Which tree purifies the air from harmful impurities. How trees clean the air

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In 1989, NASA launched a study to determine the best indoor plants for purifying the surrounding air. Scientists have found that indoor air constantly contains particles of harmful volatile organic compounds - trichlorethylene, benzene, ammonia and others. To clean the air environmentally, experts recommend placing them in rooms. Indoor plants can neutralize up to 85% of indoor air pollutants.

Indoor air contains five harmful substances:

  • Formaldehyde. Contained in furniture made of chipboard, fiberboard, carpets and upholstery materials, tobacco smoke, plastic dishes, and household gas. Calls allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membrane, asthma, skin diseases.
  • Trichlorethylene. Contained in carpet and fabric cleaners, chlorinated water, printer cartridges, and paint and varnish products. Trichlorethylene is a strong carcinogen, irritates the eyes and skin, affects the liver and kidneys, and causes psychomotor agitation.
  • Benzene. Found in tobacco smoke, cleaning products and detergents, including soap, paint and varnish products, and rubber products. A carcinogen that can cause leukemia accumulates in adipose tissue,
    causes alcohol-like agitation, shortness of breath and convulsions,
    lowers blood pressure.
  • Ammonia. Contained in computer technology, tobacco smoke, products household chemicals. Causes dryness and sore throat, cough, provokes chest pain, causes swelling of the larynx and lungs.
  • Xylene. It is used to produce many types of plastics, paints and adhesives, and is also found in automobile exhaust gases, leather goods and tobacco smoke. Causes irritation to the skin, respiratory tract and mucous membrane of the eye.

website I collected in one post 15 plants that will not only decorate the house, but will also faithfully and uninterruptedly work to purify the air 24 hours a day.

Anthurium Andre ("flamingo lily")

Perfectly humidifies the air and saturates it with purified water vapor. Actively absorbs xylene And toluene and processes them into compounds that are harmless to humans.

Gerber Jameson

Scindapsus ("golden lotus")

Its main advantage is its enormous shade tolerance. Effectively purifies the air from formaldehyde And benzene. Poisonous plant, which should be kept away from children and animals.


Chinese evergreen tree - indoor plant, which grows in low light conditions and loves wet air. Effectively purifies the air from toluene And benzene. The juice and berries of the plant are poisonous.

Chlorophytum ("spider")

A spider plant with rich foliage and small white flowers actively fights benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide And xylene. Another reason to get this plant is safety for children and animals.

climbing ivy


Sansevieria (“mother-in-law’s tongue”)

A very hardy plant, you need to try hard to kill it. Fights pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene. Absorbs at night carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

Phytoncides released by plants have the ability to cleanse the air of bacteria and saturate it with light negative ions. The phytoncidal properties of conifers are especially pronounced. Among those growing in the middle zone, thuja takes first place in terms of phytoncides, followed by pine, spruce, fir, and juniper.
But in the conditions of modern cities, it is becoming increasingly difficult for plants to demonstrate their protective properties; they already have to fight for their own survival under the pressure of external unfavorable factors, which intensify with the growth of cities upward and deeper and with an increase in traffic flows in them.
The main causes of disease and death of plants in the city, not counting mechanical damage to trunks and roots, are lack of moisture, insufficient lighting, unfavorable soil conditions, salinization and soil contamination with heavy metals and excessive air pollution.
Often, mature trees cannot withstand a sharp change in the conditions in which they have grown all their lives, for example, shading due to the construction of a high-rise building, or a sharp drop in the groundwater level associated with digging a pit at a distance of 100-200 meters, or soil compaction from the spontaneous parking of cars that appeared under the trees. Young specimens tend to adapt better to change.
But when replacing dead plantings, it is necessary first of all to select species that are resistant to urban conditions. This question has been studied, probably, since the first cities arose. And now we know that in the city it is not worth planting the capricious common spruce, which is demanding of soil conditions and moisture and cannot tolerate polluted air. The common pine is also not gas-resistant, although it is undemanding to the soil and is a very frost-resistant species. Near busy highways and in the city center is clearly not its place. The beauties western thuja and prickly spruce tolerate smoke and gas pollution in the urban atmosphere better than other evergreen conifers, they are very frost-resistant, prickly spruce is also drought-resistant, but demanding of light, thuja, on the contrary, is one of the most shade-tolerant species, but does not like the soil to dry out. But Siberian and European larch is our champion for survival in urban environments. It’s not for nothing that it is the only conifer that survives on permafrost. Its drought and smoke-gas resistance is facilitated by the autumn shedding of needles. Together with the needles, the plant annually partes with the harmful substances accumulated in the tissues of the needles. In evergreen conifers, the accumulation of pollutants in the needles continues for as many years as the needles live. This, of course, has Negative influence for the life of the plant. When choosing a place to plant larch, it is necessary to take into account its exceptional love for light. Junipers, especially Cossack juniper, are also quite resistant to urban environments. Common juniper does not tolerate gas pollution well.

Plant sale

from 5000 rub.

SPECIAL OFFERS: Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe 100/120 cm for 5,000 rubles. Regular price according to the price list is 7,500 rubles.

A beautiful dwarf thuja that has a place in every garden, without exception. A small yellow ball enlivens the garden landscape even on cloudy autumn days.

from 1300 rub.

SPECIAL OFFER: Hydrangea paniculata 80 cm for 1300 rubles.

A wonderful bright variety. The bush is very compact, dense and even, height 100-130 cm, diameter 100-120 cm. The branches are red-brown. The leaves are elliptical or ovate, up to 12 cm long, slightly pubescent above, much more pubescent below, especially along the veins. Flowers in long, wide-pyramidal panicles up to 30 cm long. Fruiting flowers are small, their petals are white, falling off early; sterile flowers are much larger, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with four white petals that later become dark pink. It blooms for a long time - from mid-June to October. Color may vary depending on soil type and climate.

Trees purify the air well and absorb harmful substances. We talked with the owners of the website http://ecology-of.ru/ and they told us a little about how trees clean the air.

In the leaves of any ordinary tree, chlorophyll grains always absorb carbon dioxide and then release oxygen. In summer, under natural conditions, any small tree in a day releases enough oxygen to breathe for four people. It is known that one hectare of plantings absorbs about eight liters of carbon dioxide in one hour, and then releases an amount of oxygen into the atmosphere. This is quite enough to support the lives of thirty people. Trees also bring benefits - they purify the ground layer of air, up to approximately forty-five meters thick.

There are many tree species that are used for landscaping cities. All of them are beneficial. For example, take a regular chestnut. He has a lot of good things. Exhaust gases come in - chestnut cleans large territory. Let's think again. Poplar is also stain resistant. Poplar absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Such a tree, twenty-five years old, is seven times superior to spruce, and in terms of the degree to which it humidifies the air, almost ten times.

So, in order to improve the air quality, instead of seven fir trees, you can plant a poplar tree, which in any case will catch dust particles well.

Tree leaves actively capture dust, especially reduce the concentration of harmful exhausts and gases, and these properties in different species usually manifest themselves in varying degrees. Elm and lilac leaves hold dust well (even better than the same poplar leaves). Thus, planting approximately 400 young and beautiful poplars in summer time captures about 340 kilograms of dust, and elm - almost six times more. Acacias, unpretentious fast-growing rose hips and a number of other useful plants also have similar necessary properties.

Trees significantly reduce temperatures in hot weather.

On a hot day, terrible ascending currents of very hot air form over the heated asphalt and hot roofs of any houses, which carry away small particles of dust that remain in the air itself. Over parks and squares, which are located somewhere in the city center, downward air currents usually arise, since the surface of the leaves is much cooler than asphalt and iron. And the dust, which is carried away by downward currents, often settles in parks on the leaves of trees.

Yes, for the comfort provided by transport, a huge number of cars, we pay for the cleanliness of the air. In just one year, a car emits up to one kilogram of metal into the atmosphere. And there is an increased content of lead in vegetables and fruits that are grown near highways. But what about the milk of cows that eat contaminated grass? After all, all this is harmful for animals, but what is the danger to human health? Now you can even observe leaf fall on the trees. Strange, isn't it? It’s not like it’s autumn. The reason is the high level of lead in the air.

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Tree foliage is very susceptible to lead poisoning. Mosses and larch usually absorb it in large quantities, but delicate birch or willow, aspen - much less. By concentrating a substance such as lead, plants purify the air itself. During the growing season, one mature tree can accumulate as much lead as can be contained in one hundred and thirty liters of gasoline. A simple calculation often shows that in order to neutralize the harmful effects of one car, at least ten trees are needed.

Trees and shrubs can release volatile substances into the air - phytoncides. But they have the ability to kill harmful microorganisms. Particularly active sources of phytoncides are: white acacia, willow, birch, spruce, pine, poplar, bird cherry, etc. It is especially important that these phytoncides have the ability to kill pathogens of human diseases, as well as animals. Coniferous forests are destructive to pathogens. Scientists have found that in coniferous forests There are always two times less bacteria than in deciduous ones. Trees and shrubs carry out complex work every day, every hour: they absorb huge amounts of dust and carbon dioxide, and produce oxygen. Effectively shape the microclimate.

Green spaces serve not only as decorations, they are protectors of the health of all people.

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You can also watch a video about purifying the air with indoor plants

Air pollution is one of the most common and most complex forms of urban impact on the environment.

The air in the city is polluted by particulate matter, dust, soot, ash, aerosols, gases, vapors, smoke, pollen, etc. The mixing of pollutants seriously complicates the assessment of the impact of each individual component, which, when interacting, increase the negative consequences.

The main sources of air pollution include industrial enterprises, fuel and energy enterprises, and transport.

Polluted air affects people and everything that surrounds them: vegetation, animal world, architectural monuments, metal, Construction Materials, fabrics, etc.

Currently, the composition of dry air in the atmosphere is determined by the following gas ratio:

Nitrogen N2........ 78.09

Oxygen O2.......... 20.95

Argon A2........ 0.93

Carbon dioxide CO2.......... 0.03

Neon Ne......... 1.82-10~3

Helium He......... 5.24-10~4

Krypton Kr......... 1.14-10~4

Hydrogen H2........ 5.00 -10~5

Xenon Xe......... 8.70-10~6

The increase in CO2 content in the Earth's atmosphere is greatly facilitated by the ill-considered deforestation of vast areas of forests, which served as the most important CO2 sinks and sources of oxygen.

Many scientists believe that the magnitude and strength of the anthropogenic impact on the climate primarily depends on the release of carbon dioxide during the combustion of fuel, the transformation of the planetary cycle of this gas and an increase in its concentration in the atmosphere, which causes the “greenhouse effect” - a deterioration in the transparency of the air for the thermal radiation of the earth and as a consequence - an increase in atmospheric temperature. Raising the temperature earth's surface and the adjacent air layer, an increase in CO2 content disrupts the energy balance of the atmosphere. Modeling of these processes shows that by the beginning of the next century, the actually achieved CO2 concentration is capable of increasing the average surface temperature of the Earth by 1 °C. Maintaining the current growth rate of energy production due to the combustion of fossil fuels leads to an increase in CO2 concentration and, as a consequence, to a change in the earth’s climate.

In addition to the gases mentioned above, there are always various impurities in the air, both gaseous and solid, liquid (methane CH4, carbon monoxide CO, sulfur dioxide SO2, nitrous oxide N2O, ozone O3, nitrogen dioxide NO2, Rr, nitric oxide NO, water vapor ). Their contents are at different points globe unequal and inconsistent.

As a result of human activities, sulfur oxide is released into the air. In the recent past, it was released into the air along with smoke, but now it is also supplied by other sources. The main sources are emissions from power plants and industrial enterprises operating on coal and oil fuels with a high sulfur content, and the production of metals from sulfur ores. Household sources are of considerable importance.

Each ton of coal with a 3% sulfur content, when burned, releases about 60 kg of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. A large thermal power plant emits hundreds of tons of sulfur compounds into the air every day. Sulfur dioxide SO2 is formed from the oxides, the other part undergoes further oxidation during combustion, turns into sulfur dioxide (sulfur trioxide SO3), not a large number of sulfur remains in the ash. Sulfur dioxide, dissolving in water, forms sulfuric acid H2SO4.

Sulfur dioxide, once released into the air, can oxidize and turn into sulfuric acid, and then, reacting with other pollutants, into sulfates. Sulfur compounds in the form of gases, particles or haze affect the respiratory tract, skin and eyes of humans when they are contained in the air in an amount of 100 mg/m3. The smallest particles penetrate into the lungs.

Sulfur emissions into the atmosphere are constantly and rapidly growing, and it is sulfur oxides that determine the acidity of rain by 70-80%. The amount of sulfur deposited on the territory of the country reaches 15 million tons per year.

Therefore, the greatest effect in preventing environmental acidification is achieved only by reducing emissions through preliminary removal of sulfur from fuel or the creation of effective devices for cleaning flue gases.

The emergence of new, even more harmful consequences is associated with the appearance of high-height pipes (300-400 m) at thermal power plants and industrial enterprises, which made it possible to reduce pollution of the ground layer of the atmosphere around the enterprise, but did not reduce the amount of emissions, but only dispersed them over vast territories. Thus, in Sweden and Norway, only 20-25% of the acidification of the environment is of its own origin, the rest is transferred from other countries. If acidification continues at the same rate, in 10 years about 1,000 lakes will be left without fish, and crop yields will plummet.

The increased dispersion of elements resulted in an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the environment. The greatest danger to both nature and humans are mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, vanadium, tin, zinc, antimony, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel. Lead enters the atmosphere mainly from engine exhaust gases. internal combustion.

Heavy metals entering the human body with air, water, plant and animal foods directly accumulate in the liver and kidneys and have adverse effects on bone tissue.

During the warm season, the air in cities is at its most developed countries average level The lead content, depending on specific conditions, varies from 2 to 8 μg (sometimes slightly more) per 1 m3 of air. In winter, the concentration of lead increases sharply. It should be borne in mind that the presence of even 3 μg of lead in 1 m3 of air leads to a content of 30 μg of lead per 100 ml of human blood.

Airplanes, especially supersonic ones, also pollute the atmosphere, destroying the ozone layer.

In addition to carbon dioxide and sulfur, a large amount of nitrogen enters the atmosphere from cars, thermal power plants, industrial enterprises, and from fertilizers on agricultural land. During combustion, gaseous air pollutants - nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide - are formed from the nitrogenous components of some materials or as a result of the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Nitric oxide is converted (slowly, with high dilution) to nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen oxides are formed when nitrogen and oxygen come into contact with a hot surface as a result of any combustion process (internal combustion engines, thermal power plants, household gas, etc.); they are formed during volcanic eruptions or lightning. Research has shown that sources different heights, location density and volume of emissions do not proportionally affect air pollution in the ground layer. If the energy sector accounts for about 60% of nitrogen oxide emissions, then their contribution to air pollution does not exceed 20%. Although emissions from motor vehicles are much lower, they are the source of about 70% of pollutants. Therefore, in calculations to assess the concentrations of harmful substances in the air, all sources of emissions are taken into account, regardless of their parameters and emissions volumes.

The dustiness of the atmosphere is essential, especially in the energy balance of the biosphere, since dust disperses and absorbs solar radiation. According to estimates, the intake of dust particles into the Earth's atmosphere is (million tons per year): from industrial processes - 45, energy and heating processes - 36, other types of economic activity - 30, wind erosion of soils - 500, forest fires - 135, eruptions volcanoes - 250, from the evaporation of sea water - 1000 and cosmic dust - 10.

Measures to protect atmospheric air should be carried out on the basis of extensive research work devoted to the study of the quantitative concentration of pollutants entering the atmosphere and the range of their spread. It has been established that from total number 27% of pollution comes from power plants, 24.3% - from ferrous metallurgy enterprises, 10.5% - from non-ferrous metallurgy, 15.5% - from oil production and petrochemicals, 13.1% - from transport, 8.5% - from industry building materials and 1.5% from other sources.

Currently, only in the field of environmental protection, Soviet state sanitary legislation includes standards for maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) for 804 chemical substances in water bodies, 446 chemical substances and 33 combinations of them in atmospheric air, 28 chemicals - soil pollutants.

Since January 1, 1980, a state standard has been in force in the USSR, defining the rules for establishing maximum permissible emissions (MPE) of pollutants into the atmosphere. The organization of an air pollution control system helps to maintain the purity of the most important component of the environment - air.

Air pollution levels are monitored in more than 500 cities and industrial centers, with 122 cities under operational forecasting of possible high levels of air pollution due to expected adverse weather conditions. Upon receipt of such a forecast, enterprises that have sources of emissions into the atmosphere must implement pre-developed emission reduction programs (switching to cleaner fuel or raw materials, introducing backup treatment facilities, strengthening control over equipment operation, etc.).

Over the past few years, more than 2 thousand installations have been commissioned in Moscow that filter emissions into the atmosphere, with a capacity of 20 million m3/h. More than 300 air-polluting enterprises have been moved out of the city or renovated, and emissions have decreased. Gasification of industry and everyday life in the capital played a major role. However, these measures are clearly not enough.

In 1988, the highest average monthly cadmium content was observed in Odessa - 3 MAC; nickel - in Nizhny Novgorod; Leninogorsk - 3 maximum permissible concentrations; lead - in Balkhash and Chimkent - 9-13 MPC, and in Komsomolsk-on-Amur -15 MPC. The highest average monthly concentration of manganese in the city of Rustavi is 42 MAC. The number of cities in the atmosphere of which on certain days there were high levels of pollution (more than 10 MPCs) was quite stable and amounted to 103 cities in 1988.

In 1988, in 16 cities of the country, concentrations of harmful substances in the air exceeded 50 MPCs, while in Arkhangelsk, Baikalsk, and Volzhsky, cases of extreme high pollution were noted more than once, which indicates the chronic nature of the causes of significant emissions of harmful substances in these places. The highest level of air pollution and increased morbidity among the population in 1988 was observed in 68 cities of the country. This list includes Almaty, Dushanbe, Yerevan, Kyiv, Frunze, the south-eastern outskirts of Moscow, as well as cities with a population of over 1 million people: Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Samara, Novosibirsk, Odessa, Omsk, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk .

The USSR energy program provides for the modernization, mainly at power plants in the European part of the country, of existing equipment with a total capacity of up to 100-140 million kW in the period until 2000. These measures, as well as the planned improvement of the energy balance structure, replacement organic fuel other energy carriers, measures to improve the efficiency of energy equipment will ultimately prevent emissions of sulfur dioxide in the amount of about 10 million tons per year.

Among the measures aimed at reducing emissions from motor vehicles into the atmosphere, it should be noted the dieselization of motor vehicles, an increase in the production of cars running on compressed and liquefied natural gas, as well as benzo-methanol mixtures, and a significant increase in the production of unleaded motor gasoline and catalysts. This problem is complex in nature, as it includes measures to regulate traffic patterns and improve the development of highways.

Facts indicate a clear underestimation of the role and capabilities of plants in protecting the natural environment.

Leaves are able to perform an important sanitary and hygienic role, absorbing toxic gases, accumulating harmful substances in the integumentary and then internal tissues. Some toxic substances flow out of the leaf and are localized in shoots, growing leaves, fruits, tubers, bulbs, and roots. The amount of fluorides, chlorides, and sulfur oxides that accumulate in all plant organs totals no more than 20% of their content in the leaves.

Woody vegetation can perform these functions only under the condition that “the concentration of aerosols, especially in the liquid or gas phases, does not reach limits that have a detrimental effect on their living cells.

As a result of research conducted by specialists from Dnepropetrovsk University, it was found that white acacia, pinnate birch, red elderberry, Canadian poplar, mulberry and common privet trap sulfur compounds, and white acacia, pinnate birch, amorpha shrub, and common privet turned out to be active phenol absorbers . Willow and white acacia are resistant to fluorine, so they are used in landscaping of aluminum-related enterprises.

The most gas-resistant trees and shrubs are: Pennsylvania maple, whipweed, Manchurian hazel, three-spined gleditia, gooseberry (all types), common ivy, Cossack juniper, Canadian and Daurian moonseed, large-leaved gray poplar, Canadian poplar, pomegranate, tall ailanthus, acacia white, shrub amorpha, pinnately branched birch, common privet, white mulberry.

In winter, deciduous trees are deprived of their physiologically active organs - leaves. Coniferous plants, which remain green in winter, are less resistant to harmful industrial emissions.

Average content of metals in leaves of plants growing at different distances from metallurgical plants, mg

Plant species Iron Manganese Zinc
Total inner fabrics Total inner fabrics Total inner fabrics
0.1 km from the source
White acacia 145,7 58,3 7,7 5,4 4,3 2,9
Elm pinnately 149,3 41,7 13,4 7,3 16,7 6,2
Canadian poplar 94,3 23,5 11,9 7,2 27,6 14,3
Ash green 54 25,7 12,3 4 2,6 2,1
Common lilac 65,3 39 13,4 6,2 9 3,7
0.3 km from the source
White acacia 73,3 28 5,3 4,4 2,5 2,2
Elm pinnately 76,7 23,3 4,7 3,6 3,2 3
horse chestnut 68,3 30 6,5 6 2,2 1,8
1 km from the source
White acacia 43,3 17,7 6,3 5,5 2,3 1,8
Elm pinnately 53,4 21 5,5 4 3 2,6
Canadian poplar 55 15,1 15,2 13,2 24,3 17,2
Ash maple 70 - 9,5 - 2,1 -
3 km from the source
White acacia 31,7 16,1 2,8 2,2 4,1 3
Elm pinnately 30 - 4,7 - 5,7 -
Canadian poplar 43,3 - 10,5 - 15,5 -
horse chestnut 28,3 19,3 3,3 2,5 0 8,5
7 km from the source
White acacia 21 11,7 2,3 1,8 3,3 2,9
Elm pinnately 22,3 13,6 4 3,5 5,7 2,6
Canadian poplar 10,3 7 3,8 3,6 14,8 12,2

Environmental pollution with heavy metals leads to the accumulation of metals in plants (and their ash content increases by 1.5-2 times).

Some plants can limit the intake, regulate the accumulation of metals at the level of the body, its individual organs, cell tissues, and regulate the movement from the roots to the stems and leaves. A certain selective ability of root absorption allows the plant to avoid excessive accumulation of metals.

Tolerant species of woody plants tend to accumulate more metals in the roots than in the above-ground parts.

In herbaceous plants, in some cases, a protective reaction to excess metal content manifests itself in an increase in the ratio between the root system and the above-ground part, and when optimizing nutrition, it levels out again.

Scientists of the Central Republican botanical garden USSR Academy of Sciences (G.M. Ilkun, M.A. Makhovskaya, O.F. Shapochka, N.M. Boyko) studied the absorption of heavy metals by woody plants (Table 2.6). To determine the content of metals in the internal tissues of the leaf, the settled dust was carefully washed off the surface of the leaves. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the main components of emissions from metallurgical enterprises are iron oxides. As you move away from the blast furnace, iron accumulation decreases at 250-300 m by 1.5-2 times, 1 km by 3 times, 3 km by 4-5 times, 7-10 km by 7-9 times.

Leningrad scientists T. A. Paribok, G. D. Leina, N. A. Sadykina and others came to the conclusion that in parks in residential areas the concentration of lead is on average 2 times, and in a park in an industrial area it is 4-8 times higher than in a forest park 43 km from the city. The concentration of lead in street plantings is even higher - 8-12 times (depending on the type of plant).

Among the shrubs, caragana (yellow acacia) accumulates more lead, and among deciduous trees, common linden and birch.

In white acacia, the content of metals increases by 3.5 times from spring to autumn, and in pinnate elm - by 4-5 times. Carcinogen 3, 4 - benzopyrene is a dangerous air pollutant - it can pass from the air into the soil, and from there into plants and human food.

Plants with a high ability to break down 3,4 benzopyrene are used to clean the environment from carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons.

It is advisable to select rocks: some that clean the air from harmful gases, others from dust.

Green spaces retain dust and reduce air pollution. The effectiveness of dust-protective properties of plants in different breeds is not the same and depends on the structure of the tree and its windproof ability. Trees with rough, wrinkled, folded, hair-covered, sticky leaves are the best at trapping dust.

Rough leaves (elm) and leaves covered with the finest fibers (lilac, bird cherry, elderberry) hold dust better than smooth leaves (maple, ash, privet).

Leaves with tomentose pubescence differ little in dust retention from leaves with a wrinkled surface, but they are poorly cleaned by rain. Sticky leaves at the beginning of the growing season have high dust-retaining properties, but they are lost. In conifers, 1.5 times more dust settles per unit weight of needles than per unit weight of leaves, and the dust-proof properties are maintained all year round. Knowing the dust-protective properties of plants, varying the size of the planted area, selecting species and the required planting density, you can achieve the greatest dust-protective effect. Rains, freeing the plantings and the air basin from dust, wash it off to the surface of the earth.

In the city, air dust levels are much higher than in the suburbs. The amount of dust in the air varies depending on air humidity and wind speed.

Observations of Ph.D. honey. Sciences V.F. Dokuchaeva show that dust content in the air under trees is less than in an open area: in May by 20%, in June by 21.8%, in July by 34.1%, in August by 27.7% and in September by 38.7%. Over the entire growing season, the average dust concentration in the open area was 0.9 mg/m3 of air, and under the trees - 0.52 mg/m3 of air, i.e. 42.2% less.

Air dust content under the trees turned out to be less than in the open area: in December by 13.6%, in January by 37.4%, in February by 18%. Over the entire autumn-winter period, the average concentration of dust in the air in an open area was 0.8 mg/m3 of air, and under trees - 0.5 mg/m3 of air, i.e. less by 37.5%.

The results of research conducted at the Rostov Research Institute of the Academy of Public Utilities named after. K. D. Pamfilova, are presented in table. 2.7 and 2.8.

As we moved away from the source, the amount of dust, both in the air and deposited in green areas, per unit area decreased.

The amount of dust deposited by the foliage of trees of various species

Plants Total area of ​​the leaf blade, sq. m. Total amount of deposited dust, kg
ailanthus 208 24
white acacia 86 4
pinnate elm 66 18
slippery elm 223 23
honey locust 130 18
willow 157 38
field maple 171 20
Canadian poplar 267 34
mulberry 112 31
ash green 195 30
common ash 124 27
yellow acacia 3 0,2
European euonymus 13 0,6
common privet 3 0,3
red elderberry 8 0,4
Eleven angustifolia 23 2
common lilac 11 1,6
spirea 6 0,4
spotted grapes 3 0,1

A fir forest on an area of ​​1 hectare is able to retain 32 tons of dust particles, a beech forest - 68 tons of dust. This is due to the fact that 1 hectare of beech plantations develops a total leaf surface equal to 75 hectares. One poplar tree 9 m high has a trunk, twigs and branches area of ​​about 8 m2 and a leaf surface of 50 m2. Elm is a very good dust collector. It traps dust 6 times more intensely than smooth-leaved poplar.

The vegetation of city parks and squares with an area of ​​1 hectare clears 10-.20 million m3 of air from dust during the growing season.

The chemical composition of dust particles is distinguished by the diversity of its constituent components, often by the presence of significant amounts of metals, especially in emissions from the metallurgical industry. The research results take into account the great positive role of green spaces in the fight against air dust.

The amount of dust settling per 1 square meter. soil and retained 1 sq. m. leaf surface (according to Ishin Yu.D.)

Distance from source, m For 1 sq.m. soil surface, kg For 1 sq.m. leaf surface
pine birch aspen
G % G % G %
500 - 900 7,768 3,123 40,2 1,839 23,7 1,256 16,2
1900 - 2650 7,557 - - - - - -
2650 - 3850 6,94 2,67 38,5 0,264 3,8 0,196 2,8
3850 - 4650 5,071 1,816 35,8 0,093 1,8 0,011 0,21

We should not, of course, forget that the degree of dust in the air can be greatly reduced by such measures as maximum dust collection at the points of its release at industrial enterprises, increasing the level of improvement (paving) and improving the operational regime of streets and squares (watering and cleaning).

Ions play a significant role in improving air quality. Ions can be light or heavy. Light ones can carry negative or positive charges, heavy ones can only carry positive charges.

At favorable conditions During the development of the plant, the number of light negatively charged ions in the air and in the surrounding area increases - material carriers of electrical charges that characterize the state of cleanliness of the air.

Moderately increased air ionization (up to 2-3 thousand ions per 1 cm3) has a positive effect on human health and well-being. Vegetation affects air ionization depending on the species composition, completeness, age of plantings and some other characteristics.

The greatest ionization effect is observed under the crowns of the following species and trees: Scots pine, Scots spruce, western thuja, red oak, pedunculate oak, weeping willow, silver maple, red maple, black poplar, Siberian larch, Siberian fir, Karelian birch, Japanese birch, common rowan, common lilac, white acacia. Mixed plantings ionize the air better.

Atmospheric pollution and, as a consequence, the poor condition of vegetation lead to an increase in the amount of heavy ions harmful to human health.

Among the many factors influencing the microflora of the air, a special place is given to phytoncides. Phytoncides - volatile and non-volatile, secreted by plants and substances that protect them, capable of suppressing growth, inhibiting the development of harmful pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms and thus improve the health of the air.

Oak leaf phytoncides destroy the causative agent of dysentery, and juniper phytoncides destroy the causative agents of abdominal diseases. Crimean pine, evergreen cypress, and Himalayan cypress inhibit the growth of tuberculosis bacillus. Phytoncides of bird cherry, rowan, and juniper are used to combat harmful insects: In a pine forest, which is in good condition and favorable conditions, the growth of pathogenic bacteria is 2 times less than in deciduous ones. Thuja has the ability to reduce air pollution from pathogens by 67%. Coniferous species are capable of releasing volatile substances per day: 1 hectare of juniper - 30 kg, pine and spruce - 20 kg, deciduous species - 2-3 kg. However, pine plantations are characterized by increased radiation and air temperature, low humidity, so areas of mixed coniferous and deciduous plantations will be the most favorable for recreation.

Most plants exhibit maximum antibacterial activity in the summer, when the air in parks contains 200 times less bacteria than the air in the streets. When selecting plants for urban landscaping, it is necessary to take into account their bactericidal properties. Plantings should be placed on the windward side in relation to the place of residence of the person.

The sanitary and hygienic effectiveness of green spaces in some cases depends on meteorological conditions.

More than 500 plant species are known that have phytoncidal properties to varying degrees. Among them: white acacia, marsh rosemary, common barberry, Karelian birch, common hornbeam, pedunculate oak, common spruce, weeping willow, horse chestnut, Siberian cedar, red maple, Siberian larch, small-leaved linden, Cossack juniper, aspen, Siberian fir, eastern sycamore, perennial ryegrass, Scots pine, Japanese sophora, silver poplar, western thuja, mock orange, bird cherry, eucalyptus.

Considering that green spaces, due to their retention and absorption capacity, contribute to the improvement of the environment, when selecting an assortment of plants for landscaping in technogenic regions, it is necessary to give preference to plants that have maximum absorption capacity and are resistant to emissions from a given enterprise in these natural and climatic conditions. It should be borne in mind that wide, dense massifs dampen the wind, and on the territory of industrial enterprises a situation arises that promotes the concentration of harmful gases. By alternating plantings with open areas around points of release of harmful gases, you can significantly increase the ventilation of the area in the vertical direction.

Plantings and noise protection. With the development of cities, the problem of noise control is becoming increasingly acute. WITH physical point In terms of vision, sound (noise) is a wave vibration of an elastic medium. As a result of the process of evolution, the human hearing organ has adapted to perceive not all oscillatory processes, but only oscillations whose frequency ranges from 16 to 20,000 Hz, i.e., from 16 to 20,000 oscillations per 1 s.

Sound vibrations cause an increase and decrease in pressure in air environment. The difference between this pressure and atmospheric pressure is called sound pressure. Sound pressure level is determined in logarithmic units - decibels (dB). The range of the human ear is 140 dB. The lower limit of this range is the hearing threshold, and the upper limit is the maximum volume limit that does not cause pain. Hearing threshold - 10 dB, Speaking two people standing next to each other - 50, noise on the street - 60-80, noise inside a subway car - 90, noise of a jet plane during take-off - 130, human pain threshold - 140 dB.

Noise negatively affects the human body: it causes partial or complete deafness, causes cardiovascular and mental diseases, and disrupts metabolism. The results of the studies made it possible to determine the critical values ​​of sound pressure and the maximum permissible time of its exposure to a person: a person can withstand a noise level of 85 dB (without consequences) for 8 hours, 91 dB - 4 hours, 97 dB - 2 hours, 103 dB-1 h, 121 dB-7 min. At a noise level of 40-45 dB, sleep is disturbed in 10-20% of the population, at 50 dB - in 50%, and at 75 dB - in 95% of the population.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for residential buildings determine the need to protect the population from the harmful effects of urban noise. Depending on the intensity, frequency characteristics, time and duration of exposure, certain permissible sound levels in dBA are established for various places where a person stays (hospital and sanatorium wards - 25, apartment living rooms - 30, hospital areas - 35, school classrooms - 40, residential areas microdistricts - 45, stations - 60). These permissible values ​​of sound levels refer to night time (from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.); in the daytime, these levels increase by 10 dBA.

Schematic diagrams of sound propagation in green spaces: a - as a result of multiple reflections, noise decays more slowly than in an open, flat area; b - increasing the plane of perception and reflection of sound waves from a row of edges of bushes increases the noise-protective effect; c - a two-tier hedge increases the plane of perception and reflection of sound waves and provides a greater noise-protective effect; d - diagram of the organization of the most effective noise protection

Noise-protective plantings of green spaces: a - an example of dense noise-protective plantings of a mixed type; b - an example of planting on the street to protect against traffic noise; 1 - tall deciduous trees; 2 - coniferous trees medium height and tall; 3 - low-growing coniferous trees; 4 - tall bushes; 5 - low bushes; 6 - deciduous trees of medium height

The noise of the city is made up of noise from various sources and, above all, from industrial enterprises, transport, construction sites, the operation of equipment, household appliances, etc. In the city, the most common and most tiring noise is transport noise, which depends on the speed of movement and the frequency of stops (with their increasing the noise level increases). When 100 cars pass per hour, the average noise level in the area adjacent to the road is 70 dB. The noise level from vehicle traffic on local streets is 55-65 dBA, on main streets - 70-85 dBA.

In order to reduce urban noise, special urban planning measures are carried out, which give maximum effect when used in a complex manner: residential buildings are removed from the roadway; public buildings, parking lots, commercial and municipal buildings (warehouses, shops, workshops, small silent enterprises) are placed on the highway as noise barriers; create engineering noise protection structures, structures and devices (walls, screens), excavations, embankments and special strips of green spaces. Reducing noise from transport is achieved through rational routing of transport routes, removing them from the territory of a residential area and certain restrictions on the speed of transport.

To protect residential areas from noise, it is necessary to make maximum use of urban green construction.

Green spaces located between the noise source and residential buildings and recreation areas can significantly reduce noise levels. The effect increases as the plants approach the noise source; It is advisable to place the second group directly near the protected object.

Sound waves, encountering leaves, pine needles, branches, tree trunks of various orientations, are scattered, reflected or absorbed. The crowns of deciduous trees absorb about 25% of the sound energy falling on them.

Nomogram for determining the amount of noise reduction by strips of green spaces (author M. M. Bolkhovitin): 1 - a strip of green spaces Yum wide from an assortment of deciduous trees in a three-row checkerboard planting with a two-tier hedge of bushes; 2 - a strip of green space 15 m wide from an assortment of deciduous trees in a four-row checkerboard planting with an edge row and an undergrowth of bushes; 3 - a strip of green space 20 m wide from an assortment of deciduous trees in a five-row checkerboard planting with a cannon row and an undergrowth of bushes; 4 - a 25 m strip of green space from an assortment of deciduous trees in a six-row checkerboard planting of trees with a two-tier hedge of bushes; 5 - a strip of green space 15 m wide from an assortment of coniferous trees in a four-row checkerboard planting with a two-tier hedge of bushes; 6 - a strip of green space 20 m wide from an assortment of coniferous trees in a five-row checkerboard planting with a two-tier hedge of bushes

Noise reduction by plants depends on the design, age, density of plantings and crowns, assortment of trees and shrubs, spectral composition of noise, weather conditions etc.

If the location of green spaces is incorrect in relation to sound sources, due to the reflectivity of the foliage, the opposite effect can be obtained, i.e., the noise level can be increased. This can happen when planting trees with a dense crown along the axis of the street in the form of a boulevard. In this case, green spaces play the role of a screen, reflecting sound waves towards residential buildings.

Row plantings of trees with an open under-crown space do not absorb noise, since a kind of sound corridor is created between the surface of the earth and the bottom of the crowns, in which sound waves are repeatedly reflected and combined. Sound reflection occurs primarily in the area of ​​direct contact with the surface of the noise barrier strip and depends on the applied strip design and the density of the frontal zone that perceives the sound shock.

Noise-protective effectiveness of various plantings (according to KETUKI, VR)

The best noise reduction effect is achieved by multi-tiered planting of trees with dense crowns interlocking with each other and edge rows of shrubs that completely cover the under-crown space.

Strips made from plants with a high specific gravity of greenery reduce noise well (all coniferous species reduce the noise level on average by 6-7 dB more effectively with the same strip parameters than deciduous ones, but in urban conditions their use is complicated by their high sensitivity to environmental pollution).

The noise-protective properties of green spaces were studied in detail by Hungarian specialists (Research Institute for Road Transport - KETUCI). Measurements were carried out in deciduous (acacia 3 and 36 years old), (poplar 10 years old, oak 19 and 75 years old), coniferous (pine 5 and 17 years old, spruce 11 years old), mixed (oak, pine, hornbeam 17 years old) plantings and in thickets of bushes.

According to the degree of noise protection efficiency, various plantings are arranged in the following order: pine, spruce, shrubs (deciduous of various types) and deciduous trees (Table 2.9).

The optimal width of the noise protection strip in urban conditions is in the range of 10-30 m. Increasing the width of the strip does not significantly reduce noise. A 10 m wide strip should consist of at least three rows of trees.

Trees planted in a checkerboard pattern (tall trees are closer to the noise source) with shrubs and undergrowth reduce noise levels by 3-4 dB more than plants in a row structure that have the same size and strip characteristics. Study of decline by different types of green spaces general levels noise from moving vehicles gave the results presented in table. 2.10.

Efficiency of reducing traffic noise levels by strips of green spaces of various widths, dendrological composition and design

Bandwidth, m Characteristics of the noise protection strip Efficiency of noise reduction behind a strip of green space, dB A, at
70 75
10 3-row planting of deciduous trees: Norway maple, common elm, small-leaved linden, balsam poplar in a row planting design, with shrubs in a hedge or an undergrowth of Tatarian maple, spirea viburnum, Tatarian honeysuckle 5 6
15 4-row planting of deciduous trees: small-leaved linden, Norway maple, balsam poplar in a row planting design, with shrubs in a two-tier hedge and undergrowth of yellow acacia, spirea viburnum, gordovina, Tatarian honeysuckle 7 7
15 4-row planting of coniferous trees: spruce, Siberian larch in a checkerboard planting design, with shrubs from a two-tier hedge of white turf, Tatarian maple, yellow acacia, Tatarian honeysuckle 11 12
20 5-row planting of deciduous trees: small-leaved linden, balsam poplar, common elm, Norway maple in a checkerboard planting design, with shrubs in a two-tier hedge and an undergrowth of viburnum spirea, Tatarian honeysuckle, Siberian hawthorn 8 8
20 4-row planting of coniferous trees: Siberian larch, common spruce in a checkerboard planting design, with shrubs in a two-tier hedge and undergrowth of viburnum spirea, yellow acacia, Siberian hawthorn 13 14
25 5-row planting of deciduous trees: Norway maple, common elm, small-leaved linden, balsam poplar in a checkerboard planting design, with shrubs in a two-tier hedge and an undergrowth of white turf, Siberian hawthorn, Tatarian maple 9 10
30 7 - 8-row planting of deciduous trees: small-leaved linden, Norway maple, balsam poplar, common elm in a checkerboard design, plantings with shrubs in a two-tier hedge and an undergrowth of Tatarian maple, Tatarian honeysuckle, Siberian hawthorn, white turf 10 11
Note. Trees in green belts are at least 7 - 8 m high, shrubs are at least 1.6 - 2 m high.

The results of this study show that the greatest effect in reducing noise is achieved by planting 20 m wide, i.e. 5 rows of coniferous trees and 2 rows of shrubs.

More intensive noise reduction compared to uniform continuous landscaping is achieved by planting several dense strips of trees at such a distance from each other that their crowns do not close together, then each row of trees with a dense hedge reduces noise by -2 dBA, becoming a new obstacle in the way noise, shielding it.

Creating lawns between the stripes and maintaining them in good condition will improve noise protection, since they reflect sound from the surface by 10 and 20% less, respectively, compared to soil and asphalt.

The strip of noise-protective green spaces must have optimal density, depth and height (at 2 m below the conditional straight line connecting the noise source and the design point on the protected area).

The designs of highway noise protection strips are selected depending on the amount of vehicle noise. A strip of green space 30 m wide, density 0.8-0.9, consisting of 7-8 rows of deciduous trees (linden, poplar, maple) 7-8 m high with a densely branching dense crown, low trunk with shrubs in the undergrowth (privet , spirea) and a hedge 1.5-2 m high, can reduce the level of transport noise by up to 12 dB.

The distance from the sidewalk of the highway to the houses should be at least 15-20 m of green area. In table 2.11 presents recommendations common in Czechoslovakia for protection from noise from public transport.

Norms for the distance of buildings from the roadway

The best noise-proofing effect is achieved by a green strip formed from trees and shrubs, located on a screening barrier - an earthen cavalier. When the highway is located in a recess, it is advisable to plant landscaping on the upper edge of the slope.

In the case of directional noise, it can be dissipated separately standing trees and shrubs.

Among residential buildings and within the microdistrict, high-frequency noise sources are common: sports, playgrounds and children's playgrounds, splashing pools, utility yards, etc. Dense green spaces reduce the sound level in the high-frequency range, so they are used in combination with special screen walls.

The standards provide for different distances (m) from sports grounds to residential buildings in the presence and absence of green spaces:

To reduce noise levels inside microdistricts and blocks in courtyards and on narrow streets, it is advisable, together with planting trees with a dense crown, dense tall bushes and creating grass cover in all free areas, to use vertical landscaping of buildings (which reduces the surface of sound reflection, increasing the sound absorption of the wall in 6-7 times. Plants not only improve the acoustic situation in the city, but also serve as an effective means of improving the health of the urban environment, regulating and improving sanitary, hygienic and microclimatic indicators, having a positive psychological and aesthetic effect.

The appearance and durability of plants in a noise protection zone are largely determined by the degree of exposure to the urban environment and environmental features plants (primarily their resistance to smoke and gases and the ability to retain their properties during prolonged exposure to vehicle exhaust gases).

In the example shown in Fig. 2.16, the development is located near a noisy highway. In the territory adjacent to the highway there are small craft enterprises and institutions, protected from the noise of the highway by an earthen embankment of green spaces. The second embankment separates this strip of noise-protective volumetric structures from the main territory. Research has shown that all residential building facades are exposed to less than 60 dBA, 90% of facades are less than 55 dBA and 34% are not affected by highway noise.

Noise buffer zone along a high-traffic highway in Grenoble: 1 - highway; 2 - first green shaft; 3 - buildings of silent industrial and warehouse enterprises; 4 - second green shaft; 5 - communal and economic institutions; 6 - residential development Organization of noise protection for residential areas located near industrial enterprises: a - option for locating a large industrial enterprise that creates a high noise level near a residential area; b - option for locating a new residential development near a large enterprise that creates a high noise level; 1 - industrial enterprise; 2 - protective green zone; 3 - residential development; 4 - protective zone with non-residential buildings; 5 - office establishment; 6 - craft workshops, warehouses

Since the noise level in cities is constantly increasing, it should be taken into account when designing new cities and planning areas, since limiting, and even more so reducing noise in the current urban conditions is an extremely difficult task.

One of the most effective planning measures to protect residential areas from noise is the functional zoning of the territory, highlighting noisy industrial and transport zones. Intermediate areas can be used to accommodate structures that are less susceptible to noise impacts, which become buffer zones that protect against noise impacts.

At the master plan stage, when making calculations, it can be assumed that 1 linear. m of green areas reduces the noise level by 0.1 dBA. Effective noise protection from highways and main streets of continuous traffic can only be provided by well-developed green spaces in specially created stripes in accordance with urban planning standards and requirements.

The noise-absorbing ability of plants is also evident in winter; even in a leafless state, they reduce the noise level by 2-5 dBA. At this time of year, the noise intensity decreases somewhat; in addition, the areas occupied by landscaping are covered with snow, which serves as a porous noise absorber.

The high ecological qualities of plants, adaptability to urban conditions, unpretentiousness, flowering, and aroma make them indispensable when forming strips for the purpose of noise protection.

Trees and shrubs require a long time to acquire acoustic efficiency. In this regard, planting material intended for noise protection strips should be formed in nurseries with wide-branched dense crowns and tree trunk growth.

"Urban Green Building". Gorokhov V.A. 1991

Everyone knows that trees clean the air. Being in a forest or park, you can feel that the air is completely different, not the same as on the dusty city streets. It's much easier to breathe in the cool shade of the trees. Why is this happening?

Tree leaves are small laboratories in which, under the influence of sunlight and heat, carbon dioxide contained in the air is converted into organic matter and oxygen.
Organic substances are processed into the material from which the plant is built, i.e. trunk, roots, etc. Oxygen is released from the leaves into the air. In one hour, one hectare of forest absorbs all the carbon dioxide that two hundred people can produce during this time!

Trees purify the air by absorbing pollutants

The surface of leaves has the ability to capture airborne particles and remove them from the air (at least temporarily). Microscopic airborne particles can enter the lungs, which can lead to serious health problems or tissue irritation. So it is very important to reduce their concentration in the air, which trees do successfully. Trees can remove both gaseous pollutants (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide) and particulate dust particles. Purification mainly occurs with the help of stomata. Stomata are small windows or pores located on the leaf through which water evaporates and gases exchange with environment. Thus, dust particles, without reaching the ground, settle on the leaves of trees, and under their canopy the air is much cleaner than above the crowns. But not all trees can tolerate dusty and polluted conditions: ash, linden and spruce suffer greatly from them. Dust and gases can lead to blockage of stomata. However, oak, poplar or maple are more resistant to the harmful effects of a polluted atmosphere.

Trees reduce temperatures during the hot season

When you walk under the scorching sun, you always want to find a shady tree. And how nice it can be to walk in a cool forest on a hot day! Being under the canopy of trees is more comfortable not only because of the shade. Thanks to transpiration (that is, the process of evaporation of water by a plant, which occurs mainly through leaves), lower wind speeds and relative humidity, fallen leaves under the trees create a certain microclimate. Trees suck a lot of water from the soil, which then evaporates through the leaves. All these factors collectively affect the air temperature under the trees, where it is usually 2 degrees lower than in the sun.

But how more low temperature affects air quality? Many pollutants begin to be released more actively as temperatures rise. A perfect example of this is a car left in the sun in the summer. Hot seats and door handles create a suffocating atmosphere in the car, so you want to turn on the air conditioning faster. Especially in new cars, where the smell has not yet dissipated, it becomes especially strong. U especially sensitive people it can even lead to asthma.

Trees emit volatile organic compounds

Most trees emit volatile organic substances - phytoncides. Sometimes these substances form a haze. Phytoncides are capable of destroying pathogenic microbes, many pathogenic fungi, having a strong effect on multicellular organisms and even killing insects. The best producer of medicinal volatile organic compounds is Pine forest. In pine and cedar forests the air is almost sterile. Pine phytoncides increase the overall tone of a person, have a beneficial effect on the central and sympathetic nervous system. Trees such as cypress, maple, viburnum, magnolia, jasmine, white acacia, birch, alder, poplar and willow also have pronounced bactericidal properties.

Trees are vital for maintaining clean air and the entire ecosystem on Earth. Everyone understands this, even small children. However, deforestation is not slowing down. The world's forests have decreased by 1.5 million square meters. km for 2000-2012 for non-anthropogenic (natural) and anthropogenic reasons. In Russia . Now you can look using the Google service and see the real state of affairs in forestry, which is very worrying.

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Google's high-resolution global deforestation map
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