Orthodox prayers for the Russian world. Prayers for the salvation of Russia

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Royal Golgotha

“Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor, deliver us from all evil and create a miracle of salvation”

(from an akathist to our Most Holy Lady Theotokos in honor of the miraculous icon of Her Czestochowa or Invincible Victory)

Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!

The Russian Royal House congratulates you on the beginning of Great Lent - a time of prayer and repentance for Orthodox Christians. We thank everyone who responded to our call and took part in the Cathedral Prayer Service for Holy Rus' (). We received a lively response from many people, and visual confirmation of the importance of prayer in front of the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God (see more about the icon: https://youtu.be/KqyPy2q14oA). At this fateful time of Lent, our people need deep prayer as a counterbalance to the lack of spirituality and permissiveness of the forces of evil.

Blessed Elder Matrona said: “The people are under hypnosis. Not himself, a terrible force came into action... This force exists in the air, penetrates everywhere. Previously, swamps and dense forests were the habitat of this power, because people went to churches, wore a cross, and houses were protected by images, lamps and consecration. Demons flew past such houses, and now people are also inhabited by demons due to unbelief and rejection of God...”

“Russia is beset by troubles and misfortunes. It is not in vain that He who rules all nations skillfully, wisely, and accurately places on His anvil all those subjected to His strong hammer. Be strong, Russia! But also repent, pray, cry bitter tears before your heavenly Father, whom you have angered immensely!” “We need general moral cleansing, nationwide deep repentance, a change in pagan morals to Christian ones. Let us cleanse ourselves, wash ourselves with tears of repentance, let us be reconciled with God, and then God will be reconciled with us.” St. Righteous John Kronstadt.

For you, deluded, unfortunate Russian people, my heart burns with pity to the point of death. “My eyes are filled with tears, my heart is troubled” (Pl. 2:11), at the sight of your grave sufferings, in anticipation of even greater sorrows... Brothers! The time has come for repentance; The holy days of Great Lent have arrived. Cleanse yourself from your sins, come to your senses, stop looking at each other as enemies and dividing home country to warring countries. We are all brothers and we all have one mother - our native Russian land, and we are all children of one Heavenly Father, to whom we pray: “Our Father, forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:9, 12 ). St. Patriarch Tikhon.

As you know, people who experienced attacks from the enemy prayed especially on Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent, incl. and during Holy Week, when abstinence is most strict and services are filled with prayers of repentance (see: Abbot Mark, confessor of the Moscow Simonov Monastery, 1899, Evil spirits and their influence on people - https://azbyka.ru/zlye-duxi-i-ix-vliyanie-na-lyudej). We encourage everyone to cathedral prayer about the salvation of Rus' every Wednesday and Friday of Lent at 22:00 local time with the reading of akathists and prayers to the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God) and a list of the Czestochowa icon - icon Mother of God Russian Victory ().

By God's providence, the feast of the Annunciation this year falls on Holy Saturday, and we hope that by the grace of God the good news about Holy Rus' will touch many hearts. This is why the entire prayer of the Orthodox is needed. Lent. “Truly I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you.”. (John 16:23). Let us jointly pray to the Lord for the salvation of the Triune Holy Rus' and for the revival of the monarchy, without which it is impossible to recreate the spiritual State.

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - together we are Holy Rus'!

Miracle-working words: common prayer for Russia in full description from all the sources we found.

Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Pokrovskoye

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Prayers for the salvation of Russia

Save us, Righteous God, all together, turn away Your face from our common and personal sins, give us back our property - Russia and help us revive it, turn back our enemies. Amen.

This prayer is read daily at 14:00 Moscow time.

Say this prayer 3 times in a row, the rest - in your own words. Out loud or silently.

Prayer for the salvation of the Russian state and the quenching of discord and unrest in it

(Prayer of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus')

Lord God, our Savior! We fall to You with a contrite heart and confess our sins and iniquities, which are an irritant to Your compassion and a barrier to Your generosity. For we have departed from You, O Master, and have not kept Your commandments; we have done less than what You commanded us. For this reason, you struck us with disorder, and you gave us to be trampled under foot by our enemy, and we lost our minds more than anyone else, and became a parable and a reproach to our neighbor. Great and wondrous God, repent of the evils of men, raise up the overthrown and strengthen those who fall!

Send down Your heavenly power from heaven, heal the ulcers of our souls and raise us from the bed of illness, as if our loins were filled with weakness, as if we were hurt by unrighteousness and gave birth to iniquity. Satisfy the vacillation and strife in our land, drive away from us envy and zeal, murder and drunkenness, inflammation and temptation, all uncleanness, enmity and malice have entered our hearts, so that we may again love each other and remain united in You, our Lord and Master, as you commanded and commanded us. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, for we are filled with humiliation and are not worthy to raise our hopes to heaven. Remember the mercies that You showed to our fathers, turn Your anger into mercy and give us help from sorrow. Your Church prays to You, presenting to You the intercession of Your friends: our reverend and God-bearing fathers Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Job, Philip - the saints of Moscow, the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas, the passion-bearer Queen Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexy, the Great Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and their faithful servants, especially St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow Confessor, Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth... and all the saints who shone in our land, more than the Most Holy Theotokos and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who from ancient times covered and interceded our country.

Give understanding to all who are in power, and speak good things to them about Your Church and about all Your people. By the power of Your Cross, strengthen our army and deliver them from all slander of the enemy. Raise up for us men of strength and understanding and give us all the Spirit of wisdom and fear of God, the Spirit of strength and piety.

Lord, we resort to You, teach us to do Your will, for You are our God, for You are the source of life, in Your light we will see light. Add Your mercy to those who guide You forever and ever. Amen.

The prayer of repentance is the same thing in churches in Russia during the days of troubles.

Lord, God, Almighty, look upon us, sinners and unworthy of Your children, who have sinned before You, who have angered Your goodness, who have brought Your righteous wrath upon us, who have fallen into the depths of sin. You see, Lord, our weakness and spiritual sorrow, you see the corruption of our minds and hearts, the impoverishment of faith, the departure from Your commandments, the increase in family disorder, disunity and discord in the church, You see our sorrows and sorrows from illnesses, famines, drowning, burning and internecine warfare taking place. But, most merciful and humane Lord, enlighten, instruct and have mercy on us, the unworthy, correct our sinful lives, quench discord and discord, gather the scattered, unite the scattered, grant peace and prosperity to our country, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes. All-Holy Master, enlighten our minds with the light of the teachings of the Gospel, warm our hearts with the warmth of Thy grace and direct me to the doing of Thy commandments, so that the All-Holy and Glorious One may be glorified in us Your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint John of Shanghai

Oh, our holy saint John, good shepherd and seer of human souls! Now pray for us at the Throne of God, as he himself said after death: “Although I died, I am alive.” Beg the Almighty God to grant us forgiveness for our sins, so that we can boldly perk up and shake off the despondency of this world and cry out to God to grant us humility and inspiration of God, God-consciousness and the spirit of piety on all the paths of our lives.

As a merciful syrup-feeder and experienced guide on earth, who is now the leader of Moses, and in the turmoil of the church, Christ’s all-encompassing admonition. Hear the groaning of the confused youths of our hard times, overwhelmed by the all-evil demon, and shake off the laziness and despondency of the shepherds, exhausted from the onslaughts of the spirit of this world and languishing in an idle stupor.

May we tearfully cry out to you, O warm prayer book, visit us orphans, drowning in the darkness of passions, waiting for your fatherly instruction, may we be illuminated by the non-evening light where you abide and pray for your children, scattered across the face of the universe, but still drawn to the light by weak love Where the light of Christ our Lord abides, to Him is honor and dominion now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the victory of the Russian army

Lord, God of hosts, God of our salvation! God, work miracles alone! Look with mercy and generosity on Thy humble servants and philanthropically hear and have mercy on us. Behold, our enemy has gathered against us to destroy us and destroy our shrines.

You, who are all aware, weigh that you have risen unrighteously against us. In the same way, sinners and unworthiness, in repentance and with tears, we pray to Thee: help us, O God, our Savior, and deliver us for the sake of Thy Name, so that our enemies never say: “God has forsaken them, and neither deliver nor save them.”

To her, Lord God, our Savior, is our strength and hope and intercession. Do not remember the iniquities and untruths of Your people and do not turn away from us with Your anger, but in Your mercy and bounty visit Your humble servants, who fall into Your compassion: arise to our aid and allow the Russian army to win in Your Name! And Thou hast judged them to lay down their souls in battle, thereby forgive their sins, and on the day of Thy righteous reward bestow crowns of incorruptibility.

For You are intercession and victory, and salvation to those who trust in You, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!

Prayer for the well-being of Russia Fr. John of Kronstadt

Our Father, who art above! Hallowed be Thy Name in Russia! Yes he will come Thy kingdom in Russia! Thy will be done in Russia! Plant true and life-giving faith in her! To her, Lord, arise to our aid, in these days of unbelief, there is only one joy for a true Christian and a son of the Church - the unchanging, vigorous, all-good, wise and all-powerful Providence of God for people, especially for the Earthly Church of Christ, for the eternal salvation of people and for eternal, unshakable, supremely peaceful Fatherland - Heaven!

Holy army to the Heavenly Church! Take up arms for the Church of God that exists on earth: she, the beloved Bride, is in misery and suffers fierce attacks from the enemies of the Truth.

Lord, pacify Russia for the sake of Your Church, for the sake of Your poor people, stop rebellion and disorder, grant wisdom and courage to the authorities, send them many pious, wise and courageous advisers, guide youth to true path, make the army faithful and courageous, make the priesthood zealous for its duty, eradicate drunkenness, adultery, theft, robbery, murder, lewdness; the youth are the elders, the subordinates are the boss, the people of Russia are the right law, all those who serve everywhere submit to the beginning of all principles - the Truth and make them happy with their dues.

May there be glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and in Russia, and good will to man. Amen!

Prayer to the Mother of God for the Fatherland

Save, Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, your people under your roof and with your bright, pure prayers pray to God for the salvation of our Russian country!

Prayer to the Lord for our country and its people

God! Save and preserve our God-protected Russian country and the entire human race and all its army and everyone and everything! Do not forsake us, sinful people of God, all the days of our lives! Forgive our sins, voluntary and involuntary, and do not leave us in the terrible and dark hour of temptation and attack of the devil!

Save our Russian country, God-protected and protected by God, from evil and dark forces and circumstances and grant to us all, sinners God's people Russians, in Your mercy the forgiveness of all sins that we confess in repentance and with love in our hearts towards You, Lord, Creator of the universe and everything that exists on Earth everywhere! May Your people fear the Lord and flee from evil and dark conditions and petrified insensibility!

Save, Lord, our Russian country, all its people, all its army, all the young and old, and infants under Your roof!

Lord, save our Holy and Orthodox Rus', preserve and preserve it for many years and grant your mercy to preserve it in purity of thought and grant it salvation in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!

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The Patriarch's confessor Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin) called for prayer for Russia, as difficult times are coming

He said: “Lent has arrived, a blessed time for prayer. Let's not waste time - there is no time left! Prayer, prayer and more prayer! The situation is described as extremely difficult!”

Note 1:

Kneeling or standing. In or out of church. On the street or at home. On the road or at work, depending on everyone’s situation. The main thing is from the bottom of my heart, with a cry from my soul.

Note 2:

After finishing the prayer, by agreement, we say: But both, not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

Article address: http://blagoslovenie.ru/novosti/duhovnik_patriarha_shiarhimandrit_ilij_nozdrin_prizval_molit_sya_za_rossiyu_tak_kak_nastupayut_tyazhelye_vremena1/


1. Is the old man perspicacious?Dimitir(Guest)

2. Re: The Patriarch's confessor Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin) called for prayers for Russia, as they are advancing hard timesAnonymous(Guest)

3. About prayerTktyf(Guest)

This is what the priest said about this: “.. I bless everyone to pray for peace in Russia and Ukraine, for prudence and so that bloodshed does not occur. I did not give other blessings.”

The Patriarch's confessor Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin) called for prayer for Russia, as difficult times are coming

Recently there was a meeting of representatives from the Temple in the village. Oznobishino (new Moscow) with Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin).

The perspicacious old man predicted the beginning of difficult times for Russia, which is significantly related to the development of the situation in Ukraine. The elder asked everyone to pray and ask our Lord for the forgiveness of our sins and the preservation of Russia.

He said: " Great Lent has arrived, a blessed time for prayer. Let's not waste time - there is no time left! Prayer, prayer and more prayer! The situation is described as extremely difficult!”

Prayer for agreement for Russia (with the blessing of Schema-Archimandrite Elijah (Nozdrin):

Save us, O Righteous God, all together, forgive us our common and personal sins, give us back our property - Russia and help us revive it, turn back our enemies. Amen.

Note 1: This prayer is blessed to be read daily at 14:00 Moscow time. Say this prayer 3 times in a row, the rest - in your own words. Out loud or silently.

Kneeling or standing. In or out of church. On the street or at home. On the road or at work, depending on everyone’s situation. The main thing is from the bottom of my heart, with a cry from my soul.

Note 2: Before the beginning of the prayer, by agreement, we say: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, that if two of you take counsel on earth about every thing, then if anyone asks for it, it will be given to him by the Father.” Mine, Who is in heaven: where there are two or three gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us, all Thy servants who have agreed to ask Thee for help to our people and the Fatherland, the fulfillment of our request.

After finishing the prayer, by agreement we say:

But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen .

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A detailed description from several sources: “Orthodoxy prayer for Rus'” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Prayer for the restoration of the autocratic Russian kingdom

Remember us and all Your people, fathers and our brethren, about the restoration of the autocratic kingdom of those who labored, and strengthen us with the power of Your Holy Spirit in battle to endure and withstand to the end, and be granted heavenly crowns. For it is Thine to have mercy and to save us, O our God, and to Thee we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to find a King

Prayer to the Lord for the future Sovereign.

Prayer for the revival of Holy Rus'.

Another prayer for God’s granting of the Orthodox Kingdom.

Russian prayer from the Antichrist and his servants.

Prayers for Orthodox Rus', the Russian State and for the granting of a Tsar - the Anointed of God

In tsarist times, there was no need to explain to a Russian person that without prayer nothing of his work would work, because everyone knew and remembered: “without God there is no way.” Even the word BEGINNING itself is nothing more than a reflection of the fact that the Russian person puts things first, folded for sign of the cross fingers right hand on the forehead, that is, ON THE CHEAP, in order to create at least the most a short prayer: “Lord, bless!” Thank God, the times of forced atheism are over. Nowadays no one is forbidden to baptize children, get married in church, confess and receive communion, go Procession of the Cross with banners and icons. And even if it was prohibited, we would still do it. All members of the Union of the Russian People are Orthodox Christians. Many of us constantly pray for Russia and the Russian people. Together we are a spiritual force if we pray for one thing, so we must unite our prayers for the restoration of the Kingdom and the granting of an Orthodox Russian Tsar.

But how to pray, with what words? There are apparently quite a few such prayers. Who knows them, send them to us at email. Today we are publishing prayers of a group of Orthodox monarchists, listed on one of the Internet sites.

I think that the regular reading of these prayers, which contain both an awareness of the depth of our fall and the need for repentance of sins, and our main petition for the revival of the Orthodox Kingdom of Russia, is a necessary contribution to future victory.

Chairman of the State Council of the NRC D.N. Merkulov

Russia did not exist without God, and it cannot exist without Him.

From the darkness of centuries He called our people to service, made them the guardian and defender of Orthodoxy and raised them up to be great among other nations.

We have fallen by our sins. Because of our sins, the enemy torments us, flooding the Russian land with tears and blood. How long?

Until we remember our calling, we will not remember that the land is Russian, according to the word of St. right John of Kronstadt, is the foot of the throne of the Lord. How long with a strong spirit and with a loving heart We will not turn to the Lord, for we have no other intercessor on our earthly path.

We, a group of Russian Orthodox Christians from Russia, the Near and Far Abroad, call on all faithful children of the Church and Motherland to take part in joint prayer for the salvation of Russia.

Let us remember: “Truly I also say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father. 20 For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19-20)

And again: “Whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you” (John 16:23).

God! Be merciful to us sinners!

Prayer for the Russian land and the Russian people

Lord, God of Powers! Look with Your merciful eye on our greatly suffering country, in which our iniquities have multiplied disorder, discord, and civil strife.

Lord, merciful God!

Almighty God, again and again we fall to You and tearfully cry out in repentance and tenderness of heart: have mercy on the Russian land, quench all discord and disorder, pacify the hearts overwhelmed by passion, breathe courage into the hearts of those who stand guard over the well-being of our Fatherland and illuminate us all with the light of the law Thy Gospel, warm our hearts with the warmth of Thy goodness, confirm our will in Thy will.

Yes, as in ancient times, so now in our land, and in us, through us, Thy all-holy name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, will be glorified. Amen.

Prayer for the restoration of the Autocratic Kingdom of Russia

Lord our God, accept our prayer offered for Your Holy Church, for all Your people, whom You have redeemed with Your honest Blood.

Accept this prayer for the faithful kings and queens, princes and princesses, bishops and priestesses, monks and Beltsekhs, warriors and infants, who labored for the faith and the Orthodox kingdom, especially from the Jews and those slandered by Satan who were martyred, and with their prayers crush and devastate the lawless victim , brought to the Russian lands by the demon, and grant us last times the Orthodox Tsar and his autocratic kingdom as a shield and fence and preservation and salvation of the Church of Thy Saints.

Remember us and all Your people, fathers and our brethren, about the restoration of the autocratic kingdom of those who labored, and strengthen us with the power of Your Holy Spirit in battle to endure and withstand to the end, and be granted heavenly crowns. For it is Thine to have mercy and to save us, O our God, and to Thee we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the granting of an Orthodox Tsar

Lord, our God, with tenderness and sighing and with a tight heart we come to You, and we fall to You, and in sickness of spirit we cry: we have sinned, we have sinned, we have acted untruthfully before You, Your gifts are splendor of churches, abundance of fruits, blessing of the air, blessing of the earth. , whom You bestowed on the Holy Rus' with the Autocratic Kingdom - in neglect of the reception and thanksgiving, like You, our Master and Generosity, we did not repay, but rather we renounced Your sovereignty, even though through Your anointed One You also established the Orthodox Kingdom; an earthly lover more than a heavenly one, and a temporary one more than an eternal one - and deprived of both, a lover to do my will more than Yours - and by it I became enslaved to your enemy; We confess that through truth and judgment you brought all this sin upon us for our sake.

Prayer for the salvation of the Russian State

Lord God, our Savior! We fall to You with a contrite heart and confess our sins and iniquities, as an irritant to Your compassion and a refuge from Your generosity. For we have departed from You, O Master, and have not kept Your commandments; we have done less than what You commanded us. For this reason, you struck us with disorder, and you gave us to be trampled underfoot by our enemy, and the tongue became weaker than all, and became a parable and a reproach to our neighbor.

Great and wondrous God, repent of the evils of men, raise up the overthrown and strengthen the fallen! Send down Your heavenly power from heaven, heal the ulcers of our souls, and raise us from the bed of illness, as if our loins were filled with relaxation, as if we were hurt by unrighteousness and gave birth to iniquity. Satisfy the vacillation and strife in our land, drive away from us envy and zeal, murder and drunkenness, incitement and temptation, all uncleanness, enmity and malice have entered our hearts, so that we may all love each other and remain united in You, our Lord and Master as you commanded and commanded us.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, for we are filled with humiliation and are not worthy to lift our hopes to heaven. Remember the mercies, I showed you to our father, turn Your anger into mercy and give us help from sorrow. Your Church prays to You, presenting to You the intercession of Your friends: our reverend and God-bearing fathers Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Job, Philip, the saints of Moscow, the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, especially St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and the saints Royal Martyrs Nicholas, Alexandra, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, Tsarevich Alexy, and all the New Martyrs of Russia for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland who laid down their souls, much more than the Most Holy Theotokos and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who from ancient times covered and interceded our country. Give understanding to all who are in power, and speak good things to them both about Your Church and about all Your people. By the power of Your Cross, strengthen our army and deliver them from all slander of the enemy.

God! Have mercy, forgive our sins and iniquities and turn our hearts to You, raise up for us a King - Your Anointed, a faithful man of strength and reason, a zealot of Orthodoxy, a righteous defender of Holy Russia, a doer of Your will, and give us all the spirit of wisdom and the fear of God, the spirit strength and piety.

Lord, we resort to You, teach us to do Your will, for You are our God, for You are the source of life, so that in Your light we will see light. Add Your mercy to those who guide You forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Who and when baptized Rus' - Orthodoxy

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In history Kievan Rus there were quite a few important points. One of the most important is the adoption of Christianity and the Baptism of the state. But one should not confuse the rite of Baptism, which is performed on a person, with the rite that is performed to establish Christianity. After all, it was after such a process that it was confirmed that Orthodoxy defeated paganism in political sense, because we are not talking about one person, but about the state. It was from this time christian church becomes not just a public, but a state institution of Kievan Rus. Rus' was baptized by Prince Vladimir in 988 and was an institution local church, which was governed by bishops at local sees.

History of the formation of Orthodoxy in Rus'

Since ancient times, paganism flourished on the territory of Kievan Rus. After Vladimir defeated Yaropolk, their activities intensified especially, since he came to power as the leader of the pagans.

But everyone knew this politician as an intelligent person, with good intuition and deep religiosity. At that time, he himself understood that paganism in this form had already become obsolete. And it was at that moment that he decided to reform polytheism. Why was Rus' baptized? After all the tribes were united under his leadership, the emergence of a single religious unity became especially acute.

And in this case, religion acted as a lifeline in this situation. Each individual tribe had its own gods, who were revered, and Vladimir understood perfectly well that it was necessary to create something common. At his behest, a common pagan pantheon of gods was created.

Such a reform of paganism was carried out in 983. But it soon turned out that this reform was untenable. In addition, there was also the fact that the artificially assembled gods had no authority among the pagans, and they could not force people to believe in themselves.

It was during the reign of Vladimir that previously unseen human sacrifices began to be made in Rus'. There were quite a number of stories about martyrs who were offered to the gods. All this blood only brought the victory of Christianity closer. Back in 983, Vladimir himself made sacrifices, and five years later Vladimir the Red Sun baptized Rus'.

Why Vladimir baptized Rus'

After the decision to accept Christianity, big changes occurred with the prince, according to eyewitnesses. His soul underwent the greatest transformation. From the hell in which he was, he was able to rise to the Lord.

This was due to the fact that prince equal to the apostles realized the lack of spirituality in which he lived during paganism, and the way out that he found thanks to Christianity. Thanks to this insight, he turned to the Lord, leading the whole people with him. In order to understand the necessity and power of the action taken, it is worth remembering what Vladimir was like before accepting Christianity.

During paganism he was cruel and scary person, who made sacrifices, was a fratricide and a libertine. Many believe that during this time the prince learned to the depths of his soul all the “delights” of Satanism. Christianity forced me to be deeply reborn internally.

How did baptism happen?

In what year was Rus' baptized? This event took place at the end of the 10th century, or more precisely in 988. It was this year that he converted to Christianity in Korsun and after his return to Kyiv he decided to carry out the process of Christianization of the entire state. First, he decided to baptize his associates, boyars, merchants and close warriors.

Another reason for choosing Vladimir was that the basis of the Roman church was political ambitions, but Eastern Christianity was focused on the interaction of secular and religious authorities.

There was a lot of different information about how Rus' was baptized. Some said that this process was not always voluntary and that is why it dragged on for many years. There was even talk of forced baptism of the population. It was the adoption of Christianity that made it possible to occupy more high status in relations with other countries, and also strengthened international relations. The day of the proclamation of Christianity is considered July 28th.

According to the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years,” Prince Vladimir decided to baptize the entire people. The question arose about which river to baptize Rus' in? For this process, it was decided to choose the Dnieper and Pochayna, in which the people of Kiev were baptized. During the ceremony, the prince said a certain prayer. The baptism of other lands took a longer time and had a propagating character. But everyone noted that the adoption of Christianity had a positive impact on the culture of the country, as well as the cohesion of the population.

The name of the state and its borders changed, but the religion remained unchanged. It is considered the most common. Whether to accept it or not is only your decision, but remember that it must be balanced and deliberate.

Orthodoxy prayer for Rus'

Repentance and prayer rule

Read daily at 12 noon or night, as appropriate.

Prayer for the restoration of the Autocratic Kingdom of Russia

Lord, our God, accept our prayer for Your Holy Church, for all Your people, whom You have sanctified with Your venerable Blood. Accept this prayer for the faithful Kings and Queens, princes and princesses, bishops and priests, monks and monks, soldiers and infants, who fought for the Faith of the Tsar and the Fatherland, especially from the Jews and other slander of Satan who were martyred. And with their prayers crush and destroy the lawless sacrifice brought to the Russian lands by the demon. Grant us (Orthodox Christians) the ability to understand why, for what sin You took the Tsar away from Your people; grant us the ability to understand that this sin, the sin of perjury to the conciliar vow of allegiance to the autocratic Tsars from the House of Romanov, was redeemed by the Holy Tsar Nicholas II with his blood and thus saved Your inheritance from conciliar death; and grant us the strength to collectively repent of this conciliar sin and glorify the redeemer of this sin, Nicholas II, as the Tsar-Redeemer, and grant us) for the last time an autocratic Tsar and His Orthodox Kingdom for shield and protection, preservation and protection. salvation of the Church of His Saints. Remember us and all Your people, our fathers and brethren, about the restoration of the Orthodox Kingdom of those who strive, and strengthen us with the power of Your Holy Spirit to endure and endure battles to the end, and to be honored with heavenly crowns. For it is Yours to have mercy and to save us, our God, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the granting of the Orthodox Kingdom

Lord, our God, with tenderness and sighing and with a tight heart we come to You, and we fall to You, and in sickness of spirit we cry: we have sinned, we have sinned, we have acted unrighteously, before You, Your gifts are splendor for the Church, abundance of fruits, blessing of the air, the earth the prosperity that You bestowed on Holy Rus' through the Autocratic Kingdom - in neglecting the reception and thanksgiving, like You, our Master and Generosity, we did not reward, but rather we renounced Your sovereignty, even though through Your anointed One You also established the Orthodox Kingdom; an earthly lover more than a heavenly one, and a temporary one more than an eternal one - and we were deprived of both; we loved to do our will more than Yours - and we became enslaved by it to your enemy; We confess that through truth and judgment you brought all this sin upon us for our sake.

Remember, O Lord, the new sayings of Thy prophet, which Thou hast glorified in the Russian lands in these last times, for Thou hast granted to Thy people for a short time the last stronghold and the immovable wall of the Autocratic Tsar, Thy Blessed Anointed One; This gift is from man, it is given below their many rebellious lusts, but it is arranged by Thy power, and by Thy will, and by Thy good providence; In the same way, we cry to You with tears: raise up spiritual leaders for us, men in the power of Elijah and Enoch, so that Your will, proclaimed by them, may be done immutably, but we lay down our fallen and sinful will here before You and, if You deign, look mercifully upon us, unworthy servants Your Lord Himself, show us Your chosen Autocrat, and provide him with divine anointing for the Royal service with all spiritual gifts. Amen.

Russian Creed (prayer of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus)

I believe, Lord, in the Orthodox Royal Autocracy, sworn by the Holy Spirit for eternal times by the consecrated Council and the Russian people for the peace and prosperity of our Fatherland and for the salvation of the soul, as all the Russian saints of God of recent centuries taught about the same thing. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas (St. Theodosius of the Caucasus)

O great servant of God, Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas! Slain like a silent lamb, together with your neighbors and servants, from the Jews, just as our Lord Jesus Christ was killed, you have atoned with your blood the sins of your apostate people. Forgive us, the descendants of those Judases who betrayed you to the slaughter and blasphemed your holy memory, cursed to the seventh generation by such a crime. And as you have gained great boldness before the Lord through your holy blood shed for us, beg the Lord of all, our Lord Jesus Christ, to forgive us our and our father’s iniquities. Step in front of us Holy Trinity, and accept us, the repentant, under your strong hand. Ask us from the Heavenly King for the earthly King, who saves the Russian Empire and raises it from the ashes, and together with all the Royal martyrs, beg God, the Lover of Mankind, to have mercy and save our souls. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Royal Great Martyrs (St. Theodosius of the Caucasus)

About the Holy Reign of the Great Martyr, Queen Alexandro, Princess Olgo, Tatiano, Maria, Anastasia, together with Tsarevich Alexy and the Venerable Martyrs Elizabeth and Varvara! Receive from our repentant hearts this warm prayer brought to you, and ask us from the All-Merciful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness for the permission of the Regicide, against us and our father who fell, even to the seventh generation. And just as in your earthly life you have shown innumerable mercies to your people, so now have mercy on us sinners, and deliver us from fierce sorrows, from mental and physical ailments, from the elements that arise against us by God’s permission, from the battles of the enemy and internecine and brotherly bloodshed. Strengthen our faith and hope and ask the Lord for patience and everything useful in this life and useful for spiritual salvation. Comfort us, the grieving, and lead us to salvation. Amen.

Save, O Lord, Thy people, and bless Thy inheritance, granting victories to our Blessed Sovereign (whose name, Lord, weighs) against resistance, and preserving Thy residence through Thy Cross.

Lord our God, great and merciful! In the tenderness of our hearts, we humbly pray to You: preserve under the shelter of Your goodness from every evil situation our Blessed Sovereign and the father of our family, the reigning Prince (his name, Lord weigh): protect him on all his paths with Your holy angels, so that nothing can be done by the enemy against him , and the son of iniquity will not try to embitter him: fill him with long days and strength of strength, so that he will accomplish everything for Your glory and for the good of his people. We, rejoicing in Your all-good providence for him, will bless and glorify Your all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Saint Nicholas the Redeemer, save Russia from cathedral death, and pray to God to save our souls. Amen.

To the Sacrifice of Christ in likeness, / like an immaculate Lamb, by will / relying for the atonement / of the sin of the Russian people, / to a kingdom divided in itself / in itself, granting healing, / to the holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas, / we glorify your mortal suffering, / through them the kingdom is resurrected / for the glory of the King God of heaven, / and for the salvation of our souls.

...Save, Lord, and have mercy on our Blessed Sovereign (his name, Lord, weigh), and subdue under his nose every enemy and adversary, and speak peaceful and good words in his heart about Your holy Church and about all Your people: yes, we too , in their silence, we will live a quiet and silent life in orthodoxy, and in all piety and purity... Soon overthrow the vile and blasphemous Jewish yoke and the Hagarian kingdom and hand it over to the orthodox king: establish orthodoxy and raise up the horn of Christianity and send down upon us Your rich mercies...

Remember, Lord, the faithful Kings and Queens, the faithful princes and princesses who have departed from this life, holy patriarchs, Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops, in the priestly and monastic rank and parable of the church, who served You, and rest in Your eternal villages with the saints...

Lord Jesus Christ our God! Accept from us, Thy unworthy servants, this earnest prayer, and, having forgiven us all our sins, remember all our enemies who hate and offend us, and do not repay them according to their deeds, but according to Thy great mercy, convert them: the infidels to orthodoxy and piety, and the faithful to avoid evil and do good. By Your omnipotent strength, mercifully deliver us all and Your holy Church from every evil situation. Free the suffering Russian land from fierce enemies, visible and invisible, and resurrect Holy Orthodox Rus', and Your faithful servants, who in sorrow and sorrow cry out to You day and night, hear the painful cry, our many-merciful God, and bring their lives out of decay. Grant peace and silence, love and affirmation and speedy reconciliation to Your people, whom You have redeemed with Your honest blood. But even to those who have departed from You and those who do not seek You, be revealed, so that not a single one of them will perish, but all of them will be saved and come into the mind of the truth, so that all of them, in unanimity and unceasing love, will glorify Your most honorable name, the Father, and the Son, and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the Image Holy Mother of God"Resurrecting Rus'" (December 12)

1. Oh, Most Pure and Glorious Mother of God, Resurrecting Holy Rus'! Cover our sin before the One Trihypostatic God, for we have sinned more than once in the days of trials, have not stood firm in the Orthodox Faith and have not defended the holy Orthodox King, God’s anointed, from the hands of the godless, and have put upon ourselves the yoke of foreigners. Bringing repentance for our sins, we pray to Thee, our Sovereign Queen: intercede for us and save the Russian land from reproach, from famine and tartar, granting to the Russian people the Orthodox Kingdom with a Tsar chosen by God. Cover us from all evil with Your all-honorable Protection. Save our souls from hell and eternal torment prepared for us for our sins. Grant us sinners mental and physical healing. Cleanse our souls, our churches and monasteries, our entire land from all filth. Resurrect Holy Orthodox and Autocratic Rus', and may we serve with faith and righteousness Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, You and the Coming Tsar, for the glory of our Fatherland always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

2. All-merciful Lady of the World and Representative for the entire human race. With tears of repentance and kneeling the whole world we cry to You, our Savior, that You may pray for us sinners to the Lord God for the forgiveness of our sins. So that He would forgive us for the fact that we violated His shrines and desecrated the earth. Oh, woe to us, for they killed the souls of their children, raising them in unbelief and non-observance of God’s commandments, while they themselves lived without love for their neighbor.

Forgive us, Mother of God, for the fact that we have lost our spiritual purity and warmth of heart.

Forgive us for the fact that we have forgotten how to sympathize with the grief of others and rejoice in the happiness of our neighbor.

Forgive us for the fact that we do not want to help each other in trouble and refuse to give alms.

Forgive us for lies, man-pleasing and idolatry. Forgive us for not knowing how to forgive our enemies.

Forgive us for shedding blood all over Rus'.

Forgive us, Queen of Heaven, that we have forgotten about Your Son and about repentance. Forgive us, ungrateful ones, for we think that everything given to us by God and You is our merit.

Forgive us, impudent ones, that we do not want to accept your love and close our hearts.

We pray and ask you to strengthen our faith in God and a good future and help us revive Holy Rus'. Pray to God to grant us sinners in the last times the Orthodox Tsar and His Autocratic Kingdom, as a shield, protection, preservation and salvation of our souls.

Most Holy Theotokos, save and protect us. Amen.

You, Most Holy Virgin, / wonderful radiation of light, / give us spiritual simplicity, / heavenly purity, / deliverance from bodily and mental infirmities, / and inexpressible joy. / We honor your holy image, / revealed in Rus', / and we worship You, Mother God,/ and we ask for Your intercession and intercession/ and we give You, our Hope and Hope,/ honor and worship.

The Virgin today stands in the air / in a robe of dazzling purity, / overshadowed by the Most Holy Trinity, / with Angels, saints and virgins, / lays Her all-honorable Protection on Rus', / cleanses churches, monasteries and the entire Russian land / and sends golden crosses of repentance to us / in the salvation of our souls and the resurrection of Holy, Orthodox and Autocratic Rus'.

We magnify, we magnify You,/ Most Holy Virgin,/ and we honor Your honorable Protection,/ with which You purify us/ and resurrect Holy Rus'.

We magnify, we magnify You,/ Most Holy Virgin,/ God’s chosen Youth,/ cleansing the whole earth with Her Protection,/ and resurrecting Holy Rus'.

We magnify, we magnify You, Most Holy Theotokos, radiating light like the sun, resurrecting our Mother Russia, covering us all with a holy veil, reigning peace in everyone’s soul, sending peace and happiness in love.


Resurrect our souls, Lady,/ help us bear the good yoke in our hearts,/ enlighten the Russian land,/ fallen into iniquity,/ send down golden crosses of repentance,/ make us understand that You are truly Rus', the Resurrecting Russia.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Before the Icon of Her in Czestochowa (Comm.: March 19, September 9, New Art.).

God save the Tsar! Strong, Sovereign,

Reign for glory, for our glory!

Reign to the fear of your enemies, Orthodox Tsar

God, the Tsar, save the Tsar! God save the Tsar! The glorious one has long days


Prayers for Orthodox Rus', the Russian State and for the granting of a Tsar - the Anointed of God

In tsarist times, there was no need to explain to a Russian person that without prayer nothing of his work would work, because everyone knew and remembered: “without God there is no way.” Even the word BEGINNING itself is nothing more than a reflection of the fact that before doing anything, a Russian person puts the fingers of his right hand folded for the sign of the cross on his forehead, that is, ON THE CHEAL, in order to say at least the shortest prayer: “Lord, bless!” Thank God, the times of forced atheism are over. Nowadays no one is forbidden to baptize children, get married in church, confess and receive communion, or go through the procession of the Cross with banners and icons. And even if it was prohibited, we would still do it. All members of the Union of the Russian People are Orthodox Christians. Many of us constantly pray for Russia and the Russian people... Together we are a spiritual force if we pray for one thing, so we must unite our prayers for the restoration of the Kingdom and the granting of an Orthodox Russian Tsar.

But how to pray, with what words? There are apparently quite a few such prayers. If anyone knows them, please send them to us by email. Today we are publishing prayers of a group of Orthodox monarchists, given on one of the Internet sites.

I think that the regular reading of these prayers, which contain both an awareness of the depth of our fall and the need for repentance of sins, and our main petition for the revival of the Orthodox Kingdom of Russia, is a necessary contribution to future victory.

Chairman of the State Council of the NRC D.N. Merkulov

Russia did not exist without God, and it cannot exist without Him.

From the darkness of centuries He called our people to service, made them the guardian and defender of Orthodoxy and raised them up to be great among other nations.

We have fallen by our sins. Because of our sins, the enemy torments us, flooding the Russian land with tears and blood. How long?

Until we remember our calling, we will not remember that the land is Russian, according to the word of St. right John of Kronstadt, is the foot of the throne of the Lord. Until we turn to the Lord with a strong spirit and a loving heart, for we have no other intercessor on our earthly path.

We, a group of Russian Orthodox Christians from Russia, the Near and Far Abroad, call on all faithful children of the Church and Motherland to take part in joint prayer for the salvation of Russia.

Let us remember: “Truly I also say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father... 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:19-20)

And again: “Whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you” (John 16:23).

God! Be merciful to us sinners!

Prayer for the Russian land and the Russian people

Lord, God of Powers! Look with Your merciful eye on our greatly suffering country, in which our iniquities have multiplied disorder, discord, and civil strife.

Lord, merciful God!

Almighty God, again and again we fall to You and tearfully cry out in repentance and tenderness of heart: have mercy on the Russian land, quench all discord and disorder, pacify the hearts overwhelmed by passion, breathe courage into the hearts of those who stand guard over the well-being of our Fatherland and illuminate us all with the light of the law Thy Gospel, warm our hearts with the warmth of Thy goodness, confirm our will in Thy will.

Yes, as in ancient times, so now in our land, and in us, through us, Thy all-holy name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, will be glorified. Amen.

Prayer for the restoration of the Autocratic Kingdom of Russia

Lord our God, accept our prayer offered for Your Holy Church, for all Your people, whom You have redeemed with Your honest Blood.

Accept this prayer for the faithful kings and queens, princes and princesses, bishops and priestesses, monks and Beltsekhs, warriors and infants, who labored for the faith and the Orthodox kingdom, especially from the Jews and those slandered by Satan who were martyred, and with their prayers crush and destroy the lawless victim , brought to the Russian lands by the demon, and grant us for the last time the Orthodox Tsar and his autocratic kingdom as a shield and fence and preservation and salvation of the Church of Your Saints.

Remember us and all Your people, fathers and our brethren, about the restoration of the autocratic kingdom of those who labored, and strengthen us with the power of Your Holy Spirit in battle to endure and withstand to the end, and be granted heavenly crowns. For it is Thine to have mercy and to save us, O our God, and to Thee we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the granting of an Orthodox Tsar

Lord, our God, with tenderness and sighing and with a tight heart we come to You, and we fall to You, and in sickness of spirit we cry: we have sinned, we have sinned, we have acted untruthfully before You, Your gifts are splendor of churches, abundance of fruits, blessing of the air, blessing of the earth. , whom You have bestowed on Holy Rus' with the Autocratic Kingdom - in neglecting the reception and thanksgiving, we are like You, our Master and Generosity, without reward, but rather we renounce Your sovereignty, even though through Your anointed One You have established the Orthodox Kingdom; an earthly lover more than a heavenly one, and a temporary one more than an eternal one - and we were deprived of both; we loved to do our will more than yours - and we became enslaved by it to your enemy; We confess that through truth and judgment you brought all this sin upon us for our sake.

Remember, O Lord, the new sayings of Thy prophet, which Thou hast glorified in the Russian lands in these last times, for Thou hast granted to Thy people for a short time the last stronghold and the immovable wall of the Autocratic Tsar, Thy Blessed Anointed One; This gift is from man, it is given below their many rebellious lusts, but it is arranged by Thy power, and by Thy will, and by Thy good providence; In the same way, we cry to You with tears: raise up spiritual leaders for us, men in the power of Elijah and Enoch, so that Your will, proclaimed by them, may be done immutably, but we lay down our fallen and sinful will here before You and, if You deign, look mercifully upon us, unworthy servants Your Lord Himself, show us Your chosen Autocrat, and provide him with divine anointing for the Royal service with all spiritual gifts. Amen.

Prayer for the salvation of the Russian State

Lord God, our Savior! We fall to You with a contrite heart and confess our sins and iniquities, as an irritant to Your compassion and a refuge from Your generosity. For we have departed from You, O Master, and have not kept Your commandments; we have done less than what You commanded us. For this reason, you struck us with disorder, and you gave us to be trampled underfoot by our enemy, and the tongue became weaker than all, and became a parable and a reproach to our neighbor.

Great and wondrous God, repent of the evils of men, raise up the overthrown and strengthen the fallen! Send down Your heavenly power from heaven, heal the ulcers of our souls, and raise us from the bed of illness, as if our loins were filled with relaxation, as if we were hurt by unrighteousness and gave birth to iniquity. Satisfy the vacillation and strife in our land, drive away from us envy and zeal, murder and drunkenness, incitement and temptation, all uncleanness, enmity and malice have entered our hearts, so that we may all love each other and remain united in You, our Lord and Master as you commanded and commanded us.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, for we are filled with humiliation and are not worthy to lift our hopes to heaven. Remember the mercies, I showed you to our father, turn Your anger into mercy and give us help from sorrow. Your Church prays to You, presenting to You the intercession of Your friends: our reverend and God-bearing fathers Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Job, Philip, the saints of Moscow, the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, especially Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and the holy Royal Martyrs Nicholas, Alexandra, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, Tsarevich Alexy, and all the New Russian Martyrs for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland who laid down their souls, much more than the Most Holy Theotokos and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who from ancient times covered and interceded our country. Give understanding to all who are in power, and speak good things to them both about Your Church and about all Your people. By the power of Your Cross, strengthen our army and deliver them from all slander of the enemy.

God! Have mercy, forgive our sins and iniquities and turn our hearts to You, raise up for us a King - Your Anointed, a faithful man of strength and reason, a zealot of Orthodoxy, a righteous defender of Holy Russia, a doer of Your will, and give us all the spirit of wisdom and the fear of God, the spirit strength and piety.

Lord, we resort to You, teach us to do Your will, for You are our God, for You are the source of life, so that in Your light we will see light. Add Your mercy to those who guide You forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer by agreement

Save us, O Righteous God, all together, turn Your Face away from our common and personal sins, give us back our property - Russia and help us revive it, turn back our enemies. Amen.

This prayer is read daily at 14:00 Moscow time.

Say this prayer 3 times in a row, the rest - in your own words. Out loud or silently. Kneeling or standing. In or out of church. On the street or at home. On the road or at work, depending on everyone’s situation. The main thing is from the bottom of my heart, with a cry from my soul.

Prayer for the salvation of the Russian state and the quenching of discord and unrest in it

(Prayer of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus')

Lord God, our Savior! We fall to You with a contrite heart and confess our sins and iniquities, which are an irritant to Your compassion and a barrier to Your generosity. For we have departed from You, O Master, and have not kept Your commandments; we have done less than what You commanded us. For this reason, you struck us with disorder, and you gave us to be trampled under foot by our enemy, and we lost our minds more than anyone else, and became a parable and a reproach to our neighbor. Great and wondrous God, repent of the evils of men, raise up the overthrown and strengthen those who fall!

Send down Your heavenly power from heaven, heal the ulcers of our souls and raise us from the bed of illness, as if our loins were filled with weakness, as if we were hurt by unrighteousness and gave birth to iniquity. Satisfy the vacillation and strife in our land, drive away from us envy and zeal, murder and drunkenness, inflammation and temptation, all uncleanness, enmity and malice have entered our hearts, so that we may again love each other and remain united in You, our Lord and Master, as you commanded and commanded us. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, for we are filled with humiliation and are not worthy to raise our hopes to heaven. Remember the mercies that You showed to our fathers, turn Your anger into mercy and give us help from sorrow. Your Church prays to You, presenting to You the intercession of Your friends: our reverend and God-bearing fathers Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Job, Philip - the saints of Moscow, the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas, the passion-bearer Queen Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexy, the Great Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and their faithful servants, especially St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow Confessor, Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth... and all the saints who shone in our land, more than the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, who from ancient times covered and interceded the country ours.

Give understanding to all who are in power, and speak good things to them about Your Church and about all Your people. By the power of Your Cross, strengthen our army and deliver them from all slander of the enemy. Raise up for us men of strength and understanding and give us all the Spirit of wisdom and fear of God, the Spirit of strength and piety.

Lord, we resort to You, teach us to do Your will, for You are our God, for You are the source of life, in Your light we will see light. Add Your mercy to those who guide You forever and ever. Amen.

The prayer of repentance is the same thing in churches in Russia during the days of troubles.

Lord, God, Almighty, look upon us, sinners and unworthy of Your children, who have sinned before You, who have angered Your goodness, who have brought Your righteous wrath upon us, who have fallen into the depths of sin. You see, Lord, our weakness and spiritual sorrow, you see the corruption of our minds and hearts, the impoverishment of faith, the departure from Your commandments, the increase in family disorder, disunity and discord in the church, You see our sorrows and sorrows from illnesses, famines, drowning, burning and internecine warfare taking place. But, most merciful and humane Lord, enlighten, instruct and have mercy on us, the unworthy, correct our sinful lives, quench discord and disorder, gather the scattered, unite the scattered, grant peace and prosperity to our country, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes. All-holy Master, enlighten our minds with the light of the teachings of the Gospel, warm our hearts with the warmth of Thy grace and direct me to the doing of Thy commandments, so that Thy All-Holy and Glorious Name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, may be glorified in us, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint John of Shanghai

Oh, our holy father John, good shepherd and seer of human souls! Now pray for us at the Throne of God, as he himself said after death: “Although I died, I am alive.” Beg the Almighty God to grant us forgiveness for our sins, so that we can boldly perk up and shake off the despondency of this world and cry out to God to grant us humility and inspiration of God, God-consciousness and the spirit of piety on all the paths of our lives.

As a merciful syrup-feeder and experienced guide on earth, who is now the leader of Moses, and in the turmoil of the church, Christ’s all-encompassing admonition. Hear the groaning of the confused youths of our hard times, overwhelmed by the all-evil demon, and shake off the laziness and despondency of the shepherds, exhausted from the onslaughts of the spirit of this world and languishing in an idle stupor.

May we tearfully cry out to you, O warm prayer book, visit us orphans, drowning in the darkness of passions, waiting for your fatherly instruction, may we be illuminated by the non-evening light where you abide and pray for your children, scattered across the face of the universe, but still drawn to the light by weak love Where the light of Christ our Lord abides, to Him is honor and dominion now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the victory of the Russian army

Lord, God of hosts, God of our salvation! God, work miracles alone! Look with mercy and generosity on Thy humble servants and philanthropically hear and have mercy on us. Behold, our enemy has gathered against us to destroy us and destroy our shrines.

You, who are all aware, weigh that you have risen unrighteously against us. In the same way, sinners and unworthiness, in repentance and with tears, we pray to Thee: help us, O God, our Savior, and deliver us for the sake of Thy Name, so that our enemies never say: “God has forsaken them, and neither deliver nor save them.”

To her, Lord God, our Savior, is our strength and hope and intercession. Do not remember the iniquities and untruths of Your people and do not turn away from us with Your anger, but in Your mercy and bounty visit Your humble servants, who fall into Your compassion: arise to our aid and allow the Russian army to win in Your Name! And Thou hast judged them to lay down their souls in battle, thereby forgive their sins, and on the day of Thy righteous reward bestow crowns of incorruptibility.

For You are intercession and victory, and salvation to those who trust in You, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!

Prayer for the well-being of Russia Fr. John of Kronstadt

Our Father, who art above! Hallowed be Thy Name in Russia! May Your kingdom come to Russia! Thy will be done in Russia! Plant true and life-giving faith in her! To her, Lord, arise to our aid, in these days of unbelief, there is only one joy for a true Christian and a son of the Church - the unchanging, vigorous, all-good, wise and all-powerful Providence of God for people, especially for the Earthly Church of Christ, for the eternal salvation of people and for eternal, unshakable, supremely peaceful Fatherland - Heaven!

Holy army to the Heavenly Church! Take up arms for the Church of God that exists on earth: she, the beloved Bride, is in misery and suffers fierce attacks from the enemies of the Truth.

Lord, pacify Russia for the sake of Your Church, for the sake of Your poor people, stop rebellion and disorder, grant wisdom and courage to the authorities, send them many pious, wise and courageous advisers, guide youth on the true path, make the army faithful and courageous, make the priesthood zealous for to your duty, eradicate drunkenness, adultery, theft, robbery, murder, lewdness; the youth are the elders, the subordinates are the boss, the people of Russia are the right law, all those who serve everywhere submit to the beginning of all principles - to the Truth and make them happy with their dues.

May there be glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and in Russia, and good will to man. Amen!

Prayer to the Mother of God for the Fatherland

Save, Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, your people under your roof and with your bright, pure prayers pray to God for the salvation of our Russian country!

Prayer to the Lord for our country and its people

God! Save and preserve our God-protected Russian country and the entire human race and all its army and everyone and everything! Do not forsake us, sinful people of God, all the days of our lives! Forgive our sins, voluntary and involuntary, and do not leave us in the terrible and dark hour of temptation and attack of the devil!
Save our Russian country, God-protected and protected by God, from evil and dark forces and circumstances, and grant us all, God’s sinful Russian people, in Your mercy, forgiveness of all sins that we confess in repentance and with love in our hearts for You, Lord, Creator of the universe and of everything that exists on Earth, everywhere and everywhere! May your people fear the Lord in Thy fear and flee from evil and dark conditions and petrified insensibility!
Save, Lord, our Russian country, all its people, all its army, all the young and old, and infants under Your roof!

Lord, save our Holy and Orthodox Rus', preserve and preserve it for many years and grant your mercy to preserve it in purity of thought and grant it salvation in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!