Average age of a crow. Raven in culture

There is an opinion about the longevity of crows. Sometimes they even call three-digit numbers that are fantastic for human consciousness. Is it true that crows live 300 years? And how many years does a raven live? Let's try to figure out where the truth is and where the fiction is.

We hasten to disappoint lovers of these common birds that they do not live that long.

How long do crows live?

In order to give an answer on the lifespan of crows, you should find out more truthful information about them.

To begin with, it should be noted that there are two categories of these birds:

  2. in the Ravens.

Crows can be kept in captivity and live independently in wildlife. Born free, birds learn everything they need from their parents, and when the time comes, they begin to live independently.

How many dangers the world around us cooks for the feathered inhabitants? First of all, these are predators, diseases, hunger and cold. The lifespan of birds will depend on their habitat and other factors and conditions.

The instinct of self-preservation pushes croaking individuals closer to people and their settlements.

According to statistics, it becomes clear that in captivity a thief can live about 30 years. In the wild, lifespan is halved. The officially recorded life expectancy of a crow is 59 years.

Description of the bird

belongs to the order of passerine birds, the genus of crows, the family of corvids.

Among their squad, they have the largest sizes. Males are always larger than females. A male representative weighs 650-800 grams, and females barely reach 550 grams. The bird's body length is 45-55 cm. If it were not for the large build of the body, then one can notice a large external resemblance raven with rooks.

The birds have a large and strong beak, conical in shape and very sharp. The tail is medium-sized and wedge-shaped. The feathered legs are quite long, but thin, with four toes.

The plumage of this bird species is gray or black. At the base the feathers are light in color (gray, white).

And crows have characteristic differences from their “brothers” in kind. The pitch-black plumage shimmers under the rays of the sun, creating a greenish or blue tint. Crows live in natural conditions and in captivity. There is a known case when a black bird lived in “captivity” for 70 years. Natural environment does not provide habitat ideal conditions for life and is designed to sharpen the instinct of self-preservation. Maximum The lifespan of Ravens in nature is 40 years, but most often birds do not live to be 20 years old.

If we characterize these birds, we get the following picture. Birds have a unique character. They can even be called proud, wayward and even mysterious.

Ordinary crows tend to live close to people, where they can easily get food for themselves. It is generally accepted that crows are distinguished by their larger size and louder voice. Ordinary representatives of the black and gray brethren, don’t hesitate to steal things from inattentive passers-by’s bags. As soon as a person relaxing in the park hides behind a newspaper, the backpack next to him begins to attract an impudent bird.

But crows prefer to avoid people. Ornithologists also claim that these birds, when creating pairs, are faithful to each other no worse than swans.

If a flock of crows has chosen a certain area in the park for themselves, they will protect it from strangers. Especially these large birds will begin to quarrel with their brothers the crows.

Thanks to their large beak and body size, it is not difficult for Ravens to pounce on other birds’ homes and destroy nests. Without a twinge of conscience, they can be called scavengers, who often gut the carcasses of dead animals.

Scientists note the intelligence of this bird species. There is an assumption that it is thanks to their intelligence that the proud live twice as long as the slow-witted thieves.

This bird is accompanied mystical stories. Moreover, black birds can often be found among sorcerers and magicians as favorites. Mystical birds tend to imitate certain animal voices, including dogs, cats and some birds.

Despite the fact that these birds belong to the same family of corvids, they have such differences.

Raven Descriptions:

The raven prefers to hunt, for which it may even join its relatives for a while. In general, this is a solitary bird.

Description of the crow:

Crows live in most countries of the world where they live sedentary image living in rural or urban areas near human settlements.

Both birds from the corvid family do not differ in gastronomic tastes. These birds are omnivores and can eat almost anything (insects, food waste, carrion, small rodents, vegetables, plants, berries, worms, etc.).

After reading this article, the reader will no longer have a question - how many years do crows live? Now children can confidently answer about the life expectancy of these birds.

Crow- This is one of the largest birds of the order of crows from the genus of ravens. This bird is quite large in size, but at the same time it is a very beautiful bird and it can surprise many.

The raven is very similar to the rook, but differs in its size. It is much larger and more massive. The body length is approximately 70 centimeters. The body weight of males and females is different; it is in this indicator that sexual dimorphism will manifest itself.

The weight of males reaches more than 1500 grams, while the weight of females does not exceed 1350 grams. There is also a difference in the length of the wing; in males this figure averages 450 mm, and in females about 400 mm. Otherwise, no differences in gender were observed in these birds.

The color of females and males is identical. Crows- These are completely black birds. But black crows only at first glance. If you look at the birds more closely and for a longer time, you will notice the presence of unique shades and tints that create a unique play of color and shine.

On the head, neck and wings you can see a violet or even purple tint, but on the underside of the body there is a characteristic bluish metallic tint. In bright sunlight can be considered green tint feathers Black Maria, which differs from other birds in the matte black color of its plumage, without sheen or shine, is a young bird that has yet to acquire elegant plumage after molting.

But you have probably heard the expression “ white crow" Of course, in to a greater extent it has become a kind of description of someone who is different from everyone else. But in nature there really are white crows. This is a unique natural phenomenon that is worthy special attention. The voice of a raven is well known to everyone with its loud croak, but besides this, the bird can make other sounds, something like “crunch” and “current”.

The raven is considered one of the smartest birds; many scientists say that these birds have intelligence. To confirm this fact, it was carried out large number experiments in which the raven revealed his mental abilities from an unexpected direction. For example, in order to drink water from a jug, a raven threw various objects (stones, branches) into it so that the water level would rise and the bird could quench its thirst. As this experiment showed, the raven knows the simplest laws of physics that exist in our world.

In addition, scientists claim that the raven can use gestures. This is a very rare phenomenon in the world of birds. Like to a small child, the raven takes some object in its beak, thereby attracting the attention of other birds, and then uses specific language gestures

There is also information that this unique bird has a rather rare quality - patience. Sometimes not every person can boast of this trait, but this is typical for ravens. Sometimes, instead of rash actions, the raven prefers to wait and be patient.

The character and lifestyle of the crow

The crow lives in large areas: Europe, Asia, North and Central America, North Africa. Crow habitat is quite diverse, they can be found in forests, mountains and even in urban areas.

Crows can be found throughout the year, but in some regions of residence, migrations of these birds have been observed. For example, in the Caucasus and Turkmenistan in mountainous region not all birds remain in their places; many of them migrate.

In winter, they can most often be found near people’s homes, since there is a greater chance of finding something edible. Landfills are considered another attractive place for crows; it is in places where garbage accumulates that the presence of large number these birds. Crow population not numerous, in some places it is even a rare bird.

The raven is very smart and can be kept at home; it can be trained and tamed. But at the same time you need to be prepared for the difficulties that undoubtedly may arise. Crows are quite angry and aggressive birds, they are vindictive and overly jealous. A raven becomes attached to one person, and this lasts his entire life.

For small children, the raven poses a great danger, so it is better to avoid communicating with them alone. The raven loves to destroy everything; with the help of its powerful beak and sharp claws on its paws, they spoil and break many objects in the house. For example, they damage equipment, tear textiles, and peel wallpaper from the walls. Raven has bad smell Therefore, its hygiene and cleanliness must be monitored very carefully.

But there are also advantages to content like this. pet, first of all, this is very unusual, secondly, the raven is a very smart bird, thirdly, they can be taught to talk, fourthly, the raven will be yours true friend and, for sure, will not betray you in a difficult situation.

Reproduction and lifespan of crows in the wild crows, unfortunately, do not have such a long lifespan, usually about 15 years. At the same time, there are cases where crows lived for 40, 50, and even more than 60 years.

If provided good conditions and nutrition, the bird can live for a very long time. In mythology and magic, crows were credited with a life span of 300 years, but scientists have not yet recorded such cases.

Crows are very faithful birds, they are monogamous, that is, having chosen a partner, they remain with him for life and do not change him. Puberty and willingness to reproduce crow offspring occurs at the age of two.

Both the male and the female are involved in nest construction. As a rule, the nest is located high above the ground on the branch of a powerful, strong tree. The main material for construction is branches, sometimes quite large. If necessary, they are held together with mud or clay.

Mating and birds occur in February, but egg laying occurs in March. The female usually lays from 4 to 6 eggs with a short interval of one or two days. The eggs have an unusual color: they are blue-gray with dark brown specks. Not only the female, but also the male incubates the eggs for 20 days.

Usually these birds make only one clutch per year, but if the nest is destroyed soon after laying the eggs, then it is possible that the female will lay eggs a second time.

After the chicks are born, both individuals feed them, since their offspring are very voracious and need care. After about 1.5 months, the chicks begin to leave the nest and become more independent. At first, young birds stay close to their parents, but over time they separate further and further. By the beginning of the cold weather, they are already living an independent life.

Crow feeding

The raven is a bird that is not particularly picky about food; it is an omnivore. Often the crow acts as an orderly, since a large portion of its diet is nothing more than carrion. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see their crows in landfills, near slaughterhouses, and in garbage bins.

But the raven is not averse to hunting. The diet includes small rodents, chicks and eggs from destroyed nests, fish, beetles, mollusks and various small insects. Plant foods are also present in the diet; birds happily eat various fruits, berries, and nuts.

The image of a raven in culture

Crow– unique and inimitable, mysterious and very smart bird. That is why many creators of beauty dedicated their works to this bird. The image of the raven is widely explored in mythology, literature, music, cinematography and even in games. I would like to present to your attention a fable by Ivan Andreevich Krylov, which is called “The Crow”.

I.A. Krylov
When you don't want to be funny
Hold on to the title you were born into.
The commoner is not related to the nobility:
And if Karla was created,
So don’t try to become a giant,
And remember your height more often,
Sticking your tail with a peacock feather,
The Crow and the Peahens went for a walk arrogantly -
And he thinks about her
Her relatives and former friends
Everyone will look at it like a miracle;
That she's a sister to everyone
And that her time has come
To be a decoration of Junon's court.
What was the fruit of her arrogance?
That she is plucked all around by the Pavami,
And that, having run away from them, almost head over heels,
Not to mention someone else's
There are few feathers left on her.
She was back to her people; but those are completely
The pecked Crow was not recognized
The crow was plucked to its heart's content,
And her plans ended with
That she fell behind the Crows,
But she didn’t bother the Peahens.
I'll explain this fable to you.
Matryona, the merchant's daughter, had a thought,
To join noble family.
Her dowry is half a million.
So they gave Matryona away as a baron.
What happened? New relatives sting her eyes
The reproach is that she was born a bourgeois.
And the old one for being entangled with the nobles:
And my Matryona became
Neither Pav nor Crow.

Amazing bird raven. Thanks to its ability to adapt to almost any living conditions, it has spread throughout the planet, and its gloomy silhouette in the sky is familiar to every person. For some, the raven is a harbinger of misfortune, and for others it is a symbol of wisdom and patience. His image is widespread in mythology, fiction, music and cinematography.

For centuries, people have adopted the raven as a pet, noting the bird's unusual intelligence. At some point, their population on the planet decreased greatly, but today the common raven has been taken under protection by many countries and its numbers have begun to grow again.

Description of the raven

The Latin name of the bird is Corvus corax. The species was first described by naturalist Carl Lynaeus in 1758. Today, ornithologists identify up to 11 subspecies of raven, but the differences between them in terms of phenotype are minimal and are determined by the area of ​​habitat rather than by genetic characteristics.

Raven refers

  • kingdom - animals;
  • type – chordates;
  • class - birds;
  • order - passerines;
  • family - corvids;
  • genus - crows;
  • species - common raven.

The bird's closest relatives are the American white-necked crow, piebald and desert brown-headed raven, while in appearance it is most similar to the rook.


The raven is the largest representative of passerines. Its body length reaches 70 cm, and its wingspan is up to 150 cm. The weight of the bird can be 800-1600 g, however, it is not uncommon for ornithologists to describe ravens with a body weight of up to 2 kg. The difference in length and weight depends on the habitat - the colder the climate, the larger the individuals living in it. That is, the largest representatives of ravens can be found in northern latitudes or in the mountains.

This is interesting! A distinctive feature of the raven is its massive sharp beak and feathers protruding like a fan on the bird’s throat. In flight, a raven can be distinguished from others by its wedge-shaped tail.

Male ravens are larger than females. It is almost impossible to distinguish them by color - both the female and the male are black with a metallic tint. The body is blue or purple on top and green underneath. Young animals are characterized by matte black plumage. The bird's legs are powerful, with large, curved black claws. If necessary, both they and the wide curved beak will become a weapon for attacking the enemy.

Lifestyle and intelligence

Unlike urban gray crows, the common raven is a resident of forest spaces and prefers old coniferous forests. It lives in isolated pairs, only by autumn forming small flocks of 10-40 individuals in order to fly to a new place in search of food. At night the bird sleeps in its nest and spends the whole day hunting. If necessary, one flock can organize an attack on another and recapture the territory within which it will obtain food.

This is interesting! Birds prefer to nest in the forest, however, in the winter they like to move closer to people, for example, to city dumps or cemeteries. There they have a better chance of finding something to eat and surviving the cold.

Raven is a smart bird. It has the same brain to body percentage as . Scientists even claim that they have intelligence. To confirm this fact, many experiments were conducted, giving the bird the opportunity to reveal its mental abilities. One of the most visual tests was based on Aesop's fable "The Crow and the Jug." The birds were placed in a room where there was a pile of pebbles and a narrow vessel with worms that swam in small quantity water.

The birds could not freely get to the delicacy, and then intelligence came to their aid. The crows began throwing stones into the vessel, thereby raising the water level to reach the worms. The experiment was repeated four times with different birds and they all coped with the task - to get to the food. At the same time, the birds not only made rash actions, they threw pebbles until they managed to reach the worms, choosing larger stones, realizing that they could displace more water.

The crow language has also been studied by scientists. It was suggested that croaking is not just a chaotic noise, but a real conversation, and far from primitive. It would be too loud to call it a language, but scientists have come to the conclusion that ravens have something like dialects that change depending on their habitat. Another fact that proves the presence of intelligence in these birds is memory, passed on from generation to generation.

Just one bird killed by farmers can cause a flock to migrate. Crows will remember for a long time the house or area where danger arose and will try with all their might to avoid appearing near it. Another object of attention was the bird's inhibitory control, or more precisely the ability to control instinctive impulses for the sake of rational behavior. Crows were offered opaque tubes with holes containing food.

When they learned to find it accurately, the pipes were replaced with transparent ones. Using self-control, the birds had to extract the food without trying to get it directly by breaking through a transparent wall. Needless to say, they successfully completed this test. This endurance helps the raven wait for hours for food without exposing itself to unnecessary danger.

How long do crows live?

The lifespan of a raven is influenced by its habitat, so it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long this bird lives. The number of years lived will be very different between urban birds and those living in the wild.

This is interesting! The longer a raven lives, the more knowledge, skills and experience he will gain during his life. This bird does not forget anything and becomes smarter and wiser over the years.

Crows that nest within the city and regularly inhale harmful fumes from industrial zones, as well as feed on scraps in landfills, can rarely boast a life expectancy of more than 10 years. However, in urban areas birds have practically no enemies, therefore, under favorable conditions, a raven can live up to 30 years. In nature, a raven lives about 10-15 years. Rare specimens live up to 40, because the bird has to hunt for its own food every day and be exposed to many dangers, including attacks from other predators. Lean autumn and cold winter can cause the death of an entire flock.

Arabs believe that the raven is an immortal bird. Ancient records speak of individuals who lived 300 years or more, and folk epics say that a raven lives for nine human lives. Ornithologists treat such rumors with great doubt, however, they are confident that if you create a bird favorable conditions in captivity, she may well live 70 years.

What is the difference between a raven and a crow

There is a common misconception among people that a raven is a male and a crow is a female of the same species. In fact, raven and crow are two different species belonging to the same family of corvids. Such confusion in the Russian language arose due to the similar pronunciation and spelling of the names of birds. There is no confusion in other languages. For example, in English a crow is called "raven", and a crow sounds like "crow". If foreigners confuse these two birds, it is only because of their similar appearance.

This is interesting! Unlike ravens, ravens prefer to settle closer to humans. This makes it easier for them to get food for themselves. In the CIS countries, only the hooded crow is found, which is not difficult to distinguish by the color of its body.

The carrion crow, which can actually be mistaken for a crow, lives mainly in Western Europe and in the eastern part of Eurasia. The length and body weight of the bird is significantly inferior to the crow. Adult males weigh no more than 700 grams, and their body length does not reach 50 cm. There are differences in small details. The crow has no feathering on its crop, and during the flight you can notice that the bird's tail is smoothly rounded, while in the raven it has a clear wedge-shaped ending.

The crow likes to gather in groups, while the raven stays in pairs or alone. Birds can also be distinguished by hearing. The caw of a raven is deep and guttural, sounds like “kaw!” or “arra!”, and the crow makes a nasal sound similar to a short “ka!” The two species do not get along with each other - often a flock of crows attacks a lone raven.

Area, distribution

The raven lives almost everywhere Northern Hemisphere . IN North America it can be found from Alaska to Mexico, in Europe in any country except France, as well as in Asia and North Africa. The bird prefers to settle on sea ​​coasts, in deserts or even mountains. But most often the crow can be found in dense ancient forests, mainly spruce. In rare exceptions, the bird settles in city parks and squares.

In the northern part of Eurasia, the bird lives almost everywhere, with the exception of Taimyr, Yamala and Gadyn, as well as on the islands in the Northern Arctic Ocean. In the south, the nesting border runs through Syria, Iraq and Iran, Pakistan and northern India, China and Primorye Russia. In Europe, the bird's habitat has changed significantly over the last century. Raven left the Western and Central parts, meeting there rather as an exception. In North America, the bird also appears less and less often in the center of the continent, preferring to settle on the border with Canada, in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Maine.

The crow was once widespread in New England, the Adirondack Mountains, the Alleghenies and the coasts of Virginia and New Jersey, as well as the Great Plains region. Due to the mass extermination of wolves and bison, the dead animals of which the bird fed on, the raven left these regions. Compared with other corvids, the common raven is almost not associated with the anthropogenic landscape. It is rarely seen in large cities, although flocks of ravens have been spotted in parkland in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Riverside, as well as in the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar.

In the second half of the 20th century, the crow began to be noticed in the north-west of Russia, for example, in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Lvov, Chicago, London and Bern. The reason why the raven does not like to settle near a person is associated not only with the unnecessary anxiety that is caused to the bird, but most likely with the lack of suitable habitats and the presence of competitors.

Raven diet

The diet of ravens is varied. They are predators by nature, but carrion plays a key role in their diet, mainly such large animals as deer and. For a long time the bird is able to feed on dead fish, rodents and frogs. The raven is perfectly adapted to food-poor regions and eats everything it can catch or discover. In search of prey, it soars in the air for a long time, which is not typical for corvids. It hunts mainly game no larger than a hare, for example, various rodents, lizards, snakes, and birds.

Eats insects, shellfish, worms, sea ​​urchins and scorpions. On occasion, it can destroy someone else's nest by feeding on seeds, grains, and plant fruits. Crows often cause damage to farm crops. Another way of feeding is to eat it when laying eggs or young chicks. If necessary, the plant feeds on what a person leaves behind. A flock of ravens is found in almost every major city landfill.

Important! When there is an excess of food, the raven hides what is left from the meal in a secluded place or shares it with the flock.

During the hunt, the bird is very patient and is able to watch another animal hunt for hours in order to feast on the remains of its prey or track and steal the supplies it has made. When there is food abundance, different individuals living nearby can specialize in different types feed

American biologists observed such a picture in Oregon. The birds nesting in the neighborhood were divided into those who ate plant foods, those who hunted gophers and those who collected carrion. In this way, competition was kept to a minimum, which allowed the birds to exist safely nearby.

This will be obvious even if you just look closely at the photo of the crows. This different types birds, even from the same family. Moreover, these birds even quarrel with each other. The raven belongs to the passerine order and is its most prominent representative.

Description, appearance of birds

In particular, the body length of ravens can reach 70 cm, and the massive bird sometimes weighs up to two kilograms. The dimensions of the female are somewhat smaller. It has a large, thick beak and a wedge-shaped tail, which the same crow cannot boast of. The coloring also attracts attention: the bird has black plumage with slight variations in shades near the neck, while the abdominal region has a glossy, metallic tint.

Young birds:

Young chicks have a matte coloration, with brown or gray tints.

The raven has a wingspan of one to one and a half meters. The bird has pointed throat feathers, and under the beak, with age, they form in the form of a “beard”. Like the plumage, the beak and legs of ravens are also blue-black. The claws on the feet are curved. Iris of a Raven's Eye coffee shades.

Similarities with other birds

Similarities can be found with rooks, but the raven is much more massive and differs in a number of characteristics. Is it possible that crows have a monochromatic body color, like rooks or carrion crows? The bird's voice has a low, guttural "kru" or a loud, short or drawn-out "kra", also known as a croak. It is believed that crows can imitate sounds, imitate the voices of other animals.

Spread of ravens

They spread almost everywhere in the so-called Holarctic region, which covers most of globe. From the far north Russian Federation, Alaska and Greenland to the northern part of the Sahara Desert, Arabia, northwestern India. Where they definitely cannot be found is in South America. However, despite such a vast distribution area, the bird is losing its numbers every year.

Raven's habitat

From the previous paragraph it is clear that crows can choose almost any landscape as their habitat, from plains to mountains, from desert to tundra. However, thick coniferous forests they avoid. Birds prefer broadleaf forests or, if it is north, bushes near ponds and swamps. IN southern regions prefers mountains to steppe plains in its range. They even live in the Himalayas, at great heights.

Lives in deserts!

The bird does not shy away from arid deserts, be it the Sahara in Africa or the Mojave in the USA.

Crows, as a rule, do not settle next to humans. Although lately note that the black crow began to appear in the suburbs and abandoned villages. IN major cities seeing him is rather an exception to the rule. However, sometimes a photo of a raven gets caught in the lens. In cities, the bird can nest in uninhabited multi-story buildings. Ravens may be attracted to available food in landfills, meat processing plants, or barnyards.

Bird nesting place

Ravens often nest in forests, near a water source. If it is found in open areas, it is more likely to be where it is rare to find a living person, for example, in cemetery groves. It is extremely rare near any busy roads, if there is an edge and food there.

Choosing a bird nesting site, given the sedentary lifestyle of the raven, is very important for him. Rarely a raven decides to fly long distances for the winter. That’s why the bird chooses remote places, hard to reach for humans, with dense trees. As a rule, a raven chooses a strong tree with a high fork in the trunk for a future nest, for which pine trees, oaks, and lindens are suitable.

Life in the mountains:

In mountainous regions, ravens build nests right in the rocks, under an overhanging canopy.

If the raven has chosen a cultural landscape as a nesting site, then the choice of place is limited to abandoned high-rise buildings, water towers or old churches.

Lifestyle, behavior characteristics of birds

Raven is extremely intelligent, with a well-organized nervous system. Older birds pass on experience to the young ones, and the memory of those birds allows them to remember everything and repeat the behavior habits in the future. That is, we can talk about the fact that, along with unconditional ones, they also have conditioned reflexes. These birds can be distinguished from others like them even in flight.

The bird makes much less flapping of its long wings, which resembles its larger fellow predators. Also, a specific feature of the bird can be called the start of a raven before takeoff, since it makes a certain run-up. And in general, the raven feels good on the ground.

Beautiful flight!

In the sky, the bird is capable of complex aerobatics.

At night the raven sleeps in its nest and is always busy hunting during the day.

As a rule, these birds form small flocks closer to autumn, and before that they live in separate pairs. It is also interesting that the raven is different in that, like people, it fights for territory. The bird attacks each other in flocks in an organized manner, if necessary. A powerful, wedge-curved, large beak helps them in the fight. A flock of winning ravens settles in the conquered territory and obtains food within its boundaries.

Crows feeding

The raven is practically omnivorous and does not disdain carrion. The bird has also been spotted destroying the nests of other animals. Much depends on the time of year. The raven has excellent eyesight, so when there is no easily accessible food in the form of carrion, it looks out from the sky for small living creatures - from field mice to insects. If the raven suddenly interrupts its lunch and flies a short distance away from the food, as a rule, this means that the owner of the place has returned or arrived, be it an animal or a person.

Meat lovers!

However, leftover meat or offal suits them quite well, and they are ready to wait patiently.

Raven and diet features

Domestic animals are rarely attacked. It is interesting to watch the ravens that settle along the banks of the river foraging for food. The raven catches a toothless shell on the shore, and then lifts it high into the sky, from where it throws it back. And so on several times until the shell breaks to get the slug out.

Crows have also been observed eating grain and various plant foods. Despite the rather low socialization, birds tend to share large prey with their brothers, about which a loud signal is given. This especially applies to young animals.


As is the case with flock behavior, those crows that have formed a pair will certainly take ownership of some territory and jealously guard it. The distance between the lands of all such marriages is several kilometers (the only exception is the anthropogenic zone).

Sometimes the attachment of ravens to a place allows them to maintain such a union until the very end of their lives, which is why they received the definition of monogamous. By the way, puberty begins after the second year of life. It's time for the crow to prepare the nest.


According to statistics, the breeding process usually begins in February, when it is still winter.

Mating games are distinctive in that male crows begin to perform figures in the sky aerobatics or, like a peacock, walk in front of the female with a “loose” tail. If the female agrees, the pair begins to clean each other's feathers and prepare the nest.

Raven and offspring

During the construction of the nest, materials (these are twigs, branches, scraps of skins for laying, moss, lumps of clay, etc.) are brought by both “spouses”, but only the female is in charge of the nesting, and then hatches the eggs there. This continues for up to 3 weeks, until the structure inspires confidence in the bird: the diameter of the nest is on average about a meter, and the height is half a meter.

Often, a pair of ravens sets up several nests at once within their territory, just in case, and periodically changes their location. But, despite the number of nests, there is never more than one brood per year.

On average, a clutch of ravens contains up to 6 greenish eggs. During incubation, which is about three weeks, the male raven is engaged in obtaining food.

The first time after hatching, the female raven continues to warm the down-covered chicks in the nest. Then the raven and his mate simply feed them. A newborn chick eats everything its parents eat. A little over a month later, the chicks begin to fly, and within a year the bird will be living independently.

How long do crows live?

If in the wild a raven lives on average about 15 years, then in captivity a bird can live several dozen. In general, the raven is considered a long-liver. How long crows live depends on living conditions and quality of food. If the chick is taken out of the nest, it becomes possible to tame it, but subsequently the raven recognizes only the owner. And then, after a year or two, the bird tends to fly away, just have time to take a photo of the crow.

    Many people say different things, for example, according to sayings, a raven lives for 300 years, but I don’t know how true this is, but since there is a saying, it means it’s not just a fiction, but on average, crows live about seventy to eighty years

    A brief description of the raven/raven is as follows:

    It is well known that there are: the black raven bird and the hooded crow bird. Hooded crows in nature, in cities and villages, live in flocks. Hooded crows can often be found together with jackdaws, rooks and sparrows; they sit together, ruffled, in trees during the rain, and walk together in arable fields. Less commonly, you can find a magpie among a flock of these birds. There is nothing surprising in the fact that these birds live together, because they all belong to the same order - the order of passerines or passeriformes.

    How many years a crow lives depends on several factors and conditions. The more difficult it is to survive, the less they live and vice versa. Easier to survive (no enemies, no diseases, no poisonous food) - live longer.

    • In the city - up to 10 years,
    • in the village - up to 15 years,
    • in captivity - up to 70 years.
  • How many years does a crow live?

    Crow interesting and mysterious bird. Raised by humans, it is easy to train and knows how to imitate the voice of the owner, and remains devoted to him. Because it's quite large bird of prey , then she lives for a relatively long time. But the raven lived for 300 years only in the fairy tale Pugachva (The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin). In modern conditions environmental situation If she lives for thirty years, it will be wonderful. Interesting information about crows and their life expectancy.

    The hooded crow shown in the photo in question is one and a half times smaller than a raven.

    And she lives no more than 20 years, while the raven lives up to 70, and according to some sources, up to 200 years.

    Both birds are distinguished by their intelligence, hooded crows have learned to carry food from bags hung from windows in winter, and the raven has been considered a symbol of wisdom since ancient times.

    The city crow is probably up to 10 years old. The raven is somehow a more legendary bird (Odin, Gilgamesh, the prophet Elijah..), hence probably the idea of ​​its such a long life. It lives in captivity and actually for a long time. There is evidence that the longest-lived person lived in captivity for 75 years, which is certainly a lot for a bird..)))

    I saw him live in the forest on a tree branch. Well, I’ll tell you, it’s somehow scary in your soul when you see him. Black, big, doesn't let you get close, and sweats terribly. They are said to be easy to train and can copy human voice. They don't live 300 years. In general, since ancient times, many mysterious and mystical properties. There is no consensus on this matter, and yet in ornithology it is believed that its age in the wild does not exceed 30 years.

    The lifespan of crows depends on their living conditions. If a crow lives in good, more domestic conditions, then it will live up to a hundred years. On average it turns out to be about 60-70 years. But if a crow lives in nature, then its life is shorter, about 20-25 years.

    As for the raven, it is a more noble bird, and lives more than 100 years in captivity, in nature up to 100 years.

    In addition to being very smart, crows are also long-lived. There is no point in talking about life expectancy records, but on average a crow lives 10-15 years. That's a lot for crows. About 300 years - this is just a tale, it seems, from the Snow Queen.

    I read the article on the Internet. From not I learned that crows live several times longer than ravens. Average duration The lifespan of crows is 10-15 years, and that of ravens is about 80 (some individuals are very tenacious and live up to 150-200 years).

    A crow lives more than a dozen years.

    In nature, the lifespan of a crow ranges from 15 to 20 years. Some individuals die even earlier, before reaching 15 years of age.

    Everything depends on the environment, enemies and other things.

    The raven is the largest representative of the passerines. Although his life is also not very long. It has been proven that the raven lived in captivity for 40 years.

    It cannot be said that crows live for a very long time, only somewhere from ten to fifteen years.

    And the story that crows live for three hundred years came from someone’s story, I don’t remember exactly which one. As a child, I myself thought that crows lived for a very long time, but in reality this is not the case!