Where is the best place to open an individual investment account? Pros and cons of IIS

For more than two years now, any citizen of Russia can open their own individual investment account - a tool that gives every beginner and experienced investor the opportunity to become more familiar with the stock market. What is an ISS, what does it provide to a private investor as a financial instrument? Answers to these questions can be found here.

What is IIS

This kind of investment is not a new phenomenon. It is successfully used in those countries where there is a voluntary funded pension system, since in this way citizens can increase their savings. Individual investment accounts are common among the population of Japan, Sweden, Australia, the USA and other countries. It is noteworthy that a person can only have one investment account.

ISS is an agreement concluded between a citizen, who is an individual, and a certain management company. It undertakes to manage the securities within one account. Many may say that such an opportunity existed before. This is true, but due to changes made to the legislation, the process itself has become not only more transparent, but also simpler.

What is the minimum amount for an individual investment account?

The law does not stipulate the minimum amount of IIS. Theoretically, it could be equal to 1 ruble, but no one will work with such amounts. Brokers—organizations that provide personalized investment account servicing—may set the down payment amount, although this is rare. However, it is worth noting that in most cases this amount is 10,000 rubles. The account is credited only in rubles; it is not possible to place currency on the ISS.

You can find out the exact data from the broker with whom the person plans to work. If you really want to work with a certain organization, but you don’t have the required amount for an initial contribution, then there’s nothing you can do - you’ll have to save up, otherwise it will be impossible to open an IRS. For this reason, it is important to study the offers of several agents, because some of them may have good offers for a minimum amount, which may even be a little over a thousand in rubles.

Maximum amount

As for the maximum for IIS, there are several caveats. Firstly, the private investor decides for himself whether he will replenish the account or limit himself to the initial contribution. Secondly, the maximum annual contribution is 400,000 rubles. But money can be deposited into the investment account as many times as you like during this period without any restrictions.

It is important to know that there is an annual limit on replenishment, and the IIS balance itself does not have any limits. Funds credited to the investment account in excess of the established limit are transferred to an ordinary brokerage account.

Investment term

The period from which the ISS is counted is the date when the individual investment account was opened, and not the date when the first deposit was made. Therefore, when money is credited at the end of the year (at least in the last month), documents for tax deduction are submitted at the beginning of the next month. The legal minimum period for an individual investment account is 3 years. If the owner of the agreement decides to return the money before the expiration of this period, the account will be automatically closed and all funds will be transferred to the brokerage account.

Pros and cons

The program is new on the Russian market, so not everyone is aware of the advantages and disadvantages of IIS:

Tax deduction

A private investor can take advantage of the benefits provided by law in two ways. In the first case, annually from January 1 to April 30, documents for tax deduction of IIS are submitted to the tax office. The current rate is 13%. The maximum amount that an individual who has contributed 400,000 rubles can count on is 52,000 rubles.

In the second case, it is possible to receive the benefit only after the account expires - 3 years. When choosing the second option, the investor will not have to pay personal income tax on the investment profit that was received during this period, since he is fully exempt from it. A tax deduction is provided when the taxpayer-investor files a tax return. This option is suitable for those whose profits are not fixed and vary from case to case.

Which one to choose

Before choosing an investment account individually, it is worth deciding on the tax deduction option. With the first type described above, where the investor receives a 13% tax deduction, it is better to think about those who receive additional income and pay income tax on it. A striking example is wages. In the second option, if you do not receive a tax deduction at the end of the year, then all the profit that the investor received during the operation of the account will be exempt from income tax.

In addition, you can select an account by management type. The investor can delegate the management of his investment account to a broker or management company. In this case, they themselves will choose profitable assets that will bring dividends. However, in this case it is necessary to pay for the work of the manager. As a rule, these are tenths or hundredths of a percent, but with regular transactions, the amounts can reach significant figures.

A private investor can use another type of IIS when he independently controls his account. This option is called investing by copying trades. Its essence is that an individual carries out exchange transactions in strict accordance with exchange trading participants who have significant experience - copies them.


It is impossible to immediately calculate the profitability of an IIS. The minimum income that an individual can receive by investing money for 3 years is the same 13% that the state guarantees as a tax deduction refund. If you divide them over 3 years of the contract, the interest rate will be small. However, using various manipulations when working with securities and additional contributions, you can get significant income that none of the country’s banks will offer as a deposit.

Where to open

At the moment, several large and not so large companies and banking institutions offer to open an investment account. Here is just a small list of some of them:

  • PJSC Sberbank;
  • JSC "FINAM";
  • Otkritie Broker JSC;
  • JSC Gazprombank;
  • LLC "Company BKS";
  • VTB 24 (PJSC);
  • ALOR+ LLC;
  • PJSC Promsvyazbank;
  • OJSC IC "ZERICH Capital Management";
  • KIT Finance (LLC);
  • Bank GPB (JSC);
  • OJSC "IC "IT Invest";
  • CJSC IFC "Solid";
  • JSC Rosselkhozbank;
  • JSC Management Company "Ingosstrakh-Investments";
  • Bank SBRR (LLC);
  • Globex;
  • IC "AK BARS Finance";
  • Investment company "INCOME";
  • LLC "IC "VITUS";
  • LLC "IC VELES Capital";
  • LLC "URALSIB Capital - Financial Services";
  • LLC IC "Septem Capital";
  • PJSC JSCB "Svyaz-Bank";

How to open

This type of investment is available exclusively to individuals. Opening an IIS, or rather, the procedure itself, is very similar to the procedure for opening a standard brokerage account. To do this, the investor must come to the office of the company he previously selected or contact a broker to sign documents. You must have your passport with you. If the investor has a brokerage account, then he will still have to open an ISA.

IIS management

When choosing to manage an individual investment account, it is worth determining how the assets will be managed. If you plan to manage your capital independently (an active investor), then you need to use the services of a broker. If a person does not have time to delve into all the details, then he becomes a passive investor, and the management company will come to his aid.


As mentioned above, the broker helps to carry out the investigations independently. It offers lower fees compared to a property management company. When choosing a broker, an important factor will be the cost of its services, so before opening an investment account with a broker, it is worth studying the offers on the market. It is worth analyzing investor reviews to make the right choice.

In the management company

If the client chooses trust management of an individual investment system, he also needs to study the service market. It’s good if the management company is connected with state banks - this will give reliability when investing assets. It is recommended to look through reviews and ratings (credit and other) from agencies and compare information, pay attention to reviews. It would be useful to have information about the company’s assets, how much money it has invested and how many clients it currently has. It will be important to study what tariffs you will have to pay for services and study the company’s strategy in detail.

How it works

Individually opened investment accounts are standard brokerage accounts that are subject to preferential tax treatment. An investor can invest in bonds of private and public companies or in stocks. These securities make up a large share of the investment portfolio. Compared to a regular deposit, IIS involves risks. A private investor can invest in stocks, mutual funds, shares and futures - there are plenty to choose from in today's market. An investor can have a portfolio consisting of only one type of securities, or a mixed version.


After opening an account, you need to choose a broker who will advise you on what you can buy with your IIS. Why should you turn to him for help? The fact is that few people follow the securities market and investments or have specialized education. An experienced stock exchange player has the appropriate knowledge and will be able to point out those instruments that are currently the most profitable for purchase. He will tell you which assets are riskier and create schemes that will bring greater profitability or, conversely, advise what you can invest your money in and be guaranteed to be in the black.


Organizations servicing IIS often work on the infrastructure of banks, for example, Sberbank or VTB (the mention of these organizations is not a recommendation to open an IIS in them; the choice of such an organization must be approached thoughtfully and seriously - more on this in the following articles)

However, it is correct to call these organizations “brokers”, because the services they provide are not banking. The correct name for such an organization is “Brokers”.

Difference from banks

We are all used to opening and closing bank accounts. A bank deposit seems clear and simple to us. Opening an IIS is not more difficult, and the fact that about half of the adult population of Western countries have similar accounts (they are called differently) suggests that it is not only simple, but in many cases necessary.

In an Individual Investment Account (IIA), unlike a bank deposit, you can store not only money, but also rights and obligations enshrined in special documents - securities.

This could be, for example, the right to receive interest on a government loan (when it is not the bank, but the state that “borrows” the loan - this is both more profitable and safer), which is enshrined in a document (security) called.

The list of organizations opening and servicing Individual Investment Accounts (IIA) as of 08/01/2016 is as follows:

Order number Name
1 PJSC Sberbank
4 LLC "Company BKS"
7 VTB 24 (PJSC)
9 PJSC Promsvyazbank
10 OJSC IC "ZERICH Capital Management"
11 KIT Finance (LLC)
12 Bank GPB (JSC)
13 OJSC "IC "IT Invest"
14 CJSC IFC "Solid"
15 JSC Rosselkhozbank
16 JSC Management Company "Ingosstrakh-Investments"
17 Bank SBRR (LLC)
18 Globex
19 IC "AK BARS Finance"
20 Investment company "INCOME"
22 LLC "IC VELES Capital"
25 LLC "URALSIB Capital - Financial Services"
26 LLC IC "Septem Capital"
27 PJSC JSCB "Svyaz-Bank"

The list is sorted by the number of open Individual Investment Accounts (the first position in the list is the maximum number of open IIAs), and each name is a link to the website of a specific broker, to a page dedicated to opening an IIA.


More precisely, the Alfa Capital Management Company, listed in the 6th position, does not actually open an IIS for independent management.

The IIS that this organization opens does not provide for independent actions of the citizen (they offer ready-made solutions and structural products), which we perceive as a definite disadvantage, and from the materials on this site you will learn why.

Which broker to choose

Despite the fact that the “Individual Investment Account” tax benefit is standardized in its main part, some issues are left to the discretion of brokers. For example, issues of tariffs, minimum down payment for IIS and many other important issues.

Choosing a broker responsibly can be a difficult task, since visiting and studying the websites of all companies from the proposed list can take a long time.

Currently, we will help reduce the broker selection procedure to a few minutes

You can change the broker

The good news is that during the validity period of the IIS agreement (3 years), you can change the broker at your own request unilaterally at any time.

This can happen, for example, in a situation when, after some time, a broker’s office appears in our city, whose terms of service seem more attractive to us, but we were unable to open an IIS in this organization previously due to the fact that there is no office of this organization in our city there was none, and it was inconvenient for us to go to the neighboring region.

The presence of such an important opportunity greatly simplifies the decision-making process for us - if something is not satisfactory in the work of the broker where the Individual Investment Account is opened, you can always change it to another one from the proposed list without loss.

Happy investment!

Before investing money, a novice investor should definitely study the brokerage market, find out the operating system, interest rates and where it is most profitable to make a profit. Experts say that it is recommended to enter into an agreement only with companies that have received a license and an official decision for brokerage activities. After all, unlike bank deposits, IIS is not insured.

The choice of a broker must be approached with maximum responsibility. To make the right choice, it is recommended to pay attention to the following selection criteria:

  1. Price and quality of service.
  2. Possibility to withdraw earned dividends to a current account.
  3. How reliable is it to cooperate with the chosen broker?
  4. Are there any restrictions on replenishing your account?
  5. How quickly and conveniently is it possible to open an IIS?
  6. Establishing contact with a broker.
  7. Available functionality.
  8. When there is an account balance, an automatic transfer of a percentage bonus.
  9. Providing ready-made solutions.

Sberbank - Asset Management

The most popular bank in Russia offers the following terms of cooperation when opening an individual investment account:

  1. Top up your account up to 1,000,000 rubles
  2. Minimum investment period of three years
  3. The client independently chooses from two forms of tax deduction.
Deduction applicable to contributions The deduction is made from income
To receive compensation for the contribution, the client must be officially employed, since a 13% tax is levied on wages.

The client may qualify for a tax refund (with a maximum amount of 400,000 rubles) in the amount of 52,000 rubles

To receive preferential conditions, the account must be active and replenished for three years

The client may not pay the tax imposed on transactions with securities. Once the contract is closed, the deduction will be available after three years. Profit is automatically exempt from tax.

The program provides for the mandatory validity of the IIS for three years.

Of course, where it is better to open an IIS, you should decide for yourself.


For those who want to get a reliable broker who will help ensure a high income. The work system also provides for two types of tax deductions. As a prerequisite, replenishment is possible only in national currency (rubles), where the maximum amount is up to 1,000,000 rubles.

An account can be opened for an indefinite period, but to make a profit it must be actively worked and replenished for 3 years. VTB-24 commission is only 0.0413%.

Alfa Bank

One of the popular banks in Russia offers the following conditions for opening an individual investment account:

  1. Income from annual replenishment can amount to 28.2%.
  2. The maximum contribution amount annually is 400,000 rubles.
  3. The minimum account lifespan is 3 years.
  4. The client independently decides which investment system he will use: “Our future” can be obtained as much as possible up to 20.1% of income; “New Horizons” implies an increase in rates up to 21.7%;“Growth points” maximum profit will be 28.2%.

An individual investment brokerage account should be opened after studying the terms and conditions of each bank.


A reliable broker, BCS, offers payments twice a year, which is certainly a big advantage compared to other companies. The investor's income will not be subject to VAT and is 8.96% per year. However, the company has introduced restrictions on account replenishment. The minimum investment amount is 30,000 rubles.

You can invest money in three ways:

  1. Online on the broker's official website.
  2. Through a financial advisor.
  3. During a personal visit to the company's office.

Where to open an individual investment account, and in what way, should be decided individually.


Otkritie Bank has a transparent system for working with IIS, confirming this with the developed online calculator on the official website. Each potential investor can independently calculate profitability and make a decision on cooperation.


The company offers the opportunity not only to replenish an individual account, but also the ability to calculate and perform trading operations. The maximum possible top-up amount is 1,000,000 rubles. There is a standard minimum account validity period of 3 years. The minimum interest rate on income is 16.87%.

To visualize the possible profit, it is recommended to use the online profitability calculator on the official website.


Offers standard terms of cooperation, where an amount of more than 1,000,000 rubles cannot be deposited per year. As for the minimum threshold, there is none here.

However, the investor will be able to get back the securities or invested funds only after closing the account. The minimum investment period is 3 years, therefore, profit from investments can only be received upon completion of the period. If desired, the IIS can continue to operate after three years of investment.


The Bank has developed two tariff systems. One involves compounding interest on a daily basis, and the other on a monthly basis. But it is possible to receive the required interest only after the expiration of the three-year period. It is important to take into account that the maximum contribution amount is 1,000,000 rubles.

More detailed tariffs can be found in the table on the bank’s official website.


It is impossible to withdraw partial funds from the bank until the IIS is active. Recently, based on current legislation, the bank increased the maximum amount of investments in IIS to 1,000,000 rubles.

You can only select one tax program. Combination is not provided.

Is it possible to transfer IIS from one broker to another?

If an investor, in the process of cooperation with one organization, has found a worthy replacement with more favorable conditions, then he has every right to transfer the IIS to another organization.

How to determine where it is more profitable to open an IIS? You must first order a certificate from an existing broker with all current rates and submit it to the company with which you plan to continue cooperation.

Video “How to open an individual investment account (IIA) in Sberbank”

The article is intended mainly for beginners taking their first steps in mastering the stock market. Opening a brokerage account is the first step. The final profit of the investor will depend on the correctness of the choice. Of course not directly, but indirectly.

What is profit? This is the difference between income and expenses. Income is the sale of securities (stocks, bonds) at a higher price or the receipt of dividends or coupons on bonds.

Expenses—losing trades and broker commissions.

Brokerage costs can vary not only several times, but tens of times.

As a result, an investor can pay from several hundred to several thousand rubles in the form of brokerage commissions per year.

Naturally, with an unsuccessfully chosen tariff, you can end up “poorer” by a couple of thousand. This ultimately reduces your bottom line. They make it lower by 15-20%. In some, commissions can take 50% of profits.

The very first goal is to choose a broker with minimal costs.

Where is the best place to open a brokerage account or individual investment account in 2019? Let's compare brokers based on tariffs. And we will identify the most optimal ones.

We minimize costs

Only after understanding what the broker takes money from clients for, you need to move on to comparing commissions and tariffs.

What expenses does the investor bear?

Any broker has 3 main income items:

  1. Transaction fees. Purchase and sale of securities. A percentage of the transaction amount is taken.
  2. Monthly commission. The minimum fee that a broker must receive from you per month. If, as a result of trading, trading commissions for volume exceed the minimum threshold, they will not be charged. Otherwise, the broker will retain the missing difference.
    Some brokers have no such fee at all. Others only charge if at least one transaction is made within a month. If there are no transactions, no commission is taken.
  3. Depository fee. There may be no fee, taken as a percentage of the capital (hundredths) or charged monthly (100-300 rubles) similar to the monthly commission.

Additionally, the investor pays commissions for transactions to the exchange itself. Size - 0.01% of the operation volume. All brokers have a fixed fee. And it is impossible to influence these costs by searching for better conditions. Therefore, we do not take this fact into account.

To minimize other costs, it is better to immediately abandon the imposed “expensive” tariffs with analytics, fees for auxiliary programs and other nonsense.

What is the ideal tariff?

  1. Low commissions for transactions.
  2. No minimum monthly fee
  3. No depository fees or percentage of capital.

The main ones on this list are the second and third points. Their share of expenses for the investor can be 90-95% of all brokerage commissions.

In most cases, it's better to choose a plan that even has higher transaction fees but no other costs.

Let's look at a conditional example.

Broker A: takes 0.05% of the transaction amount. There are no more expenses.

The investor contributes 10 thousand monthly for a year. With this money he buys bonds. With 120,000 received funds per year, the total commission will be 60 rubles (120,000 x 0.05%).

Broker B. Transaction commission - 0.03%. And the minimum fee for the month + depository (if there are transactions in the month) is 250 rubles.

The investor will pay for the year:

  • commission for transactions - 36 rubles (120,000 x 0.03%);
  • 12 monthly payments of 250 - 3,000 rubles.

Total: 3,036 rubles.

We got a 50-fold difference in annual expenses!!!

The main problem is that most people will work according to this scheme (monthly depositing amounts into a brokerage account). It’s trivial to save money from your salary.

How will this affect the final profit?

We buy monthly bonds with deposited funds with a yield of 10% per annum. The average annual profit will be approximately 5%. Or 6,000 rubles. We take away our brokerage expenses and only half of the profit remains.

Interesting? I don't think so.

How to choose a broker

It is better to start choosing a favorable tariff by choosing a reliable broker. It would be better to narrow down the list of candidates.

We choose the best (reliable). And among the best, we are looking for the most profitable brokers with low tariffs.

How to choose a reliable broker? Including for opening an IIS. What is the selection criterion?

At the time of writing, 369 companies had a brokerage license.

But there are several nuances here. Each rating agency has its own calculation methods. As a result, for the same broker, indicators in different agencies may vary. The rating calculation method itself is quite subjective. Plus, the possibility of manipulating ratings for personal gain cannot be ruled out (it’s commonplace that the brokerage company paid for an increase in the investment rating).

For example, you can familiarize yourself with the investment ratings of companies using the link on the website of the National Rating Agency.

Anything with the letter A or B is considered reliable.

The Moscow Exchange website publishes its own rating of brokers every month.

  • by volume of customer transactions;
  • by the number of active clients.

How can this information help us?

We have a list of the most popular brokers among clients. If people have made a choice in their favor, this indicates their reliability and (or) profitability for trading on the stock exchange.

From this we will dance..... Narrowing the list of brokers from several hundred to a couple of dozen.

Broker ratings - comparison of tariffs

The table shows the commissions of the main brokers in Russia in 2019. Tariffs are designed for investors making rare transactions. And not having significant capital.

Ideally, for opening individual investment accounts (IIA). For the purpose of investing, not active trading. I deposited money into an account and bought stocks or bonds. And you keep it for three years or more. By periodically depositing the Nth amount of funds.

The main task is to identify from each broker the most optimal tariff that suits the majority. With average or minimum turnover in the account.

The Depository Charges column shows the fee for active months. If there were no transactions, no fee is charged.

Broker / Tariff Commissions per transaction Minimum fee per month Depository expenses (month)
Opening - Universal0.057% (minimum 0.04 rubles per transaction)295 rubles (no charge for account balances over 50 thousand rubles)175 rubles (if there are deals)
Finam - Single Optimum0.0354% (minimum 41.3 rubles per transaction)177 177
BCS - Start0,0354% 354 (but not less than 35.4 on the day of the transaction)177
IT Capital - stock0.035% (minimum 0.1 ruble per transaction)300 (for accounts less than 50 thousand rubles)300 (if you choose the Basic depository tariff)
Promsvyazbank – PSB Day0,05% NoNo
Zerich - one universal0.055 (not less than 35 rubles) 306 No
Tinkoff0,3% 99 rubles (if there were transactions) / no transactions - no feeNo
Aton - Starter0,17% NoNo
Sberbank - Independent0,125% No 149
Alor - First0,05% 250 150
VTB - Investor Standard0,0413% No150
Kit-Standard0,048% 200 200
Alpha - Optimal0,04% No0.06% per annum of the average monthly asset value
Uralsib0,0472% 400!!! No
Gazprombank0,085% NoNo

Choosing the optimal tariff

The top brokers are not suitable for investors with small capital. This is not to say that they are bad. First of all, they are designed for large or active players. And they try to cut off the “trifles” with higher commissions.

Most brokerage companies can simply be removed from the list due to fixed fixed costs in the form of subscription fees and depository services.

As a result, 4 brokers have more or less acceptable conditions for opening an individual investment account:

  1. Promsvyazbank - 0.05%;
  2. Aton - 0.17%;
  3. Alpha - 0.04%;
  4. Gazprombank - 0.085%;

You can, of course, include Tinkoff here. But it's a stretch. Commissions of 0.3% are high. And they are significantly higher than the market average. An additional disadvantage of Tinkoff is the inability to open an individual investment account within a brokerage account. The broker is well suited for trading foreign stocks. In this regard, its commissions are lower than its competitors.

Since November 2018, the option of opening an individual investment account has become available for Tinkoff investments.

Part of the disadvantage of high commissions can be offset by a cash bonus of 1,000 rubles. Register using the link below. We buy any securities from one thousand rubles. And the money is in your pocket (or rather in your account). The bonus received will be enough to cover trading costs for a whole year. And in case of rare trading - for all 3 years (minimum lifetime of the IIS).

The minimum comfortable amount to start working with Aton is 50 thousand rubles (or you will have to pay a monthly commission). Alfa, Uralsib, GPB and Promsvyazbank allow you to start with any amount.

Choosing a suitable broker. Let's open an account. And...we start investing. With minimal costs))))

Happy investment!

Not all of our fellow citizens currently know how and where to properly invest their own savings. Of course, bank deposits are still popular to this day due to the fact that individuals do not yet know this real opportunity to earn a little more thanks to an individual investment account, and there are even those who do not know how this system works. Let's try to figure out what it is, what benefits such accounts provide to the client, and also how to open an individual account.

What is IIS

In simple terms, an individual investment account is investing your own savings in assets with the aim of making a profit. That is, you entrust your capital to a broker or management company, and they, in turn, invest money in profitable projects and receive income. You can choose your own intermediary, terms of cooperation and even ways to receive benefits.

This practice appeared in our country not so long ago, namely on January 1, 2015, the purpose of creating investment accounts is to attract money from individuals, thereby making financing cheaper. A few years earlier, bank lending was used as financing, that is, thanks to investment accounts, the bank is excluded from the chain, and, therefore, the need for lending disappears. Of course, in practice the scheme looks much more complicated, but potential investors only need to know that the money is working for them, and the profit from their work is no less than 1.5% higher than the bank deposit.

Before you open an individual investment account, you need to know all the ways to earn income from your own investments, and at the moment there are two schemes:

  1. A profit of 13% on all investments for one calendar year, this option is ideal for taxpayers.
  2. Deduction of investment income tax in the amount of 13% on the profits you received from your investments in the stock market.

Please note that your choice of income depends on whether you are officially employed and pay income tax or not. The fact is that if you are not officially employed and do not pay income tax, then only the second option is suitable for you.

But in this case, each potential investor is faced with a choice of which profitability scheme is better to choose, at least if you are legally employed, then both schemes are suitable for you. Here, to begin with, it is better to choose the first option, with it you are guaranteed to receive an income of 13% of the investment amount, regardless of other circumstances. Moreover, if you invest money into your individual account every year, you will receive benefits every year.

In the second option, you will not receive the 13% benefit on your investment, but instead you will have income from the investment and will not have to pay income tax on it. As mentioned above, even if you do not work officially, you can in any case become a private investor. As for the amount of profit, it will probably be larger in the first option.

By the way, there are several rules of investing that everyone should know:

  1. You can open an account for a period of at least three years, you can withdraw money earlier than the period established by law, but in this case you will lose a profitability of 13% when choosing the first profit accrual scheme, and if you previously received 13%, you will have to return it to the state.
  2. You can first open an account, then decide on the profit accrual scheme; this can be done at the end of the investment period; you cannot choose both at the same time.
  3. Only citizens of our country and tax residents can open an account; the account is opened exclusively in domestic currency.
  4. One person can open only one account, and if you made investments through one intermediary, then in the future you can transfer your savings to another, but you can open a new account only after you have closed the first one.
  5. The maximum investment amount for one calendar year should not exceed 400,000 rubles, the maximum tax deduction amount is 52,000 rubles, that is, 13%.

Please note that individual investment accounts are not under government protection, unlike bank deposits.

How to open an account

Opening an IIS consists of several stages. First of all, you need to determine where it is better to open an IIS, because this can be done in two ways through a broker or management company. Brokers are essentially intermediaries through which you can become a participant in the stock market. The scheme of working with brokers is quite simple: you can make your own decisions, and your intermediary will implement them, for the reason that, by law, individuals cannot be bidders. Here you directly control your investment income. Brokerage services are paid; as a rule, the remuneration is expressed as a percentage of the transaction.

In another option, you can contact the management company, and they, in turn, are subsidiaries of commercial banks. For example, Sberbank, Otkritie, VTB, Alfa Bank provide this opportunity. Here the work scheme will be somewhat simpler, you simply enter into an agreement with a management company and transfer your savings to trust management, and company representatives can manage them independently. You just need to make the right choice: high-yield projects with high risk and, conversely, low risk and low profitability.

Please note that the activities of brokers and management companies are regulated by the Central Bank of Russia; this is a licensed type of activity, so before concluding an agreement, be sure to make sure that your intermediary operates legally; this can be done on the official website of the Bank of Russia.

Choosing a company

So, the first step will be choosing a company, namely, you need to determine where it is more profitable to open an individual investment account. You definitely need to study the current list of offers and determine which ones best suit your requirements. Here is a list of current leaders, these include: Sberbank, FINAM, Otkritie, BCS, VTB. By the way, it is Sberbank that currently has the most accounts open, more than 66,000.

At the next stage, you need to apply to open an account, you can find out how to do this on the official website of the broker or management company you have chosen. If you have any questions about opening accounts, be sure to use the hotline. In any case, you will have to visit the organization’s office and write an application, but many management companies provide the opportunity to write an application remotely, that is, on the official website, however, here, the client will probably be required to register on the State Services portal and electronic signature, but this question is worth clarifying .

Next you have to sign the agreement, there is no need to rush here, study it carefully. If you cooperate with a broker, you will get not just an agreement, but an act of accession to the company’s regulations. In both options, you will receive data to access your personal account, in which you will be able to perform some operations, in particular, top up your investment account.

Finally, after registration actions are prohibited, you will need to top up your account with a certain amount. By law, the minimum wear and tear is unlimited, but management companies can set a minimum threshold, for example, from 1000 to 5000 rubles. By the way, if you do not have the required amount available, then there is a certain period during which you can top up your account, but all these nuances are individual.

How to get a tax deduction

So, after you deposited money into the account, it immediately went to work, employees of the management company or brokers manage the finances, they are already starting to generate income, but you still have not received the tax deduction that you are entitled to in accordance with the law. The intermediaries themselves will not pay you any compensation; this is within the authority of the tax office, so you will need to contact them there. Here you need to go through just a few steps:

You will need a number of mandatory documents, including a certificate confirming your taxpayer status, that is, 2-NDFL, which you take at your place of work, a civil passport, an agreement with a management company or an act from a broker, it will confirm that you have an individual investment account.

It will be quite difficult to fill out the 3-NDFL declaration, which you will have to submit to the Federal Tax Service, but most intermediaries who manage your investment account provide support and help fill out the document, for a fee, of course.

Submit the documents along with the declaration to the Federal Tax Service; this can be done in two ways: personally appear at the office at the place of registration, or remotely. By the way, it will be easier and faster to open an IIS through State Services. If you have a confirmed account, then you will need to find the appropriate service in the menu, click on the button, the system will automatically redirect you to the Federal Tax Service website, where you fill out the documents, but it should be borne in mind that you do not need to register separately on the Federal Tax Service website.

At the last stage, you need to wait for verification and transfer of funds. The process will take quite a long time, due to the fact that only the consideration of the application takes from 1 to 3 months.

Please note that when submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service, do not forget to provide your bank account number to receive a wire transfer.

Actually, at this point the process of opening an investment account will be completed; you can only wait for the end of the investment period and receive income. By the way, your money will mainly be invested in the purchase of securities, in particular government bonds. Each security brings individual income, that is, profitability can be 3–5% per year, or maybe 13–15%. It is always worth remembering that the greater the risk, the greater the profit.