Music producer Yana Rudkovskaya: biography, personal life, career. Yana Rudkovskaya: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo New wards of Yana Rudkovskaya

Today, one of the most successful and popular Russian business women is Yana Aleksandrovna Rudkovskaya. The biography of this woman interests many. Career, family, children, personal achievements and failures - everything is carefully monitored by fans and simply curious people.

Yana's childhood and youth. The beginning of the way

On January 2, 1975, a girl, Yana, was born (the date of birth makes it easy to calculate how old Rudkovskaya is). Father - Alexander, a career officer (currently the deputy head of the flight school and coach of the Russian national flying sports team). Mother - Svetlana, doctor (now Doctor of Medical Sciences). After the birth of his daughter, the father was transferred to Barnaul, the center of Altai. Here Yana grew up and studied. It is interesting that Yana’s school friends claim that in childhood her name was Alla.

In 2001, Yana got married. Little Andryushka began to be raised by his new mother. A year later, the couple had a common boy, Nikolai.

Scandalous divorce

And a few years later, the complex and scandalous separation of the famous couple began. Ex-wife Yana Rudkovskaya made not only property claims. Children played one of the key roles in this high-profile scandal.

The former spouses could not divide their sons and agree on the role of each in their upbringing. In the fight for the children, Rudkovskaya even received Yulia Saltovets, who unexpectedly appeared again in the arena. Adding fuel to the fire. She sobbed in front of the cameras, gave interviews, claiming that 10 years ago Mr. Baturin forcibly took away her little blood. Baturin, Rudkovskaya and Saltovets vied with each other to tell contradictory “pure truths” about each other. The case was widely covered by the media. The question of how the children felt during the proceedings and what consequences all these scandals would have on their children's psyche remained unaddressed.

After a difficult trial in April 2008, Baturin and Rudkovskaya finally officially divorced. The star's biography was replenished with a new event, and his wallet was replenished with compensation from Baturin's millions.

P.S. How many years Rudkovskaya had to “suffer” being married to Baturin, her book “Confession of a Kept Woman,” or Thus the Steel Was Tempered, tells.

Married for the second time

Yana Rudkovskaya did not grieve for long after breaking up with her first husband. She almost immediately decided to tie the knot with the famous Russian figure skater, master of sports Evgeni Plushenko.

Also in 2008, the famous Plushenko, together with violinist Edvin Marton, participated in Dima Bilan’s Believe number at Eurovision. Bilan's song received 1st place. After the results of the competition were announced, Evgeni Plushenko (he is 7 years younger than his chosen one) proposed marriage to producer Yana Rudkovskaya. They got married on September 12, 2009.

Wedding of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko

The wedding of both stars turned out great. The official part took place in a narrow family circle in the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. At this ceremony, Yana wore a dress from Roberto Cavalli worth 50 thousand euros.

The wedding feast took place on Rublevka at the Barvikha Hotel & Spa. 150 guests had fun at the celebration - entirely Moscow elite. The bride wore a chic designer dress from fashion designer Zuhar Murabu, widely known in narrow circles. The lilac dress cost 100 thousand euros. Yana had a unique diamond crown on her head.

According to rumors, due to the crisis in the country, the young people squeezed in and settled for “only” 1.5 million euros. But the pragmatic businesswoman Rudkovskaya thought through everything. Her biography occupies the minds of many, so it was decided to make money (about 1 million euros) by broadcasting and publishing articles about the wedding.

Family happiness

Rudkovskaya’s second husband literally blows away specks of dust from her. Yana herself says in all interviews how happy they are, that there are practically no quarrels, and how she tries to please her young husband. The couple already has, in addition to joint business projects.

The most remarkable event in the Plushenko-Rudkovsky family was the birth on January 8, 2013 of a wonderful boy, Sasha, weighing 2 kg 800 g. Dad affectionately calls his son “little Plushenok” or “Gnome Gnomych”. The child has already been given miniature skates. Dima Bilan became godfather.

Everyone currently lives with their mother and Evgeni Plushenko as one big happy family.

One of the first Russian businesswomen confirms the truth of the expression “a talented person is talented in everything.” Run a multi-million dollar business, successfully produce, launch new rating show projects and at the same time be
a spectacular woman (which she succeeds in, despite the fact that Yana’s appearance is far from the canons of classical beauty), a loving wife and a caring mother. Mrs. Rudkovskaya is trying to keep up with everything. The biography of this modern woman is truly multi-volume and amazing.

After the mother of three sons, Yana Rudkovskaya, spoke about the conflict in the family of Alexander and Milana Kerzhakov, a lot of criticism was addressed to her. The famous producer was reproached for supporting her father and not her mother in this difficult family story. But Rudkovskaya knows how to stand up for herself. The long struggle in the courts for her sons taught her this. There are thousands of comments on social networks under Rudkovskaya’s publications about the conflict in the Kerzhakov family. In some of them, Rudkovskaya was also reminded that she is raising the child of Yulia Saltovets. Indeed, Yana Rudkovskaya is raising: Alexander (5 years old, son of Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko), Nikolai (16 years old, son of Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin) and Andrey (16 years old, son of Viktor Baturin and Yulia Saltovets). Rudkovskaya raised Andrei from the cradle. Are the reproaches against the producer fair? Why was the boy's biological mother not involved in his life? The story is confusing. We tried to figure it out.

Version by Yulia Saltovets

Wedding of Yulia Saltovets and Victor Baturin. Photo: archive, program frame.

In the 90s, Yulia Saltovets danced in nightclubs in Sochi, and then the girl met a wealthy businessman from Moscow, Viktor Baturin. Soon Baturin proposed to a pretty dancer, they played a wedding, and then got married. The groom was 45 years old, the bride 21 years old. And Yana Rudkovskaya walked at the wedding of Yulia and Victor. Saltovets and Rudkovskaya were introduced by Baturin in Sochi.

Yulia Saltovets and Yana Rudkovskaya were introduced to Sochi by Viktor Baturin. Photo: archive, program frame.

“Happiness began to end at the moment when Yana Rudkovskaya began to tell me that Victor was sleeping with one model from Sochi, then with another. We lived with Victor for less than a year... Victor’s guards told me that Yana had a relationship with Victor. I left him for my parents... Of course, I regret that I divorced Victor, we would have had a wonderful family. I was young and hot-tempered. We all make a lot of mistakes when we’re young…” Yulia Saltovets told her story on the air of the “Mirror for a Hero” program (NTV).
Saltovets gave birth to a boy in September 2001: “I asked for feeding, but they told me that he couldn’t be given milk. They didn’t even explain why... They brought the child, but on the third day they took him away...” Yulia said on air that her son was taken away from her straight from the maternity hospital. The boy was taken to Moscow, and from birth he was raised in the family of Viktor Baturin and Yana Rudkovskaya - the couple had already formalized their relationship by that time.

In an effort to arouse sympathy, Saltovets, for decent fees, told on TV that her ex-husband took her son without her consent - he simply took it away and that’s it. But for some reason Julia “forgets” about one important detail: in the maternity hospital she wrote a refusal to give up the child. When asked about this document, she replies that she does not remember signing the paper.

“When they were getting divorced, Viktor Baturin came to see me in Krasnodar to improve relations,” Saltovets recalled on a TV show that she saw her son 7 years later. At that moment, Baturin and Rudkovskaya broke up, and the businessman took the children from Yana. He suddenly allowed Saltovets to see his son. By that time, Yulia was already raising a daughter (Saltovets did not have a good relationship with her father), and a woman from the Krasnodar Territory brought his half-sister to meetings with Andrey. Julia periodically flew in to meet the boy. In 2011, when Viktor Baturin was put in a pre-trial detention center, the children were returned to Yana Rudkovskaya.

Yulia Saltovets with her daughter Polina. Photo: archive, program frame.

Saltovets disappeared for a while. She arranged her life in Spain: first she worked there as a dancer, and then she successfully married. When she appeared in Russia, she gave an interview about her difficult life as a woman. “In 2015, I dated Andrey. I told him, Andrey, you know that I am your mother, and I love you very much. It’s not my fault that you were taken from me...” Saltovets voiced her experiences to the whole country. After another vacation in Russia, the woman was returning to Spain.

It is worth noting that Andrei Baturin himself always wanted to live in the family of Yana Rudkovskaya.

Version by Yana Rudkovskaya

Since Yulia Saltovets was giving an interview, Yana Rudkovskaya was forced to answer. After the divorce, the producer fought for her sons and went through many trials, but even when the truth triumphed and the children had to return to their mother, another problem arose.
“...But Baturin continued differently. “Please,” he said. - Here’s Kolya, this is your son, take it. And Andrey is adopted and has nothing to do with you,” the producer recalled in an interview with Elle.
Yana Rudkovskaya was able to obtain guardianship over Baturin’s son from her marriage to Yulia Saltovets, after the boy’s mother wrote a refusal from him in the maternity hospital. “Unfortunately, the adoption documents were not done entirely correctly: the birth certificate said that I was Andrei’s natural mother, and Baturin arranged another trial, where they required me to conduct a genetic examination, which was pointless. Taking advantage of this, he offered to sign a settlement agreement for me (when the children alternately live with me and then with him). And in 2010, in order not to lose Andryusha, I signed this agreement,” Rudkovskaya explained the situation.
In 2011, Baturin was imprisoned, and the children returned to Rudkovskaya. Yana, answering questions from journalists, said that she loves boys equally. She noted with a smile: “Not only that, Kolya sometimes complains that I pay more attention to Andryusha. This is true. Kolya can get a slap on the head, but Andrei cannot..."
Rudkovskaya, even after legal battles for her children (there were more than 200 of them), never spoke bad things about her father to the boys. Andrei and Nikolai are raised by Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. After Viktor Baturin was released from prison, Rudkovskaya managed to restore relations with him. The father meets with his sons, participates in their upbringing, and gives expensive gifts.

Rudkovskaya tried to restore relations with Saltovets. Yana responded to Yulia’s requests to see her son, and organized the same meeting between Saltovets and her son in 2015 that Yulia spoke about. “We spent a week trying to persuade Andrei to go,” Rudkovskaya said in an interview. The meeting took place in a cafe, Andrei came in the company of his brother, Evgeni Plushenko and his friend. “Then I tried to maintain the relationship: I sent Yulia Andrei’s sizes so that she would have the opportunity to show her attention: buy him some clothes as a gift, because his birthday was approaching. I told her that he was interested in golf and sent her a photo. She was asked to come to Andrey at any time. When Viktor Nikolaevich Baturin was released from prison, he also supported my idea, and we offered three options for how to see Andrey. The first is to negotiate through my assistant, the second is through Viktor Nikolaevich, the third is directly by phone with Andrey. They sent her his number,” said Yana Rudkovskaya in an interview with Hello.

But instead of winning the child’s trust, Saltovets returned to her new husband in Spain, and when she came to Russia again, she gave a “sensational” interview. Children are growing up quickly and soon Yulia Saltovets will no longer have anything to reproach her “rival” for - an adult guy will be able to make all decisions himself...

By the way, after Alexander and Milana Kerzhakova began negotiating and were able to come to an agreement on raising their son, Yana Rudkovskaya promised to get Milana Kerzhakova a job. The producer demonstrated that she helps not only in word, but also in deed: “I invited Milana to work in our team, to head our St. Petersburg department of ice shows. She is already at the finish line of her treatment, and I am sure that everything will work out for her! And even though all these days it was unpleasant and painful for all of us, I am happy that the guys agreed. So for me, a few more days of my life have not been lived in vain!”

Yana Rudkovskaya at the wedding of Yulia Saltovets and Viktor Baturin with the bride. Photo: archive, program frame. Yana Rudkovskaya is a successful producer, TV presenter, and businesswoman. She is best known as the producer of Dima Bilan and her husband, Evgeni Plushenko.

Childhood and adolescence

Yana was born on January 2, 1975 in Kazakhstan, and spent her entire adult childhood and youth in Barnaul, where her father was transferred due to his type of service. There, Colonel Alexander Vasilyevich Rudkovsky held the position of deputy head of the flight school, and mother Svetlana Nikolaevna, a neurologist, headed the department at the local railway hospital.

Yana grew up an obedient, diligent and very purposeful girl. From an early age she studied music and figure skating, and was an excellent student. As a teenager, Yana began to dream of becoming a cosmetologist and, after graduating from school with a silver medal, she entered the medical faculty of the Barnaul Medical Institute, and later completed an internship in the Netherlands.


In 1998, with the money raised from the sale of her grandmother's apartment, Yana opened her first beauty salon in Sochi. The business immediately began to generate a stable income, Rudkovskaya recouped all expenses within a year and, having become a distributor of the Franck Provost company, organized three more beauty salons.

In 2003, Yana expanded her business to include a network of clothing stores from the world's leading brands and was right again - Rudkovskaya became one of the richest and most influential businesswomen in the south of Russia. Her husband, millionaire Viktor Baturin, provided her with great assistance in organizing her business, but we must also pay tribute to Yana’s innate business acumen.

Producing career

In 2005, Rudkovskaya slightly changed her field of activity and went into show business. After the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, Yana’s close friend, she “inherited” the young and promising singer Dima Bilan, whom Rudkovskaya undertook to produce. In three years, she made him the most popular artist on the Russian stage, and Bilan’s victory at Eurovision in 2008 brought the singer to a new level of success.

A little later, Yana shared with journalists even greater ambitions for Bilan: “I want Dima Bilan to be popular in the West and become the first Russian artist to receive a Grammy.” In parallel with the development of Dima Bilan’s career, Rudkovskaya produced singers Alexa and Sabrina.

In 2009, Rudkovskaya released an autobiographical book, “Confession of a Kept Woman,” where she told in detail the story of her life and success, but cleverly avoided some issues related to promoting her business.

Soon after Eurovision, Yana had a new ward, her future husband Evgeni Plushenko. Rudkovskaya, with her characteristic zeal, began to look after her husband, whose sports career was coming to an end. Numerous injuries no longer allowed the 2006 Olympic champion to demonstrate all his capabilities, but Yana insisted that he still take part in the Sochi Olympics in 2014.

But Zhenya could not withstand the crazy workload and withdrew from competing in the personal tournament. A huge scandal broke out, promising the athlete loss of reputation and complete oblivion. And only thanks to the intervention of Rudkovskaya, Evgeny did not become an outcast and remained afloat. Together with her husband, the enterprising Yana organized the ice show “The Nutcracker”, picking up the idea of ​​“The Snow Queen” by Ilya Averbukh, and staged a grandiose PR campaign in support of Plushenko.

Yana has also been involved in charitable activities more than once - she helps orphans, supports charitable foundations and talented young artists.

Personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya

Rudkovskaya's first common-law husband was businessman Evgeny Mukhin, who moved the girl to Sochi. Having developed herself and become a respectable businesswoman, Yana exchanged him for millionaire Viktor Baturin, whom she met in the VIP box at a football match. Rudkovskaya gave birth to baby Nikolai from Baturin and adopted his son Andrei from Yulia Saltovets.

During the divorce, the couple staged a real war for the children, in which Yana, despite Baturin’s connections and millions, emerged victorious. Now their enmity is a thing of the past, and the boys can see their father at any time.

In 2009, Rudkovskaya became the wife of figure skater Evgeni Plushenko, whom she met while preparing Dima Bilan for Eurovision. Four years later, the couple had a baby, Sasha, whom they affectionately call Gnome Gnomych. In 2017, Yana and Evgeniy got married in a church.

Yana Rudkovskaya now

Now Yana Rudkovskaya continues to manage several business projects and produce Dima Bilan and Evgeni Plushenko. This purposeful woman is now at the peak of her fame and success and she is unlikely to give up her position.

You can become a famous person thanks to your talent or luck. But people like Yana Rudkovskaya had to go through hell for the whole country to talk about them. How did a petite blonde manage to marry a billionaire, lose everything and become happy again? The biography of Yana Rudkovskaya can become an example for those who are ready to give up under the blows of fate.


Yana Rudkovskaya was born on January 2, 1975 in Kostanay, Kazakhstan. The date of birth is known from the words of the girl herself, but some doubt that it is real. Classmates told the media how old Yana Rudkovskaya really is. According to them, in fact, her real name is Alla and she was born in 1968. If this data is true, then in 2018 the businesswoman celebrated her 50th birthday.

Yana Rudkovskaya's parents had nothing to do with business or music. His mother was a doctor, and his father was a military pilot. The family regularly changed their place of residence. Almost all of Yana’s childhood and youth lived in Barnaul, where she had to move due to her father’s next business trip. The girl studied well and graduated from school with one B in her certificate. Despite the fact that she devoted many years to figure skating and music, she decided to enroll in medical school on the advice of her mother.


After graduating from university and receiving the specialty “dermatovenereologist,” he decides to try his hand at entrepreneurship. At this time, she was already living in a civil marriage with businessman Evgeny Mukhin. Together with him she went to Sochi, where she opened her first beauty salon. The establishment was equipped no worse than in European capitals. A year later, the salon fully paid for itself and began to generate a stable income. The girl’s calculation was correct: wealthy ladies carefully take care of themselves even during vacation. Rich clients quickly spread the news that a chic beauty salon had opened in the south of Russia. But by this time, great changes had occurred in the biography of Yana Rudkovskaya.


A famous businessman, billionaire and brother of the wife of the mayor of Moscow and the owner of a beauty salon met at a football match. Some later slandered this topic, trying to accuse the young woman of self-interest. But by that time, Yana Alexandrovna Rudkovskaya had no need to look for a wealthy husband, because she was a successful businesswoman and was planning to create a whole chain of salons in the capital. And they met not near the popcorn machine, but in the VIP box, where only wealthy people watched the progress of the game.

Bad start

The second wife of Viktor Baturin was Yana’s friend. But Yulia Soltovets made a fatal mistake - she filed for divorce during pregnancy. A year of marriage showed that she was not ready to go hand in hand with a billionaire for the rest of her days. In revenge, Baturin stole the child from the maternity hospital three days after giving birth. The scandal that arose was quickly quelled - the man said that his wife herself abandoned her son. They believed him, not the former dancer.

By that time, Yana Rudkovskaya and Baturin were getting married and she became the boy’s guardian. A year later, another child is born into the family. Yana treats both her native Nikolai and her adopted Andrei equally. She doesn’t make any distinctions between the boys, so the public turns a blind eye to the dirty story. According to unconfirmed reports, it was she who helped Baturin steal the baby and actively took part in depriving her ex-girlfriend of parental rights. All sources still indicate Andrei as the son of Yana Rudkovskaya.

Career blossoming

Several beauty salons already operate in Moscow. Yana receives all kinds of prizes and awards for her commercial activities. In 2005, she met the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis. At this time, he is actively promoting a Kabardian guy with a wonderful voice. But the years he spent in prison are making themselves felt - a serious illness is rapidly taking away his life. Aizenshpis is looking for a sponsor who could promote Dima Bilan and complete the work he started. Yana takes on this project, because the loud-voiced guy shows great promise.


Also in 2005, the producer dies without seeing his protégé receive the “Singer of the Year” award. Dima himself dedicated it to Aizenshpis, in memory of his services in the development of the aspiring performer. Bilan's popularity is growing so rapidly that in 2008 he went to the Eurovision music competition for the second time. Figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and violinist Edvin Marton volunteered to help him win first place.

Yana bet that one of the most beloved skaters in the world would significantly increase her chances of winning. The selection for the competition itself took place with loud scandals. Not everyone liked the fact that Bilan would go to try his luck for the second time. In addition, the song Porque aun te amo itself was already performed in 2005 by an Argentine singer. If Dima wins, he will be disqualified and first place will be given to another contestant. The song Belive was written in two days, and it was with this song that the Russian performer went to Belgrade.

Victory time

The semi-final showed that Bilan was not going to win. Only third place and a rather cool reception pushed him to perform great feats - in the final, Dima opened his shirt on his chest, exposing his torso, and gave it his all. The public and television viewers appreciated both the appearance, the voice, and the song. First place and a triumphant return to their homeland. This is the first time a Russian performer has brought a music competition of this scale to the capital. Yana once again collects awards, but now as a producer of a first-magnitude star. At that moment, no one knew that hell was going on in her personal life.


2008 was not only a career triumph, but also a period of disappointment and pain. Yana Rudkovskaya had a hard time with the divorce from her husband, and the boomerang law returned everything to her. Baturin took both sons and did not allow her to see the children. A war began for money, reputation and the right to raise boys. She didn’t care about her ex-husband’s capital, but her husband solemnly promised her that she would only receive “ears from a donkey.” Court proceedings continued for two years, but in the end the woman achieved her goal - the sons of Yana Rudkovskaya were returned home, and she became the full guardian of both, and difficult times began for Baturin. Attempts to take the production center away from his ex-wife were unsuccessful. The brand “Dima Bilan” also did not go to the angry Victor. Soon he was accused of several articles and sentenced to 7 years of general imprisonment.

Yana, after a divorce and a long struggle for children, began to understand the feelings of Baturin’s first wife. She officially declared that Andrei was her adopted son (this story had already been forgotten), and allowed her mother to see him.

Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko

All this time, the skater was next to the girl. They became inseparable after Eurovision, and no one doubted that they would soon formalize their relationship. In 2009, they had a wedding, which was attended by many show business stars. And another creative page appeared in the biography of Yana Rudkovskaya - she wrote a book. However, its contents were not particularly original. Like many ex-wives of billionaires, she shared with readers the hardships of life in such a marriage and her difficult first steps in show business. The book did not become a bestseller, but Yana herself did not plan to be a writer. She wrote her confession and continued to do what she did best - producing.

New projects

But it was not possible to repeat the success. Alexa and Sabrina became Yana's new wards. The graduates of the “Star Factory” already had wild success with listeners at one time, but years later they failed to regain their popularity. Almost everyone on the stage has good songs, good voices and good looks. It is almost impossible to break into the ranks of first-rate stars even with such a producer.

The war for children did not pass without a trace for Yana Rudkovskaya. How many more years could she have fought with her ex-husband if a criminal case had not been opened against him? Since then, she has been actively involved in many charitable events and helps talented children at her STARS center.

Public life

In 2013, a long-awaited addition occurred in the family of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya - a son, Alexander, was born. The happy parents accepted congratulations, not yet suspecting that in a few years their methods of education would be discussed by the whole country. Little Sasha shared with reporters the details of the life of the star family. According to him, his parents punish him with a belt and can lock him in a dark room. He earns such punishments when his offenses go beyond what is permitted. Yana herself does not see anything reprehensible in this. She was also punished as a child and locked in a closet. There, in the darkness, she could think about her behavior.

The eldest son agrees that his mother is raising them in strictness, but he is only happy about it. Discipline and compliance with all requirements have led to the fact that the youngest already knows what it means to earn money for toys and to cherish those minutes allotted for watching cartoons. All children attend clubs and sections, so Yana is sure that in their lives there is no time to get involved in illegal drugs. By the way, she herself never punished children with a belt; Evgeniy did it.

In front of everyone

Despite the fact that the biography of Yana Rudkovskaya has always been the subject of discussion in various publications and television programs, she has not closed herself off from society. The woman is a media personality and demonstrates details of her personal life on social networks. Subscribers regularly discuss her outfits, breakfasts and entertainment. The mother of three children posts a lot of photos on the Internet and does not seek to hide her material well-being. Not everyone likes such a demonstration of their position.

The same Maxim Galkin made fun of her photographs with breakfast. Yana only thanked him for the PR and continued to delight fans with new photos. She often comes to various television shows and openly talks about her life.

Greetings to all readers! After reading the proposed article, anyone will be able to get acquainted with the life path of the famous Russian TV presenter. In addition to participating in various television shows, Yana Rudkovskaya is a music producer for several popular stars, which we will talk about a little later.

In addition to creative activities, the woman runs her own business. If the latest news is to be believed, things are going well. Next, let's look at what trials and difficulties Yana Rudkovskaya had to go through to gain such fame in Russia. In some cases, her name is known even abroad - a successful producer always attracts the attention of foreign colleagues.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yana Rudkovskaya?

Before you start studying the biography of today's heroine, we will present to you her main physical indicators. Such information rarely goes unnoticed by fans, especially when it comes to a woman. Everyone is always interested in using exact numbers in the areas of height, weight, and age. How old is Yana Rudkovskaya? This is the question we most often hear from those who are beginning to get acquainted with her activities. So, the woman’s approximate height is 165 centimeters, and her weight is just under 50 kilograms.

At the very beginning of the year, starting in 1975, Yana Rudkovskaya celebrates her birthday. Photos from her youth and now will make it clear that she takes care of her appearance and always tries to look attractive.

Biography of Yana Rudkovskaya

The biography of Yana Rudkovskaya begins with the beginning of 1975. She was born in Kazakhstan, in a family far from creative professions. Father Alexander is a military pilot, and mother Svetlana is a doctor.

A short time after Yana's birth, her father was transferred to Barnaul to conduct military service there. The head of the family takes the rest, and the future producer spends his childhood in Siberia. From a young age, Rudkovskaya strives to develop in many directions - at first, it was dancing, figure skating and music.

She finishes school, the girl is almost “excellent” - everything got in the way of a B in physics. To go on to study at a university, it is enough to pass one exam. Taking advantage of this, Yana selects three educational institutions to which she submits the documents. It is noteworthy that they all differed radically from each other in the field of faculties offered. Of course, she manages to pass all the exams, and her mother advises her to choose medical education.

As a result, Rudkovskaya graduated from a university with the specialty of a dermatovenerologist. By the way, she studied well and took this matter seriously. For an internship and student practice, the girl goes to the Netherlands.

Thanks to the skills acquired during training, the girl decides to open her own business. The first significant changes in life occurred in 1998 - Yana founded a network consisting of several beauty salons. She immediately began to experience success in this business, which allows her to use an international brand in the Russian Federation within three years. Each time, there are more and more branches - they appear in different cities.

Yana Rudkovskaya started her first business thanks to the financial support of her first husband. However, the girl became the ideological inspirer. She drew attention to wealthy clients who visit resort towns in the summer. Those, in turn, do not find quality services in the beauty industry. The idea was on the surface, all that was left was to take it. Thanks to the implementation, as of 2004, Rudkovskaya is the only businesswoman involved in beauty salons in the southern part of the Russian Federation. Around the same time, the woman expanded her business by opening clothing stores.

A year later, Yana changes her “profession”. She decides to start producing, and Dima Bilan becomes her first mentee. Even then, he shone with his talent - Rudkovskaya competently helped him “unwind”. As you know, the singer won the Eurovision song contest. Moreover, shortly before this, Rudkovskaya first met Aizenshpis, Bilan’s music producer at that time. After some time, he tragically dies.

Since 2007, Yana Rudkovskaya has been gaining popularity on television - various TV shows and subsequent awards came one after another. Two years later, a book authored by a woman is published. In addition to everything, the producer is involved in charity work, helping children left without parents. The TV presenter does not lag behind the youth - she looks for and supports talented young people by organizing various events.

Personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya

Although Yana Rudkovskaya’s personal life is not full of all sorts of rumors, fans will be interested in learning something new. Before moving to Sochi, the girl lived in a civil marriage with Evgeny Mukhin. However, the new city completely destroyed the relationship - Yana meets a young man who later became her husband.

This marriage produced two children, one of whom remained from a romantic relationship with Mukhin. A scandalous divorce from her husband, and after some time, Yana Rudkovskaya marries Evgeni Plushenko.

Relatively recently, information began to appear that Yana Rudkovskaya was pregnant with her third child 2016-2017. Photos of when to give birth - this is what began to worry fans. Such a sensation was caused by a controversial post on social networks. As is known at the moment, the family is just planning to have a third child and is choosing a name along with the rest of the children. Perhaps information about pregnancy will appear later - if the stars do not hide it.

Family of Yana Rudkovskaya

We already said a little earlier that Yana Rudkovskaya’s family did not connect their lifestyle with creativity. The head of the Family was a military pilot by profession. Later, he received the position of director of the Air Force School in Altai. Mom received the specialty of a neurologist and was also a candidate of medical sciences.

Due to the nature of her father’s profession, the family quickly left Kazakhstan for Siberia, where young Yana began to develop various talents. Mom helped in every possible way in this matter and gave useful advice. The TV presenter thanks her for her success. The father, of course, also participated in the upbringing, but he saw his daughter less often due to his military service.

Children of Yana Rudkovskaya

As for such a topic as the children of Yana Rudkovskaya, although rumors appear here, they are extremely rare and their significance is minimal. From her first marriage, the woman raised two children, and later admitted that one of them was not her own.

When Yana started dating Evgeni Plushenko, the couple had another son. They all live together and are raised the same. Recently, stories have increasingly appeared that the TV presenter is pregnant again, but such information has not been confirmed. It is known that the family is planning a new addition, and the sons are asking for a sister, and even coming up with names. Fans can only wait for official information.

Son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Andrei Baturin

The adopted son of Yana Rudkovskaya, Andrei Baturin, was born in 2001. About ten years after his birth, the woman told the media that he was born when Viktor Baturin was married to his second wife. However, this fact does not in any way affect the relationship between mother and son. As she herself admits in some interviews, a mother is considered not a biological woman, but a nurturing woman. It is noteworthy that network users often leave angry comments about this situation. However, the star mother always has answers to such behavior.

In addition, the real husband and other children get along well with each other and often spend their free time as a big friendly family. On the Internet and social networks you can find photographs of the boy along with other relatives.

Son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Nikolai Baturin

Yana Rudkovskaya’s first natural son, Nikolai Baturin, was born in the summer of 2002. Based on simple calculations, it becomes clear that this year he will be 16 years old. Because of this, many fans are wondering who he is more like and whose footsteps he will follow in the future.

Already now, the woman says, her son has chosen a similar direction of development. Now, the boy is studying musical art and we can say - successfully, his first admirers have found him. Before that, he played football professionally, but recently decided to move away from sports and take up music. He himself says that his mother raises everyone strictly, but fairly.

Son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Alexander Plushenko

Yana Rudkovskaya’s second son, Alexander Plushenko, was born in January 2013. Now the baby is already 5 years old, and the parents are choosing the school where their son will study. By the way, Rudkovskaya hid this pregnancy from journalists for some time, so since 2012 there have been conflicting rumors.

There are photographs on the Internet - fans love to compare the child and the spouses whose appearance traits he got more of. Since childhood, young Alexander has been involved in many activities - skating on ice, acting as a model for new children's outfits, etc. I even manage to find childhood photos of my father and compare them with my son - they both looked very similar at that age.

Yana Rudkovskaya's ex-husband - Viktor Baturin

Yana Rudkovskaya's ex-husband, Viktor Baturin, was born in 1956 and was older than his wife. The young people met in the city of Sochi, where the TV presenter was at a football match. After a little time, they decide to get married. Yana Rudkovskaya adopted a child from her husband’s previous marriage, and a year later her first child was born.

The marriage lasted almost 8 years. The divorce turned out to be very long and full of lawsuits. The main reason for this behavior was children. As a result, both sons remained with their mother. By the way, despite the influence of her husband, the TV presenter won all the cases. Now she says that there is no hostility, and the father can always see his children.

Yana Rudkovskaya's husband - Evgeni Plushenko

Yana Rudkovskaya's real husband, Evgeni Plushenko, was born in 1982. His name is known to many residents of Russia - he is an Olympic champion in figure skating, performs in a large number of television shows and events that are in one way or another connected with his main activity.

The future spouses began to communicate closely after Dima Bilan's performance at Eurovision. The fact is that Plushenko also participated in the singer’s number, and Yana was the producer. The stars decided to legitimize their romantic relationship in September 2009. Already 4 years later, the newlyweds have a child - Sasha. In 2017, Yana and Evgeniy decide to hold a wedding ceremony in the presence of a priest.

Photo of Yana Rudkovskaya before and after plastic surgery

In the modern world, to maintain a youthful appearance, many famous personalities use the services of plastic surgeons. But they don’t always admit it.

Now, photos of Yana Rudkovskaya before and after plastic surgery are becoming more and more popular, comparing pictures from different periods. It’s worth noting right away that they are either fakes or simply not made very well. The woman is still young enough to benefit from plastic surgery. However, we cannot exclude some injections that help delay skin aging. With proper care, they will not be noticeable to strangers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Rudkovskaya

As you may know, many modern stars use the Internet very actively. This is convenient in many ways - communication, advertising, feedback from fans, news, etc.

Our heroine is no exception; she has pages on major social networks. It is not surprising that Yana Rudkovskaya’s Instagram and Wikipedia are popular among many people. Visiting these pages will be interesting for both fans and those who have just become acquainted with the personality of the producer. There is a lot of information related to life, recreation, creative success and other aspects. We recommend visiting it to everyone who is not indifferent to the person of Yana Rudkovskaya.