ROC MP official. Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church: “In Russia they respect human rights” (Público, Portugal)

“We prefer to work with the state - instead of simply criticizing it,” says the bishop and Orthodox leader in an interview with the newspaper Publico.

Público: Vladimir Putin's well-known closeness to the Orthodox Church, led by Patriarch Kirill, gives the president certain advantages, When are elections held in Russia??

Hilarion Alfeev: Absolutely, because when the majority of people are Orthodox Christians, so is the president Orthodox Christian, both sides benefit from this proximity. People like that the president shares the same faith with them, and President Putin, in turn, enjoys public support.

© RIA Novosti, Alexey Druzhinin — To what extent is the Russian Orthodox Church ready to publicly support the state?

— The Church never supports a specific political party or candidate. According to our internal regulations, we cannot openly call for voting for a specific candidate. AND official representatives churches never do this. However, the church can comment social positions political parties or politicians. She can support certain positions or criticize them. Cooperation between Church and state extends to many areas of life. But there are also those in which the voice of the church remains unheard.

- Which ones, for example?


The Church is an instrument of Russian influence abroad

Le Monde diplomatique 03/04/2018

Hilarion, Francis and " Christian Christianity»

Vatican Insider 11/14/2013

Metropolitan Hilarion o expensive watch and the threat to Orthodoxy

BBC Russian Service 12/27/2012

Metropolitan Hilarion demands “concrete steps” from Catholics

La Vie 02/26/2012

“For the past 20 years we have been calling for the introduction of religious education in schools. All this time, we have addressed this question to our government authorities, our Minister of Education, and have still not received a clear answer, except for the words that the church in our country is separated from the state. The only thing we were able to achieve was the introduction into the school curriculum of one 45-minute lesson on religion per week as part of a general cultural discipline, which is taught not by a priest, but simply by a teacher. And we have not yet been able to achieve any progress in the dialogue [with the government] on this issue.

— There is a separation between church and state. However, on some issues, such as the teaching of religion in schools, does the church need to ally with the state so that these and other issues become a legislative priority for the government?

— Yes, of course, on many issues we maintain a dialogue with the state, and sometimes we cooperate with government agencies to make some changes to legislation. It's possible. But we have no guarantee that whenever we want to make some changes, our wishes will be taken into account.

The church needs the state, and the state needs the church ?

- And does this scheme work?

- Works. But we are often asked why we do not criticize the state. I always answer that we prefer to work with the state - instead of making it an object of criticism. We prefer to meet with people in leadership positions and explain our position to them. In many cases, our opinion is listened to, but not always. We can talk about in different ways cooperation between church and state, which in many cases brings results. But there are issues on which we disagree.

— For example, on the issue of respect or violation of human rights in Russia?

— This topic is not included in the range of issues on which we work with the state.

— For the church, which, as you said, must participate in ensuring public well-being, the protection of human rights is important issue?

- Yes, this is important.

— Do you observe respect for human rights?

- From whose side?

- From the side of the state.

— I believe that human rights are respected in Russia.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively from foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

The head of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, Archpriest Dimitri (Smirnov), called modern Russian men weak. Our men are our national tragedy,” Interfax quotes the priest’s statement, which he made during a conversation with clergy of the Syzran diocese. The archpriest believes that female upbringing is partly to blame for the weakness of Russian men. At the same time, according to Dimitri, a Russian woman is strong in her genetics. He also considers it a mistake of Soviet propaganda that

15:07 06.09.2019

Metropolitan of Transbaikalia: those who will not participate in the election of the head will answer before God

Metropolitan of Chita and Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky Dmitry (in the world Vitaly Eliseev) on the eve of the presidential elections Trans-Baikal Territory recorded a video message to voters, in which he stated that those people who do not participate in the vote will answer to God. We're getting closer to important milestone life of his native Transbaikalia. There will be gubernatorial elections on September 8. An important circumstance is our participation or non-participation. And non-participation is something for which we will be responsible before God, among other things, because now we live in a special period of development

16:52 04.09.2019

After the explosions, military warehouses in Achinsk were sprinkled with holy water

In a military unit near Achinsk Krasnoyarsk Territory, where ammunition depots exploded in August, the local priest held a prayer service and sprinkled holy water on the remaining depots, personnel and equipment. This was reported on the website of the Krasnoyarsk diocese. The priest of the Kazan Cathedral in the city of Achinsk, Priest Alexy Alexandrov, visited military unit No. 97646 Air defense Air Force(Air Defense Air Force) of Russia, stationed near the village of Kamenka, Achinsk region. Father Alexy performed a prayer service, drove around the territory of warehouses in an armored car with

16:52 24.08.2019

The abbot from the Sverdlovsk region cursed the Pobeda airline on social networks

The rector of the temple in the name Sovereign icons Mother of God in Yekaterinburg, Abbot Veniamin (Vitaly Raynikov) cursed Pobeda Airlines, which he wrote about on Facebook. “Victory, company of sadists, damn you,” says his page on the social network. Attached to the recording is a video of a woman begging airline employees to let her board a flight to Cheboksary. Let us add that this is the only post of the abbot on the social network available to everyone; it is not clear whether his page is genuine. The diocese has not yet commented on the situation. Brought to Victory

00:30 13.08.2019

A priest of the Russian Orthodox Church and a professor of theology speaks about the rough baptism of a baby in Gatchina

In ancient times, Christians spent their whole lives going to baptism, but today many do not understand the meaning of the sacrament. Priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Dmitry Klimov and professor of theology Alexey Osipov, at the request of the Daily Storm, commented on the scandal that happened in the Marienburg Church of the Intercession in Gatchina. Hegumen Photius rudely baptized a one-year-old child and the parents complained to the diocesan administration. According to the mother, her son almost drowned in the font. The video of the baptism caused a stir on the Internet; many users criticized the priest and the Russian Orthodox Church as a whole. Hegumen Photius was removed

16:24 07.08.2019

The icon from the main temple of the Russian Armed Forces will stay in the Southern Urals for 10 days

IN Chelyabinsk region They will bring an icon of the main temple of the Armed Forces of Russia (the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Patriot Park in Moscow) The Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands will stay in the region for 10 days, from August 13 to 22, reports the correspondent of the Access News Agency with reference to the press service of the Chelyabinsk diocese. The icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is a canonical image of the face of Jesus Christ, which, according to legend, was miraculously imprinted on a piece of matter. The face is surrounded by images of the Most Pure Mother of God of Kazan, Vladimir, Smolensk and

18:33 05.08.2019

Russian priest says he spoke to Charles Darwin about evolution and he repented

Archpriest and confessor of Alekseevsky Stavropegial convent Moscow Artemy Vladimirov said that he communicated with the scientist Charles Darwin, who lived in the 19th century. According to the priest, this happened in Great Britain in Westminster Abbey, where he is buried. A representative of the Russian Orthodox Church announced this on air on the Spas television company. The program with the participation of the archpriest was published on YouTube on July 25, but social network users only noticed it now. Many famous people are buried in Westminster Abbey. I recently talked

19:40 31.07.2019

"And you pay!" Bailiffs opened cases against 556 priests

The bailiff service opened enforcement proceedings for 556 clergy who evade paying traffic fines, taxes, and so on... People who, due to their duty, so to speak, and their own elections, must set an example for everyone else, are by no means sinless. Journalist Sergei Kanev spoke about this funny phenomenon in his blog: In the minds of many Russians, priests are almost holy people. Meanwhile, priests are ordinary citizens who love money, good cars, delicious food, and are interested in cute

09:52 28.07.2019

A Muscovite told how protesters took refuge in a church from riot police with batons

The priest of the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, on Stoleshnikov Lane in Moscow, saved some of the supporters of fair elections from being detained by the police and the National Guard. An employee told how it happened on her Facebook page. charitable foundation House with a lighthouse Lydia Moniava. According to her, when riot police attacked the crowd with batons, the cleric Orthodox church John (Guaita) opened the doors for the rally participants, which the nearby McDonald's and shopping mall. A number of other protesters climbed over the church fence from the courtyard, where

06:52 28.07.2019

The church explained the assistance to the protesters on Tverskaya

Hieromonk John explained to RBC the decision of the clergy of the Temple of Cosmas and Damian in Stoleshnikov Lane near Tverskaya Street in Moscow to allow participants in an uncoordinated protest in support of unregistered candidates in city ​​council and help them hide from the police. We accepted these guys and girls, just as we would accept others, because it is the duty of an Orthodox church to accept any person who comes to the church in one way or another, no matter whether he comes through the main door or climbs over the fence, we always accept everyone,

11:51 26.07.2019

The Kremlin subjugated the top of the Russian Orthodox Church - the “near-bureaucratic sect” stopped protecting the people

IN modern Russia relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the leadership of the state returned to the Synodal period, when the Church was largely left without a voice and was subordinated to secular power. The former head of the Synodal Department for Interaction between Church and Society of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, drew attention to the fact that Patriarch Kirill had withdrawn himself from public discussion, and emphasized that this is a path of degradation. RIA Novy Den presents the second part great interview with a famous public and church figure who appreciated the current

16:06 19.07.2019

The Russian Orthodox Church denied blocking the work of the ambulance in Sergiev Posad due to the arrival of the patria

Reports that on July 18 in Sergiev Posad the ambulance service could not work for half an hour due to the arrival of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' in the city do not correspond to reality. This was reported by the press secretary of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, priest Alexander Volkov, who was quoted by Interfax. The blockage of ambulance work due to the arrival of the Patriarch at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was previously reported by Baza. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church came to the opening ceremony of the complex to all those who suffered for their faith in Christ during the years of persecution and repression. traffic police

04:30 19.07.2019

In Sergiev Posad, due to the patriarch's visit, ambulance service was suspended for 20 minutes

In Sergiev Posad, due to the arrival of Patriarch Kirill, the only ambulance substation in the city was blocked due to road closures, Baza reports. According to doctors, their work was paralyzed for 30 minutes; the traffic police said that the road was blocked for 20 minutes. Substation employees said that at that moment there were three cars with crews on calls, and fourteen cars were locked in the parking lot. The patriarch's press secretary, Alexander Volkov, said that the issue of road closures is controlled by the traffic police, but the Russian Orthodox Church will sort it out

08:46 17.07.2019

In the Stalinist Russian Orthodox Church there was initially no God. He's not there now

As has been written more than once, Patriarch Kirill justified the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR in a very original way. He stated that Hitler's invasion was God's punishment for the Soviet people for their godlessness and sins. If in June 1941 the then hierarchs of the Church had joyfully cried out about punishment Soviet people for his godlessness, they would have been immediately put against the wall. We have no doubt about that. But they were completely loyal Soviet power positions, calling on the flock to repel the enemy. And even through the State Bank they collected donations for a tank column Dmitry

16:56 16.07.2019

Varlamov’s questions about the patriarch’s luxurious watch were cut from the program on Spas

From the program I don’t believe it! A conversation with an atheist on the Orthodox TV channel Spas, which aired on July 13, removed the question from guest blogger Ilya Varlamov. The question concerned the ability of wealthy businessmen to buy forgiveness by making a donation to the church. In general, about the luxury of the patriarch, about his residence, watches and everything else was cut out. Well, about Yakunin, who is a thief, but the Russian Orthodox Church turns a blind eye to all his sins for the loot. I asked how much it costs so that the Russian Orthodox Church does not notice that you are a thief, Varlamov wrote on his Twitter. At the same time, according to him, the answer

11:34 16.07.2019

In whose interests are “non-traditional” believers persecuted in Russia?

The problem of legal literacy in lately This problem is very acute for believers whose religion is not considered traditional in Russia. Despite the fact that their faith is recognized throughout the world, in Russia all people of other faiths who do not fall under traditional confessions are clearly not considered equal. As a rule, they try to present such associations to the Russian public as some kind of sects, supposedly dangerous to society. And then Jehovah's Witnesses were recognized extremist organization and are chasing Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the country. It probably means that in

Their acquaintance lasted 35 years. He visited her in an apartment in a house near the Airport metro station, and she visited him at his country dacha near Leningrad. And they were brought together in 1980, according to the newspaper Sobesednik, by KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov. After which the sorceress began to work for the committee. Then the chief of Soviet state security aimed a number of his departments at studying psychophysiological phenomena in the human brain. In particular, the polygraph, which the party press invariably called the handmaiden of imperialism. However, the study of its properties was commissioned

06:54 12.07.2019

Did Monk Kirill forgive the sins of his girlfriend Juna?

And no need to grin here. Needless to say, while our military spaceships plow the expanses of the Syrian sky, you remember the patriarchal sins of your youth. Why not? Monk Kirill was forbidden to sin at all times. And what a friendship he had with the sorceress Juna. It is probably no coincidence that Nadys hit the Ministry of Justice with his forehead, demanding that the fetus in a woman’s womb be recognized as a living being and endowed with all human rights. It is necessary to legislate the embryo’s right to life from the moment of conception, the archpastor wrote in his

19:00 08.07.2019

“Any Marie Curie is a rarity”: the Russian Orthodox Church said that women are stupider than men

The head of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov, said on Radio Radonezh that men in general smarter than women. Women are weaker mentally. Of course, there are some Marie Curies, but still this is rare,” said the priest, as quoted by Interfax. Smirnov's words caused violent reaction on social networks. The priest’s saying was also commented on by Elena Drapeko, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture. In her opinion, the spiritual shepherd offended Russian women, including

In the year of the thousandth anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', from July 6 to 9, 1988, the Local Council of the Russian Federation met in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Orthodox Church. The following took part in the actions of the Council: according to their position - all the bishops of the Russian Church; by election - two representatives from the clergy and laity of each diocese; as well as representatives of theological schools, governors and abbesses of monasteries. Presided over the Council His Holiness Patriarch Pimen and permanent members of the Synod.

Among the documents of the Council, the most important is the Charter on the governance of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted on June 9, 1988. The draft Charter was developed and presented to the full Council by Archbishop Kirill of Smolensk and Vyazemsk (now Metropolitan). It was previously discussed at the Bishops' Pre-Conciliar Conference on March 28–31, 1988. At the Pre-Conciliar Conference and during the discussion held at the Local Council itself, amendments were considered and made to the text of the Charter, and certain wording was clarified. This is the first Charter in the history of the Russian Church. In the synodal era, the governance of the Russian Church was carried out on the basis of the “Spiritual Regulations”, in some respects similar to the Charter; then “The Spiritual Regulations were replaced by separate Definitions Local Council 1917–1918 and, finally, from 1945 to 1988, a short “Regulation on the management of the Russian Orthodox Church” was in force.

The current Charter is divided into 15 chapters, each of which consists of several articles. In the preamble of the Charter (“ General provisions") states that the Russian Orthodox Church is a multinational local autocephalous Orthodox Church, which is in doctrinal unity and prayerful and canonical communion with other local Orthodox Churches. The definition of “multinational” is true. Another official name of the Russian Church is given in the Charter - the Moscow Patriarchate.

According to Art. 3 of the Charter, the jurisdiction of the Russian Church extends to persons of the Orthodox confession living in the territory of Russia, with the exception of Georgia, as well as to voluntarily joining Orthodox Christians living abroad. In Art. 4 contains a list of sources of current Russian church law: Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, holy canons, decrees of Local Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church, this Charter. It was also noted that the Russian Church carries out its activities with respect and observance of state laws.

The highest bodies of church authority, in accordance with the Charter, are the Local Council, the Council of Bishops and the Holy Synod headed by the Patriarch. The preamble to the Charter also names the bodies of diocesan and parish administration. The rights of the church court, according to the Charter, are vested in the Local and Bishops' Councils, the Holy Synod and the Diocesan Council. The final article of the preamble (Article 9) enshrines the provision that the Patriarchate, its institutions, dioceses, parishes, monasteries and theological schools have civil legal capacity.

The structure of the Supreme Administration of the Russian Church is regulated in Chapter. 2–6 of the Charter.

Local and Bishops' Councils

belongs to the Local Council supreme authority in the field of doctrine, church administration and church court - legislative, executive and judicial. The Council is convened by the Patriarch (Locum Tenens) and the Holy Synod as necessary, but at least once every five years. Its composition includes bishops, clergy, monastics and laity. Local Council 1917–1918 provided in its definitions a three-year interval between the next Local Councils, and the Regulations of 1945 did not regulate the timing of the convening of Councils at all.

The members of the Council are the ruling and suffragan bishops according to their status (in accordance with the Charter of the Council of 1917–1918, suffragan bishops were not its members). The procedure for electing representatives from the clergy and laity to the Council and their quota are established, in accordance with the current Charter, by the Holy Synod.

Based on the Statute of 1988, the Local Council is given the right to: interpret the teaching of the Church, maintaining doctrinal and canonical unity with other Orthodox Churches, resolve canonical, liturgical, and pastoral issues; approve, amend, cancel and clarify its decisions. The Council canonizes saints, elects the Patriarch and establishes the procedure for such election; approves the resolutions of the Council of Bishops; evaluates the activities of the Holy Synod and its institutions; creates or abolishes church governing bodies; establishes procedure for all ecclesiastical courts; exercises church control over the implementation of relations between the Church and the state; makes decisions on issues of relations with Orthodox Churches and heterodox confessions; expresses concern about problems that concern the country and all of humanity; establishes church-wide awards. The Local Council is the final authority over which the Patriarch has jurisdiction, as well as for resolving all cases previously considered by the Council of Bishops and transferred to the Council.

The Council is headed by a chairman - the Patriarch or, in his absence, the Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne. The quorum of the Council is 2 3 delegates, including 2 here 3 bishops. The Council determines the rules of its work and elects the Presidium, Secretariat and working bodies by a majority vote. The Presidium of the Council consists of the Chairman and his deputies, consisting of 8 persons in the rank of bishop. The Presidium of the Council, held in 1917–1918, also included representatives from clergy and laity. The Secretariat of the Council is headed by a bishop. The minutes of the Council are signed by the Chairman, members of the Presidium and the Secretary. The Council elects chairmen (in the rank of bishop), members and secretaries of its working bodies. The Presidium, the Secretary and the chairmen of the working bodies constitute the Cathedral Council, which is governing body Cathedral.

All bishops - members of the Council - constitute the Bishops' Council. It is convened by the Chairman of the Council, the Council of the Council or on proposal 1 3 bishops. Its task is to discuss those decrees that are especially important and questionable from a dogmatic and canonical point of view. If the decision of the Council is rejected 2 3 bishops present, it is re-submitted for conciliar consideration. If after this 2 3 bishops will reject it, it loses its power.

A meeting of the Council is chaired by the Chairman or, at his proposal, by one of the Vice-Chairmen. Guests, observers, and theologians may participate in open meetings of the Council. Election is accepted by a majority vote, with the exception of special occasions. In the event of a tie, the Chairman's vote gives the upper hand. According to Art. 20 (Chapter II) of the Charter, resolutions of the Council come into force immediately after their adoption.

According to the Charter, the Council of Bishops includes diocesan bishops and bishops heading synodal institutions. During the period between Local Councils, the Council of Bishops exercises the fullness of the highest ecclesiastical authority. The Charter defines the frequency of convocations of the Council of Bishops: at least once every two years. Councils are also convened as needed.

On the eve of the Local Council, the Council of Bishops makes proposals regarding the agenda, program and rules of the meetings of the Local Council, as well as the procedure for electing the Patriarch.

The responsibilities of the Council of Bishops include: maintaining the purity of Orthodox doctrine and the norms of Christian morality, resolving fundamentally important theological, canonical, liturgical and pastoral issues; canonization of saints, creation and abolition of dioceses, synodal institutions, as well as theological schools of general church significance.

The Holy Synod is accountable to the Council of Bishops.

“The Council of Bishops is the first instance authorized to consider dogmatic and canonical deviations in the activities of the Patriarch.” As a second instance, he considers disputes between bishops, cases related to the canonical misconduct of bishops, as well as all cases transferred to him by the Holy Synod for a final decision.

The Chairman of the Council of Bishops is His Holiness the Patriarch and Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne. The Presidium of the Council of Bishops constitutes the Holy Synod; the secretary of the Council is elected from among the members of the Synod. Decisions of the Council, with the exception of cases specifically specified in the regulations of the Council, are adopted by a majority of votes; in the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairman gives the upper hand. Like the resolutions of the Local Council, the decisions of the Council of Bishops come into force immediately after their adoption, but the right of their final approval belongs to the Local Council.


The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church bears the title “His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.” He has primacy of honor among bishops and is accountable to the Local and Bishops' Councils. The name of the Patriarch is exalted during divine services in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church. His Holiness the Patriarch governs the Church together with the Holy Synod: “The relationship between the Patriarch and the Holy Synod, in accordance with generally accepted tradition, is determined by the 34th Rule of the Holy Apostles and the 9th Rule of the Antioch Council,” says Art. 5 (Chapter IV) of the Charter.

The Patriarch convenes Local and Bishops' Councils, appoints meetings of the Synod and presides over them. He is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the Councils and the Synod, submits reports to the Councils on the life of the Church in the inter-Council period, exercises superior supervision over all synodal institutions and theological schools, addresses messages to the fullness of the Russian Church, enters into relations with the Primates of the Orthodox Churches and heads of other confessions , represents the Russian Church before state authorities. The Patriarch issues decrees on the appointment of diocesan and vicar bishops, heads of synodal institutions, rectors of theological schools and others officials appointed by the Synod; takes care of the timely replacement of episcopal sees, of the fulfillment by bishops of their archpastoral duties, entrusts bishops with the temporary management of dioceses, has the right to visit all dioceses of the Russian Church, gives fraternal advice to bishops; accepts complaints against bishops and gives them due process. The Patriarch rewards bishops with titles and the highest church honors, and clergy and laity with church awards, approves the awarding of academic degrees and titles, and takes care of the timely preparation of the holy chrism.

The Patriarch is the diocesan bishop of the Moscow diocese. On his instructions, the Moscow diocese is governed as a diocesan bishop by the Patriarchal Vicar, bearing the title of Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna. The rank of Patriarch is for life. The right to try the Patriarch belongs to the Local Council.

In the event of the death of the Patriarch, as well as his retirement or abandonment of the Patriarchal Throne for another reason, the Holy Synod, chaired by the Metropolitan of Kyiv, elects a Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne from among its permanent members. According to the Regulations on the Governance of the Russian Orthodox Church, issued by the Local Council in 1945, the Locum Tenens was not elected; he became the oldest permanent member of the Synod by consecration. During the interpatriarchal period, the Russian Church is governed by the Holy Synod, headed by the Locum Tenens. “No later than six months after the vacancy of the Patriarchal Throne, the Locum Tenens and the Holy Synod convene a Local Council to elect a new Patriarch.”

A candidate for Patriarch must be a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, have a theological education, sufficient experience in the field of church administration, be distinguished by his commitment to canonical law and order, enjoy a good reputation and trust on the part of the episcopate, clergy and laity, “have a good testimony from outsiders” (), be at least 40 years old and a citizen of Russia.

Holy Synod and synodal institutions

During the inter-council period, the highest legislative, executive and judicial power is exercised by the Holy Synod, headed by the Patriarch. The Synod is responsible to the Local and Bishops' Councils.

It consists of a chairman - the Patriarch or Locum Tenens - as well as 6 permanent and 6 temporary members - diocesan bishops. The Council of Bishops in 1989 amended the Charter, expanding the composition of the Synod. The Charter in the original version of the Local Council provided for the presence of 5 permanent and 5 temporary members in the Synod. The permanent members of the Synod are the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine; as well as the Metropolitans of St. Petersburg and Ladoga; Krutitsky and Kolomensky; Minsky and Slutsky, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus; and by position - manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate and Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations. Temporary members are called to one session according to the seniority of consecration by one bishop from each group into which the dioceses are divided. Bishops are called to be present in the Synod no earlier than their two-year term in the cathedra, which they occupy for the duration of the call to the Synod. The synodal year is divided into two sessions: summer (from March to August) and winter (from September to February).

If the Patriarch is unable to preside at a meeting of the Synod, he is replaced by the oldest permanent member of the Synod by consecration. The Secretary of the Synod is the Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate. Matters are decided in the Synod by general consent or majority vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman's vote has the upper hand.

Article 20 of Chapter V of the Charter states: “In those cases where the Patriarch recognizes that decision made does not correspond to the benefit and good of the Church, he protests. The protest must be made at the same meeting and then put in writing within seven days. After this period, the case is again considered by the Holy Synod. If the Patriarch does not find it possible to agree with the new decision of the case, then it is suspended and referred to the Council of Bishops for consideration. If it is impossible to postpone the matter and a decision must be made immediately, the Patriarch acts at his own discretion. The decision made in this way is submitted for consideration to an extraordinary Council of Bishops, on which the final resolution of the issue depends.”

The duties of the Holy Synod include the care of the intact storage and interpretation Orthodox faith and norms of Christian morality and piety, maintaining unity with the fraternal Orthodox Churches, organizing internal and external activities Churches; interpretation of canonical decrees and resolution of difficulties arising from their application, consideration of liturgical issues, issuance of disciplinary decrees, maintenance of proper relations between Church and state, maintenance of ecumenical and interchurch relations, expression of concerns social problems, addressing messages to the fullness of the Russian Church.

The Holy Synod elects and appoints bishops, moves them in exceptional cases and retires them; summons bishops to synodal sessions, considers bishops' reports. The Synod appoints heads of synodal institutions and their deputies, rectors of theological schools, and approves vice-rectors and inspectors of theological schools. If necessary, the Synod forms commissions and other working bodies.

The Holy Synod directs the activities of synodal institutions, reviews and approves the central church budget, estimates of synodal institutions, theological schools and relevant reports.

The Synod makes changes to the names of dioceses, approves the creation of diocesan institutions, approves the statutes of monasteries, approves, and in exceptional cases appoints abbots and abbess of monasteries, with the exception of monasteries of the exarchate, and establishes stauropegia. On the recommendation of the Educational Committee, it approves the establishment of new departments in Theological Academies, charters and curricula of theological schools, and Seminary programs.

The judicial powers of the Holy Synod include trial in the first instance of disagreements between bishops and canonical offenses of bishops; court in the first and last instance of cases against employees of synodal institutions. The Synod judges in the final instance priests and deacons banned, defrocked, or excommunicated from the Church by the court of first instance, as well as laity excommunicated from the Church by the courts of first instance.

Synodal institutions are created and abolished by Local and Bishops' Councils or the Holy Synod and are accountable to them. At the head of the synodal institutions are persons in the rank of bishop, appointed by the Synod.

The synodal institutions currently include the Administration of the Moscow Patriarchate with the offices of the Patriarch and the Synod, the Synodal library, departments and archives; Department of External Church Relations; Publishing department; Economic management; Academic Committee; as well as those formed on the basis of the determination of the Holy Synod of January 29–31, 1991, the Department for Religious Education and Catechesis and the Department for Charity and Social Service. “Synodal institutions are coordinating bodies in relation to similar institutions operating within exarchates or dioceses.”

Synodal institutions operate on the basis of Regulations approved by the Holy Synod.

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The Russian Orthodox Church demands an objective investigation into the beating of a priest in Yalta

The Russian Orthodox Church demanded an impartial investigation into the circumstances of the attack on Moscow priest Alexei Zabelin in Yalta and the punishment of all those responsible.

Crimea News 23 days ago 25

A group of Ukrainian Orthodox activists “Pravblog” (faithful to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate) called on its supporters to brainstorm on the topic of introducing “new management and organizational formats,

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church Council for Church Art called rumors about a criminal case against him a lie

Supervisor Expert Council Archpriest Leonid Kalinin of the Russian Orthodox Church for Church Art, Architecture and Restoration categorically denied publications that appeared on the Internet about the initiation of a criminal case against him for an accident committed in 2016.

Interfax 1 month 8 days ago 2

Epiphany told the “painful truth” for the Russian Orthodox Church and Russia

Prince Vladimir did not baptize all the territories of Rus'. More about this later procession Metropolitan Epifaniy of the OCU stated in Kyiv. “We don’t feel competition, because whoever knows our real, objective, Ukrainian history, understands perfectly where the roots are Ukraine 1 month 10 days ago 60

"Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church"


The Russian Orthodox Church responded to the ECHR’s refusal to review the Pussy Riot case

The refusal of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to review the decision in the case of members of the punk group Pussy Riot is a blow to the legal protection of religious freedom in Europe, said the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Council of Europe, Abbot Philip, writes Interfax.

The Ukrainian authorities began an inventory of property in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate reported that this is the first inventory of shrines in the 30-year history of the revived monastery. Earlier, the UOC-MP expressed concern about the “seizure of church property”

The Russian Orthodox Church invited the parishes of Constantinople to transfer to the Moscow Patriarchate

The Russian Orthodox Church does not agree to the transfer of communities in Western Europe to the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and invites them to return to the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church. Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, deputy head of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR), told TASS about this.

Military priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church were removed from service

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine obstructs and illegally removes from work military chaplains of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP) in military units country, said the rector of the Church of the Archangel Michael, Archimandrite Luke (Vinarchuk). This is stated in a message from the press service of the UOC-MP.

The community in Florence that disagreed with Constantinople transferred to the ROCOR

The community of the Church of the Nativity of Christ and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Florence came under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCOR). The rector of the church, Archpriest Georgy Blatinsky, told the RIA Novosti agency about this.

The Russian Orthodox Church recognized the Patriarch of Constantinople as a schismatic

“Having recognized the schismatics, the Patriarch of Constantinople joined the schism,” said the head of the department for external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. Bartholomew's decision on the Ukrainian Church in the Russian Orthodox Church was previously considered to legitimize the schism

The Russian Church Abroad stopped communicating with Constantinople

The Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad stated that, following the Russian Orthodox Church, it is ending Eucharistic communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople. This is stated in a statement on the website of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCOR).

The Patriarchate of Constantinople refused to stop communicating with the Russian Orthodox Church

Despite the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) broke off canonical communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, its constituent Archdiocese of Orthodox Russian Churches in Western Europe - the Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - and Constantinople itself did not stop it, including with the Moscow Patriarchate. This is stated in a message from the office of the Archbishop of the Exarchate of Russian Parishes in Western Europe, published on its website.

Pompeo expressed support for Ukraine in moving towards autocephaly

The United States supports Ukraine's movement towards autocephaly and hopes that other countries will respect the right of Ukrainians to pray as they want, the head of the State Department said

The Russian Orthodox Church promised a “tough response” to Constantinople’s decision on Ukraine

The reaction of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to the latest decision of the Patriarchate of Constantinople regarding the Ukrainian Church will be “tough and adequate.” Constantinople previously confirmed its intention to grant the Ukrainian church autocephaly

The Kiev Patriarch announced the “principled” conduct of services in Ukrainian

In the unified Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the main language of worship and sermons should be Ukrainian, said the Primate of the UOC-KP Filaret. At the same time, he promised not to oppress the Russian language

Putin discussed with the Security Council the acquisition of autocephaly by the Ukrainian Church

President Vladimir Putin discussed with permanent members of the Russian Security Council the situation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine after receiving Ukrainian Church autocephaly. This was announced by presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports.

The UOC of the Kyiv and Moscow Patriarchates discussed the inadmissibility of violence

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, discussed with representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv (UOC-KP) and Moscow (UOC-MP) patriarchates the inadmissibility of provocations, violence and religious hatred, according to the department’s website.

The UOC spoke about the inventory of the property of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine

The UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate announced the beginning of an inventory of its property in Ukraine by the Ukrainian authorities in light of the approaching autocephaly of the non-canonical Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate

The struggle of the patriarchs: why the Orthodox churches are approaching schism

The Moscow Patriarchate broke off diplomatic relations with the “mother of all churches” - the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which wants to give independence to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Why the churches did not agree and what they are fighting for - RBC found out

The Russian Orthodox Church warned of bloodshed if the UOC received autocephaly

If the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) loses its rights after the UOC-Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP) receives autocephaly (self-government), believers may begin to defend large monasteries and cause “bloodshed”, the head said synodal department External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion in an interview with RT.

The Russian Orthodox Church threatened Constantinople with a complete severance of relations

The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church made a decision equivalent to a “severance of diplomatic relations” between the churches. The situation may worsen if Constantinople continues “anti-canonical activities” on the territory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The Kremlin commented on plans to create an “Orthodox Vatican”

The possibility of creating a large religious center in Sergiev Posad does not require approval from the president, Peskov claims. According to the BBC, the Russian Orthodox Church intends to implement a project of such a center

The UOC called Bartholomew’s appointment of exarchs to Kyiv a gross violation

The decision of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople to appoint two of his representatives to Kyiv is “ gross violation the canonical territory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church" of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP), says a statement on the church's website.

The Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church denied the independence of the UOC

Press secretary of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', Archpriest Alexander Volkov, said that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP) remains independent, but within the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). TASS reports this.

The head of the press service of Patriarch Kirill said that a security guard was sitting in the back seat of Putin’s car in Valaam, holding a red box with an icon in his hands. He also stated that the president did not give yachts to the monastery.

ROC dropped out of the list of affiliates of Peresvet Bank

The financial and economic management of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has dropped out of the list of affiliates of Peresvet Bank, according to the bank’s materials. According to the document, ROC left the list on June 22, 2017 due to a decrease in its share in the bank’s capital, the size of which fell below 20% of the authorized capital.

St. Petersburg will return the Annunciation Church on 5th Sovetskaya Street to the Russian Orthodox Church

St. Petersburg is ready to transfer ownership to the city diocese
Church of the Annunciation building Holy Mother of God farmstead
St. Andrew's Men's Skete on 5th Sovetskaya Street. About this
reported in the draft government order prepared by
Committee on Property Relations, writes the publication Broadcast
The church building is due to be completed in July 2016.