Chinese pregnant card. Why is the Chinese conception calendar interesting and is it possible to plan the sex of a child using it?

When planning a pregnancy, future parents are concerned about a number of issues. One of the most common questions is the gender of the baby. How to calculate the date of conception so that a boy or a girl is born? To help answer this question the oldest Chinese table will come to identify gender characteristics.

This table is over 700 years old; it was found near Beijing in a crypt. To find out the sex of the unborn baby, you need to select in the column the age of the mother at which the child will be conceived, and in the row select the month in which conception is planned; at the intersection of the column and line there will be either the letter “m” - a boy, or “d” - a girl .

Numerology, who will be born a boy or a girl

There is another scheme for identifying the gender of the unborn baby, which was developed in numerology. To determine the gender using this scheme, you need to write the mother’s name and her maiden name and the father’s name with the surname, then write in letters the month the baby was conceived. Then match the letters of the names and surnames of the future parents, as well as the letters of the month, with the numbers according to the table. Add all the numbers and divide the resulting result by the number 7. If the result is obtained with a remainder, then the remainder is discarded. If after all the mathematical operations the result is a multiple of two, then a girl will be born, and if not a multiple of two, a boy will be born.

Table for determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents

The method of determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents is not 100% accurate, but it is popular among pregnant women. This method lies in the fact that the sex of the unborn baby can be determined by correlating the blood groups and Rh factor of the future father and mother. For this purpose, specialists have developed a special table.

Calculating the sex of the unborn child using the Chinese method

You can also calculate the baby’s gender using two Japanese tables. In order for the result to be most reliable, you only need to know three numbers:
- in what month the mother was born (first digit);
- in what month the father was born (second digit);
- the month of conception itself (third digit).
The first table is needed to determine the number from 1 to 12. It can be determined by comparing the birth months of both parents. In the second table, you should find the number (the result from the first table) and compare it with the month of conception. In this line, crosses will mark the chances of the birth of either a boy or a girl. This technique is most relevant for those parents who are at the planning stage of conceiving a baby.

Table “boy or girl” for blood renewal

This technique is very common, and most importantly free. Its essence lies in the fact that the blood of both males and females is renewed with a certain periodicity. For women, the typical frequency of blood renewal is once every four years, and for men, blood is renewed more often - once every three years. But it must be remembered that sometimes this process may not occur on the date planned by the body, for example, when serious volumes of blood are lost (for example, donating blood, transfusion, surgery, etc.). Therefore, when calculating, it is necessary to take into account such nuances.

Future parents and those who are planning to become one in the very near future are, of course, interested in the question: will nature give them a boy or a girl? The exact answer can only be given by medical method- ultrasound examination, however, it is not possible to determine this in the minimum stages of pregnancy. At the same time, many use so-called “folk” methods of determining the sex of the unborn baby, which give one or another result.

Application for iPhone and iPad to determine the gender of the child

With our application, you can easily determine the gender of your unborn child using the tests presented. Calculating the sex of the child using these methods will allow you to choose the right month to conceive a boy or girl, and also, without waiting for an ultrasound, find out the sex of the child when you are already pregnant.
Thanks to the interactive calculator, you will find out the answers to many questions regarding the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth. Now you will know exactly when your baby will be able to move his fingers, respond to touch, and hear your voice.

The most ancient of all non-medical ways to find out who will be born in the near future is to use the Chinese horoscope to determine the gender of the child. For thousands of years, the Chinese have resorted to the help of the Conception Calendar, which, according to the assurances of the wisest, gives an accurate result of 98%. These data were also confirmed by researchers from the Beijing Institute, which were carried out over a long period of time among many volunteers.

How to determine the gender of a child using the Chinese horoscope

The Chinese horoscope for determining the gender of a child, which is a conception calendar, makes it possible to determine the gender of a child who has already been conceived, or to plan a pregnancy and the desired gender of the baby before the moment of conception. The technique is based on the dependence of the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception. Chinese sages It was common to believe that the sex of the unborn baby depended only on the woman. The upper horizontal part of the table contains numbers indicating months (from 1 to 12), which correspond to the lunar year. The vertical side of the table contains numbers indicating the age of the expectant mother (from 18 to 45) at the time of conception.

The intersection of horizontal and vertical values ​​(woman’s age and month of conception) falls on one of the cells pink color, meaning the birth of a girl, or blue, meaning the birth of a boy. The color of the cells was added later, when Europeans began to use the Chinese horoscope for determining the sex of a child. And the Chinese initially used hieroglyphs for designation.

The Chinese method of calculating mother's age differs from the common European method. However, most resources on the Internet that describe the Chinese calendar do not clarify this fact, which leads to errors in calculations and
predicted results. The fact is that calculating the baby’s age in European countries begins from the moment of birth, and in China a child is born at nine months old. That is, his date of birth is the date of his conception, and our newborn baby in China will be considered almost one year old, and children born on the same day, but on different countries, will have different ages.

The same thing happens with the calculation of maternal age if the Chinese horoscope for determining the sex of the child is used for the calculation.

The accuracy of determining the sex of the baby depends on the correct calculation of maternal age. That is, expectant mothers must add another year to their full age and find the resulting number in the column. The accuracy of this technique is considered quite high, but still, you should not rely too much on the data obtained. Probably, this serves more for entertainment and to satisfy the interest of future parents.

The age calculation for the table is as follows: to full years the mother should add 1 year at the time of conception. Chinese New Year from the beginning of the first month according to the table:

  • 2012: 23.01;
  • 2013: 10.02;
  • 2014: 31.01;
  • 2015: 02/19.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the most reliable way is to determine the sex of the child by ultrasound. Modern research technologies give future parents very great opportunities that our grandmothers could not even dream of - now with the help of ultrasound you can see the sex of the child in the photo during an ultrasound, moreover, you can make a video!

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child

  • in men, blood is replaced once every 4 years;
  • and for women - 1 time every 3 years.

The calculation must be carried out from the date of birth.

The essence of this theory is that the “new” blood is stronger and defeats the “older”. The child will have the gender of the parent whose blood at the time of conception is “stronger” - newer.

The ratio of the mother's age at the time of conception and the time of year affects the sex of the child (ancient Chinese method). There is a so-called “Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a future child” (Table 1). According to the sites that publish it, and there are a couple of dozen of them on the Internet, it “guarantees 99% accuracy.” The table was hidden in a temple near Beijing 700 years ago. Currently, the original is in the Institute of Sciences in Beijing. Using the table is simple - you need to combine the mother's age at the time of conception (vertical) with the month of conception (horizontal). (F - female; M - male) But a simple survey of visitors to one of the sites showed that the table data agreed in the ratio 50x50% plus or minus 2%. Which, in principle, corresponds to the natural balance between the sexes that exists in nature without any tables. A mini-survey of parents at the playground showed the same thing.

The ratio of mother's and father's months of birth determines the sex of the child (Japanese method)

Example: the husband was born in June, and the wife in October. For this case, according to

It is also possible to determine the sex of the unborn child based on the blood type and Rh factor of his parents. Although, these methods are very contradictory and can hardly be trusted. Both methods are presented below.

Table No. 1 gender of the child according to the blood type of the parents:

In front of you are two tables. In the first, find the month of your birth, as well as the month of birth of the father of the unborn child. At the intersection of your data you will find a number. Remember it and go to the second table.

Japanese method of planning the sex of a child.

Reviews of the Chinese table Let's consider the reviews real people who used the method of determining the sex of the child:

Today you can find many reviews about the table. Some say that it does not work and the test is erroneous, while others are completely delighted and claim that their child’s gender coincided with the data from this table, and more than once. There are many interesting tables and calculations that help you find out who you will have, but you cannot trust them one hundred percent. Scientists have never found the best way to plan the gender of the baby in advance. Only with an ultrasound will future parents find out who will be born. But sometimes even an ultrasound can be wrong, or the child will lie in such a position that it will be impossible to discern its gender.

But we can say for sure that when the baby is born, you will know its gender 100%. And during pregnancy, it’s better to get ready to meet your child. And it doesn’t matter at all who you have, because the most important thing is that you meet, and that the birth goes well and easily. Any medical calculations, signs, tables and beliefs can be wrong, so you cannot trust them completely. It is best not to plan the sex of the child, but get all the tests done to prepare your body well for bearing the baby, so that he is born strong and healthy. Many parents admit that even if they were expecting a boy, but a girl appears, they are no less happy and love their child very much. After all, this is the greatest happiness of our life, for which we are ready to do anything.

In order to predict in advance the birth of a boy or girl, you can use a folk technique based on the theory of parental blood renewal.

The blood renewal theory states that in men and women the blood is regularly renewed, but in women this happens more often. It is necessary to divide the total number of years of the future father by 3, and the age of the future mother must be divided by 4. Compare the numbers obtained as a result of the calculations. If the father's number is lower, the likelihood of a boy being born increases. If the mother's number is lower, the couple may have a girl.

In ancient times, there was no ultrasound, and our ancestors could not calculate the sex of the child with one hundred percent accuracy. They made observations, recorded the results, passing on their own conclusions from generation to generation. Thus, a calendar for determining the sex of a child arose. Each nation has its own. The calendar does not guarantee the birth of a child of one gender or another. Most often, it is built on the principle of guessing based on many years of observations and the living conditions of this people. Nevertheless, using the calendar, you can predict with a certain percentage probability the birth of a girl or boy.

Calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child

There are many ways to help calculate the date of conception. One of them is an ovulation calculator. This calculator should only be used if a woman has a stable menstrual cycle, and each month of the cycle lasts the same number of days. It is enough to enter into the calculator the month and year of the planned pregnancy, the date and number of days of the last menstruation, and it will give the result. There is an error with this calculation, because the body of each expectant mother is individual, and the date of ovulation can occur between 8 and 16 days menstrual cycle, so it is difficult to accurately predict the birth of a boy or girl. The gynecological calendar for determining the sex of a child involves calculating the probability of conceiving a baby of one gender or another, based on the date of ovulation. The author of the technique is considered to be the Polish doctor Frantisek Benedo. Sperm are responsible for the formation of the sex of the child: those with the Y chromosome are for a boy, those with the X chromosome are for a girl. Sperm with a Y chromosome move faster and live shorter lives than their “female” counterparts. Viability depends on the acidity of the female genital organs. Approximately two to three days before ovulation, it changes from alkaline to acidic, which is beneficial for “female” sperm. These days, the likelihood of conceiving a girl is higher. In more early period higher chance of conceiving a boy.

How to determine the date of ovulation?

To use the gynecological calendar, you need to determine the exact date of ovulation. The most accurate method is to calculate the date based on the results of measuring basal temperature. It takes 3-5 months to measure it to accurately determine on which days temperature jumps occur. Before ovulation, body temperature rises to 37 °C, and on the day of ovulation itself it is at its highest and can sometimes reach 37.4 - 37.6 °C. The data is recorded in a special schedule by day, let’s call it “Child Gender Determination Calendar.” If ovulation occurs the same number of days from the start of the cycle, you can plan the sex of the child. It all depends on which chromosome, “female” or “male,” gets to the egg first. Dr. Shettles published in the 60s. 20th century research, which claimed that the method of calculating sex by ovulation (gynecological method) works with an accuracy of 75-90%. The calendar for determining the sex of a child makes it possible to trace patterns in the menstrual cycle and plan sexual activity based on this married couple. For the method to work effectively, it is necessary not only to observe the time interval relative to the date of ovulation during conception, but also the depth of penetration. In order to have a girl, he recommends having sex a certain number of days before the date of ovulation with shallow penetration and vice versa. In the first case, there is a high probability for the X chromosome to be the first to reach the egg, in the second case, for the Y chromosome.

Vanga calendar: determining the sex of a child

This table implies the dependence of the child’s sex on the month of conception and the age of the mother. It was compiled by Vanga’s student Lyudmila Kim. In order to calculate the sex of the unborn baby, you need to select a row with the year of birth of the mother and a column with the month in which conception is planned. The cell at the intersection will indicate the gender of the baby. Let's denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:

How to determine the gender of a child using the Chinese calendar?

The Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child has the same structure as the Vanga table. The mother's age range is indicated here from 18 to 35 years. The cell at the intersection of the row and column will indicate the gender of the unborn child. Let's denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:

How to determine the gender of a child using the Japanese calendar?

The Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child allows you to find out who will be born by the date of conception. This calendar consists of two tables. The first table uses the birth months of the mother and father of the unborn child. Calendar for determining the gender of a child: part 1 - obtaining a secret code number.

At the intersection of a column and a row, you get a code number that is used in the second table. In the second table, the month of conception of the unborn child and the code number are taken, in the cell at the intersection of the two values ​​the sex of the unborn child is obtained. Calendar for determining the gender of a child: part 2 - determining gender by month of conception and secret code number. Let's denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl.

Which calendar for determining gender is considered the most accurate?

An exact calendar for determining the sex of a child has not yet been created. Of the three above-mentioned calendar tables, none gives a one hundred percent accurate answer. Rather, it's just a coincidence. For the expectant mother, the most important thing is that the child is born absolutely healthy and that the birth takes place without negative consequences for mother and baby. The pregnancy calendar is considered the most accurate - determining the sex of the child using the calculation of the date of ovulation. Based on the fact that the viability of sperm carriers of one sex or another is affected by the acidity of the vagina, you can try to influence the change in acidity by consuming certain foods. Some doctors say that consuming foods that contain potassium and sodium increases the likelihood of having a boy. This effect is associated with the fact that minerals, penetrating into a woman’s blood, affect the acidity of the vagina, changing it to an alkaline environment. Thus, the viability of “male” sperm increases and the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases. From a scientific point of view, not a single calendar for determining the sex of a child is considered reliable.

Folk signs that allow you to predict the gender of the child:

1. Fortune telling using a key. The key must be single without key fobs or rings. If the expectant mother takes the key from the table by its long part, a girl will be born. If she takes the key by the round part, it's a boy. If you take it in the middle, twins will appear.

2. Antique popular belief. If there are already children in the family, you need to remember which parent the baby named first in infancy. When a child calls his mother, a girl will be born; when he calls his father first, a boy will be born.

3. Sign on the nutrition of the expectant mother. If before conception the expectant mother eats sour and salty foods, she will have a boy; if she eats sweet foods, she will have a girl.

4. You need to take a needle with black thread and place it above your palm. Ask the question: “Who will be born to me now?” If the pendulum moves in a straight line, there will be a boy, if in a circle, there will be a girl. If you use a ring as a pendulum, the result is read the other way around.

5. Fortune telling by date of conception. If the month of conception and the year of birth of the mother are even, or both are odd, a girl will be born; if they do not match in parity, there will be a boy. Fortune telling is true for the menstrual cycle from the beginning of the month. For cases where conception occurs in the month of birth of the mother, the result is invalid.

Folk signs that allow you to determine the sex of the baby based on the condition and behavior of the pregnant woman:

1. If during pregnancy you crave sour and salty foods, you will have a boy. If you want to eat something sweet, it’s a girl.

2. If a pregnant woman, when asked to show her hands, turns them palms up, a girl will be born, if down, a boy.

3. A pregnant woman who is expecting the birth of a girl has early stages toxicosis is stronger.

4. A pregnant woman who is expecting the birth of a girl has a higher belly than a woman who is expecting a boy.

5. Fortune telling by belly. Taken wedding ring and hangs on a black thread. The resulting pendulum is placed over the pregnant woman’s belly and the question is asked: “Who will be: a boy or a girl?” If the pendulum spins in a circle, a girl will be born, if in a straight line, a boy will be born.


Believe in folk signs or in the calendar for determining the gender of the child - everyone’s choice. Neither a calendar nor signs will give a 100% result. Before planning a child, it is recommended to visit to the expectant mother a gynecologist, and the married couple must undergo all the necessary tests to exclude hidden infections. This will increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby. And in this case, gender is absolutely not important!

Many women, already as little girls, play at being daughters and mothers and even then know what gender their baby is, whether it is a boy or a girl. Therefore, we can say that on a genetic, subconscious level, a woman knows what gender she would like for her child at a specific moment in her life.

Surely many have heard stories or even personally know women who gave birth to their second and third babies because they really wanted a girl, and before that the older ones were boys. Or vice versa. It is clear that the situation is a little exaggerated, but still, as everyone knows, there is a grain of humor in every joke.

The relevance of our article follows from this situation. Pregnancy is the most amazing time in the life of every woman. No wonder they say that a pregnant woman - the most beautiful woman . If you already carry the most important treasure under your heart or are just planning this most important event in life, and really want a person of a specific gender, the Chinese calendar for determining the gender of the baby will help you. Such a calendar will become a valuable assistant when planning a pregnancy if you want to conceive a child of a particular gender.

Many people now thought, oh, what useless information, because we live in a world modern technologies and an ultrasound machine was invented long ago to determine the sex of the child... But, then we read carefully: ultrasound determines the sex of the child not before 16 weeks and that is unless your treasure turns out to be a little mystery that does not want to be solved or solved.

Many toddlers simply turn their backs away and do not allow them to look at their sexualities. Planning a pregnancy Very important stage in the life of every family and many know exactly what gender of child they would like. In this case, planning is a very important stage.

The Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child will show the gender at any stage using a simple manipulation of the intersection of lines. To calculate the gender of a child according to the Chinese calendar, you will not need to have tremendous knowledge and time. You can find out who lives in your tummy in a matter of seconds. The method has been used for a long time and shows good results.

There are now a lot of calculators on the Internet to calculate the gender of the unborn child, and all you need to do is enter the data in the required fields and see the result. Calculating the floor will be as easy as shelling pears. You only need to enter your date of birth and the month in which you were conceived or are planning to conceive a new life. That's all, then with almost one hundred percent probability, using this method, you will be able to find out the gender of the unborn baby.

To calculate the sex of a child using the Chinese table without the help of an online calculator, you will need to know mother's lunar age, that is, not the mother’s age according to her passport, but her age according to the Moon. We will share with you below how to determine this age.

In Chinese culture, lunar age exceeds passport age. The Chinese count a person's age from the moment of conception, not from the moment of birth. That is, the little man is already born, in their opinion, one year old (the Chinese round up nine months of pregnancy to one year). It's not all surprises. When the New Year begins, all Chinese people add another year to their lunar age. This means that the date of birth does not matter for them when calculating this age. special significance. It turns out that in New Year's Eve All Chinese have a special birthday and on this day they all become a year older. The Chinese have been using this method for many years.

After you find out your lunar age, you will still need to find out the month of conception of your future baby. To obtain this information, you can consult a doctor, using an ultrasound machine, he will determine exact time of conception. And if you carefully planned your pregnancy, then you probably know exactly what month your future little one was conceived.

Externally, the baby gender determination calendar looks like an ordinary table; it consists of a number of columns. Their location is horizontal and vertical.

  1. There are twelve horizontal columns, corresponding to the number of months.
  2. The vertical lines represent the mother's age from 18-45 years.

Then everything is simple: look carefully at the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child. In the column on the left, find your lunar age (the number corresponding to your lunar age). In the row at the top right, find the month of conception. Then just cross these two values ​​and see what letter you get. If you get the letter D, then you are having a girl. If you get the letter M, it means you are carrying a boy under your heart.

How to calculate lunar age, example

Let's say that the girl Alice was born on the first of January, which means she was born before the Chinese New Year celebration. The Chinese celebrate New Year between January 21 and February 21. Exact date depends on the moon, more precisely, on the new moon.

Since Alice’s date of birth fell before the Chinese New Year, after the New Year she will be not one, but two years old. According to the normal calendar, she would be two months old, but according to the Chinese calendar, she would be two years old. This is some unusual arithmetic.

Another example. The girl Katya was born on February 22. At the time of her birth, she, like all Chinese, was one year old; her date of birth fell in the period after the New Year; they will not add another year to her age, which means that on March 1 she will not be 2 years old, like Alice, but one year old.

Accuracy of Ancient Chinese Table

It is difficult to say how accurate the data obtained from this plate is. After all, whether to believe them or not remains a personal matter for everyone. For some, everything comes together and the sex of the child matches, for others everything turns out the other way around. It may be that the table shows a boy, but two girls are born. Moreover, there are no marks on the sign for twins.

With the help of this sign, many couples plan to conceive a child of a certain gender.

It was invented back in ancient times at the same time as Chinese horoscope. Our mothers and grandmothers also used this sign. on everything post-Soviet space . After all, the sign came to Russia a very long time ago.

Conceiving a child of a certain gender directly depends on the woman’s age and the change in blood in her body. So, let's figure out what's what.

A study was conducted based on the use of an ancient Chinese tablet to determine the sex of a child. The Chinese were in charge of it. After this study, the results were concluded that women whose age corresponds to the lunar age of 18 and 20 years are much more likely to give birth to boys. For women of this age, in any month except January and March for 18-year-old expectant mothers, and with the exception of March and October for 20-year-old mothers, the baby will most often be male.

But if you want to conceive a girl, then the lunar age of the expectant mother should be 21, 30, 31, 32 years. For women whose lunar age corresponds to 21, it is most likely to conceive a girl in any month except January. For thirty-year-old women, conceiving a girl is likely in all months except January, November, December. At the ages of 31 and 32, conceiving a girl is possible in all months except March, December and January.

How the ancient Chinese did it

IN ancient China, relying on the traditions of that time, astrologers, sorcerers and fortune tellers made observations and tried to understand how to predict the sex of a baby before the moment of his birth and conception. All data obtained from observations were summarized in tables. A lot of attention was paid to astrology, the location of the stars and, of course, lunar calendar. The meaning was:

  • location of stars;
  • parents' names;
  • year of conception.

Interesting fact: in China, to this day, names for children are not invented by parents, but by old people and monks.

How accurate this table is is up to you to decide, but many couples claim that they were able to determine the gender of the child with one hundred percent accuracy. Of course, as with any non-scientific method, you cannot know for sure what gender your baby will be born. But here we can object to you, because there are still cases when the sex of the child was determined by ultrasound to be one, but the child was born of a different sex. Let us remember, again, if we are talking about multiple pregnancy, this method is absolutely inaccurate and even useless.