How to interest any interlocutor and start a confidential conversation. Simple rules of communication

Every person periodically faces the need to learn material of varying content and volume. This comes easily to some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The functioning of the human brain is still not 100% understood; we only know that we use a small part of the brain’s abilities. Psychological processes occurring in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will allow you to achieve success in any area of ​​human life; it will be needed in everyday life, study, and will easily increase your intellectual abilities.

To learn text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It represents the ability to remember and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. Some people find it easier to remember a text by saying it out loud, while others, on the contrary, learn it better after visualizing what they read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember the necessary material in a short time.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is consolidated in the mind. With rational memorization, awareness of the text read occurs and information is more easily perceived. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemonic memorization;

This is the most interesting method of the three. It helps to remember non-semantic information by processing it into images and associative connections. Mnemonic memorization is based on acquired life experience, translating the text into images familiar to consciousness. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. These could be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps combat everyday forgetfulness by increasing the ability to mechanically remember things that happen.

  • Method of rote memorization.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, since it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. As we age, our rote memorization ability declines.

Memorization techniques

To quickly assimilate text, different memorization techniques are used. One of the most effective methods of thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors, for whom it is more important than anyone else to know how to quickly learn a text by heart.

  • First, we slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. It's better to read it out loud. When reading, you need to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the volume of material is large, we break it down into meaningful parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding the main words or phrases in them. This will help in the future to restore all the text in order.
  • After this, you need to rewrite all the text manually. This must be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, based on keywords. If you can’t remember a moment, it’s better not to look at the recording, but try to do it yourself. You can peek only as a last resort.
  • Next, we rewrite a second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully re-read the text and retell it. It's better to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning a text word for word. It will help students, schoolchildren and anyone who needs to know how to learn a large amount of information in a short time. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for fast memorization

There are a few more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of our brain. To do this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary text. Actors thus highlight their lines in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This is a non-standard method of memorization. Having sung the material, it will be better embedded in your memory and you can recall it faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel the feelings and emotions, if this is fiction, that the characters experience.

  • After reading, you need to ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read out loud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right hand, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This clever trick will force your brain to spend more effort analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

The actors rehearse in pairs, this helps in their work. You can also ask someone you know to test your knowledge of all the material. Learning by heart is more interesting and much easier in a company.

  • Record the text on a voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it throughout the day while doing your daily routine or while traveling. This will help you remember voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Memorizing information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If the information is needed, it will be easily remembered. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in humans; it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information and if it is not used, it disappears from memory over time.

We are all different, so our exam preparation strategies will be different. Start from your individual characteristics. If you are an auditory learner, read textbooks and notes out loud, if you are a kinesthetic learner, write from your notes and make an answer plan.

Another effective method is a mind map. This is a great way to structure information, refresh your knowledge and quickly understand the essence of the subject, even after a long time. We talked in more detail about how to make mental maps and how to work with them.

What questions should you teach first? If during the semester you have a good understanding of the subject, proceed to questions about which you have at least some idea.

If each new block cannot be understood without the previous one, then there is only one option: learn everything strictly in order.

It also makes sense to start with difficult questions and allocate enough time to study them. It's better to deal with them before you get tired and lose concentration. Leave easy questions for later.

And be consistent. Stick to your strategy even if you start to panic as the exam approaches.

Strive for understanding, not memorization

Delve into the ticket, and don’t try to memorize it. Memorization is a deliberately losing strategy, which also takes more time. Find logical connections in questions, come up with associations.

Of course, in every subject there is information that you need to know by heart: dates, formulas, definitions. But even them are easier to remember if you understand the logic.

Don’t tell the material in your own words, think about it so that the answer is more detailed.

“3–4–5” technique

A good method when you need to prepare for an exam in a short period of time. It will only take three days, but there is a lot of work to be done. Every day you need to work through all the material, but at a different level, constantly going deeper.

On the first day, you read your entire notes or training manual so that your knowledge on the subject, roughly speaking, gets involved. Conventionally, we believe that you can already pass the exam with a C grade.

On the second day, you deal with the same questions, but using the textbook to learn more details and subtleties. If you prepare diligently, you can already count on a four.

On the last day, you perfect your answers: repeat, fill in the blanks, memorize. After the third day, you are ready to pass the exam with flying colors.

Two days to study, one to review

The system is very simple: all the material needs to be divided into two equal parts and learned in two days. The third day is devoted entirely to repetition.

Set a time limit

You can delve into each topic endlessly, so don’t try to remember all the details. From a large chapter in a textbook, highlight the main ideas: structured material in a small volume is easier to perceive.

We divided all the tickets between classmates and each prepared a short summary of his part. If mutual assistance is not developed in your group, you can ask senior students for materials and cheat sheets.

Don't get stuck

If you feel like you're sitting on one question for too long, skip it. The best motivator when preparing is a timer. Decide how much time you can devote to one ticket, for example 30 minutes, and when the time is up, move on to the next one. Take a few hours before the exam to catch up on any questions you may have missed.

Make a plan to respond to a ticket.

Any, even the most extensive question can be described in a few words. Moreover, each thesis should evoke associations.

This plan can be quickly reviewed before the exam to get you in the right frame of mind. The three-sentence method is well known: write down the problem, the main idea and the conclusion for each question.

Study varies by subject

Not only you, but also the subject you are studying has individual characteristics. For example, exact sciences - physics - require practice. For the humanities, it is important to be able to process large amounts of information, remember dates, names, and definitions.

But, I repeat, you need to approach the study of any subject actively: delve into the question and strive for understanding.

The exam format is also important. If you are preparing for an oral exam, speak your future answers out loud. My favorite tactic is to narrate the material to someone at home or, when they are not enthusiastic, to myself in front of the mirror. It’s even better if someone not only listens to you, but also asks questions when something is not clear.

If you are preparing for testing, you should take a dozen standard tests, write down your mistakes, repeat problematic topics and solve everything again.

If the exam is written, you need to think about the structure of the answer in advance.

Get ready for two or three

Write down the most difficult topics in your opinion - the collective wisdom will help you deal with them faster. It is better to cooperate with classmates who are committed to studying, otherwise preparing for the exam can turn into an ordinary pleasant meeting with friendly conversations.

No, this does not mean that joking and relaxing are forbidden. Just remember the main purpose of the meeting.

Viktor Kiryanov/
  1. Take breaks. This will help you relax and sort out new information.
  2. Turn off your phone, don't go on social networks, don't get close to the TV. If you can't handle the temptation, read about something with distractions.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Don't forget about food: it will give your body additional strength. However, you shouldn't overeat. Usually, after an overly heavy lunch, you start to feel sleepy, and you don’t feel like studying at all.
  5. Avoid negativity from other people. The atmosphere during classes should be as favorable as possible.
  6. Don't rely too much on cheat sheets and the ability to cheat. And if you don’t know how to copy well (you must agree, you need to be able to do this too), you shouldn’t even start.
  7. Set up a place for studying: bright, comfortable, with all the necessary materials at hand. The bed is not the most suitable option: there is a high probability of falling asleep on a boring topic.
  8. Make bulleted lists: they are easier to remember.
  9. Playing sports will help you distract yourself and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during prolonged sitting. You can also take your time and think about difficult questions while running, biking, or similar physical activity.
  10. If you feel that you are not in the mood to study, start with the topic that seems most interesting to you. This will help you get into the groove.
  11. Go in the evening. During preparation, nerves are usually on edge, so you need to relax a little.
  12. Make a clear preparation plan.


Prepare yourself for long and difficult work. In the next 24 hours you will have to remember a huge amount of information. Try to create the most comfortable conditions possible. It is unlikely that you will be able to remember something if a small child is running around or the neighbors are doing repairs. The minimum amount of external stimuli is the key to successful memorization. It’s better to put everything you might need (notes, reference books, textbooks) on the table in advance so as not to waste time searching.

Plan your day. Roughly divide all the tickets. Study one part before lunch, the second after. Estimate how many questions you can answer in an hour. With this kind of planning, you will not only strive to stay on schedule, but also leave a couple of hours at night for unforeseen situations. For example, to repeat the most difficult moments.

Systematization is the third step to successfully studying the material. As a rule, the list of exam questions repeats the content of the training course, which, in turn, is structured from simple to complex. Don't reinvent the wheel, but study everything in order.

Don't forget about rest. Scientists have proven that a person can concentrate on something for no more than an hour. Then attention dissipates, and you won’t even notice how, running your eyes over the lines of the textbook, you no longer understand anything. It is advisable to take at least a 5-minute break after every hour of study.

In the list of questions, cross out those that you have already learned. This not only helps not to get confused in a huge amount of information, but also has a psychological effect. Your brain understands that you are confidently moving forward.

Write cheat sheets. Rewriting definitions and formulas helps you remember them not only visually. Cheat sheets use muscle memory. In addition, they always contain basic information that can be supplemented with examples in the exam.

Cramming is evil. Mechanical reproduction of this or that information will not give a positive effect. It is important that you understand what is being said and not repeat the definitions formulated by someone else. The disadvantage of cramming is that one forgotten word at the time of answering the exam will simply unsettle you. If you understand what you are talking about, you can rearrange the phrase and find synonyms.

Helpful advice

You need to sleep before the exam. At least a couple of hours. During this time, your brain will be distracted from the work done, the information, as they say, will fall into place. It is after rest that you will be able to most accurately and completely reproduce what you learned the day before.

The first step in preparing for the exam is choosing sources of information that will make it easier to prepare for the exam.

Having chosen the textbooks, we move on to the second step. And here there are two options for further action.

The first, the highest quality and longest, includes writing a thesis summary for the exam.

The second is to teach from a book.

The process of writing abstracts under dictation simultaneously trains 3 types - auditory, visual and mechanical.

Now you can take a little rest: continuous memorization does not contribute to good memorization. You can change your occupation and position. Spend the next day working on your abstract notebook. Process.


If you think about it, it turns out that schools give pretty good preparation for passing the Unified State Exam. They basically consist of the following: stay at home and study, study and study again. But overload can cause both a nervous breakdown and fatigue, which is equally undesirable to experience before an exam. It's better to prepare, but in advance.

Preliminary preparation should begin about a year in advance. I mean for the academic year. As soon as the first of September has passed, you can immediately begin your search. The safest thing to do is to seek the help of those who teach at. Such people have much more experience, plus they can suggest some “tricks” that will help when passing the exam. Again, the presence of recommendations plays an important role. When someone “from the outside” comes, you have to take his word for it. But in fact, it is not known what kind of teacher he is and how he teaches.

Exercise daily, but not to the point of insanity. Be sure to take breaks (for example, 50 minutes of study, 10 minutes of rest). At the same time, take a break, walk around the room, have a snack. Most students forget that they need to eat well, and not eat sandwiches, washing them down with liters of coffee. Therefore, be sure to leave time for eating, as well as for a walk, socializing, and hobbies. So to exam will not turn into a tedious and boring process.

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  • how to prepare children for exams
  • How to prepare your body for exams

It is better to organize a more in-depth study of the material outside of school hours. It is helpful to make a preparation and review plan and follow it closely. Particular attention should be paid to topics that are most difficult for students to understand, as well as for which Unified State Exam In previous years, the largest number were admitted.

It is better to start solving control and measuring materials (CMMs) when students have mastered the theoretical and practical course. At the same time, children should not solve tasks mechanically. In the manual they are located chaotically. It is better to choose them according to the topics or sections covered, as well as from simple to complex tasks.

It is useful to prepare not only according to standard versions of tasks from previous years, but also to conduct “rehearsals” for the exam, organize various competitive games, and seminars. This significantly increases the assimilation of knowledge and stimulates the cognitive activity of students.

Moreover, in preparation for Unified State Exam You should pay attention to filling out the exam sheets, correctness and correctness of answers. We also need to help students prepare psychologically for the exam.

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  • 5 best tips from a psychologist on preparing to successfully pass the Unified State Exam

The system of passing final exams using the Unified State Examination method has been in effect for several years now. But students and their parents still have a lot of questions in connection with it. And the most important of them is whether it is possible to retake Unified State Exam?


The Unified State Exam is a form of final school graduation, conducted in the form of a test. Such an exam is conducted in the main subjects -, and. Retake Unified State Exam, like any other exam, you can. There are only a few conditions for this. You can retake the final test only if the scores obtained during testing are below the minimum established by Rosobrnadzor. This minimum is determined only after the exams are over. Because it is calculated based on the analysis of all works. And then you need to look at how many subjects the graduate “failed.”

If only one of the two main subjects was poorly passed, then you can retake the exam in the current academic year on specially designated additional days.

If a graduate fails the final tests in two subjects at once, he will be able to retake them only next year. But this will not affect receiving a certificate in any way. If he receives a bad grade in the main subject, then his grade is based on the arithmetic average between the results Unified State Exam and previous school certification. This is the so-called "+1" rule.

If you believe that the work was assessed incorrectly, you can file an appeal. Your request will be considered within two days. If it is recognized that the commission acted incorrectly, the results can be challenged.


  • how to retake the state exam

Unified State Exam was introduced into the education system quite quickly, which caused considerable difficulties for graduates of previous years who were planning to enter a university. The state gives the opportunity to everyone who, for one reason or another, “missed out” on it, but the process of submitting documents and registering has its own nuances.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - certificate.


Read all the information found and distributed on the tickets. If you find any inconsistencies or contradictions in different sources, clarify and correct the information. If any answer is too superficial, look for additional information. Also at this stage you can remove all unnecessary small facts that you will not need when answering.

Read the tickets a second time. Read carefully and slowly, write down the main points of each answer in your notebook. It is important to write it by hand and not copy it on the computer. This way you will remember the material better. As a result, you should have unique response plans for all tickets.

Try to tell the ticket according to the previously drawn up plan. Choose the first question you come across and remember everything you’ve learned, relying only on the notes you compiled.

Ask friends or family to help you. Have them draw a ticket at random. And you will have to tell it without resorting to any hints.

Tip 10: How to prepare your child for the Unified State Exam in Russian

Successful passing of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language depends not only on the student’s diligence in the classroom. It is useful to continue preparation at home; parents can help the child with this by determining the time of classes and the level of load.


Make sure your child completes all homework, starting with... When checking your child’s lessons, pay attention to whether any rules remain unclear. Explain them immediately, then such minor omissions may be forgotten, and having accumulated, they will become an overwhelming amount of knowledge before the exam itself.

Two years before the exam, start studying with your child. Unified State Exam collections and versions of last year’s exams can be found both on the Internet and in bookstores. At the end of such a book you will find the correct answers that you can use to test your child. Please be aware that even printed collections may contain errors. Therefore, if you are in doubt about the correct answer, consult your teacher.

Make a plan for mastering practice tests. By solving, for example, even one a day, your child will grasp the principles of composing test tasks and answering them in a couple of months.

When several tests are passed (10 are enough), typical student mistakes will become noticeable. Find the relevant sections of the textbooks and understand them together. It is important to understand and understand, and not to memorize.

Recommend that your child keep a notebook in which he will write down all the rules that will be studied in Russian lessons. This manual, compiled over several years, will be useful on the eve of the Unified State Exam, because you will not need to re-read all the textbooks for previous years to find a specific rule.

Some schoolchildren face this problem: it is difficult for them to learn a poem, especially if it is long. Indeed, all people are different, some remember right away, but for others it is very difficult. However, there are simple rules that will help you successfully cope with this task in a short time. hour.


First, just read the poem. There is no need to memorize it; for now you only need it for preliminary acquaintance. Try to understand its general meaning. What is it about, what did the author want to tell readers, what thoughts and feelings did he convey? If you successfully complete this task, it will be much easier for you to remember the poem. After all, this is how it works: everything that is understandable is remembered easier and faster.

Having understood the general meaning, try to understand the subtleties. Read the poem again, this time more slowly and more carefully. Try to see how the author emphasized his positive or negative attitude towards a particular character, event, how he described nature, etc. After this, try to mentally repeat the poem from the very beginning. You will probably see for yourself that at least the first four lines are already well remembered.

Now start memorizing the second quatrain. After making sure that it is deposited in your memory, say out loud all the initial lines. Your task is to bring this to automaticity, so that the lines seem to fall on the tongue themselves, without any mental effort. Having achieved this, begin to memorize the third quatrain. And so on according to the same pattern.

What time is best to do this - during the day, right after school? There is no consensus here. Probably, it would be most correct to memorize the poem, guided by your state of health and performance, when it is clear. If you yourself see and understand that things are not going well, it’s better to rest a little and do something else.

It often happens like this: a poem seems to be beautiful, but then suddenly it flies out of memory. Here you can resort to a very effective method: write down the first two or three words, and if it happens, look at the hint. As a rule, after this the entire verse instantly comes to life in your head.

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Exams and tests are a difficult test for a student. Receiving a low grade threatens expulsion from the university, so the final assessment of knowledge in a particular subject must be positive. To successfully pass the exam, you need to prepare in advance - learn tickets.


Having learned the list of questions on the exam cards, prepare a detailed written answer to each of them. This will help you systematize the available material and refresh your memory of the knowledge acquired over the entire period of study. Highlight the basic concepts and terms of the subject with a different color of ink or a bright marker. A few hours before taking a test or exam, you can once again review the main sub-points of your notes in order to bolster your confidence in your own abilities.

To learn everything tickets, wisely distribute the time available for preparation. Intense mental work from early morning until late evening will not give the expected results. It is better to alternate brainstorming with rest. For three hours of studying the material, there should be one hour of proper rest. This doesn’t have to be a dream - read an interesting book, play a computer game, take a walk along a city alley. After this, you will be able to easily master another layer of information with renewed vigor.

Use multiple sources to prepare each question. The rule is especially relevant for passing humanitarian subjects. For example, law students should know not only the norms of federal legislation, but also regional or international ones, and future psychologists should have an idea of ​​the points of view of various authors on a particular issue. Besides the textbook to learn better tickets, use manuals, scientific articles, materials from the Internet.

Get enough sleep before the exam. Loss of energy and drowsiness during the exam can play a bad joke on you. Therefore, sleep on the pre-exam day should be at least 8-9 hours so that you can fully rest before such an important task.

The session for students usually comes unexpectedly, and preparation for exams goes by quickly. You can quickly learn the necessary information and not fail the test only if you have complete concentration.


Start preparing at least a week in advance. It will be impossible to learn the exam in one day, especially if you haven’t attended classes the entire semester or haven’t paid attention to the teacher’s words in them. Dosing information will lead to better assimilation and memorization.

Estimate the amount of information you need to learn and create a schedule. Divide all the information into tickets, count their number and distribute them over the remaining days before the exam. Set yourself the task of reading a certain number of tickets every day, and under no circumstances give up on this goal, otherwise in the end you will have to study many times more, which will not give results.

Do not be distructed. It is better to read just an hour in silence than several in a noisy stop. Turn off the TV, radio, player and computer. Resist the temptation to take a moment to check social media or call a classmate. Focus on the material, think deeply about what you read, if something remains unclear, go back and read it again. Don't try to memorize the text. The main thing in preparation is to understand the material, master it and tell the teacher during the exam.

Take breaks. Of course, hours of cramming will not lead to anything good. Get up from your desk about once every forty minutes. The rest can last five to ten minutes, during which you should have time to drink water, have a snack, do a short workout and walk around the room. Try not to turn your attention to the computer or TV.

If there are one or two days left before the exam, and the amount of information is too much, you will have to use an extreme technique - “reading obliquely”. Its essence lies in the fact that you do not read the material, but look through it. There is one “but”: this method is suitable only for those students whose visual memory works well. When you pull out the ticket, the words from the books will pop up in your head, and the answer will form itself.


Cheat sheets are not only an opportunity to cheat on an exam, but also to remember the material. When typing text on a computer or writing it by hand, you use muscle and visual memory, which gives good memorization results.

The Unified State Examination in mathematics is one of the mandatory exams that must be taken at the end of school. To score the most points in this subject, you should know the specifics of the exam.


Find out what type of jobs will be used on. The Unified State Exam differs from other subjects in the absence of test part A in the assignments. Section B contains exercises to test basic school knowledge, and category C is designed for those who plan to continue.

Purchase study guides to prepare for the exam. In addition to school textbooks, collections of Unified State Exam demonstration materials on the desired subject may be useful to you. It is advisable to purchase the latest editions of these collections, since Unified State Examination tasks can vary quite a lot depending on the year. Sample assignments are also posted on the official Unified State Exam website.

If you don't understand any of the topics covered in math class and on the exam, hire a tutor. It will help you find your knowledge gap and close it. However, it is not necessary to attend additional classes throughout the year before the exam; a few individual lessons may be enough for you.

Learn the rules for filling out exam forms. This is very important, since some of the data is checked using a computer. All letters in the fields that relate to your personal data must be printed. The numbers should also be written according to the patterns.

Do not take cheat sheets or a mobile phone with you to the exam. Using these materials may cause you to be removed from the exam and may also disqualify you from retaking the exam that year.

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Three days before the exam - a lot or a little? There are so many students, so many opinions. For some, a night is enough to learn Chinese, while for others, even in six months they cannot understand the difference between the subject and the predicate. But this is precisely the period of time – three days – that is usually given to prepare for the exam at a full-time university department. And it is precisely this that the student must try to meet in order to prepare and get a well-deserved A in the exam.

You will need

  • Lecture notes, textbooks.


Use the lecture notes. Whatever it is, it is the lecture notes that contain the maximum of necessary information. The teacher has already studied dozens of sources, compiled all the knowledge and distributed it to the students. Excellent knowledge of everything that is presented in the lectures guarantees a solid B in many cases. But for an A you still need to know a little more.

You shouldn’t be surrounded by textbooks and notes. Choose one publication as your main one. You can use two or three more as auxiliary ones, if suddenly there is no “basically” answer to some question or it is not stated well enough.

Study the questionnaire carefully and mark in different colors those questions that you know, those that you don’t know, and those that you don’t want to know, but you still have to learn.

Equally carefully study the student’s table of contents and compare its sections with the texts of the questions. You can carefully mark the question numbers in the margins of the table of contents - however, it is better to make a copy of the table of contents sheet. Also study your notes and write down the question numbers in the margins.

Don’t prepare using the “simple to complex” method! Alternate between simple and complex questions. Your brain should be constantly working, but not in overload mode. Familiar questions will help your head relax, and the knowledge that you know at least something is a great boost!

Alternate mental work with physical work. Go wash the dishes. Take a walk to the balcony. Walk the dog. Take out the trash. In the process of such simple work, you can reflect on questions, repeat something, and if you feel that you are “boiling,” stop thinking and just relax.

Concentrate! Create a comfortable environment for yourself. Ask your loved ones not to. Turn on music or, conversely, cover all the walls with foam for perfect silence. But don't isolate yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror more often. If you are like Dracula, or shaggy like Einstein - enough brainstorming, it's time to rest.

Prepare cheat sheets. A brief, abstract note on a small area of ​​cheat sheets helps to structure knowledge well. The main thing is to leave the cheat sheets at home on the day of the exam or give them to someone. Don’t use it yourself - you already know everything, and if the teacher notices that you are cheating, you may not get a good grade.

On the day before the exam, give yourself some slack. Relax, don't think about anything. Lie in the bath. Call for freebies through the window. Eat five bags of chips. Watch a movie you've always wanted to see. The night before the exam, do not prepare, be sure to get enough sleep. Maybe tomorrow you will “fail” and go for a retake, so at least you won’t look like a sleepy fly during the exam.


  • how to prepare for exams

Preparing for an exam should not be laborious and take a lot of energy. By taking a couple of simple steps in advance, you can be sure that you are ready to complete all exam tasks.


You must determine when is the best time to start preparing. To do this, you need to know your individual characteristics and abilities. All people are different. Some people can easily learn all the school material in a week, while others will need a whole year.

Identify those topics in which you understand the worst. You can use Wikipedia or other means to research a complex issue.

Divide all the information you need to study into separate topics. Studying material by topic will help you organize information and remember more.

After thoroughly studying each topic, you should give yourself a test or some other test to test your knowledge, and only then proceed to another topic.

Don't forget about rest. After all, if you constantly prepare and don’t rest, then you will remember less than you could remember.

On test day, set your alarm clock approximately two hours before the test. Once again, very briefly, work through all the main topics. Check your notes. And in the last 15 minutes before the exam, try not to think about it, don’t worry, everything will work out. Relax and take a few deep breaths, if you have completed all the steps above, everything will be fine.

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Improperly organized preparation for the exam can easily negate all the time spent on studying and mastering the educational material, ruin your mood and performance, which will significantly complicate passing the exam.


An exam is the final testing part of the process of acquiring new knowledge. To successfully pass the exam, it is not enough to simply memorize all the material in the last minutes, because even if you pass the exam in this way, the knowledge gained cannot be called high-quality.

To get started, arm yourself with a list of questions or topics for the exam. Some teachers give it to students in advance, some only during consultations a couple of days before the exam. The importance of the list cannot be overestimated, since thanks to it you will not only learn which points are worth focusing on and which can be neglected, but also become familiar with the wording of questions, which will give you the opportunity to answer them more fully.

You need to know how you more easily absorb and remember information. Some people read exam topics out loud or silently several times, some people need to write down complete answers for better memorization or highlight the main points, and for others, studying is easiest using mnemonic techniques.

When preparing for an exam, it makes sense not just to memorize the answers to questions, but to navigate the topic in general. For example, when preparing for an exam in Russian literature, it would be good not only to know the work of individual writers, but also to imagine the political situation of that time, the mood in society, and the current issues that worried the authors. This will allow you to most fully answer a specific question, since you will be able to talk not only about the phenomena themselves, but also trace the cause-and-effect relationships between them.

It is very important to organize the preparation process in the most comfortable way, to eliminate possible sources of irritation. Firstly, it is much easier to prepare without being distracted by anything, and secondly, learning knowledge with positive emotions is much more effective. In addition, the psychological atmosphere of your calm preparation will be transferred to the exam, which will save you from unnecessary worries during the exam.


A memorized answer, the meaning of which you do not understand, will not mislead the teacher, and with the help of a few additional questions he will easily be convinced of your unpreparedness.

Helpful advice

Remember that chaotic preparation is fraught with low response rates. The educational material is systematized in lectures and textbooks; this system should not be neglected.


  • how to prepare well for exams
  • How to properly organize time to prepare for the exam?

Sooner or later, exams overtake every student. And often not only him, but the whole family at the same time. The exam itself is a very important moment, sometimes fateful. Therefore, a huge responsibility lies on the shoulders of a student who is awaiting exams.

Those around you should remember that this is a lot of stress for a child. And there is no need to add reasons for alarm by reminding him once again how serious everything is and how much the exam means. The best help from loved ones will be to ensure a calm, comfortable psychological environment in the house. Parents should also monitor the work and rest schedule.

It would seem like something to observe - the child is already an adult. But in fact, under the influence of stress, some children begin to study beyond measure, sitting at textbooks until the night. This will not bring any fruit except fatigue and depletion of the body's reserves. Therefore, sometimes it is worth using parental authority to send the child to rest a little.

And the opposite situations also occur: when the child does not sit down and begin to prepare for exams. Perhaps he is very confident in himself. Then parents should invite him to test his knowledge. This will force you to repeat at least a little of the necessary material. Or the child may take exams very lightly. Perhaps he has certain problems with setting life goals. Then the parents need to sit down and discuss his plans for life.

And there are two possible ways to end the conversation: either the child realizes that he needs to pass the exam, or the parents will be convinced that they should not worry, since this exam does not play a role in the child’s fate. Still, the first situation is more common. And then the child, albeit belatedly, rushes to prepare for the exam.

On the eve of the exam, it is better to leave preparations and give the body a short break. Then, at the right moment, all the body’s reserves will be directed toward achieving the goal—successfully passing the exam.

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Exams often come when you are not ready for them. Many people have the extreme experience of preparing in one night. But this method is a lot of stress for the body. If you prepare in advance, then passing the exam will be much easier. Read about how to easily and effectively prepare for the exam in four days.

You will need

  • -4 days
  • -strength of will


Divide the list of questions into approximately three equal parts. You will spend one day studying each of these parts. If you have 30 questions on your list, you can cover 10 questions in detail in one day. In total, it will take you exactly three days to complete the entire list.

Spend one day on one part. No less and no more. Don't try to read more questions in one day than you planned. Don’t be lazy to read all the questions so that you don’t have to go through the entire list in one day. And don’t forget to take short breaks after reading more than five questions. A 15-minute break will sharpen your concentration on preparing the next questions.

Read the answer to the question, highlight the key points. These key points can be written down on a separate sheet of paper - this way the main information will be remembered even better. If possible, say the answer to the question out loud. This seems like a childish method, but at school they teach retelling texts for a reason. Retelling is a very effective technique for memorizing information.

Consider each question separately. You should not read general information on the topic of five questions; it is better to know the specific answer to each of them.

The fourth day is the day before the exam. It should be relaxed. On this day you need to re-read all the answers to the questions, repeat them or retell them. That's all. No new information - just repetition. Such a relaxed day before the exam will allow you not to waste unnecessary nerves and energy, and this is the key to an excellent grade.

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Helpful advice

At night you should sleep and gain strength.

Exams are a difficult time for both children and their parents. The student needs to prepare well for the test and successfully demonstrate the acquired knowledge, and adults need to help the child pass the exams.


Discuss your child's strengths and weaknesses in advance. At the same time, one should avoid both criticism: “I’ve been idle all year, and now I need to learn everything in a week,” and exaggeration of his capabilities: “Even if there are two days before the exam, we will have time to learn everything.” Clearly plan everything you need to review before the exam.

Try to cheat a little: if the theory of the subject is quite complex, but the tickets necessarily contain problems, learn to solve them correctly, as this will provide additional points. Be sure to take a practice test - for this you can find assignments from previous years on the Internet. This way your child will more accurately determine the topics that need to be covered.

Teach your child the tricks that once helped you successfully learn a subject. If your child doesn’t remember formulas well, write them large on sheets of paper and hang them around the house. In a few days he will remember them visually and will be able to reproduce them in the exam. If a student has a predominant auditory memory, read theoretical material to him so that he remembers it better. Ideally, when preparing for exams, you need to use all types of memory.

Provide your child with the opportunity to study in peace. Allocate free space for him, temporarily move younger family members to other rooms if the children live together. Free the student from household responsibilities.

Make sure your child gets adequate nutrition. During the period of preparation for exams, his brain works hard, so he needs all the nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Salmon, liver, cocoa, nuts, blueberries, eggs, and avocado are especially beneficial for the brain.

Support your student morally, tell him that you believe in him and his strengths. And remember for yourself that exams are always a lottery and life does not end after failure.


Make sure your child is not overloaded. Optimal regimen: 40 minutes of exercise and 10-20 minutes of rest. During a break, you can lie down, listen to music, walk or do physical exercise. The best time to study is during the day; it is useless to study at night, because... memory decreases significantly during this time. You cannot study more than 10 hours a day! The child should sleep at least 8 hours and walk in the fresh air for 1-2 hours.

Helpful advice

Teach your child to relax - this will help him in the exam if he is very nervous. The simplest technique is “Belly Breathing.” Have your child place his hand on his stomach and breathe as if his lungs were there. Inhalations and exhalations should be slow. Within a minute of using this technique, a person feels relaxed and calm.

Preparing for exams is a nervous and very time-consuming process. For those who don't like public speaking, the oral exam can seem like hell. It requires not only the ability to express one’s thoughts and self-confidence, but also solid knowledge and a broad outlook in the student.

Helpful advice

During the preparation process, do not be lazy to write short notes, this will help you “absorb” the information faster.

Any exam turns into stress, even for a knowledgeable schoolchild or student, and sometimes very strong. In a situation where knowledge must be tested, and those who have studied well may begin to doubt their own abilities. In order to still be able to not be embarrassed and demonstrate the amount of knowledge that a person really owns, he will need to tune in in a certain way to the upcoming test and be charged with confidence in success.

Prepare for any exam ahead of time, not the night before it. Your memory needs some time for the acquired knowledge to “settle” in your head, and a few hours before an important event is certainly not enough for this. Alternate repetition of material with moderate physical activity, periodically take a break from studying and relax. Get complete rest, not forgetting about quality sleep. Lack of sleep will increase your stress levels, which will only increase your risk of failing the exam.

Provide yourself with proper physical and psychological comfort. Dress for the exam for the weather, eat delicious food (maybe even your favorite dishes). Watch a fun show or movie the day before that will help you relax and be positive. Shortly before the exam, communicate only with those of your relatives and friends who are confident in your upcoming success and are able to infect you with such faith.

Suppress any manifestations of fear before exams, do not give in to them, fight them. Mentally find counterarguments to any doubts that arise about your ability to successfully pass the knowledge test. Often people are afraid of the exam because they see it as a frightening unknown. To avoid such feelings, find out more about the upcoming test tasks and about the examiner - from the point of view of the form in which he/she prefers to receive answers to the questions asked on the tickets. Thanks to such information, you will not have exaggerated fears about the upcoming event.

Use auto-training and other psychological methods of influencing your own consciousness. Convince yourself that there is no other outcome other than a positive one. You are a persistent and diligent person who has studied the subject in which you are going to take the exam, and therefore have all the knowledge necessary for such a test. Learn to relax and in this state try to use visualization techniques. Imagine in detail how you enter the examination room, take out a ticket and find in it exactly those questions in which you are most competent. “Complete” this picture in your mind by adding details about how brilliantly you answered the exam and how the amazed teacher gave you a positive mark on the report.

You need to open a window or window and shake the notebook with notes in front of him, saying, “Get caught, freebie, big and small.” This should increase the chances of drawing the “right” ticket and will ensure the favor of the examiner.


Calm, just calm.

And first of all, the peace of mind of the parents. Often parents, wanting the best for their child, create excessive emotional stress. They worry that the child does not study enough and for other reasons, often invented by them. Remember that emotional states are transferable. The more confident and calm you are, the easier it will be for your child.

Reduce the importance of the event

Many parents, wanting to force their child to study hard, exaggerate the disaster of failing an exam. Thus, they work themselves up, and then pour out these emotions on him. Typically, such parents tell their children that if they don’t get into college, something terrible will happen. But such motivation through fear doesn’t work much. Emotional tension creates constant stress. It blocks the desire to learn and the ability to better assimilate material. Due to the fact that the applicant is focused on the fear of impending failure. Therefore, it is better to reduce the importance of the event, but at the same time paint a beautiful picture of the future so that there is something to strive for.

I love you just the way you are

It is also important to let the teenager understand that he is loved not because he entered the university. It’s simple – everyone loves him. And he will not become bad because of one failure in his life. And this is just a certain life experience. And then - be able to analyze what happened and decide what steps to take to get a different result.

Think over a future plan

It would be good to discuss plans for the future with your teenager. What will happen if he does not enter the university, what actions on his part and on your part, how and with what you are ready to support him, what steps you expect from him. Discuss whether he will enroll next year, whether he will go to work. Parents should be shown the possibilities and options for future prospects so as not to leave the child in limbo. This way you will reduce stress and allow him to think about his studies, and not soar in the clouds of the unknown. Create an action plan together.

To prepare for the exam, make a list of topics that you think should be included in the exam. Once you become familiar with them, it will be easier for you to repeat old material and learn new material.

Next, you can create tables on the main aspects of a particular topic for more understandable and quick memorization. Make different types of tables: comparative, group or combinational. This will allow you to fully familiarize yourself with the content of the topic and study it in more depth.

Diagrams that will contain detailed information about the question you need will also help you quickly master the material. If you don’t have any diagrams, you can contact your teacher and ask for help, or you can go to the library or search for information on the Internet.

Don't try to memorize all the topics. In an exciting moment, you may not remember what you taught the day before. Try to understand and delve into the question, analyze it more deeply. Try to become interested, and as you know, interesting things are remembered by themselves.

Solve practice exams on special websites on the Internet. This is not only the simplest and most convenient way of preparation, but also the most effective. While working on one or another preparatory site, you will become familiar with the preliminary tasks and learn the form and content of the exam. This will also allow you to instantly find out an assessment of your capabilities, familiarize yourself with the mistakes made and comments on them.

If, while preparing on your own, you realize that you are not mastering the material, do not be afraid to contact tutors. A person who is an expert in a particular field will help you analyze the material and be able to guide you on the right path in understanding the problematic issue.

The day before the exam itself, you should not rummage through lecture notebooks and try to memorize everything again. This will only cloud your knowledge. Try to pull yourself together. Just look through your notes, look at the key words, remember what you covered earlier. Before the exam, do not bother your head with everyday problems; it is important that at the crucial moment you are collected and confident.

To summarize what has been said, I would like to note that preparing for exams is a difficult path that requires a lot of effort. And the more effort you put into achieving your goal, the more feasible it becomes!

  1. In the first half of the day, review the material you have studied (if your preparation for the Unified State Exam began in advance, and not today). Re-read your notes and pay more attention to the tasks that were more difficult for you.
  2. Drink plenty of water instead of coffee/tea/sedatives. In particular, the latter reduce concentration, which can affect the result.
  3. Eat sweets, nuts and raisins - they will help you calm down.
  4. A good, full night's sleep before an exam is the key to your success. However, if you find it difficult to sleep before an exam, drink a glass of warm milk.
  5. Walking in the fresh air - oxygen helps our brains work faster.
  6. Positive thinking technique – print out the Unified State Exam results certificate and give yourself high scores. Remember, thoughts materialize.
  7. Listen to music. It has long been proven that music effectively influences mental activity and also helps relieve stress before taking the test.
  8. Visualize the entire process of conducting the Unified State Exam. Close your eyes and imagine how positively you are, getting up in the morning, driving to the Unified State Examination point, walking confidently into the office, and taking your seat. You are calm. You receive a task and complete it successfully. Imagine getting a result with a high score and how happy you are about it.
  9. Think about what you will wear. Psychologists do not recommend wearing red, because this color will “tease” the guards.
  10. Program yourself for success: “I will pass with flying colors,” “I am calm,” “I am confident in myself.”
  11. Calculate the travel time to the exam venue. It is recommended to arrive 15-20 minutes in advance to get used to the surroundings and adjust to the working atmosphere. Prepare all necessary documents.
  12. After 21:00, put all notes, manuals, and books away. Give yourself a break.

Remember that excessive anxiety will only hinder the successful passing of the Unified State Exam. Be confident in yourself and your own abilities. You will succeed! Good luck!

Almost everyone has come across the question of how to quickly learn tickets. This is natural; seeing the huge list of questions and the thickness of textbooks on the exam subject, a person gets lost. Fear of large volumes of information that need to be known can often drive not only children, but also adults into a stupor. Although many have heard that they are not limited, not everyone is able to use these opportunities for their own benefit. Because of this, most people are not even aware of their abilities. Here are some interesting facts and commonly held beliefs associated with them.

  • A large passage is much easier to learn than a small one.
  • Exam fever is most common among those who are well versed in the subject.
  • More time should be devoted not to repeated reading, but to repetition from memory. This is how the understanding of the material on which his knowledge depends grows.
  • Of the two questions on the ticket, the one with more information will be remembered faster.
  • For most people, the main question is how to systematize the knowledge acquired, and not how to quickly learn a topic.
  • During sleep, a person cannot remember anything, but also cannot forget anything.
  • Memorizing a ticket is much more difficult than understanding the topic and understanding it.

There are several ways to quickly learn tickets that everyone can use.

Three color rule

These rules are suitable for those who constantly study the material, perform practical tasks and solve examples, but are not confident in the level of their knowledge.

  1. So, take pencils or pens of three colors: red, green and black.
  2. Those questions whose answers are known are marked in red.
  3. We put a green tick where the topics are familiar, but not entirely clear.
  4. Black color is for completely unfamiliar terms and topics.
  5. After this we begin our study. First, we deal with the materials marked with a black pen. Then we move on to questions with a green checkmark. And at the end we repeat the topics with a red mark.
  6. This way, there are no tickets left with unanswered questions. At the same time, knowledge appears in the entire subject, which is important for answering additional questions during an exam or test.

The three-color rule is indispensable when preparing for driving tests.

« SOS! Only one day left before the exam!

What to do if there is no time left? How to quickly learn tickets when there is a minimum amount of time left before the exam? To do this, you can use the “brickwork” method. But even following this method, you need to understand that it is impossible to thoroughly study the topic in 1 day. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on the main principles of the subject being studied, without paying attention to the details. From the material, first of all, basic terms, theorems, axioms and definitions are selected. These foundations will become the bricks in the masonry, and everything secondary will be cement. To “build brickwork” you should proceed in the following sequence.

  1. First you need to review all the material for general orientation.
  2. Then the main ideas of each text and the relationships between them are identified.
  3. The remaining time is spent on repeating the identified significant data on the subject.

Moreover, attention is focused on understanding, and not on how to quickly learn tickets. After all, knowing the basic terms, answering the question is much easier. For such memorization, working with tables, diagrams and diagrams is also useful. Often, analysis of a graphic drawing allows you to more fully understand a topic than a complex text with theoretical reasoning - “cement”.

All of these methods are more suitable for mastering natural science material. In order to become an expert in a foreign language, much less get a high mark in the exam, it will take much more time. And no matter how attractive advice on how to quickly learn a language may be, such assurances should be treated with caution.

“People in bandanas are running, and then a mudslide hits them.” Quickly and playfully learning all the most difficult things, if there is less than a week left before the first exam, is easier than you think. Psychologist and memory training specialist Zoya Vasilenko advises how to painlessly memorize theorems, dates and properties of alkaloids, and also leaf through the textbook in those very “memory halls”.

19.05.2015 | Katerina Abramova

Tell us about the most popular techniques - what will be most effective if there is an exam ahead and there is not much time?

– Memorization techniques vary depending on what you need to remember: text, lists, formulas or numbers. But, in my opinion, the simplest and most effective mnemonics are abbreviations And drawings. When you need to remember a list, be it a list of properties of alkaloids, classes of animals, or characteristics of an isosceles triangle, you can use the first letters of the names to create a familiar or non-existent funny word. For example, properties of attention: concentration, volume, stability, switchability, distribution. Let's encrypt this in "UKROP". And you can add a semantic connection: the hero of the program “Give Youth”, Dill, had problems with attention.

And in drawings you can encode any type of material, even a mathematical formula, the main thing is to present your associations and try to reflect the whole meaning in them. The funnier they are, the better.

– How then can you not forget invented words or your own associations?

– Our memory is designed in such a way that information with a strong emotional coloring, as well as information related to our experience, is remembered very well - sometimes just reading and “coding” is enough. By the way, if you teach in company, then there will be much more associations and emotions. However, repetition of material can be unavoidable. The use of mnemonics reduces the required number of repetitions.

– Can you give me an approximate algorithm of actions? Now, if you have some kind of theorem in front of you that you need to remember, and you keep getting confused about everything. How would you structure your actions?

– If you have time: you need to try to understand it, maybe take notes, sketch causes and consequences, logical transitions, find about it in another source where it is more easily written. Then use mnemonics: symbolically sketch basic concepts and transitions or the situation of their use. Repeat immediately after inventing, after 20 minutes, then after another 8 hours and 24 hours, after a few days.

If there is no time to understand: learn verbatim, you can use symbolization of each word in the formulation of the theorem. Using other senses also helps, for example, you can record a theorem on a voice recorder and then listen to it.

– Can you tell me more about the “symbolization of each word”? Maybe with a specific example.

- Look here. Vieta's theorem for unreduced quadratic equations. The square represents a quadratic equation. This square was not given - unreduced. Square roots are the roots of an equation: at the bottom they are summed, at the top they are multiplied. Sum of roots - division of the second coefficient by the first with a negative sign (thermometer). Multiplication of roots - by analogy, division of the third by the first coefficient (so what, it’s a free term, not a coefficient), without a negative sign - sun

It may seem like complete nonsense, but, as has already been said, everything strange and funny is well remembered. For example, my friend remembered the capital of Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan, like this: “People in bandanas are running and then a mudslide hits them.” I have been remembering this association for several years now.

– What other methods are there that are the most effective?

– There are those same memory palaces, or palaces of memory, which became popular thanks to the series “Sherlock”. Their simplified and original version is “Cicero’s road”.

Let's say we need to remember the types of structural analysis of organic compounds: crystallography, elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, NMR and UV spectroscopy.

1.Necessary imagine a familiar road/path with all the details: stops, shops, trees. The home-school road is well suited.

2.Necessary associate each species structural analysis with something on this road. For me it will be: the “Crystal” cinema (crystallography), where the film “The Fifth Element” (elemental analysis) is showing. I’m standing at a traffic light - the red one (infrared) quickly turns on, there’s a fairly massive fence near the school (mass spectroscopy), on the ground floor there’s a computer science room - they often talk about nuclei (NMR). In the second biology class (UV there), I usually go to the third floor. Thus, I associated all the species with familiar places and even kept their order.

3. It is necessary imagine your path and try to remember everything.

– What about the numbers?

– Oh, there’s a cool method here for remembering numbers, like dates, or the periodization of something. It lies in the fact that we We replace each number with a word, whose length is equal to the value. Zero can be replaced with an exclamation mark. For example: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov (1886 - 1921) is remade into “And I offended the poetess Akhmatova with my trips, oh me.”