The boy's name is Yaroslav. Yaroslav - Sagittarius

Yaroslav is truly a princely name, the owners of which were 16 Russian princes. There is no consensus on its origin. Some researchers believe that it was formed from the Old Russian words “yar” - “ardent”, “strong”, “powerful”, “energetic”, “hot” and “slav” - “slava”, which together can mean “possessing bright glory " In the times of paganism, “yar” had the semantic meaning of “fertility”, “life-giving power”. Given name sometimes interpreted as “glorious for its vitality,” “strong,” “bright.” There is also such an interpretation as “glorifying Yarila” - the god of the Sun.

Men named Yaroslav are smart, wise, strong in character, strong in spirit, persistent and unhurried. But often they have a certain duality: for example, Yaroslavs tend to put on a mask of indifference and rigidity, behind which hides a vulnerable soul that is sensitive to the grief of others. Only the closest people can Yaroslav reveal his innermost dreams or pour out his grief, but the closed Yaroslav has very few such people.

Characteristics of the name Yaroslav

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

Patron planet: .

Dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Amber.

Talisman-color: White, Green, Brown.

Plant talisman: Nettle.

Animal mascot: Pheasant.

Character traits: Inconstancy, Self-love, Fortitude.

Yaroslav is a talented man who can find himself in any profession without exception. He is sociable, open and sincere, thanks to which he is welcome in any company. This sympathetic man will never refuse help, and legends are made about his generosity, kindness and hospitality. But the spring Yaroslav expects the same return from those around him, rightly believing that good begets good.

Yaroslav is a kind and sensitive man who always tries to understand his neighbor. Its main disadvantage is that it is quite easily susceptible to outside influence. At the same time, the summer Yaroslav is persistent and stubborn, and these qualities of his most often manifest themselves, first of all, in critical situations. One cannot help but mention the excessive emotionality of this man, which prevents him from competently building his career.

Yaroslav– a spiritual person with a refined and vulnerable soul. He is concerned with questions of the universe and other philosophical and psychological topics. He is modest and often reserved, which is why it is quite difficult for him to achieve success in life. In general, the autumn Yaroslav is a reasonable, diplomatic, correct and scrupulous person; he tends to carefully consider all his actions.

Yaroslav has enough complex character. He is characterized by such traits as isolation, taciturnity and excessive scrupulousness, bordering on meticulousness. Among positive qualities winter Yaroslav, I would like to note his non-conflict nature and ability to quickly adapt to any conditions and circumstances. He knows how to listen and draw conclusions, and always strives to get to the bottom of the problem being discussed.

Character of the name Yaroslav

As a child, Yarik manifests himself as a naughty, eccentric and active boy. Yaroslav most often looks like his mother, although his character is closer to his father. Parents often receive comments and complaints from teachers about their child's behavior at school. WITH early age he reads fairy tales, books and loves independence.

The character of the adult Yaroslav is complex and stubborn. He is a hidden nature. The mystery of the name combines the perseverance, poise and observation of its bearer. Throughout his life, he gets to know himself and is in search of the meaning of life, so he often reads philosophical literature and psychology.

The owner of this name is characterized by strong energy, and throughout his life he tries to take a leading position in the team and society. Always sets clear goals and strives to quickly implement them. In dealing with others he is polite, has good manners and upbringing.

Positive traits of the name Yaroslav: Energy, determination, firmness, self-confidence, perseverance, reliability. Yaroslav is distinguished by his sedateness and wisdom. Even in childhood, the name Yaroslav has an important appearance. He is devoid of fussiness and verbosity. His actions are precise and verified.

Negative traits of the name Yaroslav: Vanity, secrecy, irony, cynicism. Yaroslav does not reveal his true thoughts and goals, and is not inclined to trust people at first sight. He is able to subjugate the people around him, control their minds and take advantage of their favor.

Interests and hobbies

Yaroslav is a sporty man and spends a lot of time in the gym to keep his figure in good shape. He is interested in martial arts, studies philosophical sciences and the intricacies of psychology, loves to learn something new about space and everything connected with it. Huge travel lover. At home she devotes her attention to pets and flowers.

Profession and business

Yaroslav can try his hand at any field of activity. Every work brings him fruitful results. In the team he is respected by colleagues and superiors. Considering that he is a talented and sophisticated person, greatest success achieves in the writing and musical fields. Can be an excellent teacher, engineer. Often becomes a clergyman. He is successful in business, has regular partners, and is always accompanied by profitable deals.

Adventurous and ready to take risks, Yaroslav can achieve very great heights in business, because he knows how to quickly react to certain circumstances and accept right decisions. In addition, he lacks entrepreneurial acumen, toughness and hard work, which are important for successful business management.

Mentality and health

According to his character type, Yaroslav most often refers to phlegmatic people. Yaroslav goes through life with his head held high, and nothing can make him deviate from his intended path. He craves participation, understanding and even sympathy, but will never show his true feelings, so those around him see him as a cheerful, confident and carefree person. Many are repelled from Yaroslav by his selfishness and commercialism (this man is ready to do a lot to achieve material gain). But still, when communicating with Yaroslav, one gets an extremely positive impression of him, because he is open, sociable and friendly. Yaroslav knows how to control himself, but sometimes his toughness gets the better of him, which, combined with stubbornness, creates an explosive cocktail that is better not to drink.

Yarik has good, strong health. At an early age, he may be bothered by allergic diseases. Adult Yarik is a physically healthy and strong man who rarely seeks help from doctors, but still he should pay attention to work cardiovascular system, as well as on the condition of the stomach and pancreas.

Love and sex

Yaroslav can be either a puritan or an amorous man. In general, he prefers stability in feelings, so he is responsible when choosing a partner. He values, pampers and cherishes his beloved woman, and can forgive her a lot, especially if he has deep feelings for his chosen one. However, Yaroslav’s woman must remember that in return he expects maximum attention, affection, tenderness, care and love from her. Therefore, you should not speculate on the feelings of Yarik, who will not tolerate indifference towards himself.

Yaroslav is real ladies' man, he has an innate sexuality. This is a romantic and passionate nature. In a company with representatives of the fair sex, he always attracts attention, is easy and simple to communicate with. He has a specific taste for women, and for a long time he has been looking for the one to whom he will devote his whole life. For him, sex plays an important role. He considers it the highest pleasure. He is especially sensitive to foreplay in intimate communication with a girl. In sexual desire and intimacy, the initiative always belongs to him. Not capable of deceiving women in relationships. Therefore, immediately with the appearance new passion informs the other and tries to maintain friendly relations with her.

Family and marriage

Yaroslav takes creating a family very seriously. The chosen one should be a patient, soft and dull girl. He considers peace and mutual feelings to be the main values ​​in the family. Always honest, tries to avoid any conflicts. In marriage relationships he acts as the protector of the family and the real master of the house. Loves children and builds friendships and friendships with them confidential communication. Divorces are rare, but possible.

For his family, Yaroslav is a reliable, but at the same time somewhat despotic and selfish support. Yes, he loves his children and wife, but he rarely shows his feelings. In family relationships, he values ​​calm and stability, so he chooses as his wife a soft, unremarkable and patient woman who will obey him unquestioningly (for Yaroslav, in principle, it is important to be the real head of the family, who is both respected and feared at the same time). Yaroslav is more concerned about the material, rather than the moral, well-being of his family, so his spouse may not count on sentimentality and romantic impulses.

Horoscope named after Yaroslav

Yaroslav- is an open, sincere, good-natured, but at the same time demanding man who is accustomed to order. He is honest, hardworking and diligent, his life is subject to a strict routine. Yaroslav-Aries is not devoid of ambition and power, although he tries to fight these qualities, which he considers unworthy of a real man. In relationships with women, Yaroslav-Aries does not hold back his feelings and emotions; he is gentle, passionate and romantic. However, his chosen one must remember that in their union the main thing will always be the man.

Yaroslav-– this charming, friendly and well-mannered man has enormous willpower that helps him overcome any difficulties. Yaroslav-Taurus is respected by friends and colleagues, he is loved by women who are attracted by his charm. Yaroslav is well aware of the impression he makes on the fair sex, and uses his attractiveness one hundred percent. It will not be easy for a woman with Yaroslav-Taurus, since he does not tolerate disobedience, much less undermining his authority.

Yaroslav-– adventurous, cheerful, energetic and sociable Yaroslav-Gemini loves to play with fate. His “guy guy” mask is misleading to many. In fact, this man is far from simple: in order to achieve his goal, he is capable of changing his moral and ethical principles. Women should be careful with Yaroslav-Gemini if ​​they do not want to be left with a broken heart (although it is not easy not to love this man, his charms are so strong).

Yaroslav-– proud, intelligent and extremely ambitious Yaroslav-Cancer knows how to make an excellent impression on others, which he often uses for his own selfish purposes. People trust this man, who knows how to not only advise, but also listen to his opponent, which today is a rarity for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Yaroslav-Cancer enjoys success with women who happily pour out their souls to him. But keep in mind that Yaroslav will not waste his time on an easy relationship, because he craves deep, sincere feelings.

Yaroslav- is a vain, arrogant and narcissistic man who treats others condescendingly and with a bit of sarcasm. His arrogance repels people, while Yaroslav-Lev himself does not experience any discomfort about this. He is of little interest in other people's opinions, while he tries to impose his own on everyone. With women he is self-confident and persistent (in general, Yaroslav-Lev is not used to being refused). Having achieved what he wanted, he quickly forgets about his ardent feelings and looks for a new object of adoration.

Yaroslav-- this closed man is unsure of himself, but at the same time he is endowed with exorbitant pride, which prevents him from making friends and feeling comfortable in society. Yaroslav-Virgo is constantly plagued by doubts, so he constantly postpones making serious decisions indefinitely, which can negatively affect his career. With women he is arrogant and withdrawn, so his personal life often does not work out. In addition, he is looking for a real queen, which he cannot always match.

Yaroslav-– gentle, vulnerable, romantic and extravagant Yaroslav-Libra knows how to find an approach to any person, which greatly simplifies his life. Yaroslav-Libra endears him, and both men and women fall under his influence (the latter simply dote on him). It is not surprising that Yaroslav-Libra boasts a huge amount love affairs, which undoubtedly flatter his pride, filling him with strength and energy.

Yaroslav-– this powerful and energetic man has all the makings of an undeniable leader. His opinion is authoritative, and his actions are always thought out to the smallest detail. Any business is argued in the hands of Yaroslav-Scorpio. It is very difficult to deceive this man, because he has a keen sense of lies and recognizes insincerity. Yaroslav-Scorpio loves his chosen one sincerely and passionately; he is ready to move mountains for her. However, such love also has reverse side– unbridled jealousy, which can develop into a real phobia.

Yaroslav- is a well-mannered, intelligent, highly moral and honest person who accepts the world and the people around him as they are. He will not tolerate criticism of himself, since he himself will never criticize others. Women like the open, sincere and sociable Yaroslav-Sagittarius. His chosen one should also be sociable, good-natured, sympathetic and sincere (arrogant and rude women repel this man, who strives for a calm and harmonious family life).

Yaroslav- is a reasonable, thoughtful and helpful man who does not like surprises and various kinds of surprises. He never gets involved in adventurous affairs, preferring to build his life in a stable and correct way. Noisy companies do not attract the calm Yaroslav-Capricorn, who is used to keeping to himself. Despite his caution and a certain reticence, this man has many affairs, although he rarely has sincere feelings for his chosen one. Practical Yaroslav-Capricorn does not like to show his feelings.

Yaroslav-– this man is distinguished by his originality of thinking and idealistic view of the world. At the same time, Yaroslav-Aquarius lives exclusively for himself and for himself, while he is of little concern for the concerns and needs of other people. Persistence and stubbornness help him achieve what he has in mind, and he can easily forget about the moral principles existing in society. Yaroslav-Aquarius is in no hurry to start a family, so he gets married quite late, and when choosing a wife he is guided by reason, not feelings.

Yaroslav-– generous, cheerful and cheerful Yaroslav-Pisces – a devoted friend, an excellent conversationalist and simply a sympathetic man, ready to listen and help. This is a rather loving nature, so he has many love affairs. Women should beware of trusting Yaroslav-Pisces too much, since even in marriage he cannot say goodbye to his independence and freedom, which will ultimately lead to betrayal.

Compatibility of the name Yaroslav with female names

Yaroslav and Olga– in this couple, the man prefers to live for today, while Olga is not satisfied with this position, since she is used to clearly planning her every day and her future. The relationships of these people are unstable and short-lived.

Yaroslav and Anna– in this union there is love, friendship, and mutually beneficial partnership. For Yaroslav and Anna, it is important to live in peace with themselves and with each other, while they push everyday and material problems into the background.

Yaroslav and Elena– the happy tandem of Yaroslav and Elena rests on common values ​​and goals, although there is also a place for love in their relationship. It’s just that the owners of these names understand that marriage is something more than passion and a riot of emotions. It is not surprising that their union easily overcomes all life's difficulties.

Yaroslav and Yulia– the couple of Yaroslav and Yulia is strong in trust, mutual understanding and respect, that is, those components without which it is impossible to build strong family. Equality reigns in their relationship, which helps strengthen the union.

Yaroslav and Anastasia– the bright and passionate relationship between Yaroslav and Nastya is not durable, since both in this union have a love of freedom, which they do not want to part with. This tandem can only take place if both forget about their pride.

Yaroslav and Tatiana- in this interesting union two philosophers converge - Yaroslav and Tatyana, who care little about the everyday reality. But they discuss the secrets of the universe, magic and other occult topics with pleasure. This couple can be together if they learn to accept the existing reality.

Yaroslav and Ekaterina- this is a completely prosperous union in which the partners have common interests and adhere to the same family values, which undoubtedly brings people together. Yaroslav and Katya are two halves of a single whole.

Yaroslav and Natalya– these two never get bored together, because their union is multifaceted and interesting. Both love to travel and explore the world through books, both prefer each other's company to noisy companies. Family for Yaroslav and Natalya is the basis of life.

Yaroslav and Marina– the relationship between Yaroslav and Marina is rarely serious, and the owners of these names rarely get married at all. A man does not want to give up his freedom, while a woman, on the contrary, is ready to devote herself entirely to her family.

Yaroslav and Maria- this tandem cannot be destroyed, since Yaroslav and Maria live exclusively for each other. They do everything together. Moreover, they cannot spend even a day apart. Family idyll– this phrase can describe their tandem.

Yaroslav and Svetlana is a dynamic, energetic and promising union in which both partners strive for power, wealth and fame. Yaroslav and Svetlana see no obstacles in their path, and their love helps them overcome any difficulties.

Yaroslav and Christina- this rare union has no future, since Yaroslav is from Mars, and Christina is from Venus. They think in different categories, they have different values ​​and aspirations, which sooner or later leads to scandals and separation. Even love won't save their marriage.

Yaroslav and Victoria– the relationship between Yaroslav and Victoria is a rare case when two independent people can peacefully coexist and build a stable and prosperous future.

Yaroslav and Ksenia– generous and good-natured Yaroslav is ready to pamper his Ksenia every day, but in return he wants to receive attention and tenderness. This union is successful and prosperous, since both partners live with the same problems and have common interests.

Yaroslav and Lyubov– this harmonious couple has every chance of being happy and prosperous. So, Lyubov and Yaroslav prefer to develop and open new horizons, rather than spend time aimlessly at noisy parties.

Yaroslav and Nadezhda– the tandem of Yaroslav and Nadezhda is fragile and short-term, since the man is not ready to take responsibility for the family. The woman in this union is serious and practical, so she cannot come to terms with the frivolity and frivolity of her chosen one.

Yaroslav and Alina– tenderness, care, sensuality – these are the epithets that can be used to describe the union of Yaroslav and Alina. An atmosphere of calm, serenity, understanding and comfort is important to them. There is no place for rudeness and harshness in their relationship.

Yaroslav and Irina– temperamental Irina and freedom-loving Yaroslav can fall in love with each other at first sight, but their bright and passionate relationships are rarely long-lasting, since family relationships- this is painstaking and difficult work, for which both are not ready.

Yaroslav and Diana– the thoroughness and practicality of Diana and Yaroslav does not allow them to surrender to the power of feelings. On the contrary, they carefully choose life partners with whom they want to live their entire lives, so their union is very strong.

Yaroslav and Evgeniya– Yaroslav’s peculiar attitude towards the institution of marriage prevents the creation of a full-fledged family. Evgenia wants stability and attention, while Yaroslav is only interested in freedom, which marriage limits.

Yaroslav and Daria– initially, the relationship between Yaroslav and Daria is built on passion and feelings of novelty, but over time the passion passes, leaving an emptiness. In addition, the loving Yaroslav gives his beloved many reasons for jealousy, which destroys the marriage.

Yaroslav and Olesya– active Olesya is used to working hard to achieve her goals, one of which is building strong family. But Yaroslav is in no hurry to start a family, and faithful husband it's difficult to name it.

Yaroslav and Alena– truly Italian passions are raging in this family: for example, temperamental Alena is not ready to forgive her lover for betrayal and frequent absence from home, but love for a long time does not allow her to end this relationship.

Yaroslav and Alexandra– freedom-loving Alexandra and Yaroslav are not ready to give in to each other and lose in the battle for leadership, which is why disagreements and quarrels often arise between them. Only by learning to give in will they be able to preserve their fragile union.

Yaroslav and Lyudmila– Lyudmila is subject to frequent mood swings, which Yaroslav does not want to put up with, and he does not have time for this, since he is too busy with his own person. This emotional union rarely has a bright future.

Yaroslav and Polina– this couple is faithful to traditions, they are hardworking and ready to go through life together hand in hand, but only on the condition that there is a real feeling between them. Otherwise, the union of Yaroslav and Polina will fall apart.

Yaroslav and Inna– this tandem is built not only on love, but also on such components as sexual compatibility, curiosity, passion for travel. Inna and Yaroslav always have something to talk about, so their relationship is filled with harmony and understanding.

Yaroslav and Veronica– the fickle and energetic Yaroslav values ​​independence and practicality in Veronica, but over time, it is these qualities that become an obstacle to building a family, because Yaroslav is not ready to change his lifestyle for the sake of family well-being.

Yaroslav and Sophia- this is in all respects a happy union in which Yaroslav and Sofia value and cherish their feelings. They love each other, so they try to find a compromise in any controversial situations.

Yaroslav - ancient Slavic name, the origin of which still cannot be given an unambiguous answer. The two parts of this name “yar” and “glory” are endowed with strong meanings: “yar” - rage, power, strength; "slav" - glory. Therefore, the name Yaroslav can mean “glorious in his strength” or “possessing bright glory.” There is an opinion that the name is associated with the god Yarila, who is responsible for fertility in Slavic mythology, and it means “glorifying Yarila.”

But any interpretation of the meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its bearer is a bright, strong and extraordinary personality. Yaroslav strives for power, knows how to subjugate people, sometimes even using not entirely honest methods. Depending on the upbringing received in childhood, Yaroslav can be either a selfless defender, with whom you can not be afraid of anything, or a domestic tyrant, and you will have to be afraid of himself, while Yaroslav knows how to hide his bad qualities behind charm, which he does not have occupy.

The positive traits of a person named Yaroslav are energy, determination, self-confidence, reliability, perseverance, and firmness. He will not dream in vain; his desires immediately turn into actions. He is active, but not fussy, distinguished by wisdom, sedateness, has an important appearance, and his words and decisions are always weighty.

Negative traits: thirst for fame, pride, secrecy. Often on the path to success, Yaroslav does not reveal his true intentions and true attitude to people, does not trust them.

The hard, growling name Yaroslav has softer options. In short, Yaroslav can be called Yar, Yas, Slava, Rosya.

Diminutive options - Yarik, Yarchik, Yarunchik, Slavunya, Slavochka, Slavushka.

The children of Yaroslav have two options for patronymics - Yaroslavovich and Yaroslavovna or Yaroslavich and Yaroslavna. Second option - obsolete form, but both options are considered correct.

This name has a feminine form - Yaroslava.

The name Yaroslav was originally pagan, but with the adoption of Christianity in Rus' it became Christian, there is Orthodox calendar. The name is not very common, has not spread much around the world, but is common in Slavic countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Poland.

  • in Ukrainian – Yaroslav;
  • in Belarusian – Yaraslav;
  • in Polish – Jarosław;
  • in German – Jaroslaw.

The Latin and English spellings of the name Yaroslav are the same - Yaroslav.

This name is spelled unusually in a foreign passport - IAROSLAV, because according to the rules of machine transliteration in Russia, -Я- is converted into -IA-.

Character of Yaroslav

Yaroslav can by no means be called a driven person, he is used to leading himself, but there is one unusual feature in his character - he learns something from other people, both good and bad. By the way Yaroslav behaves, one can guess in what environment his character was formed.

It is important for Yaroslav to be a leader, and he does everything for this. It’s hard not to notice him in company, he draws all the attention to himself, and most often he knows how to do this in such a way that you won’t consider him an intrusive upstart, but will admire him. He is proud, and does not consider modesty a virtue, which he is not shy about declaring.

A person named Yaroslav has a very contradictory personality. In order to attract people to himself, he may seem to be the life of the party, but even close people can only guess about his true feelings, he is so secretive. His task, on the one hand, is to please everyone around him, on the other, to achieve from those around him not just a friendly attitude, but respect and even submission.

Most of all, Yaroslav does not like to be on the same level with others, to be like everyone else. This can develop into excessive vanity and selfishness. But there is also a good consequence from this - when others only dream, Yaroslav does. He knows how to make the right decisions and abandon them if circumstances have changed, quickly respond to changes, and emerge victorious from any situation.

It is very difficult to become a close friend of Yaroslav. If you do not have common interests, you should not impose your communication on him - he himself, if he wants, will achieve your favor. Perhaps he does not allow his emotions to spill out in order not to frighten off the people whose location he needs, he may even let them get away with some of their miscalculations.

But there is a limit to everything, and if Yaroslav is angered, he will be truly terrible in anger, the “furious” component of his name makes itself felt, and it will most likely not be possible to restore the previous relationship with him.

The fate of Yaroslav

Little Yarik is brave, energetic, firm, and it all depends on his parents, in what direction they will direct his seething internal energy. He can be hyperactive, capricious, attracting all attention to himself, and here parents should not indulge his whims so that their child does not grow up as a despot who achieves everything at the expense of other people whom he manipulates. At proper education You can develop such independence in him, which is usually not typical for children, and then Slavik will make his own decisions and be responsible for his words and actions.

Of course, he may be capricious in his reluctance to clean the room or wash the dishes, but if his parents make it clear to him that this is an adult thing, he will do it without reminders. Early on he will learn how to repair electrical appliances or carpentry, and in a private home or country house he will be an assistant in tasks that are not at all childish - repairing a roof or staircase, etc.

Due to the fact that Yaroslav learns a lot from others, parents should be attentive to the environment in which he finds himself. But if the outcome is favorable, he becomes the organizer, the winner of the competition, and then enters the university without any problems.

In his studies, Yaroslav, most likely, will only succeed in areas where he is interested; he achieves everything through talent rather than work, but concern about the future, which should be worthy, can motivate him to study. Yarik since childhood creative personality, so in circles he will strive great success, and it would also be very good to send the boy to the sports section.

Various characteristics of the name Yaroslav

  • zodiac sign – Leo;
  • planet - Sun;
  • color – scarlet;Sov
  • tree - oak;
  • plant – nettle;
  • totem animal - pheasant;
  • stone – amber, jasper, agate.

Different aspects of life

Yaroslav's health needs to be monitored since childhood - the boy may be susceptible to allergies.

In his professional life, Yaroslav strives to be a leader; often this person becomes the head of a team. Because of his ability to make decisions and change them, sensing a changed situation, and take responsibility, he is a good entrepreneur. Creativity his personality makes Yaroslav successful in areas such as event organization (including international level), journalism.

In relationships with the opposite sex, Yaroslav strives to find the one, so he is lonely for a very long time. He strives to dominate, but he needs a strong woman. In family life, Yaroslav becomes an excellent father and husband; the interests of the family come first for him. He respects the wife he has been looking for for so long (Yaroslav has high demands on his life partner, related not to the ability to cook, but to personal qualities), and he raises his children to be as independent and strong as he is.

Yaroslav's name day

Compatibility with other names

Yaroslav will have a happy and fruitful relationship with Larisa, Lyudmila, Dina.

Relationships with Elena, Antonina, Taisiya, Evelina are undesirable.

Famous people named Yaroslav

More than one prince in Ancient Rus' bore this name, the most famous of them was Yaroslav the Wise. In our time, famous hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov, sculptor Yaroslav Borodin, actor Yaroslav Boyko.

Old Russian names still do not go out of fashion. These names, which were once princely, still arouse the interest of many.

Belongs to them male name Yaroslav. We will talk about its meaning and influence on the fate of the wearer later in the article.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

He always tries to provide well for his family, but sometimes he forgets about simple communication, which is important for loved ones.

Meanings of all letters in the name and numerology

The letter decoding of the name Yaroslav is as follows:

“Fours” have excellent organizational skills and are good administrators. It is difficult to force such people to change their principles and beliefs; they always believe that they are right. “Fours” often become military or clergy.

Name Astrology

Astrology for the name Yaroslav is as follows:

  • zodiac sign - Leo;
  • patron planet - the Sun;
  • name color - scarlet;
  • tree - oak;
  • plant - nettle;
  • totem animal - pheasant;
  • talisman stone - amber. For owners of amber, for whom it is suitable according to astrology, this stone brings good luck, energizes, protects against damage, increases intuition, and promotes health. For Yaroslavs, cufflinks, keychains, and amber pins are suitable as a talisman.

Did you know? Yaroslav the Wise's baptismal name was George.

Name in history: famous and famous people

Many famous people were with the name Yaroslav. The most famous of them:

  • Yaroslav Osmomysl(years of life: presumably 1130-1187) - Prince of Galicia. He was called Osmomysl for his sharp mind and knowledge of several languages. Under his rule, Galician Russia saw great development in trade, agriculture and industry. At this time there was active trade with Bulgaria and Byzantium;

Did you know? During the First World War, Hasek went to the front in Russia on the side of Austria-Hungary. He did not want to fight and quickly surrendered, where he became a red commissar. But he did not participate in hostilities for long and went to work as a propagandist. In case of life conflicts, he had a certificate in which it was written that he was “the crazy son of a German colonist from Turkestan.”

  • Yaroslav Heyrovsky(years of life: 1890-1967) - famous Czech chemist, Laureate Nobel Prize in the field of chemistry. Creator of the first polarograph. Respected by many educational institutions, was distinguished by great efficiency and accuracy. Among his colleagues he was famous for his hospitality;

  • Yaroslav Alexandrovich Galan(1902-1949) - Ukrainian Soviet writer, an ardent and unapologetic anti-fascist, playwright and journalist. He exposed nationalists without fear and had many enemies. He accused the Vatican and foreign intelligence services of inciting Ukrainian nationalism. He was an individualist and did not hesitate to criticize the shortcomings of the Soviet regime. He was killed in 1949.
The Old Russian meaning of the name Yaroslav endows its owners with an indomitable character and a happy destiny, and is an excellent choice for a boy. It has many pleasant sounds and interesting abbreviations, including in other Slavic languages.

Yaroslav is one of the few Slavic names that continues to be chosen for boys in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It consists of two roots at once: “yar” (ardent, ardent, unstoppable) and “slav” (glory, glorious), and therefore has the literal meaning of “bright (powerful) glory.” It is not surprising that for a long time this name form belonged to the list of dynastic names of the Rurik family, and among the Russian princes, as many as sixteen offspring of the ancient dynasty were called Yaroslavs.

The beautiful and sonorous name Yaroslav came to us from pagan Rus', where in most cases it was identified with powerful creative power and fertility, literally meaning “glorifying Yarila,” the sun god. However, there are other interpretations of pre-Christian meaning, suggesting that when the natural balance is disturbed, the root “yar” turns the bearer of the name into a source of uncontrollable destructive energy.

The name Yaroslav has many related and diminutive forms: Yarik, Slavik, Rostik, Yaroslavchik, Slavunya, Rosya, Yarechka, Slavushka, Yarosh, Yaslav, Yarko, Yarechek, Yarus.

Among the holders of the name Yaroslav, many outstanding personalities can be distinguished. Their list is headed by the extraordinary ruler of Rus' Yaroslav I Vladimirovich, nicknamed “The Wise” - the Grand Duke of Kiev, the Prince of Rostov and Novgorod. In addition, among famous Yaroslavs one can recall the Czech satirist Yaroslav Hasek and the outstanding chemist Yaroslav Geyrovsky, the Soviet poet and translator Yaroslav Smelyakov, the track and field athlete Yaroslav Rybakov and hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov, the Bulgarian artist Yaroslav Veshin, the singer Yaroslav Evdokimov.

Name days and patron saints

For a man named Yaroslav, there are three patron saints to choose from. The most famous among them is Yaroslav the Wise, the son of Grand Duke Vladimir, who was born in 978. During the reign of his father, he reigned first in Rostov and then in Novgorod. During this time, Yaroslav proved himself to be a far-sighted and caring leader, for which he received the nickname “Wise”. After the death of his parent, he had to participate in an internecine war with his brothers Svyatopolk, Mstislav, Boris and Gleb. Yaroslav emerged victorious from it, becoming the Grand Duke of Kyiv. This event became a real blessing for Rus', as it ensured the flourishing of Christianity, education, culture and architecture. The name of the blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise was included in the Russian Orthodox monthly calendar in 2005, and since then, March 5 has been his day of remembrance.

Another revered saint with the name Yaroslav is Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He reigned in the city of Murom from 1097 to 1123, all this time diligently inclining the pagan majority of the population of this city to Christianity. The prince was not a supporter of the forcible imposition of religion, but tried to instill it through peaceful means. In the end, he managed to baptize in Orthodox faith the whole city of Murom, for which he was very respected by his contemporaries and revered by his descendants. In the Orthodox monthly, this saint is remembered on June 3.

The third in order, but not in importance, a saint named Yaroslav, is commemorated by Orthodox Christians on February 11 or December 8. This is the Hieromartyr Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky. He was born in the Grodno province in 1882, and in 1905 he was ordained a priest. The time of his service to the Lord fell on the difficult times of religious persecution during the period of revolution and the cult of personality. However strong-willed Father Yaroslav stood for the faith of Christ to the end, for which in 1937 he was arrested by NKVD officers and then sentenced to death.

Characteristics of the name

A man named Yaroslav combines the most incompatible qualities in his character. He is both smart and stubborn, kind and selfish, calm and vulnerable. Usually kind and sensitive, at certain moments Yarik turns into an evil and cruel creature, capable of the most disgusting words and actions. Yaroslav has a hard time experiencing any everyday adversity, but at the same time he never gives up, showing enviable fortitude and determination.

Slava often seems to others to be an indifferent, stern and distrustful person. However, these qualities begin to dominate his character only after a series of serious trials and disappointments. They are just a protective mask that hides a truly sensitive and vulnerable soul from the world.

At the same time, it should be recognized that such attractive traits as the desire for leadership and self-confidence are very often transformed in Yaroslav into immense pride, vanity and a tendency to dictatorship. That is why he has very few real friends who are willing to tolerate the selfishness and narcissism of this difficult personality.

In many ways, Yarik’s traits and inclinations depend on the time of year in which he was born.

  • Winter Yaroslav is one of the most difficult people to communicate with. He is incredibly reserved and silent, but at the same time surprisingly meticulous and scrupulous in any matter. Such a person is able to bring others to nervous breakdown, persistently getting to the truth in the most insignificant issue. At the same time, Slava, born in winter, will never intentionally become a source of conflict, even if he has good reasons for this. On the contrary, he will do his best to avoid confrontation, smoothing out the “sharp edges” and turning a blind eye to blatant injustices.
  • A completely different personality is Yaroslav Vesenny. He is smart and charming, sociable and open to the world. His kindness and devotion, responsiveness and sense of humor attract anyone, making the guy the life of the party and a beloved friend. True, meeting Slavik’s soulmate is quite difficult. After all, she should be as irresistible and charming as he himself.
  • Sometimes in the summer, Yaroslav is born, endowed with a lot of positive qualities. He is sensitive and kind, attentive and responsive. Such a person will be a good friend, lover and husband, but until her excessive emotionality fully manifests itself. In a fit of passion, Yarik can be rude and unrestrained, showing his true feelings too assertively and defiantly unceremoniously.
  • Autumn Yaroslav – extraordinary interesting personality. He has strong creative expressions and various talents, a tendency towards solitude and reflection on philosophical matters. A man with this name, born in one of the autumn months, is vulnerable and sensitive, temperamental and prone to pathos. However, despite the constant desire for privacy, his diplomatic abilities turn Yaroslav into an excellent friend, an interesting interlocutor and an attractive life partner.


In childhood, Yaroslav's contradictory character manifests itself in all its diversity. He is incredibly active and sociable, often becoming a “thunderstorm in the yard” and a real punishment for teachers. At the same time, the boy enjoys spending time alone, which often baffles his friends and family.

Manifestations of a child’s active nature often lead to him being labeled as a bully and a bully, while in little Yarik there is no cruelty or tendency to violence at all. He simply cannot accept injustice and knows how to stand up for himself. The negative sides of Yarik’s nature may not appear at all if from an early age he is surrounded by friendly relatives and calm, inquisitive friends.

Slavik’s pronounced leadership abilities allow him to express himself in team sports, where he easily gathers a team around him and skillfully organizes its interaction both in and outside the game.

IN adolescence the guy easily gains authority in any company, even if a criminal bias is noticeable in the actions of his friends. At this age, parents should carefully monitor their son’s social circle so that he does not turn into the leader of a gang of hooligans.

Young Yaroslav is very attractive both to his own and to the opposite sex precisely because of his inconsistency. One moment he is a sympathetic dreamer, philosopher and contemplator, and the next he is already a calculating and cold cynic, overflowing with ambition. Sometimes he easily submits to the will of others, and then suddenly turns into an unyielding fighter for his own ideas. It often seems that he lacks love and friendly warmth, but then his complete reluctance to establish any close relationships is revealed.


Yaroslav s early childhood He is actively involved in sports, and therefore he is not aware of any illnesses. Even as an adult, Slavik’s health never fails. His appearance remains attractive for a long time, and his figure remains fit without any additional effort. Only in old age do interruptions in the functioning of the heart and stomach begin to be felt.

Little Yaroslav's only problem is frequent sports injuries, and an adult man is at risk of being injured in a road accident or getting into a plane crash.


Yaroslav's love life is always bright and varied. It is not difficult for him to make acquaintance with the woman he likes. After all, charming appearance, natural passion and sociability ensure stable success with the opposite sex.

Yarik's novels are multifaceted and romantic. As a lover, he is completely irresistible, showing tenderness and care, ingenuity and temperament, generosity and patience, demonstrating readiness for any sacrifice. As a lover, Slavik also has no equal. After all, intimate relationships are one of the main pleasures of life for him. He loves and knows how to make love, giving his partner incredible pleasure with long foreplay and intricate dominant sex.

However, Yaroslav is unable to hold his attention on one object for a long time. There are too many other tempting options around. At the same time, he never cheats on his chosen one and starts a new romance only after parting with his previous affection.

The numerous relationships of Yaroslav are also explained by the fact that he chooses a permanent life partner for a long time and meticulously. Slavik tries all sorts of options on this path before settling on the only one to whom he is ready to offer his hand and heart. But if he nevertheless finds his ideal, then he remains faithful and devoted to his wife all his life.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Duration of selection by Yaroslav future wife This is not explained by any special taste preferences. In fact main role Only practical considerations play a role in the search process. Yarik expects, first of all, financial benefits from marriage. But she doesn’t mind at all if she has the accommodating character and charming appearance of her chosen one.

If the wife, in addition to an enviable dowry, has feminine attractiveness and a calm disposition that can extinguish the outbursts of Yaroslav’s difficult character, then their union from a marriage of convenience will quickly turn into a real strong family, where relationships are filled with warmth and mutual understanding. At the same time, Yarik’s complex nature sometimes still manifests itself in cold irritability and intolerance towards his wife, and then the marriage is saved only by her incredible patience and ability to forgive.

The birth of children especially strengthens this connection. After all, Yaroslav makes an excellent loving and patient father, ready to do anything for the happiness of his offspring. He spares no effort and time on playing and traveling together, delves into children's troubles and problems, supports any endeavors and finances all kinds of creative projects.

The most suitable spouses for Yaroslav will be women with the names: Angelica, Diana, Violetta, Elizaveta, Ekaterina, Elena, Zlata, Lydia, Larisa, Svetlana. Galina, Irina, Olga, Tatiana, Klara and Yulia suit Slavik well.

Ladies named Zinaida or Antonina are completely incompatible in marriage with Yaroslav.

Business and career

Pronounced leadership qualities will bring Yaroslav success in any chosen field of activity. His abilities and determination allow him to quickly achieve high professionalism, winning the favor of management and the respect of his colleagues.

At the same time, Yarik’s sensitive nature is especially conducive to advancement in creative professions, where he will certainly demonstrate a non-standard approach and creative thinking.

However, occupation entrepreneurial activity is also not alien to this versatile personality. A penchant for analytics will help Yaroslav calculate all risks and profits in advance, which almost always leads to success in business. The ability to easily communicate with people, winning their sympathy and trust, contributes to the emergence of profitable partners, and the tendency to spend money rationally will not allow you to lose significant amounts on financial adventures.

Talismans for Yaroslav

  • Patron planet – Pluto and the Sun. A person living under the auspices of Pluto is distinguished by a combination of such incompatible qualities as kindness and cruelty, dictatorship and the ability to empathize, assertiveness and impracticality, idealism and unprincipledness. A star like the Sun as a patron signifies a bright and unconventional nature, capable of surprising with both good and bad manifestations, but never resting in the quiet of invisibility.
  • Element – ​​Air. People of this element are always sociable and eager to learn new things. They easily perceive and apply any knowledge, but do not always follow through with their undertakings.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign – Leo, Gemini. Gemini means that Yaroslav has a dual nature, prone to constant mood swings. In a good mood, he is the sweetest conversationalist and generally incredible charming man, but a minor state of health immediately awakens the most unattractive traits, turning the affectionate “cat” into an angry “tiger”. The lion component of character is responsible for the love of luxury and comfort. It evokes the desire to constantly be in the center of attention and receive gifts of fate without making any special efforts for this.
  • The most successful times of the year are winter and summer.
  • The most successful day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky colors are white, brown, green and scarlet. This variety of patron flowers is explained by the controversial personality of Yaroslav. The scarlet shade reflects the unbridled nature, while green symbolizes the kindness and responsiveness of Yaroslav, harmonizing his difficult character. Brown means difficult fate the owner of a difficult character, and white emphasizes his sincerity and constant desire for truth.
  • The totem animal is the pheasant. In the East, this bird symbolizes prosperity and luck, popularity and virtue. However, her cry is considered a harbinger of misfortune, meaning numerous temptations that arise along the path of life.
  • Totem plant – nettle and oak. Prickly grass means that the object of its protection is equally endowed with sexual attractiveness and cruelty. In addition, she is able to effectively protect Yaroslav from dark forces. Oak symbolizes strength and endurance, nobility and family happiness of its ward.
  • Talisman stone - agate, amber and marble. Sports occupy most of Yaroslav’s life, and therefore agate, the patron saint of all athletes, would be an excellent amulet for him. It will help him achieve high results and protect him from possible injuries. In addition, this stone helps to extinguish outbursts of anger, so characteristic of Slavik. If Yaroslav fears negative external influence(evil eye or damage), then he should carry amber with him. A marble amulet will emphasize the originality of the individual, and will also help this complex nature to find harmony of feelings.


Aries– very nice and hardworking. He loves order and strives for a measured life. In relation to close people he shows sincere care and good nature, and with strangers he is open and friendly. The personality of Yaroslav-Aries is not alien to ambition, but he constantly fights with it, considering it a flaw. His chosen one will be able to enjoy the sensitive, passionate and romantic nature of her partner for many years, but only if she does not want to dominate their union.

Taurus– friendly and charming with everyone, which makes him a favorite of friends and colleagues, and also invariably attracts the attention of the opposite sex. However, a woman conquered by the charm and masculine beauty of Yaroslav-Taurus will not have an easy time. After all, she will not only have to constantly compete with other attractive fans for the attention of her chosen one, but also endure manifestations of his difficult character. In work and life, Yarik is full of enthusiasm and assertiveness, showing enviable willpower in overcoming any difficulties.

Twins- cheerful and careless, constantly getting into a variety of adventures, but getting out of them without much loss thanks to their natural ingenuity and personal charm. However, compliance with moral and ethical standards does not particularly concern Yaroslav the Gemini, and therefore friends and ladies should remember that behind his external charm lies complete absence principles.

Cancer– always makes an excellent impression on others with his intelligence and self-esteem, which he actively uses to achieve his own goals. At the same time, he is friendly and attentive with his friends, he can always listen and give good advice. Women seeking an easy relationship should not waste time on Yaroslav-Cancer. After all, in an alliance with the opposite sex, he always seeks stability, sincerity and trust, without wasting time on fleeting romances.

Lion– a very unpleasant person with inflated self-esteem and a constant desire to impose his opinion on everyone. At the same time, he never listens to his opponents, considering attention to their point of view beneath his dignity. For Yaroslav the Leo, a woman is just an object for hunting, which is no longer worth attention after she has submitted to the persistent advances of this selfish man.

Virgo– this man feels very uncomfortable in the company of other people. On the one hand, he is incredibly shy, but on the other, he is filled with a sense of his own importance. Excessive pride prevents Yaroslav-Virgo from making friends, and constant doubts do not allow him to make fateful decisions, which negatively affects both his personal life and his career.

Scales– from the first minutes of acquaintance, they win over both men and women. After all, Yaroslav-Libra shows sincere interest in any person, while remaining extravagant and romantic, vulnerable and friendly. The snares of his charm are especially dangerous for the opposite sex. After all, with all the merits of this personality, Yarik is not able to concentrate on one object of feelings for a long time, although every time his affection is completely sincere.

Scorpion– a confident and talented leader who knows how to lead people and successfully achieve their goals. He is smart and calculating, perspicacious and prudent, and can easily discern falsehood in the words and actions of others. Love and personal life for Yaroslav-Scorpio are always in the background, but at the same time he chooses his soulmate solely out of love and remains an exemplary lover and husband. True, any hint of betrayal can throw him off balance and turn the intelligent and reserved head of the family into an angry Neanderthal.

Sagittarius– well-mannered and therefore always tolerant with others. He has no illusions about his own kind and never allows himself to criticize friends and colleagues. However, Yaroslav-Sagittarius will also not tolerate moralizing directed at him, giving a sharp rebuff to anyone who dares to condemn his words and actions. In relationships with the opposite sex, he strives for calm and harmony, and therefore chooses sincere, open and sociable women like himself, especially since he is never deprived of the attention of ladies.

Capricorn– hates all kinds of surprises and surprises. His life is always thought out and predetermined, there is no place for adventures and accidents. Cautious and even somewhat reserved, Yaroslav-Capricorn prefers to stay away from noisy gatherings and big companies. However, he has no problems with novels. Women value Yarik's reliability and prudence, enthusiastically giving him their affection and love, but not always receiving sincere feelings in return.

Aquarius- looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, idealizing the surrounding reality. At the same time, he is distinguished by unconventional thinking and behavior, which attracts both men and women to him. However, in Yaroslav-Aquarius’s approach to life, selfishness always wins. He views the affairs and feelings of other people solely through the prism of his own benefit, completely forgetting about their concerns and needs. Slavik persistently and persistently achieves his goal, regardless of the desires and aspirations of others. He is of little interest in affairs with women, and he enters into marriage in a very mature age and only after careful calculation.

Fish– always cheerful, sociable and interesting man– a real bait for the fair half of humanity. He is always ready to reciprocate any manifestation of not only friendship, but also love. Therefore, there is no end to his passionate romances, abandoned lovers never tire of seeking his return, and his wives suffer from constant infidelity. But his friends are much luckier. He will enliven any friendly party with his presence, will immediately rush to help when life’s problems arise and will always readily listen to the saga of your misadventures.