The death of Evgeny Ogier shocked show business. Equal marriage of Tina Kandelaki

78-year-old Tina Turner, who published pages of her autobiography in the Daily Mail, Once again confirmed that love exists. She admitted having serious problems with health and the desire to die without permission, if not for the support of 62-year-old Erwin Bach, who donated his kidney for his wife. What are the details?

Rock star problems

The celebrity, who permanently resides in Switzerland, suffered a stroke in 2013. This happened shortly after the creation of an official alliance with Erwin Bach, music producer. Tina Turner recovered from a serious illness, but another misfortune awaited her - intestinal cancer, which she fought with the help of homeopathic remedies.

The result was kidney failure. The kidneys coped with their function by 20%. This became known by December 2016. It could be either permanent dialysis or a transplant operation. The second seemed impossible due to difficulties in finding a donor. The rock legend was considering suicide.

Happy problem resolution

The star's husband announced his readiness to donate one of his kidneys for an organ transplant operation. In a conversation with his wife, he admitted that he did not need any other woman except Tina.

The secret transplant was carried out in April 2017. This became a rather risky undertaking, because Turner at that time was constantly suffering from high blood pressure. blood pressure. However, the operation was quite successful. Your loved one's kidney has taken root.

Tina recalls that the happiest moment was when Erwin appeared in her room on wheelchair. He managed to look energetic and incredibly handsome. The woman was so moved when she heard his usual: “Hello, dear!” At the same time, the rock legend felt real liberation from the problem that had tormented her for so long.

Evgeny Ogir died on April 28 from stomach cancer. He was only 32 years old. And Tina remained a widow at 28... They were always under the gaze of the paparazzi, but remained an exemplary family for all 5 years that they were together. Love and some childish wisdom of both played a role in this.

Tina never hid that her first meeting with her future husband in 2007 became her love at first sight. He still does not go back on his words.

“I remember very well the day when Zhenya called me for the first time,” Tina recalls. - Because that day I asked God for help. I asked an angel who would save me and pull me out of this huge black hole, from a place in which I did not know what to do, where I was disappointed in everything and everyone (at that time, Karol broke up with her first producer with a scandal. - Author) .

When I saw him, it seemed to me that he was shining,” Karol confesses. - Either he was sitting in the backlight from the window where the sun was, or he really glowed. But then I thought that I really liked him.

From the moment of that meeting, a love story began and general work and music, about which much has already been said and shown. And then Evgeny died, and Tina had to start learning to live without him...

Life according to my husband's plan

Those around the singer told us that before his death, Ogir wrote his wife a plan according to which she should live after his departure, and Tina strictly fulfills it. She literally overwhelmed herself with work. I recorded one song, a second... Then a video, another video... Then the album came out. And then a tour with which she traveled all over Ukraine. And in addition to everything, she starred in the biographical film “The Power of Love and Voices.”

Along with the end of the tour, Tina Karol's flight from herself stopped. And again the loss fell.

There is less work now, and she is again terribly sad for her husband, say acquaintances of the artist. - Every day, when he travels to Kyiv from Zazimye (in this village, not far from the capital, there is a house that he and Ogir began to build together. - Ed.), he goes to the cemetery. The atmosphere is very difficult...

“I did everything in the house as he wanted,” says Karol, wiping away tears. - It’s everywhere, our things: wedding glasses, wedding candles, our towel... The towel says “For happiness!” When I found him, I cried for a long time. I put them in the most visible place. To learn to see and accept, see and accept. I don't hide memories of him.

...And suddenly he wipes away his tears, a smile appears on his face:

I will be the way he wanted: happy, smiling, talented and strong. On another it is impossible. I must. And I will be sincere. When I can show my vulnerability, my weakness, I will show it. When it hurts me to show it, I...hold back my tears again. Take care of your love, appreciate the moments, cultivate your family and raise your children this way...

Sometimes Venya persuades his mother to take him to a concert.

Changed my mind about moving to Moscow

The star's only joy was her 5-year-old son Benjamin. Now mother and son live together in big house, which Karol finally completed after the death of her husband. When she goes on tour, Veniamin stays with a nanny. Although sometimes he persuades me to take him to a concert. Therefore, the artist’s rider states that the hotel room where she is being accommodated must have a children’s room.

Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote a month ago that Tina Karol bought a 4-room apartment in Moscow (renovation was completed in winter), since the singer has long been called to work in Belokamennaya. Tina planned to move, change the environment and send Veniamin to 1st grade in Moscow. But now the artist still lives in Kyiv and has no plans to move in the near future.


Such a plot in a cemetery costs as much as an apartment in Kyiv

Tina Karol will come to the cemetery where her husband is buried on April 28. The anniversary of the death of Evgeniy Ogir coincided with a memorial day, which will also be celebrated at the Berkovetsky churchyard (located within the boundaries of Kyiv). The singer will also remember her father-in-law Valery Ivanovich, who died on the fortieth day after his son left. The graves of the elder and younger Ogirs are nearby.

As Komsomolskaya Pravda found out, spiritual guide Tina, father Varlaam, will serve a memorial service on Monday, and a memorial service will also take place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, in which Karol and Ogir were married. A memorial dinner will also be organized there, in the Lavra. In addition, Karol has a rehearsal in the studio with musicians scheduled for that evening. It looks like Tina is going to “drown” her grief with work again.

KP correspondents visited the Berkovetskoye cemetery.

Near the entrance, where flowers and wreaths are sold, we ask how to get to the grave of Evgeniy Ogir. Local sellers do not need to clarify who he is.

Enter through the central entrance, go around the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul and immediately see stone tablets on the grass - they lead to the grave, the merchants explain.

We are interested in what flowers Tina buys.

Tina doesn’t take it from us, she arrives in her car with flowers,” says one of the saleswomen. - But Evgeniy’s mother, Raisa Petrovna, comes often and always buys carnations.

We also take carnations. The area of ​​the site where the Ogiers are buried is impressive - a couple of hundred square meters. Such a grave at black market prices costs 40-50 thousand dollars (the cost of a one-room apartment in Kyiv). But, as Tina’s friends told us, she was given a plot of land at the capital’s mayor’s office for free as an honored artist.

The area is neatly decorated. It is clear that a landscape designer had a hand in it. Everything is sown with grass, the path is lined with stones, beautiful flower beds with pansies. On the graves themselves there are crosses made of red begonias. There are also two benches. A row of thujas was planted along the border of the site. Made in a European way, without pretentious gold, concrete and granite. As Komsomolskaya Pravda found out, the entire cemetery surroundings cost Karol 20 thousand hryvnia. This is despite the fact that there are no monuments yet - it is not customary to erect them until one year. Although, as local workers told us, measurements for the monuments have already been taken.

Five years have passed since Tina Karol’s husband Evgeniy Ogir passed away. However, for a loving heart it is short period of time. In her interviews, the singer does not often talk about her husband’s death, but sometimes she still shares frank thoughts and experiences. The other day, for example, on Tina Karol’s official fan page on Instagram, she admitted that she still cannot come to terms with the loss of her loved one. The singer admits that everything she does is dedicated to her husband.

“Today is the day when I realized that I’ve been running from myself all this time! And I drown out this fear, this pain with the noise of applause, behind-the-scenes bustle. For the first time I can say... the depth of my grief is endless. I will always be “well done” for him. I will always be at the height of my capabilities and beyond. I am embarrassed by my tears and vulnerability. I'm ashamed to be weak as a woman. How to forgive yourself for your loss? I'm still waiting for you... Never to realize. Never reconcile. Everything about me is about you,” Tina Karol is quoted as saying on her fan page.

Read also

Let us remind you that the singer’s husband died after a long battle with a terrible disease - stomach cancer. Evgeny Ogir died at the age of 33. From her husband, Tina gave birth to a son, Veniamin, who will turn 10 in November.

Lena Miro published the results of her investigation on a page in the popular social network"Livejournal". “Tina Kandelaki’s husband (Vasily Brovko. – Ed.) is a young guy, 12 years old younger than his wife. Clever Tina, she took revenge on everyone for everything, showing that a woman also loves fresher meat,” Lena Miro first praised the sultry brunette.


Next the blogger did small retreat. She published several photographs showing a certain dark-haired young woman. “Meet Nicole Sakhtaridi - you don’t really know her, because she’s a nobody. Well, like a nobody? Young, p***-tits in place, a participant in “The Bachelor” and generally not a bad girl,” the blogger introduced the young beauty.

Miro explained why she suddenly jumped from her husband Kandelaki to Sakhtaridi. “The whole point is that young Vasya, Tina’s husband, not only follows Nicole on social networks, but also diligently likes her photos,” Miro announced.

Lena developed the idea. In her opinion, Tina Kandelaki should worry. “The 12-year difference is not in Tina’s favor. Vasya is wow and generally great. The only problem is that p***s are surfing around on social networks and, without hesitation, like their young charms. Now let’s put ourselves in Tina’s place, bunny, and we understand that there is nothing good in this situation,” Lena concluded.

According to Miro, Brovko’s attentions to the young star of “The Bachelor” are a humiliation for Kandelaki. “Where is Tina, and where is Nicole, you can see with the naked eye. And Tina can see, and you, and even her husband Vasya, who likes young body, and not the old wife-raskoryak. And Vasya’s likes are humiliation, from which betrayal is just a step or even less,” Lena Miro is convinced.

Biography and episodes of life Evgenia Ogira. When born and died Evgeniy Ogir, memorable places and dates important events his life. Producer Quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Evgeniy Ogir:

born August 14, 1980, died April 28, 2013


“If only you knew now how bad it is for me to be without you.
If only I knew then that I wouldn’t be able to forget you.
I still remember, although nothing will return,
I still talk in the future tense about the past..."
From Tina Karol’s song “I Remember,” dedicated to Evgeniy Ogir


His wife was one of the most beautiful women Ukraine, wonderful singer Tina Karol. She bore him a son. But, alas, happy marriage did not save Evgeniy from illness. The biography of Evgeny Ogir is short, honest and simple: he lived, worked, loved. But for Evgeniy’s loved ones, the death of Karol’s husband was a real tragedy. Beautiful, strong, but still a woman, Tina was again left without a strong male shoulder.

Evgeniy Ogir was born in 1980. He graduated from the Kiev Theater University, studying to be a film and television producer and went to work by profession - as an executive producer for the M1 TV channel. They met Tina at the Tavria Games festival, but apparently this acquaintance went unnoticed for them. A year later, when Tina started having problems with her producer, someone advised her to contact Ogier, saying that he would make a wonderful producer. The singer still remembers this meeting - she entered Evgeniy’s office, and a serious young man sat at the table with an appraising look from under his brows. On the one hand, this somehow frightened her, but on the other, she immediately realized that in front of her was a strong and clever man. Ogir recalls their meeting a little differently: “I remember that I was doing some current work. You were in a completely crazy suit with a beret.”

Ogir pulled Karol out of creative depression - a new album and tour followed. And, apparently, after happiness at work, personal happiness itself suggested itself. In Ogir’s biography, there was already one unsuccessful marriage in which a son was raised, and Karol was very disappointed in the relationship, but, apparently, they were able to restore each other’s faith in love. The singer and producer carefully hid their relationship from others. Evgeniy believed that those who needed to know him knew him by sight, and he did not want to shine next to the star. But soon he proposed to Tina, and in January 2008 the couple registered their relationship. In June of the same year, a wedding followed in the Holy Dormition Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, and in November, the birth of their son Benjamin.

It seemed that everything was going well for the couple, and despite some disagreements that happen in any marriage, Tina and Evgeniy remained happy and in love married couple. Until Evgeniy received a terrible diagnosis - stomach cancer. Evgeniy Ogir fought cancer for 1.5 years, they began treatment best doctors Israel and Germany, but win terrible disease failed. Ogir did not live to see his marriage anniversary with Karol for a little less than a month and a half. He passed away on the evening of April 28, 2013. The cause of death of Evgeniy Ogir was stomach cancer. Ogir died in one of the capital’s clinics. Tina was at a concert in Zaporozhye at that moment. The funeral of Karol's husband took place two days later, on April 30. The funeral service took place at the Baikovo cemetery, Evgeniy Ogir was buried at Berkovetsky.

Life line

August 14, 1980 Date of birth of Evgeny Valerievich Ogir.
2000s Study at the Kiev National University of Theatre, Film and Television named after. I.K. Karpenko-Kary with a degree in film and television producer.
2001-2009 Work as an executive producer on the M1 channel.
spring 2006 Meeting Tina Karol at the Tavria Games festival.
2007 Evgeny Ogir becomes Tina Karol's producer.
January 2008 Marriage to Tina Karol.
June 15, 2008 Wedding with Tina Karol.
November 18, 2008. Birth of son Benjamin.
April 28, 2013 Date of death of Tina Karol's husband Evgeniy Ogir.
April 30, 2013 Ogier's funeral.

Memorable places

1. Office of the Ukrainian music TV channel M1, where Ogir worked for 7 years.
2. Kiev National University of Theatre, Film and Television named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary, where Evgeniy Ogir studied.
3. Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, where the wedding of Evgeny Ogir and Tina Karol took place.
4. Baikovoe Cemetery, where the funeral service and farewell to Evgeniy Ogir took place.
5. Berkovetskoe city cemetery, where the grave of Tina Karol’s husband is located.

Episodes of life

TV presenter and singer Olga Tsibulskaya said that she once talked with Ogir behind the scenes of a concert on Mikhailovsky, which she hosted. Evgeniy watched Tina perform. According to her, “his eyes lit up with every note.” “Listen, now is the most touching moment! - he said at the climax. Olga realized how much Evgeniy loved Tina and how much he admired and was proud of her work.

Evgeniy had two sons - the eldest son Evgeniy from his first marriage and the youngest son from his marriage to Tina Karol, Veniamin. Shortly before his death, Evgeniy Ogir admitted to his mother that he built a house, gave birth to a son, but did not have time to plant a garden, although he had already even bought a plot.

Contrary to all the talk that Tina Karol and Evgeniy Ogir allegedly signed marriage contract, they did not sign any such contract. They didn't even have a standard producer-singer contract. Bearing in mind the singer’s previous problems with producers, Ogir decided to act wiser. They both owned one legal entity in equal shares, with equal voting and signing rights. Before last days throughout his life, Ogier took care of Tina and tried to provide her with a stable and prosperous life.


“I believe that people become a couple and their love is given time only somewhere “up there,” above. Love has no time frame. There are people who get married without loving each other at all, but at the same time live their whole lives together. There are marriages in which everyone loves only themselves and at the same time feel great. It seems to me that everything depends on another important condition - you must meet your loved one.”

Release of the program “Tvіy format” in memory of producer Evgeniy Ogir


“No matter how crazy it may sound, cancer is the most humane disease, because you have time to say all the words of love and gratitude to the person, give him all your tenderness. And you have time to hear the words and thoughts that he wants to tell you. What happened between us was a long goodbye, during which Zhenya taught me important things, told me, explained.”
Tina Karol, singer, wife of Evgeny Ogir

“Zhenya Ogir passed away... A wonderful person and a talented director... Without him, my beloved “Your Format” OE would not be the same... RIP.”
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, leader of the group “Ocean Elzy”

“I met Zhenya a long time ago on the M1 channel. He was a purposeful guy who always went towards his goal. He showed everyone how to work, live, and be a husband. Bright memory. I want all the guardian angels on earth to help Tina and the whole family go through this path. Appreciate your loved ones. Love and don’t forget to tell them that every day.”
Mika Newton, singer

“Today I sadly learned that Evgeniy Ogir, the husband of our popular singer Tina Karol, has died. My deepest condolences to the family, the young widow and their little son Benjamin. When you are faced with a tragedy similar to the event that occurred, you once again understand how much effort still needs to be made and practical medicine, and science, in order to have the ability to fight such serious illnesses. You should try to save people who still have time to live. I sincerely sympathize. Appreciate your loved ones while they are alive.”
Mykola Azarov, Prime Minister of Ukraine