Who to pray for healing from smoking. Strong prayer against smoking: the best help for smokers

Bad habits can be very dangerous, as they greatly undermine people's health and can also harm others. One such habit is smoking. In this article we will tell you whether there is a prayer against smoking, and what to do for those who want to cope with the addiction.

The influence of prayer

Many people are interested in the question of how effective the power of prayer can be. In fact, it all depends solely on the person and his inner mood. If he's really with with a pure heart turns to the saints for help and asks to protect him from this temptation, then it is quite possible that the person praying will be able to protect himself from an addiction.

Naturally, you should not believe that prayer can be a cure for any ailment. Quitting smoking requires serious work on yourself, and prayer is only one of the components. It is no secret that deeply religious people are much calmer from the fact that they additionally enlist the support of saints in this matter.

Prayers are read to make a person’s heart feel lighter, because he sincerely asks for help. And at the same time, it’s stupid to think that a second after reading you will immediately get rid of tobacco addiction. It is important to remember that turning to the saints is necessary only for support, but someone else will never completely solve the problem for you.

Many people are interested in what the effect will be. As we have already mentioned, the main effect will be the internal calm of a person, because he addressed his problems to higher powers and was heard. It is also worth noting that this allows many to strengthen self-control and not take up a cigarette, because they need to get rid of temptation.

What you shouldn't expect is immediate addiction recovery. Turning to the saints is just one of many steps of painstaking work on oneself, including, possibly, medical intervention. Therefore, if you think that you will suddenly get rid of your problems by simply reading a couple of lines, it is better not to resort to this method at all.

There are several prayers that are usually read when a desire arises to get rid of tobacco addiction:

  1. Ambrose Optinsky. This is the most popular prayer in the fight against smoking, since this saint even created the doctrine that smoking is a sin, since it is not inherent in human nature and has a detrimental effect on people. Therefore, there is a special text designed to help overcome this addiction.
  2. Lord. You can turn to the Lord with a humble request for help, so that he will provide his support to the person praying.
  3. Guardian angel. You can also ask your guardian angel to protect you from temptation and evil, and also to guide you on the right path.
  4. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint can also listen to you and provide his support in the fight against smoking, but his prayer should be read directly in church.
  5. Holy Trinity. People turn to the Trinity for healing from illnesses, and since nicotine addiction is almost identical to illness, you can read this prayer.

Video “Easy way to quit smoking”

In this video, the archpriest will tell you how easy it is to quit smoking with prayer by agreement.

How to Pray About a Problem

Holy Trinity

O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look graciously upon Thy servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and premium blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, our All-Bountiful God and Creator.

Ambrose Optinsky

Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, beg the Greatly Gifted Master to give me quick help in the fight against unclean passion. God! Through the prayers of Your saint, the Venerable Ambrose, cleanse my lips, purify my heart and fill it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, so that the evil tobacco passion will run far away from me, back to where it came from, into the belly of hell.

Job the Long-Suffering

O holy servant of God, righteous Job! Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Tikhon Zadonsky

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of God, Son of David according to the flesh, as You had mercy on the Canaanites: my soul is angry with anger, rage, evil lust and other destructive passions. God! Help me, I cry to You, who walks not on earth, but sits on the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hey, Lord! Grant me my heart, with faith and love, to follow Your humility, kindness, meekness and long-suffering, so that in Your eternal Kingdom I will be worthy to partake of the table of Your servants, whom You have chosen. Amen.

Prayer of someone suffering from smoking addiction

Most merciful Lord! Hear my request, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servant, do not abhor my wounds, do not turn away from me. Just as you sometimes healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the tax collector, heal my soul, which was sick with many passions and troubles. Lord, listen to the voice of my prayer, hear my groaning and pitiful cry.

Oh, woe is me, woe is me a sinner, since I become like idolaters, I am not ashamed to burn demonic incense, I am not ashamed to offend You, Lord, with the wickedness of my heart. I tempt You with excessive reliance on Your long-suffering. Standing in Your Holy Temple, I enjoy the fragrance of incense, and every hour I again enjoy the stench of smoke. I defile my lips and with these same lips I speak words of praise to You. Like a dog returns to his vomit, I also serve sin. For everyone, this is a sin, but the Imam does not have the boldness to renounce the bribes of mercenaries. Most merciful Lord! Condescend with my weakness, forgive my lewdness, strengthen me, give me patience and spiritual courage, do not leave me, do not let me perish in the mire of sin, Save, Lord! I'm dying!

Because sometimes, Lord, you healed, through the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, a certain husband Sergius - heal also someone unworthy of me. Just as you, Lord, sometimes delivered, through the prayers of St. Ambrose of Optina, from the bad habit of a certain Alexei of Moscow, deliver also the less accursed one. As sometimes, Lord, through the prayers of the saints, the father of the Kiev-Pechersk freed from the oppressive passion of a certain Maxim and appointed him to serve You in Your Holy Temple - also free me, the foul and unclean one, and grant me to serve Your righteousness, and work tirelessly without laziness To you, my Lord Jesus Christ, all the days of my life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A powerful prayer against smoking can help once and for all get rid of nicotine addiction, which destroys human health. If no treatment method helps a smoker, and he cannot give up cigarettes on his own, he should resort to the church method. This is the most effective and harmless method of getting rid of nicotine addiction.

According to church principles, smoking is a sin. Therefore, clergy believe that only Orthodox prayers. It is worth noting that a positive result will only occur if the cherished words were spoken sincerely with an open heart. The stronger the faith, the more effective the spell. The ceremony can be performed within the walls of the Holy Temple or at home. A powerful chanting will help overcome illness, strengthen faith and willpower.

In order for the ritual to really help, you need to know who to call on. Church ministers claim that reciting sacred text Individual Saints need help to get rid of the disease. The spell will be effective if you communicate with the following Saints:

  • Guardian Angel
  • Tikhon Zadonsky
  • Job the Long-Suffering
  • Saint John Chrysostom
  • Venerable Ambrose of Optina.

To overcome cravings for tobacco, you can also appeal to the Holy Trinity and Mother of God. Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God will help overcome sins such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and smoking. Even a smoker with great experience, pronouncing the desired text in front of the icon, can be cured in as soon as possible. The saints will help a person gain patience, strength and faith in order to fight serious sin.

How to read a prayer correctly?

In order for sacred words to help a sick person to heal, you need to know how to perform the ritual correctly. First of all, the ritual is carried out 2-3 times a day, at a time when a person is most drawn to cigarettes. The prayer must be learned by heart; you cannot read it from a monitor or phone. It is best if it is written down on a blank piece of paper. The smoker should always have it at hand.

You can cast the spell anywhere. It is allowed to speak in a whisper, mentally or out loud. When pronouncing the text, it is important to concentrate all thoughts only on the conspiracy and on who it is addressed to. It is best to read in a quiet, secluded place. You should also adhere to the following rules on how to pray:

  1. The spell must be read slowly and clearly, pronouncing all the words clearly.
  2. All thoughts should be concentrated on the ritual and the desire to quit smoking.
  3. You cannot be distracted by extraneous noises, etc.
  4. A man or woman must understand and delve into all spoken words.
  5. When reading, it is best to kneel.
  6. The prayer book must be held only in the left hand, and the right hand must be baptized.
  7. After all the prayer has been said, you need to cross yourself 3 times and ask the Lord God to help cure your addiction.

Church help in getting rid of tobacco smoking

One more in a good way To cure a bad habit is to order prayers in the church. If you order a chant for a good cause, it will help you quit smoking and get rid of the problem forever. It is recommended that smokers order magpies for their health from the church. Such a conspiracy is read in church for 40 days in a row, after which the patient’s passion for smoking disappears forever.

To relieve addiction, you need not only to systematically pray on your own, but also to regularly go to Sunday services. At such services in the church, all willing and believing people pray. This procedure will help make the patient stronger and stronger in the fight against the disease. In addition, when going to church, you can light candles and turn to the icons that are in the temple.

You should not assume that systematically saying the same prayer will help cope with all sins. A person must have the desire and willpower to fight smoking. You need to give up on your own bad habit and gradually reduce nicotine consumption.

A person must sincerely believe and hope that the Saints will help him cure his disease. Rituals and spells can only reduce the desire to smoke or drink, and give confidence in the actions taken. Everything else depends directly on the sinner.

Help from the Guardian Angel

Every person, whether he is a sinner or a righteous man, has his own Angel who is next to him from birth to death. Prayer appeals should be read to your Guardian Angel regularly. In addition, if a person wants to quit using nicotine, then he must ask the Angel about it. Prayer words to the Saint are as follows:

“My Angel of God, Holy Guardian, given to me from heaven by God! I earnestly pray to you - enlighten my sinful son and bring light into my soul. Save me, Angel of God, from all evil, and guide me to decent deeds that lead to the light. Guide me, a sinner, on the bright and righteous path. Amen".

Prayer to Tikhon of Zadonsk

Tikhon Zadonsky was a respected and noble man who worked as a teacher. He devoted his entire life to teaching and preaching. He was the kindest and most sincere person who sought to help everyone who needed help.

Even after his death, the Most Holy Tikhon helps believers to get rid of mortal sins and take the righteous path. Many people appeal to him with requests to cure their relatives and friends from addiction and serious illnesses. To summon the Saint, you must read the following spell 3 times in a quiet, secluded place:

“Tikhon, our Rev. Father, we praise and honor you! Saint and saint of God, like a heavenly angel, you appeared on our land. I send you, Holy Hierarch, all my good thoughts. Intercede for me (name) before the face of God, and ask him for salvation and intercession. Give me your wisdom and save me from the cravings of sin and unhealthy addiction. Pray for me before the Face of God. Protect from daily evil, devilish harm. We ask you for my recovery physically and mentally. Grant me strength to cope with the misfortune and forget about smoking the damned. Amen".

Holy words to Job the Long-Suffering

Job the Long-Suffering, or as he is also commonly called “poor” Job, is a noble Christian righteous man. Over the years of his life, he experienced a lot of troubles and suffering. He endured many difficult and dangerous trials, but was able not to lose heart and reach the end.

Job “poor” will help get rid of cravings for tobacco and heal the smoker’s body. All prayer words to the Saint must be sincere and pure. To ask the Martyr for help dependent person should say the following prayer:

“Our holy saint of God, more righteous than Job! Having fought a glorious feat on the sinful earth, and in Heaven received the crown of righteousness. Looking at your glorious Face, your Holy Image, I honor your memory day and night. Accept my prayers, kneeling, and convey to the All-Merciful my petition, spoken with hope.

Help me, Holy Job, to overcome a heavy addiction, covered in evil smoke, and grant me the strength to resist the machinations of the devil and the evil unclean. Deliver me from troubles and illnesses, guide me on a healthy and bright path. I praise you Job, and I hope for help. Amen".

Prayer book to Saint John Chrysostom

Saint John is a theological figure who devoted most of his life to serving God. During his life, the Saint created a huge number of invaluable works about Christian worship. Even during his lifetime, women and men came to John Chrysostom, asking for help in atonement for sins. He directed them to the righteous path and gave them faith in themselves.

Forgiveness for the Saint is considered the most powerful and powerful spell. Most often people turn to the saint in the following cases:

  • Asking for health for family and friends.
  • Asking for help in new things.
  • For peace of mind.
  • Asking for help in the fight against alcohol and cigarettes.
  • To guide children and loved ones on the right path.

Both the smoker and his close friends and relatives can pronounce the cherished words. It will be most effective if a mother, father, wife/husband or sister asks the Saint to guide a smoker on the right path and help him quickly quit the bad habit. To help a patient overcome nicotine addiction, you need to say the following words:

“I appeal to Saint John Chrysostom! Do not deprive your servant of heavenly help, but help him get rid of cowardice and his own torment. Direct your mind on the glorious and pure path. Remove the petrified insensibility. I am sinful in my flesh, sinful with the burden and addiction of sin.
I ask you for help, our Saint and Intercessor. Bestow your grace upon me, and come to my aid in the fight against the contagious disease. Show me the righteous path, and help free me from the dependence of the devil. I beseech you in your kingdom. Amen".

Prayer book to the Venerable Ambrose of Optina

Quite often, people who have lost all hope and want to quit smoking on their own appeal to Elder Optinsky. During his lifetime, Ambrose was famous for his strength and great faith. For most of his earthly life, he preached about the dangers of smoking and drinking. The monk called on Christians to give up tobacco and start living in a new way. After his sermons, Christians became more restrained, calm and less irritable (this behavior is observed in people who quit smoking).

Men came to Ambrose and asked for help to overcome many years of sin. Heavy smokers could not overcome the craving for nicotine and continued to smoke. The saint advised sinners to do the following:

  • Go to church and repent of your earthly sins that have been committed over all the years of your life.
  • Pray and light a candle for health.
  • After going to church, read the gospel every day, or if you have a strong craving for cigarettes, do 33 full bows.

To ask for help from Ambrose of Optina, you need to whisper the following sacred words 3 times:

“Reverend Father, our intercessor Ambrose, you are bold before our Almighty. Yes, pray to the Lord God, let him give me a sign, give me his mighty help to fight against unclean passion and destructive desire.
God! With a petition to your holy saint, Ambrose the Venerable, I pray for the protection of the Almighty. Grant me strength in the struggle for health and pure thoughts. May the evil passion of tobacco run away from me, your servant, into distant distances, to where it came from, from the belly of hell and the receptacle of the damned. So be it! Amen".

It is important to remember that a one-time reading of the sacred words will not help the patient get rid of a serious illness. The main thing is that a person constantly pronounces a spell to himself or out loud and sincerely believes in what was said and hopes for a quick recovery.

You need to turn to the saints 4-5 times a day or smoke at the first thought. It is best to learn the spells that the patient will cast and constantly pronounce them to himself. If after reading the sacred words a person feels unwell and symptoms of malaise, weakness and drowsiness appear, he should read the prayer book several more times and cross himself 3 times. After the ritual, he will feel better, and he will be able to quickly give up his bad habit without a threat to his health.

All smokers know how difficult it is to quit smoking, because they have done it many times. And it’s definitely worth doing this once and for all, because smoking shortens life, leads to serious diseases, and poisons the air of people around the smoker. From the point of view of the church, smoking is a sin, a devilish addiction that clouds the thoughts and poisons the soul and body of a person. After all, smoking is essentially the work of the devil. The smoker poisons the body with black, fetid smoke and tar. This is a hellish habit, and it takes a lot of effort to break out of this vicious circle.

Smoking in Orthodoxy is equated with fornication, pride, and disrespect for other believers. It is believed that a person who smokes serves Satan, because he imitates church fumigation with incense.

In heritage Orthodox Church There are prayers for all occasions, including prayers to quit smoking cigarettes.

Agree, extend your life, which means doing more good deeds, showing good example, it’s worth quitting the bad habit. It is important that the quitter passionately desires to stop smoking, and the texts of Orthodox prayers against smoking will help to psychologically tune in and not deviate from the path. Of course, the church does not prohibit resorting to medications, patches and other aids, only hypnosis and black magic are not welcome. Everything else is allowed by Orthodoxy to combat smoking. According to church canons, a person must take care of his body and soul, improving and perfecting himself. Even if a person has managed by willpower to hold out for several days without tobacco, Satan will increasingly whisper to him, “Light up, smoke, nothing will happen.” With the first cigarette smoked, a person is again trapped and all efforts are in vain. When quitting smoking, the first few days the quitter will feel irritation, melancholy, and nervousness. For such a case, prayers will be useful to help you quit smoking, strengthen your strength and intention, and stop smoking forever. vicious relationship devil and man, to lead out of sin. If you read the prayer against smoking to the smoker himself, with each new day it will become easier and simpler.

Prayer of someone suffering from smoking addiction

Most merciful Lord! Hear my request, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servant, do not abhor my wounds, do not turn away from me. Just as you sometimes healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the tax collector, heal my soul, which was sick with many passions and troubles. Lord, listen to the voice of my prayer, hear my groaning and pitiful cry. Oh, woe is me, woe is me a sinner, since I become like idolaters, I am not ashamed to burn demonic incense, I am not ashamed to offend You, Lord, with the wickedness of my heart. I tempt You with excessive reliance on Your long-suffering. Standing in Your Holy Temple, I enjoy the fragrance of incense, and every hour I again enjoy the stench of smoke. I defile my lips and with these same lips I speak words of praise to You. Like a dog returns to his vomit, I also serve sin. For everyone, this is a sin, but the Imam does not have the boldness to renounce the bribes of mercenaries. Most merciful Lord! Condescend with my weakness, forgive my lewdness, strengthen me, give me patience and spiritual courage, do not leave me, do not let me perish in the mire of sin, Save, Lord! I'm dying! Because sometimes, Lord, you healed, through the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, a certain husband Sergius - heal also someone unworthy of me. Just as you, Lord, sometimes delivered, through the prayers of St. Ambrose of Optina, from the bad habit of a certain Alexei of Moscow, deliver also the less accursed one. As sometimes, Lord, through the prayers of the saints, the father of the Kiev-Pechersk freed from the oppressive passion of a certain Maxim and appointed him to serve You in Your Holy Temple - also free me, the foul and unclean one, and grant me to serve Your righteousness, and work tirelessly without laziness To you, my Lord Jesus Christ, all the days of my life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Strong prayer to Ambrose of Optina against smoking

Prayer to Ambrose Optinsky helps against smoking as soon as your hand reaches out to a pack of cigarettes. A saint once convinced a smoking father of a very sick daughter to quit smoking. The man left the bag of tobacco at the doorstep of the church and never smoked again. His daughter soon recovered. Since then, prayer has helped against the temptation to smoke again.

Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, beg the Greatly Gifted Master to give me quick help in the fight against unclean passion. God! Through the prayers of Your saint, the Venerable Ambrose, cleanse my lips, purify my heart and fill it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, may the evil tobacco passion run far away from me, there, from where it came, into the belly of hell.

Prayer from smoking to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is known among the people as a miracle worker. Isn’t it a miracle, once you decide to quit smoking forever? Such cases are known, and smokers around them are really surprised, secretly envying their strength of spirit and will. Read a prayer against smoking to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and everything will work out.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Great Pleasant of God, hear the prayer of the servant of God ( given name) and help me overcome my bad habit. Help me give up smoking. Beg the Lord Almighty to accept my sincere repentance for my sins and forgive all my voluntary and involuntary sins. Help me, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, resist sinful temptations and reduce my desire to smoke. I thank you, Saint Nicholas, I trust in your support and glorify all your deeds. Amen.

Prayers to Matrona of Moscow against smoking

Saint Matrona of Moscow helps with alcoholism, smoking, and serious illnesses. The prayer to Matrona to quit smoking can be read both by the person quitting smoking and by his relatives. At the same time, Matrona will help strengthen her strength, and relatives should offer a prayer for the smoker with a request to guide him on the right path. We offer 3 prayers and chants to Matrona against smoking:

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. I believe sacredly in your strength, so that you will intercede - I sincerely pray. Deliver us from evil smoke and drafts, and guide us on God’s path through prayer. Let me stop smoking from the first puff, I will leave behind this evil habit forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Matronushka, Righteous Elder. You save us from illness and disease, but I die in smoking tar. I’m trying to break the habit of a bad habit, but cigarettes and matches stick to my hands. I pray, help me in this difficult struggle, I come to you with prayer and faith. So be it. Amen.

Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Elder. I drown in sinful smoking, I infect myself and others every day. In this powerlessness I struggle with the habit, so that you help me, I sincerely pray. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

A prayer to your Guardian Angel to quit smoking on your own will help strengthen your willpower. After all, an angel was appointed by God to help you. Yes, and a prayer addressing him can be in your own words.

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, save me from all evil, instruct me in every deed, and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.

To make prayers against smoking more effective

To make your pleas for help in quitting smoking more effective, you should attend church and receive communion. Go to the icons in the church and read the prayer against smoking by Ambrose of Optina. Write down the text of the prayer you like on a piece of paper and read it every time the thought of smoking comes to your mind. Talk to the priest, ask him to pray for you. Continue to say the words of prayer at home several times a day whenever you want to smoke. Gradually, the words of prayers will reach your consciousness; refusal will strengthen your spirit every day. Remember the positive effect: health, beauty, right thoughts will begin to return. And most importantly, you will earn the love of God, because you will overcome this destructive bad habit. After 7-10 days, cravings will subside and the person will begin to feel improvements in appearance, will feel peace and joy in his heart from his action.

Not everyone modern man Having decided to give up a bad habit, he knows that he can always turn to higher powers for help. After all available methods have been used, the smoker remembers God and asks for his help through prayers.

Orthodoxy on smoking

Every person who comes to faith must understand that the one he has chosen life path may turn out to be sinful. Cigarettes are no exception, according to the main Orthodox canons, smoking is a very serious sin. A cigarette is an object of passion that does not allow a person to follow the path of salvation and forgiveness.

Persistent entrenchment of a habit causes the emergence of other vices:

  • selfishness when a smoking mother harms her child;
  • despondency that arises in a person who realizes that he is not able to cope with the craving for nicotine;
  • self-justification, the smoker justifies his occupation constant stress and the desire to relax;
  • lowering the threshold of morality;
  • forgiving oneself for other, no less sinful weaknesses.

The teachings of the saints confirm the destructive power of smoking, which causes moral and physical harm to the human body, God's greatest gift.

The clergy speak about smoking like this:

  • Smoking is a combination of sin and the will of demons, accelerating the fall of man.
  • Habit makes a slave out of a person; he remains in slavery until his very (sometimes very early) death.
  • It is possible to defeat the craving for nicotine only by combining human will and the power of the Lord God.
  • A person is able to get rid of a harmful addiction only by realizing the harm that it brings to him.
  • To quickly get rid of the habit, you should definitely undergo the sacrament of confession and the rite of communion, after which every day, while standing, read the Gospel and special prayers that help you quit smoking.

On what church holidays do people quit smoking?

It is believed that best moments To give up a bad habit, there are days of sacred holidays of Christianity. For example, giving up smoking on the last day before the start of Lent, on Maslenitsa, gives good results.

In addition, the spirit of those who refuse cigarettes is much stronger on Easter and on the bright day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

How to quit smoking with prayer?

Prayer has a high ability to work miracles. However, this only happens when it comes from a pure heart. Orthodox faith holds the opinion that the habit of smoking is sinful.

Follow the rules:

  • Focus on your own goal.
  • Aim for the end result of completely giving up cigarettes.
  • Have pious thoughts.
  • Contact the Saints with an open heart and soul.

Having chosen and read a prayer, do not forget about the need to adhere to the prescriptions of modern medicine, which well supports the body on a difficult path.

The prayer is said not for the sake of a “tick”, not in the form of a request for a miracle, but with sincerity and faith, then it will definitely help.

Which icons to pray to against smoking

In order for the prayers read to bring more benefit, it makes sense to go to the temple and turn to the clergy, asking for help. They will definitely tell you which icon you should turn to with prayer.

Most often, these are icons:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • John of Kronstadt;
  • Saint John Chrysostom;
  • Venerable Ambrose of Optina.

Prayer against smoking to Ambrose of Optina

Ambrose of Optina is a revered elder who proved by his own example that serving the Lord can help a person reach heights.

Throughout his life, he constantly smiled and indulged in prayer. It is believed that the appeal of heavy smokers to the elder in prayer can work real miracles, strengthen the will and spirit of a person on the path of a difficult struggle.

“Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, beg the Greatly Gifted Master to give me quick help in the fight against unclean passion. God! Through the prayers of Your saint, the Reverend Ambrose, cleanse my lips, purify my heart and fill it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, so that the evil tobacco passion will run far away from me, back to where it came from, into the belly of hell.”

After reading, thank the saint in your own words or special words. prayers of thanksgiving for his attention and future help.

Prayer to Matrona to quit smoking

Mother Matrona

Mother Matrona helps people suffering from addictions find the willpower they lack. With all possible zeal, tearfully pray to Matrona for help, be sure to light 3 candles purchased in the temple:

  1. “Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow.

I sacredly believe in your strength, so that you will intercede - I sincerely pray.

Deliver us from evil smoke and drafts, and guide us on God’s path through prayer.

Let me stop smoking from the first puff, I will leave behind this evil habit forever.

Thy will be done. Amen".

  1. “Blessed Matronushka, Righteous Elder.

You save us from illness and disease, but I die in smoking tar.

I’m trying to break the habit of a bad habit, but cigarettes and matches stick to my hands.

I pray, help me in this difficult struggle, I come to you with prayer and faith.

So be it. Amen".

  1. “Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Eldress.

I drown in sinful smoking, I infect myself and others every day.

In this powerlessness I struggle with the habit, so that you help me, I sincerely pray.

Thy will be done. Amen".

Read at least 3 times, each time ending the reading with the sign of the cross.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from smoking

Venerable Nicholas the Wonderworker

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a real magician who helps many smokers give up their addiction on their own by calling on him in prayer. Both the smoker himself and loved ones who care and worry about his health and well-being can ask the saint for help.

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Great Pleasant of God, hear the prayer of the servant of God (proper name) and help me cope with my addiction. Help me give up smoking. Beg the Lord Almighty to accept my sincere repentance for my sins and forgive all my voluntary and involuntary sins. Help me, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, resist sinful temptations and reduce my desire to smoke. I thank you, Saint Nicholas, I trust in your support and glorify all your deeds. Amen".

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Icon of the Holy Trinity

Turning to the Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - is truly miraculous; regular reading of the prayer allows a person to receive the missing strength to give up nicotine.

“O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look kindly upon Thy servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and premium blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, our All-Bountiful God and Creator.”

Each text of the prayer involves endowing the person pronouncing it with the necessary strength. Therefore, during treatment, it is very important to have a strong desire to give up cigarettes. If, during the period of reading a prayer, a smoker’s nicotine withdrawal syndrome intensifies, he should turn to God even more diligently.

We pray in our own words

It is equally important to be able to pray in your own words, using prayers (even if incorrect, but coming from your own heart) that a person has created himself. This does not have to be one established text; it may well change from prayer to prayer. The main thing is that it is filled with hot and firm decision, overcome your sin.

Sincere desire is the basis of any prayer, which will definitely be heard by the Lord.

Prayer from smoking to the righteous Job the Long-Suffering

Job the Long-Suffering

On those days when despair overwhelms a person, not allowing him to complete the process of giving up cigarettes, when weakness of spirit pushes him to return to cigarettes, turn to Job the Long-Suffering in prayer.

The prayer is read at moments that require strengthening the will and patience:

“O holy servant of God, righteous Job! Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen".

Prayer against smoking to St. John Chrysostom

Saint John Chrysostom

Another saint, John Chrysostom, the former Archbishop of Constantinople, also helps in especially difficult and desperate moments of giving up nicotine.

“O great saint John Chrysostom! You have received many and varied gifts from the Lord, and as a good and faithful servant, you have multiplied all the talents given to you for good: for this reason, you were truly a universal teacher, as every age and every rank comes from you. Behold, you appeared as an image of obedience to the youth, a luminary of chastity to the young, a mentor to the husband of industriousness, a teacher of kindness to the old, a rule of abstinence to the monk, an inspired leader from God to those who pray, an enlightener of wisdom to those who seek the mind, an inexhaustible source of living words to the branches of kind words, a star of mercy to the beneficent, a wise image to those in charge. , an inspirer of truth for the zealots of boldness, a mentor of truth for the sake of the persecuted, patience: you were everything to everyone, and you saved everyone.

Over all these you have acquired love, which is the sauce of perfection, and with that, as if by the power of the Divine, you have united all the gifts in your soul into one, and this same love, shared and reconciling, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, you preached to all the faithful. We are sinners, having our own gift for one thing, the unity of the soul and the union of the world are not imams, but we are vanity, irritating each other, envious of each other: for this sake of the gift, our divided not into peace and salvation, but into enmity and condemnation turned over to us . To you, the saint of God, we fall, overwhelmed by discord, and in contrition of heart we ask: with your prayers drive away from our hearts all the sorrow and envy that divides us, so that in many places one church body is not forbidden. Let us continue to love each other according to your words of prayer. Amen".

Prayer against smoking to Saint Tikhon of Voronezh

Saint Tikhon of Voronezh

To support your own spirit in the fight against tobacco sin, you can use prayer - an appeal to St. Tikhon of Voronezh-Zadonsky the Wonderworker.

“Oh saint, our father Tikhon! Hear us and try to beg the Lord with your favorable intercession, may He add His great and rich mercy to us, His sinful and unworthy servants (names), may He heal with His grace the incurable ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may He dissolve our petrified hearts with tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins and may he deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, may it grant peace and silence, health and salvation in this present world, so that we, together with the angels and with all the saints, may glorify and sing the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

When addressing the saints, remember that reading a prayer should not be a mechanical repetition of a specific text. Prayer is a living conversation filled with desire and faith. It is best, before you start reading prayers for healing, to ask for a blessing for this matter from the priest in the temple.

Prayer against smoking to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

Prayer service, read to Tikhon Zadonsky, demands required reading during the difficult period of quitting nicotine. It is best to read the prayer for taming passions as often as possible:

“Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of God, Son of David according to the flesh, as You had mercy on the Canaanites: my soul is angry with anger, rage, evil lust and other destructive passions. God! Help me, I cry to You, who walks not on earth, but sits on the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hey, Lord! Grant me my heart, with faith and love, to follow Your humility, kindness, meekness and long-suffering, so that in Your eternal Kingdom I will be worthy to partake of the table of Your servants, whom You have chosen. Amen".

Prayer to the Guardian Angel against smoking

People who sincerely believe in the Lord God confidently claim that a few days of repentance help in maintaining strength while fighting bad habits, be it alcoholism or smoking. Prayer is a real opportunity to perk up your spirit and begin a difficult struggle with new strength.

A prayer to your own Guardian Angel is very effective, which must end with a request for deliverance from harmful addiction and cravings for nicotine:

“Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, save me from all evil, instruct me in every deed, and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen".

Prayer of someone suffering from smoking addiction

The text of the prayer truly miraculous power, especially if you read it with all passion and firm faith to overcome sin.

“Most merciful Lord! Hear my request, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servant, do not abhor my wounds, do not turn away from me. Just as you sometimes healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the tax collector, heal my soul, which was sick with many passions and troubles. Lord, listen to the voice of my prayer, hear my groaning and pitiful cry. Oh, woe is me, woe is me a sinner, since I become like idolaters, I am not ashamed to burn demonic incense, I am not ashamed to offend You, Lord, with the wickedness of my heart. I tempt You with excessive reliance on Your long-suffering. Standing in Your Holy Temple, I enjoy the fragrance of incense, and every hour I again enjoy the stench of smoke. I defile my lips and with these same lips I speak words of praise to You. Like a dog returns to his vomit, I also serve sin. For everyone, this is a sin, but the Imam does not have the boldness to renounce the bribes of mercenaries. Most merciful Lord! Descend from my weakness, forgive my lewdness, strengthen me, give me patience and spiritual courage, do not leave me, do not let me perish in the mire of sin, Save, Lord! I'm dying! Because sometimes, Lord, you healed, through the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, a certain husband Sergius - heal also someone unworthy of me. Just as you, Lord, sometimes delivered, through the prayers of St. Ambrose of Optina, from the bad habit of a certain Alexei of Moscow, deliver also the less accursed one. As sometimes, Lord, through the prayers of the saints, the father of the Kiev-Pechersk freed from the oppressive passion of a certain Maxim and appointed him to serve You in Your Holy Temple - in the same way, free the foul and unclean me, and grant me to serve Your righteousness, and work without laziness I miss You my Lord Jesus Christ all the days of my life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Holy Fathers on smoking tobacco

For many centuries, the holy fathers left their opinions on smoking in their chronicles.

John of Kronstadt considered this habit an unnatural activity, because “the mouth was not given at all in order to eat smoke with it.” He emphasized that smoke is not food and it is not permissible to use it for breathing.

John of Kronstadt emphasized that “constant eating and drinking and smoking” makes a person a pawn in the hands of the devil, weakening the human spirit.

“Tobacco is the devil’s sweetened pill, which he gave to the flesh, hiding behind its imaginary need, its senseless lust. The devil does four evils at once through tobacco: he kills precious time, shortens life, produces the most stupid luxury and takes away the daily food of the poor,” noted the saint.

The Monk Ambrose of Optina noted that smoking weakens mental strength, increases passions and darkens the mind. In addition, he emphasized that “tobacco destroys health through a slow death.”

Separately, it is worth noting the important thoughts Christian preacher Father Stakhiya, who was the rector of St. Nicholas Church in the Vladimir region. Many thousands of pilgrims flocked to him, eager to overcome the sins of drunkenness, smoking and drug addiction.

Father Stakhy prayed for everyone, refusing no one. Near him stood a special box into which people threw the attributes of bad habits.

Psalm against smoking

For those suffering from the sin of smoking, it is very useful to read Psalm 108 daily, asking the Lord God for healing:

“God of my praise! do not keep silent, for wicked lips and deceitful lips have been opened against me; They speak to me with a lying tongue;
they surround me with words of hatred from everywhere, they take up arms against me for no reason;
for my love they enmity me, but I pray;
They repay me for good with evil, for my love with hatred.
Set the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand.
When he is put on trial, let him come out guilty, and let his prayer become a sin;
may his days be short, and may another take his dignity;
let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow;
let his children wander and beg and ask for bread from their ruins;
let the lender seize everything he has, and let strangers plunder his labor;
let there be no one who sympathizes with him, let there be no one who has mercy on his orphans;
let his descendants be destroyed, and let their name be blotted out in the next generation;
let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out;
may they always be in the sight of the Lord, and may He destroy their memory from the earth,
because he did not think to show mercy, but pursued a poor and destitute and broken-hearted man in order to kill him;
he loved the curse, it will come to him; did not want the blessing, it will move away from him;
let him be clothed with the curse as with a robe, and let it enter like water into his bowels and like oil into his bones;
let it be to him like a garment in which he dresses, and like a girdle with which he always girds himself.
This is the reward from the Lord to my enemies and to those who speak evil against my soul!
But with me, Lord, Lord, do for the sake of Your name, for Your mercy is good; save me
for I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.
I disappear like a retreating shadow; they drive me away like a locust.
My knees are weak from fasting, and my body has lost its fatness.
I have become a laughing stock for them: when they see me, they nod their heads.
Help me, Lord my God, save me according to Your mercy,
let them know that it is Your hand, and that You, Lord, have done this.
They curse, but You bless; they rebel, but let them be put to shame; Let Your servant rejoice.
May my opponents be clothed with dishonor and covered with their shame like a garment.
And I will loudly praise the Lord with my mouth and glorify Him among the multitude,
for He stands at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those who judge his soul.”

For prayer to be beneficial, you should take advice from wise elders:

  • Understand that without believing in Christ, you cannot achieve your goal. Only sincere prayer reaches the Lord God. You need to quit smoking, if only because it is a great sin that angers Christ.
  • You can receive grace in the form of God's help if you quit smoking unconditionally and immediately. A gradual reduction in the dose of nicotine is a demonic deceit that does not lead to the desired result.
  • If you can't quit smoking, you shouldn't give in to despair. A smoker has the power to take all possible measures to combat smoking: pray daily, abstain from cigarettes on special days (fast days, sacred holidays, before Holy Communion, on Sunday), do not look for excuses for smoking a cigarette, do not visit places where the temptation to smoke is great.
  • Do not be afraid of the bodily suffering that invariably accompanies the process of nicotine withdrawal. Here we can turn to the words of St. Paul: “You have not yet fought to the point of blood, struggling against sin, and have forgotten the consolation that is offered to you as sons: my son! do not despise the Lord’s punishment, and do not lose heart when He reproaches you. For the Lord punishes whomever he loves; he beats every son whom he receives.”
  • Understand that all the torment lies only in the thoughts and soul of the smoker, thus, the demon influences a person, not allowing him to renounce sin.

Smoking and the Muslim Faith

From the point of view of Muslim canons, smoking is a forbidden activity. This is indicated by excerpts from the Koran:

  • “He is God’s messenger, following the inspiration from the Creator, he will call to do good and prohibit everything bad from the point of view of universal morality; to allow, following the command from Above, everything that is good and to prohibit everything that is bad, harmful, disgusting - everything that harms with its consequences.”
  • The smell and taste of tobacco, which supposedly gives pleasure, from the point of view of Islam, is nothing more than an illusion.
  • Smoking is considered a disease-causing habit that is harmful to health. For example: “In Islam there is no harm, loss or sabotage.” That is, causing harm to oneself and others through smoking is alien to the norms of Muslim morality and ethics.”
  • Smoking, gradually destroying the human body, slowly kills him. The Koran says: “...Do not kill yourself, do not kill yourself spiritually, do not denigrate your insides with forbidden and sinful things; don't kill each other! Verily, the Almighty is extremely Merciful to you. In His mercy He will grant you countless benefits, but in justice He will ask on the Day of Judgment how they were used.”

Mantras for smoking

Quite real way free yourself from a bad habit - reading mantras. This requires minimal effort, but the effect exceeds all expectations. Reading special texts allows you to improve the functioning of your organs respiratory system, which prevents the development of various pathologies.

Rules for composing and reading mantras:

  • Prohibition on the use of negations using the particle “not”.
  • Using life-affirming facts. For example, “I quit smoking easily. I will be healthy and happy. I breathe with healthy lungs."
  • Words must be sincere and come from the heart.
  • You need to read each mantra 3 times (this is the minimum). Ideally, reading should be repeated from 19 to 45 times.
  • You should not read the mantra in a place where there is a lot of noise and bustle. This is a very subtle activity that requires complete concentration and solitude.

The most effective mantras for smoking:

  1. Tibetan mantra: the text below should be read 108 times, using special beads for this. Text: “Omm e khan y haru haru hinne, Syra sera mon a myn Byr mane ha manna hinne.”
  2. Buddhist mantra: regular reading of such a mantra can cure more than a hundred diseases, including overcoming cravings for nicotine. The text must be read 300 times before going to bed.

It sounds like this: “HA KA RA,” and is pronounced while inhaling.

Reading mantras is an ancient science that has proven its effectiveness from time immemorial and can help in quitting smoking.

Runes from smoking

Runes are unique magic symbols, previously used as an alphabet for peoples living in northern Europe.

Working with runes assumes that a person fully understands them and knows how to interpret them different combinations, making up their own, endowed magical power. Incorrectly composed runes not only will not help, but can also cause harm.

The most effective set of runes is:

  • Mannaz is a human smoker.
  • Nautiz – patience, overcoming addictions.
  • Uruz is the inner power and strength of a person.
  • Ansuz is a conscious desire to quit smoking.
  • Raido Laguz - brings peace, removes irritability.
  • Raido is a return to the starting point, before the appearance of a bad habit.
  • Ar - heals, improves health.
  • Soulo Berkano – removes the physical craving for smoking.
  • Vunyo – joy, end to troubles.

This combination sets the smoker up for a positive result; while reading them, irritability goes away and the craving for nicotine gradually decreases.

To achieve a positive result, you should write the runes on paper and put them under your pillow on the 9th lunar day. Then the paper needs to be burned, and the remaining ashes scattered to the wind. After this, an aversion to cigarettes arises and interest in smoking is lost.

Any method of quitting smoking, be it Orthodox prayer, reading Buddhist mantras or writing runes, can help a person only if he has absolute faith, strong desire and focus on results.

Smoking is a harmful habit that poisons the life of not only the smoker himself, but also everyone around him. Believers are sure that addiction to tobacco is a sin before the Lord; the desire to forget about nicotine and prayer from smoking can save you from it. A strong desire to get rid of addiction along with the help of the Almighty can work miracles.

Are there prayers for smoking?

To answer this question, it is enough to turn to historical data. In 1905 a great event took place in Orthodox world- Reverend Silouan of Athonite arrived in Russia. He got here by railway, and on the way he met a rich merchant. The merchant offered the clergyman a cigarette - a fashionable innovation at that time.

The merchant took the refusal to smoke quite nervously; he began to actively convince the elder that there was no sin in smoking tobacco leaves. The monk did not argue, simply offering to read the person before lighting a cigarette a simple and well-known prayer - “Our Father.” The merchant was embarrassed, saying that it was inappropriate to say a prayer before smoking cigarettes. To this he was given the answer that he should read prayers before doing anything. If an appeal to the Lord is made in confusion, then there is no need to do anything.

This story has a sacramental meaning - every prayer against smoking. It is important that a person believes and turns to the Almighty for help without doubt and with a strong desire to give up addiction. A person does not need to prove to society that smoking tobacco is a bad activity. It is important that he himself understands the sinfulness of this addiction and tries with all his soul to get rid of it.

A parable about the help of saints in trying to get rid of smoking

One day a man came to the famous and now deceased elder Taisius of Svyatogorets; his daughter was very ill at that time. She simply died from several diseases, and the doctors left the child no chance not only of recovery, but also of life. The man sincerely asked the elder to help with prayer, Paisius promised to help. In a long conversation, the elder pointed out to the father that he should help his child in every possible way, and therefore it is necessary to give up his bad habits, addictions, and limit his desires. Taisiy advised the person to forget about smoking, even at the cost of his suffering. They were the ones who were supposed to give the child the strength to fight illnesses.

A man left his cigarettes near the church, never to return to them again. The father contributed to the healing of his daughter, struggling with his sinful addictions.

Who should I pray to to get rid of smoking?

Addiction is a sin before the Lord, since it is given to the unclean. You should get rid of them, which is facilitated by Orthodox prayers against smoking. There are many of them; the texts can be found in special prayer books. It is not forbidden to address the Lord in your own words. Saints, guardian angels, and the Blessed Virgin Mary also help to give up addictions.

Today no one studies the Holy Scriptures, as was the case at the beginning of the last century. And a person, having decided to give up a bad habit, often does not know which saint to turn to, what words to choose. There are texts that are compiled and recommended for reading by the church. Among the most famous is the prayer to Ambrose of Optina for deliverance from smoking. However, spiritual fathers advise to look into your soul and find support there - true desire give up tobacco, and then turn your aspirations to the Almighty, reading the appropriate prayers. They help true believers forget about tobacco and nicotine.

Strong prayer against smoking: what is its secret?

It is important for every smoker to understand: tobacco is not a gift from God. Addiction to nicotine, which is contained in the plant, makes a person weak-willed, depriving him of not only health, but also independence of choice. The nicotine component of tobacco affects the mental and emotional state, has a strong effect on the body. To help smokers, the church offered a prayer against smoking - you should read it yourself. In this case, there is a high probability that the spirit will become stronger and the body will be able to give up nicotine.

What makes holy words powerful is the person himself, who sincerely believes and hopes for complete deliverance from addiction. Constantly reading a strong prayer against smoking and wine evokes a strong understanding that such habits are sinful. To get help Higher powers, you should pray and believe daily.

How can you quit smoking through the power of prayer?

To quit smoking, the smoker or his loved ones read the prayer independently. It is in this case that words will be healing; they have a beneficial effect on a sincere believer. The Church advises the smoker to read prayers against smoking, but sometimes the person himself does not realize the sinfulness of his addiction. In this case, my family and friends will be able to ask the Lord for healing.

The Church does not forbid, but often encourages, the opportunity to combine the power of the prayer word and the methods of traditional medicine. All of them are aimed at healing, and therefore are not considered sinful. The exception to this rule are various chewing gum with nicotine, switching to electronic cigarettes and snus. In this case, nicotine, the drug, still enters the body, replacing one habit with another.

Church-goers and clergy consider nicotine addiction a terrible sin. Those who want to get rid of it can read strong prayers against smoking for themselves, but they must already be focused on a successful result and methodically achieve their goal. If the thoughts during the reading process are pious and faith is strong, the person has a high chance of being healed.

People who have already been able to give up the habit of smoking cigarettes with the help of prayer advise:

  • Visit a church and chat with the clergy, talk about your problem and get valuable advice.
  • Choose a saint to whom you want to pray. You can read about the life of the saint, learn about his deeds and the help he provided to those asking for help. Often smokers choose a strong prayer to Ambrose of Optina against smoking.
  • Do not abandon the generally accepted and proven methods of classical medical science that will help you quit addiction.

But the main thing is the mood and faith that strengthen the human soul.

A sincerely read prayer will be heard and will allow you to forget about the dangerous habit forever.

How to read a prayer correctly so that it helps?

Prayers for the passion of smoking to St. Ambrose of Optina are considered the most powerful and healing. However, this is not the only saint who helps to forget about the habit, protect a person from addiction, make his spirit strong, and strengthen his faith. There are also prayers from smoking to Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, Virgin Mary, Guardian Angel, Holy Trinity and others. The choice depends on the smoker himself, his faith and aspirations.

You can read the prayer against smoking offered by the church not to one, but to several saints. It is important that the smoker:

  • He turned to the saints and the Lord independently and with a pure heart. If there is no understanding of what is happening, true faith, or desire to read, it is better to do it later.
  • I must forget about pressing problems at least for the time of turning to the Lord. You shouldn’t just mechanically repeat the words; there is no benefit from such reading. All thoughts must be pure, the mind must be freed from thoughts.
  • He must realize and pass through himself every word that is mentioned in the church text. They should be pronounced reverently, thoughtfully, sincerely.
  • First, clear your mind by reading (you can repeat) the Lord’s Prayer. You can find it in any prayer book.
  • If a strong desire catches a person on the road, and there is no prayer book at hand, he may not recite by heart the text of the prayer from the incense of Ambrose of Optina. You can turn to a saint, a guardian angel, the Almighty with a sincere request for help and support. When reading prayers daily, the words are quickly imprinted in the memory, and therefore in the future there will be no problems with reading the text independently.

Before you begin to cleanse your body and spirit from addiction, you should confess and receive communion, receive a blessing from a clergyman or your spiritual mentor. Such support will help the smoker even in the most difficult moments and will give him strength. Often the blessing of a mentor disciplines and sets up a person who would simply be ashamed to let a clergyman down. This is not a bad motivation.

Appeal to Ambrose of Optina

The prayer against smoking to Ambrose Optinsky, according to smokers, has become one of the most powerful. In the process of reading it, the smoker or his close people turn directly to the saint, who has also become a comforter for many who suffer. The monk was famous during his lifetime; he was famous for his gift of clairvoyance and healing. God gave him rare abilities to heal soul and body. Ambrose of Optina, even after his departure to the Lord, helps everyone who turns to him with a sincere word and faith. In this case, the person asking will be heard and will soon receive help.

A sincerely read prayer against smoking by Ambrose allows you to understand the sinfulness of smoking, as well as negative influence nicotine, like narcotine, affects the soul and body of a person. Even during his lifetime, the elder claimed that tobacco slowly but surely destroys the body, and the human soul from such addiction also dies a slow death. People who smoke often are subject to mood swings, they are haunted by defeatist thoughts, they have little light and faith, but a lot of despair, melancholy and melancholy.

The prayer to Saint Ambrose against smoking is known, its text is in many prayer books, and you can find it on the Internet.

Appeal to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant

Everyone knows Nicholas the Wonderworker - the quick to obey and healer of souls. He helps sufferers find the right way to forget about tobacco. It is recommended to read the text not only at home, but also in church in front of the image of the Wonderworker. You can light one or three candles and sincerely pray with words of prayer. The saint does not refuse to help anyone; he helps to recover from addiction to wine, cigarettes, and drugs.

Help from Matrona of Moscow

Mother Matrona of Moscow is a revered saint who lived in Russia in the middle of the last century. She helped the suffering and those asking during her lifetime, and bequeathed to turn to her with prayer for help to the suffering even after departing to the Lord. She saved many lost souls who needed healing from smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

Calling your angel

From birth and after baptism, a person receives his angel to help. He goes with everyone through life, helps with illnesses, and does not refuse help in getting rid of smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Prayers to your angel are short, but they are quite powerful. The main thing is to back up every word with sincere intentions and desire.

So that the smoker is heard, receives first aid, one should turn to the saints and the Lord with sincere faith. There are several rules-tips that are recommended for all worshipers to take into account.