Treatment with leeches (medical leech), we understand the features of hirudotherapy. Ecological groups of leeches and their relationship to environmental factors Contraindications to hirudotherapy

All more people are interested in an alternative treatment that has been known since ancient times - hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches does not require the use of medications, but the effect can be significant.

We will talk about how a treatment session is carried out and what diseases can be treated in this article.

The effect of leeches on the body

The varied composition of leech saliva ensures the benefits of leech treatment at home. The following elements found in saliva have a complex effect on the body:

  • hirudin is involved in improving blood circulation and has an analgesic effect;
  • apyrase is effective in the fight against atherosclerotic plaques;
  • destabilase has a positive effect on thrombus formation processes;
  • hyaluronidase is involved in the resorption of scars;
  • thanks to eglins, the inflammatory process in tissues is reduced;
  • Bradykinins have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Organizing a hirudotherapy session

To ensure better contact of the leech with the human body, on the eve of the session you should avoid taking a bath with soap that has a strong aroma, and you should not use deodorants.

The attachment points must be processed. This is done immediately before the procedure. The hair should be shaved and the skin should be washed warm water with unscented soap. You need to wipe the skin with special cotton wool swabs.

The skin at the sites of future attachment must be treated with a glucose solution. The leech is then placed in a test tube. Her tail should point downwards. The test tube is applied to an area of ​​the body.

When the leech has attached itself, the test tube is removed, and a piece of cotton wool is applied to the tail to prevent attachment by a second sucker.

The session continues until the worm detaches on its own after complete saturation. This can happen an hour after the start of the procedure. To detach the leech, apply cotton wool with alcohol to it. After this, using tweezers, you need to place it in a container and fill it with a special solution.

The worm is used only once.

The effect of treatment with leeches is significant, but it is important to monitor the condition of the wounds. Immediately after the session, they are covered with a bandage of cotton wool and gauze. Bleeding may continue for 24 hours. In this case, the bandage needs to be changed. A day later, the wounds are treated with iodine and covered with a bandage for several days.

If the bleeding does not go away, then it is necessary to treat the wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a bandage for several days.

Indications and contraindications for treatment with leeches

With the help of hirudotherapy you can get rid of problems such as:

  • heart disease and vascular problems;
  • problems in the field of gynecology and urology;
  • gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders;
  • ENT diseases and eye diseases;
  • abnormalities of the thyroid gland and nervous system;
  • problems with the spine and joint disorders.

Also, with the help of such treatment, you can normalize the immune system and improve the health of the body as a whole. This confirms the enormous benefits that a person receives from hirudotherapy.

At the same time, you should consult your doctor before starting the procedures. It is better not to participate in such sessions if there are bleeding disorders, severe anemia, bleeding or allergic reactions, with cachexia.

Also, 12-15 hours after the third procedure, the patient may experience itching, swelling, and an increase in temperature. Lymph nodes may also enlarge, and health may worsen, which is typical for 80-85% of people. These are normal phenomena that are the result of the immune system.

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy

Leech therapy has a positive effect on many diseases, but their use in different cases is individual.

Treatment of cardiovascular disorders

Of particular importance in general therapy is the treatment of blood vessels with leeches. They are used to combat diseases such as atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, ischemic stroke, hypertension, thrombosis, etc. They also produce a preventive effect by cleansing the circulatory system.

With their help, you can normalize metabolic processes and remove harmful substances and toxins. The location of leeches on the body is determined by the doctor based on research results.

Prevention of varicose veins

If you have varicose veins, then treatment should begin as quickly as possible. But the procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who can correctly determine the scheme where to place the leech.

As a rule, worms are placed according to the principle of a chessboard. They cannot be placed on a vein or nodes. It should be placed at a distance of 2 to 10 cm from the vein.

Thanks to blood thinning, blood clots are dissolved, itching and irritation go away. The walls of blood vessels are also strengthened.

Use in gynecology

Leeches can become effective means in the fight against infertility, which is caused by endometriosis, adhesions, inflammation, etc.

The woman is recovering hormonal background, immune system, blood circulation. This helps to improve reproductive function.

Treatment of joints and spine

Hirudotherapy can help eliminate many spinal problems. Leeches are also effective in treating arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, and joint problems. There is an improvement in blood circulation and the elimination of congestion and spasms. Patients can get rid of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, headaches and insomnia.

We talked about the main positive properties of hirudotherapy and the effect it has on the human body. However, before starting a course of treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Photo of the leech treatment process

The long-awaited report from the leech farm. You will learn how leeches live in captivity,
what they eat, how they reproduce. For the first time we managed to film unique shots
birth of leeches in natural conditions and in captivity.

Five pairs of eyes intensely watched the water column, all senses aimed at finding the victim. For more than three weeks now, in search of food, they have had to move from one corner of the reservoir to another. Even repeated forays onto land did not bring the desired result. Sad thoughts overwhelmed the vampire. Blood and only blood... “Okay, you can hold out for another three months, but if luck doesn’t smile, you’ll have to emigrate to a nearby body of water; they say that cattle come there to drink...” Somewhere there was a splash, another, a third - the steel muscles tensed. The vampire identified the source of the vibrations and, with smooth wave-like movements, directed his body towards the victim. Here she is! Light, warm body, and so little fur, just not to miss. The vampire straightened his huge mouth, exposed three terrible jaws with sharp teeth and bit into the victim... A heartbreaking cry filled the water surface of the reservoir.

02. Today we will tell you about International Center medical leech, created on the basis of the Medpiyavka association formed in 1937, which was engaged in keeping leeches in artificial ponds holiday village Udelnaya (Moscow region).

03. At 2500 sq. m. are located industrial premises for growing more than 3,500,000 medicinal leeches and producing cosmetic products.

04. In total, science knows 400 species of leeches, which look approximately the same and differ mainly in color. Leeches are black, greenish or brownish. Russian name These nimble worms indicate their ability to “bite” into the victim’s body and suck out blood.

05. Leeches live in three-liter jars. They couldn’t come up with anything better as a house for them. The leechkeeper must ensure that the vessel with leeches is constantly covered with a thick white cloth, which is tied tightly.

06. Leeches are unusually mobile and often tend to crawl out of the water. Therefore, they are able to easily leave the container in which they are stored. Escapes occur periodically.

07. A leech has 10 eyes, but the leech does not perceive a complete image. Despite the seeming primitiveness of the sensory perception of leeches, they are excellent at orienting themselves in space. Their sense of smell, taste and touch are unusually developed, which contributes to their success in finding prey. First of all, leeches respond well to odors emanating from objects immersed in water. Leeches cannot tolerate foul-smelling water.

08. Slow, devoid of sharpness movements allow you to see the entire body of the leech. On the back, against a dark background, bright orange inclusions form a bizarre pattern in the form of two stripes. On the sides there is black edging. The abdomen is delicate, light olive in color with a black edging. The body of an ordinary medicinal leech consists of 102 rings. On the dorsal side the rings are covered with many small papillae. On the ventral side there are much fewer papillae and they are less noticeable.

09. But behind the harmless external beauty of the leech lies its secret weapon - the front sucker, outwardly invisible. The large, intimidating rear sucker does not cause any physical damage, but in the depths of the front jaws are hidden, geometrically located according to the sign of a prestigious company automotive world- Mercedes. There are up to 90 teeth in each jaw, for a total of 270. This is deceit.

10. The record for the maximum size of a leech grown in this center is 35 centimeters in length. The leech in the photo still has everything ahead.

11. A leech bit me like a nettle stung. The bite of the same horsefly or ant is much more painful. Leech saliva contains painkillers (analgesics). The leech feeds exclusively on blood. Hematophage, that is, a vampire.

12. The epidermal layer of the leech is covered with a special film - cuticle. The cuticle is transparent, it performs a protective function and continuously grows, periodically being renewed during the molting process. Normally, leeches moult every 2-3 days.

13. Discarded films resemble white flakes or small white covers. They clog the bottom of the vessels for storing used leeches, and therefore must be removed regularly, and the water is also periodically colored from digestion products. The water is changed twice a week.

14. The water is specially prepared: it sits for at least a day, it is purified from harmful impurities and heavy metals. After cleaning and passing control, the water is heated to the required temperature and enters the shared network for leeches.


16. Leeches poop up to several times a day, so the water in the vessel where used leeches are stored periodically becomes colored. Clogging of water that occurs from time to time does not cause any harm to leeches if the water is regularly changed.

17. The most important condition for the rapid cultivation of full-fledged medicinal leeches is their regular feeding with fresh blood, which is purchased from slaughterhouses.

18. Large clots formed during coagulation of blood mass are used. To fully feed leeches, only the blood of healthy animals, mainly large and small livestock, is taken. The clots are placed at the bottom of special vessels, into which the leeches are then released.

19. To make it pleasant for leeches to eat, a film is laid on them, which they, out of habit, bite through and suck blood.

20. During growth, the leech feeds every one and a half to two months.

21. After the leeches have grown and fasted for at least three months, they are collected in series and sent for certification, and then they go on sale or are used in the production of cosmetics. The Center has an accredited laboratory of the quality control department. But more about this tomorrow.

22. During one feeding, a leech sucks out five times its own weight, after which it may not eat for three to four months, or a maximum of a year. After eating, the leech looks like a solid muscle sac filled with blood. In her digestive tract There are special substances that protect blood from putrefaction, which preserve it in such a way that the blood always remains complete and is stored for a long time.

23. A leech usually eats its fill in 15-20 minutes. A sign that the leech is full is the appearance of foam.

24. Well-fed leeches are trying to escape from the “dining room”.

25. Yum-yum!

26. After feeding, the leeches are washed.

27. And put it back in the jar.


29. And the dishes are washed.


31. Leeches communicate with each other extremely rarely, only during the mating period. And then, most likely, out of necessity, so as not to die out. Suitable for reproduction, that is, carefully fed and reaching a given size, leeches are called queens.

32. They are placed in pairs in jars filled with water and stored in special rooms where the optimal environmental temperature is maintained to maintain the activity of leeches and their reproductive abilities. Copulation and laying of cocoons with eggs occur in leeches at an environmental temperature of 25 to 27 °C. And although each individual carries within itself both male and feminine(hermaphrodites), cannot satisfy herself in this intimate matter and is looking for a partner.

33. Mating season, during which mating occurs, takes about 1 month, after which the leeches are placed in queen cells - three-liter jars. Moist peat soil is placed at the bottom of the queen cell, providing a favorable environment for medicinal leeches and their cocoons. On top of the peat are soft moss turfs that regulate soil moisture. The queens move freely on the moss, in which they feel comfortable, and gradually burrow into the peat.

34. Leeches practice different positions in which copulation occurs. There are 2 main positions that have a biological meaning. First position: the anterior ends of the bodies of copulating leeches are directed in one direction. The second main position: the ends of the bodies are oppositely directed, that is, they look in different directions.

35. The peat is thoroughly washed so that the leeches are moist and comfortable.


37. You can identify a pregnant leech by the light rings and place it in a jar of peat.

38. Breaking a shallow hole in the soil, the leech lays a cocoon in it, from which filaments are subsequently hatched - this is what the leech breeders of small young leeches are called. Their mass reaches 0.03 g at most, and their body length is 7-8 mm. The filaments are fed in the same way as adults.

39. Each mother leech lays an average of 3-5 cocoons, each of which contains 10-15 fry.

40. After a while, the cocoons become like soft foam balls.

41. In the light you can see that the fry are sitting inside the cocoon.

42. And here are unique shots of the birth. The leech leaves the cocoon through a hole in the end.


44. The first minutes of life of a small leech.

45. And this is how they are born in the conditions of the center. The cocoons are simply torn apart.

46. ​​In the center, a leech lives for a year and a half, then it is given away to treat people or processed into cosmetics.

The body is flattened in the dorsoventral direction and bears two suckers. The anterior or oral sucker is formed as a result of the fusion of four segments; the oral opening is located at its bottom. The posterior sucker is formed by the fusion of seven segments. Total number body segments - 30-33, including segments forming suckers. There are no parapodia. True leeches do not have setae, but bristle-bearing ones do. Leeches living in water swim, bending their bodies in waves, while land leeches “walk” along the ground or leaves, alternately sucking onto the substrate with either the front or rear suction cup.

rice. 1. Scheme of the structure of the front
end of the body of a medicinal leech:

1 - ganglion, 2 - longitudinal muscles,
3 - pharynx, 4 - pharynx muscles,
5 - jaws, 6 - wall
anterior sucker.

The skin-muscle sac consists of a dense cuticle, single layer epithelium, circular and longitudinal muscles. The epithelium contains pigment and glandular cells. The cuticle is divided into small rings, the outer segmentation does not correspond to the larger internal segmentation.

The whole structure is preserved in bristle-bearing leeches, but is reduced to one degree or another in true leeches. In most species of true leeches, the secondary cavity is filled with parenchyma, leaving longitudinal lacunar canals from the coelom.

rice. 2. Structure diagram
medical leech:

1 - cephalic ganglia,
2 - oral sucker,
3 - stomach pockets,
4 - midgut,
5 - hindgut,
6 - anus,
7 - rear sucker,
8 - abdominal nervous
chain, 9 - metanephridia,
10 - testes, 11 - egg
bag, 12 - vagina,
13 - copulatory organ.

A true closed circulatory system, similar to that of oligochaetes or polychaetes, is found only in some species of leeches (chaistose leeches). In jawed leeches, the circulatory system is reduced, and its role is played by lacunae of coelomic origin: dorsal, abdominal and two lateral.

Gas exchange occurs through the integument of the body; some sea leeches have gills.

Excretory organs - metanephridia.

Nervous system is represented by the ventral nerve cord, which is characterized by partial fusion of the ganglia. The subpharyngeal ganglion consists of four pairs of fused ganglia, the last nerve ganglion consists of seven pairs. The sense organs of leeches are goblet organs and eyes. Goblet organs - chemoreception organs - are located in transverse rows on each segment; with their help, leeches learn about the approach of the victim and identify each other. The eyes are transformed goblet-shaped organs of the anterior segments and have only photosensitive significance. Number of eyes different types- from one to five pairs.

Leeches are hermaphrodites. Fertilization is usually internal. Eggs are laid in cocoons. Postembryonic development is direct.

The Leech class is divided into subclasses: 1) Ancient, or bristle-bearing leeches (Archihirudinea), 2) True leeches (Euhiridinea). The subclass True leeches is divided into two orders: 1) Proboscis (Rhynchobdellea), 2) Proboscis (Arhynchobdellea).

rice. 3. Appearance
medical leech

Order Proboscis (Arhynchobdellea)

Medical leech (Hirudo medicinalis)(Fig. 3) is bred in laboratory conditions for medical purposes. The body length is on average 120 mm, width 10 mm, maximum values ​​can be much larger. Each of the three jaws has 70-100 sharp “teeth”. After a leech bite, a mark in the form of an equilateral triangle remains on the skin.

In laboratory conditions, they reach sexual maturity after 12-18 months and reproduce at any time of the year. The reproductive systems include nine pairs of testes and one pair of ovaries, enclosed in egg sacs. The vas deferens merge into the ejaculatory canal, which ends in the copulatory organ. Oviducts extend from the ovaries, which empty into the convoluted uterus, which opens into the vagina. Fertilization is internal. The cocoons are oval in shape and reddish-gray in color, average length 20 mm, width 16 mm. There are from 15 to 20 eggs in one cocoon. The diameter of the egg is about 100 microns. After 30-45 days, small, 7-8 mm long, leeches emerge from the cocoons. In laboratory conditions, they are fed on mammalian blood clots.

Adult leeches are used for hypertension, strokes, and to resolve subcutaneous hemorrhages. Hirudin, contained in the saliva of leeches, prevents the development of blood clots that clog blood vessels.

In nature, medicinal leeches live in small fresh water bodies and feed on mammals and amphibians.

rice. 4. Big
false horse leech

Greater false horse leech (Haemopis sanguisuga)(Fig. 4) lives in fresh water bodies. It leads a predatory lifestyle, feeding on invertebrates and small vertebrates, swallowing them in parts or whole. The mouth and throat may become very distended. The number of blunt “teeth” on each jaw is 7-18. Stomach - with one pair of pockets.

The false horse leech is often confused with the medical leech, although they are quite easily distinguished by the color of the dorsal side of the body. The dorsal surface of the body of the false horse leech is black, monochromatic, sometimes with randomly scattered dark spots. On the dorsal side of the body of a medicinal leech there is a characteristic pattern in the form of longitudinal stripes. False horse leeches cannot be kept together with medical ones, as they eat them.

pijawka), formed from the verb *pьjati, multiple verb from *piti"drink". Moreover, in Russian the form would be expected *leech(cf. Ukrainian p᾽yavka), and And in this case it is explained by a secondary convergence with the verb “to drink” according to folk etymology.

In Latin hirūdō show the same suffix as in testūdō“turtle”, but the etymologization of the root is difficult. Named as possible relatives hīra"small intestine" and haruspex"haruspex".


The body length of different representatives varies from several millimeters to tens of centimeters. The largest representative is Haementeria ghilianii(up to 45 cm).

The anterior and posterior ends of the body of leeches bear suckers. At the bottom of the anterior there is an oral opening leading to the pharynx. In proboscis leeches (order Rhynchobdelida) the pharynx is able to move outward. In jawed leeches (for example, the medicinal leech), the oral cavity is armed with three movable chitinous jaws that serve to cut through the skin.


Biology of the organism

The body is elongated or oval, more or less flattened in the dorso-ventral direction, clearly divided into small rings, which, 3-5 in number, correspond to one body segment; there are numerous glands in the skin that secrete mucus; at the posterior end of the body there is usually a large sucker; often at the anterior end there is a well-developed sucker, in the center of which the mouth is placed; more often the mouth is used for suction. At the anterior end of the body there are 1-5 pairs of eyes, located in an arc or in pairs one behind the other. Powder on the dorsal side above the posterior sucker. The nervous system consists of a two-lobed suprapharyngeal ganglion, or brain, connected to it by short commissures of the subpharyngeal node (derived from several fused nodes of the abdominal chain) and the abdominal chain itself, located in the abdominal blood sinus and having about 20 nodes. The head node innervates the sensory organs and pharynx, and from each node of the abdominal chain 2 pairs of nerves depart, innervating the corresponding body segments; the lower wall of the intestine is equipped with a special longitudinal nerve that gives branches to the blind sacs of the intestine. The digestive organs begin with a mouth, armed either with three chitinous serrated plates (jawed P. - Gnathobdellidae), which serve to cut through the skin when sucking blood in animals, or capable of protruding with a proboscis (in proboscis P. - Rhynchobdellidae); Numerous openings into the oral cavity salivary glands, sometimes secreting a poisonous secretion; the pharynx, which plays the role of a pump during sucking, is followed by an extensive, highly extensible stomach, equipped with lateral sacs (up to 11 pairs), of which the posterior ones are the longest; the hindgut is thin and short. Circulatory system consists partly of real, pulsating vessels, partly of cavities - sinuses, representing the remainder of the cavity (secondary) of the body and interconnected by ring canals; The blood of proboscideans is colorless, while that of jawed animals is red due to hemoglobin dissolved in the lymph. Only the river has special respiratory organs. Branchellion, shaped like leaf-like appendages on the sides of the body. The excretory organs are arranged according to the type of metanephridia, or segmental organs of annelids, and most P. have a pair of them in each of the middle segments of the body. P. - hermaphrodites: the majority of male genital organs consist of vesicles (testes), a pair in 6-12 middle segments of the body, connected on each side of the body by a common excretory duct; these ducts open outward with one opening lying on the ventral side of one of the anterior rings of the body; feminine genital opening lies one segment behind the male and leads into two separate oviducts with sac-like ovaries. Two individuals copulate, each simultaneously playing the role of a female and a male. During egg laying, P. secretes thick mucus from the glands located in the genital area, surrounding it in the form of a sheath. middle part P.'s body; eggs are laid in this sheath, after which P. crawls out of it, and the edges of its holes come together, stick together and thus form a capsule with eggs inside, usually attached to the lower surface of the algae leaf; The embryos, leaving the facial membrane, sometimes (Clepsine) remain for some time on the underside of the mother’s body. All P. are predators, feeding on the blood of mostly warm-blooded animals or mollusks, worms, etc.; they live mainly in fresh waters or in damp grass, but there are also marine forms (Pontobdella), just as there are terrestrial forms (in Ceylon). Hirudo medicinalis - medical P. up to 10 cm long and 2 cm wide, black-brown, black-green, with a longitudinal patterned reddish pattern on the back; the belly is light gray, with 5 pairs of eyes on the 3rd, 5th and 8th rings and strong jaws; distributed in the swamps of the South. Europe, South Russia and the Caucasus. In Mexico, Haementaria officinalis is used medicinally; another species, N. mexicana, is poisonous; in tropical Asia, living in wet forests and in the grass Hirudo ceylonica and others related species, causing painful bleeding bites to humans and animals. Aulostomum gul o - horse P., black-green in color, with a lighter underside, has weaker mouth armament and is therefore unsuitable for therapeutic purposes; the most common species in the north. and central Russia. Nephelis vulgaris - small P. with a thin narrow body, gray, sometimes with brown pattern on the back; equipped with 8 eyes located in an arc at the head end of the body; related to it is the original Archaeobdella Esmonti, Pink colour, without rear sucker; lives on the silt bottom in the Caspian and Seas of Azov. Clepsine tessel ata - Tatar P., with a broad oval body, greenish-brown color, with several rows of warts on the back and 6 pairs of triangular eyes located one after the other; lives in the Caucasus and Crimea, where it is used by the Tatars for medicinal purposes; Acanthobdella peledina, found in Lake Onega, occupies a transitional place to the order of chaetopoda Oligochaeta worms.

History of medical use

Medical leech ( Hirudo officinalis) - found in the north of Russia, especially in the south, in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, in Poti, Lankaran. Leeches were a profitable export item in the 19th century: Greeks, Turks, Italians and others came to the Caucasus for them. In addition, leeches were artificially propagated in special pools or parks according to the Sale system in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pyatigorsk and Nizhny Tagil. Based on current laws, fishing for leeches during their breeding season - in May, June and July - is prohibited; when fishing, only those suitable for medical use should be selected, that is, at least 1 1/2 inches in length; leeches that are small or too thick should be thrown back into the water when caught. To supervise compliance with these rules, provincial medical departments are entrusted with the responsibility of verifying the stocks of leeches among barbers and other traders who trade in them. Since medicine drove leeches out of use, the leech industry has fallen completely.



  • Ruppert E. E., Fox R. S., Barnes R. D. Zoology of invertebrates. T. 2: Lower coelomic animals. M., "Academy", 2008.

Wikimedia Foundation.


    See what “Leeches” are in other dictionaries: - (Hirudinea), class of annelids. Dl. from several mm up to 15 cm, rarely more. Originated from oligochaete worms. The body is usually flattened, rarely cylindrical, with two suckers (perioral and posterior); consists of a head blade, 33 rings... ...

    LEECHES, class of worms. Length 0.5-20 cm. The body is usually flattened, with 2 suckers. About 400 species live in fresh and marine waters. Most leeches are bloodsuckers, the salivary glands of which secrete the protein substance hirudin, which prevents... Modern encyclopedia

    Class of annelids. Length 0.5-20 cm. They have front and rear suction cups. 400 species. In fresh and marine waters. Most leeches are bloodsuckers whose salivary glands secrete hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. Medical leech... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Hirudinei) order of the annelid class. The body is elongated or oval, more or less flattened in the dorso-ventral direction, clearly divided into small rings, which, 3 to 5, correspond to one body segment; There are numerous glands in the skin... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Wondering how many teeth a leech has? What a score! You have found the right site! Find out the structure of a leech from an expert - doctor - hirudotherapist A. Novotsid

Leeches are not only medicine for me, but also a subject of tender passion and scientific interest. There was even a case when I was engaged in breeding them. I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and only the truth, how many teeth does a leech have, otherwise there is so much nonsense written about this on the Internet that one feels sorry for the misinformed readers. But first, a few words about the structure.

Structural features

There are about 400 species left on earth, most of them on the verge of extinction. Natural medicinal leech in Russia is listed in the Red Book. They are called bdella by another name, and in old books hirudotherapy was called bdellotherapy. In Europe, three varieties of leeches are medicinal for humans:

  • Pharmacy Hirudo Medicinalis Officinalis
  • Medical Hirudo Medicinalis Medicinalis,
  • Eastern Hirudo Medicinalis Orientalis

The external structure of the leech resembles that of annelids with a round body, slightly flattened on the back and abdomen. With the naked eye you can see 2 suction cups at the ends. One, clearly visible, in the tail. It does not appear to be of any interest, and is only needed as a means of movement and attachment to surfaces. The second is almost invisible, but hides the most interesting thing, the mouth opening. An adult is up to 20 cm long.

The leech has a very original structure bodies. It has four layers of different muscle fibers, these are:

  • circular fibers functional responsibilities which includes the process of absorption of the nutrient medium, that is, blood;
  • diagonal and longitudinal muscles responsible for contractile and stretching movements of the body;
  • dorso-abdominal muscles, with the help of which the leech can sleep almost flat,

The peculiarity of the structure is also different connective tissue. It is a little denser than other representatives of this species, very elastic, and covers not only muscles, but also other organs.

The leech has an elastic and elastic body with each type of muscle perfectly developed in its structure. It is divided into several dozen segments, on the surface of each there are sensory papillae. The color is dark, greenish-brown, with a reddish stripe on the back, which is better visible when the leech swims in the water. The belly is lighter than the back. In a pregnant female, you can see a yellowish band closer to the anterior end of the body, and the genitals. The leech is a hermaphrodite, so both the female opening and the male tubercle are visible on its belly. They mate in water and lay cocoons in peat.

The sense organs of leeches are something incredible. Its structure did not provide for ears, nose, or even a tongue as such. But the leech has five pairs of eyes. True, such an amount does not make her vision sharp; leeches are able to distinguish only light and shadow, and a few outlines of objects. But this is compensated a hundredfold by the ability to feel the slightest fluctuations in the water.

The question arises as to how it is possible to live with only part of the senses. Everything is much simpler and more ingenious. The structure of the leech's skin is worthy of the attention of even a science fiction writer. It is all dotted with nerve endings or, in other words, sensitive kidneys. It is not without reason that leeches, no matter where they are in the pond, instantly rush to where the source of noise is located, especially if alluring odors are heard from there, foreshadowing the opportunity to feed heavily.

At one time, even before the creation of leech farms, Duremare catchers took advantage of these qualities of leeches. Entering the pond, they tried to make as much noise as possible, and the more intense the noise, the more leeches flocked to them. Then all that remained was to unhook them from the tops of the boots.

Interestingly, if you throw new and worn shoes into a pond, leeches will be primarily interested in the one that has been used and is saturated with the smell of its owner.

Leeches perfectly feel the change in weather, no matter how strange it may seem, but in bad weather and rain, leeches do not leave their shelters; they can only be attracted on quiet sunny days.

But the most interesting thing is the digestive system of leeches, which is worth talking about separately.

Digestive system or how many teeth a leech has

But the leech has three of them. The expression “armed to the teeth” can easily be applied to leeches, since each of their jaws is equipped with an incredible number of strong chitinous teeth.

How many teeth does a leech have? By different sources their number can range from 70 to 100 on each jaw. But I checked with Professor Sergei Utevsky, a world-famous expert on leeches, whether there is any species difference. The professor said that Hirudo Orientalis leeches have an average of 80 teeth on each jaw, from 71 to 91 teeth. Other species have up to 100 teeth on one jaw. That's it! There are holes between the teeth through which saliva flows into the wound. And these jaws work no worse than an oil drill, since the main task is not to bite, but to quickly drill a hole and inject saliva into it, which does not allow the blood to clot. The bite leaves a mark resembling an inverted Y inside a circle - the Mercedes sign. After puncturing the skin and injecting an anticoagulant (hirudin) and anesthetics, they suck out the blood. Large adults can consume blood up to ten times more weight of your body per feeding, on average 5-15 ml. The process of sucking blood takes from 10 to 30 minutes. Once fed, the animal can live peacefully for up to one and a half years without harming itself.

This is where new miracles begin. The structure of the leech's intestines allows it to retain blood in fresh without allowing it to deteriorate or curl. The trick is that leeches do not have digestive enzymes; these wonderful creatures came out of the situation in a completely original way. They got themselves faithful assistant and the guard all rolled into one. This beneficial bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila Aeromonas veronii, and its varieties. In addition to the fact that the bacterium promotes uniform digestion of food, it, like a faithful guardian, disinfects the blood eaten and does not allow any pathogenic microbes into its home. This microorganism is credited with an immunostimulating effect on the human body. Every time a leech feeds on human blood, the microbe enters the bloodstream in minute quantities and acts as an inoculation. In response to its introduction, antibodies are produced. However, there are cases when, having entered the body of weakened patients, the microbe caused illness. Read about and why they put it

Bibliography: Comparative structural analysis of jaws of selected blood-feeding and predacious arhynchobdellid leeches (Annelida: Clitellata: Hirudinida) M. V. Kovalenko S. Y. Utevsky in the journal Zoomorphology