Taisiya: what does a rare name mean? Taisiya, Taechka, Tasya, Tasena!!! What's in your name?

Contains complex energy female name Taisiya. Its origin is associated with the ancient Greek word “ta isios” or with the name Thais and is given the meaning “belonging to” or “dedicated to Isis (Isis)” - the goddess of femininity and motherhood. Adapted versions of the translation of the name that came to us from Byzantine culture - “wise”, “late”, “fertile”. It is not particularly popular in Russia, but it cannot be called rare.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Libra
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: opal
  • Color: golden
  • Wood: walnut
  • Plant: poppy
  • Animal: horse
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character Traits

The secret of the name Taisiya lies in the duality of character. All that is worthy of the attention of such a girl is herself and the people around her. Depending on which interest prevails, the result is either a cynical egoist or an altruist full of desire to help others.

On the one hand, this may be a calm and serious girl who carefully studies unfamiliar adults, but is not at all afraid to make contact with them. Compliant and obedient, Taisiya tries not to stand out particularly among her peers and easily accepts the process of training and education.

On the other hand, he is an active fidget. Curious and thoughtful Taisiya is not only a diligent student, but also early age This is the leader of the school amateur group. She is a very sociable child, easily parting with her toys, and can even give her favorite doll to her friend. However, she can easily fight for something that belongs to her, which they want to take away by force. Often among such Taisiya’s friends there are many boys. The girl is distinguished by her straightforwardness and intransigence towards any manifestations of insincerity or omissions.

The winter owner of the name is the most categorical in this regard. It is almost impossible to deceive her; she tries to calculate several moves ahead. He has a good memory and the ability to notice and store in his head the smallest, but nevertheless important details of what is happening. Taisiya can protect not only herself, but also weaker comrades who seek her support.

The spring child is a romantic and sentimental nature, loves fairy tales, which he rereads even in mature age. She is much more closely spiritually connected with her father, while her relationship with her mother does not work out.

Taisiya, born in autumn, is a lover of giving free advice and reading moral teachings. She is also very artistic and has a good memory, capable of memorizing entire poems.

The summer child not only remembers and preserves her favorite fairy tales in childhood, but also writes them herself. Possessing a rich fantasy and imagination, this Taisiya is unusually artistic: she can imitate her friends’ voices, behavior, gait or gestures. Thanks to her sparkling humor and anecdote in stock, she always stands out in any company, which she simply adores. She needs to be the subject of everyone's attention and admiration.

Interests and hobbies

Taisiya is very creative and talented person. He collects dolls, loves to dress well and arouse the admiration of others.

Profession and business

Musical and literary abilities can lead Taya to a creative profession as a musician, writer, artist or teacher in this field. In the team, Taisiya is respected because she is absolutely incapable of lying and has the ability to skillfully smooth out conflicts, suppress gossip and gossip. As a professional, she is constantly developing and expanding her knowledge, without making it a secret.


Taisiya cannot boast of excellent health. She needs to monitor her condition closely internal organs. It is also worth taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes to avoid possible pharyngitis and its consequences.

Sex and love

Passionate and tender Taisiya does not separate sex and love. This is an uninhibited and sexy woman who is very demanding of her partner. Outwardly, she is attractive, charming and always knows what she wants from life. She begins to be interested in men quite early, so she has no end to her fans.

Family and marriage

Taisiya is in no hurry to get married early. The girl strives to develop as a person before the wedding. A marriage entered into in adulthood is successful. In the family she is a hospitable and cordial hostess. She acts as a leader and manages everything herself, although she does not remove her husband from household chores. The husband of such a woman becomes a noble, brave man with a good sense of humor. As a rule, the owner of the name Taisiya has a strong, friendly and happy family.

Some argue that the name has significant influence for the life of its owner. Of course, for this reason, many parents carefully and thoughtfully consider the question of what to name their child. After all, from this decision partly depends on the character of the son or daughter, natural inclinations and talents. And perhaps the choice of profession, married life. And this, of course, is extremely important.

Meaning for a girl

IN lately Few people call their daughters that. Residents Ancient Greece They worshiped the deity of the harvest - Isis. Sometimes parents seemed to devote their beloved children to this inhabitant of Olympus. This means that they gave the girls the name Taisiya. It is believed to come from an ancient base. Its meanings are “smart”, “omniscient”. These words are Greek.

Today there are many variations of this name in different countries of the world. In the Byzantine Empire, its bearers were martyrs, Christian saints. Today, Russian residents quite rarely call their daughters by this name. However, among citizens of other countries you can often see women called Taisiya. Sections of this article are devoted to the meaning of the name and the character of its owners.

Features of nature

Such girls, as a rule, are distinguished by determination, perseverance and strong will. They are ready to take risks and strive to achieve everything themselves, without relying on the support of family and friends. These representatives of the fairer sex do not like routine, they constantly want to bring something new and interesting into their lives.

The meaning of the name Taisiya in a person’s fate is characterized by the fact that its bearers, as a rule, have some isolation and are not inclined to show their experiences. However, sometimes such a woman can behave too emotionally. In such cases, you need to leave her for a while and let her calm down. Another striking feature of the nature of girls named Taya is the rejection of all kinds of deception and hypocrisy. They will never pretend or gossip. It is unlikely that they will reveal their secrets or tell the details of their lives to unfamiliar people.

Character traits of girls

Considering the meaning of the name Taisiya for its bearer, it should be said that in childhood she does not cause mom and dad much trouble. The daughter is growing up balanced, flexible, and good-natured.

Taya is friendly and easy to find common language with most of his peers, willingly shares toys and candy with them. Among her friends there are many males. Dreams about pet and, if the parents fulfill this wish, they happily take care of the animal. IN school years The girl gets good grades. In addition, he often participates in extracurricular activities. Taya studies with great interest. The child is inquisitive, strives to do everything himself, and helps mom and dad with the housework. Speaking about the meaning of the name Taisiya for a girl and the fate of its owner, it is necessary to add that with early years Such women are distinguished by energy and developed creative abilities.


As a rule, Tais love company. They always want to attract attention and strive to be the first. Their nature is dominated by traits characteristic of the stronger sex rather than women. Therefore strong friendly relations They usually start with young men. They try to avoid the company of girls, as they consider it not interesting enough. Bearers of the name are distinguished by a developed sense of humor, light and cheerful disposition.

During school years they are not always assiduous, sometimes they indulge in pranks. They endure grievances and difficulties from childhood with dignity, they are not inclined to complain to parents, with problems that arise. life path cope with difficulties themselves. In adulthood, they may show some arrogance towards colleagues.

Abilities and choice of occupation

The presence of pronounced talents, as a rule, distinguishes women whose name is Taisiya. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of its bearers explain the good inclinations to different types activities. These girls learn quickly new material both in school and in student years. They like to study and learn something new. They are extremely attentive, able to concentrate on something for a long time, and remember even small details. Taya is distinguished by a desire for creativity; she can succeed in the field of music and art.

Such a woman is characterized by intelligence, she is active and responsible. Remembers important information well and quickly. Therefore, her career usually develops quite favorably. However, in a group the girl behaves with restraint and calm. If this representative of the fairer sex gets leadership position, some changes are noted in the character: intolerance and arrogance appear.

Considering the meaning of the name Taisiya in the fate of a person, it must be said that among its owners there are many workers in the field of art: painters, cameramen. Often such people tend to choose a field related to medicine, psychology, and tourism. Even in old age, this woman does not stop working. She is able to leave what she loves only due to serious illness.

Health status

Usually the well-being of such girls does not cause much concern to parents. The child is born at the right time and does not experience difficulties with appetite and sleep. However, he is cautious, reluctant to make contact with unfamiliar adults, and may suddenly become frightened and burst into tears. Little Taya is often prone to colds, but she doesn’t tolerate them very hard.

Often this girl has a weak throat and lungs, and this feature is inherited, as a rule, from her relatives. Sometimes mom and dad think that their child is too active and likes to play pranks. However, you should not break down and shout at your daughter; it is better to discuss actions in a calm tone. The meaning of the name Taisiya in the fate and character of a person indicates that nervous system its carriers have quite a strong one. There is almost no tendency to whims. However, in adolescence An eating disorder and even unhealthy thinness may appear. Mom and Dad should remember this. But it is not recommended to abuse sweets. In adulthood, some women with this name are worried overweight. Although, as a rule, they successfully manage to maintain a balanced diet, despite their love for desserts. These people need to carefully monitor the condition of the stomach and intestines, as various types of digestive ailments may occur.


The most suitable form of entertainment for Tasya is television series. She can watch them for hours. In addition, owners of this name often experience a craving for writing poetry and stories. These girls do not forget about their appearance: they follow the latest fashion trends and know how to wear exquisite clothes and jewelry. They love collecting dolls, soft toys, and small souvenirs. Often in adulthood they can get carried away by reading stories and fairy tales they loved in childhood. Speaking about the characteristics of people called Taisiya, the meaning of the name and the character of the girl, it should be noted that from a young age such representatives of the fairer sex are distinguished by culinary talents.

The dishes they treat their friends to usually leave no one indifferent.

Romantic relationships

Fans, as a rule, do not bypass these girls. Taya, in turn, appreciates courtship, flowers, and exquisite gifts. However, these representatives of the fairer sex approach the choice of a spouse with great caution.

And as a result such characteristic feature often remain lonely in adulthood. Sometimes the owner of the name marries twice or even more. As a husband, Taya dreams of seeing a man with a strong will, decent, and honest. Good appearance also matters. In the intimate sphere, such a girl is distinguished by sensuality, bright and stormy temperament. However, she can also lose interest in her partner for a while without any particular reason.

Family relationships

Speaking about the qualities of Taisiya, the meaning of the name and the fate of its bearer, it should be emphasized that this woman often occupies a leading position in married life. Only sincere reverence for the chosen one allows her to yield main role. This representative of the fairer sex is capable of being an excellent mother for her children. At the same time, he does not forget about self-education. strives to provide favorable conditions for the development of the natural inclinations of a son or daughter.

Taya is a good housewife, she values ​​neatness and order. It may take several hours to clean the room. Spares no expense in creating beautiful design rooms, purchasing stylish furniture. However, wealth comes to this woman quite late, most often in adulthood. Likes to host in his home large number guests, always prepares delicious food for them.

He attaches special importance to family life and comfort. She loves to give advice to her family, sometimes she does it too intrusively.

Relationships in society

So, continuing the topic of the name Taisiya, origin and meaning, it should be added that its bearers usually have many friends. However, there are also many enemies who appear as a result of such a girl’s stubbornness and isolation. Positive qualities, which this representative of the fairer sex possesses, is highly valued. But those around him are sometimes alarmed by his harshness and tendency to hold a grudge. Such traits can make interacting with people much more difficult. Despite such disadvantages, Taya is respected among her loyal friends who love to spend time with her free time. In addition, this woman knows how to establish excellent relationships with children and easily earns their respect and love. A son or daughter, as a rule, considers his mother a close person, a good adviser, and maintains and maintains a warm and confidential communication throughout life.

Synonyms for the name Taya. Taya.
Origin of the name Taya. Taya's name is English.

The name Taya is a feminine name. Among the Russian-speaking population, the name Taya is used as a diminutive appeal to the names Taisiya and Tayana, less often to the name Tatyana. Recording options are Taya and Taya.

Currently, the name Taya is used as an independent name in the USA and Australia. In the foreign version, the possible options are Taya, Taja, Taia. The name Ty occupied almost the last lines of the ranking of 1000 US names during 1997-2009 ( best position– 638th place), then disappeared. Since 2015, the name Taya has reappeared in the main name pool, possibly due to pronunciation kinship with the names Maya and Kaya (Kaya).

The name Taya has different meanings, but the most common interpretations are “princess” and “goddess,” which makes it closest in meaning to the name Taisiya.

The owner of the name Taya is a deeply humane and altruistic person with strong personality. Taya is extremely sensitive and amazingly intuitive. High vibrations encourage her to advocate better world and care for the most disadvantaged people on this planet. The material side is of secondary importance to her. Taya is quite often enlightened in various fields– thanks to both his knowledge and creative talent.

Her emotional balance is often on the brink because high level nervous tension is an integral part of such a passionate temperament. This girl is selfless, hypersensitive, emotionally fragile, dependent on the opinions of others, and therefore is easily subject to suggestions, which further traumatizes her, especially in cases where the suggestions are contradictory.

As a little girl, Taya strives to be admired, which is why she is especially sensitive to her family environment. To change inner harmony It only takes a minor emotional upheaval or parental dissent for Taya to feel completely lost, becoming completely withdrawn. Parents should pay attention to the girl's future independence, it is important to encourage her autonomy and develop a sense of duty, taking care to respect her fragile personality and preserve the carefree innocence of her childhood.

The owner of the name Taya is a very emotionally oriented lady, with an active imagination, prone to flights of fancy, expecting magic and miracles. Not a particularly materialistic person, she tends to seek solace in her thoughts and daydreams as a way to escape the uninteresting side of material reality. She loves to travel to other countries, explore their mystery and unusualness, she has a desire for escapism. Music is another of the pleasant hobbies that Taya can devote herself to fully. However, it is not necessary that she will be able to play any musical instrument, but he can become a connoisseur or a music critic.

In matters of the heart, Taya proves herself to be a romantic and soft woman. She is an idealist, puts her man on a pedestal, risking being disappointed in him when the romantic veil finally falls. She is a gentle, affectionate woman, sincerely seeking a harmonious union and may well forget about herself in caring for those she loves.

In this configuration, Taya has every opportunity to achieve brilliant success in areas where creativity is required. First of all, this is art in its various forms (sculpture, painting, acting, literature, music). The social sphere will also be close to her (psychology, pedagogy, sociology, counseling). People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and communication, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.

Tai's name day

Taya does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Taya

  • Taya Parker ((born 1978) American model, actress, singer, also TV presenter)
  • Taya Straton ((1960-1996) Australian actress, known for her role in the film "Spider")
  • Taya Zinkin (1918-2003) English journalist and writer. She has written several books of reportage, as well as books on Gandhi and caste. Her journalism caused her to be declared persona non grata in Pakistan under President Ayub Khan. She wrote an autobiography in three volumes: “A Lonely Child” (1971), “Weeds Grow Fast” (1973) and the French “Memsahib” (1983).)
  • Taya (Taya) Rena Kyle ((born 1974) American writer, political commentator and family activist. Known as the widow of an officer navy USA Chris Kyle, a sniper from the unit Navy SEALs, nicknamed "The Devil of Ramadi" for his shooting. Her story and that of her husband were filmed in the film "Sniper" in 2014, based on the memoirs of the husband and the memories of his wife.)
  • Taya Rikizo ((1899-1988) Japanese singer)
  • Taya Sewell ((born 1962) American singer, songwriter and musician)
  • Taya (Tazha) Mohorcic ((born 1989) Slovenian tennis player)
  • Taya Smith ( Australian singer Hillsong United)

Meaning and origin of the name: “Dedicated to Isis” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name Taisiya can hardly be called simple, it is characterized by sufficient mobility, emotionality, but most importantly, there is a certain hidden spring in this name, some purely cat cunning, allowing Tasya to be at the same time domestic and affectionate and at the same time always ready to let out her claws. As a rule, a woman with this name has a very independent, but rather secretive character. She is undoubtedly proud, but her innate caution inclines her not to advertise her spiritual qualities, so for all her pride, Taisiya prefers to be quite modest and balanced. Until one day she unleashes her inherent impulsiveness. Like a cat that can endure for hours, waiting for the right moment, and only the movements of its tail reveal its excitement, so Taisiya knows how to control herself, but she doesn’t have a tail, and therefore it can be quite difficult to guess her true thoughts.

However, such a predisposition does not yet indicate Taisiya’s cunning; most often it simply concerns her diplomacy, and Tasya herself may perceive this quality of hers as long-suffering. Sometimes it begins to seem to her that she forgives people a lot, moreover, even adapts to them, but when her cup of patience is full, all the accumulated emotions and grievances suddenly break free! So it turns out that this is not long-suffering at all, but just ordinary secrecy, because instead of silently enduring, one could try to resolve the misunderstanding in a calm atmosphere.

On the other hand, such a character greatly facilitates her career, and up to a certain point, family relationships. She is energetic, knows how to be persistent, and is not devoid of imagination and a sense of humor. If only she would not put off solving problems until later, would not accumulate grievances, but would immediately come to some compromises, then her life could have turned out much happier!

Secrets of communication: Taisiya cannot be classified as one of those women who have what is on their mind and on their tongue. At the very least, be careful with her apparent patience and serenity - God knows what she really thinks about you. The most important thing is to be more careful with her pride and with your wit addressed to her.

The name's trace in history:

Thais of Athens

"Thais of Athens" is the name of the famous novel by Ivan Efremov, in which real historical events intricately intertwined with legends and the author’s fiction. Nevertheless, Thais herself really existed - she was one of the most famous hetaeras of her time.

In Efremov’s book there is an episode in which the young daughter of a hetaera confesses to her mother that she herself would like to someday follow in her footsteps; she is proud of the worship and adoration with which men surround her mother, the admiring glances with which she is seen on the street. After listening to her daughter, Thais answered her:

– I want you to understand: being hetero means constantly being first. A hetaera must not only have perfect beauty, it is not enough for her to also learn the art of love and seduction. She should be endowed by nature with intelligence and the ability to conduct a conversation on an equal basis with a man. In addition, she needs to excel in several sports, and even surpass men in one.

Thais herself fully possessed all these qualities: she swam superbly, danced, was a good horsewoman and could stand up for herself. As for men, hetaeras upper class, as Thais was, they chose only those lovers to whom they felt a heartfelt attraction, not agreeing to spend time with an unworthy person for any money.

The meaning of the name Taisiya is not a big mystery, because it appeared in ancient times and has been known since antiquity. Nevertheless, a lot of research and scientific work has been devoted to this issue.

This name evokes associations of something weightless, light and very pleasant. IN everyday life Two more of its forms are usually used: Taisa and Taisya. Loving parents They use diminutive variants: Taisa, Tasya, Taya, Tayusha, Tayunya, Tayuta, Tusya, Asya, Taiska, Taisyushka.

Translated from Greek, Taisiya means wise, late, dedicated to Isis. Anyone who is interested in mythology knows that Isis is the goddess of fertility, water, wind and navigation.

But another version of the origin is possible - on behalf of Thais, who was a famous heterora in Greece, a friend of Alexander the Great.

This rare name, which, however, has always been and remains popular. It feels reliable, confident and calm. Its energy is not so easy to explain. There is a sufficient amount of emotionality and activity in her, but she has some hidden qualities that help Taisiya to be at the same time “soft and fluffy,” but at the same time always ready to stand up for herself.

Would you name your child this name?

Historians date the origin of the name Taisiya to the 4th century BC. It first appeared in Egypt. The goddess Isis was very revered in this country: her fame reached the Mediterranean countries, so the Greek population did not remain aloof from the glorification of her cult.

Isis, the mother of the god Horus, wife and sister of the god Osiris, personified marital fidelity, motherhood and magic.

Its description and image always included constant attributes: the head or horns of a cow. The statue of Isis with the baby Horus in her arms influenced the church representation of the Mother of God in icons.

In Orthodoxy, the day of the angel Taisia ​​is celebrated on May 23 and October 21. On May 23, they venerate the Holy Blessed Taisia, who was a great sinner, but later sincerely repented of her sins. Having received blessings and remission of sins from God, she died a righteous woman in Egypt. Saint Taisia, to whom the entire Orthodox community prays on October 21, led a sinful lifestyle, and then, realizing the severity of her guilt before people and God, she burned all her wealth and went to a monastery. The Lord gave her the Kingdom of Heaven and forgave her sins.

Name forms

Simple: Tasya Full: Taisiya Ancient: Tais Affectionate: Taisyushka

A positive characteristic of the name Taisiya is that she is able to approach life with ease, without losing its practical side.

She is not prone to lies, speaks only to the point, and never loses her self-esteem. Her negative qualities are incredible pride and independence. The unapproachable air she puts on herself scares off not only her ill-wishers, but also her friends.

The character of the “winter” Taisiya is striking in its foresight. She calculates her actions several steps ahead, sees through those around her, so it is almost impossible to outwit her. She will not let herself be offended and will always stand up for the weak.

Taisiya, born in spring, is romantic and even sentimental. The story of passionate and ardent love will move her to tears. As an adult, she will not refuse to read children's fairy tales.

Since childhood, Taisiya has kept dolls and plush toys. It is difficult for her to find mutual understanding with her mother; she prefers closer heart-to-heart conversations with her father.

The characteristics of “summer” Taisiya are clearly manifested in the circle of a noisy company.She will happily demonstrate her sense of humor, fantasy and imagination, skillfully copies people's behavior, and can easily compose a quatrain or a short story.

If Taisiya was born in the fall, she is a real teacher. Giving advice and teaching is her favorite pastime. Children will become her devoted listeners, encouraging artistic abilities.

The main secret of the name Taisiya is that she is a woman who will never show anything about what is going on in her soul. She is balanced and modest with everyone. Sometimes he can allow his impulsiveness to come out, but this is only for a few moments.

Like a predator who knows how to wait for hours for its prey, Taisiya knows how to restrain her feelings. You'll never guess from her behavior what really happened.

Good memory developed intelligence contribute to the fact that Taisiya is able to become an intelligent and proactive worker. Smallest details will not escape her attention.

Wise is essentially what the name Taisiya means. It can bring profit to any business.

Confidence, perseverance, and the ability to establish contact are the qualities that make her a real businesswoman.

Even in situations involving the greatest risk, she will not lose her composure and will find the only correct solution.

He maintains his hard work throughout his life, devoting great value career.

Taisiya's sociable character leads to the fact that she has many friends and no less enemies.He will never sort things out or make complaints. Reluctantly and only when absolutely necessary, accepts help from friends. He never lies, does not participate in gossip and discussions.

Character Traits









A girl named Taisiya is popular with men. Subsequently she becomes sensual and sexy woman. The desire to love has been present in her thoughts since early youth. Options: sex without love or love without sex are simply unacceptable to her. Uninhibited, passionate and tender, she makes the same demands on her partner.

The ancient Greek goddess Isis, the patroness of marriage and motherhood, had some influence on what the name Taisia ​​means. Therefore, her family is something that belongs only to her, and she will not allow anyone to intrude on her family relationships.

Taisiya will come up with responsibilities for everyone, but she herself will not stand aside: she will feed everyone delicious lunch, knit a warm sweater, sew a light dress. She will not tolerate laziness and idleness around her. As a rule, she is happy in family life.

The meaning of the name Taisiya for a girl

The meaning of this name is closely related to ancient Greek mythology. It is believed that its history begins with references to the goddess Isis. Linguists translate it as “wise”, “late”. It became especially widespread in Byzantium, since Christians treated saints with this name with great respect.

Taisiya is ideal for a girl who was born under zodiac sign Virgos. Virgo, distinguished by her modesty, diligence and loyalty, is similar in many characteristics to the owner of this name. Once under her influence, Taisiya will become a practical, sociable and insightful person.

The character of this child is complex, but very interesting. Having become accustomed to her prudence and calmness, you may suddenly find yourself strongly impressed by her relaxedness and emotionality. WITH childhood You can notice that the energy of this girl sometimes breaks down under observation.

Taisiya doesn’t need to make any effort to become everyone’s favorite.

Her childish, open smile attracts with its spontaneity and innocence.

Taisiya has no communication problems. This means that she does not suffer from loneliness, and is delicate and patient with her friends.

What will Taisiya achieve success in?

Taisiya is a good student at school, inquisitive and smart. She is a class activist and willingly helps teachers. Leadership qualities this child and the ability to organize others should be reflected in professional activities. She will make: an excellent organizer mass events, manager, hotel or cafe manager, teacher.

The girl, who has the mysterious name Taisiya, will not give you peace of mind with her mischievous tricks. Her behavior is no different from a boy's. Possessing an inventive character, she will be full of ideas and come up with more and more new entertainment.

At the same time, this is a child who is easy to educate. She is not greedy, without hesitation, she will give her favorite toy best friend. If you don't give up and leave everything to chance, you will be able to instill in her all the qualities that you think will be useful in life.

What games will Taisiya like?

If you have younger children in your family, it will be a great pleasure for Taisiya to help you raise them. She adores animals, and is of the opinion: the more, the better. Does not like loneliness, preferring noisy games in the company of friends.