Taurus woman: who is she and what kind of man does she need? What character do women born under the zodiac sign of Taurus have?

Before getting married, young people are interested in what the spouse of a certain zodiac sign will be like. The wife of the zodiac sign Taurus - what is she like? Taurus women are often charming and graceful; in addition, they have a special charm and mystery that attracts men.

If your wife's horoscope is Taurus

After a Taurus woman becomes a wife, she immediately begins to take care of her husband and household. Oddly enough, the seemingly obstinate woman is an excellent housewife and caring wife. She often wants more than one child, enjoys raising the baby, and devotes a lot of time and effort to him.

In addition, the Taurus wife is sensitive to both her parents and her husband’s relatives in general. She seriously honors traditions and does not criticize her husband's family. Never allows her husband to speak negatively about his parents, which often leads to quarrels in new family. That is why a man who has chosen a Taurus as his wife is obliged to honor her old family.

Such a woman will negatively perceive the slightest jokes at the expense of her mother and will suppress any such attempts. Such affection is shown not only to her relatives; the wife of the zodiac sign Taurus shows special care and attention to her husband’s relatives. She will be happy to care for her sick mother-in-law for as long as necessary.

What kind of housewife and wife will Taurus be?

The Taurus wife tries her best to put things in order in the house; she often sets exaggerated goals and tries to achieve them. Almost all of them are workaholics, they love their work and manage several things at the same time. She can handle several tasks at the same time, because she hardly spares herself. Such dedication must necessarily be motivated by the love and support of loved ones, since if this does not happen, Taurus’s zeal will sharply go in a different direction.

The Taurus woman is looking for a husband worthy of her potential and talents, but almost always emotions win and they marry the person they love. As a mother, she is not strict enough, so the children do not listen to her very much and are not afraid of her. She is never too demanding, which leads to serious resentment on her part in the future. She constantly spoils the children and allows them everything.

Among all the zodiac signs, the Taurus woman is the most beautiful and desirable for the opposite sex. She has strong sexual energy and attractiveness, so she is always the center of attention. Nature also generously endowed her with a host of other qualities, including: determination, wisdom, perseverance and talent. Representatives of this Zodiac are quite ambitious and they like competition, but they are not fanatical, and will not strive to stand out in society by any means.

Taurus girls are realists, they do not create illusions, and do not dream of something transcendental or inadequate. Their ideas about life are extremely clear and coincide with the opinions of most people. Taurus always follow the rules and try to avoid conflicts, so they get along well in society and easily join new groups.

“A real woman” is the characteristic of the Taurus sign. Its representative behaves with dignity and restraint, and does not speak in a harsh or rude manner. Thanks to enormous patience and iron will, it is difficult to make a girl lose her temper. But, despite the colossal endurance, to shake the psychological balance and cause violent reaction maybe an unfounded claim, criticism or a reckless joke. Taurus, who have been repeatedly offended, become vindictive, domineering, and sometimes even unbearable with age.

The beautiful half of humanity, born under this sign, does not strive for intellectual knowledge, but mainly gain life experience and gain necessary information as you grow older. Such women are not prone to spontaneous actions or crazy actions. Before deciding to take any action, they will carefully think through and analyze their actions. And this concerns various fields life, be it personal relationships, work or travel.

Appearance and behavior

To look beautiful, a Taurus girl does not need to put in a lot of effort, because... She is naturally always attractive and fresh. This zodiac sign has a sense of style, skillfully combines outfits, chooses high-quality cosmetics and good perfume. When a girl walks down the street, men involuntarily stare at her radiant skin, thick, neatly styled hair and graceful movements.

Despite the fact that Taurus look "expensive", they do not spend fabulous amounts on themselves. sums of money, but manage to fit within a limited budget. The only one weak point Women love jewelry, and sometimes it’s difficult for them to restrain themselves from making expensive purchases. But it should be taken into account that such cases arise extremely rarely, and in any case they are deliberate, because Taurus do not like to go into debt, but would rather save on ordinary things.

In their youth, individuals of this zodiac sign have slim figure and lush breasts, but after marriage they often “relax”. Almost every Taurus girl is prone to being overweight, so in order to stay in good shape, she needs to watch her diet and exercise. However, a lady of this zodiac sign, even with curvaceous figures, remains beautiful, and still attracts men.

Work and financial income

Taurus women love a “beautiful” life and want to be financially secure so as not to deny themselves anything. At the same time, they do not strive to get a rich man, but achieve everything themselves. Despite their sophistication and extreme femininity, representatives of this zodiac sign know how and love to work. Self-control, patience and enormous willpower help them soar with ease. career ladder and achieve great success in work.

Taurus is scrupulous about choice future profession, because In addition to material income, a girl needs to receive moral satisfaction from work. She will never do anything she doesn't like. The following professions are suitable for this Zodiac:

  • Social worker;
  • psychologist;
  • pharmacist;
  • secretary.

Despite their love of luxury, Taurus women know how to manage money wisely. She is afraid of the thought of lack of finances, so she is used to saving a certain amount for a “rainy day.” Also, ladies of this zodiac often invest cash, but by no means in risky projects. They are focused on the long term, and only 2 areas can interest them - art and real estate.

Romantic relationship

A girl under the sign of Taurus knows exactly what kind of man she wants as a partner, so she usually looks for him on her own. First of all, it is important for her to have common interests, and beauty and manners fade into the background. In addition, the desire to achieve a prosperous life pushes representatives of this Zodiac to search for a promising guy who will be equally hardworking and purposeful.

Taurus cannot stand annoying suitors, and do not even consider the possibility of building relationships with them. Also, women will not pay attention to men who do not take care of their appearance, constantly complain about life, and have no specific goals for the future. Thanks to their developed intuition, they immediately recognize unsuitable gentlemen and, without hesitation, weed them out.

The Taurus horoscope predetermines a zealous character and a possessive nature. A wise and reserved girl under this sign long time will remain silent about her suspicions and hide her feelings of mistrust, but at one moment the cup will overflow, and her chosen one will have a hard time. Over time, she will be able to forgive an unfaithful man, but will not miss the opportunity to remind her of this during a quarrel.

Taurus are passionate lovers - every guy will be happy to have such a wife. In bed they behave relaxed and are ready to experiment. These women know how to give pleasure to their man, but they demand the same in return, and if they don’t receive this, they can break off the relationship or find a lover.

Most strong relationships girls of the Zodiac Taurus can build relationships with representatives of the signs Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn and Virgo. There can also be a good union with a Taurus man, because... they have a lot in common, but their life together will be full of conflicts based on money and jealousy.

Family relationships

The Taurus woman believes that the head of the family should be a man, so she does not even pretend to be a leader. She respects her husband and supports him in everything. The house of a representative of this sign is cozy, clean and comfortable. She warmly welcomes guests and sets a luxurious table for them, but on the condition that the visit has been discussed in advance.

Children in the life of a Taurus girl have special meaning. She takes care of them with pleasure, devotes all her love to them, and also devotes almost everything free time. Children see reliable protection and support in their mother. She builds trusting relationships with both daughters and sons that last throughout her life.

Taurus Zodiac wives who truly love their spouses are faithful and devoted to them. However, by nature this sign prone to polygamy. Its representatives often have lovers, and there can be several of them at once. Such love of Taurus negatively affects their family life, and often leads to a break in relationships.

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People born under the sign of Taurus are calm and balanced. Outwardly, they seem absolutely calm, but still you should not test their patience, because their anger is almost always terrible. Men and women born under this sign have strong energy. And what it says about her character is that she is not distinguished by impulsiveness, she accepts carefully

all your decisions, thoroughly thinking through every little detail. She is sensitive, has an excellent memory and is extremely scrupulous. This last trait is often mistaken by others for pettiness.

In career

A woman born under the sign of the element Earth has a natural acumen that allows her to quickly make useful contacts and move up the career ladder. The brightest representatives of this sign can expect successful political career, they will prove themselves in science and will not go unnoticed in commercial or government agencies. The Taurus woman has refined taste, she is attracted by elegance and grace. Thanks to such talents there can be a wave successful career designer, florist, hairdresser or cosmetologist. The love for jewelry and all kinds of adornments opens up prospects in the trade of stones.

Taurus woman. Financial characteristics

This sign, like any other representative of the Earth element, loves money very much. Sometimes he may seem overly economical and even tight-fisted, but this is not so.

In fact, Taurus treat money with reverence because of its ability to work, “spin” and, thereby, accumulate. When investing in some business, they will not be too lazy to calculate all the risks, even read the horoscope for tomorrow. Taurus women often evaluate others by their material wealth, which is why they have the goal of earning as much as possible. They surround themselves with many expensive things and exquisite souvenirs, sometimes turning their home into a branch of the museum. The girl willingly spends money on herself, on her beloved, on her home, and is in no hurry to share even with those closest to her.

Taurus woman. Health characteristics

Like any other sign, the Taurus woman has weak areas in her body. These include the back, legs, neck and throat. That is why they often suffer from respiratory and colds, sore throat and pneumonia. It is worth sticking to a diet to keep your weight and blood pressure under control. As you age, problems with the blood vessels in your legs may arise, for example varicose veins or thrombophlebitis. By the way, Taurus rarely get sick, but once the disease has struck, it will be quite severe and protracted, and after that it will take a long time to recover.

Taurus woman. Characteristics in love

This sign is not characterized by pressure; a woman will never go on the attack first. She will look closely at the subject of her attention for a long time, study it from all sides, and only then decide whether to continue acquaintance. He clearly distinguishes sincerity from falsehood; if you suspect the latter, he mercilessly breaks off all relationships.

Zodiac sign Taurus woman characteristics

Date of birth: from April 20 to May 20, Planet: Venus, Element: Earth, Color: emerald green

Day: Friday, Stone: Emerald, Motto: I have, Energy: Yin,

Zodiac Taurus woman Ruled by the planet Venus, sensuality and practicality are the main qualities of this sign. Taurus are resistant to adversity and difficulties, sometimes even stubborn, which can be annoying. These qualities greatly help Taurus in overcoming difficult periods of life; the emotional strength that is given to them forces others to take into account the opinion of the Taurus woman. You should not perceive Taurus as a soft and submissive person, yes, she has beautiful appearance, but she can easily go on the attack if provoked. She has a rather hot and quick temper, has her own opinion, which is not so easy to change, which emphasizes her strength of character. The symbol of this zodiac sign is the bull, and this characterizes her as calm, unhurried, and at the same time she has an explosive character, which is hidden under slowness. Zodiac Taurus woman confidently moves towards her goals, easily accepts life experiences, and quickly learns from both her own and others’ mistakes.

Astrologer's advice: The description of the zodiac sign will be much more specific if you take into account the year of birth and the section of the ancient Chinese calendar. Go to the corresponding page -

But the basis of a Taurus woman’s character is still: good nature and love for others, conflicts with her are rare, zodiac sign Taurus woman strives for balance and harmony in life. She loves nature and for her, there is nothing better than living in a house located in a picturesque corner. She is smart, and her intelligence will be appreciated by her friends, for whom she will be very hospitable and friendly. She loves stability, and her way of life will be subject to order.

The element of earth gives Taurus rationalism and practicality, which ensures material well-being in life.

Zodiac sign Taurus woman sex and relationships

The Ox loves pleasure and affection and is stubborn towards coercion and force. Zodiac Taurus woman loyal and reliable and may appear a little reserved. She is sensual and feminine, but firm and strong-willed. You can trust her and count on her help. Taurus attracts men with their natural beauty and calmness, and this is their main weapon. They do not hysteria in vain and adequately perceive any problems; jealousy without reason is alien to them. These qualities attract men and many consider her as a future wife married. Zodiac Taurus woman very loyal and will never give a reason to doubt it. Treat her fairly and you won't have to deal with her stubbornness at full force. It may seem to you that you conquered her very quickly, but this is unlikely. She is selective in her partners and it takes some time for her to be able to understand and evaluate a person. Don't rush things until she's sure what she's done right choice. Tender and sensual, Taurus woman loves romantic courtship, walks under the stars and candlelight dinners - this is what they will enjoy. She is well-mannered, gentle, thoughtful, and diligently avoids intrigue.

Passionate and tender Taurus Woman will be able to give great pleasure to her partner in bed.

Her lover will be surprised by her ingenuity and good physical fitness, her endurance is unmatched. Sex with a Taurus woman is a deep and sensual experience. She prefers gentle foreplay and long sex, which will provide an opportunity to better feel pleasure. She may be shy when it comes to suggesting new positions, but will usually be willing to accept your ideas.

Zodiac sign Taurus woman most compatible with the zodiacs: , and .

Zodiac Taurus woman and money

Zodiac Taurus woman not stingy, but pragmatic, strives for financial independence. She loves to save money and all her purchases will be thought out and based on real needs and opportunities. Risky financial transactions Taurus woman doesn't even consider it. Being practical zodiac Taurus woman will choose Best offer in relation: price - quality. The Taurus woman, as a rule, is financially literate, and it is unlikely that you will be able to deceive them. She knows very well how it works credit system and can quickly choose the best option if needed.

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to study monthly and annual horoscopes for all zodiac signs. An astrological forecast will help you decide best solution on many issues. Interesting and useful. Go to .

Zodiac sign Taurus woman sex and family

Taurus Woman good mother, but strict, demands obedience and good behavior from her children. Zodiac Taurus woman has a good memory and will try to pass it on to his children family traditions, instilled in her by her parents. She is sentimental to a certain extent, but her feelings are controlled by her. She is hardworking and does not like laziness, and of course she will cultivate this quality in her children. Zodiac Taurus woman will be for his children best friend, for life and until the end of his life will help and protect them.

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Taurus woman horoscope

Taurus woman: appearance

Taurus women, as a rule, have curvaceous and attractive feminine figures; they have a thin waist, rounded hips, and large breasts. Even if they are overweight (and this is what most often happens), this does not spoil them at all. They are always charming and fresh, their movements are smooth and graceful, their soft, calm gaze is attractive. Taurus women have a well-developed sense of smell, they do not like to smoke, and they know how to choose the most suitable perfumes and cosmetics for their individual image.

Taurus woman - behavior characteristics

It is pleasant to communicate with women of this zodiac sign, they are smart, pleasant and subtle interlocutors, grateful listeners who do not allow themselves to speak rudely and categorically about anyone, they behave calmly, without showing unnecessary emotions. But if people start objecting to them, such ladies can quickly lose peace of mind. They respond adequately to reasoned claims and remarks, but, as the horoscope warns, the Taurus woman is capable of transforming into a real fury if someone allows herself to be nagged over trifles or for no reason at all.

The most great joys in the life of women born under this sign are home, children and favorite work. They strive for nature with all their souls, and if in Everyday life there is no possibility for this, they try to compensate for this circumstance by breeding indoor plants. The lifestyle of Taurus women cannot be called active; they were born for something completely different.

Zodiac sign Taurus - woman in work and career

It would be unfair to imagine these incredibly feminine creatures as white-handed and sissies. Taurus women love and know how to work, and are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to their favorite work. Strong will, incredible patience and excellent self-control help them achieve success. Taurus women strive to be well-off financially, so they try to choose activities that would bring them good income. At the same time, they choose what they really like, otherwise they simply will not be able to force themselves to work at full capacity and achieve the desired results. Taurus people don’t work “just like that”, serving work time: They certainly need to feel satisfaction from the results of their activities.

Taurus woman in love

Most Taurus women are polygamous by nature and can have several partners at the same time. It is noteworthy that each of them can be equally dear to them, and they are afraid of losing each one. But, if a woman of this sign truly falls in love, the other half will have no reason to doubt her marital fidelity; she becomes a reliable and incredibly devoted friend.

Taurus woman in sex

Taurus women are famous for their femininity; tactile sensations and physical contact are extremely important to them. They do not like primitive sex - as well as any manifestations of artlessness. Ladies of this sign are very demanding in this regard. sensitive issue and they can “drive” a man in bed to the point of a squeezed lemon, but at the same time the partner will experience maximum pleasure and will not regret one bit that he got such a tireless girlfriend. The Taurus woman herself experiences no less range of sensations in bed.

Taurus woman in marriage

Many men dream of life partners like Taurus women in marriage. Many representatives of this zodiac sign see their life mission in arranging their family nest. The character of a Taurus woman does not allow her to marry just anyone; she places high demands on her future husband, but she herself becomes a reliable partner for him, an excellent mother of his children and a skillful, zealous housewife. Such a wife will never encroach on her husband’s self-esteem and will readily concede to him the right to be the head of the family. At the same time, she behaves with great dignity and does not allow anyone to humiliate the woman and person in her.

Zodiac signs: Taurus woman - mistress of the house

For the most part, Taurus women are excellent housewives; there are few of them in the Zodiac. Their house is always literally licked clean, but that’s not all: being the owners of a delicate taste, Taurus are able to skillfully beat the most unprofitable layout, create a beautiful and cozy interior, being limited by very modest financial resources. Their home always smells nice and there will most likely be a lot of flowers in it. These women are thrifty, do not allow themselves to waste money and manage to turn the house into full cup, making sure that loved ones do not need anything. They are always happy to receive dear guests, who will certainly be treated generously and tasty - but only if they came at their invitation.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman - mother

The importance of motherhood for Taurus women is difficult to overestimate. It is to children that such a mother tends to devote all her free time. Children can always count on her help - business, advice, moral support. The closeness of the relationship between mothers and children continues when they grow up. At the same time, the Taurus woman can be very, very demanding and even turn into a loving tyrant. However, what cannot be taken away from her is that she will show children by personal example what love and selfless devotion to family is.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Taurus, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Virgo - great gift for a Taurus woman, but in this case it’s better not to even think about jewelry. A win-win option - any beautiful objects that have aesthetic value that decorate your home, workplace; for example, beautiful dishes, cute flower pots. People of the Taurus zodiac sign are very sensual, and if a gift is pleasant to the touch or emits a subtle aroma, then it will delight you doubly. It is difficult to make a mistake when presenting a Taurus woman with an original sweet gift, for example, a chocolate bouquet - she will certainly appreciate such an offering.