The effect of increased atmospheric pressure on the human body. How does atmospheric pressure affect a person's blood pressure?

It is believed that every third resident globe sensitive to the slightest weather changes. Atmospheric pressure in this regard affects people in to a greater extent, and almost everyone feels its vibrations. Only 10 units of deviation from the normalized value of 760 millimeters mercury can worsen the well-being of a weather-dependent person and take him out of his usual life schedule.

Definition of concepts

The Meteorological Service calls increased atmospheric pressure anticyclone, and reduced - cyclone.

These concepts significantly affect the following population groups:

  1. People with neurological disorders and nervous exhaustion.
  2. Patients of a cardiologist with chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Allergy sufferers of established and unknown etiology, persons with autoimmune diseases.
  4. People with mental disorders whose feelings are activated obsessive fear or anxiety
  5. Suffering from pathologies of the articular apparatus in the form of renewed pain attacks with a feeling of eversion of the affected areas.

The influence of cyclones and anticyclones on such people is inevitable. Medicine could not leave such phenomena without participation and formed a separate science for such pathologies - biometeorology. Scientists in this environment conduct research on the effects of all climatic factors on the human body: temperature and its changes, air humidity, wind speed.

They observe in what conditions a person feels more comfortable and relaxed, how homeostasis changes with sudden and gradual changes in weather. Weather indicators have been found to affect people differently. Some suffer from headaches, digestive disorders, decreased overall performance and low mood.

Biometeorology strives to minimize the impact of weather changes on the body and protect each person from external meteorological consequences.

Blood pressure and weather

Blood pressure disorders are largely dependent on the weather and season. Hypertensive patients are especially sensitive to the movements of cyclones and anticyclones, and magnetic storms. Hypotensive patients are not far behind them, the condition of the heart and blood vessels worsens with changes in meteorological indicators.

In fact, every phenomenon has an interconnected explanation.

With a decrease in atmospheric pressure, blood pressure levels also decrease, which reduces the saturation of the blood with oxygen, which causes headaches, feelings of lack of air, reluctance to work and difficulty sleeping.

The adaptive capabilities of a person are such that the hypotonic body gets used to low pressure and does not feel any discomfort. In cases of increased pressure outside the window, blood pressure also increases, which is no longer acceptable for the usual state. Hypertension gives rise to exactly the opposite phenomena. Such patients suffer from high atmospheric pressure due to a decrease in both blood pressure indicators. Normalized pressure usually does not depend on weather conditions, in cases of their change, the systolic or diastolic indicators vary slightly.

A cyclone brings with it deteriorating weather: rain, cloudiness, fog, high level humidity. All this makes natural breathing difficult, and therefore affects the oxygen content in the blood. That is why people with cardiovascular pathology are so sensitive to cyclones. They make you breathe more efficiently and more often, your heart beats with an increased frequency and increased ejection force. This condition can be alleviated by drinking plenty of fluids, getting enough sleep, and taking a contrast shower. An invigorating cup of coffee or citrus infusion will help you resist the cyclone in the morning.

The anticyclone, in turn, brings windlessness, dryness and warmth. The weather does not change dramatically under its influence, and the temperature adheres to seasonal averages. However, it has also been established that the anticyclonic influence increases the content harmful impurities V air environment, which affects the health of chronic allergy sufferers.

Increased atmospheric pressure also causes headaches, heart failure, a feeling of irresistible fatigue and reluctance to work.t

The body's defenses decrease due to a decrease in blood cell renewal, leukocyte deficiency contributes to the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the human body and the formation of foci of infection.

Elderly people with a steady decrease in protective forces, the probable presence of atherosclerotic changes, pneumosclerosis, and kidney pathology are unstable to anticyclones.

Will help revive the body during an anticyclone morning exercises, contrast shower, plenty of vegetables and fruits. Cardiologists insist on including potassium-rich foods in the diet.

Fighting meteopathy

Absolute health is usually not subject to the influence of nature and current weather conditions. Minor ailments during magnetic storms can be explained by stress or lack of rest and sleep. However, there are people whose meteoropathy manifests itself with magnetic storms, and with changes in atmospheric pressure, and even with solar activity. Some people regard such dependence in humans as a disease, others as a way of life.

The Medical Society has developed a list of recommendations for people dependent on the weather. The body of such people needs to be rid of chronic pathologies that are activated by changes in temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Hypersensitive people should have less exposure to established allergens. Autoimmune pathologies subside with constant use of immunomodulatory drugs.

Fluctuations in blood pressure are currently observed in many people. They arise as a result of exposure to various irritating factors. Problems with pressure become especially acute due to changes in weather and climatic conditions. One of these problems is the influence of atmospheric pressure on blood pressure person.

During sudden changes in weather, people suffering from chronic diseases, exacerbations are observed quite often. This is especially true for hypertension, hypotension and heart disease. The person begins to feel the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath even with minor exertion;
  • dizziness, sometimes with loss of consciousness;
  • nausea leading to vomiting;
  • sleep disturbances, constant lack of sleep;
  • severe headaches.

When atmospheric pressure decreases, which manifests itself in the form of fog, rain, heavy clouds, a person experiences symptoms of low blood pressure. This is especially true for hypotensive patients. For them, such weather can cause extreme serious condition. In order to withstand such a weather phenomenon and still feel normal, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • get a good night's sleep, the body should be fully rested;
  • use large number liquids;
  • Drink a cup of black or green tea in the morning.

You should also not forget about regular physical activity, which will help keep your body in good shape.

High atmospheric and blood pressure have a close relationship. If there is dry hot weather without wind, a person suffering from hypertension may experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in pressure;
  • high pulse;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • color change skin faces;
  • severe headaches;
  • tinnitus;
  • dizziness, often leading to loss of consciousness.

Dry and hot weather increases the risk of heart attack or stroke for hypertensive patients. In order to avoid dangerous consequences As a result of such changes in weather conditions, the following measures are required:

  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • have a good rest;
  • take a contrast shower every morning;
  • follow a diet and minimum quantity calories;
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • drink as much water as possible;
  • try to stay in cool, comfortable rooms.

Important to know! The dependence of blood pressure on the atmospheric indicator is very high! Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures and constantly maintain the body in good shape.

At-risk groups

Since atmospheric pressure directly affects blood pressure, you should know: who is most susceptible to a sharp deterioration in health during certain changes in weather conditions. These are:

  1. People with chronic diseases respiratory system. During periods of weather change, such people experience an exacerbation of lung diseases.
  2. People suffering from high or low blood pressure.
  3. Persons with disorders of the central nervous system.
  4. People who have vascular disease of the heart, atherosclerosis of the brain and limbs, osteochondrosis.

Important to remember! During the period of weather changes, people with the above diseases need to be more attentive to their health! It is better to contact a specialist who will schedule a course appointment. medicines for preventive purposes.

In addition to atmospheric pressure, air humidity also has a negative effect on the human body. If this indicator is underestimated, then most often people with chronic respiratory diseases and people prone to allergic reactions. In order to alleviate the condition in excessively dry weather, it is necessary to use aqueous nasal solutions. This will help maintain the normal condition of the nasal mucosa, eliminate dryness, and also avoid seasonal exacerbations of the disease.

As for high humidity, in such weather people with chronic diseases of the renal system and joints experience excessive discomfort. In such cases, as preventive measures, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • minimize exposure to the street;
  • during hiking, you should take care of your comfort, that is, dress warmly;
  • take complex vitamins.

Important to remember! A person who is susceptible to deterioration in health due to changes in humidity needs to constantly maintain a normal immune system! To do this, you should eat food enriched with vitamins and other useful substances, maintain a daily routine, and also do not forget about regular physical activity and hardening.

Air temperature and atmospheric pressure

High air temperatures are sometimes accompanied by increased atmospheric pressure. From this weather phenomenon People who have problems with the cardiovascular system always suffer. An increase in temperature with a simultaneous increase in atmospheric pressure worsens the condition of hypertension, as well as people with diseases genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, any changes in weather conditions require immediate preventive measures.


Bogdanov Andrey

11 years old


Yakushkina Natalia Viktorovna,

physics teacher


Astrakhan region

Research work

in physics on the topic:

"The influence of atmospheric pressure on human health."

I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… 3
II. Main part. Chapter 1. Status of the research question according to the literature…….. 4
1.1. A little history……………………………………………………… 4
1.2.Atmospheric pressure, what is it?.................................................. ................ 4
1.3. Why measure atmospheric pressure?................................................................. 4
Chapter 2. The influence of atmospheric pressure fluctuations on the human body……………………………………………………………………………….. 5-6
2.1. What happens when atmospheric pressure decreases?...... 5
2.2. What happens when atmospheric pressure rises?...... 5-6
Chapter 3. Conducting the study and conclusions……………………………. 7-12
3.1. General characteristics conducting research………………….. 7-10
3.2.Research results and conclusions………………………………….. 10-12
III. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………. 13
IV. List of used literature and Internet resources……………………………………. 14

Hypothesis: Does atmospheric pressure affect the human body and well-being?

My goal research work- find out whether there is a relationship between people’s well-being and the value of atmospheric air pressure, as well as changes in this pressure.

Objectives of the work: Conduct an analysis of literature and other sources on the issue under consideration. Find out what effect atmospheric pressure has on human well-being and health, which people are more susceptible to the influence of atmospheric pressure fluctuations.

The object of the study is people of different age categories (from 10 years to 50 years), with different condition health.

The subject of the study is atmospheric pressure, its effect on human well-being and health.


Man is an integral part of nature!

Everything in this world has a clear relationship, various phenomena form a certain balance. I want to study the connection between weather conditions and human well-being.

Some people, often moving in temporary and climatic zones(frequent flights), constantly change the climate and feel very comfortable. Others, on the contrary, just while relaxing, feel the slightest fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric pressure, which in turn negatively affects their well-being - it is this sensitivity to changes in weather conditions that is called weather dependence.

Weather-dependent people or people - “barometers” - are most often patients suffering from heart disease vascular system, who work often and long hours, are constantly overtired and do not get enough rest.

Weather-dependent people include people with diseases of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart, brain and lower extremities, patients with diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, allergy sufferers and patients with neurasthenia.

What factors influence a person’s well-being? To complete the description of the atmospheric environment that directly affects the human body, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: air temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, solar radiation fluxes, long-wave solar radiation, precipitation, air composition, atmospheric electricity, atmospheric radioactivity, subsonic noise.

Main part

Chapter 1. Status of the research question according to the literature.

When reporting on the weather on television or radio, announcers and presenters usually report at the end: atmospheric pressure 750 mmHg (or 747, or 756...). But how many people understand what this means and where weather forecasters get this data from? In my work I want to talk about how atmospheric pressure is measured, how it changes and affects a person.

1.1. A little history

The first to measure atmospheric pressure was the Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli in 1643. Developing the teachings of Galileo, Torricelli, after much experimentation, proved that air has weight, and the pressure of the atmosphere is balanced by a column of water of 32 feet, or 10.3 m. He went even further in his research and later invented a device for measuring atmospheric pressure - a barometer.

1.2. Atmospheric pressure, what is it?

Atmospheric pressure - pressure atmospheric air on the objects contained in it and on earth's surface. At each point in the atmosphere, atmospheric pressure is equal to the weight of the overlying column of air with a base equal to a unit area. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. According to international system units (SI system) the basic unit for measuring atmospheric pressure is the hectopascal (hPa), however, in the service of a number of organizations it is allowed to use the old units: millibar (mb) and millimeter of mercury (mm Hg). Normal atmospheric pressure (at sea level) is 760 mmHg (mmHg) at a temperature of 0 degrees C.

1.3. Why is atmospheric pressure measured?

Atmospheric pressure is measured in order to more likely predict possible weather changes. There is a direct connection between pressure changes and weather changes. An increase or decrease in atmospheric pressure with some probability can be a sign of weather changes.

Chapter 2. The influence of atmospheric pressure fluctuations on the body person.

In order for a person to be comfortable, the atmospheric pressure must be equal to 750 mm. rt. pillar

If the atmospheric pressure deviates even by 10 mm in one direction or another, a person feels uncomfortable and this can affect his health.

A person entering a space where the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure, for example, high mountains or when taking off or landing a plane, often experiences pain in the ears and even throughout the body. The external pressure quickly decreases, the air inside us begins to expand, putting pressure on various organs and causing pain.

When pressure increases, there is an increased absorption of gases by body fluids, and when it decreases, dissolved gases are released. With a rapid decrease in pressure due to the intense release of gases, the blood seems to boil, which leads to blockage of blood vessels, often with fatal consequences.

2.1. What happens when atmospheric pressure decreases?

With a decrease in atmospheric pressure, air humidity increases, precipitation and an increase in air temperature are possible.

The first to feel a decrease in atmospheric pressure are people with low blood pressure (hypotonics), “heart patients,” as well as people with respiratory diseases.

Most often, there is general weakness, difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, and shortness of breath occurs.

A decrease in atmospheric pressure is especially acute and painful for people with high intracranial pressure. Their migraine attacks worsen. IN digestive tract, not everything is all right either - discomfort appears in the intestines due to increased gas formation .

2.2. What happens when atmospheric pressure increases?

When atmospheric pressure rises, the weather becomes clear and does not have sudden changes in humidity and temperature.

With an increase in atmospheric pressure, the health of hypertensive patients, patients suffering from bronchial asthma and allergy sufferers worsens.

When the weather becomes calm, the concentration of harmful industrial impurities in the city air increases, which are an irritant for people with respiratory diseases.

Frequent complaints are headaches, malaise, heart pain and decreased general ability to work. An increase in atmospheric pressure negatively affects the emotional background and is often the main cause of sexual disorders.

Another negative characteristic of high atmospheric pressure is decreased immunity. This is explained by the fact that an increase in atmospheric pressure lowers the number of leukocytes in the blood, and the body becomes more vulnerable to various infections.

Chapter 3. Conducting the study and conclusion.

3.1. General characteristics of the study.

After analyzing changes in atmospheric pressure and air temperature, I built the corresponding graphs.

Every day in the weather forecast we hear mention of the level of atmospheric pressure. And if a healthy person is usually not interested in these numbers, then for a weather-dependent person they can be decisive in planning the whole day. This is due to the fact that pressure fluctuations in the atmosphere greatly affect the general well-being of hyper- and hypotensive patients, especially in situations where the needle on the barometer tends to lower values. Therefore, let's figure out how low atmospheric pressure affects humans.

What is weather dependence?

First of all, you need to understand the concept of weather dependence. There are 3 forms of this unofficial “disease”, which in total affects up to 75% of Russians:

  • Meteosensitivity. The first stage is accompanied by only minor changes in the person’s condition.
  • Meteor dependence. At the middle stage, there is a deterioration in well-being within tolerable limits.
  • Meteopathy. The most difficult situation with the strongest dependence on the slightest fluctuations in the weather. In this case, a person has to seek help from medications.

As is known, the level of weather dependence is determined by immunity and acquired diseases. Therefore, the better you look after your physical and psychological health (proper nutrition, sports, sleep, etc.), the less the body will react to changes in atmospheric pressure.

The effect of atmospheric pressure on health

  • A decrease in pressure in the atmosphere, on the contrary, contributes to cloudy weather and a deterioration in the well-being of hypotensive people, who endure such a change the hardest.

This is explained by the fact that with a decrease in atmospheric pressure, it also decreases in the vessels. Moreover, the concentration of oxygen in the air decreases, which makes breathing difficult. The pulse becomes more frequent while the heartbeat weakens. All this can have a detrimental effect on already low blood pressure, lowering it to dangerous levels, which can lead to fainting or exacerbation of existing diseases. It is noteworthy that when atmospheric pressure decreases, the number of leukocytes (red blood cells) increases.

  • The well-being of hypertensive patients in this case depends on whether they took medications that normalize blood pressure. If not, then most likely the person will feel great. Otherwise, the symptoms are similar to those described above.
  • People suffering from heart disease, as well as those who have problems with intracranial pressure, may also experience a deterioration in their health. Severe headache, shortness of breath, apathy, and even pain associated with the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

Besides physical symptoms, deviations associated with mental state may also be observed. Mood swings, aggression and even sleepwalking can all also be associated with a decrease in atmospheric pressure.

How to behave with symptoms of weather dependence?

To minimize the impact of weather on the body and protect your nerve cells, experts advise first of all to try to normalize blood pressure:

  • Throughout the day you need to drink as much fluid as possible: green tea or soothing infusions of medicinal herbs.
  • Refrain from physical activity and avoid any conflict situations, stress will only make the situation worse.

It is best to devote such days to relaxation; this can be either yoga classes or just quiet walks in the green area. And in the evening, take a contrast shower and go to bed earlier than usual.

Human life takes place mainly on the surface of the Earth at an altitude close to sea level. In this case, the body is under constant pressure from the air column surrounding atmosphere. At sea level, this value is 101.3 kPa (760 mm Hg, or 1 atm.). Due to the fact that external pressure is completely balanced by internal pressure, our body practically does not feel the heaviness of the atmosphere.

Atmospheric pressure is subject to daily and seasonal fluctuations. Most often, these changes do not exceed 200-300 Pa (20-30 mm Hg). Healthy people usually do not notice these fluctuations, and they have virtually no effect on their well-being. However, in a certain category, for example, elderly people suffering from rheumatism, hypertension and other diseases, these fluctuations cause changes in well-being and lead to impairment individual functions body.

A person encounters the effects of low atmospheric pressure when flying aircraft, climbing mountains, working in open-pit mines, etc.

The main physiological factor of altitude is reduced atmospheric pressure and the associated reduced partial pressure of oxygen.

The body's main reaction to the influence of altitude is to increase breathing. A decrease in oxygen tension in arterial blood causes excitation of the chemoreceptor in the carotid arteries, which is transmitted to the medulla oblongata to the respiratory center, which leads to increased breathing. Pulmonary ventilation increases at altitude within known limits. Thanks to this, the body can be provided with oxygen at the specified altitudes.

Despite the fact that the main reaction to altitude is manifested in an increase in ventilation of the lungs, this does not mean that increased breathing alone can fully compensate for the difficulties that occur for the body at mountain altitudes. When breathing increases, two factors act that negatively affect performance. The first is that with increased pulmonary ventilation, the work of the respiratory muscles naturally increases. Doing this work also requires additional oxygen consumption.

Second factor negative value strengthening of pulmonary ventilation is that in this case “washing out” occurs carbon dioxide from the body. With hyperventilation, the tension of carbon dioxide in the alveolar air significantly decreases, as a result of which the conditions for the transition of this gas from the blood to the lungs are facilitated. The carbon dioxide tension in the blood drops below normal, and this reduces the excitation of the respiratory center, which inhibits the increase in breathing.

A number of disorders are observed during stay at high altitudes physiological functions, which are usually called “altitude sickness”. Mountain sickness occurs as a result of a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. Its manifestations are varied. Shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation, headache, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, sleep, palpitations, nausea, sometimes oral-nasal bleeding, changes in vision, smell, and taste may occur. With deeper hypoxia, cardiac dysfunction is observed: tachycardia, pulsation of arteries (carotid, temporal), ECG changes. The motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted, and the peripheral composition of the blood changes. Manifestations of mountain sickness decrease as a result of prolonged stay at altitude, adaptation to the mountain climate, or, in other words, acclimatization.

One of the most important physiological mechanisms of acclimatization at mountain altitudes is the increased activity of hematopoietic organs. It manifests itself in an increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Thanks to this, more oxygen can be transported. Acclimatization also covers other physiological processes - breathing, blood circulation, and in addition, the process of acclimatization occurs in the tissues and cells of the body, for example, in the muscles the amount of myoglobin increases and the activity of redox enzymes increases. All this helps maintain normal body activity with reduced oxygen consumption.