How to find out who is casting a spell on me. How can you find out on your own who caused the damage or the evil eye? How to “reveal” the enemy’s face

Life modern man consists of black and white stripes. And this is quite normal, because around us in society there can be a huge number of events that somehow affect way of life. Most of us are quite calm about such alternation if good luck and bad luck can be logically explained. But a prolonged black streak, which is destructive, always suggests a negative third-party impact. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify damage.

Before you find out how to determine damage to a person, you should know by what signs you can suspect the presence of a negative impact. Firstly, it is important to listen to your intuition; as a rule, it rarely deceives.

And if you have a strong inner conviction, you should pay attention to the following external symptoms:

    Fatigue; Insomnia; The appearance of thoughts of suicide; The appearance of cravings for alcohol or drugs; The appearance of internal fear, the development of phobias.

To confirm suspicions, baptized people need to go to church. As a rule, people under the influence of negative external influence in church, discomfort sets in, and they cannot stand near the images and look at the flames of burning candles.

When wondering how to determine damage, you can pay attention to other signs. This:

    Frequent quarrels with others and the feeling that no one understands you; Constant financial losses; Problems with procreation when absolutely healthy body According to doctors; The emergence of internal hostility towards one’s appearance.

Close people can detect damage by a shifting gaze and the appearance of a habit of sighing frequently. In addition, one should be wary depressive state, which is always a companion to negative impacts.

The first thing that damage affects is emotional state person. And if it is very difficult for him to suspect that something is wrong, then those close to him should definitely pay attention to the change in his character for the worse. As a rule, a person who has been subjected to a negative program. He gets irritated over trifles that were not noticed before. A clear symptom of external negative influences is unexplained mood swings.

Because under the influence of negativity the victim begins to see the world around us V dark colors, then people who have been damaged are in constant depression. Against this background, they begin to think about suicide. Since corruption leads to an endless streak of failure and bad luck, it systematically brings a person closer to realizing the meaninglessness of life. First of all, you need to understand that some negative programs are aimed precisely at driving a person to suicide. Sometimes this is achieved by the victim hearing voices calling for suicide, or some hallucinations of the same nature may appear.

A victim of damage can often be haunted by obsessive ideas. This may indicate that he is being manipulated through magic. If you strong man, then if any strange, irresistible desires arise that shock others, you should think about whether these are your ideas.

Very often, people with well-developed natural intuition experience bad premonitions. In addition, they experience a decrease in self-esteem. For example, a person may be dissatisfied with his image in the mirror, although people close to him tell him that he looks good.

The question of how to determine whether there is damage is absolutely easy to answer. There is a huge amount in various ways. But you can suspect damage immediately after the loss pectoral cross or another amulet that is important to you, or sometimes just jewelry that is dear to you. In addition, it indicates an energy attack that it becomes unpleasant for a person to touch blessed water and other church attributes. It also becomes difficult for him to enter the temple. But such signs can only appear in sincerely believing people.

For example, you can use magic and healing properties St. John's wort herb. It needs to be hung in the house in the corners of living spaces. If the grass in your bedroom dries faster than in other rooms, it means you have the evil eye or damage. The thing is that during sleep there is a surge of human energy, and if it is negative, then St. John's wort, trying to absorb it, quickly withers.

Pets will also help determine damage or the evil eye. Cats are especially sensitive to negativity. They stop making contact with the owner who is under damage or the evil eye and do not allow themselves to be petted. And with strong negativity, the once affectionate animal becomes aggressive and may even attack.

You can determine the presence of damage or the evil eye using a pair of fresh chicken eggs. To do this, you need to place a cup filled with cold water and carefully break two eggs into it from domestic chicken. Of course, such a ritual is quite difficult to perform on your own, so you will need an assistant.

After this, you need to sit for a couple of minutes, and then examine the condition of the eggs:

    If the yolk is in the white and the broken egg itself has retained its oval shape, then there is no damage, and poor health or bad luck is not caused by external negativity; If the yolk has separated, and thread-like structures have appeared in the white, then it means that you are not subject to severe damage or the evil eye. Moreover, if the threads touch the bottom of the bowl, then this is damage; a serious negative effect is indicated by the blistering of the protein.

Similar information about the presence of damage or the evil eye can be obtained if you carefully break your home chicken egg in a jar of water and place it at your head overnight.

Various church attributes may indicate the presence of damage. For believers, the most suitable ritual is the ritual with candles. For diagnosis, you should first purchase three church candles. Candles brought from the temple must be lit in privacy in a separate room. Need a break from everyone everyday problems, focusing on the desire to find out if there is damage to you. When you realize that you have succeeded, you should begin to read the prayers that you know. It is advisable to start reading prayers with “Our Father.” Also effective prayer for this occasion is the Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is allowed to use any other prayers in the ritual, but it is important to first learn them by heart and pronounce the phrases without stuttering.

When reading prayers, you need to look at the flame of one of the candles without stopping. At the end you need to enlighten yourself sign of the cross three times. If during such a ritual the candles burned brightly and the flame was even, then there is no negative program for you. Your poor health can be explained by some other reasons, and sometimes by a slight everyday evil eye. In this case, there is no need to carry out a ritual of removing damage; it is enough to carry out a ritual of cleansing and install protection.

If the candles began to smoke while reading prayers, and their flame began to sway in different sides, then the person has a negative program. In this case, you should not waste time trying to find out who caused the damage to you, but you need to start removing it.

There is a very indicative sign of damage or strong evil eye. A person on whom a negative program has been imposed cannot cross the threshold of the church. Sometimes, to determine damage, magicians bring a burning church candle to the chakra area and observe how the flame behaves. But this method requires a professional approach and is not suitable for independent use.

To determine damage, believers can do the following:

    Buy three church candles; In privacy, light the candles; Read to everyone famous prayers“Our Father” and “May God rise again”; Pray in your own words to the Most Holy Theotokos; Sign yourself with the cross three times.

After this, you need to pay attention to the flames of the candles. If it begins to sway strongly, as if from a blow of wind, and crackle, it means that you have been damaged.

Diagnosis using wax

Also, the presence of negative effects is often determined using natural wax. To do this, you need to perform a ritual in which you will need the help of another person. Surely it should be close relative or a friend you trust completely.

In order to determine damage, you must perform the following steps:

    Melt several wax church candles in a steam bath; Pour a thin continuous stream of molten wax into a bowl of water, which must be held over the head of a person who is suspected of damage; While pouring the wax, say the following magic words:

    “I don’t pour out the wax, but I pronounce the damage from the Servant of God (s) (person’s name). I appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos with a request to gather all the Heavenly Patrons and help the Servant of God (name of person). Amen".

    You need to let the wax cool and at this time continuously read the “Our Father” prayer.

The resulting wax figurine should be carefully examined:

    If it is smooth with small waves, then there is no damage; If it has pronounced flaws, the person is under a negative influence and needs to get rid of it urgently.

Diagnostic methods for which eggs are used have been known since ancient times. The advantages of such methods are that the egg is a living structure, and therefore it partially draws out negative energy already at the moment of its detection.

It is better to use for diagnostics fresh egg from domestic chicken. It has greater energetic power, so with its help you can detect even a minimal negative program.

First, you need to take an egg and warm it in your palms for a while, filling the natural attribute with your own energy. Then you need to start moving the egg along the entire body. This process should continue for at least five minutes. After this, the egg should be broken into a pre-prepared liter jar with clean water.

You can verify the presence or absence of a negative program by looking at the state of the egg in the jar:

    If the yolk is torn, then there is a gap in the biofield - this means that you have been severely damaged, possibly leading to death. If you see that the white is cloudy, this means that the damage has begun to actively work and serious diseases are developing in your body. The more white threads, cobweb-like formations in the protein, the worse the state of your health and you need to urgently remove the damage. If the protein is transparent and you can’t see it large number cobwebs, then this indicates slight damage caused by a non-professional, that is, it will not be difficult to get rid of it yourself. If there are a large number of air bubbles on the entire surface of the egg, then this indicates that there are holes in the biofield, and most likely, the reason for this is household damage or the evil eye. If the protein looks scalded, but the protein is clean, then this indicates that the negative program is aimed at limiting the person, that is, the victim always feels dependent and not free. But if, when the yolk is boiled, there are bubbles in the white, then this indicates damage to torment, which is very dangerous and almost always leads to death. A blackened yolk and cloudy white indicate damage to death, which has already begun to actively work.

In addition, there are more simple ways Determining spoilage using eggs. For one of them, you need to hold a jar of water over a person’s head for several minutes, and then break a pre-prepared egg into it. For another method, you need to crack a fresh egg into a jar and then place it at your head overnight. In the morning, based on the condition of the egg, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the absence and presence of spoilage.

A black cat can help detect damage. If you do not have an animal of this color, then you need to bring it from the street. Within a few days, the animal should get comfortable in your home. After this, you should take a cat that is already accustomed to being held in your arms. If the animal begins to struggle, this indicates severe damage e. If a black cat lives in your house, then its behavior will change greatly after the owner is subjected to an energetic attack. The animal will begin to behave very restlessly, the cat will not be able to sit in one place for a long time and will begin to rush around the premises. There is an old way of determining damage using matches. To do this you will need to use new box matches and a container of water. First, you should take out three matches and squeeze them in your hand, thus transferring your energy. After this, you need to open your palm and randomly turn to them with a request to tell you whether you have a negative program. Then the matches are lit one by one and thrown into the water. Decryption is performed as follows:
    If all the matches do not sink and at the same time float on the surface without intersecting, then this indicates that there is no damage; If the matches intersected and tilted down, then most likely you have been jinxed; If the matches sank inward under the water, then this indicates for damage.
Nettle, linden blossom and oregano will also help determine spoilage. These plants should be collected at the edge of the forest. The herbs must first be crushed and dried. After this, you need to put them in a container and pour boiling water over them. Over such an infusion it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father”. After the decoction has infused, you need to drink it yourself with your family members. If after this someone experiences acute headaches, this means that this person has damage. You can also determine damage using St. John's wort. Its branches should be hung in all corners of the rooms of your home. The strongest smell will be in those rooms where the person who is damaged spends the most time. A well-known method is to determine damage using a gold ring. First, wash it three times under running water using soap. In addition, you need to wash yourself thoroughly. This is done to remove all makeup. After this, you need to run the ring along your cheek and pay attention to whether any mark remains. If it is present, it means that the person has damage. If you suspect that someone has tried to harm you or have discovered some signs that indicate possible damage, then you should carry out a diagnosis as soon as possible. This approach is the key to timely provision of assistance and prevention of destruction of the body. Timely diagnosis of damage is very important, as it guarantees timely removal of negativity and minimization of damage to a person’s protective energy field.

Damage is the strongest energy negative impact, whose task is to destroy a person’s aura and cause harm. The ritual is aimed at harming health, personal life, career and other areas of a person’s life.

As a result of this impact, the human bioenergy field is gradually destroyed, which ultimately leads to failures in various areas of life. Under the influence of corruption, a person weakens not only physically, but also mentally. The consequences of this can be irreversible, which is why it is important to recognize the person who committed the ritual of corruption as soon as possible and remove the curse.

Why know who did it?

Surely, everyone who has encountered damage at least once in their life would like to know who did the damage to them and for what reason. This information can be useful for carrying out rituals to remove the curse, as well as for protecting yourself from an enemy who uses such methods.

Sometimes identifying the person who caused the damage leads to very unexpected and shocking results.. Can sometimes turn out to be an ill-wisher close friend, and even a relative.

In order to cast a spell on someone, it is not necessary to possess magical abilities. It is enough to have a strong desire to harm a person. Therefore, any enemy of yours can be the perpetrator of damage. Most often, to carry out a ritual of damage, people turn to professional magicians and psychics. But even in this case, it is possible to determine who is the source of the damage.

Is it worth giving a response after receiving information about the person who cast a curse on you? Should I do damage in response to take revenge and do more? it hurts more than that, who harmed you? Psychic experts do not recommend doing this. Any contact with black ritual magic aimed at harming another person has negative consequences for a person.

That is, in this case, not only the one who was damaged suffers, but also the one who did it. Therefore, you should not give a response - you can harm yourself even more. Remember also that causing damage is dangerous for the person who caused it.

Any contact with black magic has its consequences, especially for non-professionals. If you are cursed by a person who has nothing to do with magic, then know that sooner or later he will pay for what he has done, since evil always returns to its owner.

It is believed that if a corrupted person finds out the name of his ill-wisher, then he will also know that he has been exposed. This happens at the energy level. If the spell is revealed, the one who cast it receives information about it in his mind. This makes him feel bad both morally and physically.

He may even repent of what he has done and come to ask for forgiveness from the person he harmed.. It is not recommended to forgive him, since forgiving him can result in a repeated energy blow.

Determination methods at home

If you suspect it is present on yourself or someone close to you, then the suspicions are usually confirmed. A person almost always feels that an energetic blow has been dealt to his biofield. There are several main signs of damage that can help you find out if there really is a curse.

A negative magical program can affect your health, mental state, appearance, personal life and work. One of the most terrible consequences of damage is that it can be passed on from generation to generation. Not only you, but also your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can suffer from a negative magical program.

Signs of damage:

  • Insomnia, nightmares, repeating almost every night, after which a person wakes up in a cold sweat.
  • Dramatic change in relationships with loved ones people and relatives. The Corrupted One begins to reject those he once loved.
  • The emergence of diseases that doctors cannot diagnose and treat.
  • A person suddenly begins to use alcohol and drugs. Becomes uncontrollable and dangerous to society.
  • Emotional imbalance. The mood constantly changes, a person becomes anxious and hypersensitive.
  • Animals in the house avoid the spoiled person. They may show aggression towards him. It is known that cats and dogs subtly sense the presence of alien negative energy in space.
  • The emergence of financial problems, difficulties at work.
  • Man breaks ties with close people, stops communicating with friends, becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative.
  • The corrupted one begins to feel unpleasant odors where they actually don't exist. Also, his body and clothes acquire an unusual smell that cannot be washed off or covered with perfume.
  • There is a feeling that something is pressing on the chest. This condition especially occurs during sleep. Attacks of suffocation may also occur, and the person becomes unable to breathe.
  • A person becomes depressed, he is no longer interested in anything.
  • In your personal life, at work and other matters, everything goes topsy-turvy. Any undertakings fail, everything a person undertakes ends in failure.
  • A person who has been damaged experiences fear of his reflection in. It also becomes difficult for him to look people in the eye.
  • The damned begins to hear voices, which intensify over time.

If most of the symptoms are confirmed, then this indicates the presence of negative magical interference. To confirm or refute your fears, it is better to play it safe and perform several rituals that will help not only recognize the damage, but also indicate who caused it.

How can you find out on your own who has damaged or jinxed you?

If you want to determine the name of the one who wished you harm and performed a terrible magical ritual, perform ritual to identify the enemy with a church candle.

Take a thin candle consecrated in the temple, light it on the waning moon after sunset and walk throughout the house with the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Night, Father Moon, reveal to me the servant of God (name) the nine times ninth star, I will go out into it and find my enemy. The blood will boil in him, he will not finish eating, he will not finish drinking, my strength will tear him to pieces. Come to my doorstep from the crossroads of three roads. Until then, I will break your bones, cover your eyes with darkness, and keep my mouth shut. I will drive fear into your soul until you come to me and repent. My word will be deed. Amen."

Leave the candle to burn out on the threshold at the entrance to the house and go to sleep. Within three days, your enemy will reveal himself - he will come to visit you and ask for mercy. It happens that the enemy comes, but does not reveal himself, does not ask for forgiveness and does not talk about what he has done.

In this case, it can be recognized by its condition and appearance. As a rule, after performing a ritual with a candle and reading, the ill-wisher who sent the damage looks tired, sad and anxious.

There is another ritual for recognizing the enemy. Unlike the previous ritual, it will not require the use of magic and strong concentration on the problem. To perform the ritual you will need a thick wax candle and a dish of water. It is better to take water either from a spring or consecrated in a church. Light the candle, let it burn a little and melt the wax before the ceremony.

Bring your palms to the flame on the left and right sides, look closely at the fire and think about the person who damaged you. Then take the candle in your hand, tilt it over a plate of water and pour a thin stream of melted wax. During the process, say the words of the conspiracy:

“I pour out the wax, I mold the enemy. Show yourself, enemy, show your face."

By the wax frozen on the surface of the water, you can judge the person who cursed you. Usually the wax takes the form of the one who did the damage, and by this you can easily identify your enemy. But sometimes the enemy consciously does not want to be revealed, so he can confuse you in every possible way.

Figures may form on the water that do not look like human body or face. If the wax takes the shape of a flower or a circle, it means that the damage was caused by a woman. If the wax has turned into the shape of a rhombus, square, bird, wolf or bear, then the one who cursed you is a man. Sometimes the wax takes the form of letters, which can symbolize the initials of a person's first and last name.

If you don’t see any of the above on the water, and you see completely different images, then carefully analyze them. It is possible that the wax indicates some object that is associated with a person you know.

It is also necessary to determine how strong the magical curse was sent to you.

Ritual with an egg

The ritual with a chicken egg will help determine whether there is damage to you and how serious it is. Take a fresh egg and a transparent glass with cold spring or holy water. Carefully break the egg so that the contents are not damaged and pour it into the water.

Hold the glass on your head for some time or leave it at the head of the bed overnight. After this, place the glass in front of you and carefully examine the shapes that were formed from the yolk and white in the water.

  • If the water has not changed color, the yolk and white have not changed in appearance, then there is no magical curse. If the contents of the glass have an unpleasant odor, like a rotten egg, then someone clearly hates you and, most likely, constantly inflicts energy attacks on you. But in this case there can be no talk of damage.
  • If thin white threads rise from the egg to the top of the glass, this indicates the presence of spoilage. The magical influence is quite powerful, and, most likely, is directed at personal life. Such a curse usually lasts for three to seven years.
  • If the protein in a glass has decomposed into thin threads entangling the entire space of the glass, then most likely you have simply been jinxed. This may also indicate slight damage, which will not be difficult to remove. Such damage is usually caused by those who are not associated with magic. Their energetic impact does not last more than a year, and then returns back to the one who sent it.
  • A sign of a strong magical effect is considered to be white pillars rising upward, covered with light bubbles. In this case, we can talk about professional energy intervention in the human biofield. Such damage primarily affects human health.

    The spoiled person develops serious illnesses that cannot be treated or diagnosed. The curse also leaves its mark on events in a person’s life - failures in business, work and personal life begin to haunt him.

    If the entire broken egg has bubbles, wormholes and dark specks, then such damage can take a person’s life. The ritual involved cemetery magic using grave soil. Such a curse begins to take effect within a month after the ritual is performed.

    The consequences of this energy impact are most often irreversible - the victim dies within 9-12 months. Such damage is sent by people to whom the death of an enemy would bring relief. These could be envious people or those whom you once crossed the path of, taking something valuable or depriving them of something important.

  • If the egg or the figures formed from it are colored pink, lilac or red, then the damage was done in blood. Animal or human blood was used in the ritual. Such damage also primarily affects health.
  • If the white column is covered with bubbles, and the yolk in water looks like it has been boiled, or has hardened edges, then the damage was caused so that the person would suffer throughout his life. A fatal outcome from such exposure is unlikely. The person who sends such a curse wants his enemy to suffer and be sick.
  • If the yolk looks like it’s boiled, then this is damage aimed at depriving a person of freedom and inner harmony. As a result, the person becomes constrained and stops feeling positive emotions and enjoy life. He can't find a place anywhere that makes him feel good. Something is constantly limiting him and preventing him from developing.
  • If the white in the glass begins to bubble or is covered with dark specks, the yolk looks boiled, and its center is gray, black or green, then this is the most terrible damage. As a result, a person dies in terrible agony.

The faster you recognize the presence of damage, the easier it is to remove it later. Rituals to remove damage cleanse a person’s bioenergy field and heal holes in his aura. It is believed that someone who has managed to get rid of magical influence can no longer be damaged, since such a person develops immunity to energetic influence.

Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Yasevich told readers of her website about how to recognize a person’s ability to. According to the clairvoyant, many people are already born with the “evil eye.” Often they are not even aware of their ability to harm people.

The person with the “evil eye” may be your neighbor, work colleague, friend or even relative. The evil eye occurs unconsciously. It is enough for a person who has this ability to simply wish evil upon another, and he will negative thoughts materialize. How to recognize such people and protect yourself from the evil eye?

Who can jinx it

As Elena Yasevich said, previously people who could cast the evil eye were distinguished only by external sign. In ancient times owners of the “evil eye” counted people with with different colored eyes, cross-eyed, lame or red-haired. Today it was wrong to call all those who, for example, suffer from strabismus, people with the “evil eye”. Nowadays, such a person can only be identified by his behavior, conversation or actions.

People who can cast the evil eye are usually very envious and hypocritical. They can smile in your face, but send curses at your back and wish you harm.

One more distinctive feature people with the “evil eye” is curiosity. Such people, according to Elena Yasevich, often stick their nose into other people’s affairs. It is very important for them to be aware of all the events that are happening in the lives of their neighbors, acquaintances, and even those with whom they have little contact. These people feed off the energy of another person's success. As soon as they learn that someone has had a joyful event, they begin to pass this news through themselves, unknowingly causing energetic harm to the person, placing the evil eye on him.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye

What to do if you are full of envious people and ill-wishers around you? After all, there is a high probability that one of them has the “evil eye” and can harm you!

  • In order to avoid becoming a victim of the evil eye, Elena Yasevich recommends talking less with people whom you suspect of the evil eye. You shouldn’t tell everyone about your plans for the future, your successes and achievements.
  • If for some reason you are forced to constantly be in contact with a person who has the “evil eye,” then always try to keep your arms crossed over your chest when communicating with him. This creates a kind of energy block that will prevent your energy field from being destroyed.
  • Amulets against the evil eye will also come in handy. If you really feel that you are under the influence of someone else’s energy, then carry with you protective amulets and talismans.

And finally, Elena Yasevich advised never to wish evil on envious people and troublemakers. It won't protect you from them negative energy, but on the contrary, it will strike again - your desires will return to you like a boomerang. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.05.2014 12:00

Entries often appear on the official website of Alexander Sheps in which he gives recommendations and advice...

Psychic Elena Yasevich shared with readers of the site a way to remove damage and the evil eye. According to Elena...

Today I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, I will tell you how important it is to be on time recognize damage and find out who brought it up magic negative. In witchcraft there is a positive principle important points. There are people who carry negativity within themselves. Bad thoughts, words, dissatisfaction, criticism - this destroys everything good around them, does not allow money, luck, happiness, success in life to come into their lives. People like this can be found in any social groups. It’s not just difficult to be around them, but extremely undesirable and impossible. They are like mold, quietly absorbing everything around them.

How can you find out who damaged a person?

By resorting to rituals of practical magic, you can find out with great certainty who has cast the evil eye, and who has deliberately caused severe damage to a certain person. But this is not always important. It is much more important to diagnose and remove the evil eye in time, including through independent rituals. When you know your enemy by sight, it is easier to defend against him. However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: we are not always familiar with faces, but this does not prevent us from punishing them with the help of magic.

Negative attitude towards the world dark thoughts, condemnation, criticism are contagious. Next to such people, all thoughts of luck and joy perish.

What do you call a person who is always negative?

In psychology, such people are called pessimists. But in magic they have a different designation: energy vampire, black hole, envious person, evil eye.

It’s as easy as shelling pears for such a person to jinx it, ruin your affairs with a poisonous word, and drive away good luck. Some people have such strong energy of destruction that they don’t even need to do a simple ritual of damage; they can envy silently or out loud - and the wheel of the evil eye will spin, bringing failures and ruin. In the practices of witchcraft, of course, there are ways to determine who did the evil eye or caused damage to a person. This is what I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk to you about now.
It is best to ignore energy vampires and stay away from them if possible. This does not mean that such people should be hated. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, just want to say that you need to worry about your own well-being. In every sense, including the magical one.

Is it possible to find out on your own who did the damage?

Without a doubt. Witchcraft has practical rituals. There are old ones folk rituals and means of diagnosing the evil eye and damage, and in addition, the magician has at his disposal an ancient system of predictions - Runes. Tarot cards also provide the most complete answers and the most up-to-date information.

The easiest way to manage people is through negativity. That's true. When doubts are sowed into a person’s soul, thoughts about his weakness and worthlessness are instilled, most people sooner or later give up and become dependent on the manipulator, at his complete disposal. This is precisely what cannot be allowed. If you notice undesirable changes in your reality, or feel clouds gathering overhead, immediately take action appropriate to the situation. To determine who caused the damage or evil eye, make a Tarot card spread. The answer will be given to you. If you yourself are not strong in diagnosing the evil eye and damage from a deck of Tarot cards, contact a professional tarot reader.

Folk conspiracies to find out who did the damage

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already said at the beginning of the article, it is not so important to recognize the person who jinxed or caused damage. It is much more important to understand the type of damage inflicted on you and quickly remove it from yourself. In the rituals of black magic there are unique purges with the return of the removed negativity, which allows you to send damage and the evil eye back to the customer, or to the one who caused them. And rest assured, the dark energy of corruption will find its way back no matter how far the enemy is, and no matter how well he hides behind and devotion.
And if you want to punish an enemy who harms you by magical means, but do not know his name, you can send devils or a dead man to work. In such cases, in a folk conspiracy to return damage removed from a person, the following phrase is usually pronounced: “The devil knows his name.” When removing damage to a cemetery, without knowing the name of his enemy, the magician can turn to the spirit of an unmarked grave. Entities will be able to find the one who did the damage, and punish as you wish.

A real magician has the opportunity to turn to his spirit assistant and order a dream. The truth is often revealed in dreams. There are special practices for prophetic dreams (in black and rune magic) that should be used when you are looking for answers to questions that concern you. There are, of course, strong conspiracies that are read to find out who did the damage. They are used by white and black magicians.

Here is a folk plot to help you independently determine who did the damage:

“Saint Samson will appear and send me prophetic dream. Whoever thought a dark thought, who said an unkind word, who did an evil deed, who sent a spell of damage, let (name) appear to me in a dream. Amen".

An independent plot for diagnosing damage to yourself, read this one before going to bed. Perhaps you will see your ill-wisher in a dream. But, it is not enough to find out for yourself who did the damage; it is much more important to know how to remove the energetic evil eye, everything harmful, induced, alien.

Find out on your own who did the damage and get rid of the evil eye

Here is a good, independent cleaning to remove damage to red matter. Working, efficient, very effective ritual for home use. It removes the evil eye and damage from a person, you can use it for yourself, however, this cleansing is still aimed at getting rid of the patient’s negativity, it even removes very much (cemetery damage), plus, it has a return effect. But, in the cleaning punish the person causing damage, not the main thing. It is much more important to remove the induced evil eye and energy negativity from a person. The blow went back to the original source, good. If he didn’t go, that’s not the point, the main thing is that the black damage done to the person is removed.

When choosing a ritual, decide what you want to do: remove negativity or punish sorcerers? If both work out, that's a plus for you. What if not? Don’t refuse to remove damage from your loved one for free! For the most part, we don’t even know who sent what to us.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And if you know who caused the damage, what should you do?

Yes, the same thing: remove the evil eye from yourself, put up strong defenses, and then, if you have the strength and desire, you can punish the enemy. If you really want to take revenge on the sorcerer or the customer of the damage, then it’s better to separate it: remove it separately, return the damage and revenge separately. And it's not at all necessary find out on your own who did the damage, because negative energy will find a way out. It is better to install mirror protection against damage and the evil eye immediately after the removal ritual.

Find out who is doing the damage - remove the damage to the red fabric

This independent ritual of removing strong damage from a certain person is for those who work with Demons and have a connection with this Power. After the cleansing ritual, make a ransom. But which one exactly is an individual question. You can, of course, include the classic ransom: coins, vodka, cigarettes. But it’s better to find out what the assistants want. Therefore, ask before the ceremony, using any methods available to you.

To perform the ritual of cleansing a person from corruption, you need:

  • red natural fabric
  • sharp ritual knife

If a person quickly withers and fades away, and no one knows what happened to him, then, most likely, damage or the evil eye has been cast on him. In this situation, the need fades into the background recognize who is doing the damage. It is much more important to cleanse yourself of it. To correct everything, including failures from the body and soul of the victim, this is what needs to be done. You need a large piece of natural red fabric. In the evening, as the sun begins to wane, you need to go into the forest, where the aspen trees grow. Yes, away from prying eyes, so that no one interferes. Yes, not to go alone, but with someone who suffers from damage.

The ritual is old and works well for novice magicians. It may not make it clear who caused the damage, but it will save a person from black negativity. Tear the fabric into 5 strips. Turn the person with the cursed person's back to himself, and a strip of fabric right leg tie the patient below the knee and fasten with a knot.

At the same time, only read the words of the folk conspiracy once to cleanse yourself from the strong evil eye:

“Not the lower, not the upper path, the surochishche, the evil, the nocturnal, the gnasher, there is no more way to go, a path neither direct nor roundabout. Redrawing redrawings, so as not to measure either the old path or the new one. So I redden the enemy’s machinations into the fabric, I tie a wraith, I tie a taint, I wrap up a malicious shroud with (name), and I redden it through the strip, so that the fool of the paths back to the enemy who sent him measures the way back, and in the neck, and with a bone in the throat. It’s Vlasitsa’s command, no one will say anything against it. Az. Amen".

These words strong conspiracy read, not in order to find out who cast a spell on a person, but in order to free him from the effects of negative energy, they only say once when left leg tied when right hand tied over the elbow. And when left hand They tie it over the elbow, and also read the plot once. And when the last strip of red cloth is tied on the forehead of a person who is being treated for damage, they say this:

“Neither in my mind, nor in my mind, nor in the font can fools enter. And the one who measured the path, having found the hut to get along at first, took into account Vlasitsa’s commandment, in the red fabric, it was too much trouble to measure this path to the enemy. Then he commanded Vlasitsa, but there was no one to tell him. Az. Amen".

Then you need to take a sharp knife and cut off everything that was tied to the victim. But, cut so that the knot remains intact. First, cut from the left leg, then from the right, then from the left arm and from the right. And only after everything, remove the strip from your head. These rags with knots need to be buried under the aspen tree. Leave the payoff to Vlasitsa (Devil) there too. Go home without looking back. This is good folk ritual to get rid of damage.

Demonic cleansing gives results quickly and works accurately. And, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will repeat, it doesn’t matter who ordered the damage, there is no need to waste effort on find out on your own who did the damage. The negative is removed in layers; several damages made by different “well-wishers” can go away at once.

How does a person who has caused damage behave?

What happens to the person who caused damage? If treatment for damage with return is done, he may receive a strong portion of negativity. But if there are good defenses, they will withstand the blow. The same applies to magical revenge on the person who damaged you. If a strong sorcerer is harming you, it will be very difficult to break through his defenses and really harm him in return. But if the negative was caused by a weak magician or a novice in witchcraft, this will greatly simplify the task of punishing you for the damage caused. But there is no need to rush to take revenge, you need to be able to wait, look for the right moment. If you are dealing with a black sorcerer who is stronger than you, you can seriously suffer from your attempts to punish him.

It is believed that the person who caused the damage behaves in a special way.

He is active, he can call, write to you, ask you for something, in general he manifests himself in some way. May come in a dream. This is how the Forces point out to you the one who is harming you by inducing damage. However, this does not always happen. After cleaning, there may be no special effects at all, even if you were eager to find out who cast the evil eye, or who is casting a spell against you.

There may be nothing, no . Yes, in fact, you don’t need anything other than diagnostics after removing the damage, during which you find out that it no longer exists. And this is exactly the result for which all the work was done. Experienced knowledgeable people they read information from cards, runes, and are shown visions in dreams. Magicians see clearly and hear clearly, so they know their true, most dangerous enemies. This is not given to beginners, but everything comes with practice.

Many people are confident that sudden onset of health problems, relationships and business problems are the result of outside negative influences. The evil eye, but more difficult cases Adults with weakened personal energy, as well as children, are susceptible to damage. Negative influence can be exerted not only from ill-wishers, but also unconsciously from loved ones. There are many ways to find out if there is damage to a person. Some of them are quite feasible at home, without outside help.

The most common signs of damage are causeless headaches, a sharp deterioration in well-being and mood, groundless conflicts with others, and frequent failures.

In critical cases, the spoiled person gets worse bad habits, illnesses worsen, relationships collapse and interest in life fades. To avoid bitter consequences, you should promptly diagnose energetic influences with malicious intent and seek help from appropriate practitioners.

Signs and symptoms of damage to humans

Most often, suspicion of damage arises if healthy person his state of health sharply deteriorates, and these sudden changes cannot be logically connected with his lifestyle. In such cases, they remember whether enemies had reasons to envy, whether the person provoked conflicts with unfriendly people, or whether he had enemies. A 100% sign of damage is the presence of linings with soil, needles, hair, eggs, etc. in the house or at work. The relationship between a bad relationship and the resulting malaise is one of the signs of evil magical influence. At the level physical body Damage immediately manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • malaise, weakness;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • lack of appetite;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • emergence of new diseases and injuries.

Familiar medical supplies Such signals from the body are not eliminated, but require a special approach - non-traditional methods of treatment. The next stage of damage is the deterioration of psychological and mental health. The following signs give it away:

  • despondency, apathy, depression;
  • nausea and yawning in church;
  • feelings of loneliness, resentment, anxiety;
  • suicidal desires;
  • exacerbation of phobias;
  • worsening addictions;
  • conflict.

Spoiled people, more often than usual, break and lose personal belongings. They are more exposed to dangers due to accidents, fires and accidents.

It is useful for everyone to know not only the signs of a negative magical effect, but home ways to determine whether a person has it. Methods for diagnosing damage and the evil eye, proven by more than one generation, help to find out about their presence in time and take appropriate measures.

The most popular is to use candles, water and eggs for this purpose, but there are many others. The following describes simple and effective home ways to find out if a person has damage.

Diagnostics using candles

  1. A lit church candle is placed in a glass with grain or salt. Any personal item (wallet, jewelry, etc.) is placed between the glass and the person. Watch the candle burn. If its flame is even, then the victim is fine. Fire with sparks indicates a quick improvement in well-being and state of affairs. But a weak tongue of flame indicates that a person has a slight evil eye or damage. If the candle smokes, this is a sign that it has been damaged.
  2. There is another way to diagnose someone else's negative influence using a candle. Drag a lighted light around yourself or the person being helped. church candles. Even burning of a candle is good sign, and the crackling, smoke and fading are alarming. The victim is probably damaged.

Determination of damage by wax

  1. An empty plate is held above the person's head, and melted natural wax is poured onto it. When it hardens, characterize the resulting image. Even figures are formed if a person is healthy and energetically strong. Pimples and lumps indicate the presence of the evil eye or damage. A strong negative interference is given by wax, which has frozen in a slide, and a long-standing and outdated magical effect is given by pores and holes in the figure.
  2. A container of melted wax is held briefly over the victim's head. Then it is poured in a thin stream into water. By the marks that form, they know whether there are signs of damage on a person. If you get an even pancake, shapes with rounded shapes, you can calm down. A crooked pattern, the presence of bubbles and bulges indicate the presence of deliberate evil interference.

How to find out if there is spoilage using water and milk

  1. A man breathes into a glass of water. After which it is hidden in a dark, cool place until the next day. Clean water in the glass means everything is fine. Clouded or spoiled - there is an evil magical effect.
  2. A knife heated on a fire is thrown into a bucket of milk and the plot is read: “The demon itself and the spirit itself are sitting in the house and not looking at the yard. And if they are sitting, then I will let them out, I will scare them out. As soon as the knife goes into the water, the milk will all disappear. Amen". The milk is monitored for several hours. If it has curled or turned sour, then damage has been done.

Two ways to diagnose spoilage using eggs

  1. A fresh chicken egg is broken into a glass of water. It is held briefly on the crown of the head, after which the contents are examined. If the egg is whole and the water is clean, then there is no effect. If bubbles appear in the glass, and the egg is covered with cobwebs, then there is an evil eye or damage. This also means bubbles, as if an egg is being boiled. If the squirrels rise in pillars, then it is done on a personal and family life. If there are black dots in the egg, then disease is induced.
  2. Break a fresh egg into a glass of holy water and place it by the bed. The next morning they check what has changed. If nothing happens, then everything is fine with the person. If the contents of the glass stink and darken, then there is spoilage.

Gold ring for quick identification

From childhood, some are familiar with the fact that a mother or grandmother, if a child unexpectedly falls ill and is capricious, spends wedding ring across his cheeks. This is one of the express ways to determine damage.

To do it yourself, simply wash your face and hands, and then run the edge of a gold ring across your cheek or wrist. The remaining dark mark on the skin is a sign of damage.

Two ways to find spoilage with salt

  1. Sew a small bag from natural fabric and fill it with ordinary salt. This sachet is placed next to the bed for three days. If, after such a period, the salt remains the same as it was, then everything is fine with the person. If it is crumpled, hardened or darkened, then there is an evil eye or damage.
  2. Pour three tablespoons of salt into a hot frying pan. They read a short spell: “Salt of the earth, dust of the road. Burn, damage, with fire. Amen". If there is spoilage, the salt will darken.

Three match diagnostic methods

There are several ways to determine the symptoms of damage using matches.

  1. Take two matches and place a glass of water in front of you. They mentally ask whether the person has damage or the evil eye. Then, raising one match above the glass and repeating the question, they throw it into the water without looking. The same thing is repeated with the second one. By the position of the matches in the glass, the presence of extraneous negative interference is determined:
  • If they lie separately and do not touch, then everything is in order.
  • If the matches somehow touch each other, then there is an evil eye.
  • Overlapping matches indicate the presence of damage.
  1. They are holding a glass of water in their hands. Then they put it in front of them. Light a match and, having scorched it as much as possible, throw it into the water. Everything is fine if the cinder does not sink. If it sank, then this indicates damage has been done.
  2. They mentally ask whether the person has a negative impact and throw an arbitrary number of matches into any container with water. By their position they will know the answer to the question asked:
  • If they do not intersect, they are free - there is no damage.
  • If they touch, they are tilted towards the bottom - there is an evil eye.
  • Drowned - damage caused.

Other methods

There are many other ways to diagnose spoilage at home. For example, using a mirror, a cat, coffee, etc. If necessary, you can find their descriptions yourself. To identify magical interference, one or more methods that are most convenient in a particular case should be used.

The occurrence of spontaneous diseases and causeless failures in life can be the result of negative magical effects - damage. It is worth carrying out a quick diagnosis of the energy of the affected person if there are suspicions of influences of this kind.

There are many ways to check whether there is damage, allowing you to do it yourself at home, but if there are difficulties, it is still recommended to contact the appropriate specialists.

Knowledge of the main symptoms and signs of intentionally caused harm ensures a quick response to the problem, and as a result, its timely solution.