How to call a tank cannon and rocket launcher in one word? Funny names of Russian peaceful weapons

During the Great Patriotic War and in the pre-war era, Soviet inventors had no time for verbal experiments. New samples military equipment the corresponding index was simply assigned. However, there has always been a tradition of giving nicknames to weapons. With affectionate names awarded the most reliable and effective models that protected soldiers' lives.

How can one not recall the BM-13 rocket launcher - the legendary Katyusha. The first machine was manufactured on June 27, 1941 at the Voronezh excavator plant. The firepower of the Katyusha was used as artillery preparation. The easy-to-use machine destroyed all living things in the square marked by the gunners, inflicting colossal damage on the enemy.

  • Jet complex BM-13 "Katyusha"
  • RIA News

There were a huge number of such examples during the war years. The heavy self-propelled artillery unit ISU-152 was nicknamed St. John's Wort, the 203-mm howitzer B-4 was nicknamed Sledgehammer, the Il-2 ground support aircraft became the Flying Tank, the I-16 monoplane fighter became Donkey, and the Pe-2 dive bomber became Pawn.

After the war, the tradition of giving funny nicknames to military equipment migrated to the offices of design bureaus. This is not surprising, because Soviet scientists closely monitored the use of weapons, and some young specialists visited the front, adopting soldiers’ habits. Since the 1950s, instead of nicknames on the battlefield, military equipment began to be awarded official names still at the development stage.

In this regard, many samples received names that do not give an idea of ​​​​the purpose of the weapon and its tactical and technical characteristics. Some of them may seem quite strange and completely “unmanly”. However, the original approach to the name only fuels interest in what this military equipment is actually capable of.

Artillery bouquet and natural disasters

In Russia there is a galaxy of artillery pieces that have received “flowery” names. These are the 152-mm self-propelled gun 2S5 "Gyacinth", the self-propelled anti-tank missile system 9M123 "Chrysanthemum", the self-propelled gun 2S7 "Pion", the self-propelled artillery mounts 2S1 "Gvozdika" and 2S3 "Acacia", the 240-mm self-propelled mortar "Tulip" and 82 -mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilyok".

At the same time, Russian jet systems volley fire(MLRS) received associative names. Gunsmiths decided not to name the descendants of “Katyusha” female names and turned to natural phenomena.

The most popular MLRS in the world, the BM-21, was named “Grad”. Following the deadly “precipitation,” 9K57 “Hurricane” (220 mm), 9K58 “Smerch” (300 mm), 9K51M “Tornado” (122 and 300 mm) and TOS-1M “Solntsepek” (220 mm) appeared. Currently, some of this military equipment is used daily “ natural disasters"in Syria.

aquatic family

Since Russia has the richest water resources, the love of rivers appeared in the names of many samples air defense and other types of weapons.

Volga became the champion - main river Central and Southern Russia. "Volga" was the name given to the first large ballistic missile R-1, an export version of the anti-aircraft missile missile complex(SAM) S-75, 12.7-mm sniper rifle V-94 (OSV-96), aviation equipment of the KSR KSR-5 control system, shipborne radio-electronic station (radar) MR-310U and early warning radar P-8.

Gunsmiths could not ignore the rivers where Russian statehood was forged. "Dnepr" is a launch vehicle created on the basis of the R-36M intercontinental ballistic missile, radar missile defense, portable VHF radio station 70RTP-2-ChM and radio control and reconnaissance receiver PRKR-1 (1RK-9).

“Desna” (a tributary of the Dnieper) was named the S-75M air defense system, 22Zh6M radar, 8P775 silo launcher for the first generation R-9A missiles and an air-dropped sea mine. “Dniester” was considered a suitable name for a variety of electronic equipment for military and civilian purposes (radar and echo sounders).

The designers did not forget other rivers: the mighty Siberian Yenisei (anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-37-2), Transbaikal Shilka (anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-23-4), tributary of the Amur Tunguska (anti-aircraft gun-missile complex 2K22), the largest river in the north-west, the Dvina (SA-75M air defense system) and the St. Petersburg Neva (export version of the S-125 Pechora air defense system).

Adult pranks

Some names of military equipment, at first glance, do not fit into any logical scheme at all and seem to be a manifestation of either the author’s bold imagination or his sense of humor.

For example, the TOS-1 "Buratino" heavy flamethrower system, the 9M14M "Malyutka" anti-tank guided missile, the MRG-1 "Ogonyok" 55-mm naval seven-barreled grenade launcher, the GP-25 "Foundling" fragmentation ammunition for grenade launchers, the "Variant" shovel grenade launcher , heavy control station R-410M “Diagnosis”, body armor “Visit” and 23-mm rubber bullet “Hello”.

The gunsmiths, apparently, were not shy in expressing their feelings, creating the BTR-80A “Bunost” armored personnel carrier, the UAZ-3150 “Naughty” car, the “Ecstasy” multiple-action flash-and-noise grenade and special “Tenderness” convoy handcuffs.

  • Car UAZ-3150 “Scamp”

Of course, there were also “female” names. “Katyusha” did not start a tradition; as a rule, proper names were rarely used. Nevertheless, we can recall “Tatyana” (tactical atomic bomb 8U69 and SAM 215), “Azalea” (jamming station LO24 and LO27) and “Lydia” (120-mm mortar).

Female images are reflected in 30 mm aircraft cannon 9A-4071 “Ballerinka”, in the autonomous state identification radar “Stewardess”, in the cluster warhead “Ornament”, in the RPMK-1 “Smile” meteorological complex, in the light female body armor “Grace”, in the GC 9M216 “Excitement” and MS rockets -24 "Weasel".

Also, the gunsmiths were clearly partial to fauna. "Swallow" - Tu-95LAL flying laboratory, "Aistenok" - portable radar artillery reconnaissance, "Fox" - armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle BRDM-2, "Frog" - 122-mm towed howitzer D-30A, "Tiger" - GAZ-23301 special purpose vehicle, "Vepr" - GAZ-3902 armored vehicle and machine gun for special forces .

  • 122-mm towed howitzer D-30A “Frog”
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

From the fields of war

You shouldn’t look for any clear system in the names of military equipment, noted Dmitry Kornev, founder of the Military Russia portal, in a conversation with RT. “Firstly, this tradition does not apply to all weapons, and it migrated to the Soviet Union, most likely from the fields of World War II, where the exchange of cultures took place,” the expert believes.

Kornev recalled that soviet soldiers used foreign samples en masse:

“In particular, captured German weapons were renamed in the Russian manner for convenience. Also, under Lend-Lease, the USSR received US equipment, which had official nicknames. Perhaps the American tradition of naming was borrowed by Soviet designers.”

“Was there any practical meaning to the fancy names? There is no clear answer to this question. There is a version that the inexplicable names of the weapons were needed to maintain the secrecy of the development. It was a kind of code, and in this way we allegedly confused and continue to confuse foreign spies,” Kornev explained.

They say there are no small things in war, and this is true. Everything should work for victory, even the name. Russians often wonder how a self-propelled artillery installation, hitting with terrible force, named after the most delicate of flowers. Or simply call the world’s most powerful flamethrower “Pinocchio”. Russia also has “poplars” and “forget-me-nots”, “hyacinths” and even “baby ones”. Why do Russian weapons, such affectionate names? And who first started this war of names? We will discuss this below.
A deadly and rarely seen weapon in Syria was recently tested for the first time by ISIS militants on their own skin. Now this heavy flamethrower system with the kind, fabulous name “Pinocchio” has been removed from storage for the first time in 15 years Russian army carries out night strikes on militant positions. From the Syrian adventures of "Pinocchio" developed back in the 70s Soviet popes Carlo from experienced design bureaus, according to the Syrian army, Karabas are fleeing from ISIS, literally, like from fire. After all, each of the 30 Buratino thermobaric projectiles, charged with a special volumetric detonating mixture, which, when the projectile body is destroyed, in a matter of seconds fills any spaces where air can penetrate.
Rock tunnels, bunkers, trenches. And after spraying, it flares up, burning everything around and giving no chance of survival to anyone within a radius of almost 1,500 square meters. And a whole Buratino ammunition load of 30 rounds can fry an enemy’s hideout over an area of ​​forty thousand square meters. By the way, along with “Pinocchio” it is now operating in Syria. younger brother, a lightweight and more mobile combat vehicle with the beach name “Sunshine”.
Why are the names of Soviet military equipment, striking in its power and lethality, no less striking in its playfulness, childishness, and sometimes even buffoonery? Experts believe that this is a long and good tradition of Soviet designers, which appeared back in the distant fifties. But, thanks to the deliberate demonstration of our own nuclear power, to which we decided to respond harshly, but with humor. On November 1, 1952, the US Department of Defense brought rare footage taken on Algee Island in the Pacific to world fame. Test of the first American thermonuclear bombs mk18. The mass of this deadly baby's projectile reached 4.5 tons, and the power of the explosion, according to experts, was more than 10 megatons. As a result, the island on which the tests were carried out was completely destroyed. Moreover, it turned out that the bomb was 800 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima. But the main thing is that both the film footage of the tests and the data on the result of the explosion were intended Soviet Union. It was with the mk18 bomb that the Americans decided to scare their recent ally in World War II in the arms race that had begun. The answer of Soviet designers was the creation of our bomb equivalent to mk18, RDS 7. But the answer is not the only one. After all, as if in mockery of our not-so-smart competitors, they decided to call our bomb the name “Fool,” which is offensive to the United States. And it was after this that American and European designers and military personnel would begin to give their weapons the names of the most fearsome wild animals and military branches that became famous on the battlefields of antiquity. But Soviet designers, unlike their Western colleagues, who are trying to instill fear in the enemy with just the names of their new products, on the contrary, seem to be trying to make a potential enemy laugh or lead to bewilderment and confusion. This is humor with subtext; one cannot say that the names are given arbitrarily to make it fun. There must be some experience and meaning behind each name.
But with imagination and love, as if they were their own children, Soviet designers named not only the heavy giants that could be seen at parades, but even the ammunition for them.
For example, a 220 mm propaganda shell for missile system salvo fire “hurricane”, “paragraph”, “sapling”, “baby” (few people know that in 1973, during the Arab-Israeli conflict, Egyptian gunners, with the help of such “babies”, killed almost 1000 Israeli tanks). It’s hard to believe, but in the USSR they even gave names to bullets. A rubber bullet, like those used in modern traumatic pistols, but the caliber of this bullet is almost artillery - 23 millimeters. It is called quite friendly “hello”. The Soviet secret services could say hello with such a bullet as a brawler in cases of mass unrest. From a “hello” hitting a person’s body, literally a few meters. Russian army humorous traditions, picked up by Soviet gunsmiths, continue to this day. For example, our army has armored vehicles. medical care“tendon” and “Aibolit”, sapper blade “Azart”, under-barrel grenades “foundling”, flash-noise grenades “ATAS”, recording devices “forget-me-not”, aircraft cannons “ballerina” and meteorological station “diagnosis”.

Popular pages.

Since Homo sapiens appeared on the planet, weapons also began to develop. This is easy to explain: defenseless people had to do something to defend themselves from wild animals, to hunt them in order to survive. Weapons have gone through a lot of different transformations, and, unfortunately, their destructive power has increasingly been directed toward humans.

History of appearance

From time immemorial, people have been surrounded by danger. They came from humans or animals, so the creation of weapons was a necessary necessity. As progress progressed, weapons developed and improved in parallel. At first it was wooden: spears and clubs helped primitive people get food and defend against their own kind. Further, with the advent of iron and bronze, spears and swords were made from new materials, more stable and strong. Edged weapons, the types of which are still undergoing changes, allowed people to cope with danger and not die of starvation.

The invention of gunpowder gave a powerful impetus to development in this direction: new types of weapons appeared much more often and were more diverse. Subsequently, nothing innovative was invented in this area, only the possibilities of what was previously invented expanded: the appearance weapons, their properties were modernized. In particular, rifled weapons were invented, which significantly increased the power and range of destruction.

The second half of the 19th century made fundamental changes - rapid-fire and other modern views weapons.

Types of weapons

exist on the planet different kinds weapons. These include weapons for close combat, firearms, and weapons of mass destruction. The main types of weapons currently known are divided into the following groups:

  • Cold. It is designed for close combat and is powered by human muscular effort.
  • Firearms. This type is designed for mechanical destruction of a target at a distance. This occurs due to the directed movement of the projectile, which is driven by a specific charge.
  • Pneumatic. This weapon requires energy to be effective. compressed air, which will encourage the projectile to move.
  • Throwing. Such weapons are capable of striking at a distance. It can be activated by either muscular force or special devices.
  • Weapons of mass destruction. This species affects vast areas over long distances and causes significant human losses.
  • Signal(starting) weapon.
  • The newest type of weapon: microwave pulses.

Street fighter weapons: knives, brass knuckles, blades

Unlike Western countries, where firearms are widespread, in the territory post-Soviet space Melee weapons are popular. Its types cause controversy among those who try to classify this type. It is most often divided into the following subtypes:

  • piercing: bayonets, stilettos;
  • piercing-cutting includes daggers, hunting knives, including Finnish and bayonet knives;
  • chopping is represented by checkers or sabers;
  • piercing-cutting: broadswords, cutlasses;
  • crushing: flail, brass knuckles;
  • hitting: steel bats.

Sometimes scientists use other types of classifications, but the above is most often used by employees law enforcement who, due to the nature of their service, have to deal with criminal elements. That is why some types of bladed weapons are considered dangerous to society, and their use is classified as an article of the Criminal Code.

Nevertheless, such an object as a knife has long been considered the main thing for men, an indicator of status and business card person. They cut the umbilical cord of a newborn, this was the first object that was placed in the weak hands of the baby, and then all his life he was considered a talisman of his owner. Without parting with the man throughout his life, the knife accompanied him on his last journey.

Of course, an ordinary modern person most often encounters dining and kitchen models, but not always. Knives can be used in different ways. Hunters, for example, appreciate the ease of use of special hunting knives. They are extremely wear-resistant and durable. Hiking knives will delight people who love hiking and traveling. They are lightweight, practical, made from durable steel, they handle it perfectly. Survival knives are also useful and sometimes vital. These products contain everything you need to stay in extreme conditions: lighter, compass and other items. Special knives are made for divers, rescue workers or medical workers. But there are products that are impossible to buy - these are military edged weapons. It is intended for army weapons. These are the most dangerous species destructive weapons for close combat, wielding which can cause serious damage to the enemy.

Throwing weapons

This weapon is a special subtype of cold weapon. It is not in vain that it is allocated to a separate subgroup. The fact is that it helps the owner, who knows how to handle it, to hit a target at a distance, using only muscular effort and accuracy skills. It is often used in hunting. Typically used throwing knives or darts. There are also more exotic types, such as shurikens, spears, boomerangs, and crossbows. The latter name, along with onion, pilum and sulitsa, was used by ancient Slavic and Roman warriors. Today this type of weapon has remained mainly in sporting use.

Special mention needs to be made about shuriken, as the iconic weapon of Japanese warriors. Contrary to the ingrained stereotype, it was used not only by ninjas, but also by other warriors in the Country rising sun. There are an unimaginable variety of them, and the variety of forms is amazing. The samurai perfected the use of shurikens: they can be used to cut, toss unnoticed at a target, and to stab. It was because of the secret murder that shuriken gained the reputation of being so-called invisible.

Theoretically safe pneumatics

This is a type of small arms, which is characterized by a special way of delivering a projectile. This happens with the help of compressed air. The concept “pneumatic” is translated from Greek as “wind”. Actually, this fact prompted the weapon to be named that way. The range of a pneumatic shot and the nature of the damage are such that this species is not considered dangerous to humans, although there have been cases of murder due to negligence. These weapons are mainly used for sport shooting. But there are also hunting species that are more powerful, so they are used for hunting birds or small animals.

At the beginning of the last century, people seriously thought about replacing firearms with pneumatic weapons. The replacement was motivated by noiselessness, rapid-fire performance, greater accuracy and the absence of smoke, which is often unmasked by the shooter.

Machine guns, pistols, machine guns

When modern types of weapons appeared, pneumatics remained mainly for entertainment, and firearms confidently entered the combat arena. The history of their appearance began with the invention of gunpowder and its successful use. This most important event happened in the 14th century, thereby opening the era of artillery.

At the moment, there is a clear classification dividing this segment into the following types firearms:

  • combat: carbines, machine guns, pistols, rifles;
  • sports: small-caliber weapons, pistols;
  • hunting: smoothbore guns.

This list applies to handguns. Firearms also include easel weapons, including anti-aircraft installations and machine guns.

According to the purpose of use, hand weapons are divided into the following groups:

  • Civil. TO this species includes hunting, sporting and self-defense weapons.
  • Combat. With its help, combat and operational missions are solved.
  • Employees use official government agencies who are allowed to wear it.

The most popular types of handguns are pistols. This is a personal automatic device. Used to hit a target at a relatively close distance. There are many types of pistols. In addition to the usual ones, there are underwater, signal and self-loading models. Separately, it is worth mentioning submachine guns. This type of firearm has a blast radius of about 200 meters. The high combat qualities of this pistol allowed it to occupy a worthy niche in the armament of many countries.

Sniper rifles, known to ordinary people from numerous action films, have a high range, power and accuracy, and optical sight contributes to the shooter's accuracy.

Automatic, otherwise called assault rifle, characterized by high maneuverability when firing and rate of fire. At the beginning of World War II, the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle was invented, which won the respect of the armies of many world powers.

Flash in the air

This type of weapon does not have lethal force, but you cannot do without it either at sports competitions, or in remote, remote places, or on a watercraft. It's about about signal weapons.

It is in the arsenal of rescuers and the military; airplanes and ships are equipped with it. It is used as a starting point in various relay races and Olympiads. Signal weapons, naturally, are designed to produce various signals: light, sound or smoke. With a shot from a rocket launcher, for example, you can call for help or locate your own location.

Weapons of mass destruction

Whatever types of weapons are discussed, this is the deadliest of all currently known. The title itself is a threat to humanity. Types of weapons of mass destruction known today are divided into three main groups:

  • biological;
  • nuclear;
  • chemical.

No matter what types of weapons you encounter, they all bring destruction and death. But innovative technologies pose a particular danger to people, which can lead to total destruction, cause pandemics of incurable diseases, inevitable mutations and further unsuitability of the territory for habitation.

Biological and chemical weapons

Such types of weapons of mass destruction, such as biological ones, imply release into the desired territory pathogenic bacteria using aircraft or artillery shells. Biological warheads explode almost silently, leaving behind large fragments. The fact of using this deadly weapon is quite problematic to prove. It infects everything around: both people and animals.

By inhaling viruses carried by the wind, the doomed masses of living beings instantly become infected with influenza, cholera, plague, malaria, smallpox and other deadly diseases. The disease hides in the infected body for some time, gradually developing. Foot-and-mouth disease or anthrax viruses are often used to kill animals. In this way, even plant crops become infected. You can protect yourself from such weapons in advance by vaccination, as well as by using sealed suits and gas masks. Disinsection and deratization of infected areas are mandatory.

The following types of weapons are no less dangerous. They are based on chemical exposure such substances:

  • V-gases;
  • soman;
  • mustard gas;
  • sarin;
  • phosgene.

These chemical components are capable of contaminating vast areas. At the same time, water, soil, plants and structures are poisoned. For example, soman is dangerous because it is extremely difficult to detect due to the absence of color and odor. This nerve gas is highly resistant to climate change and has no effect on external signs infected. Sarin is in many ways similar to the previous gas, but V-gases are more persistent. Other toxic substances have bad smell and vesicant action.

Types of chemical weapons are divided according to the nature of their effect on the body:

  • nerve agents;
  • blisters;
  • suffocating;
  • psychochemical;
  • generally poisonous.

The first type is used most often in order to disable as much enemy manpower as possible. The second type of substance penetrates the skin, affecting it. Generally toxic and asphyxiating substances have an effect mainly on respiratory system body. Psychochemical poison weapons - comparatively the new kind. It is used mainly for temporary incapacitation of human masses. Characterized by the appearance of symptoms such as blindness, deafness, a feeling of fear, disruption of the central nervous system. nervous system. Chemical species weapons of mass destruction are very effective and are used in military practice by many countries. The advantage of such weapons is that they are silent and unnoticeable.

Nuclear threat

The world first heard about a nuclear explosion after the tragedy in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Only after this did people fully realize the monstrous scale of the disasters caused by such weapons. Types of nuclear weapons are grouped according to several criteria, but the main one is the type of charge:

  • Atomic.
  • Thermonuclear (otherwise known as a hydrogen bomb).
  • Neutron.
  • Clean.

The difference between the charges lies in the processes occurring with the nuclei (their synthesis and fission).

Explosions nuclear warheads also vary. It can be:

  • airborne warheads;
  • ground (an explosion made near the ground);
  • surface;
  • underground;
  • underwater.

Classic information taught in class civil defense, which existed during the existence of the USSR, was based primarily on stories about the affected area nuclear explosion and its deadly factors. Now this knowledge will not be superfluous. So, the damaging effect of a nuclear explosion:

  • Shock impulse. At supersonic speed, it rushes from the center of the explosion across the nearby territory, sweeping away everything in its path.
  • Light radiation. It spreads with lightning speed and consists of visible infrared and ultraviolet rays. But in places with significant shade, you can protect yourself from this deadly radiation.
  • Penetrating radiation. Depending on the dose, a neutron flux in 10 seconds can, if not kill, then irreversibly disrupt the activity of all organs and systems of the body.
  • Nuclear decay products. They form a poisonous cloud, from the thickness of which they poison everything around.
  • Electromagnetic pulse. The gamma radiation generated by the explosion disrupts the operation of radio electronics.

There are four zones of destruction after a nuclear bomb explosion:

  • Total destruction. All communications and buildings built by man are completely destroyed by the blast wave.
  • Significant destruction. Local rubble and fires, destruction of shelters.
  • Average degree of damage. Fires caused by light waves are mainly observed.
  • Light damage. Damage to buildings is stable, there are almost no rubble.

The degree of radiation damage to an area depends on meteorological factors and explosion power.

Weapons of the future

The most serious threat to the planet is the latest microwave weapons. Its action is based on the movement of microwave pulses that can disable radio electronics, objects that pose a danger to the environment and air defense systems. Invisible impulses can stop the activities of chemical plants and nuclear power plants, without leakage of hazardous components. Microwaves are able to penetrate everywhere, there are no obstacles for them, moreover, this type of weapon is still at the stage of development in order to increase the range of destruction. Therefore, microwave weapons have the chance to become the deadliest in the history of mankind.

People continue to build up their weapons, inventing new types and methods of destroying, infecting and incapacitating biological masses. Therefore, today the banal slogan about world peace sounds especially relevant.

It seems that our developers of military equipment and weapons are a little mocking their foreign colleagues. In the sense of the names of the equipment they create. Germany has the Leopard tank. Israel has the “Merkava” (War Chariot). America has the Abrams tank, France has the Leclerc, both in honor of famous generals. And we have the T-72B “Slingshot”. In honor of the slingshot. It is not clear why, but it is clear that KVN could only have been born here.
Or, for example, the Americans take it and call their self-propelled howitzer “Paladin”. And the British call theirs “Archer” (Archer). All is well. Our guys come up and say: look here. Here self-propelled howitzers 2S1 “Gvozdika”, 2S3 “Acacia”, self-propelled mortar 2S4 “Tulip” and long-range self-propelled guns 2S5 “Gyacinth” and 2S7 “Pion”, capable of firing nuclear shells. Please smell the bouquet.

So the Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile “Dragon”. And the other is called “Shilleila” (Budgeon). Everything is logical. Then our people come up and say: look at this. Here are the 9M14M “Malyutka”, 9M123 “Chrysanthemum” anti-tank missiles and the “Metis” anti-tank missile with the “Mulatto” night sight. And just to make it completely incomprehensible and scary for you, we also had a rocket called “Kromka”.

And to make you think even more, heavy combat vehicle We called tank support “Frame”.

And to make your head spin, we called the newest coastal defense missile system “Ball”.

And so that you can get an idiotic smile on your face, our most powerful 30-barrel self-propelled flamethrower in the world is called TOS-1 “Buratino”.

And so that they take you straight to the madhouse today - our GP-30 under-barrel grenade launcher is called “Obuvka”.
The last one makes even me, a habitual person, go crazy...

And if anything, there is also an 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 “Vasilek”, a company mortar 2B14 “Tray” and a mortar 2S12 “Sleigh”. Prepare “Sleigh” in the summer, yes...
Anti-ship missile X41 “Mosquito” (The X-41 (3M80) missile is designed to destroy surface ships and transports with a displacement of up to 20,000 tons with active enemy opposition in any environmental conditions, while the missile is resistant to the destructive effects of a nuclear explosion) - not weak, right? =))

Active jamming stations - SAP “Sorption”, “Gardenia”, “Omul”;
SAM systems - Buk, Kub, Thor, Osa, Tunguska;
Radar - N-019M Topaz, N-010 Zhuk;
Intercontinental ballistic missile“Courier” with a nuclear charge (did you call a courier? Here’s a package for you!),
Agni-4 intercontinental ballistic missile;
intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 UTTH “Well done” with ten nuclear warheads (really, well done!),
nuclear submarine project 705 “Lira”,
artillery fire control system “Kapustnik” (apparently, it’s a lot of fun to operate),
container missile control system “Phantasmagoria” (even I’m already scared),
self-propelled gun“Capacitor” (Discharge!!!)
and a grenade for the 7P24 “Foundling” grenade launcher...

Paragraph - 220-mm propaganda shell 9M27D (MLRS "Uragan")
Apricot - 220 mm missile 9M27S with an incendiary warhead (MLRS “Hurricane”) (would you like some fruit? Here’s an Apricot!)
Akela - combat knife (Akela missed!)
Crossbow - 30-mm anti-personnel grenade launcher TKB-0249 (Hmm... What a good crossbow...)
Ledum - technical system perimeter security ( the right plant, correct.)
Ballerina - 30-mm aviation automatic cannon 9A-4071 (look how it spins...)
Banana is a modified T-72-120/T-72E tank (so that’s what “Ride a Banana!” means)
Bayan - high power HF radio station R-135 on the Ural-375D chassis
Squirrel - 140 mm M-14-S (chemical) rocket (your little squirrel-ah-ah!)
Bearded man - MRO-A hand flamethrower (there are simply no words...)
Boomerang - anti-helicopter mine PVM (anti...helicopter???)
Vasilek - 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 (so affectionate, sooo kind)
Geranium is a special warhead for R-2 missiles (well, everything has been clear with the flower theme for a long time...)
Gnome - a mobile missile launcher with a small-sized winged ICBM (project) (hmm... are there Hobbits?)
Duel - 55-mm anti-sabotage grenade launcher DP-61 (- I challenge you to a Duel!)
Woodpecker, Lark- experienced UAVs
Kaktus - experimental ballistic missile R-12U (8K63K) with missile defense system
Hello - 23 mm rubber bullet (Volna-R cartridge)
Surprise - baton PUS-3 (telescopic and folding)
Silence - 7.62/30-mm rifle-grenade launcher system (...and silence...)
Daredevil - laser-guided mine for the “Tulip” mortar
Beans - aviation electronic warfare station SPS-5.

The name, based on its external similarity to some objects, dates back to the 16th century. It was then that grenades appeared in the arsenal of the French army, and the soldiers, without thinking twice, gave them the name of the fruit - and they are similar in shape and the bursting of grenades into small fragments resembles numerous pomegranate seeds. The same applies to lemon. And the M9 anti-tank grenade launcher, which entered service American army During World War II, soldiers named the bazooka after the musical instrument. At the same time, the most popular names were those that pointedly emphasized the deadly and threatening nature of machine guns, tanks, and missiles. All of us have heard about German tanks"Panther" and "Tiger".

However, all this has a very distant relation to Russia, since our engineers, as always, went their own way. Titles Russian weapons often unusual, witty, and sometimes even flirtatious. Sometimes you get the feeling that all the names of domestic self-propelled guns, rockets and anti-aircraft systems - this is a complete mockery of probable enemy. Looking at the names of Russian military equipment and weapons, you understand that KVN could only have been born in this country.

For example, in Germany there is the Leopard tank, in Israel there is the Merkava (war chariot). In France there is the Leclerc tank, in America the Abrams, both are named after famous generals. We also have a modification of the T-72B2 “Slingshot” tank, named after the slingshot. Or another example from the field of artillery. The Americans called their self-propelled gun “Paladin”, the British “Archer” (Archer), everything seems to be clear. And if you look at domestic developments, there are only flowers: Carnations and Acacias, Peonies and Hyacinths, the latter, among other things, can fire nuclear weapons. Probably not a single potential enemy would dare to smell such a bouquet.

Self-propelled gun 2S5 "Gyacinth"

The same thing can be seen at the missile level, the American anti-tank missile is called “Dragon”, the other is called “Shilleyla” (bludgeon), everything is quite logical. However, we have our own approach - the 9M14M Malyutka ATGM, 9M123 Chrysanthemum, and the Metis anti-tank missile is equipped with a Mulatto night sight.

It is worth noting that flowers in the works of Russian designers occupy special place. The Russian army has a whole “garden” in service. We have a 152-mm self-propelled gun “Hyacinth” (its second unofficial name “genocide” more accurately reflects the capabilities of the weapon). There is the "Pion" - a self-propelled gun with a 203-mm 2A44 cannon, there is the "Tulpan" - a 240-mm self-propelled mortar, the 2S1 "Gvozdika" and 2S3 "Akatsiya" self-propelled guns, as well as the 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek", and that too not the whole bouquet yet. If we talk directly about the “Bouquet”, then this is the name of convoy handcuffs for 5 people.

Judging by other names, it can be noted that sentimentality is not alien to our military engineers. Apparently the dull grayness of army life weighs on them, so they yearn for romance and trepidation. This is probably why the direction-finding meteorological complex RPMK-1 is called “Smile”, the thermobaric warhead 9M216 is called “Excitement”, the 240-mm MS-24 rocket with a chemical warhead is “Laska”, the 122-mm rocket 9M22K with a cassette Warhead – “Decoration”. The UAZ-3150 “Shalun” vehicle, the MR-352 “Positive” shipborne radar and the 23-mm “Privet” rubber bullet deserve special mention. The same series includes the “Visit” body armor, the “Option” grenade launcher-shovel, the playful infantry shovel “Excitement,” the “Tenderness” handcuffs and the multiple-action flash-and-noise grenade “Ecstasy.”

grenade launcher "Option"

An equally popular topic for inspiration in the defense industry is the animal world. But here we are not talking about “cheetahs” and “tigers” (although in fairness it is worth noting that there are “tigers” in the Russian army), Russian designers are honest people. Of course, there are tigers in Russia, but very limitedly, only in the Far East, but there are a lot of squirrels, which is probably why the “Belka” is a 140-mm M-14S missile, radio station military intelligence 4TUD and the RM-207A-U target missile rolled into one. Our country also has "Boars" - a 96M6M multi-purpose target missile system, "Flies" - a 64-mm rocket-propelled anti-tank grenade RPG-18, "Raccoons" - a 533-mm homing torpedo SET-65, "Grasshoppers" - a mobile robotic complex of RTOs -2, “Canaries” – silent automatic grenade launcher system 6S1.

We call the experimental automatic grenade launcher TKB-0134 “Kozlik”, and the ground-based transportable DV-SV radio receiver R-880M “Shrimp”. Of the overseas animals you can find in the Russian army "Panda" - radar sighting system N001VP for modifications of the Su-27, and “Hummingbird” - a 324-mm anti-submarine torpedo. All this is crowned by the artillery reconnaissance and fire control complex 1L219 - “Zoo” and you know, there is even some logic here.

They played on the military and the eternal theme of health. That is why today the Russian army has at its disposal the BTR-80A “Buynost” armored personnel carrier and the R-410M “Diagnoz” heavy TRS station. In addition, there is a special medical machine for airborne troops BMM-1D “Traumatism” and software and hardware complex 65s941 “Tonus”.

UAZ 3150 "Scamp"

Military designers could not ignore the topic of professions, while judging by the names, many of them had previously worked in the field of journalism. A hint of this is the MKZ-10 “Subtitle” electronic compatibility complex, the “Gazetchik-E” radar protection device, and the somewhat ambiguous “Paragraph” - a 220-mm 9M27D propaganda rocket designed for the Uragan MLRS.

There are also references to other completely non-military professions in the names of military products. So, for example, the 30-mm aviation automatic cannon 9A-4071 is called “Ballerinka”, and the autonomous integrated secondary air traffic control and state recognition radar is called “Stewardess”. Some of the military designers were apparently very familiar with the work of the Courier, hence the name for the 15P159 mobile ground-based missile system with the small-sized RSS-40 ICBM.

There are also quite hospitable, native Russian notes in the name of our weapons, for example in the Gzhel body armor or the L-183-1 Bukovitsa electronic warfare testing equipment. These names are quite suitable for the formation of the Russian folk image. This also includes the immensely joyful names for the ICBM RT-23 UTTH (RS-22) “Molodets” and the heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1 “Buratino” and TOS-1M “Solntsepek”, as well as the 55-mm naval seven-barreled grenade launcher MRG-1 Ogonyok."

TOS-1 "Pinocchio"

Somehow, two more stand apart in this row interesting systems: hand flamethrower RPO-2 “Prize” and proximity fuse 9E343 “Semifinal”. Although in fairness both the first and second options contain certain hints to justify their name.

If we approach this issue seriously, we can understand that the names of weapons are given in accordance with established traditions:
- by modification letter: “Angara” - S-200A, “Vega” - S-200B, “Dubna” - S-200D, etc.
- by the name of the ongoing competitions or R&D: “Judge”, “Rook”.
- by abbreviation: “Nona” - New Ground Artillery Weapon, “Kord” - Kovrov Gunsmiths-Dyagterevtsy, etc.
- based on the logic of the series: self-propelled guns - “flower series”: “Peony”, “Hyacinth”, “Tulip”, etc.; air defense systems - “river series”: “Tunguska”, “Shilka”, “Neva”, “Dvina”; MLRS – various natural phenomena: “Hail”, “Hurricane”, “Tornado”, “Tornado”.
- associative names: MANPADS – “Igla”, “Strela”; radio jamming complex “Moshkara”; camouflage sniper suits - “Kikimora” and “Leshy”.
- army humor: sapper shovel – “Excitement”, handcuffs “Tenderness”, shot for an under-barrel grenade launcher – “Foundling”, heavy flamethrower system “Buratino”.
- in honor of the creators: the T-90 tank is named “Vladimir” (after the chief designer of the machine), the Antey-2500 air defense system (after the name of the creator company).
- by pronounced action or property: fire extinguishing system “Frost” (sprays powder), dynamic protection “Contact” (triggered upon contact).

Sources used:
Materials from the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia"