Who will be president after Putin: predictions and expert opinions. Who will be the President of Russia after Putin

When most political scientists do not doubt the inviolability of the current government, astrologers focus on the importance of stellar aspects. Thus, the forecasts of some experts differ radically from the opinions of political analysts. According to their calculations, Putin faces a fierce battle for the presidency. How exactly the minds of predictive science reason, we will consider in more detail below.

Mikhail Levin's forecast

The rector of the Academy of Astrology made a bold statement about a change in political course. His analytical abilities have been confirmed more than once by concrete results. Therefore, the opinion of an authoritative scientist should be listened to carefully. In particular, Mikhail says that the new president will come from a business background. Which still few people know about. Everything should be decided in the second round of elections, when a new political player will be allowed on television. The coming to power of this person will mark a sharp turn towards the democratization of society: the influence of security forces will be sharply reduced. The Russian Federation will no longer be considered an outcast of the world community.

The country expects rapid development of cultural and social projects. Focus on modern technologies and the space industry will yield results by the end of the first presidential term. At the same time, the new leader will have to defend himself from the henchmen of the previous regime. Friends of Vladimir Putin will do their best to denigrate and discredit his personality. It is quite possible that the next period of government will be remembered for behind-the-scenes games. However, this will not prevent the president from ridding the country of the control of the special services.

Forecast by Tatyana Kudryavtseva

Tatyana's opinion is somewhat different from the statements of the previous speaker. She predicts victory for the incumbent president, since the elections will be influenced by new moon. And this Earth satellite has always been loyal to Vladimir Putin. That's why serious shocks V political sphere not worth the wait. Favorable changes at the beginning of the month will be associated only with the economy: powerful Uranus will move into the stable position of Taurus, which is always associated with material growth. The key trend will be the widespread introduction of electronic technologies: from work records- to all types of travel. The new currency (cryptocurrency) will take a strong place in the financial industry. Its widespread use will allow the country to break out of the grip of the US dollar.

Forecast by Pavel Globa

The most famous astrologer has an even more radical forecast. Pavel believes that the next president will not live to see the end of his term. Regardless of who takes this post: new politician or Vladimir Putin. Because the first one is being attacked from all sides by the special services, and the second one’s health will not hold up. However, this will not happen immediately. Over the next few years of his reign, significant changes will take place in the Kremlin: the ground will be prepared for a radically new course. Globa has no doubt that in a few years the Putin era will finally end.

Forecast by Vasily Nemchin

A more specific prediction was made by Pavel Globa’s teacher. Vasily said that Vladimir Putin will pass away in exactly three years. He justified his disappointing forecast by the transition of the evil planet to the house of Scorpio. Saturn will be the reason fatal disease current leader. Putin's short-term rule will be marked by social upheavals and political infighting. All this will determine the arrival of a completely new figure in 2022. Nemchin called this man Gonchar, since the latter would make Russia a completely different country. He will bring with him different cultural beliefs and political principles. His worldview will be based on the high spiritual level that he will achieve after defeating an incurable disease. The colossal wisdom of the 55-year-old president will allow the Russian people to cope with poverty, and the country with economic sanctions. The economy will show record growth rates.

Forecast by Sergei Logvinov

Concerns for physical condition Putin expressed another famous astrologer. He is confident that Vladimir Vladimirovich is no longer a real representative of the Kremlin’s power. His environment decides everything for him. Putin only formally performs the functions of president. Use as talking doll will finish off the last strength of the current leader. When he wants to withdraw himself, a strong split will occur within the circle of the ruling elite. Since Putin has no successor, all influential figures will start playing political games. Some regional rulers will try to break away from the Kremlin's control. The struggle for the autonomy of the Caucasian regions will cause another turmoil on Russian territory. These conflicts will lead to civil war. However, most dangerous threat for the current borders of Russia should be considered the expansion of China. The stars directly indicate aggression from the East.

Vlad Ross's forecast

An astrologer from Ukraine made not the most positive forecast for Putin’s rule. His calculations showed that the president would have to go. Vlad justified his prediction with the Saros cycle, which is coming to an end in 2018. The connection of the current leader with this cycle is due to his rise to power against the backdrop of solar eclipse. When the cycle is completed, the energy from the body returns back to space. Ross also has interesting information from the Zoroastrian calendar. According to this ancient manuscript, the year of the Camel always leads to a change in political course. If you pay attention to history, you will notice a repetition of the 32-year cycle. The completion of each of them led to the removal of the leader.

For example, in the Year of the Camel, Lenin, Stalin and Gorbachev alternately resigned. Now it’s Putin’s turn. At the same time, Vlad did not dare predict the name of his successor, since the future of the entire country is in the fog. Russia faces major regional excesses and military conflicts with neighboring states. The starting point will be the region of the Chechen Republic. To save the country from collapse, the future ruler will have to grant autonomy to a number of areas. Hardly anyone from the security forces is capable of this. Therefore, the new president will be a person far from the ruling elite. Most likely he will come with Far East Russian Federation. The Chinese leadership will support him.

In March 2018, our country will host a very important event, which will affect the course of history not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. We are, of course, talking about the election of the head of our state. Many people are already interested in who will be president after Putin in 2018. There are a variety of predictions on this matter.

Why are elections in Russia so important?

Recent years have been characterized by instability in the world. Many countries are experiencing coups d'etat, armed conflicts and political crises. The situation in the world is changing very quickly. In such unpredictable times, it is necessary to respond very quickly to all the challenges of our time. That is why it is very important that at the helm of our state there is an experienced politician who can respond in a timely manner to the situation that is worsening every day.

Russia's position on many world issues is very important. This applies to both the situation around Syria, North Korea, South-East of Ukraine, and other regions. Some countries share the Russian point of view on certain issues. Others do not agree with the opinion of our state. In any case, the current situation in the world requires a balanced position. Only joint action and constructive negotiations can stop global confrontation.

Future elections in Russia will largely determine the balance of power in the world. This is probably why there is such close attention to the expression of the will of Russians. March 2018 may become a turning point in the fate of not only our state, but also all of humanity. Perhaps the new leader of Russia will be able to make a decisive contribution to the normalization of the situation in the world and help overcome the growing tension.

The fruitful cooperation of the Russian Federation with the United States and the EU, as is known, has already borne fruit in Afghanistan and Syria. The whole world is waiting for the resolution of the conflict in Donbass and North Korea. The difficult economic situation in Venezuela and other countries requires radical measures. Otherwise, the world may slide into a new global crisis, which is fraught with increased tension and the emergence of a revolutionary situation in many regions of the planet. We should not forget about the terrorist threat posed by ISIS, as well as the growing instability in the region. European continent. The parade of sovereignties in Spain and Italy showed how unstable government system old Europe.

Political analysts' forecasts

Many analysts of the political situation in Russia are confident that there will be no change of power in our state. The majority of the Russian population supports the leadership's policies, both within the country and abroad. They believe that our government is moving in the right direction and our President is fulfilling his functions with dignity. Moreover, there is no worthy candidate on the political field of the country yet.

At the same time, there are experts, both in our country and abroad, who believe that the new leaders of the nation will be able to lead Russia along a new path, which will help establish mutually beneficial relations with Western countries, both in economics and in other areas. They are confident that new forces will be able to change the economic model of the Russian Federation and reduce its dependence on world energy prices, as well as carry out structural reforms and bring the country to new horizons of general prosperity.

There are people who do not believe in the scientific arguments of political analysts and therefore turn their gaze towards all kinds of predictors. There is a rational grain in such a choice. After all, many astrologers have reliably predicted the future more than once.

Psychic predictions

In fact, there are different points of view among the media regarding the outcome of the presidential election. Let's take a look at some predictions that were made not only now, but also a long time ago:

  • Nostradamus- the most famous psychic predicted the Golden Age of Russia. It will come when the leader of our country becomes a native of northern regions our country.
  • Vasily Nemchin– this seer predicted several centuries ago that the head of our state would be a person who was not like today’s politicians. He will have an analytical mind and esoteric abilities. This will be a person who has cured himself of a dangerous disease and possesses the basics of magic. The new president will be elected at the age of 55. He will be able to create a great state within the borders Soviet Union. Its flourishing is predicted by 2023.
  • Edgar Cayce– the predictor is confident that the future leader of Russia will be technically educated person. He will revive our country, and it will become the savior of civilization. The birth of a new prosperous Russia will begin in Siberia.
  • Mikhail Levin– this psychic is confident that the next president of the Russian Federation will be a person who will completely reboot the country’s structure. He will not belong to the current political elite. He will be able to reduce the influence of security forces in the life of society. The country will switch to a democratic path of development and achieve significant progress in all areas.
  • Maria Duval– this French woman predicted that the new leader of Russia will be a person who will lead the country out of the crisis by 2020. The Russian Federation will become one of the leading countries in the world, in which rich people will live, and there will be a strong economy and a well-armed army. Russian medicine will be able to create a remedy that allows you to live long. The successful development of science will lead to a revolution in computer technology.
  • Vanga– the soothsayer predicted the triumph of V. Putin as a collector of Russian lands. Under his rule, Russia will become a strong and influential state. On the way to this, the Russians will have to go through trials and tribulations, but it will be worth it.
  • Pavel Globa– our contemporary is very pessimistic in his forecasts. He is sure that the current leader of the Russian Federation will soon die. Death will happen in 2018. His forecast is explained by the position of Saturn in the constellation Scorpio. However, it should be noted that this astrologer already predicted the death of the president in 2012. As you know, his forecast did not come true. Perhaps this time the media is wrong.

Holy elders about the future president

It is believed that Orthodox saints receive their knowledge from God, which is why many trust them more than psychics. Some believers are sure that one cannot trust astrologers who are helped by demons. Among the elders there are different opinions about the future of Russia. However, they are unanimous in the opinion that our country has a bright future:

Seraphim of Sarov The Antichrist will defeat all countries except Russia, which will unite everything Orthodox lands to the Russian kingdom.
Lavrenty Chernigovsky Russia will be headed by Orthodox Tsar, whom all countries that submitted to the Antichrist will fear. The second coming of Christ grants eternal life to all who fight evil.
Paisiy Athonite The future leader of Russia will be able to unite everything Slavic peoples, which will make her invincible.

Every day the Russian presidential elections scheduled for the third week of March 2018 are getting closer. Obviously, this event is the most important, determining the direction of development of the state for an entire period of life.

Current state of affairs

According to the overwhelming majority of political scientists, specialists in various fields of activity and ordinary citizens, 2018 will be victorious for the current head of state. Almost no one has any doubts here. But how the political (and subsequently the economic) situation will develop in the future is interesting and, in many respects, unpredictable.

According to current legislation, victory in the 2018 elections for Putin will be the last term of his rule. And in 2013, society will have to elect a new head of state. It is all the more interesting to find out who will be the next president of Russia; the forecast here is quite interesting!

Experts' forecasts

New favorite of the president Maxim Oreshkin

Experts carefully study the current political situation in the country, analyze the changes taking place, and try to imagine and model the approaching period of time preceding the election procedure.

Without any doubt, the current government holds the levers of governing the country quite firmly in its hands and is unlikely to give it up to other political forces. So even after adding V.V. Putin of his powers at the end of his term of office, new President the country will most likely be its successor. Perhaps Vladimir Vladimirovich himself will continue to exert a certain influence on decisions made in the state. However, this is a completely different story.

It is obvious that the future President of Russia after Putin is a person who is quite well known at the current time and occupies a fairly high position in the current government.

The most realistic candidates

Among enough large group officials occupied leadership positions in the country’s managerial hierarchy, several candidates stand out:

  • Shoigu
  • Medvedev
  • Dyumin
  • Oreshkin

First of all, the current Minister of Defense Shoigu attracts attention. Having accepted the army in a rather difficult period of time, in a short period of time, Sergei Kuzhugetovich not only regained the trust of the officer and general corps, but also managed to raise the Armed Forces to a qualitative level new level. A man respected by all segments of the country's population, right hand Putin is an excellent candidate for Russia's highest post.

Dmitry Medvedev is not being discounted either. Despite the fact that some media representatives do not speak correctly enough about the Prime Minister and periodically spread all sorts of rumors, this candidate deserves trust. Moreover, it was Medvedev who was entrusted with leading the state from 2008 to 2012. and in general he coped with the tasks.

Many political scientists suggest paying attention to another candidate - the acting head of the Tula region Alexey Dyumin. This figure has serious management experience, service in the FSO, high positions, state awards. In addition, he was the deputy head of the Security Service of the President of the country and, apparently, is quite close to Putin. So future president Dyumin is a very real situation for 2023. Appointment as head of a region is exactly the launching pad needed to join the presidential race.

In our forecast, we were not going to mention the old-timers of the political elite, such as:

  • Zyuganov
  • Zhirinovsky
  • Mironov

They had not previously been real rivals to Putin (except perhaps at the very beginning of their careers, and then only Zyuganov). Well, now that their era of political decline is approaching, these candidates will definitely not become Putin’s successors.

What psychics say

Statistics versus predictors

Obviously, at the current moment in time it will not be possible to accurately name Putin’s successor as the first person of the state. The current situation in the country and in the world as a whole is too complex, contradictory, dynamic and changing. The situation can change at any time and confuse all plans and assumptions. Perhaps it is worth turning to the opinions of soothsayers, fortune tellers, clairvoyants, and find out what psychics think about the President after Putin.

Psychics talk a lot about the prosperity of the country and the development of such regions as Siberia and the Urals. For example, Vasily Nemchinov, an astrologer and predictor of the late 17th century, accurately indicated the age of the country's future leader. It's worth looking for someone who will turn 55 in 2023.

Vanga's predictions are of particular interest. The famous blind soothsayer from Bulgaria predicted successful rule of the country specifically for V.V. Putin. During his reign, the foundation will be laid for the further, long-term and successful development of the state, prosperity, enrichment and glory, which will not fade even after hundreds of years. The clairvoyant pointed out the difficulties and temporary difficulties that Russia would have to face during the period of Putin’s rule of the country. However, it is here, on the basis of the defense of Christianity and Orthodoxy, that a solid foundation for a renewed Russia will be laid.

And even after such important and in many ways the right words, Vanga does not give us any hint about who will replace the current president of the country after the 2018 elections. So, it is possible to find out or calculate who will be the next president of Russia only on the basis of accurate calculations and research by political scientists.

Let's sum it up

The 2018 election campaign has not yet truly begun. Little by little the propaganda machine begins to work, advertising current head states. Opponents are slowly making themselves known. New politicians and forces are not yet visible on the horizon. It is obvious that the 2018 elections will be dictated by the Kremlin. An accurate calculation of Putin’s undeniable authority will do the trick. But we'll see what happens in 6 years. Then it will become clear whether Shoigu will be President after Putin or some other political figure will take this position!

Let's wait and see.

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Society at all levels often discusses the question of who will be president after Putin. And conversations are not conducted out of pure curiosity. The history of Russia is such that not only much, but practically everything depends on the leader. An ordinary person will not be able to live normally, feeling confident in the future, if a person unworthy of trust takes the helm. That’s why people are so worried about how the Russian Federation will end (2018, 2024). The last date is intentional. And there are reasons for this. Let's speculate about who the Federation is, then we will understand whether the current leader has a public successor.

A lot of information, but where is the truth?

You know, there are many people who want to tell the public who will be president after Putin. Each author has his own forecast. Often, unfortunately, this opinion is purely biased. That is, a commentator or forecaster speaks taking into account only his own beliefs and ideas about the future of Russia. We will not do this, but we will speculate. After all, who will be president after Putin depends on the country’s position on the world stage. And in general, the situation in the world is so complicated that many informed experts pose the question differently: “What will the planet be like in a couple of years?” It is no longer a secret to anyone, and much has been written about it, that we are at a bifurcation point.

World Storm

Crisis covers the planet huge wave, previously unknown to mankind. And it is no longer just economic. This is a situation where the political system that has existed for the last twenty-odd years is collapsing. Ties between states are being severed. We already see this in the news. A flood of refugees poured into Europe. In the Middle East, the hydra of terrorism is raising its head, threatening all countries. Analysts constantly talk about a new world order. Moreover, they are not able to develop a general picture of future changes. The reasons are simple: we are experiencing a moment when several the most powerful forces They are tearing apart humanity, trying to implement their own plan. And there will be only one winner. There will be no consensus or reconciliation. After all, the goals of these forces are diametrically opposed. By the way, this fact is associated with the presence large quantity forecasts regarding what the Russian presidential elections will lead to (2018 and 2024).

What conditions are we in today?

To understand who will be president after Putin, you need to look at the situation from the outside. The leader does not come from heaven, as Vanga said. He is born among the inhabitants of the country, grows up, receives an education, is included in general activities. This is how he approaches the pinnacle of power. What are we faced with today? Russia has reached world stage, loudly declaring their own interests. Our “partners” don’t like this. They were especially unpleasantly impressed by the unexpected development of the country's Armed Forces. If the West punished the Russian Federation with sanctions for the Ukrainian conflict, then it is afraid to even mention anything about the Syrian operation. In the Middle East, the Russian Armed Forces strike at real murderers, who, by the way, do not spare the population of “partner” countries.

Let us draw the reader's attention to one point: Vladimir Vladimirovich with a firm hand brought the Russian Federation onto the world stage. An act that does not require explanation. As it is now customary to comment on social networks: “Everyone thought that Russia was on its knees, but she laced up her ankle boots.” The people perceived the new reality with inner delight, which is why V.V. Putin’s rating soared to an unprecedented 90%.


You may ask, what does world politics have to do with it? After all, who will be president after Putin in 2018 is up to the people, not the “partners.” Let's turn inside the country. The economy sank due to sanctions. If you follow events, you must remember that V.V. Putin warned about this in December 2014. He said there were difficulties ahead. It will take “a maximum of two years” to resolve them. That is, by the time of the future elections the economy will begin to grow. And if at the peak of the crisis, in the winter of 2015, the rating of the national leader did not suffer, then why should it fall when the situation begins to improve? Besides, not by bread alone. The current president gave the people much more than money - he revived people's pride in their country! This is not advertising or propaganda. It’s just that the next president of Russia will have to live up to such a high standard of leadership. And this, you see, is not easy.

Let's look at the situation by 2018

As you know, it is during this period, according to the current legislation, that the next elections will take place. Serious analysts claim that there will be no change of leader. V.V. Putin did not confirm his intention to participate in the elections. But confidence comes from analyzing the situation, not from words. The world, as already mentioned, has just begun to plunge into crisis. It will affect absolutely all spheres of human life. Imagine a ship caught in a tsunami in a stormy ocean. There are ramparts all around, the land is not only invisible, it is not there at all. There is no one to rely on. Communications with other ships (countries) are severed, you have to maneuver and dodge, trying to stay afloat. Many ships will sink. New frigates will be built from others. In the coming decades, Russia will have to defend its sovereignty (keep the ship safe and sound) in an ocean of cruel, bloody battle. Is it possible to change the captain? This is what serious experts reason about. Their forecast: the next presidential election in Russia (2018) will be won by V.V. Putin. Let's see.

Let's go from the other side

Let's take a break from poor humanity and return to Russia. Let's see if there are any real candidates for the presidency in the country? Let's not take into account the dreams of the informal opposition. Nobody hides: she failed with her liberal ideas. At the last local elections, their candidates did not get more than 2%. What kind of leadership in the country can we talk about here? The people turned away from these gentlemen. Would you say everything can change? Likely. One should not discount unaccounted factors that are currently invisible. However, how to make voters (they are the ones who decide) forget about the unprecedented information campaign that the West launched against Russia after the start of the Ukrainian crisis? Will people again believe the sweet-voiced Westerners? Most likely, this will not happen.

Real candidates

Among the public figures who enjoy popular support are the Minister of Defense S.K. Shoigu and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs S.V. Lavrov. Another time, the head of the presidential administration S.S. Ivanov is included in the list of contenders. Will these men, who undoubtedly deserve respect, want to lay claim to leadership? Quite likely. But! Only if V.V. Putin refuses to be re-elected. When a team works so closely together for many years in a row, and even in very difficult conditions, people develop a “sense of community.” Whatever they say about the president’s team, from the outside they look like like-minded people who are not ready to sacrifice the good of Russia for the sake of their own selfish desires. This means that they will decide who will lead together. And they probably won’t forget the picture of a ship in a stormy ocean. Changing the captain means losing the ship. People as experienced as these candidates know this.

Let's remember Wang

Some may think that there is no point in attaching any prophecies to a serious issue. However, her predictions about the Kursk nuclear submarine were made public long before the disaster. And they finally came to life. What did she say about Russia? Do you remember the words spoken in the same documentary film? Something like this: “The glory of Russia will never fade, it will sweep away everything on its path.” That is, despite numerous conversations about the collapse of the country, it will live and prosper. Vanga also said that “Vladimir’s glory will not fade.” People wondered who we're talking about. Most likely about current president, which will lead the country through the storm of the global crisis. What does this have to do with a future leader? Yes, the most direct. The President of the Russian Federation after Putin must correspond to the position of a country that will “lead the world.”


If you wanted to read the name of the future head of state, then try not to be disappointed. No one will name her now. Unless they are fortune tellers using coffee grounds. In order for this person to take the post destined for him, the state must simply survive, not drown and save those who look to him with hope. Great work, according to analysts, such a situation has never happened. The world has been rebuilt before, but not so globally. But victory is still far away. Everyone needs to become a cohesive team. Then the future leader will be determined. In the meantime, we need to work and believe that Russia will be able to overcome all the obstacles in its path.

12:35 — REGNUM The change of heads of Russian regions continues with the same logic as before; this is a fairly planned rotation. It is quite obvious that all governors who have been in office for more than 5-7 years are currently being replaced. Rotation has been taking place for several years now, so everything is quite predictable, he told the correspondent IA REGNUM political strategist, general manager think tank PolitGeneration Yaroslav Ignatovsky.

According to him, rumors about the resignation of the governor of the Kursk region Alexandra Mikhailova rumors have been circulating for several years. Resignation of the head of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov also predicted for last year Conversations have intensified that he has a low rating. The same situation with the rating has developed with the head of Transbaikalia Natalia Zhdanova.

“It’s difficult to say what prospects the new leaders will have. At the moment, they have just started work; something concrete about their activities can be said in a month. First of all, we will need to look at the process of forming a team of new regional leaders and new appointments. The formation of teams of governors will be especially interesting in connection with the loss of elections in a number of regions by candidates from the United Russia party and the increase in the retirement age. Of course, these events will affect positions in the rankings,” - explained the political scientist.

It is difficult to predict the candidacies of those governors who want to voluntarily leave their posts. There is no point in guessing on the coffee grounds. At risk are all regional heads who have been working for a long time, have a low rating and do not have compelling arguments regarding the management system. These are three factors that cause you to fall into the risk zone. It is difficult to predict who the next “volunteer” will be.

“Updating the governor’s corps is a normal work process that has been going on for several years. During this time, almost 80% of the governor's corps was renewed. This process must be continued, because tomorrow the best of these politicians could join the team of the Russian government, and maybe even become the successor to the President of Russia, that would be logical. If we talk about democracy, then elections of governors are necessary. Cancellation of elections is contrary to the constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. Losing " United Russia"in elections in a number of regions it only strengthens democratic system country,” Ignatovsky expressed his opinion.

As reported IA REGNUM, in one day (October 11), three governors resigned. The President of Bashkortostan left their posts Rustem Khamitov , head Trans-Baikal Territory Natalia Zhdanova and governor of the Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov.

Acting Governor of the Kursk Region appointed Roman Starovoit, who previously served as Deputy Minister of Transport, and previously former leader Rosavtodor. Acting head of Bashkiria appointed Radiy Khabirov, who is the head of the Krasnogorsk urban district in the Moscow region. The acting governor of Transbaikalia has not yet been appointed.