What girls think about manhood. Review: Women's reviews of big penises

In terms of length of manhood, Belarusians are leaders among the countries of the former Union. Only 10% of patients who complain about penis size actually need surgical help. About what are the norms of male strength and is it true that a penis can be grown - in frank interview with urologist Ruslan Doroshevich.

Ruslan Doroshevich
urologist-andrologist of the first category medical center"LODE"
Member of the European Society of Urology
Member of the European Society of Sexual Medicine

Among the patients there are those who are dissatisfied with the shape and size of the penis

From a medical point of view, the penis performs three functions: it participates in sexual intercourse, is responsible for reproduction (reproduction of offspring) and urination. Since ancient times, the penis was considered an indicator of male strength and dignity. In many countries there was a cult of the phallus - male power and fertility. Genetic memory is still strong. Most men (including Belarusians) still identify masculinity with the size of the penis.

This is why the problem of penile dysmorphophobia (“men’s locker room syndrome”) is becoming increasingly common. This is a man's dissatisfaction external dimensions and proportions of the penis (shape, specific parts of the organ).

The problem is sensitive, so people are embarrassed to talk about it. Men aged 35-40 who are active often come to me. sex life for many years, but only after reaching mature age, they still decide to seek medical help.

IN last years Young patients from 12 to 25 years old are increasingly coming. It's really " Golden time”, when you can actively and very successfully influence the size of the penis.

I had a 30-year-old client who faced a similar problem. He explained that he was married and quite successful, but there was one “but”. It seemed to him that the vein on the penis was too visible, although his wife was happy with everything. Medical indicators were also in order. Several doctors to whom the patient approached said the same thing, but the meaning was as follows: “Don’t do nonsense, you lived with this vein for so many years, move on and be happy!” But he wanted to remove it. As a result, the patient did plastic surgery and was pleased. Inner comfort and confidence in such intimate matters are also important.

About what degree of curvature is the norm

If we go into the forest, we will see that there are almost no absolutely straight and even trees in the forest, and this is normal and healthy. As for the penis, it's the same. The norm would be either perfectly straight (rare cases) or deviated in one direction or another up to 30 degrees. It is believed that most often a man's penis bends slightly upward, less often - downward.

If the curvature is more than 30 degrees, then not only the man, but also his partner may experience discomfort. In some cases, sexual intercourse itself is impossible when the penis is curved by 60-70 degrees or more. Here we are clearly talking about a disease that requires treatment.

Standards of masculinity

The length of the penis can be measured in 3 states: 1) at rest, 2) when stretched by the head of the penis, 3) during erection. I will give several examples of the length of an erect penis.

Today average length penis for a European is 12.5-13.4 centimeters. A penis less than 8 cm is considered small, less than 4-2 cm is a micropenis. A penis of 10(12)-17 cm is considered normal, 17-21 cm is considered large, and more than 21 cm is considered gigantic. Moreover, 8-10 centimeters are enough to satisfy a woman. This is the minimum from which you should start.

Often patients come with a penis length of 14-16 centimeters and think that they have a smaller deviation from the norm.

As a doctor, I am for people to have fewer complexes. After all, dissatisfaction leads men to low self-esteem, in some cases to depression and, as a consequence, late entry into relationships (sexual and family life).

The doctor explains that before you panic, you can measure your penis. This needs to be done correctly. The length of the penis should be measured at right angles to its own axis (that is, to the pubis) with a soft tailor's ruler, which will repeat all the curves of the penis, in a calm state (from the base to the very tip of the head), then during an erection.

To reassure patients, I often tell them that in a recent study (2012), Belarusians are the leaders in the length of manhood among countries former USSR. Of 113 countries in the world, residents of the African continent are in first place in this indicator (18.03 centimeters). While the average Belarusian has a penis length of 14.63 centimeters, a Ukrainian has 13.97 centimeters, and a Russian has 13.3 centimeters. Our men in this regard are second only to Georgians, whose figure reaches 16.

What to do if a man notices a curvature or is confused by the length

The doctor explains that if you have any doubts or dissatisfaction, it is better to see a doctor. You need to have photographs of your penis with you in an erect state, and also know its length in an erect state. It is advisable to take a photo from several angles (top, left, right, bottom).

In this case, the doctor will be able to objectively assess the degree of curvature and length of the penis. The treatment tactics will largely depend on these indicators: conservative or surgical.

Of the 100% of my patients who seek help because they are embarrassed about the size of their penis, only about 10% need help. surgical treatment. About every third or fourth person is indicated for conservative treatment, while for the rest it is “men’s locker room syndrome.” People simply note other parameters in someone and “try them on” for themselves. Many men do not take into account that a person’s height and other physiological data matter in this matter.

If the penis is smaller than normal, the doctor also prescribes a sex hormone test for the patient. Highest value The male sex hormone, testosterone, plays a role in the size of the penis.

For example, excess weight(excess adipose tissue) helps stimulate growth in male body female sex hormones, which also affects the size of the penis. In addition, excess fatty tissue in the pubic area causes part of the penis to be hidden.

IN modern world There is a large number of conservative tactics that help achieve penis enlargement. It is not necessary to have surgery right away.

The doctor explains that a man’s penis actively grows from 12 to 17 years of age. From 17 to 25, growth continues, but not as actively. That is why, up to the age of 25, you can easily achieve its increase even with the help of conservative methods. In most cases, they also allow mature men (over 25-30 years old) to achieve success.

After hormonal tests, hormonal therapy is sometimes prescribed, and this leads to a positive result. Another type of conservative treatment is stretching the corpora cavernosa of the penis using a special device - an extender. However, this must be done strictly on the doctor’s recommendation and in accordance with the instructions.

Male strength also depends on nutrition

Strong men's health promotes not only an active lifestyle, but also proper nutrition. Seafood is healthy ( seaweed, marine and ocean fish, mussels, shrimp, oysters). Foods rich in zinc and selenium are ideal. From Belarusian: dried white pumpkin seeds and zucchini.

Often men themselves focus a lot of attention on this topic, while their partners are happy with everything.

In 2006, a study was conducted: experts asked men and women about satisfaction with the penis. 85% of women said that they were satisfied with absolutely everything about their partner (including the length of the penis). While among men who were completely satisfied with their penis, there was only 55%. Of 100% of women, only 2% reported that they would like their partner to increase their penis size. While 45% of men would like to increase their penis size.

The same applies to the duration of sexual intercourse. Some patients ask the doctor about the norm in this delicate matter.

There is no clear norm up to a minute, up to a second. The only rule: in intimate relationships everything, including the duration of sex, should suit both sexual partners. Only too short sexual intercourse (less than 2 minutes) is considered a pathology. Here we're talking about already about the disease - premature ejaculation. If this happens, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

1. The smallest recorded penis is 1cm.
2. The largest erect penis is 35cm.
3. Over the past decades, on average, the length of the penis has decreased by 3 cm.
4. Size really matters

5. Doctors can 'grow' skin on burned penises using skin from 'circumcised' babies. One foreskin can produce 23 sq. m. of waterproof fabric over any personal plot.
6. An enlarged prostate can cause impotence and premature ejaculation.
7. Average age the age at which a man begins to produce sperm is 12.5 years.
8. The average male orgasm lasts about 6 seconds. Female - 23 seconds. I wonder if women would talk about equality if they learned that their orgasm lasts four times longer than a man's.
9. During 1 ejaculation, 1 to 2 teaspoons of semen are released.
10. The average number of sperm during ejaculation is 100 million.
11. In total, the average man ejaculates 7,200 times in his life.
12. Oldest known species with a member - a creature with a shell called Colymbosathon ecplecticos. This is an amazing Greek swimmer with a huge dick.
13. The circumcised foreskin can be restored. The mobile skin of the penis is pulled back to the end and various devices (for example, rings) are used for fixation. It may take years to achieve the desired result.
14. Only 1 in 400 people can satisfy themselves orally on their own.(and how was this checked???)
15. When masturbating, a man ejaculates on average 2000 times.
16. Most common cause Penis injury is caused by active masturbation.
17. There are two types of penis. The first type expands and lengthens during erection (“GROWER”), the second type appears large, but does not become much larger during erection (“shower”).
18. The international magazine “Men’s Health” reported that 79 percent of men belong to the first type and 21 to the second.
19. German researchers found that the average sexual intercourse lasts 2 minutes 50 seconds, but women think that intercourse lasts 5 minutes 30 seconds.
20. More than 60% of girls after sex, instead of the words “I love you,” hear -“You are my beautiful and fat chipmunk.”
21. On average, people have sex 45 times a year in Japan - the least in the world.
22. A member of the King of Tongo, who pleased countless women, deflowered 37,800 women between 1770 and 1784 - about seven virgins a day.
23. Men who look good have healthy sperm. Spanish researchers showed women photographs of men who had good, average and poor sperm, and asked them to choose the most handsome men. Women, as a rule, chose the best “producers” of sperm.
24. The brain is not needed for ejaculation. This is what the spinal cord does.
25. 13 percent of men say there has never been a time in their life when they didn't think about sex.
26. On average, each sexually active man spends about $100 a year on condoms.

Last time we discussed wedding dresses 2013 and other trends women's clothing, and today we’ll talk about relationships.

Observing people, and in particular relationships between men and women, sometimes I encounter such incidents and revelations that my sincere surprise knows no bounds. This is especially true of the “battle of the sexes” for love, attention, ownership and personal happiness. Of course, everyone has their own preferences in life partners. But when the choice has already been made and there is a chance to start a beautiful relationship full of positive emotions, some manage to lose and destroy everything in an instant. Men also suffer from this, not wanting to notice the elementary signals of the fair half. Let's talk about signals - what irritates and what delights modern girls in men?

What irritates women about men?

An ambivalent attitude towards the same situation causes genuine bewilderment among women. Double standards, in their opinion, do not suit men.

Unshakable arrogance. This point t says that impudence should not cross reasonable boundaries. It’s just where every woman has these boundaries - a puzzle for inquisitive male brains. Explore!

Indecisiveness. They write about this a lot and in detail on various relationship forums. Girls can turn a blind eye to this shortcoming for some time, but they are not ready to put up with it for the rest of their lives.

Ungroomed hands. Interesting detail. “It’s just that when your nails are not neat, and there’s oil from the car underneath them, it’s terrible!” - admitted one of the girls. I noticed that girls having today great resources When it comes to caring for their body, they are increasingly inclined to believe that men should not disdain basic procedures and means.

Scattered things. Although disorder in things is also typical for beautiful ladies, they react to other people's mess more passionately. If quarrels on this basis are not a catalyst for violent sex, it is better to neutralize their source.

“Some men believe that money and status are their main trump cards - such personalities are annoying” - another interesting confession. Obviously, such tricks do not always work and not with everyone.

Division of concepts into “male” and “female” work. Yes, women want help and creation home comfort, and in preparation have a delicious dinner, in solving other “women’s” issues. Therefore, it is useful to delve into them sometimes.

“Many men have a lack of respect for women. “A gentleman is an endangered species,” for some reason the ladies think, although such men have always been in the minority in our society.

Distributing priorities in favor of others, not loved one. Yes, a woman can get really angry if you for a long time you will serve for the “good of society”, forgetting about her alone.

Optional. Girls are very irritated by a man's systematic failure to fulfill his promises. As they say, if you're not sure, don't promise. This also includes chronic “late people”. Being late is the prerogative of women.

Reluctance to hear and understand possible reasons difficulties and conflicts. With such “dignity” it is generally difficult in life, for both men and women.

“Addicted to computer shooting games, which occupy all his attention!” - oh, this is because of a painful problem one girl has.

Presence of obscene language in conversation. Here, too, everything is individual. Some girls themselves are not averse to using strong words. But if this is unpleasant for your girlfriend, introduce internal censorship, otherwise you will be left alone with dirty language.

Female model of behavior. Many boys, it turns out, like to complain about life and “cry into their collars” to their girls. Undoubtedly, this does not suit the male gender.

Mixed roles. Another interesting circumstance- Women don’t like it when a man is vague in his intentions. “Business relationships should remain business relationships.

If feelings appear, it is necessary to clarify this, and not put the woman into a state of stress with all sorts of manifestations of flirting and incredibly close attention,” such a statement.

Excessive jealousy. Many men are guilty of this. Often from self-doubt or from distrust of your chosen one. It is still important to understand the reasons. Excessive jealousy did no good to anyone.

What do women admire in men?

Logic. “This is not very typical for me, but contrast is a pleasant thing,” admitted one of my friends. Like this!

Determination. Girls are ready to forgive many mistakes for such guys.

Aesthetics. “It’s nice when they express themselves culturally and look after a lady” - who wants to argue with this remark?

Care. “When they worry about what I did, ate and what I want. This seems like a small thing, but it’s touching and pleasant. Or when a man does not allow you to carry luggage at all, no matter what it is. And even a little kiss on the bruise brings joy” - I leave these words without comment.

Respect. In our era of feminism, it is a very big mistake not to value a girl as a person and forbid her to show interest in something.

Reliability. “When you know that you are not alone. When you don’t solve some problems yourself, but they help you - at least, useful advice“- admits the sweet interlocutor. No matter how strong you want to seem modern women, reliability in men is a key quality for them.

Tenderness. “Even though men are the stronger sex, it’s very nice when they sometimes show their weaknesses” - how do you like this wish? Are you ready to show your weaknesses to please your beloved? Be careful that this is not used against you later. Although, as for me, “tenderness” and “weaknesses” - different concepts. Tenderness is more about caring, and everyone’s “weaknesses” are different.

"Masculinity: persistence, inner rod, responsibility" - a standard set of models called "man". Without it, women consider products to be semi-finished.

Sense of humor, cheerfulness. Appropriate jokes and positive stories help a woman, who is naturally more susceptible to stress, relax.

Emotional sex is “when the first place is not your own orgasm, but an attempt to achieve it together.” What kind of sex do you have?

Gifts and surprises. Shopping together. Well, of course, what woman doesn’t like gifts? But I’m sure many will argue about going shopping together. This is too difficult a test for a man. Although... Agreeing to this may be that very surprise gift...

Heart to heart conversations. Here, just be patient. There's no escape from this. Intimate conversations are especially important for all women! Therefore, let them be rare, but fruitful. And in your relationship there will always be the right emotional balance.

Incentives. Yes, praising and supporting a girl is also extremely important. One such word can evoke admiration, excitement, and a state of complete happiness!

Anticipating desires. This is generally a pipe dream for millions of women. If you learn to do this, you will definitely be included in the red book! You can, for example, try Mel Gibson’s method in the hit movie “What Women Want.” But there is a more reliable path, albeit a long one - study women, different and beautiful, learn to understand and feel them.

If there is criticism, then it is mild. “My boyfriend never directly judges or scolds me specifically. He conducts everything through himself, as an example. This doesn't make you feel disadvantaged. In my opinion, this is a valuable quality for men that many lack.” Take note.

Now let's do a test. Take a magazine and ask your loved one or good friend Please note everything in this text that applies to you. Although even without it, a simple conclusion can be drawn: women love men who are not fixated on themselves and their interests, but who constantly explore female nature, learn to understand it and show tolerance. “And the more such men there are, the more there will be happy families“We’ll end with this quote. I wish you success!

13 girls from the Buzzfeed Community were honest about what they didn't know about men's penises without coming face to face with them for the first time.

Why are they THIS size?
“I thought it would be the size of a TAMPAX tampon. I simply couldn’t imagine something larger that could fit there,” - meganc42f007537

That it doesn't look like an animal's penis
“Before I first saw a real penis of a real guy, I only saw animal parts - I grew up in the village. Well, you know, the dogs there, the horses. So I thought that, in principle, everyone’s penis is designed like this - hidden in a furry leather bag. And during arousal, it sticks out from there, so bright red, wet and disgusting. Overall, it was a big relief to find out that people are looking a lot nicer." - amandalenac

That when he's "standing", he's really standing
“I had a book about sex that was handed out at school during religious education classes. For some reason, there was absolutely no information that the erect penis was pointing upward. So for years, before confronting the fact myself, I was sure that the penis was getting hard, but remained in the same position. And I was haunted by the very mechanics of sex as a process - well, HOW then??” - Katherine Stephanis, Facebook

That they “finish” more than once
“I didn’t know that ejaculation often occurs in several passes, splashing, in short. It was quite awkward: “Oh, you’re all... No, wait, you’re not... Oh, now yeah,” - bethm42771a1ad

That they can grow like that
“I had no idea that some guys’ penises get so big when they’re aroused. There was a case when such a very modest penis literally turned into some kind of D-size monster before our eyes,” crazydita

What can they do “helicopter”
“When my boyfriend did the “helicopter dance” for me – which basically involved twirling his dick in front of my nose – I laughed like I was at a circus performance. This was probably one of the funniest stunts of my life. I had no idea they could do that!” - ashurhunter

That they are very different in color - and this is the absolute norm
“I was surprised to learn that a penis can be very different in skin tone from the man attached to it,” xojanet

That premature ejaculation happens
“It’s a pity, I didn’t know anything about such a situation when everything ends as soon as it begins. I remember the first time I thought - either there was something wrong with his health, or I was such a skilled lover! Of course, neither of these were true." - momof4goingcrazy

That there is one hole for different liquids
“I had no idea that guys only have one hole for everything, um, liquid,” - gracer4a8e02e37

That the taste is like nothing else
“I didn’t know that sperm has such a specific taste. And that it is not always pleasant and differs from one guy to another. I myself recently discovered the sixth taste. Almost like Baskin Robbins, - Jasmine Enimsaj, Facebook

That the “seam” between the testicles is not a scar
“I was scared the first time I saw this clear line between the guy’s testicles. It looks like a seam. I thought maybe he had some kind of serious operation and it was better not to touch on this topic...” - katiem4493674a4

That the scrotum is located below
“I didn’t know for sure whether, sorry, the eggs were on the bottom of the penis, on top or on the sides - at least that’s how they drew it on the desks at school. Until I saw the whole structure live. I was 18 years old." - sarahp4ed24ec67

That a penis is just a penis
“I’m only sorry that I was so nervous and worried about the fact that everything there is different from mine, and how to manage it in general. A penis is a penis, not a shuttle. This is a very nice and very necessary thing that won’t bite you – there’s nothing wrong with that!” - cathyk4e6757575