The smartest bird species. The smartest birds in the world

It is human nature to consider himself the smartest creature on the planet. However, there are many animals that demonstrate a very high level of intelligence, as well as ingenuity, developed memory and the ability to build logical chains. Such representatives include birds. Below is a list of the five feathered inhabitants of the planet with the most developed mental abilities.

1. The leader of this list is crow. Namely, the New Caledonian Raven. Many species of birds use external objects (sticks or stones) to obtain food for themselves. This type Voronov is able not only to find suitable tools, but also to make them himself. The diet of the New Caledonian raven is based on bugs that live under the bark of trees. In order to get them, crows choose the most flexible and thin sticks, bend their ends like hooks and easily get their food. Scientists have also found that crows have their own own language and they are able to act coherently in large groups.

2. In second place – parrots. In total there are more than three hundred species. However, Grays are recognized as the smartest of them. Grays compensate for their pale coloring greatly high level intelligence, allowing these birds to memorize and, moreover, understand long sentences, conduct a conscious dialogue with a person, as well as imitate barking, meowing and other animal cries, and repeat long and complex melodies. In addition to all this, Grays have very strongly developed family relationships, and they are also characterized as very vindictive birds.

3. Owls occupy third place in the list of the smartest birds on the planet. The owl in many parts of the world is a symbol of wisdom due to its appearance - big eyes with a fixed and piercing gaze, silence, and the ability to turn his head almost 270 degrees, noticing everything around him. They are often kept as pets; they are quite trainable and recognize their owners. The process of hunting and tracking prey by owls is very interesting to observe.

4. The fourth place in the list was assigned, oddly enough, to turkeys. Despite their appearance and the constant squawking, these birds are considered very smart. Especially when it comes to getting food. When any delicacy (for example, grapes) is high from the ground, the turkeys will not only get to it, but will also throw it to the ground so that the food goes to all their relatives. At the same time, it was often noticed that turkeys do not take food from each other, but feed all together. Moreover, these birds will not eat anything, which means that their risk of catching an infection is much less than that of the same chickens. It has also been repeatedly noted that turkeys are able to recognize their owners, which indicates a developed memory.

5. Falcon closes this list. This bird is very often used in sport hunting; it makes contact with humans quite easily and can be trained. However, do not underestimate the falcon - like any bird of prey, it can react aggressively to a scream or fright, and there are also frequent cases of these birds attacking other animals. Falcons are capable of showing character and cunning during training in order to get a delicacy. For this reason, they must be trained under the guidance of an experienced trainer who knows all the nuances of falconry. It is worth remembering that the falcon must spend a lot of time with the one who will conduct the training, since these birds become attached to only one person and do not allow strangers near them.

A huge number of beautiful animals live on our planet. Scientists and specialists have been trying for a long time to determine who is the smartest among them? .

10th place: Rats

Yes, yes, we were not mistaken. Usually, when you hear the word “rat,” the image of a gray, unpleasant creature with long tail. In criminal jargon, a “rat” is a person who steals from his own people. But read the next few paragraphs and perhaps you will change your mind about these very smart animals.

They are always where we are. They feed on what we left behind. We may not even notice them, but they are here and building their dark kingdoms right under our feet. They are found on every continent except Antarctica. And they are not going anywhere. This is a well-oiled machine for conquering the world.

It has long been known that rats are among the most intelligent animals. As an example, let’s give a story from the head of one of the branches of the famous Moscow Eliseevsky store, Larisa Darkova.

It all started with the fact that rats managed to steal eggs without breaking them. For a long time surveillance was carried out, unnoticed by these gray rodents, in the basements of Eliseevsky. And this is what turned out. “In order not to damage the fragile shell,” says Larisa Darkova, “these clever people came up with the following: one rat lies on its back and rolls its muzzle into the hollow formed on its stomach chicken egg. At this time, another “accomplice” grabs her by the tail, and thus they drag the egg into the hole.”

Humanity has been waging war against rats for centuries, but we cannot win. Some biologists are sure that gray rats have a collective intelligence that controls the actions of each individual. This hypothesis explains a lot: the speed with which gray rodents dealt with other species, and the success in their fight against people.

It is the collective mind that helps rats avoid inevitable death. The well-known phrase “rats fleeing a sinking ship” has behind it numerous, officially recorded cases of rats abandoning doomed ships in advance. Another example is earthquakes, which, according to scientists, cannot be accurately predicted. And the rats simply leave the city a day or two before tremors that could destroy buildings. Perhaps the rat hivemind is able to see the future better than us humans.

Rats have a clear hierarchy. In addition to the leader and subordinates, there are also so-called “scouts” in rat society. Thanks to this, all the efforts of mankind in inventing ingenious mousetraps and rat poisons are coming to naught. The suicide bombers “appointed” by the leader go on reconnaissance and try poisoned baits. Having received the SOS signal, the remaining members of the rat pack stop paying attention to poisonous products. And the “kamikazes” sit in their holes and drink water, trying to wash out their stomachs. The same is true with traps. If rats notice their relative in a trap, the flock will immediately leave the dangerous place.

The whole point is that, unlike a person, a rat never steps on the same rake twice, and therefore it is practically indestructible.

We may hate these gray rodents, but when you recognize their abilities, a feeling of respect automatically arises. The rat is a true superorganism, capable of living and thriving in almost any environment, the vitality of which has been developed over 50 million years.

They perfectly climb almost any surface, pipes and trees, can climb steep brick walls, crawl into a hole the size of a five-ruble coin, run at speeds of up to 10 km/h, swim and dive well (there is a known case when a rat swam 29 kilometers) .

When biting, a rat's teeth develop a pressure of 500 kg/ This is enough to chew through the bars of the grill. A wild rat in an aggressive state can jump to a height of up to 2 meters. Rats can survive in absolutely extreme conditions, in which other animals would probably die. So, these, in general, heat-loving animals can live in refrigerators at a temperature of minus 17 degrees and even reproduce.

Rats, these practically invisible, nimble and intelligent creatures, are not afraid of a clumsy two-legged man, who, over many millennia of war, has not come up with anything smarter than a simple mousetrap.

9th place: Octopus

No. 9 on our list of the smartest animals is octopus is one of the smartest sea ​​creatures . They know how to play, distinguish various shapes and patterns (such as colored light bulbs), solve puzzles, navigate mazes, and have short-term and long-term memory. As a sign of respect for the intelligence of octopuses, some countries in the world have even passed laws requiring the use of anesthesia before performing operations on them.

Octopuses are invertebrates, and the closest species to them are squid and cuttlefish. In total, there are more than 200 species of different octopuses in the world that inhabit the seas and oceans of the Earth.

Octopuses are skilled hunters, acting from ambush. Open battle is not for them. This attack tactic also serves as a defense for the octopus itself. If necessary, the octopus throws out a cloud of ink, which disorients the predator attacking it. Octopus ink not only allows the owner to hide from sight, but also temporarily deprives the predator of its sense of smell. Maximum speed The octopus's movement is just over 30 km/h, but they can maintain this pace for a very short period of time.

Octopuses are very curious, which is usually associated with intelligence. In nature, they sometimes build their shelter houses from stones - this also indicates a certain intellectual level.

However, octopuses cannot realize that glass is transparent. This is proven by the following simple experiment: we give the octopus a treat in the form of his favorite crab, but in a “package” - a glass cylinder without a top lid. He can continue for a very long time in fruitless attempts to get food, knocking his body against the walls of a transparent vessel, although all he had to do was climb the glass 30 centimeters, and he would freely penetrate through the open top of the cylinder to the crab. But it is enough for its tentacle to accidentally jump over the top edge of a glass vessel once, and it develops conditioned reflex. Just one successful attempt is enough, and now the octopus knows exactly how to get the crab from behind the glass.

Octopus tentacles perform irreplaceable functions:

  • they crawl on tentacles along the bottom;
  • carry heavy loads;
  • build nests with tentacles;
  • open shellfish shells;
  • attach their eggs to stones;
  • They also perform guard duty.

The upper pair of hands is intended for feeling and examining surrounding objects. Octopuses use longer tentacles as attack weapons. When attacking prey or defending against an enemy, they try to grab the enemy with them. In “peaceful” times, “combat” arms turn into legs and serve as stilts when moving along the bottom.

The development of organs in animals that they can use as simple tools leads to the formation of a more complex brain.

Various experiments show that octopuses have excellent memory. And the “intelligence” of an animal is primarily determined by the ability of its brain to remember experiences. When your memory is fine, next step- intelligence, which helps to draw conclusions from the experience gained.

Over the past 10 years, the most advanced experiments on the behavior of octopuses have been carried out at the marine station in Naples. Scientists have found that Octopuses are trainable. They they can tell the difference between elephants and dogs just as well geometric shapes - a small square from a larger one, a rectangle shown vertically and horizontally, a white circle from a black one, a cross and a square, a rhombus and a triangle. For making the right choice, the octopuses were given goodies; for a mistake, they received a weak electric shock.

Octopuses are easily hypnotized, which indicates a fairly high organization of his brain. One of the methods of hypnosis is to hold an octopus in the palm of your hand for some time with its mouth up, the tentacles should hang down. When an octopus is hypnotized, you can do whatever you want with it - it doesn't wake up. You can even throw it, and it will fall lifeless, like a piece of rope.

These smart marine animals are still poorly understood, but scientists are constantly discovering new and impressive abilities of octopuses.

8th place: Dove

Pigeons in large quantities can be found in all major cities, and most of us consider these birds to be “bad” creatures that get under our feet. But numerous scientific experiments show that these are very smart birds. For example, pigeons can remember and recognize hundreds of different images over many years.

The most common and well-known pigeon is the rock pigeon (lat. columba livia) - a bird whose homeland is considered to be Europe. A group of scientists from the Japanese Keio University showed through experiments that rock pigeons are able to recognize themselves in the mirror better than small children. Before these studies, it was believed that only humans, primates, dolphins and elephants had such abilities.

The experiments were carried out as follows. The pigeons were shown 3 videos simultaneously. The first video showed them in real time (i.e. a mirror), the second showed their movements a few seconds ago, and the third was recorded several hours before the present moment. The birds made a choice with their beaks, pointing in a certain direction. According to the results of these tests, it turned out that pigeons remember their actions with a delay of up to 5-7 seconds.

Pigeons can be trained to perform a sequence of movements and distinguish two objects with small differences - quite impressive for a simple pest.

IN Tsarist Russia pigeons were valued no less than large farm animals. Noble families bred their own breeds of pigeons, and these birds were a source of special pride and were passed on through generations.

The useful skills of pigeons have always been valued. For example, these birds' ability to find their way home and fly quickly made it possible to use them to transmit mail.

7th place: Belka

This nimble animal has a brain the size of a large pea. However, research shows that squirrels have excellent spatial orientation, have extraordinary intelligence and phenomenal memory, and can think and analyze.

Thanks to their intelligence and ability to survive, squirrels can be found everywhere. They have penetrated almost every corner globe. Squirrels are everywhere. From alpine marmots on snowy mountain peaks to squirrels living in the hot Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Subterranean squirrels - prairie dogs and chipmunks - have entered the underground space. Squirrels have penetrated all cities. AND The most famous of the squirrels is the gray one.

One of the widely known distinctive features protein is their ability to store nuts for the winter. Squirrels do not hibernate and must find up to 3,000 hidden nuts to survive. They bury some types of nuts in the ground, others hide them in tree hollows. This work requires incredible effort.

Thanks to their phenomenal memory, squirrels can remember the location of a nut 2 months after they buried it. Fantastic! Try to hide 3,000 coins. We guarantee that in a month you will be able to find only the one that is in your wallet.

Squirrels also have their own thieves, who decide not to get nuts, but wait and watch from ambush until other squirrels begin to bury theirs. winter diet. But for every action there is a counteraction. If the squirrel notices that they are starting to follow it, it pretends to bury the food. While the thief is wasting time on the empty hole, the squirrel moves his nut to another, more secret place. Isn't this the best proof that squirrels have intelligence?

Planning and remembering the correct route to food is vital. Brain and memory test: at the top of the wall there are 2 round holes, both have a door that opens in one direction. One leads to a dead end, which will force the squirrel to start over, and the twisted tube leads to more difficult path- leads to nuts. Question: Will the squirrel choose the right hole?

Research shows that squirrels have excellent spatial orientation, and even from the ground they can see which hole leads to the nuts. Squirrels without hesitation fit into the desired hole leading to food.

The ability to pave the way, dexterity, phenomenal ingenuity, spatial orientation and lightning speed - this is the secret of the success of squirrels on our planet.

Very often, squirrels are considered pests. After all, they chew everything they can and cannot.

6th place: Pigs

Despite their reputation for being gluttonous and always dirty creatures (they'll find dirt everywhere), pigs are actually very intelligent animals. Whether domestic or wild, pigs are known for their ability to adapt to different environmental conditions.

American zoologist E. Menzel believes that in terms of the development of their own language, pigs occupy second place among animals after monkeys. Pigs respond well to music, for example, they can grunt to the beat of the melody.

Thanks to high intelligence pigs are highly stressed. Piglets are very attached to their mothers, and if they are separated, especially in early age, they experience this very painfully: the piglet does not eat well and loses a lot of weight.

The greatest stress for pigs is moving from one place to another. It is not for nothing that Academician Pavlov stated that the pig is the most nervous of the animals surrounding humans.

Some scientists claim that a pig's intelligence is approximately matches the intelligence of a three year old child. In terms of learning ability, pigs are at least at the level of cats and dogs, and often surpass them. Even Charles Darwin believed that pigs were at least as intelligent as dogs.

Conducted various intelligence tests among the pigs. In one test, the feeder was connected to a computer. A cursor was displayed on the monitor screen, which could be moved using a joystick. Also, the monitor showed special area: if you hit it with the cursor, the feeder automatically opens and the food pours out. Amazingly, the pigs were excellent at controlling the joystick and moved the cursor to the right place! Dogs cannot repeat this experiment and are inferior to pigs in intelligence.

Pigs have a fantastic sense of smell! They are, for example, used as truffle finders - underground mushrooms - in France. Pigs were used to find mines during the war; trained sniffer pigs easily cope with the search for various drugs.

According to blood composition, digestive physiology and some others physiological characteristics pigs are very close to humans. Only monkeys are closer. That is why donor material taken from pigs is often used in transplantology. Many pig organs are directly or indirectly used in the treatment of dangerous human diseases, and their gastric juice is used in the production of insulin. A pig often suffers from the same diseases as a person, and it can be treated with almost the same drugs in the same doses.

5th place: Crows

Crows are incredibly intelligent animals. Scientists believe that their analytical thinking abilities are on par with those of great apes.

Crows are extremely adaptive and are exceptionally adapted to living around humans. Our actions force them to adapt in new ways every time. Crows don't survive with us, they thrive. They are found everywhere on the planet except Antarctica and parts South America. And throughout the entire territory you are unlikely to meet crows further than 5 km from a human dwelling.

We are finding more and more evidence that crows are very, very smart. Their brain size is the same proportion as that of a chimpanzee. There are many examples of various manifestations of their intelligence.

understands better than many people, which means red and green lights when crossing the street. Crows living in the city collect nuts from trees and place them on the roadway under the wheels of passing cars to open the shells. Then they wait patiently, waiting for the necessary light, return to the road and take their shelled nuts. An impressive example of innovation in the animal kingdom! The important thing is not that the crows learned to do this, but something else is important. This method was first observed in crows about 12 years ago in Tokyo. After this, all the crows in the area adopted this method. Crows learn from each other - that's a fact!

Another incredible study was carried out with a crow from New Caledonia. On this island, crows use twigs to pick insects from the bark of trees. In the experiment, a crow tried to get a piece of meat from a narrow glass tube. But the crow was given not the usual stick, but a piece of wire. She had never had to deal with this kind of material before. In front of the amazed researchers, the crow independently bent the wire into a hook using its paws and beak, and then took out the bait with this device. At this moment, the experimenters fell into ecstasy! But the use of tools is one of higher forms animal behavior, indicating their ability for intelligent activity.

Another example from Sweden. Researchers noticed that crows wait for fishermen to cast their fishing rods into the water, and when they move away, the crows fly in, reel in the fishing rod and eat the fish that was bait.

We can talk endlessly about the intelligence of crows. These observations were made at the University of Washington and indicate crows have amazing memory. Here the researchers had to catch a pair of crows flying around the area. The students went out, caught the birds with a net, measured them, weighed them, and then released them back. And they could not forgive such an attitude towards themselves! Subsequently, the crows flew up to those students as they walked across campus and shit on them, flew around in a flock, in short, ruined their lives in every possible way. This went on for a week. Then this continued for a month. And after the summer holidays...

Author Joshua Klein has been studying crows for more than 10 years. To confirm the presence of intelligence in these birds, he decided to conduct a rather complex experiment. Long story short, he created a special vending machine and placed it in a field with coins scattered around it. The machine was filled with nuts, and to get them, you need to throw a coin into a special slot. Surprisingly, the crows figured out this task quite quickly, picked up the coins, dropped them into the slot and received nuts.

We know a lot about the species that are disappearing from the planet as a result of human habitat expansion, but no one pays attention to the species that are alive and thriving. In Moscow alone there are about 1 million crows. These smartest representatives of birds have perfectly adapted to the human environment.

4th place: Elephant

These are not just lumbering giants with big ears and good memory. The philosopher Aristotle once said that the elephant is “an animal that excels others in wit and intelligence.”

Weighing over 5 kg, the elephant's brain is larger than that of any other land animal, but small compared to total mass body: only ~ 0.2% (in chimpanzees - 0.8%, in humans about 2%). Based on this, one might think that elephants are quite stupid animals. But the facts suggest that relative size the brain cannot be accurate indicator reasonableness.

Elephants are animals that are good know how to show their emotions, both positive and negative. Their “facial expressions” consist of movements of the head, ears and trunk, with which the elephant can express all sorts of, often subtle, shades of good or bad mood.

Elephants are extremely caring and sensitive to other members of their group, as well as other species, which is considered a very advanced form of intelligence. For example, elephants feel very deeply the loss of someone from the herd. They can gather near a dead body for several days. There have been recorded cases of “funerals” when elephants covered their dead comrades with a layer of vegetation.

Elephants incredible good memory . Elephants remember a person who treated them well or badly all their lives. There are many examples when the owner offended the elephant, and only years later the elephant took revenge on him, and sometimes even killed him.

How do we we already know, use of tools animals directly points to capacity for intelligent activity. To determine this, the following studies were conducted at the Washington Zoo. In the elephant enclosure, fruits and young bamboo shoots were hung high on a tree. The animals, standing on the ground, could not reach them even with their trunks. Not far from this place, the researchers placed a cube-shaped stand and began to observe...

At first, the elephant simply moved the cube around the enclosure, and in fairness it should be noted that he did not immediately figure out what to do: the experiment had to be repeated 7 times. And suddenly inspiration descended on the elephant: he got up, went straight to the cube, pushed it to the place where the treat was hanging and, standing on it with his front legs, took it out with his trunk. After that, even when the cube was out of reach, the elephant used other objects - car tire and a big ball.

Elephants are believed to have good ear for music and musical memory, and are also able to distinguish melodies from three notes. In general, these huge animals are amazing artists. They are also well known for their ability to draw on the ground while holding a stick with their trunk. In Thailand, they even made an attraction where several Thai elephants painted abstract drawings in front of spectators. True, it is unknown whether the elephants actually understood what they were doing.

3rd place: Orangutans

Apes are considered the most smart creatures on Earth after man. Of course, people are biased in this matter, but mental capabilities great apes hard to deny. So, In 3rd place on the list of the smartest animals is the orangutan. or “forest man” (orang - “man”, hutan - “forest”).

They have a high culture and strong social ties. Females stay with their children for many years, teaching them everything they need to survive in the forest. For example, orangutans cleverly use leaves as umbrellas from the rain, or remember places where different times years the trees bear fruit. By the age of 10 years, an orangutan can taste and identify more than 200 species of different edible plants.

Great apes, such as chimpanzees and orangutans, are able to recognize themselves in the mirror, while most animals react to their image in the mirror as if they were another individual.

Animal intelligence can sometimes be truly amazing. For example, the chimpanzee Kanzi, at the age of 29, knows about 450 words and can communicate with humans using a computer. Every day he uses about 30-40 words. But chimpanzees aren't the only ones known for their incredible logical thinking abilities.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Pigs have excellent memory and intuition; they respond to their name and understand the meaning of some other words. They have a complicated social structure, and they perform better on reasoning tests than some primates. (Le vent le cir)

2. The Gray parrot is rightfully considered a very smart bird. This type of parrot amazes with its intelligence and loyalty. Thus, the parrot Alex, with whom American scientist Irene Papperberg from the University of Arizona is studying, distinguishes about 50 different objects. Moreover, he communicates freely and is able to logically explain the differences between different objects. (Curryosity)

3. very smart and emotional creatures. They grieve for their dead relatives and can sometimes recognize them by their tusks and skull. They lie with their dead relatives for days until they begin to decompose. (Exfordy)

4. sea ​​lions also refer to animals that can think logically. Seven-year-old sea lion Rio proved the presence logical thinking with the help of special tests, in which she determined that if a=b and b=c, then a=c. (Mikebaird)

5. Chimpanzees have long been known for their thinking abilities. Recently it became known that they are even planning their future, thinking about their future actions in advance. (TheBusyBrain)

6. The dog has long been considered best friend humans and very smart animals. Dogs can learn up to 300 words and their intelligence has been compared to that of a two-year-old child. (Dave-F)

7. Crows have the most large size brain among birds. They can think, learn, and experience emotions. They are very inventive and can even choose the right tool to do the job. specific operation. (Iggy)

8. According to scientists, African baboons are similar to humans in terms of behavior. They have complex social systems, they may experience stress and are able to think abstractly. (Chi King)

9. Ants turned out to be very cunning creatures. They gather in huge groups and take in smaller colonies to make slaves out of them. They can also navigate by the sun. (Brian.gratwicke)

10. Dolphins are one of the few animals on earth that can recognize themselves in the mirror. They know who their mother is, the leader of their group, and they treat their relatives differently. (La Prima Donna)

To the question 10 smartest birds asked by the author (~O_o HEAVY FEATHER o_O~) the best answer is The raven is a free bird, however, due to its ability to imitate human voice, it is increasingly contained as pet. This clever girl can be trained on command, remove hats to guests, and serve cutlery. No other bird can do this. If you raise a crow with childhood, she grows up to be a devoted and very obedient bird.
An amazing case involving crows was described in Japan. These birds were spotted at the intersection highways. They stood at the side of the road, waiting for the red traffic light. As soon as it caught fire, they went down to the roadway and laid it on it. walnuts. Cars drove by, cracking the delicacy, and the crows, waiting for the traffic light to change, collected the fillings of the cracked nuts.
Not long ago it was proven that crows have their own language in which they communicate with each other. There are even dialects of their speech, since crows from one area do not understand their foreign relatives. Chapter research group, Erica Jarvis, is sure that the brain of birds is similar to that of humans. Carrying out your scientific research, Jarvis came to the conclusion that the subcortical ganglia in these birds is not a primitive area, but a highly complex information processing center. She is sure that many birds are ahead of some mammals in their cognitive abilities.
2Who would have thought that the crow, an annoying, croaking creature familiar to us from childhood, is actually smart and amazing creature! By the way, crows take an honorable 6th place in the list of the most intelligent animals in the world. Gray parrot Natural talent has earned the Gray the reputation of the best imitator, making it the most popular parrot among bird lovers in many countries. This parrot is capable of learning more than 1000 words and about 300 sentences. Gray parrots very quickly adapt to new living conditions, get used to their owner, are unpretentious to food and can not only speak well, but also imitate the voices of animals and birds, whistle melodies, sing short verses from songs, perform quite complex circus acts and even count. Thus, a gray parrot, whom ethologists taught to count, became a “world-famous mathematician.” More precisely, at first scientists trained the bird to look for food in boxes. It is worth noting that during the experiment, the researchers did not use any specially developed program, relying only on the extraordinary abilities and attentiveness of the parrot.
Gray parrots are called primates among birds. It is known that cerebral hemispheres The brains of these parrots are larger than those of other birds.
Jaco knew how to count how many light bulbs were lit, and took exactly the same number of grains from the box. Once, during an experiment, one of the scientists, without lighting the light bulb, blew into the pipe 4 times. And what was the surprise of those present when the parrot took 4 grains from the box. By practicing counting every day, the bird became a world champion. This parrot is the only one among birds that has learned to count to eight.
It is worth noting that in Russia, grays are the most common of all medium-sized parrots kept at home. However, not all lovers who strive at all costs to acquire a gray parrot, which, as they believe, will immediately begin to delight them with conversation, know that grays, in their psycho-emotional make-up, are one of the most complex birds in character.
Red-tailed Grays and Brown-tailed Grays differ from each other only appearance. Intellectual abilities these birds are almost identical. Myths that red-tailed grays are more intelligent are most likely spread by bird traders who find it more profitable to sell red-tailed grays, which are more expensive than brown-tailed grays. They are followed by falcons, hawks, woodpeckers and herons.

Among all the inhabitants of the planet's animal world, there are representatives endowed with not just primitive intelligence, but a well-developed mind, which in some ways can surpass the human mind.

The top 10 included the smartest animals in the world, a list of which is presented to the readers below.


Reveals the top ten smartest animals in the world pigeons. These birds are able to recognize their image in the mirror, remember faces, places and events. The fact that in ancient times pigeons were used as postmen indicates the presence of high intelligence.


Ninth place among the smartest animals is occupied by pigs. It is believed that lop-eared pigs are somewhat superior in intelligence to cats and dogs. They are easy to train and can perform some tricks with ease. Pigs have a very good biological clock. They know exactly what time to expect feeding. If food is delayed, smart pigs begin to worry and grunt with displeasure. Academician Pavlov proved that this is not only one of the smartest animals, but also the most nervous. A simple clap of the hands can cause alertness in the entire flock, which freezes in anticipation of something unknown.


Eighth place among the smartest animals goes to squirrels. They are not afraid of humans, are easily tamed and often settle near human settlements. If you start feeding a squirrel, it will definitely return there for a new portion the next day. Anything that the animal cannot eat, it will definitely hide away for a rainy day. Making huge reserves of provisions for the winter, tailed furries remember for several months each of their caches where hidden food is stored.


The seventh position among the most intelligent animals is occupied by crows. These incredibly smart birds are able to steal any item they like, showing amazing intelligence. To hunt large prey, they often gather in packs to defeat the prey. They can act in pairs when hunting other people's eggs. In this case, one crow distracts the bird, and the other steals the egg. If a bird decides to eat a nut, it knows that it needs to be broken. To do this, the crow flies high and throws the fruit so that it can break on a hard surface. Many experiments have shown that these birds can show incredible ingenuity when getting food.


Sixth place among the smartest animals was taken rats. They are able to outwit the most complex mousetrap and leave with the prey, leaving the trap with nothing. Scientists suggest that rodents are endowed with a collective intelligence that allows them to get out of the most difficult situations alive. In a pack of these animals there is always a leader and scouts who, at the cost of their lives, can taste the poisoned food. If the product contains poison, other rodents will avoid it.


The fifth place among the most intelligent animals in the world is occupied by cats. These mammals are not far behind dogs in intelligence. They are able to understand human speech and are very smart. In some cases, cats show incredible ingenuity and can follow some commands.


The fourth place among the most intelligent animals on the planet was taken by dogs. The poodle is endowed with the highest intelligence among all breeds. This animal is capable of remembering and understanding up to 250 words and gestures. They can count to 5 and do basic math. Pets are not only highly trainable, but they can also recognize images in photographs. In addition, four-legged animals are endowed with amazing intuition and instinct: they can notice the slightest changes in a person’s behavior and mood. Despite high intelligence, people are not endowed with such a sense. Also, many stray dogs tend to cross the road along pedestrian crossing at a traffic light.



The top three smartest animals are revealed dolphins. Unique residents underwater world They have been raising their offspring for a long time. They prefer to live in packs and are accustomed to collective work. Dolphins are able to imitate the actions of humans and other animals. These huge fish are not averse to showing off in front of the mirror, in which they recognize their image. They are easy to train and tend to be creative when performing tricks. With the help of published sound signals Animals communicate with each other even over long distances. By whistling, they identify their relatives with incredible accuracy. The ability of dolphins to imitate basic human words, the chirping of birds and other sounds is simply amazing. It has been proven that the number of brain convolutions in this animal is twice as large as in humans. It is surprising that the dolphin is awake all the time: the two hemispheres alternately retract. So he never sleeps.


Second place in the ranking of the smartest animals is occupied by elephants. These are some of the most large mammals on the ground. At first glance, these clumsy, huge animals give the impression of infantility and a passive attitude towards everything. But this impression is deceptive. Aristotle himself said about elephants that they are “an animal that surpasses all others in wit and intelligence.” Elephants treat their generation with tenderness and care. In the event of the death of one of the tribe, the animal may not leave the deceased body for several days, and then cover the corpse with available leaves, arranging something like a funeral. Having offended this animal, it is better not to cross its path: the four-legged animal has a unique memory that allows you to remember faces and events for the rest of your life. In addition, the mammal has excellent hearing and musical sensitivity. The elephant is easy to train and can perform complex and important tricks, which is why it is one of the main participants in the circus show. In addition, the elephant sometimes does not mind playing games, such as football, or painting landscapes.



They top the list of the smartest animals monkeys, in particular chimpanzees. Nature has endowed primates with large, complex brains similar to humans. They communicate freely with their own kind and have certain language skills. Chimpanzees can use various tools to get food: stones to break coconut fruits, sticks to extract termites, etc. They can also make their own rudimentary spears for hunting. This animal is able to recognize its reflection in the mirror. Sometimes a humanoid ape is smarter than a three-year-old child. But despite its developed intelligence, the capabilities of a monkey will never compare with human abilities.