krasnogorsk district.

A 12-year-old boy was hospitalized in Odintsovo, and an 8-year-old child was hospitalized in the village of Tomilino, Lyubertsy district.

In the village of Islavskoye, a hurricane carried away a greenhouse in which a woman was located. In the Shakhovsky district, the wind tore the roof off a maternity hospital.

In Moscow, at least 70 people were injured, in the Moscow region - more than 20. 79 teams - 316 people and 132 units of special equipment - were involved in emergency restoration work. De-energized 20 settlements, the roofs of 30 multi-storey and private residential buildings and over 10 cars were damaged.

In addition, in Moscow and the Moscow region, cancellations and delays of commuter trains were reported due to the consequences of the hurricane, as well as delays and cancellations of flights at capital airports.

The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations claims that their department “made an application for MTS, Beeline and Megafon. “We received information about a hurricane at about 13:00, we contacted the operators. We don’t have information about which districts and subscribers.”

Mobile operators prove that they sent notifications to Muscovites, which users deny social networks. Only a few received SMS.

After the devastating consequences of the hurricane, weather forecasters at the Hydrotemcenter decided to raise the danger level to “orange,” the penultimate level on the scale of meteorological conditions, while at the weekend the weather was assigned a “yellow” level.

Despite the fact that the storm has already receded, experts ask citizens to remain vigilant and expect strong winds to return soon.

“The zone of storm winds stretched from the Smolensk region, then went to Kaluga region, Moscow, will then go to the Vladimir, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod regions, and almost to the upper and lower reaches of the Volga. The area is vast. It will become sharply colder in Moscow, but the weather will improve and the rain will decrease,” reports the staff of the Phobos weather center.