The most famous terrorist organizations in the world - Khotabych's Magazine - the friendliest blog in the world! Extremist and terrorist organizations: list. Active terrorist organizations

Today the world is developing with high speed. But, much to our disappointment, not all development is positive. There are two biggest global threats that worry the world more than ever before: change environment and terrorism.

Many governments around the world are making efforts to address these issues with utmost urgency, but it seems that this is not enough.

Today we will talk about the problem of terrorism, or rather we will tell you about the ten largest terrorist groups in the world.

The etymological root of the word "terrorism" is French meaning "to frighten". Terrorism works to radicalize ideologies, both religious and non-religious. There are many conspiracy theories that offer their own logical explanations terrorist activities and the functioning of terrorist groups.

On the other hand, terrorism is a rather ambiguous definition, and many terrorists do not consider themselves as such, calling themselves “freedom fighters”, “... for truth”, “... for faith”, etc.

And yet, we took the risk of writing an article about the 10 largest terrorist organizations in the world.

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Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan

Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is one of the most influential Islamic groups operating in Pakistan, as well as in some areas of Afghanistan.

They claim that they are fighting to establish Islamic Sharia law in the territory under their control. The TTP operates against the pro-Western government of Pakistan, as well as against NATO forces in the region. Unlike other terrorist groups, the TTP seeks to establish a legitimate government in Pakistan and neighboring countries.

This terrorist organization was founded in 2007. Prerequisites for creation similar organization became a military operation of official Pakistan to clear its territories of organizations that helped the Afghan Taliban fight against NATO in Afghanistan. It is not surprising that among the organizers of the TTP there were many military personnel who took part in the fighting in Afghanistan.

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Haqqani Network

Led by Mawlavi Jalaluddin Haqqani and his sons, the Haqqani network is a group of militants primarily active in Afghanistan. The terrorist organization seeks to completely eliminate Western influence in the region and wants to create Sharia-based legislation in Afghanistan.

According to some estimates, terrorists are based in Afghanistan on the border with Pakistan, and perhaps Pakistan is facilitating the development of this terrorist organization. Although officially the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Pakistan denies any connection with this organization.

The US CIA considers the Haqqani network a significant threat in the region.

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Indian Mujahideen

The Indian Mujahideen have been identified by the Government of India as separate group terrorists in 2008. It is believed that the terrorist organization emerged from the remains of another similar organization - SIDI (Student Islamic Movement of India).

The difference between this terrorist organization and the rest is its secret functioning. Typically, members of the organization work from within cities and residential areas with a predominantly Hindu population.

The Indian Mujahideen are responsible for several major terrorist attacks in Indian cities.

The eight most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world today include (the ranking was compiled according to experts from various countries world, surveys conducted over recent months, and according to data think tanks USA and Russia, – ed.):

1. "Islamic State" - on this moment the most powerful terrorist organization in the world. IS, operating primarily in Syria (partially controlling its northeastern territories) and Iraq (partially controlling the territory of the “Sunni triangle”) has actually been an unrecognized quasi-state since 2013. total area The territory controlled by IS as of 2014 was estimated at 40-90 thousand square meters. km, and the population living in this territory, predominantly consisting of Sunnis, is 8 million people. Every month, according to American intelligence services, at least 1,000 foreign volunteers join the organization, in addition to mobilizing the population in Iraq and Syria, and the total number of foreigners is at least 16 thousand. Volunteers from 80 countries of the world operate on the organization’s side in Syria and Iraq. The number of IS militants reaches several tens of thousands of people, and they have heavy weapons at their disposal. The group is active extremist activities and is responsible for many terrorist attacks. The leader of IS is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

2. Al-Qaeda- one of the largest ultra-radical international terrorist organizations of the Wahhabi branch of Islam. After the bombings of the US embassies in the capitals of Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, al-Qaeda acquired the status of the number 1 terrorist organization in the world (at that time there was no IS). Al-Qaeda is responsible for planning and carrying out a number of major terrorist attacks, including the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States. The chain of events that began with the attacks of September 11, 2001, and involved al-Qaeda and its suppression efforts, is known as the War on Terrorism. Western researchers identify 5 periods in the history of Al-Qaeda: emergence (late 1980s), “wild” period (1990-1996), heyday (1996-2001), periods of existence as a network ( 2001-2005) and fragmentation (after 2005).

3. Al-Nusra- the group was founded on January 23, 2012 during the civil war in Syria. Since then, it has been regarded as one of the most successful rebel groups. Recognized as a terrorist organization by the UN. Syrians, as well as citizens, are fighting in the ranks of the group Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkmenistan, France, Great Britain and other countries. The leaders of the organization plan to attack Israel after the end of the war in Syria. Nothing is known about the leader of the al-Nusra Front, except that he acts under the pseudonym “Abu Muhammad al-Julani.”

4. Boko Haram- the group operates in Nigeria. Each terrorist attack they carry out kills at least 7 people, which makes them fourth on our list based on lethality. Literally, "Boko Haram" translates as "Western education is prohibited." The main goal of the organization is to introduce Sharia law throughout Nigeria and eradicate the Western way of life. Boko Haram selects its victims based on their distance from Sharia law. The organization was responsible for the kidnapping of 200 schoolchildren in June this year. From June 2009 to July 2014, the number of their victims amounted to 5 thousand people. The organization continues its activities to this day, striving to eliminate all forms of education and enlightenment in the world.

5. Taliban- got its name from the word “Taliban” - a student of a religious educational institution, since the core of the movement was former students of madrassas (Islamic educational institutions), which were created in Pakistan to educate children orphaned during Afghan war 1979 - 1989 The movement, which was led by Mullah Mohammed Omar, proclaimed its goal to create a “true Islamic” state and was directed against the government of Burhanuddin Rabbani and all military-political groups Afghan Mujahideen, who continuously fought for power after leaving Afghanistan in 1989 Soviet troops. The center of the Taliban movement became the city of Kandahar in southeastern Afghanistan. The first action of Mohammed Omar's group was the murder of a local mujahideen leader and his men who had attacked three women in the city. By “punishing” the Mujahideen as having betrayed the ideas of the Koran, the Taliban increased their authority among the people. Numerous experts argue that Pakistan was behind the Taliban as an armed force from the very beginning. According to some reports, direct financing, military training Taliban and supplying them modern weapons carried out by the Border Guard Corps and elite units Pakistani paratroopers led by General Nasrullah Babar. The Taliban is recognized as a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council.

6. Al Shabab- the organization that received " warm place" on our list due to the fact that they recruit children into their ranks, work closely with al-Qaeda and engage in poaching, killing tens of thousands of elephants every year. In pursuit of valuable ivory, they kill both animals and their protectors. This group operates in Somalia and enforces Sharia law in rural areas. According to some estimates, about 6 thousand people are involved in the organization.

7. "Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami"(translated from Arabic as “Islamic Liberation Party”) is a radical Islamist organization created in Jerusalem in 1953 by the judge of the local Sharia appeal court, Takiuddin al-Nabhani. After Nabhani's death in Beirut, Lebanon in 1977, leadership of the organization passed into the hands of Palestinian Abdul Kadim Zallum. After Zallum's death in 2003, the group was led by Palestinian Ata Abu Rashta. Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami is led by Ata Abu Rashta, who was born in 1943 in Hebron province. In 1966, Abu Rashta graduated from Cairo University with a diploma construction engineer. He worked a lot in his specialty and even wrote a book, popular in Arab countries, on the topic of calculating the amount of materials in the construction of buildings and roads. At the end of the 1960s. he quit his professional job for a career in Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami. Hizbut-Tahrir recruits in more than 40 countries around the world, and up to 50 thousand people can be in its ranks.

8. Jaysh al-Islam- militants of the terrorist group Jaysh al-Islam declared war on Russia due to its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Jaishal Islam was created in 2012. The coalition also included Liua al-Tawhid, Ahramash Sham, Ansarash Sham, Liua al-Haq and Sukurash Sham. Syrian Islamists were forced to unite by the successes of government forces in the Aleppo region. The leader of the group is Sheikh Zahran Alloush. Jaishal-Islam includes more than 30 brigades; up to 25-30 thousand people fight under its flags in Syria. The groups are armed with not only weapon and grenade launchers, but also armored vehicles.


  • Ideology: Parachristianism
  • Number of members: 500 – 3 000
  • Active in: Uganda, Sudan

Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)- Ugandan nationalist rebel group. Recruits its soldiers from the Acholi people. Also viewed as a destructive sect.

Founded by Joseph Kony, who declared himself a prophet and the voice of the Holy Spirit, the moral successor of Alice Lakwena, who assumed the title of Major General. The group has been active since 1987, fighting against Museveni's government to establish a theocratic regime in Uganda based on the 10 commandments of the Bible. At first the group was called the "Ugandan People's Democratic Christian Army", then changed it to the "Ugandan Christian Democratic Army", since 1991-92 the movement has its own modern name. The organization's ideology combines elements of Christian teaching with traditional African beliefs.

On December 28, 2008, the Ugandan military accused the ASG of killing 45 people in catholic church in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Soon these data were confirmed. According to updated information, the killings took place in a Catholic church in the vicinity of Doruma, 40 km from the Sudanese border. These data reported that parts human bodies were scattered everywhere: inside the church and at the entrance. Captain Chris Magezi also confirmed that the militants killed and dismembered the bodies of 45 people. The organization Caritas estimated the number of victims at 500 people. They also reported that ASG militants attacked a December 25 Christmas concert in Faraj, carrying out a second attack the following morning. Only about 150 people died in these attacks. Caritas said gunmen also massacred a church in Dungu, killing 75 people. The rebels burned a church and also killed 48 people in Bangadi and 213 in Ghurba. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs assessed total victims in Faraj, Dorum and Gurba at 189 people.


  • Ideology: Marxism-Leninism, Bolivarianism
  • Number of members: 8 000 – 9 000
  • Active in: Colombia

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia)- left-wing rebel group in Colombia. In 2001, the US State Department added the FARC to the list of terrorist organizations, and the European Union later made a similar decision. Cuba and Venezuela insist that the organization is a guerrilla organization based on Bolivarian ideas.

During the entire conflict between the Colombian authorities and the FARC since 1958, at least 220 thousand people became victims, including 177 thousand civilians, about 45 thousand went missing, and over 5 million civilians became refugees.


  • Ideology: Islamism
  • Active in: Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh

One of the largest and most active terrorist organizations in South Asia. was founded by Hafiz Muhammad Saeed in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, and is currently based near Lahore, Pakistan.

Operates several training camps in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. Members of Lashkar Taiba are the perpetrators of all major attacks on India, their main goal is the liberation of Kashmir from India. Lashkar members carried out some of their terrorist attacks in Pakistan, with particular preference for Karachi, thus expressing their opposition to the policies of President Musharraf. The organization is banned in India, Pakistan, the United States, Great Britain, the European Union, Russia and Australia, as it is recognized as terrorist.


  • Ideology: Islamism
  • Number of members: 30 000
  • Active in: Pakistan, Waziristan

Islamic combat organization. Based in Federally Administered Tribal Areas. It is an association of the majority of Pakistani groups, created in December 2007 by Baitullah Mehsud on the basis of common goals: resistance to the “pro-Western” Pakistani government, the establishment of direct Sharia in Pakistan, Muslim India, resistance to NATO troops in the territories of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan is not affiliated with the Afghan Taliban, but the groups cooperate closely, especially in the fight against NATO. They differ in their history, slightly - in goals. In both organizations, the active part is dominated by Pashtuns (Iranian people inhabiting mainly the southeast, south and southwest of Afghanistan and north-west Pakistan, the main distinctive characteristics of which are the East Iranian language Pashto, the traditions of nomadism, the Pashtunvalai code of honor).


  • Ideology: Islamism
  • Number of members: 3 000
  • Active in: Somalia

Harakat al-Shabab al-Mujahideen- a group of Somali Islamists. It arose in Somalia on the fragments of the Union of Islamic Courts, when all power in Somalia was in the hands of the Provisional Federal Government and its patrons, first of all armed forces Ethiopia with US support. Since 2009, it has occupied a significant territory; since August 2008, the city of Kismayo has become the capital.

For effective propaganda, the group uses various means mass media, mostly radio. The Internet is also an effective and inexpensive way to reach a larger audience. As the Internet becomes increasingly popular among young people, the group can often recruit new fighters through it, posting messages in English, Arabic or Somali. Before being expelled from Mogadishu in 2011, Al Shabaab controlled local television, through which active propaganda about the group's virtues and preaching was carried out.


  • Ideology: Islamic fundamentalism
  • Number of members: 4 000 – 6 000
  • Active in: Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, Chad

Boko Haram (Islamic State West Africa Province)- radical Nigerian Islamist organization. Known since 2002, when Mohammed Yusuf became its leader. The main goal of the organization is to introduce Sharia law throughout Nigeria and eradicate the Western way of life. In July 2009, they initiated riots in northern Nigeria, attacking Christian churches and police stations. In May 2014, it was added to the list of terrorist organizations by the UN Security Council.

After pledging allegiance to the Islamic State in March 2015, Boko Haram changed its name to the Islamic State West Africa Province.


  • Ideology: Islamism, anti-imperialism, nationalism
  • Number of members: 30 000
  • Active in: Lebanon

A paramilitary Lebanese Shiite organization and political party advocating the creation of an Islamic state in Lebanon modeled on Iran. The ideology is based on the ideology of Ruhollah Khomeini, created by the leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran. It is recognized as a terrorist organization in Canada, the USA, Israel and Egypt, the League of Arab States, the Gulf countries, and also partially in the EU, Australia and the UK. Enjoys financial and military support from Iran and Syria.

In its 1985 manifesto, the organization declared its three main goals: “the expulsion of all colonial institutions from Lebanon,” “bringing the Phalangists to justice for their crimes,” and the establishment of an Islamic regime in the country.

In Russia, Hezbollah is not considered a terrorist organization, although in 1985 it kidnapped 3 diplomats, and the famous terrorist Imad Mugniya, nicknamed “Hyena,” shot diplomat Arkady Katkov. In November 2015, Deputy Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry and Special Representative of the Russian President for the Middle East and North Africa Mikhail Bogdanov explained this situation by saying that Hezbollah did not commit terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation and is a legitimate socio-political force, having representatives in the Lebanese parliament.


  • Ideology: Islamism, Pan-Islamism
  • Number of members: 52 000 – 60 000
  • Active in: Afghanistan, Waziristan, Pakistan

Official creed of the Taliban is Asharism, and anyone who contradicts this ideology, according to the militants, is lost and subject to persecution. In the territories under their control, the Taliban introduces Sharia law, the implementation of which is strictly controlled. Television, music and musical instruments are prohibited. art, alcohol, computers and the Internet, chess, white shoes (white is the color of the Taliban flag), open discussion of sex and much more. Men were required to have a beard of a certain length. Women were not allowed to work, be treated by male doctors, or appear in in public places With open face and without a husband or male relative; Women's access to education was significantly limited.

On February 26, 2001, Mullah Omar issued a decree on the destruction of all non-Islamic monuments in the country. Implementing the decree, in March of the same year, the Taliban blew up two giant Buddha statues carved into the rocks of Bamiyan in the 3rd and 6th centuries, which caused condemnation from the world community. The actions of the Taliban were condemned by the public and a number of Muslim countries.

Taliban support ban female education. Schools are often the targets of their attacks; In 2008 alone, they destroyed more than 150 schools in the northwestern region of Pakistan, Swat.


  • Ideology: Islamic fundamentalism, pan-Islamism
  • Number of members: 40 000

One of the largest ultra-radical international terrorist organizations of the Wahhabi branch of Islam. Created in 1988. After the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, al-Qaeda directed the spearhead of the fight against the United States, the countries of the so-called “Western world” and their supporters in Islamic countries. The goal of the organization is to overthrow secular regimes in Islamic countries and create the “Great Islamic Caliphate.”

After the bombing of US embassies in the capitals of Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, al-Qaeda acquired the status of the number one terrorist organization in the world. Al-Qaeda is responsible for planning and carrying out a number of major terrorist attacks, including the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States.


An international Islamist Sunni organization, recognized by most countries as terrorist, operating primarily in Syria (partially controlling its northeastern territories) and Iraq (partially controlling the territory of the “Sunni triangle”), in fact, since 2013 as an unrecognized quasi-state (proclaimed as a global caliphate on June 29, 2014 year) with a Sharia form of government and headquarters in the Syrian city of Ar-Raqqa. In addition to Syria and Iraq, IS or groups controlled by it are also involved in hostilities in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Algeria, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Nigeria, and terrorist activities in some other countries.

IS is recognized by many countries and international organizations as a terrorist organization. The group was condemned by one of the largest Sunni ulemas, Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

The Yezidis were subjected to the greatest repression by IS. According to the UN report, the actions carried out by IS against them are aimed at destroying the Yazidis as a group and can be classified as genocide.

The report notes that IS militants commit the following crimes in Iraq: mass executions, ethnic cleansing, the use of minors in combat, forced conversion to Islam. IS militants also persuade girls and women of other faiths to engage in prostitution, destroy historical monuments and religious shrines, attack infrastructure. Slavery has officially been revived in IS, and slave markets operate openly. According to the authors of the report, the actions of IS can be classified as genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Palestine). Exists since 2000. According to Israeli intelligence services, this organization has several leaders, including international terrorists Nasser Badawi and Maslama Thabet. “Brigades” organize explosions using suicide bombers, including women. The organization is financed from the budget of the Fatah party. Yasser Arafat denies his involvement in the activities of the Brigades, however, according to intelligence services, it is from his foreign accounts that money is transferred to finance the movement. Thus, in June 2002, Israel provided comprehensive evidence of a direct transfer of 20 thousand US dollars from Arafat’s account to the account of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

"Armed Islamic Group" (GIA, Algeria). In 1992, a bloody civil war began in Algeria, during which the GIA tried to defend its interests and fight for power in the country. The main goal of the organization is a military coup in Algeria and the establishment of an Islamic state. Antar Zuabri has been considered the leader of the GIA since 2002. GIA is responsible for terrorist attacks both in Algeria and in France. Thus, in 1994, members of the group hijacked an Air France plane, and in 1995 they organized several explosions in France. In December 1999, on the US-Canadian border, police managed to detain GIA member Ahmed Ressam, who, according to some sources, was also involved in al-Qaeda activities. According to American intelligence officers, GIA is one of the cells of the al-Qaeda global network and supplies its militants to achieve its goals. The group is financed mainly by robberies of the Algerian population, as well as monetary donations from Algerians living in the countries Western Europe.

"Aum Shinrikyo" (Japan). The religious sect professes the cult of its leader Shoko Asahara and the ideas of the apocalypse. The sect was classified as a terrorist organization only after it carried out a massacre in 1995. gas attack using sarin gas in the Tokyo subway. The largest terrorist attack in Japanese history was organized in order to “bring the end of the world closer.” After the terrorist attack, many members of Aum Shinrikyo went to prison. Among them was Shoko Asahara, whom Tokyo police charged with 17 crimes, including terrorism, drug trafficking, murder and kidnapping. After 1995, the organization changed its name to Aleph. Currently it consists of two thousand sectarians, whose donations are the main source of funding.

ETA (Spain). The terrorist organization "Basque Fatherland and Freedom" is a left-wing radical movement of ethnic Basques. the main objective The goal pursued by terrorists is to create an independent Basque state in northern Spain and southwestern France. ETA was formed in 1959 by a group of young activists in response to General Franco's dictatorial measures against the Basque population. ETA members chose the teachings of Marx as their official ideology. The Basque separatists are targeting Spanish government officials and institutions. " Corporate style» ETAs have become time-operated or remote-controlled explosive devices, about which terrorists warn the police in advance. Last high-profile terrorist attack in Spain, in which ETA was suspected of involvement, there were train bombings in Madrid. However, after al-Qaeda leaders officially took responsibility for organizing these attacks, suspicions against ETA were lifted. There is no single leader among the Basque separatists. The main sources of funding for the organization are funds received as ransom for kidnapped people, drug trafficking, as well as interest on banking transactions carried out in the Basque Country.

Hamas (Palestine). As a movement of Palestinian Islamic fundamentalists, Hamas acts as the main opponent of peace and the achievement of agreements between Palestine and Israel. Hamas represents a powerful opposition to the Arafat government. Professing fundamentalist ideas and adhering to a policy of harsh nationalism, Hamas members are among the most implacable enemies of Israel. Hamas was formed in the wake of the Palestinian uprising against Israeli authorities in late 1987. The group's activists immediately launched terrorist activities in the Gaza Strip. In total, they are responsible for more than 200 killed and thousands wounded as a result of explosions carried out by suicide bombers. Until recently, Hamas was led by the ideological leader and inspirer of all Islamic fundamentalists, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. After Yassin was eliminated as a result of an operation by Israeli intelligence services, Hamas was led by a new leader, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi. He previously served as the terrorist group's press secretary.

Cash flow, annually received by Hamas, is estimated at an average of 30 million US dollars. This money mainly comes from supporters of the organization in Saudi Arabia and other oil-exporting countries in the Persian Gulf.

Hezbollah (Lebanon). A group of Lebanese Shiites fighting to create a fundamentalist Islamic state modeled on Iran. The name of the group is translated as “Party of Allah.” Unlike other terrorist organizations, Hezbollah even has its own political representation (its members occupy 128 seats in the Lebanese parliament) and from time to time reaches agreements with its opponents. In particular, in January of this year, by mutual agreement, Hezbollah and the Israeli government exchanged prisoners. The organization’s period of particularly active terrorist activity occurred in the 90s, when members of the group managed to organize a number of explosions in Lebanon and Argentina, as well as regularly kidnap American citizens. The leader of the organization is Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, and the US State Department names Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah as its spiritual leader. The main sponsors of the movement are the governments of Syria and Iran.

"Al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya" (Egypt). The “Islamist Group” has existed since the 70s of the last century and is the largest radical Islamic organization in Egypt. She is responsible for attacks on American citizens, the Egyptian government and Christians in the country. Thus, in 1993, Al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya carried out several house bombings in Cairo, and in 1997, militants of this organization killed 71 foreign tourists in Luxor. The spiritual leader of the group is Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who is held in an American prison. The organization’s sources of funding are unknown, however, according to the US State Department, “it is covered by the Sudanese and Iranian governments.”

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK, Türkiye). Operating since 1973. Using Marxist slogans, the party aims to form a unified communist Kurdish state. Since 1980, the PKK has actively collaborated with the Syrian government, which provided ideological and material support to the Kurdish separatists. In the mid-1980s, the Kurdish uprising against the Turkish government turned into bloody battles. PKK militants and guerrillas carried out suicide bombings, kidnappings of tourists and terrorist attacks against Turkish embassies in Europe. The wave of violence that swept Turkey at that time resulted in the death of more than 30 thousand civilians. Throughout the 90s, PKK activists used all possible forms and methods to fight the Turkish government. Explosions at resorts, attacks on Turkish embassies and representative offices in six Western European countries, and acts of vandalism against Turkish state symbols continued until the capture of Kurdish terrorist leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1999. After the latter fell into the hands of Turkish intelligence services, the party officially abandoned terrorist activities.

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sri Lanka). The organization arose in 1976 on the island of Sri Lanka, its activists are seeking the creation of an independent Tamil state. Since 1983, the Tigers have fought a bloody civil war with the government using guerrilla and terrorist methods. During this time, guerrillas and suicide bombers killed 60 thousand people. In their early years, the Tigers trained in Palestine Liberation Organization camps. Now the number of supporters of this organization is 10 thousand people. The organization receives money from the drug trade and from the numerous Tamil diasporas scattered around the world.

Irish Republican Army (IRA, Northern Ireland). The organization has been fighting for 85 years against the “illegal British occupation” and unionists (or loyalists - Protestant Irish loyal to the British crown) of Northern Ireland and advocates its unification with the Irish Republic. The IRA began its activities on January 21, 1919 with the murder of two Irish royal constables, accused of agreeing to serve the British. On the same day, the Irish nationalist political party Sinn Fein adopted the “Declaration of Irish Independence” at a general meeting. One of the main milestones in the history of the IRA is considered to be July 21, 1972, when 21 explosions occurred in Belfast alone, killing 9 people and injuring several hundred more. In 1984, the IRA organized an assassination attempt on British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Terrorists blew up the Grand Hotel in Brighton, where she was staying The Iron Lady", but Thatcher was not harmed. Currently, the IRA number reaches a thousand fighters. Terrorists receive financial and political assistance from the Irish diaspora in the United States; weapons and explosives were supplied to Ireland by Libya and the PLO. According to world intelligence services, the IRA is part of the so-called "red belt ", Commonwealth of International separatist organizations, which also includes ETA (Basque Country), FARC (Colombia) and some others.

In 1998, Sinn Fein and the Unionists signed a peace treaty (the so-called Good Friday Agreement) on joint governance of Northern Ireland. In 2002, four members of Sinn Fein even became members of the British Parliament.

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and Army national liberation(ANO). FARC, the largest Marxist terrorist organization, has 18 thousand militants who control almost half of Colombia's territory: the jungles of the south and the foothills of the Andes. The ANO forces are much smaller; its ranks consist of 8 thousand fighters, whose bases are located in the north. Militants from these two organizations kidnap more than three thousand people every year. Of all the kidnappings that occur in the world, 60% occur in Colombia. In particular, the revolutionaries kidnapped and killed the former Minister of Culture of Colombia Consuela Araujo Noguera, Senator Marta Catalina Daniels, presidential candidate from the Green Party Ingrid Betancourt, the governor of the province of Antioquia Guillermo Gaviria, and the former Minister of Defense Gilberto Echeverría. The rebels need hostages to exchange them for comrades in government prisons; they are also a constant source of income for terrorists. In addition, according to the Economist magazine, Colombian guerrilla groups make money from drug trafficking and racketeering, receiving up to $250-300 million a year from the latter. In 1998, the US Congress adopted Plan Colombia, which allocated $1.7 billion to Bogota to eliminate drug trafficking.

Al-Qaeda. An international terrorist organization with autonomous underground cells in 50 countries, including the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, and France. Even if its founder Osama bin Laden is captured or destroyed, it is unlikely to cease to exist, since “it is perfectly designed to function without a head” (opinion of Michel Flournoy, an expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. - NEWSPAPER). A native of Saudi Arabia, the son of a millionaire and a millionaire himself, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, bin Laden created his organization in 1988. To do this, he used all the experience and connections gained in Maktab al-Kidamat, a network created with the direct participation of the CIA to recruit volunteers around the world who wanted to take part in jihad against the USSR. During the war years in Afghanistan, a large group of professional warriors was formed, capable of conducting effective guerrilla warfare. Afghan veterans became the backbone of bin Laden's new organization. Since 1994, Sudan has become al-Qaeda's main base, where Osama bin Laden creates a developed infrastructure and training bases for his brainchild. His companies are engaged in road construction, banking, export-import operations, and satellite communications. These enterprises generate tens of millions of dollars in revenue, allowing them to maintain and train a small army. In May 1996, under US pressure, the Sudanese government forced bin Laden to leave the country, and he had to move to Afghanistan. The Taliban provided al-Qaeda with refuge, and the terrorist organization, in turn, provided financial support to the young regime.

Al-Qaeda's main goal is to establish an Islamic order based on Sharia throughout the world. According to the leaders of the organization, the enemies of Muslims include not only the United States and the entire Western world, but also moderate Islamic regimes. In 1998, bin Laden announced the formation of a united organization, the Islamic World Front for the Fight against Jews and Crusaders. It included terrorist groups: Islamic Jihad, Gamaat al-Islamiya, the Yemeni Islamic Army of Aden, the Kashmiri Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Abu Sayyaf Group and others. However, each of these organizations acts completely independently, and common goals The front is defined by the "shura", headed by bin Laden himself. Terrorist attacks planned and carried out by al-Qaeda include: August 7, 1998 - bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; October 2000 - explosion of the US Navy destroyer Cole; September 11, 2001 - the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the west wing of the Pentagon building in Washington.

While some devote all their strength to fighting for equality and peace throughout the world, others prefer to participate in armed conflicts. Terrorist organizations are present in many countries and often cause tragic events, you can hear about one group or another in the news almost every day. What goals do they pursue? How do they arise? Worth exploring this difficult question using the example of the most famous associations, most of which relate to countries of the Muslim world, but some have connections with European or Asian states. So, let's take a closer look at each of the most famous ones.

Irish Republican Army

The territory of this island state has been associated with frequent tense conflicts for centuries. The activities of terrorist organizations in Ireland are aimed at resisting the British and defending national interests. Despite the fact that the country's right to sovereignty seems a completely fair reason for indignation, the IRA is distinguished by its brutal methods of solving problems, which turn it into an armed group. The history of the movement begins with the United Irishmen, which arose back in the 1790s. The patriots of those times strove for freedom and equality, choosing a non-violent path of struggle and being inspired by the democracy of the French Revolution. Repression by the British government led to the fact that the natives of Ireland began to take up arms and behave increasingly violently. Today, bombings and other forms of terrorist attacks are no longer a rarity for the IRA. Difficult moments in history, such as the Great Famine of the mid-nineteenth century and the suppression of the nationalist Irish Fenian movement, repeated refusal British Empire recognition of independence and constant repression have led to the fact that nationalists no longer see a peaceful solution to the conflict.

"Aum Shinrikyo"

It is impossible to compile a list of terrorist organizations without mentioning this community. According to other versions, it is called the “truth movement.” This organization is also religious sect with a leader named Shoko Asahara. In 1981, he organized the sale of counterfeit medicines, was arrested, and a few years later founded a company selling religious goods, which over time began to take on the characteristics of a community. Aum Shinrikyo began to create branches throughout Japan, and by 1989 even ordinary people had heard about it. As a result of their activities, conflicts began to flare up in some places and criminal crimes began to occur. Like many others terrorist organizations, “Aum Shinrikyo” is based on converting others to one’s religion, sometimes by far from peaceful methods. The most scandalous action associated with this group is the sarin attack carried out in the Tokyo subway. Five people simultaneously sprayed poisonous gas at different points in the room, which led to the death of a dozen people and injuries to five thousand Japanese. It is believed that the sectarians took such a drastic step in an attempt to kill the judge who was handling the case of the head of Aum Shinrikyo, but there is no exact information about this. The few terrorist organizations currently operating in Russia include this group. Associations of the sect exist in several cities of the country.


Islamic terrorist organizations are the most common. This one is the most famous and influential today. The ultra-radical group represents the Wahhabi branch of Islam and arose in 1988 with the goal of overthrowing secular regimes in the Muslim region. This terrorist organization also carries out many international actions. The Islamic state that al-Qaeda fighters are trying to create is called the Great Caliphate. They see enemies in many countries, which is why their attacks occur outside the Arab region. The most tragic attack is the hijacking of an airplane and the destruction of towers Shopping center in the USA, which happened in September 2001. Almost three thousand people died during the action. The ideological inspirer of the group was Osama bin Laden. He positioned himself as a fighter for the Islamic faith, but in reality he sought to gain control over the whole world, and especially over America, which, according to al-Qaeda militants, is an imperialist force that violates justice in the world in its own interests. Bin Laden sponsored the activities of a terrorist group from own funds. He received the support of the Afghan people by helping refugees and the wounded, building wells and giving money to those in need. In 2011, American special forces killed bin Laden as part of a special operation to combat Islamists. However, Al-Qaeda remains on the list of active terrorist organizations. It is now headed by Ayman Al-Zawahiri, former personal doctor bin Laden.


The largest terrorist organizations are most often located in the Muslim region. Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement, based in Palestine, is one of these. In addition to being a group of armed militants, it is also a political party that has held the main ruling post in the Gaza Strip since July 2007. Some countries do not list Hamas as a terrorist organization, declaring only its military wing ineligible. The movement has existed since 1987, when the First Palestinian Intifada began. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Jihad group teamed up to create it. Ahmed Yasin became the leader. Initially, the movement did not have the goal of terrorist organizations, the focus was on religious activities. Hamas has created a network of kindergartens, schools, and hospitals in Gaza. Anti-Semitic activity was suppressed. But after some time the mood changed to a radical Islamic trend. Hamas began terrorist activities. Sheikh Yassin now has an armory. The group's current goal is to openly proclaim the destruction of the state of Israel and secular Palestine to create a Muslim republic on their territory. Like other Islamic terrorist organizations, Hamas uses ideological warfare, constantly recruits new fighters and glorifies the path of jihad. The group has claimed responsibility for many suicide bombings carried out by suicide bombers on the streets or in shops in Israel, and for shelling roads and cities with rockets and mortars. Military attacks continue constantly. Hamas uses schools and other civilian sites in Gaza to house militants in order to provoke Israel into attacking civilians.


When listing the main terrorist organizations, it is necessary to mention the Islamic Liberation Party. This is an international extremist group of a religious nature. Founded in 1953 in Syria. It was created by Sheikh Takiitdin Nabhoniy with the help of the Muslim Brotherhood. The goals of terrorist organizations of this nature are similar: the fight against the Zionists, the liberation of the Palestinian region, the mass Islamization of the population and, in the future, the creation of a unified Muslim state-caliphate. Representatives of Hizb ut-Tahrir actively incite ethnic intolerance and religious hatred and focus on socio-economic problems. Like other international terrorist organizations, the group operates in many countries, mainly located in the Arab region. The political extremism of Hizb ut-Tahrir has led to the fact that it is banned in most states. The members of the association seek to abolish existing constitutions, deny democratic values, and plan to end the possibility of secular and legal life. They distribute appeals and leaflets. The activities of Hizb ut-Tahrir are prohibited by law in countries such as Germany, Russia, Canada, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Jordan, Pakistan and others. The Muslim Spiritual Administration Council issued a fatwa declaring the party un-Islamic and its teachings incorrect. Muslims consider their religion to be peaceful, but extremists distort its ideas to suit their own interests.


Known international terrorist organizations include this one. It originated in Afghanistan in the early 1980s. At its origins were Afghan refugees who, on the instructions of the Pakistani government, were trained in closed schools, where they were subjected to serious ideological and religious indoctrination in Balochistan and the northwestern provinces. Few extremist and terrorist organizations are as famous as this one. It includes representatives of the Pashtuns, whose religious direction is Islam in the Hanafi direction. The military-political leader is Muhammad Omar, a mullah, and the formal leadership of the Taliban is the Supreme Council. In 1994, the movement began a struggle for power in Afghanistan. In addition, like few other terrorist organizations in Russia, this one participated in conflicts in Chechnya. The activities of the Taliban are always based on the method of terror. The organization completely controls the territory of Afghanistan and cooperates with Al-Qaeda. The Taliban is supported by many terrorist organizations of the Sunni branch of Islam. At the beginning of the new millennium, eighty al-Qaeda training camps were openly operating in Afghanistan. It is believed that since their founding in 1996, about twenty thousand fighters have visited there. At the moment, the terrorist organizations Taliban and Al-Qaeda are working together against Afghan police and army units and attacking military personnel from the international coalition regulating the situation in the East. Also underway fighting against Pakistanis in the northwestern border areas. The Taliban movement is included in the UN list of terrorist organizations in the world. Application planned international sanctions. Taliban activity is prohibited by law in the territory Russian Federation and in Uzbekistan.


Like many other terrorist organizations in the world, this one is Islamist. It was organized in Pakistan and represents the radical militant wing of the religious-political association known as Markaz-e Dawat-ul-Irshad, which previously worked closely with Osama bin Laden and his group. Lashkar-e-Taiba was established in 1980 in Lahore. The founder, Professor Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, sought to support the Afghan mujahideen. The goals of terrorist organizations are often similar, and Lashkar-e-Taiba is no exception. Its official direction is jihad in Israel and the United States of America. The group is currently conducting military operations in Indian states Kashmir and Jamma. A well-known terrorist attack was the attack on the Parliament building in Delhi in December 2001. As a result, twelve people were killed and more than twenty were injured. The leaders of Lashkar-e-Taiba constantly claim that they are pursuing a military-political program of jihad in Afghanistan and Kashmir. They recently announced the expansion of impact areas in the northern Caucasus and Central Asia. Lashkar-e-Taiba also sponsors and strongly supports other terrorist organizations in the region. Its activities are officially banned in Pakistan. In the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan, the Lashkar-e-Taiba group is legally recognized as terrorist.

"Boz Gurd"

This one should also be included in the list of terrorist organizations. "Boz Gurd", also known as " Gray wolves" is a Turkish radical right-wing nationalist paramilitary group. Purpose and basic concept is the creation single state for all Turkic peoples, or Turanism. IN modern form was organized back in 1965 by Colonel Alparslan Türkesh. Since 1968, Boz Gurd merged with two other radical Turkish organizations of a military nature and formed an alliance that formed the Nationalist Movement Party of Turkey. Its program is based on extreme national radicalism. Among the methods of activity one can list physical terror - the group has officially recognized the murders of politicians and trade unions, journalists and scientists in Turkey, as well as terrorist attacks using bomb explosions in public transport or public places with large crowds of people. One of the bloodiest actions was the shooting of a peaceful demonstration in May 1977 in Istanbul. Boz Gurda terrorists killed forty people. The following December, militants from this organization carried out an attack, killing a hundred participants in a religious procession in the city of Qahranmashahr and injuring more than a thousand people. Since the 80s, it has been officially considered illegal, which did not prevent Alparslan Türkesh from restoring his group under a new name in 1988 - the National Labor Party. In 1992, the organization split. As a result, Boz Gurd split into two directions, one of which is distinguished by extreme radicalism. After the schism, it gained worldwide fame by carrying out an assassination attempt on John Paul II, the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The terrorist Agji was detained in time by the special services while carrying out this task. Since the early 90s, Boz Gurd has been operating abroad. The organization's recruiters are regularly seen different countries Muslim world and constantly conduct underground agitation, trying to attract young Islamic students who receive higher education in the city of Istanbul, calling on them to take armed participation in a radical war of a religious nature.

"Asbat Al-Ansar"

This terrorist organization was created in 1985 in a Palestinian camp. The founder, Sheikh Hisham Grady, located its headquarters in Saida, Lebanon. Osama bin Laden almost immediately came into contact with Asbat Al-Ansar. On the territory of the group’s camp, training of al-Qaeda militants began in order to send them to all hot spots of the world. Asbat Al-Ansar declares the United States of America, Israel, the Russian Federation and the states of Western Europe as its enemies. The Counter-Terrorism Committee of the UN Security Council includes this radical association in the list of prohibited organizations. Activities are legally controlled in many countries, including Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, where the appearance of members of this terrorist group is periodically noted.

"Kurdish People's Congress"

To complete the list of terrorist organizations in the world, it is worth mentioning this armed group. The Kurdish People's Congress, also known as Kongra Gel or the Kurdistan Workers' Party, emerged in 1978. The purpose of creating the group was to conduct an armed struggle for the founding independent state. The Kurds consider the territory in southeastern Turkey theirs and plan to fight for it. The method of struggle of the Kurdish People's Congress is terror. Actions within the framework of it are carried out in Turkey and abroad, directed against all its representative offices and civilians. The leader of the Kurdish People's Congress is Ocalan, who was detained in 1998 in the city of Nairobi, located in Kenya. He was extradited to the Turkish government and has been in prison since 1999. At the moment, the Kurdish People's Congress is using a guerrilla method of warfare that relies on urban terrorism. Militants have used explosive devices and firearms to attack Turkish soldiers, security officials and law enforcement officials. “Kongra Gel” also recorded peaceful victims. In addition, militants regularly try to carry out attacks on leading politicians and officials in Turkey. There are known cases of attacks on diplomats and businessmen outside the country. Since 1994, there have been constant terrorist attacks against Turkey's tourism infrastructure. There have been terrorist attacks at resorts Mediterranean coast, bombings of passenger trains and ferries, attacks on public transport throughout the country. Since 1996, suicide bombers have regularly participated in protests. Despite the arrest of the Kongra Gel leader, the party’s activity in last years is increasing and has been noted not only in Turkey, but also in other countries of the Muslim world. The activities of the Kurdish People's Congress are considered illegal in many countries. United States of America and European Union added Kongra Gel to the list of known terrorist organizations whose existence is illegal.