Which planet rules Sunday? Star of the Mages

Planets all the time invisibly influence our lives and their influence permeates all areas of our activity - health, work, personal life and so on. And, in addition to knowing our personal horoscope and what is laid down by the stars in our lives from birth, there are many other ways to live in harmony with the planets: to coordinate our everyday life, it is good to know which planet’s energy we need to interact with.

We all want to live our lives happily, hoping that it will be so. You can be happy at the most seemingly inopportune time - when, for example, everything in the country is going topsy-turvy, when the screws are mercilessly tightened.
This means that everyone’s happiness lives according to some of their own laws. Why?…..The point is that you need to live in harmony with the nature of the days of the week, and each of them is different.

Monday is the day of the moon

This day is ruled by the “night Sun” - the Moon. The Moon is the main royal female planet, which is the embodiment of the maternal aspect of the Universe. The moon is responsible for the psyche, for peace of mind, for women and children.

This is not a day for active action!
It is favorable to spend this day in peace of mind, near water, in communication with mother, children and friends. The energies that this day brings are the energies of care and peace, calm and relaxation. We are all very subject to the Moon, to its slightest changes, which immediately affects our psyche and our behavior. Not only women and children are subject to the influence of the Moon, although they, of course, to a greater extent. The moon changes every day, so you need to tune in to it every day. This is the secret of the variability of women’s moods! It is called a hard day not at all because it immediately follows a relaxing weekend.

On this day we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, successes alternate with failures, successes with defeats.
Everything becomes unreliable, relative. To the point that true friends can let you down, but your enemies can help you.

On Monday, astrologers advise relying only on your intuition in everything, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. Business agreements concluded on this day, as well as heartfelt victories, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow. However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be avoided by those who “feel in their hearts” what needs to be done.

Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, achieve success on this day. And those who put off some important things until Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday. On this day, many people feel tired and nervous, the whole point is that under the influence of the Moon our sensitivity and receptivity are heightened, we become inclined to attach importance to little things. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to start important things on Monday, since you will not be able to really assess all the nuances of the situation and your chances of success.

It is better to spend it on finishing old ones or routine household activities that do not require your emotional involvement. On this day you can work with the subconscious (due to increased sensitivity, communication with it becomes more intense).
Lunar energy is enhanced by meditation, the development of optimism, control over your speech (you should speak thoughtfully and as little as possible), careful attention to your actions and words (so as not to cause concern to others), water treatments (a cool shower in the morning and a warm in the evening), stay by the sea, lake, river.

For women - wearing pearl jewelry.
The moon rules water, so on Monday it is favorable to take a bath, go to the pool, or walk near bodies of water. This way you increase your lunar energy.

The color of this day is white.
What else is under the jurisdiction of the Moon: travel by water, weather.
Mantras for the Moon: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, Om Chandraya Namah.

Tuesday is Mars day

This day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing. Mars is a powerful, hot, aggressive male planet. Mars is the planet of warriors and protectors, a planet that gives us energy, the ability to set goals and achieve them. This day is intended just for any active actions in the outside world. The motto of this day is – think less, do more! Help everyone who asks! Protect those in need! Mars is interesting because the more you do, the more energy you generate for the next actions! Cleaning the whole house?

Tuesday is the best day! A bunch of unfinished tasks and unfulfilled promises? Tuesday is that day!
If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate, choose the right way solving the problem. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is the right day for physical activity(athletes and summer residents should take note of this).
The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored. For those who are engaged only in mental work on this day, it is useful to alternate intellectual exercises with exercises.

Mars is similar to the Sun in many ways, it also gives self-confidence, willpower and energy to achieve your goals.
Only if the Sun is self-luminous and self-sufficient, then Mars needs fuel, and it is important that this fuel is the desire to protect the weak and help others, and not the desire to satisfy one’s feelings in any way. Otherwise, Mars gives conflicts, aggression, rivalry, wars. The second direction patronized by Mars is metal, blood, destruction. You shouldn't start anything on Tuesday because Mars is too warlike. It is not recommended to carry out operations on Tuesday, as well as to decide on extreme actions associated with the risk of life.

The energy of Mars is enhanced by: physical exercise(running, swimming, yoga, martial arts), strengthening the body, developing physical strength. You need to try to be brave, assertive, active, energetic. Discipline is necessary in everything, but it should be reasonable, not harsh. To harmonize Mars, Indian astrologers advise appreciating and treating well those who serve us (this is not only servants, but also all service sector workers).

The color of this day is red, naturally.
The Marsu mantra has a very strong protective effect: Om Namo Bhagavate Narasimhadevaya.

Wednesday – Mercury day

This day is patronized by Mercury, the messenger of the gods. On Wednesday, luck awaits primarily people with mental work. You can redo a bunch of things you put off for later. The environment is generally good for any type of work. It is especially easy to make calculations, work with a computer, a large number information. The environment is favorable for concluding contracts, alliances, and for communication between people. It is also good for creating reserves - during this day you can do a lot in order to free up the second half of the week as much as possible. Mercury is the planet of logic and intelligence, humor and resourcefulness, education and speech. Mercury is very cunning and intelligent, he does not recognize dishonesty and deceit.

Mercury is intellectual and nervous energy in its active manifestations. Symbolizes speech, communication and commerce, governs education, writing, counting, purposeful thinking. Mercury gives youthfulness (it often happens that people engaged in intellectual work look young).

Mercury is primarily the God of trade. The main focus of the day is establishing contacts related to profit, increasing sales, attracting clients and everything related to eloquence and knowledge. Rituals to call upon helping spirits, searching for things or information are also the same time. The cleansing is going well, especially getting rid of internal negativity - fears, complexes, tightness.

The second hypostasis of Mercury: fraud, deception, theft. In everyday life, this is a reason to be more careful with money and more. Mercury also protects travelers, but in a slightly different way than the Moon. He makes the road productive and smooth, and is responsible for the path itself. The moon is more about the method, the means of transportation and the final goal.

On Wednesday, protective rituals will be effective, as well as rituals to find a soul mate (if calculation is important, not feelings); rituals can be performed in order to find out what was previously hidden. To strengthen Mercury, it is useful to develop subtle humor, to learn to make a comedy out of any tragedy. It is beneficial to develop eloquence and oratorical abilities, as well as the ability to listen, remain silent (when necessary) and use your speech very consciously (as a rule, sages know how to remain silent).

The color of this day is green.
Mantra for Mercury: Om Namo Bhagavate Budhadevaya.

Thursday – Jupiter day

This day is under the auspices of Jupiter, the king of all gods. On Thursday, intuition intensifies, it allows you to distinguish allies from enemies. The energy of this day bestows fame, honor, and success in society. On Thursday, everything works out, you just need to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. But if there is no such confidence, it is better to postpone the matter until later.
On this day, contacts with superiors are successful, negotiations are successful. And your heart will tell you that things will go well. It will also help solve your amorous affairs.

Jupiter is all-good, a huge beneficent planet of true spiritual knowledge, the patron of jurisprudence and politics (in ancient times, politicians were the source of higher spiritual knowledge). But an inharmonious Jupiter can “create” religious fanaticism, categoricalness and all types of disrespect. Jupiter is the highest law of the Universe, the truth.

This is the best day for a wedding! Those born on this day are lucky!

On this day it is also favorable to resolve matters related to courts and government agencies, do charity work, study sacred texts, show respect to religious institutions. Whatever the religion, it is necessary on a certain path of development of our personality. Everyone knows that the largest and brutal wars on earth arose on religious grounds, in disputes about whose religion is more correct. Therefore, respect for all religions at the same time, even if you do not belong to any, speaks of the maturity of the individual.

An ideal day for rituals for money and good luck. Jupiter patronizes fertility, success, abundance. Moreover, if Mercury is about trade (money through contacts with people), then Jupiter is more about production and growth (investments in something that will bear fruit). Another difference between these days (planets) is that Jupiter personifies honor and justice, receiving well-deserved rewards.

Shopping on Thursday, as a rule, is extremely successful. Social status and recognition are also a hypostasis of Jupiter. Hence, rituals for finding a job on this day “go with a bang.” If you need someone’s help or patronage, think about it too. Jupiter is the planet of creativity, the energy of expansion.

In order to appease the Gods or the elements, to pay tribute, Thursday is a favorable day.
For the same purpose, you can visit deceased relatives in the cemetery. It is good to carry out rituals for gaining strength, for generosity (husbands, bosses), court cases, agriculture. To harmonize Jupiter, you need to be truly merciful, and not do good for the sake of praise and reward. You need to become a source of kindness and mercy, to see true good not in the outside, but in internal growth. It is important to develop spiritual creativity, the understanding that we are all one with the flow Divine love. Also develop optimism, a positive outlook on life, friendliness and sociability, but at the same time maintaining your highest principles.

Mantras of Jupiter: Om Namo Bhagavate Vamanadevaya, Om Namo Bhagavate Gurudevaya.
The color of this day is gold.

Friday is Venus day

This day is under the auspices of Venus - a mysterious, enigmatic and bright planet. Since ancient times it has been considered women's day. On this day, girls and women were supposed to rest and not burden themselves with any activities. Since Venus patronizes grace and beauty, creating a feeling of peace in a person, Friday is the best time to take stock working week and free yourself from everything unnecessary. The best thing is to prepare for the week ahead. And in no way try to complete all the work before the end of the working day.

As you know, Venus is the goddess of love, passion and beauty. Venus is a female planet, giving in its highest manifestation the ability to unconditional love. Women especially need to pay attention to this planet along with the Moon. The Moon is motherhood and Venus is magnetism. It is very important that for a woman these two planets are harmonious.

On Friday it is favorable to have a beautiful rest, visit the theater, spend time with your loved one somewhere in beautiful place, give gifts to yourself and your loved ones. Every woman should surround herself with beauty and sophistication, especially on Fridays. And a man, if he wants his woman to be happy and attractive, must understand and share her desire for the sublime and beautiful.

The main sphere of influence is love affairs and everything related to finding harmony in any area. Day of art, beauty, romance. Venus is female sexual energy, an indicator of art, primarily dancing, painting, poetry. On this day it is good to carry out harmonization, rituals to find a lover, to improve relationships (both with loved ones and with friends or relatives), and for attractiveness.

On this day, people's sense of taste becomes more acute, so in everyday life it would be appropriate to update your wardrobe or develop a new apartment design. This is the perfect time for romantic dates.

If the profession is related to creativity, it is appropriate to search new job in this area, and decide on changes, new moves on what already exists.

Rituals with an appeal to Mokoshi (pagan), (Freya in the Scandinavian tradition). Among other things, Mokosh patronizes the family, so any good rituals at home go well on this day. Like everything related to motherhood and childbirth.

Also, rituals for opening roads, gaining inspiration, removing negative programs of the “crown of celibacy” type, placing protection on children, sewing and knitting (from making protective amulets). To harmonize Venus, it is recommended: to cultivate refinement, sensitivity, sensitivity, and most importantly, the ability to love. It is useful to surround yourself with beautiful things and light colors. A woman needs to develop truly feminine qualities in herself, and a man needs to give more influence to women who play an important role in his life (mother, sister, wife, daughter) and develop a very respectful attitude towards women. Marital fidelity strengthens Venus many times over.

The colors of Venus are all bright, but not excessively, and, of course, pink.

Saturday is Saturn day

This day falls under the influence of Saturn, a planet with strong, heavy energy that governs work and learning.
On this day, it is best to start resolving the tasks that have accumulated over the week, making plans for the following days, figuratively speaking, unraveling the knots that have arisen. Estimates of upcoming costs, as well as business plans drawn up on Saturday, most often turn out to be successful. Try to hold business meetings on Saturday, never postpone them until Sunday.

Saturn is the most cold planet, which patronizes the elderly. Saturn is a cruel and cold-blooded planet. He brings procrastination, illness, and long-term difficulties into people's lives, all out of love for us. Saturn loves discipline, asceticism and incredible patience.

On this day it is strictly forbidden to work, have fun, indulge in pleasures, or start something new. Saturday is a day that ideally should be spent alone, in meditation, in deep immersion in oneself, in thoughts about the meaning of life.

There is an Indian proverb: “If you want to prolong your life, rest on Saturday.” This important event, like a wedding, should under no circumstances be celebrated on Saturday. The energy is oppressive, overwhelming, with an emphasis on internal activity. Saturday, the last day of the week, symbolizes the end of a certain cycle of time, the end of a certain stage of life, the completion of old affairs, the summing up of life.

Saturn is the main planet that brings suffering and misfortune into people's lives. Saturn can drain strength, it gives rise to depression and melancholy, awakens self-pity in a person, instills anxiety and restlessness.
Where does all this come from? From selfishness, because at a low level Saturn is the planet of selfishness, and the more selfish a person is, the stronger the unfavorable effect of Saturn on him. Its action is karmic, that is, a person cannot change practically anything in the area that Saturn touches in his chart.

Vedic astrology gives Saturn the most honorable place, for he is the main one, in whose power fate is, he is a predictor of death, illness, poverty, separation. From a spiritual point of view, it embodies the qualities of discipline, asceticism, seriousness, detachment, patience and solitude. Saturn rules disease, old age and death, Saturn is a harsh teacher, but he gives suffering which helps in the development and growth of our soul for rapid progress.

On this day, you can prepare and plan subsequent actions. Also, Saturn is well suited for matters related to real estate and agriculture, but not in terms of growth, but for preservation. In general, with everything that I would like to “freeze” and leave unchanged - to Saturn. On Saturday you can help old people, donate things and clothes to the homeless. Saturday is intended more for summing up life, reflection, meditation, healing, and recuperation. On this day, a person should think about the meaning of life, about his committed actions, good and bad.

Techniques for Harmonizing Saturn: To reduce the malefic influence of Saturn requires more effort than any other planet, it requires self-discipline, dedication, humility and detachment. On the outer level, one must fulfill one's responsibilities with enthusiasm (in the family, at work, etc.), but on the inside there should be no attachment to it. It is necessary to adhere to a good diet and sleep regime, avoid strong emotional outbursts, stressful and tense situations, spend more time in nature, have the opportunity to slow down the pace of life and relax (at least once a week, on Saturday).

Saturn's color is black. By wearing black, you attract the energy of Saturn into your life. It is needed, of course, if you are an ascetic or a nun. “But what about the little black dress that Coco Chanel designed? - you ask. Coco came up with this dress when her husband died: “The whole world will mourn for my husband.” Fashion very often goes against nature. It is not surprising that many people in Russia love black.

Mantras for Saturn: Om Namo Bhagavate Kurmadevaya, Om Shani Namaha.

Sunday is the day of the Sun

This day walks under the Sun, because it is permeated with its cheerful, invigorating energy and imparts good power to people.
Since ancient times, Sunday has been reserved for rest, for work not of the body, but of the spirit. And people are happy to communicate with each other, meet to spend time in conversations. The Sun is the main royal male planet, which gives life, energy, vital prana, but can also destroy, making a person powerless, selfish and insecure.

On this day, it is favorable to get up early, with the sunrise (lying around until noon is simply unforgivable), perform sun salutations, go to nature, to the sea. Showing disrespect to your boss, father, husband, men in general, especially on this day, destroys the beneficial effect of the Sun on you. This is a day of active joy!

The week starts on Sunday! This is precisely the essence of the saying “Monday is a hard day”

In the material world, the sun is the embodiment of the Supreme Divine Radiance. The Sun is the planet responsible for happiness. The energy of the Sun is a manifestation of blissful masculine energy in all its glory. It is believed that in order to have joy in life, you need to learn to give - after all, the Sun shines selflessly for everyone.

A universal day for good influences on luck, well-being, fulfillment of desires: making talismans, setting up protections, rituals to gain strength, treatment. You need to wish happiness to all living beings, it is useful to give donations to religious institutions (especially on Sundays), develop responsibility, determination, willpower and other qualities of the Sun in goodness. Solar energy is greatly enhanced if we live according to the solar regime - we get up before sunrise and have our main meal at noon; it is also good to spend at least twenty minutes in the sun every day (just not from 12 to 16 o'clock), to be outdoors . It is also good to wear gold jewelry on Sundays.

How to catch luck.

How to get lucky on MONDAY?
Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet. She creates the mood on her day of the week and instructs us to do things related to her qualities. Monday has always been considered a difficult day, and this is because it is ruled by the emotional, impressionable Moon. The moon is associated with a person’s mental state, so on Monday people find it more difficult to tolerate criticism and changes in circumstances. On this day we all become sensitive, vulnerable, it is easier for us to become despondent and succumb to the influx of bad mood, but a sincere conversation will save us. If you want to please someone on this day, it’s enough to start a sincere conversation and listen sympathetically to other people’s problems. On this difficult lunar day, people especially need understanding, psychological support, and you will be remembered if you give this to others. Just a drop of participation, and the person will remember you and appreciate you. Moon - planet water element, it often creates a tearful mood in our souls. But that’s exactly how it is - with rolling tears and heart-touching speeches, you can get your boss to give you a salary increase, vacation or time off on this day. Tears, emotions, frank stories about your problems will become a means to achieve your goals. Not insistent demands, not logical explanation your requests, and a speech with a call for sympathy - and those around you will give you everything you ask. However, slyness, deception, and stories about problems that in reality do not exist will not bring success. The Moon enhances sensitivity, intuition, and deception is easy to sense and expose. Yes, Monday is a day of honesty and openness, but for cunning people there is another day.

How to catch luck on TUESDAY?
Tuesday is ruled by fiery Mars, the planet of the warrior. Mars has a harsh character, it can force us to look for thrills on Tuesday, provoke us to harsh statements and actions. Hot Mars forces you to act rashly on your day of the week, thoughtlessly, but this can be used to your advantage. The easiest way to achieve success on Tuesday is to think less and act on your first desire. You are sitting at your workplace, and suddenly there is a desire to tell your boss about your projects, so don’t hesitate, go and tell them right away. If you are going to tell someone about your feelings on Tuesday, do not wait for the lunch break or the end of the working day, do not restrain your desires, internal impulses, speak immediately as soon as you find yourself next to this person. Mars is the planet of speed, untamed desires, instincts. On Tuesday, “delay is like death.” On this day it is better not to put anything off until later, and if you tell someone: “Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow?” - then your authority in his eyes will greatly decrease. On Tuesday, try to do everything quickly and in such a way that others notice it, then they will respect you. Mars is a masculine planet, so Tuesday is the most suitable day for masculine conversations and communication with men. One of the ways to please others on this day is to have a rational, masculine approach to problems. On this day, it is better to forget about your mood and approach any issue soberly. Fiery, assertive Mars is endowed with a strong-willed, decisive, brave character, so Tuesday is the most suitable day for manifestation strong traits of your character. If someone considers you a “rag,” a “weak,” the easiest time to prove the opposite to them is on Tuesday. On this day you can prove to yourself that you strong man. Mars will help you decide to do something that you previously lacked the courage to do. An aggressive Mars can turn this day into a real war. On Tuesday, people are more likely than usual to show aggression; you need to remember this and try to smooth out conflicts at the very beginning of their flare-up. Being under the influence of Mars, someone said that “from a spark a flame will flare up,” so do not let this flame flare up either in the work team or at home. The easiest way to avoid conflicts on this day is to promise the person that you will sort everything out quickly.

How to catch luck on WEDNESDAY?
The environment is ruled by mobile Mercury, a changeable planet that gives us cunning, dexterity, and talkativeness. Mercury is a restless person, he loves everything new, especially the latest news, so on Wednesday it is difficult to sit in one place for a long time, it is difficult to remain without communication. It is mobility and communication that will bring success on the day of Mercury. If you want someone to pay attention to you on this day, if you want to please others, tell them more recent news, tell all sorts of stories, especially about your mobility, at least about how you like to go on visits, walk around the city . If you are afraid that some person will forget about your existence, it is also better to remind about yourself on Wednesday. Nimble, cunning Mercury will help you on Wednesday to catch your luck by gambling and using cunning tricks in your work. It’s easier to cheat on Wednesday, and if you have already used all the means to achieve your goals, try resorting to trickery on Wednesday. However, be careful not to be tricked, because even the most honest people on Wednesday can remember the trick. Mercury belongs air element, and therefore it is light planet, so whatever you do on Wednesday, it's best to do it with ease. Ease in everything is the motto of this day. If you want to get to know someone, don’t make up long speeches about your merits, say to the person not “hello”, but “hello” and don’t force others to call themselves by their patronymic, because Mercury is the planet of youth. Any brewing conflict on Wednesday can be smoothed over with the phrase “nothing, just an everyday matter.” On a light Wednesday day, people’s complexes and experiences are especially visible, they seem to hurt the eye, contrasting against the general background. And if you don't want others to know about your psychological problems, you need to carefully mask your mood on Wednesday. You will disappoint your friends and loved ones if on Wednesday you tell them about painful things, about what worries and oppresses you. No one simply wants to listen to such speeches, and if they listen, they will quickly forget, calling you a bore to themselves. Mercury is a fickle planet, meaning it changes its mood quickly, so making or believing promises on Wednesday may be a mistake. On Wednesday, people often speak without thinking, without giving words meaning, and such words are not remembered. And even if your boss promises you a salary increase on Wednesday, he may simply forget about his promise. Thanks to the lightness and changeability of Mercury, any problems on Wednesday can be easily resolved, so there is no point in tackling the problem fundamentally on this day.

How to catch luck on THURSDAY?
Thursday is ruled by planet Jupiter social life, therefore this day can be considered the most successful for any business matters, for conversations with superiors and business partners. But whatever you do on Thursday, show others your efficiency, show that you are not concerned only with yourself, but think about everyone. IN family circle On this day it is also worth talking more about work. It is on Thursday that your interest in him will be especially valuable for your spouse. professional affairs. It’s better to talk more about work with friends, relatives, and even more so with colleagues on Thursday. The planet of social life, Jupiter, encourages everyone on their day to step back from everyday, family, personal affairs and look at the problems of society. It is on Thursday that an appeal to management with a call to meet the needs of the workers and to meet their demands will achieve its goal. Even the most ossified egoist on the day of Jupiter is able to respond to a request for help and forget about his mercantile interests. On Thursday, we are all tuned in to those around us, ready to listen to their interests, so on this day we can make very profitable deals for ourselves. Business partners and relatives will be ready to give in to you. However, Jupiter's day is not good for everyone. This planet is also associated with the theme of expanding the sphere of contact, with the growth of various problems and successes. Lucky people on Thursday have the opportunity to increase their happiness, again through business skills, but those who are constantly haunted by problems may see small difficulties grow to incredible proportions. To prevent this from happening, on Thursday it is important to be able to quickly solve problems. On this day, problems should not be given time to develop. Even small disputes at home or at work should be tried to be resolved immediately, otherwise they will grow into great hostility towards each other. Not allowing problems to arise and nipping them in the bud on the day of Jupiter is important in all areas of life. On this day, you should try not to argue with anyone at all, much less quarrel, or give a reason for dissatisfaction with yourself. If your boss accuses you of professional illiteracy on Thursday, even if his comments are insignificant, then in the future this may become the reason for your dismissal. So show everyone yours business qualities and try not to create problems, then everything will be fine for you both this Thursday and the next.

How to catch luck on FRIDAY?
The beautiful Venus, the goddess of feelings and beauty, rules Friday, so on this day you cannot do without feelings. Your sensuality, ability to understand other people's feelings and desire for beauty will be the key to your success on Friday. Whatever you do and on whatever topics you communicate with others, try to trust your feelings, focus on what you feel, and take into account the feelings of others. Venus calls everyone to create beautiful shapes, to beautiful communication. She expects that on Friday you will begin to decorate the world around you, talk to people politely and courteously. Beauty is important to everyone on this day, so interest in you will increase if on Friday you look better than on previous days, if you show others that beauty is very valuable to you, if you begin to express your thoughts in beautiful words. If life gives you a choice - to do the job quickly or beautifully, then on Friday you need to choose the latter. Venus is a female planet; it encourages men on Friday to pay more attention to women, give them compliments, and look after them. If your boss is a woman, the easiest time to win her favor is on Friday. On Friday, women are more open, trusting, and more in need of attention than usual. And if they get it, they'll have you good standing. Even if your compliments and gifts are received with outward coldness, a person’s soul will remain warm and a warm attitude towards you will appear.

How to catch luck on SATURDAY?
The strict limiting planet Saturn rules Saturday, so best way to feel happy on this day - limit your needs, try to eat less, talk less and generally attach less importance to your desires. Thanks to Saturn, Saturday can be called a day of restrictions. Whoever you communicate with on this day, try to keep it short. You should not say unnecessary words, talk about your experiences and adversities. If you decide to meet a friend, then at least promise him that you won’t keep him for long. It is very profitable to go shopping on Saturday, because Saturn the limiter will not allow you to spend a lot and buy something extra. Saturn symbolizes the cross that we carry as we walk through life. Saturn is fate, karma, duty, so many people on Saturday feel depressed, as if they are experiencing the full weight of their cross. You will be remembered if on Saturday you talk to a person about how his life is not so difficult and he does not have too many problems. Saturn is the planet of bitterness in life, so it is better not to punish children on Saturday - not to add bitterness to their lives. On the contrary, it is better to try to sweeten the lives of those around you - give them a gift, say a kind word. So that those around you do not experience tension from your presence, it is important not to remind them of your duties, of the law, and if you want to remind them, then only with one word.

What's the best thing to do on Saturday? Strict Saturn encourages us to put things in order on this day. Saturn does not tolerate anything unnecessary, so Saturday is the best day for spring cleaning, for removing garbage from the house. Saturn puts everything in order; it will help bring order to your thoughts and feelings. And in relationships with people on this day it is also good to put things in order, to dot all the i's. With strict Saturn, everything is clear, and if you do not understand your relationship with some person, talk to him on Saturday and you will understand how he treats you.

Saturn symbolizes the representative of the law, so on Saturday it is dangerous to deceive anyone; even jokes on this day are perceived as somehow dry. Show everyone your honesty. Even if cunning and a tendency to deceive are your inherent qualities, everyone will consider you honest and open if you are so on Saturday. Saturn is also a conservative planet, inclining us to follow traditions. Therefore, on Saturday, people have difficulty accepting innovation. On this day, it is better to show your respect for traditions; you can study the traditions of your people, cook traditional dishes, show your respect to your elders, even if you don’t like these people. On Saturday it will be difficult to prove to your spouse that cooking is not a woman's task, so if you are a woman, do women's work, and men should not shy away from men's duties. Following traditions at home, no matter how you feel about them, will bring your family together. Maybe on another day your elderly relatives will forgive your careless attitude, but not on Saturday.

Yes, Saturn is not very good simple planet, it imposes responsibility for words and actions, forcing you to think about your words many times. Saturn is a serious and strict planet, prohibiting frivolity and tearful mood. But even strict Saturn will reward you with luck on his day if you try to follow his rules. Both emotional and physical condition will be normal if you keep yourself within certain limits - don’t eat a lot and don’t say too much.

How to catch luck on SUNDAY?
Sunday is ruled by the planet of high love, joy and creativity - the Sun. (For convenience, in astrology the Sun and Moon are called planets). The sun inclines us to seek not earthly, not material, but spiritual joys, so it’s better not to please your loved ones and yourself on Sunday a beautiful gift, not with a luxurious table, but with a walk, going to a concert. The Sun is the planet of creativity, so whatever you do on Sunday, try to approach it in a creative, unconventional way. It is on Sunday that a new, original way of solving old problems can be born, and a new approach to raising children can appear. If you have to communicate a lot with people on this day, show everyone that you are not a conservative, that you are capable of at least listening to original ideas.

The sun is connected with the personality of each of us, with our unique “I”, so more attention should be paid to individual qualities people, in a conversation pay attention to the character traits inherent in your interlocutor. You will be appreciated on this day if you appreciate the “I” of another person. Your loved ones will begin to love you with renewed vigor if you tell them a few phrases about their merits, about qualities that you have never seen in anyone else. On this day, you should not start a conversation about a group of people, about residents of a city or country, it is better to focus on individuals. It is important to show others that you value individuality, and not limit your loved ones and children with your comments and advice - let everyone on this day do everything as they see fit.

The Golden Sun often gives us a desire to live like a king, so on Sunday many people awaken to maximalism, the desire to get everything at once. And if you want to attract attention to yourself, promise the person mountains of gold, talk about the prospects awaiting you at work or him if he agrees to work for you. On Sunday it will be difficult to lure the right person on your side, promising him stability in the relationship or stable income. You need to promise not just stability, but everything he wants. If you are proposing marriage, tell future wife that you will shower her with jewels, give her earth and heaven, and not just your hand and heart. The sun illuminates the whole earth, so on Sunday people dream of great happiness. If you go to visit on Sunday, you may become envious of the owners of the house. Desiring a lot under the influence of the Sun, you will want to have everything that you see in someone else’s apartment. But the desires of an adult are easier to resist than the desires of small children who feel disadvantaged when they do not have the same toy as their friend. The noble Sun, which gives us its light, also demands nobility from us. Therefore, it is very dangerous to be greedy on Sunday.


According to astrologers, all days of the week have a “personal heavenly ruler” - a planet with its own “character”, which determines the characteristics of events on that day. The days of the week and the planets that rule them correspond to each other as follows:

Monday is ruled by the Moon;
Tuesday is ruled by Mars;
Wednesday is ruled by Mercury;
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter;
Friday is ruled by Venus;
Saturday is ruled by Saturn;
Sunday is ruled by the Sun (among astrologers it is considered a planet).

If you wish, you can see how the planets influence our lives on their corresponding days of the week. Here are some signs of this influence.

Day of the week Monday – planet Moon

The moon is considered the planet of emotions and the water element, so on Monday most people are more emotional than on other days, they are sad and cry more, they deal with water longer than usual, subconsciously trying to relieve internal tension in this way.

In addition, the Moon in astrology “manages” the theme of the house, so on Monday people strive to equip their homes, leave it without much desire, and also take care of relatives.

Day of week Tuesday – planet Mars

Mars is the planet of aggressiveness, impulsiveness and speed, so on Tuesday people manage to do a lot of things, but they tend to quarrel. Due to impulsive behavior on Tuesday, you can easily get hurt or injured. Mars is also considered a “masculine” planet and it is very likely that the main event on Tuesday will be associated with either a man or a strong-willed woman.

Day of the week Wednesday – planet Mercury

Mercury is the planet of movement, communications, trade. On this day people are sociable, easy-going, easier to part with money, feel young or resort to anti-aging products.

Day of the week Thursday – planet Jupiter

Jupiter is a “serious” planet, so on Thursday people become more serious, think about the future, about their career and authority, about expanding their sphere of activity and living space. Moreover, Jupiter is a planet public life, society, so on Thursday you usually want to “look at people and show yourself.”

Day of the week Friday – planet Venus

Venus is the planet of pleasures and feelings, so on Friday people are more sensitive than usual, feel the mood of others better, and care more about their well-being. Venus is the planet of the earth element and on Friday we think more about material and physical pleasures, for example, delicious food, beautiful things, and our financial condition.

Day of the week Saturday – planet Saturn

Saturn is considered the planet of trials, fate, fate, and the limiting planet. It’s hard to do anything on Saturday; any type of activity causes difficulties. However, on Saturday it is easier than on any other day of the week to give up unnecessary things - unnecessary things or, for example, excess weight, going on a diet. Saturn also monitors compliance with the law, so contacts with its representatives are very likely on Saturday.

Day of the week Sunday – planet Sun

The sun is the planet of joy, happy love and creativity, which is why Sunday is the most pleasant day of the week. On Sunday, most people love life and notice the good in everything. In addition, creative solutions to problems are often found on Sunday.

These signs, by which the days of the week and the planets that control them correspond to each other, can be easily verified from your own experience.

It's no longer a secret that the days of the week are strongly associated with celestial bodies and were even named after them. What character do their patron planets give to their days and what should we do about it?


Mistress of Monday - Moon. Restless and changeable, in astrology the Moon is responsible for emotions, mood changes, feminine. Therefore, it is better to devote Mondays to household chores, communication with loved ones, family, and raising children. Any big business started on Monday will probably be unstable and change its direction, so this day is not the most favorable for starting business projects.

Monday is a hard day only if you go against the flow of Lunar energy. Use the energy of the day for your benefit, take care of your loved ones and the comfort in your home, find a way to please your friends and colleagues. A satisfied Moon will give you good health and happy relationships with others.

The color of the day is purple. The note is F.

What lunar day is it today?


Heavenly patron of Tuesday - Mars. The energy of this planet is very powerful, assertive, “combat”. Mars will strengthen your leadership abilities and help you in any matter that requires intelligence and courage. Tuesday is a great time to start an innovative project, show determination and initiative, and convince others that you are right. The more you do today, the more energy you will get for further actions!

Avoid aggression and open conflicts - Mars is capable of blowing up a big quarrel out of little things. It is also better to postpone the search for a compromise in close relationships until another day of the week.

The color of the day is red. The note is C.


The environment is managed Mercury– the planet responsible for everything intellectual, for communication, travel, shopping. Mercury gives us rationality, quick thinking and wit, so the environment is great for anything that requires clarity of thought, dialogue or decision-making. Arrange business meetings and make profitable deals, start learning new things, make useful contacts, go on trips or shopping - today Heaven is helping you!

The color of the day is yellow. The note is B.


The fourth day of the week is ruled Jupiter– the most philosophical and spiritual planet in astrology. Jupiter is responsible for prosperity, abundance and high ideals, helping us to expand our boundaries through spiritual practices and methods of self-discovery. Dedicate Thursday to learning, self-improvement, and deep reflection. Today is a great day to start a large-scale project, restore justice, engage in political activity And social work, legitimize relationships with your loved one.

The color of the day is green. The note is A.


Heavenly patroness of Friday - Venus. This planet loves everything beautiful, romance, passion, art, sublimity of feelings. Friday is best spent relaxing in a beautiful place, going to the theater or gallery, having a romantic date, preparing a pleasant surprise or gift for a loved one. It is important to take time for yourself, dress nicely, and style your hair. Give free rein to your imagination, create, love and enjoy beauty today - and Venus will fulfill all your wildest dreams!

The color of the day is blue. The note is E.


Saturn- patron of Saturday. This is the coldest and ascetic planet that loves discipline, solitude and peace. On Saturday it is better to be alone with yourself, relax, meditate, reflect on your goals, and take stock. This day is ideal for anything that requires a sober, realistic and practical approach.

The color of the day is blue. The note is salt.


Sunday is ruled by itself Sun– whatever you start on this day will probably succeed! The days of the Sun are created for active joy, celebration, fun and happiness. Contact those you haven’t dared to approach before, communicate, get acquainted - the Sun will help you get good friends and reliable partners. Start taking care of your health today, and the Sun will give you vigor and its bright and warm energy. The week starts on Sunday!

The color of the day is orange. The note is D.

Consultation with an astrologer with the possibility of registration as a congratulation

Astrology is the science of knowing a person, his essence, desires, capabilities, aspirations and how a person is able to realize all this. Of course, this is a wonderful gift for your family, loved ones, friends, acquaintances and colleagues, especially since it can be prepared both as a video with slides and in paper form - a greeting card. Design according to your wishes.

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Email Mail – Ovcharenko_TB@ukr/net

Have you ever wondered why the days of the week? seven? Does this mean anything to people other than five days on and two days off? Vedic astrology tells us that the days of the week are very important. Each day corresponds to one of the seven planets; their number and order are not random. Every day - for your special task, which is supervised by the corresponding planet. This system is ideal for planning tasks. Some activity can go like clockwork on Monday and be absolutely terrible the next day.

- Monday - Moon. This is an ideal day for calm, relaxing activities and communication with family. The Moon's patrimony is close connections and peace of mind. And this is so unusual for modern man, for whom the first day of the week is the start of a frantic marathon. In Russia, “Monday is a hard day.” That is why there is so little happiness that the Moon gives. The moon is a direct indicator of the mother in the horoscope. It is communication with mothers that gives us so much peace of mind; it is to them that we come to visit when we need consolation. Therefore, Monday is the perfect day to meet your mother. Maybe you want to give her a gift: coconut candies, a porcelain cup or white rose in a pot - it will be perfect. It is very favorable to give gifts to mothers white on Monday. There is another important activity that is boycotted in Russia on Mondays: baths and any relaxing water procedures. The Moon rules not only water, but also relaxation and feminine energy, so in general, if you have the opportunity to do something relaxing on Monday, that’s great. Ideal: walks by the water, women's practices, maybe some calming handicrafts.

- Tuesday – Mars. This is a great day for any kind of showdown. Any showdown on this day will be carried out as efficiently as possible. But it is very important not to slide into negative manifestations Mars and show nobility and dignity. But in general, this is a good day for conversations about what bothers you and doesn’t suit you. Disputes and trials on this day take place the most in the best possible way. In addition to wars, Mars oversees active sports. Therefore, classes male species sports: strength training or martial arts will be very favorable. As you have already noticed, this day is very different in energy from the previous one. And of course, everything that is desirable to do on Monday is not suitable for Tuesday. The only thing that can unite the energies of these days is active swimming in the pool.

- Wednesday - Mercury. A wonderful day for live communication, learning and reading. All this is patronized by Mercury. It's good to spend time in nature, where there is a lot of greenery. If this is the cold season, you can visit the greenhouse. If you have plants at home, then caring for them on this day will give better results. Mercury generally patronizes any communication, especially if it contains humor, but communication with younger family members will be the most favorable. Starting training on Wednesday is ideal. Any information is best absorbed on this day. This is the best day to visit libraries and bookstores. Wonderful day for exploring foreign languages. In general, the instructions for the environment are not so strict, because Mercury is still a fairly neutral planet.

- Thursday – Jupiter. The most spiritual and auspicious of the entire week. Even in our society, the joyful energies of Thursday are easy to notice: already on Thursday, people, oddly enough, begin to rejoice that the work week is ending. Although according to Vedic ideas it is important to love your work, however, it is difficult not to notice this phenomenon in modern society. Joy is in the air on Thursday. And this day is very good for all important matters and decision-making; it is full of Jupiterian wisdom and blessings. You can expect maximum effect from serious actions on this day. It is very good to worship the Gods and read sacred literature on this day. Worship of Ganesha and all Gods who bring joy will be especially favorable on this day.

- Friday - Venus. This is a day of pleasure and happiness. Here its manifestation in the work week is very appropriate. Venus is the patroness of everything pleasant, comfortable and brilliant, so on her day, rest is something that goes without saying. This day is the best time to shop, especially jewelry, cosmetics and clothes. They will bring you more happiness and last longer than if you bought them on another day. Be sure to have fun on Friday. It’s best to start some kind of celebration and invite guests. Or go somewhere in a smart suit in a pleasant company, maybe to a movie or a concert. Giving in to a slight temptation in the form of a desired purchase or strawberry cake on Friday is wonderful.

- Saturday - Saturn. The Vedas say: after a holiday, a little asceticism is always needed. To restore clarity of consciousness. Saturn's day is best suited for this, for working on the soul. Unfortunately, in modern society, Saturn is the day when everyone rests after a working week, and sometimes not in the most blissful way. While Saturday is the best day for austerities and cleansing. Any austerities will be good, even if only for one day. Cleansing the body and space is also perfect for this day. Any body cleansing and house cleaning. Saturn is an indicator of our kind in the horoscope, so on its day it is very good to carry out rituals in memory of ancestors.

- Sunday – Sun. In many European calendars, the week begins on Sunday, and this is very correct. The sun in jyotish is the beginning of all beginnings, it is always the first. It is not surprising that Sunday in Christianity is a spiritual day. In the Vedas, Sunday is also a day spiritual development. This is also an ideal day to meet your father and pay respects to him. On Sunday, making requests to those in power goes well: bosses or civil servants. This is a very active day. The worst thing you can do on Sunday is lie on the couch. On this day you need to get up at dawn and start the day with prayer.

Order is an important component of a happy life. By following the rules of behavior described in the Vedic scriptures, we can become healthy, successful and live a long time. If you still decide to rearrange your rhythm of life to the rhythms of the planets, then do not trust blindly. Try to feel the energies of the day in the morning. Throw away your thoughts and feel: what is this day for? When performing tasks suitable for the day of the week, observe how successful their execution is, whether your mood and behavior correspond to the energies of the planet of the day.