The 2nd house is responsible for. Second house in Vedic astrology

The 2nd house in astrology is responsible for many directions in a person’s life. The main meaning is wealth, money, material wealth. In the natural zodiac, the second sign is Taurus, its element is earth, so it is the house of artha.

Dhana bhava - house of finance

It is important for those who work with money: bankers, accountants, financiers, economists. The indicator of the second house or its karaka is Jupiter, since this planet symbolizes wealth.

The second house is also responsible for:

  • speech, mouth, oratory skills, tendency to tell the truth or lie;
  • family life;
  • education at the family level and first acquired knowledge;
  • the face, its beauty, as well as diseases and defects;
  • vision, especially the right eye;
  • precious jewelry, clothing;
  • food and drinks, addiction to alcohol.

The 2nd house in astrology and its lord are neither good nor bad. This is neutral bhava. The ruler of the second house, entering other houses, does not harm them.

The exception is if it is a malefic planet due to its natural characteristics (Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Saturn).

Lord of the 2nd house in various houses of the horoscope

In 1 house

This situation suggests that the owner of the horoscope will receive wealth only through his own efforts. Money will play a very important role in his life. Also, for such a person, other indicators of the 2nd house have an exceptional influence: speech, education, and so on.

In the 2nd house

This is one of the best positions because the owner of the house is in his own home. Such a person will never be poor, and he gets money easily. He speaks well and knows how to persuade other people. Success awaits the owner in family life. The face is attractive and beautiful. The dispositor of the 2nd house in astrology will eat well and properly, have sharp vision.

In the 3rd house

This house is responsible for brothers, sisters and all types of art, therefore financial gain comes through them. A person can earn good money by doing something beautiful with your hands. The third house is also a person’s own efforts. The owner of a horoscope with the owner of the second house in the third directs all his efforts to making a profit.

In the 4th house

This position of the ruler of the 2nd house indicates good education. And also the opportunity to receive material benefits from the mother, real estate or transport. A person may have a large expensive house or invest money in real estate.

In the 5th house

This house is associated with speculation, not very honest ways of making money, excitement, betting, and so on. Finances may be involved in this. The fifth house is also responsible for children, they can contribute to the growth of financial well-being.

The connection of the second and fifth houses makes a person an educated person, a teacher.

In the 6th house

This is also the home of artha, but at the same time the house of obstacles and enemies. Therefore, money comes slowly, you need to make a lot of effort and overcome many obstacles to obtain wealth. The source of income can be medicine or the service sector, renting out apartments. It is unlikely that a person will have good nutrition and truthful speech. This situation indicates a tendency to use foul language.

In the 7th house

This house is responsible for the spouse; it is this person who will bring wealth or contribute to its increase. Profit will come from work related to foreign travel. This location of the owner of the 2nd house in Vedic astrology is favorable for business with a partner.

In the 8th house

This is a bad position for the owner of the 2nd house. Promises poverty or destitution, problems with speech. The person will often lie and eat poorly. Money will come in illegally. From positive meanings - a good inheritance.

In the 9th house

This is the house of luck, it promises great wealth. A person can receive money from his own father, religious structures. A beautiful word and a good education contribute to the fact that the owner of a horoscope can connect his life with teaching.

Guaranteed good family life.

In the 10th house

The man earns his own money, he does it well. This significance of the 2nd house in astrology contributes to high status and connections with government structures. A person’s profession is related to finance or food.

In the 11th house

House showing a person's profit. This is one of the best places for the ruler of the 2nd house. Earnings will be good and easy, profits increase over time, “growing”.

Older sisters or brothers can provide financial support.

In the 12th house

This is one of the bad houses of the horoscope, responsible for losses. A person spends more than he earns and cannot control his expenses. Problems with speech, including physical defects, as well as with vision. Addiction to bad food and unhappy family life.

Planets in the 2nd house


It is considered a weak pest, so it will create minor difficulties in achieving wealth. There may be problems in family life, as well as rude conversation. A person is capable of losing finances because of the government or high-ranking, influential people.


A soft planet makes a person's speech very pleasant. A beautiful face and a good education will be possible if the moon is waxing and not waning. Social activities, anything related to women, liquids, water or food will generate income


This is the planet of activity, courage and self-effort. All this can bring good income to the owner of the horoscope. At the same time, this position of Mars gives rise to rude, harsh speech, lies, and aggressiveness. There may be scars on the face and problems with the eyes. A person consumes food of poor quality.


This is a favorable position for oratory. Good education comes from Mercury in the 2nd house. A person earns money through intellectual work and his knowledge. His sense of humor and good conversation make him a pleasant companion. The owner of the horoscope is inclined to study foreign languages.

The placement of this benefic in the 2nd house in Jyotish astrology makes a person rich without any extra effort. Good speech and excellent nutrition is provided by Jupiter in the 2nd house. This planet makes the owner of the horoscope a teacher or scientist, mathematician and even a writer. This is a good placement for an astrologer.


A beautiful face and eyes, luxurious clothes and pleasant conversation are all the results of the influence of Venus on the 2nd house. It will provide a person with tasty and healthy food, a good education, and a love of sweets. Earning money is possible through jewelry, art and luxury items, and products for women. The owner of the horoscope himself will dress with taste.


A harsh planet does not promise great wealth. On the contrary, this situation indicates poverty or hard work. The face is not very beautiful, the person looks older than his age, is gloomy, has diseases of the eyes or speech apparatus. The conversation itself is rude, the food is ascetic and limited.

Profit will come from activities related to coal, building materials, metal.


This planet will bring an insatiable desire to have great wealth, as well as sudden financial changes in life. Poor nutrition, addiction to alcohol and drugs. In conversations, a person will be cunning and deceive. The face can be unusual, with a “zest”.


The position of this planet in the 2nd house leads to poverty and problems with speech, poor nutrition and a tendency to intoxication. Ketu in the 2nd house spoils family life, but can give interest in foreign languages.

What is the 2nd house of the horoscope?

In astrology, it is customary to describe horoscopes using terms such as “Houses” and “Signs”. There are 12 houses and 12 signs. What are these concepts?

“House” denotes the aspect of the horoscope that is responsible for a certain area of ​​life, for example, material well-being, children, health, personal life, etc. Thus, each house belongs to one specific area of ​​​​being. The first house is responsible for our personal qualities and appearance, and the second is for financial well-being, speech and gastronomic preferences.

“Signs” can be compared to color filters that “color” the houses and the planets located in them in one way or another, giving uniqueness to the overall picture of the entire horoscope.

This article is dedicated to the sign of Taurus, which is the 2nd sign in the Zodiac after Aries and corresponds to the 2nd house. Everything that comes under its influence receives qualities originally inherent in the second house - money, what can be bought with money, speech and gastronomic preferences.

2nd house

The second house of the horoscope is known as the “House of Income”. It describes our ability to earn money for our needs, and also points to our talents in the field of saving and accumulating financial resources. In addition, the 2nd house of the horoscope can tell about our childhood, communication skills, appearance, condition of teeth and mouth. In addition, the 2nd house describes our gastronomic preferences and may also indicate a predisposition to alcohol or drug addiction.

If you want to learn about your ability to earn and accumulate money, and also analyze the impact your speech can have on the thoughts and feelings of those around you, you need to study the 2nd house of your horoscope.

Each sign located in the 2nd house determines in its own way how this or that person will earn his daily bread. If unfavorable planets are located in or aspect the 2nd house, the financial sphere will be affected, and the owner of such a horoscope will experience constant financial difficulties until he turns to means of astrological correction.

Description of the sign of Taurus
Taurus is the 2nd sign in the Zodiac after Aries and is associated with the 2nd house. In the Vedic Astrology system, the sign of Taurus lasts from May 14 to June 14. The symbol of the sign is a bull. In the sky it corresponds to the constellation Taurus, known due to the fact that it includes one of the brightest stars in the night sky - Aldebaran.

The planet of the sign is Venus, so the general description of Taurus follows from the description of the 2nd house and characteristics ruling planet. Basically, the sign is responsible for preservation and stability, fully consistent with the image of a hardworking and patient bull. Vital areas of existence fall under its influence: money, sexual relationships and food. Thanks to the influence of Venus, Taurus has many Venusian qualities - a love of sensual pleasures, the ability to enjoy food, drink, sexual contacts and material well-being. Taurus people love beauty, although they can sometimes be selfish materialists.

If in your birth horoscope the 2nd house is under the sign of Taurus, you will probably have a happy life surrounded by your beloved family, and you will be able to earn enough money for a comfortable existence.

The placement of planets in the sign of Taurus

In all horoscopes, planets located in the sign of Taurus acquire Venusian qualities.


If the Sun is located in Taurus, the human activities for which the Sun is responsible will acquire the qualities of Venus. Such people are often interested in art. Their careers do not develop quickly, but very steadily; over time, they manage to accumulate significant amounts of money, thanks to their own work, as well as profits from smart long-term investments.


If the Moon is in Taurus, a person’s emotions take on a Venusian tint. Such people are very popular, you want to do business with them, however, they cannot be called sociable, they love silence. If base inclinations take over, then the Moon in Taurus may indicate an overly developed sense of possessiveness, envy, jealousy and a reluctance to “let go” of both things and people from one’s life.

In general, the Moon in Taurus should be given additional attention. The placement of the Moon in Taurus is very favorable as it is exalted in this sign. This position of the Moon can give the owner of the horoscope extraordinary intellectual potential, ability to concentrate, high moral qualities and principles. The planets Moon and Venus are considered “friends” in astrology, so when the Moon comes to Venus’s house, she feels at home.

The position of the Moon in the horoscope is responsible for emotions, the personality of your mother and your relationship with her, and also affects how you react to various circumstances, how you influence situations and events in your life. A strong Moon located in its sign Cancer or in the friendly signs of Venus (Libra and Taurus) indicates emotional stability.

Other planets in Taurus

Venus is considered a benefic planet that brings more good than bad. If Venus is located in its own signs - Libra or Taurus, the owner of such a horoscope will be very attractive and charismatic, capable of bringing happiness to others.

Below is a brief description of the various planets in Taurus.

Planet in Taurus

Basic qualities



Practical thinking, stability, stubbornness

Intelligence, happiness, ability to read, write, rhetoric. Integrity, quick perception. Interest in poetry and art.

Stability of love and wealth, physical attractiveness

Attractiveness. Love of comfort, sensual pleasures - food, drink, sex.

Actively enjoying life

Energetic approach. Focus on short-term pleasures. Good ability to make money.

Increased wealth and happiness

Strong body, progressive views, pleasant character. Attachment to home and life partner. Law-abiding, diplomacy. Commitment to certain religious and philosophical views.

Stable and secretive character

Thrift, thrift. Gluttony in food.

Unusual, unstable personal life and financial situation

Display of unusual creative talents. Interest in foreigners. Showing love to the outcast. Unusual pleasures, lack of finances.

Chaos in personal life, unstable financial situation

Spiritual orientation, love of God. Search higher forms love. Lack of interest in accumulating material resources.

Bill Herbst

12/11/2003 | Visitors: 1260645


  • hemisphere - eastern- self-orientation and expressiveness;
  • hemisphere - lower- subjective and personal;
  • zone- the first third of the circle is selfish or self-centered;
  • type- subsequent - reactive and fixed;
  • axis- 2/8 - values, judgments and pleasures;
  • planet- Venus - appreciation, pleasure and comfort.

Traditional interpretation:

  • money;
  • possessions and property;
  • attitudes towards possession, wealth and property;
  • personal resources;
  • personal values.

Modern interpretation:

  • self-esteem- psychological judgment about oneself (including basic feelings of sympathy and antipathy);
  • possession- property, personal possessions, property; the meaning of the concept “mine”;
  • money- experience in handling personal wealth; money, especially how it is spent;
  • self-organization- application experience own strength and style of actual work;
  • sensuality

Second home research

In almost every traditional astrology textbook, as well as many "humanist" or New Age movement texts, the interpretation of the 2nd house is primarily related to money. Issues such as the money you earn are discussed in detail; how do you work to acquire money; will you have a lot of money or little; what will you do with the money, etc.

We live in a society where money is given great importance. The "poverty rate" is measured in dollars (the phrase itself comes from counting lists) because we are, after all, the result of the struggle for existence, and our financial affairs greatly influence the levels of comfort and freedom we achieve in the struggle for survival.

But from a psychological point of view, the interpretation of the 2nd house on such a purely physical level unsatisfactory. Traditional texts try to expand the interpretation by adding the phrase "personal resources", but this phrase is vague. But despite the bias towards psychology, interpretations of the 2nd house in many texts almost entirely come down to money.

In fact, the 2nd house contains information that substantiates the self-awareness that manifested itself in the 1st house. It's about about self-esteem. Indeed, nothing else can contribute to deep self-understanding other than the assessments and judgments that you make about yourself. These assessments and judgments are your main “possession” - this is your point of view of yourself.

To be yourself means that your baggage of experience is fluid, spontaneous, very mobile and consists of only a few conclusions. Having a self is a completely different experience, and although you cannot actually have yourself, you do become identified with those objects in your world that symbolize the earthiness of your feelings. Everything around you that can be called “yours” helps you truly define yourself - your car, your house, your toothbrush.

The first house is too spontaneous to really be considered self-centered. Self-actualized or self-centered are more appropriate terms. But the 2nd house is the natural area of ​​manifestation of self-centeredness - me, mine, mine.

Self-centeredness occupies a central place in 20th century psychology's self-esteem research. Shame and guilt, the predominant emotional illnesses of our time, are an internal feeling of worthlessness or inadequacy, often not clearly expressed or consciously perceived. This is the area where you should begin to re-evaluate and re-interpret your 2nd house interpretations.

Money are the main measure in our society, therefore, when interpreting the 2nd house, they are given Special attention, but we must remember that the reckless, compulsory pursuit of money, replacing emotional self-esteem, indicates the existence of a blockage in the soul, similar to feelings of shame or guilt.

The second house indicates our characteristic attitude towards work. Although it will be shown later that the 6th house demonstrates a mental approach to organizing work, manifested in a person’s ability to understand the tasks assigned to him task x, the 2nd house demonstrates a more fundamental property: our basic style of self-organization (what underlies the organization of our work).

The second house also symbolizes the reward that we expect to receive for our work - these are bodily pleasures and those pleasures that objects outside our body give us. Enjoying food, luxurious clothing or a magnificent interior are all pleasures of the 2nd house. This is not an appreciation of the works of art of the 5th house, these pleasures do not concern the surroundings and originality that we find in the 10th and 11th houses. No, this is pure pleasure, ordinary sensual pleasure of an earthly being.


Self-esteem- psychological judgment about oneself (including basic feelings of sympathy and antipathy).

If the 1st house symbolized the spontaneous action that created the initial self-awareness, then the 2nd house represents the reaction to what was presented to the world. This is the area of ​​evaluation of what has been created or revealed about the self through expression. Thus, the 2nd house indicates the characteristic way a person judges himself.

This evaluation of significance is a meaningful, essential process, and not a rational type of experience, because for the 2nd house the overarching categories of good and bad, operating on a psychological level, are paramount. What is valuable about your self-awareness? Do you like being yourself? And if not, what do you need to do to make your self-esteem more resilient?

The state of the 2nd house shows how important self-esteem is in the overall scheme life path personalities; it also shows in what ways the basis of recognition or non-recognition of your essential self is formed.

Possession- property, personal possessions, property; the meaning of the concept "mine".

The second home is the area of ​​the property. This house symbolizes the embodiment in concrete form of the kinetic activity and consciousness created in the 1st house, focusing consciousness on the sense of identity. And along with the feeling of identity comes the awareness of the difference between “I” and “not I”, as well as the knowledge that on Earth the “I” manifests itself through everything that it owns.

For example, we and our bodies are not the same thing, but we do own our bodies, and this sense of ownership is basic. To some extent, each of us is identified with what we own. Rich or poor, greedy or carefree, we strive to invest our emotions in tangible objects that remind us of ourselves. The physical possessions that we acquire through our own efforts are literally the products of our labor. The concept of “mine” is important to us because we are animals and the territory we occupy is still a symbol of our power and vitality.

So, the state of the 2nd house shows our characteristic attitude towards personal property, possessions and real property

Money- experience in handling personal wealth; money, especially how it is spent.

With the development of society, possessions in the form of vast territories were supplanted by another form of personal property - money. In the second house, money is seen as both a raw resource and a highly abstract symbol. Raw because money is the least common divisor of social value, the “bottom line,” and highly abstract because money itself has no inherent, true value. Indeed, in our age of telecommunications, money often exists only in the form of numbers on a computer.

The importance of money as an indicator of personal worth cannot be underestimated, however, the almost exclusively monetary orientation of many traditional interpretations of the 2nd house is a distortion of the true interpretation of this house.

So the 2nd house does indicate the characteristic importance of money and the relationships surrounding money earned by a person's own labor, and also shows the characteristic way in which that money is spent.

Self-organization- experience in applying one’s own strength and style of real work.

Each personality has a very specific natural attitude to energetic work - the real experience of applying effort. We enjoy certain types of effort, we choose them over other activities that may be objectively neutral, but for us are psychologically difficult or uncomfortable, as if we are not suitable for these types of work. Feelings of attraction or repulsion to activities can be subtle and intangible, or they can grip us in their grip.

Some people work hard, with great concentration; others work slowly and rhythmically. Some people are very physical at work, others are more mental or emotional. The variations are endless, but we can detect general trends by analyzing the positions of the planets in the natal chart.

The state of the 2nd house reveals the most characteristic types basic activities of the individual, attitude towards them in general, their value and, finally, satisfaction from the work itself.

Further interpretations of the houses will be based on the emotional coloring of this house, but taking into account a more complex attitude towards solving the task at hand - with an emphasis on duty and joint work (6th house), and career development with its professional growth and responsibility (10th house) house).

Sensuality- pure, self-centered, self-absorbed physical state, general ability to receive pleasure.

The second house is the first house among the three main spheres of "sexuality" (the other spheres are the 5th house and the 8th house), it is the sphere of initial sexual experience acquired through sensual pleasure. When a baby suckles at its mother's breast, it receives more than just food. He also receives pure, egocentric pleasure. The baby is not a “lover”; he is not interested in whether his mother receives pleasure in return. On the contrary, the child simply absorbs what is given to him, feeling something from the rhythmic sucking. This area should be paid special attention when assessing the psychological health of any individual, because it contains hidden paradoxes, inhibitions, excesses or other problems that arise from self-indulgence and correlate with basic psychological self-esteem.

Each of us has the experience of closed sensuality, admiration from pure pleasure, joy from earthly pleasures; the state of the 2nd house reveals the natural ways of acquiring, absorbing and comprehending them, and also indicates the general ability to obtain such experiences.


Self-esteem. The placement of the Sun in the 2nd house indicates that a person's essential life purpose is centered on the theme of self-judgment. Psychological self-esteem determines the direction and fulfillment of your life as a whole. Everything in your life will ultimately come back to self-esteem, and any experience can be assessed directly by your personal sense of its significance - by you, for you, through you. If you do not believe in yourself, then in a hurry you will come to nowhere. Therefore, first accept yourself as you are, without worrying about it. what is happening, and then try to make that acceptance manifest through you.

Possession. Here we also note the fundamental importance of personal identity as manifested through property. The root purpose of your life can be understood through the study of personal property - what is "mine"? The most natural type of property for you is indicated by other factors, such as the sign in which the Sun is located and aspects to it. Envy is trap, and your desire to surpass others in the number of possessions is the road leading to the realization of your life goal. Recognizing your own importance is task, which must be fulfilled, while not being receptive to other people or excluding them from your social circle is a pitfall that should be avoided.

Money. Acquiring wealth is the central theme around which your life unfolds. Do you always have enough money? Can you have too much of them for your own good? Does money really reveal your true worth as a person? You came to Earth in order to find out the meaning of the concept of “earnings”; possessions or money are important to the fulfillment of life only when they are earned, and thus can be considered truly as the product of personal labor. Trap is to judge everything from a purely monetary perspective. Task- base your self-worth on the quality of the work you do to earn money, rather than on the money itself, and then enjoy spending the money on yourself.

Self-organization. The central self must be involved in every kind of personal activity. Don't skimp on anything and maintain integrity by either working with your self or having fun with your self. Work is the basis of the process of self-creation, and its productivity is proof of personal worth. As for all levels of this house, where the position of the Sun is considered. analysis of the sign in which the Sun is located and aspects to it is especially important for assessing the style of personal work, trap is inconsistency. You can undermine your work by believing, on the one hand, that it is worthless, and on the other hand, that your work deserves more than the market values ​​it. Task is to make you feel your bodily nature in its entirety. The sweat of your work is a tangible manifestation of your spiritual virtue.

Sensuality. The principle of pleasure is decisive for you. You will learn that being in the physical body is temporary, and that much of being in the physical body is associated with feelings of pleasure. Touch is strictly personal experience, and your life is filled with contacts to a much greater extent than the lives of other people, you live by them, because contacts connect you to the sources of cosmic energy necessary for the operation of your human apparatus; task for you is this: to make every physical event reveal its positive feelings. Squeeze every drop of pleasure from the world.


Self-esteem. The position of the Moon in the 2nd house suggests that psychological self-esteem is associated with the ability to respond emotionally to needs. If you protect yourself (and others) with your feelings, you will feel good. However, even when life is wonderful, the Moon remains connected with the ups and downs of temperament. Anxiety, mood swings from bad to bad and vice versa - it’s all there. These changes are cyclical and should be accepted as temporary. Move, flow through these changes. But when personal needs for comfort or safety are not met, then the mood will always be bad. Task- provide yourself with what you need; not what others have decided for you, but what you personally need.

Possession. The concept of "mine" is associated with personal safety to a much greater extent than in the symbolism of any other planet. There is a tendency towards sentimental attachments and possessions, and the older you get, the stronger this attachment is likely to become. On the other hand, the sense of "ownership" tends to wax and wane - when needs are strong or unsatisfied, the sense of ownership is deep, and when needs are fulfilled, the grip of ownership quickly weakens. Thus possessions come and go at the same time as feelings change. Don't get caught up in wanting a particular type of ownership; live with one type of property for a while, and if it does not satisfy you, then replace it. Trap- unconscious possession, and task- consider property as a tangible way to secure the grounding of emotions.

Money. Money is the main source of security; a topic of regular, daily interest. To feel comfortable, you need to know that you have enough money. Trap- a feeling of constant “hunger”, regardless of the amount of money accumulated. Fate tends to change, and the degree of your anxiety is reflected in monetary fluctuations. Just don’t sit and torment yourself - this will only drive you to madness. Instead, acquire the wealth you need through pragmatic, hard work. Task- ensure personal security by preserving your finances. Save, but don't scrimp, and when you spend money, you will receive full emotional satisfaction from your monetary wealth.

Self-organization. Changes in mood have a strong impact on work.

As in the case of the Sun, one can note a deep immersion in work, but it is not the center of consciousness that is immersed, but that level of personality that can be called the terms “habitual” or “automatic”. You need to exert yourself physically to stay in the flow of daily well-being. Trap lies in inconstancy, in the habit of working only when you feel that you like the work. Task- align the rhythm of work, coordinating it with the ups and downs of internal sensations.

Sensuality. You need sensory pleasures to feel nourished and to maintain emotional balance. The pleasures derived from physical movement, muscular and cutaneous, produce interpersonal warmth and receptivity that build maternal consciousness. Feelings are tangible, very strongly attached to the body. Whenever you feel responsive, the desire to receive pleasure from touch naturally arises. You need sensory stimulation because it is a form of nutrition that satisfies many types of hunger. Task- satisfy basic needs with the help of adequate sensations, see the need for physical pleasures in life and enjoy the comfort they create.


Self-esteem. The position of Mercury in the second house shows that the basis of judgments about oneself is the mental. Thinking is somewhat self-centered because it is preoccupied with discussing questions of personal “virtue and vice.” Task- make judgments about yourself based on an accurate and objective self-perception. A clear knowledge of yourself, despite the sometimes seeming painfulness of self-digging, can only help you.

Possession. You organize your possessions rationally; the very nature of your possessions reflects your mental orientation. You are attracted to means of communication or objects that can be used in the future to expand contacts with people. As in the case of the Moon, here you are also constantly in the space of property, but the reasons for such a presence are not related to feelings, but to curiosity. Possessions, especially new ones, dispel boredom. When an object loses its mental appeal, when it no longer exercises your brain, then it no longer has value to you. Task- use possessions to meet the constant demands of your nervous system in a new stimulant.

Money. Your thoughts and interactions with people are often centered around the topic of monetary resources, their acquisition and spending. As in the case of the Moon, fortune can turn either in front or behind you, but the emphasis in this case is completely mental and not emotional. Money is used to provide mental stimulation, to further education or to facilitate communication with other people, maintaining a sense of being connected to a network of ideas. Task- consider the acquisition and spending of money as an endless game, a stimulus that develops rational abilities of clear perception and organization.

Self-organization. The main way of applying effort is mental, not physical; head work. You prefer to analyze tasks rather than use muscular energy to complete them. Thinking and communication are the most natural areas of work, although physical movement is also necessary to create a feeling of satisfaction. Boring repetitions will stifle your motivation. Task- divide the work into a number of smaller tasks, sequentially switching your attention from one task to another until the work is completed; this way you keep your interest high in your work and turn it into a game.

Sensuality. You are characterized by lively sensations; yours nervous system has an increased sensitivity to the pleasures obtained through contact. You are terribly interested in physical sensations, the connections between bodily experience and emotional response. This position of the planet does not correspond to excessive sensuality, for Mercury is a neutral planet, indicating cool interest rather than any specific feeling of sympathy or antipathy. The placement of Mercury in the 2nd house shows that thinking and communication are almost sensory experiences; physical pleasure is acquired through mental stimuli. Task- consider thinking as an expression of personal pleasure; understand that the brain is the most sensory organ of the body.


Self-esteem. The position of Venus in the 2nd house suggests that the importance of a person is assessed on the basis of success or failure in personal love. Beauty or pleasure makes you feel good, especially if both are directly related to the self. The prima donna syndrome is trap which should be avoided because task- understand that personal worth is your birthright only when you allow feelings of true generosity, sensitivity and genuine caring to flow through you.

Possession. The position of Venus in the 2nd house indicates a pronounced attraction to material things. A beautiful or expensive property is seen as proof of your personal beauty, and the property in general should enhance your sense of aesthetic grace. You want to be surrounded by beauty - objects of art, so to speak. Trap is to mix objects of beauty with the beauty within you, believing that these objects are beauty. Task- consider possessions as a “symbolic” but real outlet for your inner grace; make the personal beauty of the soul tangible.

Money. Money is also a symbol of pleasure or beauty. Financial resources are seen as a road to the realization of the aesthetic side of life or to joint possessions; and very often money is correlated with the fundamental ability to feel and express personal love - you might marry to secure wealth. In this position of the planet, money can really buy happiness, and task is to focus on this positive aspect because trap suggests the opposite, namely that lack of money creates unhappiness.

Self-organization. The working style is mostly smooth. You are more of a dancer than a worker; you are more aesthetic than athletic. You are attracted to tasks where you need to create beauty and harmony. Hard manual labor is usually not your thing. However, you are very consistent, you work sedately and smoothly once you get into the flow of work. You enjoy working with others rather than alone. Task- to carry out the "Tom Sawyer trick" and make even difficult work look so attractive that other people will want to do it, since their help is preferable to manual work,

Sensuality. Material pleasures, in themselves, reach an unsurpassed level here. Pure pleasure reigns here, since touch is a form of appreciation; bodies, especially your own, are a living source of aesthetic satisfaction. The feeling here is luxurious - it is a song of harmony, and the physical stimulant is delight. The emotional experience of love is fused with materiality, physicality, and you use contact both to express the love that already exists and to encourage the love that can blossom. Trap- extreme isolation, a tendency to immerse oneself in personal pleasure, forgetting that mutual connection between people is the best source of interpersonal love. Task- show love physically as much as possible; feel the natural receptivity of the body; to enjoy touch in a way that beautifies the essential self.


Self-esteem. The placement of Mars in the 2nd house indicates that self-judgment includes concepts such as "desire" and "struggle." You must assert yourself to gain personal significance. You have to fight your way to it and fight for it often. Even pitched battles can take place around the topic of self-esteem; arguments that originate somewhere inside can surface. Anger directed at oneself is trap, A task- aggressively destroying negative feelings if you find yourself believing them; burn them in the flames of desire for the sake of good feelings and forward constructive movement.

Possessions. For the sake of owning property, you spend significant energy. You must fight in local battles for what belongs to you. You attach great importance to conquests, because you want to prove your character through territorial expansion. Typically, you concentrate your energies on acquiring rather than protecting or preserving property. Task- keep moving forward, moving through possessions, without looking back, and consider the topic of property as a field of honor and glory.

Money. Acquiring and spending monetary resources is a source of significant warmth spreading within your personality. At times you feel it and it manifests itself in the form of passionate interest, and sometimes in the form of angry aggression. Money is often the theater of war where the self's courage and ability to assert itself is proven. You greatly desire personal wealth and the power it gives, since wealth is a symbol of victory, sometimes it is also used as a weapon in the struggle to achieve personal success, although its main use is as an accelerator, allowing you to advance quickly. Task- compete at full strength, but according to the rules. Don't forget that this competition is mainly with yourself, not with other people.

Self-organization. You are similar racehorse who loves to run. Long, difficult work is not for you; you are more like a sprinter than a stayer. Your natural, natural desire is to rush, stretched out like a string, towards a clearly visible finish line. You are not a master because precise, refined and detailed work is not interesting to you. Errors are inevitable, often you don’t notice them, which forces you to stop performing certain types of work. Ideal for this position of the planet physical labor with a powerful emotional component; You should also note your nose for crisis situations; here you are “at the height of the situation.” Don't avoid obstacles, work your way through them, solving problems one at a time, not all at once. Task- keep your motivation, your drive at a high level and face problems head on.

Sensuality. Your feeling and desire go hand in hand. Pleasures are not at all emphasized here, as in the case of Venus, but instead there is an ardent fire awakened by contact. This fire grows from a spark to a flame and can become a wild conflagration of activity and kinetic drive. Desire and emotional heat are experienced more physically than mentally, because the physical world is the natural arena of aggression. Trap is that these explosive energies can sometimes treat your body disrespectfully when you touch an area of ​​battle rather than a source of pleasure. Task- use sensuality for the purpose of self-affirmation, as sense organs, sensors of the soul, but also do not forget that all-encompassing sexuality includes much more than simple bodily contact. It may begin with bodily contact, but must end with the interaction of souls.


Self-esteem. The placement of Jupiter in the 2nd house indicates that self-judgment is associated with optimism and social success. Optimism reinforces positive well-being. The more opportunities for social expression you take advantage of, the better off you are. However, exaggerated self-esteem leads to disappointment because task is not just to feel good, but to turn the ease of social contact into real, earthly benefit. Lady Luck is always with you, but you don’t need to get attached to her and depend on her whims.

Possession. Property here becomes an arena of opportunity. You receive gifts, but they are unlikely to be the result of “lucky fate.” They come to you thanks to your well-developed intuition and equally well-developed social relationships. You need to take advantage of social relationships to acquire possessions and be generous with your personal possessions. Don't hold it, don't cling to it because task is to understand the fundamental truth of the old saying: "What comes easily, comes easily."

Money. Accumulating money is associated with a positive attitude and the broad development of skills and habits for living in society. These qualities should be freely used and not limit your growth. social status, increase opportunities for self-expression in the social spheres of collective life and work. Trap consists of wasting personal funds, resting dead asleep on your laurels or hoping that fate will give you an inexhaustible waterfall of money. Task-: create a continuously expanding network-like basis of interactions by constantly investing the funds coming to you into society.

Self-organization. In the case of the position of Jupiter in the 2nd house, as in the case of Mercury, we can talk about mental orientation in work. However, mentality is different in that it is essentially conceptual rather than analytical; knowledge of the overall state of affairs is more important than solving specific problems. As with Venus, there is a tendency to take the path of least resistance when solving problems. This planetary position is perfect for working in areas that have a network structure, because you have an inclination to social species work and outperform other people in motivation, organizational and management abilities. Task- go around obstacles like water. Do not allow yourself to get stuck in a swamp or allow yourself to be blocked by a dam, because the psychological feeling of free movement is decisive for you. Whistle while you work.

Sensuality. Your sensory experience is all-encompassing and full-flowing. Touch is seen as a way of connecting with other people, and the resulting pleasure is clear evidence of your participation in cooperative social work. You feel lightness and ease, naturalness in handling your body. This can lead to a passion for athleticism; movement can bring you exquisite joy. There is a predisposition, as for Venus or Moon, to eat fine food for purely sensual pleasure, as well as respect for social rituals of foodie or food history. You do not miss any physical stimulus for pleasure, for in this case moral restrictions are very weak, but this can lead to the trap of going to extremes and the unhealthy tendency to use your body to take advantage of other people. Task- to become fully aware of all the ways of self-expression that contact can reveal, but to do so in a way that ennobles oneself.


Self-esteem. The position of Saturn in the 2nd house indicates that your thoughts about yourself are “suppressed”, not too lofty, so that they can be brought together, concentrated and correctly developed for a long time. You may feel inadequate as a person, feel like you are inherently flawed, but your job is to create a strong foundation for your self-esteem. Task- patiently explore the topic of stopping making harsh judgments about yourself and building a sense of self-confidence gradually, with constant effort throughout your life.

Possession. Ownership is a very serious issue, an issue often associated with feelings of shame or worthlessness. You tend to resent the difficulty of acquiring and holding possessions or property. Pay attention to the property that may be at your disposal long time and executed with high quality; fleeting possessions or junk have no value to you. Task- realize that property is not given for free; you have to earn it and take care of it patiently and carefully. Accumulate property gradually.

Money. You must handle money in a disciplined, pragmatic and thrifty manner. This does not mean at all that you will lack money, although this may happen; to a greater extent, this phrase is associated with the serious responsibility that you must shoulder; however, this responsibility allows you to gain great wealth. Don't spend money recklessly, but if you decide to buy something, remember that it should bring you pleasure. Don’t chase a “long ruble” or a huge bank account - act systematically. The main thing for you is hard work and a calculated, reasonable strategy of action with an emphasis on investments that will not let you down. Money cannot buy happiness, but disciplined effort can help you achieve your life goals. Focus on the process itself, on the means, not on the end. Task- feel and realize the belief that money is something more than it really is, and let this awareness guide you through life like a lighthouse beam. Manage your position the same way you manage your money.

Self-organization. In general, you are a tireless worker, well suited for work that requires strength, endurance and excellence. You are able to work diligently, like the mills of God, gradually, bit by bit, grinding almost every Herculean mountain into pebbles. Often there is a “supervisor” sitting inside you who does nothing but force the “worker” to work with even greater productivity. Your attitude is “I pay now, I fly later,” but very often you pay the full cost without even taking anything in return. Debt is difficult to fulfill, you cannot get rid of it, and your despondency can lead you into the trap of worry and anger. Task- work slowly, noting progress in your work, and reward yourself for this. The quality of the work is important, but the time spent on it also means something.

Sensuality. You are so sensitive to physical stimuli that it can lead to sensory overload and a dull sense of pleasure. Rejection of bodily pleasures and excessive passion for purely physical pleasure are extremes to which you are capable of falling. In both cases, you risk falling into the trap of reduced receptivity. Task- understand that your body is truly a temple, and honor this temple through gradually mastering its capabilities and developing the art of worshiping it; slowly, step by step increasing the amount of pleasure and pleasure received from the touch. Absorb the world slowly, in small portions, because it is precisely this perception that refines the ability to comprehend reality.


Self-esteem. The placement of Uranus in the 2nd house shows that self-esteem is based on the qualities of uniqueness and independence that you generate. To have well-being, you must psychologically separate yourself from the imprints of society or family cliches and learn to see yourself as free. Radical changes in self-esteem, sudden and unpredictable disturbances in personal assessment, and the same sudden revival of good health are possible. Task- be original, pay special attention to the humanitarian sphere and not be beholden to anyone.

Possession. You like unusual or unique objects and are attracted to anything that is ingeniously designed or original. The philosophy of personal property is sound but dramatically variable; periods of time when you receive huge or sudden gifts are followed by times of abandonment of property, periods of loss or some asceticism. Task choose possessions that reflect your uniqueness, and changes in the sphere of property increasingly awaken the awareness of your independence from the material world. You and your property are not the same thing; you are your attitude towards property.

Money. You can suddenly gain wealth, but just as quickly you can lose it. You often make money in unusual ways - sometimes going beyond social rules or the law. You are a potential genius in terms of finding a source of money in areas that seem like a barren desert to others; you are the “finger of God”, generating income in the worst conditions. In general, the process of earning and spending money is divided into separate phases; money is acquired during periods of strong-willed discipline, followed by times of indulgent spending. Your attitude towards money is marked by radical philosophical views: a conservative seasoning of every favorable opportunity to acquire money with the feeling of “for everything that happens, I thank only myself”; a heartfelt, humane desire for shared ownership of personal assets; you are a crusader of society, like Robin Hood, seeking political and economic justice in the collective. Task- see money as a symbol of change in your life, important to you as long as it enhances your personal independence.

Self-organization. The position of Uranus in the 2nd house indicates unusual methods work. You never read instructions or follow established rules; you prefer to use your own procedures. You like to complete tasks without interacting with other people, and even when cooperation is necessary, a powerful sense of self-will prevails. You are able to penetrate with lightning speed to the essence of the task assigned to you, but despite this, you often suddenly switch from one task to another for no apparent reason or at random, as it may seem. However, people do not need to deceive themselves; you are following a pattern entirely of your own making. Task is to fuse your genius and your efforts and do it in such a way as not to throw other people off, but to awaken in them new and more productive methods of work.

Sensuality. Your sensuality is usually characterized by the words “calm, withdrawn physical state”; however, it gives the wrong impression of your explosive and nervous functioning. You are able to instantly join in receiving pleasure from touch. Your nerve receptors are especially ardent in this case, but this is not an ordinary form of sensuality. Consciousness seems to fly in and out of your body in a completely unpredictable way; this process is controlled by a source within you, not by conscious will. Task- consciously use pleasure to awaken yourself, and after awakening do not lose touch with your true individuality.


Self-esteem. The placement of Neptune in the 2nd house indicates that self-esteem is associated with feelings of compassion or universal love. If you understand and accept other people as individuals, if the generosity of life in general is confirmed by faith and a sense of humor, then love for yourself appears. Traps include confusion and mistrust of oneself, an inability to determine one's innate worth, which leads to a tendency to devalue oneself and allow others to exploit oneself. Task- renew personal faith through continuous adoption of it from the environment. Accept the love that God sends to you through all of us; take it, of course, with true humility, really accept it.

Possession. Neptune indicates a sentimental attitude towards personal possessions. As with Venus, you love beautiful objects, but here the emphasis is on form rather than content. What is important to you is the availability of objects and the possibility of their use, and not the very existence of property, because you have neither the mood nor the interest to take care of property, store or protect it. You came to Earth not to acquire and hold on to things, but to gain inspiration and to share possessions, to establish a more harmonious connection with the universe, to become more compassionate and less isolated. Task- fully appreciate your spiritual possessions, not material ones.

Money. Money seems to you omnipresent, and in large quantities, but intangible. Money may seem like an illusion or fantasy to you; It's hard for you to imagine that your funds exist in a concrete, usable form. At times, confusion arises in the sphere of finances, deception and seduction swirl, because it is difficult for you to resist the spell of wealth. You spend money mainly to realize your personal aspirations, for ideal rather than pragmatic goals. This planetary position works best in "receive mode" where funds flow to you almost magically, and task is to keep the faith. that gains and losses are essentially meaningless; support good mood and a strong faith that through the ups and downs of personal wealth, the universe will reliably provide for you.

Self-organization. You work as if you are in a state of stupor. You intuitively merge with the task at hand task, you feel the unity of subject and object so that the “doer” disappears, and as a result you gain an experience similar to Zen Buddhism, the experience of simply doing when there is no doer. This immersion in the process of work can be purifying and uplifting for you, but it can also be draining if you approach the work without sufficient spiritual Enlightenment. Since you may not always be able to appreciate hard work on its own merits, you create a sense of flow or rhythm during physical labor. Task- to see the ideal end product of your efforts, and then study what actually comes out of your graceful work.

Sensuality. Your relationship to your body and feelings is fluid, inexpressible, almost mystical. At times, touch can be a source of overwhelming awe, so overwhelming that you are unable to draw physical boundaries between yourself and other people. Pleasure for you is the same as merging, absorption, where the body is a conductor to God. However, the physical can occupy a leading position in your life, be a heavy and unwanted burden that even the flow of pleasures will not ease. In moments of predominant influence of the physical, it seems that your body proves the fragmented nature of human life, alienation from the divinity of the spirit. Task- compassionately accept the paradoxical nature of physical sensation, move beyond the addiction of pleasure and yet rejoice in the magical and renewed union that such pleasures can often create.


Self-esteem. Your potential for self-esteem is enormous, but your personality is too small to accommodate such a vast feeling, so its development takes place outside the sphere of consciousness. You may lose touch with yourself for long periods of time, allowing other people to dominate or take advantage of you, but after a long process of inner transformation, you explode into a volcano of self-esteem. Task- let the transformation process take its course and happen in its own time. During the hibernation of a volcano, you can claim that you have value as a person, basing your claim only on your own memories, however, do this even if you feel how easy it is for you to go through tests of impulses.

Possession. Your acquisitiveness can plunge into the depths of childish selfishness, but it can also rise to the heights of devoted stewardship. The types of property that are most desirable for you are those that are inseparable from psychological influence or social dominance. The quality of craftsmanship of the items is extremely important to you - the items you own must be of the best quality. Generosity and stinginess alternate with each other, naturally reflecting your psychological perception of wealth, but in this case these features, being immersed in a dense material environment, are brought almost to the point of absurdity. Possessions must be acquired, maintained, renewed, or even destroyed as the demands of subconscious self-esteem change. Task- consider property as an ideal mirror of inner feelings and ensure that both correspond to each other and reflect each other.

Money. Money has to do with expanding your perception of the world and expansion into this world, and your ego sometimes has a hard time grasping the whole picture. Personal wealth and social dominance are linked to each other. The negative use of money is using it solely to increase the power of your ego in the process of manipulating other people. Positive use of money - it can be a source of spiritual rejuvenation and can help you more fully experience the meaning of life. Capital often either promotes or opposes real maturity - does money belong to you, or do you "belong" to it? Task- become a “money magnet”, but attract money to yourself without falling into delusions of grandeur.

Self-organization. In your work you are capable of great emotional concentration; As soon as the task comes into your field of vision, you have a genuine sense of purpose. However, for you this sensation may be nothing more than a common occurrence, because it comes directly from the depths of the subconscious, completely bypassing your consciousness. You have a keen sense of the hierarchy of power, having a craving for extremes in leadership and subordination. You can either be a master of command, imposing your own ideas on work, or a consummate doer, following instructions with blind obedience. Don't hesitate to stop work if you feel it's unproductive, and equally, pursue projects even if their value is questionable. Task- release your true power through work, and directing your efforts into joint work.

Sensuality. Your ability to receive sensual pleasures is enormous, but it must simmer for a long time in the depths, below the surface, inside you, before it can serve a vivid service to consciousness. When this ability is revealed, you greedily swallow pleasures, as if you were to fast for a long time. Like Saturn, Pluto indicates a tendency to periodically overload the senses, but while in the case of Saturn there are fuses to keep the pleasure apparatus from burning out, here there are no such fuses, and the emotional heat of pleasure can be so strong that your personality simply melts. Task- allow the flow of pleasure to wash over you, cleansing, rejuvenating and ultimately freeing you from old sensual imprints."

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The second house determines livelihood. It is associated with our ability to earn money and provide for ourselves financially. It denotes not so much a career as such, but the financial success that we can achieve in the professional field, and in general any profit that our work brings us.

Of the body parts, the second house corresponds to the linden tree, and therefore can show what impression we make on other people. In addition, it is associated with the mouth, and therefore characterizes our appetite and can serve as an indicator of taste - not only in relation to food, but also in a broader sense, in relation to art, beliefs, ideas, etc. As the house of speech, it is also associated with intelligence and communication abilities, including artistic and poetic expression. It symbolizes education and, directly following the first house, characterizes the period of childhood (between infancy and adolescence). An affected second house may indicate a difficult childhood or early separation from parents.

The second house describes our activities and self-expression in life, our ability to communicate and exchange with others on all levels. If he is strong, he can bestow wealth, a high position in society or mastery of oral and written speech. When defeated, it indicates extravagance or harshness and rudeness in speech.

Material from the book Astrology of Seers. David Frawley

SECOND HOUSE: Dhana bhava - house of finance

The 2nd house corresponds to the earth sign and is therefore called the house of artha (wealth).

Wealth, money, family life, domestic happiness, knowledge, speech, poets, speakers, imagination, face, timidity, self-confidence, mouth, tongue, sight, jewelry, clothing, education, teachers, food, tendency to lie, truthfulness, foul language, mercy, right eye, neck, throat - all these are indicators of the 2nd house.

The 2nd house is known as dhana bhava or the house of finance. It also governs other important issues: imagination, speech, home life. The 2nd house is the main indicator of family life.

The 2nd house creates poets, bankers, teachers and speakers.

The 2nd house lord gives neutral results in any house he finds himself in. They never harm this house unless it is of a malefic nature, is in a bad sign and receives bad aspects.

Karaka or indicator of the 2nd house is Jupiter.

Lord of the 2nd house

In the 1st house. Gaining wealth through one's own efforts, personal dharma is related to money, speech, education, knowledge, etc.

In the 2nd house. Planet in swakshetra (own house). Gaining wealth without much effort, career in banking or education, excellent speech, learning, happy family life, strong imagination, beautiful face, good eyesight, good nutrition, poetry.

In the 3rd house. Gaining wealth is possible through the help of brothers and sisters, earning through the arts of music, dance or drama. Efforts are aimed at achieving wealth.

In the 4th house. Possible wealth or property from the mother, inherited property, obtaining an academic degree, good education.

In the 5th house. Wealth, money through speculation or adventure, intelligence, education, family happiness, income through children, good nutrition, predestination to receive money without much effort thanks to purvapunya (loan from a previous life).

In the 6th house. The lord of an artha house in another artha house is great for finances, but wealth comes slowly, after long repeated efforts, as this house is considered a dusthana. Earning money through the medical profession or work in the service sector. Speech difficulties that can be overcome with effort; foul language, poor nutrition, complications with the right eye, limited imagination.

In the 7th house. A wealthy spouse who helps in acquiring wealth; receiving money from travel abroad or from foreign countries.

In the 8th house. Poverty, high expenses, speech impediments, timidity, foul language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, poor education, poor nutrition, complications with the right eye, possible earnings through unwanted or illegal means, limited imagination, good inheritance if the planet is located in auspicious sign or receives beneficial aspects.

In the 9th house. Wealth. Money from father, elders or religious organizations. Inheritance is possible thanks to fate. Good speech, happy family life, wonderful imagination, learning, education, good nutrition.

In the 10th house. The lord of an artha house in another artha house is very favorable for earning money, wealth through career, high status and good reputation. It is possible to earn money through a career or income from the government or higher-ups.

In the 11th house. Maybe, best position for wealth and easy income. Earnings through wide range funds, help from an older brother or sister is possible, income from banking or capital circulation is possible.

In the 12th house. Poverty, lack of control over spending, large debts, speech impediments, complications with the right eye, timidity, limited imagination, foul language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, poor nutrition, possible earnings through unwanted or illegal means.

The 2nd house is the house of artha and corresponds to earthly affairs.

Money, wealth, finances, knowledge, education, teachers, speech, foul language, speech impediments, speakers, poets, imagination, truthfulness, tendency to lie, family life, home happiness, face, mouth, tongue, vision, right eye, neck, throat, courage, timidity, food, clothing, charity.

Material from the book Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Braha


Lord of the 2nd house in the 1st house

This person is gifted with the ability to acquire money; his relationships with other family members are not very harmonious, he lacks good manners, he is persistent and decisive in sex.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 2nd house

This is a proud person, perhaps due to good earnings and due to the presence of many friends and numerous sexually favorable opportunities. There may be few or no children. They are talented in the field of satire; have the opportunity to eat very well.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 3rd house

This person is brave and intelligent, but prone to atheism or debauchery. Musical abilities may appear; veneration of lower gods for material purposes.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 4th house

Money from activities related to property or transport, as well as the qualities listed in the previous paragraph. The mother may be rich.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 5th house

The result of such a disposition will be a cruel nature and distress associated with family members. Moiyr money can be obtained as a result of successful investments, games, or through teaching activities. This person is characterized by sensuality and stinginess.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 2nd house

Such a person receives money from competition with others or from illegal activities, but may fall into debt and suffer due to litigation. There may be strange eating habits and cunning, inauthentic speech. They may have strong lust and suffer from thieves.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 7th house

This usually indicates your ability in the medical field; on the promiscuity of their marriage partners and themselves; mother's dubious reputation; with money from abroad; on a travel-related income source.

Lord of the 2nd house in the Sth house

This person suffers due to difficulties in family relationships; needs to improve his eating habits, has obstacles in commercial and financial activities, but may receive an inheritance or receive a gift of wealth; he can speak sharply and energetically.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 9th house

The ability to earn good money may appear along with knowledge of philosophy, law and religion. Those suffering from illnesses in early years life, over the years these people become happier. They usually do a good job solving any problem.

Second house in Vedic astrology

The second field of the horoscope is traditionally called the house of money, income and property. His analysis is of particular significance in business astrology. In a broader sense, the second House means everything that we possess. These are the energy and natural resources of a person, thanks to which he acquires a certain financial status.

2nd house and its characteristics

The second house of the horoscope will describe not only the material values ​​that a person owns, but also his natural talents and abilities, using which, with some effort, he acquires material wealth.

By analyzing the signs, you can get an idea of ​​whether a person knows how to earn money, or whether it is difficult for him to do this due to laziness or lack of motivation. From the analysis, you can understand how a person relates to the topic of finance in general, and what methods and methods he uses to achieve financial well-being.

Since the planet connected in meaning with the 2nd field is , then the subject’s assessment of his real desires and capabilities is of great importance when forming an attitude towards money. First, there is an awareness of one’s basic needs: safety, comfort, freedom of action, etc. The subject begins to understand that he truly values ​​life, and tries to surround himself with those objects that he needs for a calm, stable, measured and prosperous existence.

As soon as a person’s values ​​change, his being changes. He's lining up new life, satisfying different needs and based on a new worldview.

The 2nd house gives the native a sense of self-worth. By realizing himself in society, he increases his own self-esteem. The feeling that we own our own things gives us confidence in the future. It often happens that the more expensive personal belongings are and the greater their quantity, the higher a person’s opinion of himself.

Focusing only on earthly values, a person can fall into a trap. If, by chance or under the influence of force majeure, the native loses everything he has acquired, then the person’s mental stability is disturbed. Attachment to things involves big risk, because we can lose them at any moment.

The solution is to form strong spiritual values, based on which, the individual will be able to withstand any cataclysms and at the same time not lose a sense of self-worth and dignity.

This is why you need to study the elements of the 2nd field. Astrological analysis will give you the opportunity to understand your rich natural potential and constantly work on its development and improvement. Knowing about your talents and the ability to present them to society will give a person the most important thing - confidence in himself and in his future.

The meaning of house in compatibility analysis

Assessing the influences on the second house is important when analyzing the relationships of both marital and business partners. It will be good if the good planets of one partner (Sun, Jupiter and Venus) fall into the 2nd field of the other partner’s horoscope. This will expand his financial capabilities, strengthen his business acumen and inspire him to create material well-being families.

If a person’s 2nd house is filled with weak, angry, damaged and energy-consuming luminaries of the partner, then losses are possible in such a union. For example, the owner of an afflicted and weak Moon will interfere with the business activities of the native. In his presence, the owner of the 2-field will be lazy and apathetic. Saturn falling into the partner's 2nd field will provoke long-term and regular spending, which is also undesirable when running a joint business.