What date will parent's day be? Parents' Saturday

Knowing the date of Parent's Day is necessary for every Christian who cares about his deceased relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Dates shift every year, so every year people update their calendars. So, what date is Parents' Day in 2017?

Parents day

For Orthodox Christians it is considered the most important date. Not a holiday that can be celebrated cheerfully, not important event, a must visit. It is considered more personal, because each of the people has deceased relatives, also friends or acquaintances. Life is fleeting, but in Christianity they believe in the immortality of the soul and afterlife. It is believed that through prayers the living can help the dead. Find a way, encourage them, ask the Almighty to give them peace.

When will it be for 2017? And why, in fact, are such days called “parental days”? To accurately calculate the date of the event, you need to remember Easter. Here it comes on April 16, then you need to count exactly 9 days after it. Then Parents' Day will fall on April 25th.

History of the memorial day

This event has a lot different traditions, customs. For example, it is customary to visit cemeteries and remember all the deceased loved ones. Not necessarily just parents, but all relatives, friends, even acquaintances who managed to leave a mark during their lifetime and now live in their memories and hearts.

You cannot do ordinary things or solve everyday problems. The date is dedicated only to the dead. You can discuss them, remember some incidents; people usually say: “remember them only with a kind word.”

The memorial day is also called Radonitsa. This is an older, first name. Once upon a time, Radonitsa was called by the name of Radunitsa, a god who among the Slavs was considered a protector, protecting the souls of dead people. God was their guide, helping them quickly find eternal peace. For this, the living pagans revered God, thanking him for his constant hard work. And they asked them to be just as merciful and attentive when their time comes.

Yes, Parents' Day has deep roots, dating back to pagan times, when people worshiped the forces of nature and deified the world around us, trying to explain to myself how it works. The Sun and Moon seemed to them to be living deities, and the seasons also had their own personalities. They tried to appease many gods and brought various sacrifices and gifts. Easter, for example. After all, the pagans performed many rituals, trying to evoke spring and spend winter so that it would go away faster.

God Radunitsa also received gratitude, and delicious, varied dishes were prepared for him. A similar tradition, along with the ancient name, has been preserved; the only thing is that people then distribute the prepared dishes to those in need. Parents' Day is celebrated with delicious, fluffy Easter cakes, a variety of pies, treating all the poor and disadvantaged. Baked dishes are also taken to cemeteries, then they are left nearby on the graves of those visited by relatives and friends.

By the way, a memorial day is not at all considered a sad or mourning event. People give food to beggars, encourage others and smile. It is rather a bright, even joyful holiday, filled with memories and stories about loved ones. The day when their souls found the desired peace. It is believed that the living, on the contrary, should not cry when celebrating Radonitsa, but on the contrary, rejoice. Then the dead souls will stop worrying about the living and will be able to continue their journey there, beyond, and will find peace. After all, the connection between loved ones remains, no matter whether someone has died or is still alive.

Traditions for Parents' Day

The Church warns: you shouldn’t take a lot of people to the cemetery. delicious dishes and no alcoholic drinks. Some often go overboard, practically having a picnic among the graves. No, the dead cannot be helped to find peace in this way. Rather, it is a celebration of the living, gluttony with drinking alcohol. True remembrance: give food to the poor and be sure to read prayers. Visit the cemetery, leave some sweets. All.

Housewives bake Easter cakes, then, other than that, nothing household work. In the morning, parishioners will definitely visit the church and take part in a special memorial liturgy. When this is not possible, you can light a special, sacred candle, read prayers, dedicating them to the souls of all deceased relatives, loved ones, acquaintances, and friends. After that, prepare some goodies and be sure to visit the cemetery. It is important to go to the graves in the company of loved ones, friends or relatives; solo visits are not welcome.

Knowing exactly when Parents' Day is in 2017, what date it is, is important, because these are religious holidays. Moreover, even many people far from the church try to adhere to the traditions of these dates. IN parenting days remembered by all loved ones and important people who have already died. These days are considered holidays because you can feel a little closer to those who have long passed away.

Parenting days exist throughout the year, they occur both before Easter (many occur during Lent) and after Easter. If we briefly look at the calendar of parental days for 2017, it looks like this:
February 18th is the first parents' Saturday of the new year. Passes before the start Maslenitsa week every year. The dates will be different, because the dates of Maslenitsa also change depending on exactly when Easter occurs according to the current calendar.
The second Parents' Saturday falls on March 11th. This day has a transitional date every year, because it is celebrated in the second week of Lent.
March 18th falls on Saturday of the third week of Lent before Easter.
Next comes the date March 25, when the next Parents' Saturday takes place. It falls on the fourth week of Lent, which is why it is called the fourth week.
On April 25 there will be Radonitsa. This is a holiday of remembrance of deceased relatives in honor of Easter. It always falls on Tuesday the second Easter week and, accordingly, each year has different dates. During Easter and the following days you cannot go to the cemetery, but Radonitsa is the day when you can go to the cemetery with Easter cakes and colored eggs to bring the news there too.
Next comes May 9th. On this day all victims of war are remembered. In general, May 9 is not always a Saturday; for example, in 2017, May 9 falls on a Monday.

Then another day comes, which is Parents' Day in 2017, what date is after Easter. June 3 on the eve of the holiday of Pentecost (Trinity).
And throughout the year, the last parent's day is Dmitrievskaya Saturday, which falls on November 4.

Why Parents' Saturdays?

In Orthodoxy, Saturday is a special day. On this day, it is customary to go to church, where services for the repose are held. Also on this day in the temple, every believer can independently pray for the repose of their loved ones and relatives. Of course, you can pray for all the people who are dear to you, but, most often, first they pray for the ancestors, thanks to whom the believer received life. On memorial days you can cook.

In general, in their prayers everyone Orthodox man I must remember my parents every day. As for other relatives, close people and friends who have already passed on to another world, this must be done every Saturday in church. But, if we remember the dead in church every Saturday, then you need to go to the cemetery only on certain designated parental days throughout the year.

Of course, the days of remembrance of the dead have a special meaning for Orthodox Christians. After all, in order for deceased relatives and friends to feel good in another world, and in this world, we must constantly pray for them and remember them. In principle, there are not many days during the year when the church strongly recommends going to the cemetery. Therefore, sticking to such a calendar will be quite simple. It is important to note in advance what the date of parenting days is in 2017, then it will be easy to fit a visit to the cemetery into your regular schedule.

As a rule, the days of remembrance of the dead fall on weekends. Most often it is Saturday. And in

The first parental memorial Saturday of 2017 is set on February 18th. On this day, the church charter provides for the performance of divine services universal meat-free Saturday. The name of this memorial day indicates the time of commemoration - the last Saturday before the holy Great Lent, on which the consumption of food of animal origin is allowed. After the Meat Week, Cheese Week begins, and then believers enter the Holy Pentecost.

During Lent in 2017, the deceased are remembered three times. The Charter reserves the Saturdays of the middle of Pentecost for this (in particular the 2nd, 3rd and 4th). The strictest Orthodox fast implies prayer not only for the personal salvation of the soul, but also the remembrance of dead people. Parental Saturdays falling on Pentecost, 2017 fall on March 11th, 18th and 25th, respectively.

One of the most famous memorial days in the world is considered Trinity Parents' Saturday. On this day in Orthodox churches All Orthodox Christians who have died since centuries are commemorated, and the cemeteries are full of people as never before. In 2017, Trinity Parents' Saturday falls on June 3 (the very next day, Sunday, the Church celebrates in honor of the feast of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity).

In the fall of 2017, a service is held Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday. This memorial day falls on last Saturday before the honoring of the great Christian martyr Demetrius, called Thessalonica. In 2017, Dimitrievskaya Saturday is determined by the calendar on November 4th.

It is especially worth mentioning other significant parental days in 2017 that do not fall on Saturdays. First of all, this is the commemoration of the dead in the post-Easter period. April 25, the ninth day after Easter in 2017, is celebrated Radonitsa- the time when, after Easter joy, Orthodox people prayerfully commemorate the dead (always falls on Tuesday).

Another memorial date is May 9th. The date itself indicates the prayerful commemoration of soldiers and the special honor given to the heroes - participants in the Great Patriotic War. The Gospel clearly says that the highest feat of love is the sacrificial sacrifice of one’s life for the sake of one’s neighbor.

The Russian state has designated another significant day for commemorating soldiers, which has become part of church liturgical practice. February 15th warriors are remembered. This day in 1989 was marked by the withdrawal Russian troops from Afghanistan. Orthodox Church in Russia holds special memorial services on February 15th in memory of the deceased. Despite the fact that this day of the calendar is marked by the great twelfth feast of the Presentation of the Lord, in many Orthodox parishes At the end of the liturgy, a memorial service is performed, where special petitions for the fallen internationalist soldiers are inserted at the funeral liturgy.

We invariably show a desire to pay honor to deceased relatives and friends. It is so important to pay tribute to their memory and respect. This helps maintain the connection between generations and is a prerequisite for spiritual life. Very little is required of us - to know when these days will be celebrated, only in this case can we adequately prepare for them.

What is Radonitsa?

Called Radonitsa or sometimes Radunitsa, this day is one of the special holidays set aside by the church to honor the dead. Such special days (there are 8 of them in a year) are celebrated on Saturdays, which is where their name comes from - “parental Saturdays”.

However, Radonitsa stands apart in the series of these memorable days, since for the most part it almost always falls on a Tuesday. The peculiarity of this most important parent's day of the year is not only that it is celebrated on Tuesday, but also that in terms of its significance it ranks first among all memorial days.

There is no exact date assigned to Radonitsa; every year the time of this day changes depending on when Easter is celebrated. You just need to count 9 days from the Light Christ's Sunday and we actually get exact date Radonitsy. That is, in other words, this is the first Tuesday after Krasnaya Gorka (Fomina Sunday). Thus, the date of parent's day in 2017 falls on April 25.

Memorial days

In order to be able to timely honor the memory of deceased relatives and friends, taking care of their souls by reading prayers and visiting the cemetery in order to maintain order at the graves, it is simply necessary to know the exact days of commemoration. Orthodox parenting days in 2017 fall on the following dates:

Now that you know the parents’ days to visit the cemetery in 2017, you will be able to properly prepare and arrange a memorial rite worthy of your deceased relatives and friends.

Origins and meaning of Radonitsa

According to the testimony of many scientists and biblical figures, including John Chrysostom, the history of Radonitsa goes back to ancient times. Even in the times of paganism, it was a great holiday of remembrance of the dead, held on a wide scale. People, gathering on the burial mounds, organized a funeral feast (funeral feast) and noisy celebrations, trying to appease the souls of the deceased. This holiday is ingrained in the popular consciousness so deeply that official church after a long time, she recognized this day, elevating it to a special rank.

The meaning of this holiday is hidden in its name, which varies from person to person. Slavic peoples may sound different. These are Radovnitsa (some regions of Russia), and Mogilki, and Grobki (Ukraine), and Naviy Den (Belarus).

The joy of resurrection on special days

However, in any case, “Radonitsa” in its origin is equated to both the word “joy” and the concept of “kindred”. What kind of joy can we talk about on such a mournful day? The Church explains: when visiting the temple and graves of our ancestors on Radonitsa, we should not fall into despondency and melancholy, but rejoice for loved ones who appeared before the face of the Lord. They are now close to God and their souls rejoice, being in love and happiness.

So, why shouldn’t we, their descendants, rejoice for them by offering prayers? By tidying up the grave, we also do something ritual action, symbolically meaning preparation for the resurrection of the soul.

The main thing that we must and can do on this day for deceased relatives is to devote sufficient time to prayers. If it is not possible to invite a priest to the grave to read the litiya (funeral prayer service), then you can do it yourself. It is prayers that our family and friends need, and not excessive eating and drinking of alcohol. This is what the Church teaches, and this is how you need to act according to your conscience and the dictates of your heart.

Procedure and basic rules

In the morning of any parent's day, Orthodox Christians go to church, taking with them a Lenten lunch, which is donated either to the church or to poor people who are in dire need of help. Having defended funeral service, usually go to cemeteries, where they also read prayers and clean up. Traditions such as commemorating food and drinking directly at graves are still very strong. Traditionally, this can be understood, but the church is against such actions. In principle, everyone acts according to their own concepts, but still, organizing a drunken feast at graves is not a godly thing.

Radonitsa in Rus'

By the way, in Rus', towels and tablecloths were laid out on Radonitsa right on the grave mound, and, having laid out a rich meal, the whole family enjoyed the meal. They ate and drank so much that sometimes they immediately fell asleep. The list of obligatory dishes included those painted yellow or green eggs, dry pies according to a special recipe, pancakes, porridge.

Before the start of the funeral feast, the head of the family rolled eggs along the grave and then buried one of them in the ground, as if allowing the deceased to join the Easter meal. It was obligatory to pour a glass of vodka on the grave, which is also not welcome modern church. After dinner, to which the beggars were always invited and treated, they remained in the cemetery for a short time, peacefully spending time in conversations, and only then went home. In the evening, the youth organized festivities with songs, dances and fun activities.

Signs and beliefs for parent's day

among the people great value attached importance to the weather that fell on Radunitsa. We were especially looking forward to the rain.

  • It was believed that the rain on this day had a special power - to preserve and prolong youth and health, beauty, prosperity, and happiness. Small children sang special songs to invite rain. If it really rained, they washed themselves with its water, exposing their face to the rain. And the girls did it in a special way, skipping rainwater through gold or silver ring to be beautiful and happy.
  • The rain foreshadowed a year rich in harvest.
  • It was strictly forbidden to plant or sow anything - this led to the possibility of losing the entire harvest.
  • If it stood on Radonitsa warm weather, they said, “the parents breathed in warmth.”

Now we can take a different look at the meaning of this holiday of remembrance. And showing correct example to our children, we can hope that this tradition will be passed on further, uniting the representatives of the clan into a single whole.

The memory of deceased parents and sincere prayers for their souls are an important support for a believer. Taking care that the spiritual connection between the deceased and the living is not interrupted, the Church appointed days called parental Saturdays. Almost all dates of memorial days are “floating”. After all, they are tied to the greats church holidays(Easter, Pentecost). About when the memorial days of 2017 will be, orthodox calendar reminds us. There are certain patterns and rules associated with each memorial day. They will be discussed further below.

All memorial days of 2017 (calendar)

Parents' Memorial Day falls on Saturday. But this pattern is not an immutable rule. For example, Radonitsa is a holiday weekday(Tuesday). So that an inexperienced person does not have confusion in his mind, we list the days set aside by the Church for the commemoration of deceased relatives:

Table of memorial days

Name of the memorial day


Meat Saturday

Parents' Saturday second week

Funeral Saturday of the third week

Parents' Saturday of the fourth week

Radonitsa (falls on Tuesday)

The day when fallen soldiers are remembered

Trinity Saturday

Day of Remembrance of Orthodox Warriors

Dmitrievskaya Saturday

In the hustle and bustle modern life some people simply cannot find time to celebrate all of the listed days in a proper manner - visit church, clean up the graves of deceased relatives. It happens that on parent’s day someone needs to go on a business trip or devote all their attention to a sick child. It is important to honor the memory of the deceased at least on such significant days as Radonitsa and Ecumenical Parental Saturdays.

A little about the meaning of memorial days

“Why is the Saturday set aside by the Church for commemoration called Ecumenical?” – people often ask. Two Saturdays with this name are intended by the Church to commemorate all deceased ancestors and all brothers in faith.

The first Saturday with the name “Ecumenical” falls on the eighteenth of February. The second memorial Saturday is close to Trinity (people will pray for deceased relatives and clean up their graves on the third of June). On these serious days, a believer should visit church, pray, and give alms to those who need it.

Another important holiday(we will celebrate it nine days after Easter) - Radonitsa. When figuring out when memorial days are in 2017 in Ukraine, most people will immediately remember this majestic and joyful holiday. This is not surprising: the Slavs celebrated Radonitsa on a special scale back in the era of paganism. The Orthodox Church has ennobled this day, giving it a more restrained tone. But even now Radonitsa is considered more a joyful holiday than a mournful one. After all, the souls of our deceased relatives are in better world, to whom injustice is alien. This means that there is no point in lamenting sorrowfully, remembering those we loved.

What you need to do on parent's day

What is advisable to do on Parents' Saturday:

  • Visiting church. While in church, submit a note in memory of your deceased parents.
  • A trip to the cemetery. At the graves of relatives, you should first pray. Then don’t forget to clean up the grave: pull out the dried grass, take dried flowers and everything that is no longer needed at the grave to a special place.
  • Treating people in need.

Funeral meal: what should be prepared

When thinking about the dishes that you will prepare for the funeral, it is worth considering what significance this or that memorial day carries in itself in 2017, what date it is celebrated. If the day you are interested in falls on fasting, you will have to give up meat.

Let us remind you what dishes are traditional for memorial days:

What should you give up on your funeral day?

Having learned when the memorial days are in 2017, Orthodox Christians check with church ministers what actions are incompatible with the atmosphere of commemoration of relatives. On Parents' Saturday, refrain from such “provocations”:

  1. Conflicts, gossip.
  2. Violent manifestations of melancholy (wailing, nervous breakdown).
  3. Excessive consumption of wine. Let us remind you that ideally there should be no vodka at all in the cemetery and on funeral tables.
