How to find inner harmony and calm down. How to achieve harmony in life

IN modern world constant running, stress and the desire for results, fashion is gradually shifting towards such concepts as “harmony”, “finding one’s place in life”, “determining one’s personal goal”, “finding happiness”. People get tired of running like “squirrels in a wheel” after new achievements and ephemeral goals, which in the end sometimes do not bring satisfaction. Society strives to achieve harmony and happiness, which do not depend on the amount of material wealth.

That is why in recent years Various spiritual practices and ancient teachings, such as yoga, became widespread. But even with their help, it is not always possible to find a harmonious state in the existing realities, where there is a need to earn a living, fulfill plans and achieve goals, where stress has become a familiar companion of life. How to find harmony with yourself, how to combine the unshakable peace of mind spiritual teachers and our living conditions?

Let's try to put into practice the advice of the sages and arrange their instructions according to the colors of the rainbow, which is natural, natural symbol harmony. After all, a rainbow appears in nature due to the light of the sun and rain - nature receives life-giving moisture and at the same time is warmed by the rays of the sun!

1. Red - Listen to yourself

Red is the color of blood, the true essence. Try to figure out what is “in your blood”.

No one knows better than you yourself what will bring you happiness and what will irritate you. Some people like the measured life of a homebody, others cannot sit within four walls for two days, for some it is important to communicate with people, while others work better in the absence of distracting conversations. In everyday life, desires are often imposed on us from external environment: working vicissitudes, pursuit of prestige. It's easy to lose yours true desires and not notice how your favorite job turned into fanaticism, friendship into self-affirmation, and the desire to satisfy hunger into overeating. In pursuit of satisfying other people's desires, it is almost impossible to feel joyful and satisfied.

What to do? Ask yourself the question “Am I happy with what I am doing now?”, “Do I really want a piece of the pie?”, “Does my being in this place bring me happiness?” This will allow you to constantly monitor your personal condition and notice your true desires. And then a situation will not arise when you accidentally realize that you spent a certain amount of time making someone else’s dream come true. Even if the answers to these questions are negative, do not be upset. You evaluate your current situation and can understand where you want to move next or why you are suffering hardships.

2. Orange - Find your balance point

Orange color represents emotions and feelings. Are all the feelings you experience really yours?

Many people know that an excess of emotions, especially negative ones, can disrupt the calm flow of life and interfere with accepting important decisions and spoil relationships with loved ones. But only a few know that we often experience emotions that are not our own. Have you noticed how your mood changes depending on the place and people around you? Is there a difference in your condition, for example, in the morning before entering the subway and after leaving the subway? I'm sure you notice the difference.

The reason lies in the resonance that we inherited from our ancient ancestors. Long before the appearance of Homo erectus, our ancestors were herd animals and a keen sense of the emotions of their relatives was vital: at one end of the herd there was a whiff of fear, which means there was danger, or at the other end joy and excitement were felt, which means it was quite possible that there was a watering hole nearby. It is thanks to the subconscious feeling of the emotional mood that we have such signs as empathy, sympathy and empathy. But along with the positive effects, we get a certain dependence on other people’s moods.

What to do? Learn to track changes in your mood - when you wake up in the morning, on the way to work, at school, when changing environment. Then you will be able to track which sensations are yours, and which appeared without an objective reason, from interaction with other people. There are several ways to limit the influence of the emotional states of others. One of them is to imagine a protective cocoon around yourself, through which the negative emotions of strangers do not reach you. This cocoon can be made of any material that you would like to imagine: glass, fire, water. And to get rid of unnecessary emotions, you can use this technique: take a deep breath and say to yourself on the way out: “Other people’s emotions are leaving me,” “I only experience my own feelings, I don’t have other people’s emotions.”

3. Yellow - Be realistic

Yellow in some cultures it symbolizes clarity and cloudlessness. Soberly assess the current situation.

IN lately many common in various ways relaxation. Given the pace of our lives, relaxation techniques are sometimes vital. And often there is an opinion that relaxation is the only way to find harmony with yourself: you just need to “let go” of the situation and life will improve. But if you are sitting on a hot stove, then most likely no technique will help. You need to get off the stove or at least turn down the heat. Relaxation, unfortunately, is not a panacea. With its help you can restore strength, but not solve the problem. This is a way to regain calm, to look at the issue from a new angle, to use obstacles as opportunities for development, but not a way to ignore difficulties.

What to do? If you understand that relaxation methods do not produce results, then you need to change your external circumstances. And if you are underestimated at work, you “burn out”, your salary does not cover your emotional costs, then instead of restoring your peace of mind, it is better to start looking for a more suitable workplace. Once you solve the problem, the tension will go away on its own.

4. Green - Take loving care of yourself

Green is the color of love in Hinduism. In our own culture green associated with nature and activity.

Everyone knows that sport has a tonic and harmonizing effect on our body. No one disputes that playing sports helps keep not only the body in shape, but also emotional state. But for some reason, not everyone manages to devote time to sports. There are some reasons, excuses that do not allow you to pay due attention to physical education or exercise.

We were taught that we should do sports not for pleasure, but focusing on the result: run 10 km, lose 5 kg, do 100 push-ups, get in shape 90-60-90. And such goals are either difficult to achieve, or after achieving them, all interest in sports is lost. As a result, we often scold ourselves for being weak-willed. The constant need for results leads to the fact that we take on additional obligations: we get nervous when they are not fulfilled, we blame ourselves, thereby ruining our lives.

What to do? Choose a sport you like, where you can enjoy the process, and not just chase results and break records. Perhaps you would prefer a pool with children on weekends rather than a grueling fitness routine. Or find a course on video resources on the Internet morning exercises. Or maybe it will be evening jogging with the dog in the park - you can turn anything you like to do into a sport. Allow yourself to enjoy sports and not think about the results. Then sport can become a part of your life, which will bring joy, tone and, perhaps, discover how to find harmony with yourself.

5. Blue - Develop in different areas of life

Blue is the color of the sky, self-improvement and reason. Devote some time to self-development.

An important part of inner harmony is self-respect. This means that it is important to feel not only strong, beautiful, but also smart, not only a narrow specialist, professional, but also a versatile erudite. For this, it is useful to constantly develop - be it visiting theater premieres, exhibitions, cinemas, professional development, studying foreign language, reading non-fiction or anything else. A versatile personality is not only interesting for small talk, such people cope better with their responsibilities at work, since their horizons are broad and they are able to find non-standard solutions in difficult situations. And most importantly, constant self-development is the key to stable self-esteem - if at the moment there are failures in one of the areas of life, then successes in other areas compensate for them, and a person’s self-esteem does not suffer. Thus, mental balance is not disturbed and the person is ready for new accomplishments.

What to do? Find areas of life that interest you in studying. And it is not necessary that you will spend a lot of time on this or take it away from other favorite activities. For example, if your child takes extra classes in astronomy, you can study this subject with him. This will allow you not only to gain new knowledge, but also to support friendly relations with a child, as you will have general theme for discussions. Or, for example, there is an opportunity to combine meetings with friends and self-development: agree to go to some events periodically. This can be exciting if everyone takes turns choosing where to go this time - to an exhibition, a private screening of a new film or a concert. You can also get into the habit of reading useful literature while you get to work.

6. Blue - Communicate with happy people

Blue color creates an atmosphere of security and trust. Pay attention to friends and acquaintances around whom you feel relaxed.

Everyone knows the saying “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.” It makes sense because the people close to us with whom we often communicate influence us. And if, for example, whining housewives have gathered around you, then it is very difficult to remain a cheerful and energetic person. At first glance, it may seem that having a pessimist in your close circle is not scary.

But if you are careful, you can track how his sense of self, views and conversations affect you. Remember examples when someone you know ended up in “bad” company, how did his behavior change over time? That is why it is worth paying close attention to your surroundings.

What to do? Look around your immediate environment - who do you spend most of your time with? How are these people feeling? Do they enjoy life, have fun, achieve results? Or are others constantly to blame for their misfortunes? These people may not necessarily be close to you; perhaps they are a colleague with whom you spend a lot of time at work and he tirelessly complains about his wife, boss, or government. Or a neighbor who often comes to visit you to express her dissatisfaction with life and tell you about new diseases. In this case, it is worth adjusting your time spent with such people. Surround yourself with cheerful, happy people and you will notice that you will feel much better.

7. Purple - Make your dreams come true for free

Purple- the color of dreams, fantasy and magic. Remember when in last time Have you given yourself a Fairy Tale?

It is completely natural to please yourself with large and small gifts, and often simply necessary. We all like to pamper ourselves and receive various pleasures, be it an extra day off, a delicious eclair or a planned trip. But there is a catch: often we do not pamper ourselves, but reward ourselves. For example, after a week of hard work, you can allow yourself a day in front of the TV, or after fitness, eat a cake - it seems harmless.

But if there is a reward, then there is also a punishment. In this case, gifts become a way of manipulating oneself. And in some cases, after receiving the “reward”, a stage of self-criticism follows - “why did I eat an extra eclair” and the like.

What to do? Replace self-criticism with self-control, that is, be aware of your needs and resources. And most importantly, let gifts become the norm, a way to cheer up, for which you don’t have to pay for it later. Gifts are a child's joy in your life, and not a “carrot” on a par with a “stick”.

So, the key answer to the question of how to find harmony with yourself: harmony is born where there is no place for restrictions and conventions! Life is at your disposal, accept it in all its beauty and fullness! Even if sometimes a rainbow is somewhere over the horizon...

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Don’t get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

Today there are many blogs on different topics. But the topics of the blog “Live!” became the closest to me. This is due to the nature of my profession. Often people who come to me for coaching are quite successful, literate, earn good money, and are constantly developing. And usually coaching begins with requests: increase profits, develop new business qualities, write down a development plan, time management, and so on. That is, relevant topics for today for all successful and business people. But often such coaching smoothly transitions to working on personal issues: improving relationships with loved ones, employees, children, spouses; find free time for your personal needs and requirements; make life more interesting, brighter, more harmonious.

And I made certain conclusions: people have forgotten how to LIVE! They are constantly running somewhere headlong, earning money, rushing to meetings, developing daily in many directions, becoming better, smarter, stronger, more enterprising... And then I ask them the question: “Why do you need all this?” And I see emptiness in my eyes. And I hear in response the memorized, well-known phrases: “To be happy.” “And when you are happy, what are you like? What are you doing? Who surrounds you and what is happening to you? And the person describes a situation completely opposite to today’s way of life.

Many people have a stereotype: in order to get something, you must first invest a lot of effort, emotions, money, time, all of yourself, and generally forget about normal existence for a certain period of time. And only then will success await you! Only through numerous attempts and excessive efforts can you achieve happiness, success and harmony. But this is absolutely not true!

The main idea of ​​​​every person's life is to enjoy every day we live: to enjoy the food we eat; in obtaining benefit from the people with whom we communicate; in enjoying the work we do, etc. After all, we only live once! And we live TODAY!

To attract harmony into your life, I recommend introducing a couple of simple habits into your daily actions: Play sports. Sport is the time when you are yourself. I would even recommend doing yoga or dancing. It always gives strength, energy, improves mood and health! Meditations. During meditation, a person can very effectively turn to his essence, truly understand what he needs, relax and gain positive energy. internal energy! In 10 minutes of meditation you can relax nicely and gain strength for the whole day! Nutrition. In addition to the fact that you need to eat properly and exclusively healthy food, I would also recommend making some kind of ritual out of food intake. Don’t sin by snacking on the road... Set the table, decorate the dishes, eat slowly, feel and appreciate the taste of food, as gourmets do. Find a hobby for yourself, or a pleasant activity that engages you and distracts you from all worldly matters. And, preferably, do it yourself! It is very important to sometimes spend time alone with yourself. By the way, this is how you can develop your creativity. Surround yourself only with people you enjoy talking to, and from whom you have something to learn. Much has already been said about the influence of the environment on us and our successes. I won't repeat myself. I will only say one thing: experiencing pleasure from communicating with people is an important aspect in achieving life harmony. Love yourself! Love life!

Have you ever met people who radiate joy and love, and next to them you feel cozy and comfortable? These people are respected and listened to, you want to communicate with them and be around them, you feel positive energy, calmness and tranquility from them. And why all? Because these people live in harmony with themselves, with their inner world. Would you like to know how to get inner harmony and not dream of happiness, but be a happy person?

First you need to understand yourself, try to understand yourself, what you want, and not the society around you. In other words, you must understand and get to know yourself, figure out what exactly makes you happy and joyful, and what, on the contrary, makes you feel insecure, depresses and irritates you. There is no need to be afraid to be alone with yourself and face your thoughts. At this stage, analyze your life, what you would like to change and how to do it, make plans for the future and think about ways to implement them.

Prepare yourself for persistent and labor-intensive work on yourself, on your inner world. You don’t need to change yourself, you need to understand who you are and what you want, find your purpose. Engage in self-development, read books, gain new knowledge, keep learning, improve yourself, develop new skills.

Never go against yourself and do something that does not bring you any pleasure, do not violate your principles, unless it is to the detriment of other people. In order to find peace, learn to love yourself and do not betray yourself, do everything you promised to yourself.

The important qualities of a person who is in harmony with his thoughts and inner world are balance, calmness, and self-confidence. Learn to control your emotions and thoughts, think carefully before you say anything. Do not react too violently to situations, even if something does not go as you planned or as you expected. Thoughts and words also have great power. To understand how to find harmony with yourself, get rid of negative thoughts, learn positive thinking.

Since the path to inner harmony lies not only through self-knowledge, although this is a large part, but also through communication with other people, society plays an important role. Think about whether you are satisfied with everything about the people you communicate with; perhaps you need to change your attitude towards them and see them positive qualities, then communication will not depress you, but will become pleasant. Think about how you relate to the people around you, whether this communication comes down only to receiving benefits from them. If so, then learn to give people joy and warmth.

How to achieve harmony within yourself?

Make sure that after meeting you people feel only joy and pleasant satisfaction and look forward to meeting you again. Help people, give them your support when they need it, then people will be grateful to you and will definitely come to your aid when you need it.

Don't forget about your family and friends, especially your parents and children, give them your warmth and love and always remind them of how much you love them. Be kind and treat people with respect, do not allow yourself to judge them and insult them.

Separately, I would like to say about material values. Many people mistakenly believe that the more material wealth they achieve, the more harmonious life will be. But only by understanding how to achieve harmony in your soul can you truly rejoice material assets, and they will be able to bring you joy.

Learn to hear yourself and listen to inner voice, look for your road, your path, which will definitely lead you to happiness. This is a rather thorny road that every person should go through, but having withstood all the tests and done the work on yourself, you will find not only harmony with yourself, but also with the outside world, with the people around you.

That's all for today!

WITHwas youInna Izvekova.

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Who among us doesn’t want to wake up free, happy and natural, with love in our eyes for ourselves and the world around us? Enjoy yourself and all the joys of a multifaceted life that captivates you into the unknown? Yes, precisely to enjoy the fact that you are the one and only, divine creature worthy of the best.

Change yourself, love yourself - and the world around you will change. We have heard these words more than once. But is it so easy to love yourself? And why, when we hear derogatory remarks addressed to us, do we agree with them, taking everything personally?

Such voices of “other people’s grandmothers,” like echoes of past childhood, for a long time, and sometimes throughout our lives, deprive us of the joy of being ourselves. A kind of defensive system is triggered, protecting the sensory world, but depriving the joy of the feeling of one’s “I”. Self-love is sometimes associated with other people's love for us.

Dependence on other people's opinions and assessments is, perhaps, main reason our dislike. How can we get rid of the opinion about ourselves imposed on us from the outside and love our own “I”? I want to offer you some advice, in my opinion the only correct one, as a way out of a difficult life problem- “self-dislike” so that you finally remember the exciting dance of life.

1. “I am loved and valued as much as I love and value myself.”

This phrase should become the only correct motto of life on the path of self-love. You yourself can become a source of joy and love.

2. Nobody is perfect

Remember the words from the movie Some Like It Hot: “Everyone has their own shortcomings.” Love yourself for who you are. Never allow yourself to be humiliated.

3. Don't compare yourself to others

You are special and unique. Loving yourself means treating yourself with love.

4. Accept your flaws

Weaknesses in some situation can shine brighter than strengths.

5. Improve yourself

You always have a chance to improve. Loving yourself means constantly working on yourself.

6. Don't worry about what others think of you.

They themselves are concerned about what you think about them. Form your positive opinion about yourself.

7. Praise yourself even for the smallest successes

Repeat to yourself: “I’m just lovely!”

8. Act on your inner motivations

Then there will be no feeling that you did something against your will. Respect your thoughts, desires and dreams.

9. Try to make your own decisions

This way you can appreciate your own importance and independence.

10. Be yourself

Say and do what you think is necessary. At the same time, of course, without infringing on the interests of others.

And then your eyes will sparkle, and a smile of happiness and love will shine on your face, and you will be transformed right before your eyes... You yourself will become a source of love, joy, light and strength. You will live in harmony with yourself. You'll see, you'll succeed! You will become the most beautiful in the world. You just need to be at peace with yourself. Both with yourself and with the world around you.

Improve yourself and look for yourself! After all, only by understanding ourselves can we accept ourselves. Loving yourself and enjoying the joy of life is as natural for a person as the flight of a bird in the sky. This world is for you, this life is for you, and therefore love is for you!

True should be looked fornot in external conditions human existence, but within people. It is necessary to develop the soul of every person.
Help him become more merciful, more tolerant, simply kinder.

B. Akunin.

We must learn to remain calm during periods of hectic activity and to be internally mobile while remaining calm.

Indira Gandhi

God is inner harmony. Osho.

What is inner harmony? Harmony translated from Greek means connection, order, consonance, harmony, agreement, coherence, proportionality, harmonious order, correspondence. is unity in plurality. That is, harmony is intended to be a perfect connection between opposing properties.

There is nothing more valuable than being in harmony, in agreement with the whole. Essentially, his whole life, his relationship, both with himself and with the world as a whole, depends on how much.

I suggest an experiment: watch two different people, harmonious and inharmonious person. Which one do you prefer? The answer is obvious. For a person who does not feel inner harmony, very often his appearance, environment, and leisure leave much to be desired. A harmonious person, on the contrary, radiates the energy of love, both to himself and to other people. He is calm, happy and enjoying his life. This is a self-sufficient person. He does not gossip, does not criticize, does not express dissatisfaction, and does not assert himself at the expense of other people. The eyes of such a person glow with peace. Being next to such a person, you can feel strength and charm. People are intuitively drawn to such a person, feeling their wisdom and possession of truth. A harmonious person's desires always coincide with his possibilities.

How can you be like such a person? How to find inner harmony? Where to start?

And you need to start with internal work over yourself, over your self-improvement and personal growth. What is behind these words?

To be an internally harmonious person, you need to understand yourself, your nature. Develop your Divine gift and your talents. You need to do a thorough analysis, understand what is stopping you from being happy, joyful and healthy person? To do this, you need to know yourself, answer the question of who I am, what I want, why I am here. These are very important questions that need to be answered. If your goal is to find inner harmony forever (and not for some short period of time), then in this case, you need to prepare for long and hard work on yourself, on your inner qualities.

Since we live in society and are constantly surrounded by people around us, inner harmony(like many other personal qualities) are developed in the process of relationships.

Inner harmony comes from self-love, from acceptance and understanding of both yourself and other people. The ancients called to us: Cognosce te ipsum, . They believed that this phrase contained absolute truth. And to know yourself, you need to study all your life.

Many people mistakenly try to achieve harmony through the acquisition of external material goods. But the state of harmony belongs to the spiritual category; it cannot be achieved through the acquisition of various material goods. This path will not lead to achieving what you want. Material wealth appears as a reflection of spiritual life.

To put it simply, harmony does not need to be achieved, it needs to be discovered within oneself. Harmony is our true nature. By discovering your true nature, realizing your values, attitudes, attitude towards yourself and towards people, an understanding appears that leads to inner harmony.

What do you do, for example, when a situation doesn't turn out the way you would like? What are you doing, what thoughts and feelings do you have? If you are angry and indignant, experiencing dissatisfaction and irritation, then you need to understand that negative emotions and feelings never resolve conflicts effectively. If you want to achieve inner harmony, learn to react calmly to problems. Try to resolve conflicts constructively, calmly, without emotions.