Astrology – Solar eclipse. The influence of solar eclipses on our lives

Vedic Astrology claims that absolutely any eclipse carries negative energy that breaks destinies. However, the destructive solar impulse can be adjusted to your liking and used for good.

The sun symbolizes the power of human capabilities and positive thinking that can determine future fate and channel creative energy. In other words, the daylight predetermines our future, helping to transform thoughts and make desires come true.

The danger of a solar eclipse

This astrological event is a dangerous time for the embodiment of ideas and the birth of new plans. When the light of the Sun is cut off, the Earth is plunged into darkness, both literally and figurative meaning. All-consuming darkness takes over. During this period, all living things on the planet are experiencing torment, people are switching off logical thinking and consciousness is partially eclipsed. Intuition turns off, which provokes the adoption of incorrect, and sometimes dangerous, decisions. Any event is perceived as a threatening factor.

An eclipse of the Sun replaces our internal “settings,” attracting events that we consciously tried to avoid. External conditions provoke a crisis in accepting reality, preventing us from soberly assessing the situation. And the most main danger awaits us in the materialization of karmic retribution.

However, on this day spiritual life gains strength. The energy impulse emanating from the eclipse simply must be used for spiritual practices. It is during this period that a person has a chance to change the space around him, his thoughts and destiny, only by turning to Higher powers.

The influence of a solar eclipse on human destiny

As you know, a solar eclipse comes into its own a week before the date of the eclipse itself and does not lose its power for another seven days after. Knowing the exact time of the darkening of the Sun, we can approach this period more consciously.

The day of the astrological event itself is endowed with fateful importance, subject to human control. At this moment, it is advisable to monitor everything that is happening: new plans, conversations, people’s behavior, and so on. Any action is of great significance, emphasizing the opportunity to solve many mysteries and find a way out of dead-end situations.

Everything you come into contact with during the eclipse season, be it people, things or emotions, everything becomes an integral part of your life for a long period of time. Also, during the closed sun season, we have access to any information that previously did not reach our consciousness. That is why you should engage in spiritual self-improvement: read prayers, listen to mantras, meditate. It is useful to forgive past grievances and get rid of negative emotions, thoughts, habits.

A solar eclipse opens a new cycle of life for people, highlighting irreversible changes. If you follow the events of the day, you can discover new perspectives or get rid of many problems. By correctly directing the energy impulse, you can endow your destiny with the positive activity of the Sun for several years to come.

During the period of “absorption of light,” time is transformed, overtaking or slowing down a person’s life. This is a rather unpredictable and uncertain time, the meaning of which will be revealed later.

Positive changes directly depend on the location of the daylight relative to the stars and constellations. During this period, the influence of space objects is shifted and not fully manifested. Therefore, scientists, doctors and astrologers recommend being on the alert. You should not rush into new prospects and make final choices. If the eclipse gives you the opportunity to decide your own destiny, put it off until the next few days.

Solar eclipse- a rather dangerous time, which will involve a huge number of opportunities. The events of this day are almost impossible to correct, changes are rapidly gaining momentum, and luck is assessed by the level of spirituality. The most important thing is to maintain positive thinking, which will help you direct energy flows in the right direction. We wish you good mood. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2017 04:11

Every person has their own pedigree, but not everyone even knows about their ancestors...

Today, March 20th, is the day of the solar eclipse. From an astrological point of view, a solar eclipse is a new moon that occurs near the lunar nodes. The sun and moon find themselves in the same plane, and the moon covers the sun with its disk. At this moment, the mind is “eclipsed” by emotions, and the dark entities of the collective unconscious come out. On the days of eclipses, it is not recommended to drive, fly by plane, or participate in potential dangerous activities. Equipment may malfunction, electronics may fail, electricity may go out. On the days of eclipses you should not start anything. Damage and harm will be observed in the house of the natal chart where the eclipse occurs.

Among the signs of the Zodiac, the influence of the eclipse will be especially felt by late Pisces (March 18-20), early Aries (March 21-23), late Virgo (September 19-22), early Libra (September 23-25), late Gemini (19-25). June 21), early Cancer (June 22-23), late Sagittarius (December 19-21), early Capricorn (December 22-23). It is easy for people born during these periods to become involved in some unpleasant incidents and even disasters. All other signs should also exercise caution and prudence on March 20.

Impact of a solar eclipse

It can be said that, in general, solar eclipses have negative influence on nature, people and especially on their psyche and health. Even animals become fearful during a solar eclipse. By the way, the influence of a solar eclipse is felt a week or more before it and continues for a week or more after. The impact of a solar eclipse is felt most strongly in countries where it can be seen.

People's health

From a health point of view, this is not the best time - they intensify chronic diseases, existing ones are aggravated. Diseases of the heart and circulatory system are possible, since the Sun is the leading planet of the sign of Leo, and Leo in the human body is “responsible” for the heart and circulatory system. During this period, it is necessary to lead a calm lifestyle, not to overwork, it is undesirable to drink alcohol and abuse sports. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas.

Human psyche

As for the mental state, we can say that the solar eclipse does not affect balanced people. However, one should take into account the fact that they may also meet less balanced people.

Therefore, during this period, special activity is not recommended for anyone, as people become inattentive and hot-tempered. This is due to the fact that general condition people become unstable.

It must be remembered that this period is very strong energetically. If we achieve anything during this time, the consequences will be felt for a long time. Therefore, before you take on anything, you should weigh everything carefully. If a person has a positive horoscope and wants to do something good, then you can take a risk, but in general it is better to refrain from starting new projects, the astrologer advises.

If a solar eclipse occurs in the morning, then you can still start something during the day, but if a solar eclipse is observed in the afternoon, then it is better to refrain from taking important decisions and conducting business. Solar eclipses are always associated with certain excitement. For example, in 1999, many sects became active and promised another end of the world on the day of a solar eclipse. During this period, many mass suicides occurred, and some people hid in dugouts to survive natural disasters.

Definitely for people with unstable nervous system this period is dangerous because emotions take precedence over reason.


An eclipse of the Sun can have a devastating impact on nature - drought, storms, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and other disasters. So, in 2003, an eclipse of the Sun took place in the sign of Gemini (the Sun and also Saturn were in this sign), this had a great impact on plane crashes.

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In this article I want to write my view on how Solar eclipses affect forecasting. A total solar eclipse has the most impact on events that happen in life. strong impact. But partial and annular eclipses will also be important.

I believe that Solar Eclipses definitely need to be paid attention, especially if there are any exact aspects to the natal chart from the Sun-Moon conjunction at the time of the eclipse. The most significant influence will be in the case of conjunction with planets with an orbit of up to 1-2 degrees. A solar eclipse, constituting an aspect of the conjunction, is, as it were, a catalyst for events, pushing a person towards a meaningful experience for him.

If precise tense aspects to the planets are formed from the Sun-Moon conjunction at the time of the eclipse, this will indicate that the person will face problems associated precisely with those houses that the eclipse aspects. Tense aspects from the Solar Eclipse to the Moon, Sun, Venus and Mars will be the most difficult.

Harmonious aspects (trine or sextile) from the Solar Eclipse to the planets of the natal chart will indicate that, by the will of fate, a person is being directed to something important and meaningful for him, which can have a positive development in the future.

It is necessary to take into account in which house of the natal chart the Solar Eclipse occurs; that area of ​​life will be affected in the near future. It is also worth paying attention to what events occur in the area of ​​the Solar Eclipse. There is a high probability that these events will have far-reaching consequences.

It will be especially important if the Solar Eclipse falls on your Birthday, or +- 1 day from your Birthday. This means that the year before your next birthday will be very significant and fateful. Here it is also worth considering in which house of the horoscope the Solar Eclipse occurred - there will be changes there. You can read more about this in my astrological forecasts by date of birth and for each zodiac sign:

A solar eclipse can also give an impetus in synastry, i.e. bring people together. For example, if a man and a woman have a conjunction of the Moons and a Solar Eclipse occurs in the degree (orb 1-3 degrees) where the synastric Moon-Moon conjunction is located, then in the area of ​​the eclipse these people may feel attracted to each other. Even if up to this point they had met often, for example, at work, and did not feel any particular attraction to each other. Although in confirmation it is necessary that in transits there would be some indications of union, marriage, new experience in love, etc.

If during the period of the Solar Eclipse (+- 2-3 days) a new acquaintance occurred in your life and there are tense exact aspects in the synastry, i.e. If the eclipse aspects your chart and that of your partner in such a way that these intense aspects are turned on, then with a very high probability it will be possible to say that you will not be able to avoid a negative experience with this particular person. And what exactly you will have to experience with him, how this acquaintance will affect you, can be concluded from which astrological houses are involved in a tense configuration and which planets (as rulers of houses and by location in houses) are aspected by the eclipse in your chart and chart partner.

For example, a woman has a Venus-Moon square in her natal chart, Venus at 20 degrees Capricorn in the 12th house, the Moon at 20 degrees Libra in the 8th house, and a man has Saturn at 19 degrees Cancer in the 7th house. The eclipse occurs at 20 degrees Cancer, i.e. just like the man's Saturn, the eclipse forms a square with the woman's Moon and an opposition with her Venus. These negative synastric aspects are turned on by an eclipse - for a man the 7th house is turned on (Saturn in the 7th house), and for a woman the eclipse occurs in the 6th house and has tense aspects to the female planets in the 12th and 8th houses. We can immediately say that for a man the topic of marriage will be affected (an eclipse in conjunction with Saturn in the 7th house), and for a woman the topic of health (an eclipse in her 6th house) and dangerous situations(her Moon and Venus are in the 8th and 12th houses). And we can also conclude that this relationship will be dangerous for her, because... A man's Saturn makes exactly the same aspects in synastry as an eclipse.

In reality, a relationship developed between them, they wanted to start a family, they were serious about each other, but the man caused the woman a lot of problems, her women’s health suffered because of him and they eventually broke up. The woman in this situation could not decide to break off this relationship, although she felt depressed and oppressed with this man - this can be explained by the fact that the powerful influence of the eclipse brought them together, and the woman needed to work out her natal Venus-Moon square (dislike for yourself, not respecting yourself as a woman). For the man, this relationship was not so painful, because... It was not a personal planet that was affected by the eclipse. But it is also worth mentioning that during this period this woman had a transit of Saturn on the Moon and, accordingly, Saturn formed a square aspect to her Venus, but these aspects were converging and the events occurred on very large orbs (about 7 degrees), because the eclipse served as a catalyst for negative events and a connection with this particular man.

Even if you do not study astrology deeply, always pay attention to what is happening in your life at the time of the eclipse (+- 2-3 days, but especially on the day of the eclipse). This could be a new acquaintance, or some important phone call, thoughts about where you should move next, or someone’s advice or suggestion. All these seemingly insignificant events at first glance can turn into serious life experiences for you in the future.

You can find out when the next Solar Eclipses will be or when they were, and what to do during a Solar Eclipse, from the article “”.

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Eclipses and their impact on humans

The sun is our spirit, consciousness, willpower, volitional actions, creative energy. Symbolizes a father, a husband for a woman, the man himself, his vital energy.

The moon is responsible for intuition, the subconscious, premonition, unconscious behavior, symbolizes the mother, maternal instincts, fertility, everyday life, family, a wife for a man, real estate.

The period of eclipses is extremely unfavorable for any actions and undertakings. But if actions are connected with a person’s spiritual life, with serving God, then the time of the eclipse can and should be used for spiritual practice. You can and even need to read prayers or listen to church music and religious chants.

At the moment when sun rays, are suddenly interrupted, darkness falls on the Earth, both literally and in the sense that “ absolute evil"comes into its own. At this moment, people, animals and all living things experience extreme suffering, consciousness and logic do not work, the brain itself seems to be experiencing an eclipse. Wrong decisions are made, intuition is not activated and does not help in difficult situations. Any events are perceived as life-threatening.

On the day of the eclipse itself, you should read prayers (any kind you know), mantras, books on spiritual development, meditate, be in the water (take a bath, swim in the sea, river), and fumigate the room you are in (stock up on chopsticks in advance) . It is not recommended to look at the eclipse itself. It is advisable to be indoors at the time of the eclipse. If you are on a trip, then at the very moment of the eclipse of the Sun or Moon (find out the time of the eclipse in your area in advance), go indoors, or park the car, sit for 5-10 minutes, stop thinking, mentally forgive those who offended you, mentally ask forgiveness from those you feel guilty about. It is not recommended to eat food 3 hours before and after the eclipse. No deals, that's it. financial matters postpone until the next day, it is also advisable not to do important purchases. It is prohibited to perform any operations on the body on the day of eclipses. Avoid places with large crowds of people. You can start to “quit” smoking and work with bad habits.


The influence of an eclipse on a person begins to appear 2 weeks before the exact moment of the eclipse and 2 weeks after it. This is especially felt by older people; illnesses worsen; poor health forces them to limit their activity and be more attentive to their diet. Meteorologically dependent people are especially affected.

Pregnant women are not allowed to go out during solar or lunar eclipses, this is fraught with the appearance of pathologies in the fetus. The moon is a luminary that is very close to us. The Sun gives energy (masculine) and the Moon absorbs ( feminine). When two luminaries are at the same point during an eclipse, their energies have a strong impact on a person. The body is under a powerful load on the regulatory system. Health is especially bad on the day of the eclipse for people with cardiovascular pathologies and hypertension. People who are currently undergoing treatment will also feel unwell.

Even doctors advise that on the day of an eclipse it is better not to engage in activity - actions will be inadequate and there is a greater likelihood of mistakes. They advise you to sit out this day. To avoid health discomfort, it is recommended to take a contrast shower on this day (which, by the way, would be good to take not only on the days of a solar eclipse, but regularly, every day). In the morning, dousing should be completed cool water, it tones, and in the evening - warm.

In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allais, observing the movements of a pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse it began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allais effect, but they could not systematize it. Today, new research by the Dutch scientist Chris Duif confirms this phenomenon, but cannot yet explain it. Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev found out that eclipses affect people. He says that during eclipses time is transformed.

The consequences of an eclipse in the form powerful earthquake or other natural disaster are very possible during the week before or after any eclipse. There may also be economic instability for several weeks after the eclipse. In any case, eclipses bring changes in society.

During a lunar eclipse, the mind, thinking and emotional sphere of people are very vulnerable. The number is increasing mental disorders in people. This is due to a disruption of the hypothalamus at the psychophysiological level, which corresponds to the Moon according to the discovery of Tony Nader. The body's hormonal cycles may be disrupted, especially in women. During a solar eclipse, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases more as the Sun rules the heart. The perception of the “I”, of pure consciousness, is clouded. The consequence of this may be increased tension, radical and aggressive tendencies in the world, as well as the unsatisfied ego of politicians or state leaders.

When they come hard times, the best we can do is to turn to the Absolute. During eclipses, it is better to think about peace and tranquility in your family. Rest - best recommendation and during lunar and solar eclipses.

Eclipses usually give a strong negative result to geographical regions, which are governed by the sign in which the eclipse occurs; in places where they are visible; in areas ruled by the zodiac sign in which the eclipse occurs (for example, Capricorn - rules mountainous areas, you should not travel to the mountains).

Research on eclipses shows that the likelihood different types catastrophes increases during the “phase of eclipse influence.” In the next few weeks, events such as intensifying war, fires, airport disasters or unusual weather events are likely. One of the world leaders may get into a scandal or tragedy; powerful rulers may be blinded by anger, envy and therefore there may be illogical or stupid decisions made by world leaders.

During this period, secretive, immoral behavior and cunning are clearly manifested in people. Therefore, the governments of the world must be hypervigilant in matters terrorist organizations, subversive activities. Political leaders must enhance their security and remain cool and calm when making critical decisions. Smugglers and terrorists often strike during the 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the eclipse. Riots or major food poisoning are possible. Not excluded seismic activity. For governments and special services the most important thing is vigilance.

Lunar and solar eclipses

Each eclipse has its own distinctive features.

The lunar eclipse will occur on December 21, 2010 at 11:13 Moscow time, winter time, at 30 degrees Gemini.

Astrologer Pavel Globa about eclipses

The role and function of eclipses is very serious. They realize the karma that we have accumulated in one way or another and realize it in the shortest possible time.

Eclipses always reveal our problems and allow them to be realized in the shortest possible time. They sharply compress our problems and quickly expose them. Eclipses are a cleansing, they have a medical function, cleansing, surgical, but they can also be scary, not everyone can withstand them. This surgery into our destiny, which are caused by ourselves.

If something bad happens to us during an eclipse, it means it’s good that this happened and not something else.

Eclipses and magic

Question: Sunny and lunar eclipse endowed with many mystical and religious qualities. What is the significance of eclipses in magical rituals and rituals? Perhaps this is a good time for some magical actions and a very bad time, for example, for the birth of children?

Answer: First of all, you should remember that during solar eclipses you must be careful: do not start any important business on this day, refrain from long trips or reschedule them for another time. In general, the time of a solar eclipse has been considered a very dangerous time since ancient times in many countries: for example, in Ancient China and Babylon, this astronomical event was always a harbinger of trouble, some tragic, but important changes. It is no coincidence that immediately after all the animals climbed onto Noah's ark, a solar eclipse occurred - this was a harbinger of the end of the old world.

People in ancient times always tried to explain a solar eclipse either as a struggle for power higher powers, or by the actions of unclean and powerful spirits or monsters. In any case, this event was not as good as they thought ordinary people didn't promise.

Indeed, eclipses do not have a very favorable effect not only on people, but also on technology, however, there is no need to panic. If you follow all the necessary precautions, then nothing bad will happen to you.

Even in ancient times, healers and sorcerers called this phenomenon not an eclipse, but a “black” sun. The time of the eclipse and the next six hours after it - best time for working with Voodoo spells.

And remember, on this day you must completely abstain from food: drink only clean, spring water.

Based on materials from Internet resources

We are accustomed to the fact that a total solar eclipse is an extremely rare phenomenon, which, moreover, can be observed by residents of very narrow strips of our planet. However, partial lunar and solar eclipses occur much more often: many of us can experience up to seven such events per year.

Each such event can have (and has) a huge impact on our lives and our well-being. If you know the mechanism that reveals the secrets of this phenomenon, then such influence can be used for the benefit of this or that person.

Thanks to the so-called cycles, which, in fact, govern all processes and phenomena occurring in the system of our Sun, it is possible to easily draw up a schedule of eclipses for thousands of years in advance. Using astronomical methods, we easily calculate eclipses that are simply not visible to most people on the planet.

So it's cyclical various phenomena associated with our luminary solar system, with the Earth and the Moon, suggests that the same eclipses can be calculated with a certain degree of accuracy.

For example, the next solar eclipse will take place March 9, 2016. This is the 130th Saros eclipse, and the next eclipse of the same Saros will take place March 20, 2034, that is, after 18 years.

Solar and lunar eclipses

How should we react to these phenomena?

Eclipses, especially total solar eclipses, have always aroused awe in people. The reason for this is not only the scale and frightening beauty of this phenomenon. Very often, eclipses influence the course of events on our planet on a historical scale. And very often, although not always, these events have tragic or catastrophic overtones.

Modern people are armed with a huge store of knowledge accumulated over many centuries. That is why, on the eve of a solar or lunar eclipse, you should pay attention to special attention on the events that accompany this phenomenon. Moreover, certain time periods before and after eclipses should be analyzed.

Often, significant events accompanying eclipses immediately go unnoticed. And only after some time we remember them, realizing that they could have great value. Moreover, we're talking about not only about events on the scale of the planet, country or people. We may be talking about an unexpected meeting or a strange dream.

One of characteristic features Eclipses are the ability of a given phenomenon to influence the course of affairs. Moreover, it has a negative impact. This is why you should not plan anything really important for two weeks - the week before and the week after the eclipse. The likelihood that attempts to start a new business, conduct successful negotiations, or get married will lead to success is extremely, extremely small.

The periods of full moons and new moons themselves, when, in fact, eclipses occur, are considered unfavorable for all kinds of important matters and undertakings. It’s not news that most quarrels and breakups in relationships happen on these days. Eclipses increase the unfavorable effect and the likelihood of discord significantly. The influence of these phenomena is particularly strong during this period. emotional people. Such persons should categorically avoid conflicts during this period, as there is a risk of losing love and trust loved one forever is very great.

On the other hand, the days of eclipses are those periods in the life of any person that should be used for spiritual development And various kinds spiritual practices of self-knowledge. All serious events should be postponed until later, complex operations, major acquisitions, some massive promotions with a large number people.

Turn your gaze inward, do meditation, yoga; devote some time to studying spiritual literature; Finally, be alone with nature if circumstances and weather are favorable for this.

How to benefit from eclipses?

Planning is a useful way to bring your dreams closer or achieve what you want. The effect of this seemingly simple practice increases during eclipses. And, if starting serious business during eclipses is extremely undesirable, then planning them by tuning your thoughts to a certain wave is extremely useful.

The right attitude will allow you to accumulate the required amount internal energy, which will make it easier, as they say, to catch that very wave. This is not a spontaneous process, but a specific action that includes certain rituals. Pay attention to the calendar of solar and lunar eclipses. Mark the date of the nearest phenomenon and try to plan your schedule so that three days before the eclipse you avoid negative emotions and unpleasant encounters. Then pay attention to your diet: exclude from it for this period meat dishes, as well as seeds and nuts.

Five to six hours before the eclipse, complete solitude and tranquility are recommended. About an hour before the event, you should completely limit communication by turning off your phones. Take a shower (preferably a contrast one), put on clean clothes, light candles (at least one); take a horizontal position and try to relax as much as possible, setting your thoughts to fulfilling your cherished desire.

The visualization technique is great when you don’t just plan or dream, but try to literally see your dream come true. Experience the emotions that will definitely visit you when your dream really comes true. For example, if you long for marriage, it is more useful to imagine not the wedding itself, but white dress and other attributes, but those emotions that people feel in a happy marriage.

Your actions after the eclipse should be similar to what you did before this event. Don't go to bed right away; You should shower again and put on clean clothes. It is also necessary to avoid communication for some time and maintain a feeling inner harmony and peace. Under no circumstances should you share with anyone the emotions, sensations and thoughts that came to you at the time of this practice. They are just for you.

Effects of eclipses on health

The influence of eclipses directly on human behavior and well-being is confirmed not only by astrologers, but also by modern medicine. And it is from a medical point of view that those illogical and, at times, fatal actions that people tend to commit during eclipses can be explained.

Exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, sudden changes in blood pressure and irregular heart rhythms are just some of the signs of deteriorating health that accompany a solar eclipse.

Such manifestations lead to the fact that the hemispheres of the brain receive uneven blood flow. Even healthy person There may be short-term confusion of thoughts and consciousness, a sharp influx (or, conversely, outflow) of energy, etc. In this state, a person is not always able to adequately assess the people around him and the events taking place. The result is quarrels, discord, and breakups.

However, it is not at all necessary to perceive eclipses fatally. You just have to follow simple rules. Those suffering from heart disease and vascular system should not expose their body to significant physical activity and stress. It is recommended to completely forget about active exercises during periods close to eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Changing your daily routine and minimizing stress and negative emotions on such days is an opportunity to survive eclipses painlessly. Refusal to make drastic decisions, the ability to control yourself and your behavior will also help you get through the days of eclipses without losses and worries.

Some important details

With the help of appropriate ritual or behavior, an eclipse can be transformed from a frightening and incomprehensible phenomenon into an event that brings benefit, or, if you prefer, a wish fulfillment.

However, you must clearly understand that this only works in relation to those dreams and desires that are directly related to your personality. The likelihood that this ritual can bring anything to your loved ones is extremely low.

Accordingly, you must clearly know what you want and also clearly formulate your desire or your thoughts. That is why it is not so much the wording that is important (although it should be unambiguous), but rather your ability to visualize the desired result. And although we relegate the importance of process visualization to the background, we should not forget about it completely. Take time to visualize the path to achieve it, because otherwise, the result may disappoint you.

For example, if you want to move to another city to start a new happy life, it is worth thinking about the circumstances that will facilitate and accompany the move. The fact is that many circumstances can speed up this very move. One of them is your escape (for one reason or another) from your home. It’s unlikely that you would want to change your life in such conditions and under pressure!

Finally, it is worth noting that the vast majority of people dream of the same thing - to improve their health, financial condition and/or establish own relationships with loved ones. You need to know that it is necessary to work on rituals that can improve health and attract money, saving you from poverty. during lunar eclipses. Also during this period you can succeed if you want to get rid of bad habits.

You can fight loneliness or try to attract love and friendship into your life during solar eclipses. Among other things, this period is favorable for successful work over oneself, associated with adjusting one’s own personality and working on character. Be that as it may, do not be afraid to be bold and assertive in fulfilling your desires during the period of eclipses, for this is one of the most favorable opportunities to use the science of astrology to your advantage.

Solar and lunar eclipses 2016

This year we are expecting 4 eclipses: two solar and two lunar. Here exact dates and the time of eclipses, as well as the territories in which these phenomena will be observed:

March 9 (at 04:57 Moscow time) – Total solar eclipse, 52nd eclipse 130 Saros. Will be observed in the central and northern parts Pacific Ocean, in the eastern part Indian Ocean, partly in Asia and Australia.

March 23 (at 14:47 Moscow time) – Penumbral lunar eclipse. 18th eclipse 142 saros. This eclipse can be clearly observed in Australia, Oceania, Antarctica, Far East, in Alaska. Partially it will be visible in countries South America, USA, Canada, Eastern Siberia.

September 1 (at 12:06 Moscow time)– Annular solar eclipse. 39 eclipse 135 saros. This eclipse will be visible from central Africa and the Indian Ocean. Partially - in other parts of Africa and in the Indian Ocean.

September 16 (at 21:55 Moscow time)– Penumbral lunar eclipse number 9, relating to 147 Saros. The eclipse will be visible everywhere except North and South America and only partially in Greenland and Brazil.