Anti-aircraft gun-missile system (ZPRK) “Tunguska. "Tunguska" (anti-aircraft missile and gun complex): description, main characteristics

Part anti-aircraft missile system 2K22 "Tunguska" includes six 2s6 self-propelled guns of the same name. These military air defense vehicles serve to provide cover for tank and motorized rifle units and, accompanying them, infantry units during combat operations and redeployment. The 2s6 anti-aircraft self-propelled gun carries out air defense, destroying low-flying targets: attack aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, as well as enemy helicopters hovering in the air. At the same time, the self-propelled gun can destroy the opposing side’s manpower on land and water and the enemy’s lightly armored vehicles.

History of creation

The predecessor of the Tunguska was the ZSU 23-4 Shilka. She has proven herself effective means Air defense, in particular, during the Arab-Israeli military conflict in the seventies. However, time and new developments military equipment demanded more active counteraction to the opponent’s attack.

The design of the new control system was entrusted to the Tula Instrument Engineering Design Bureau, and the production was entrusted to the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant. Also took part in its appearance a large number of well-known enterprises in the Soviet Union: Minsk tractor, Leningrad LOMO (optics), etc. In general, the creation took twelve years and by 1982 a sample of the new ZSU2s6 “Tunguska” was ready. She immediately entered “service” in the SA.

The self-propelled gun received its name in honor of a tributary of the Amur River. In NATO classification it is designated as SA-19 ​​Grison.


Technical characteristics of chassis 2s6

  • The Tunguska crew consists of 4 people: commander, gunner, operator and driver.
  • Dimensions of the Tunguska: 7880 x 3400 mm. The height of the 2s6 on the march is 3356 mm, in combat conditions - 4021 mm, weight - 34,800 kg.
  • The installation moves on a GM-352 tracked chassis. Depending on road conditions, the ride height is adjustable from 180 to 580 mm.
  • Engine power 760 hp. With. allows the Tunguska to move off-road. Movement speed
    • on asphalt 65 km/h
    • dirt roads 40 km/h,
    • off-road 10 km/h.
  • The ZSU 2s6 can cover 500 km without additional refueling.


  • The self-propelled gun can fire from two double-barreled small-caliber turret guns rifled type 2 x 30 mm and with the help of anti-aircraft guided missiles in the amount of 8 units.
  • ZSU 2s6 has good performance. It can fully recharge in 16 minutes. The installation can fire from a gun from a standstill and while moving; the missile launcher is launched only after a complete stop. The distance at which they can “reach” the enemy is from 2,500 to 10,000 m. Their flight speed is 900 m/sec. The 9M311 SAM ammunition is located on the sides of the turret.
  • Two 2A38M guns have the ability to fire high-explosive, fragmentation and armor-piercing tracer shells. The arsenal includes 1904 such units. The gun barrels can be raised at an angle from -6 to +80. The intensity of fire is 5,000 rounds per minute. “Tunguska” is capable of destroying an enemy at an altitude of 3,000 m; the minimum distance of the projectile from the ground when fired is 10 meters.
  • The sighting and optical device is equipped with a progressive guidance and stabilization system, which allows you to have good characteristics by shooting. High-tech electronic equipment installed on guided missiles makes it more likely to hit targets protected by optical interference.
  • A tracking radar is installed on the front of the turret, and an acquisition and target identification system is installed on the rear. The radar operating range is 18 km, the enemy control distance is 16 km.
  • The self-propelled gun is able to determine whether the target it sees belongs to a particular state using a built-in query system.

Distinctive features of the Tunguska

This self-propelled unit is currently being used effectively and is one of the best in its class. It has the following distinctive qualities.

  • High mobility. The ability to quickly respond to changing situations on the battlefield.
  • The ability to fire in different states: on the move and while stopped.
  • Act as part of a group and independently.
  • “Indifference” to various weather and road conditions.
  • Multifunctionality. At the same time, conduct reconnaissance operations, protect your mechanized units and personnel with fire, and destroy enemy equipment and manpower.

Currently, the ZSU 2s6 is in service in the armies of India, Morocco, Belarus, and Syria.


History of creation

The development of the Tunguska complex was entrusted to the Instrument Design Bureau (KBP) of the MOP (chief designer A.G. Shipunov) in cooperation with other organizations of the defense industries by the Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers of June 8, 1970 and initially provided for the creation of a new anti-aircraft gun self-propelled unit (ZSU) to replace the famous "Shilka" (ZSU-23-4).

Despite the successful use of the Shilka in the wars in the Middle East, during these hostilities its shortcomings were also revealed - short reach to targets (no more than 2 km in range), unsatisfactory power of the projectiles, as well as missing air targets unfired due to the impossibility timely detection.

The feasibility of increasing the caliber of automatic anti-aircraft guns was explored. Experimental studies have shown that the transition from a 23 mm caliber projectile to a 30 mm caliber projectile with a two to threefold increase in the mass of the explosive makes it possible to reduce the required number of hits to destroy an aircraft by 2-3 times. Comparative calculations of the combat effectiveness of the ZSU-23-4 and the hypothetical ZSU-30-4 when firing at a MiG-17 fighter flying at a speed of 300 m/s showed that with the same mass of ammunition consumed, the probability of defeat increases by about one and a half times, height reach - from 2000 to 4000 m. With an increase in the caliber of guns, the efficiency of firing at ground targets also increases, and the possibilities of using cumulative-action projectiles in the self-propelled gun system to hit lightly armored targets such as infantry fighting vehicles, etc., expand.

The transition from the caliber of automatic anti-aircraft guns 23 mm to 30 mm had virtually no effect on the rate of fire provided, but with a further increase in caliber it was technically impossible to ensure a high rate of fire.

The Shilka ZSU had very limited search capabilities provided by its target tracking radar in the 15...40 deg sector. in azimuth with a simultaneous change in elevation angle within 7 degrees. from the set direction of the antenna axis.

The high firing efficiency of the ZSU-23-4 was achieved only when preliminary target designation was received from the battery command post PU-12 (PU-12M), which, in turn, used data received from the control post of the division air defense chief, which had a P-type all-round radar -15 (P-19).

Only after this did the ZSU-23-4 radar successfully search for targets.

In the absence of target designations, the ZSU radar could carry out an autonomous circular search, but the efficiency of detecting air targets was less than 20%.

The 3rd Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense determined that in order to ensure combat autonomous operation of a promising ZSU and high firing efficiency, it must have its own all-round radar with a range of 16-18 km (with a root-mean-square error in range measurement of no more than 30 m), and a viewing sector this radar in the vertical plane must be at least 20 degrees.

However, the feasibility of developing an anti-aircraft gun-missile system raised great doubts in the office of the USSR Minister of Defense A.A. Grechko. The basis for such doubts and even the cessation of funding for further development of the Tunguska self-propelled gun (in the period 1975-1977) was that the Osa-AK air defense system, which was put into service in 1975, had a similar-sized aircraft engagement zone in range ( up to 10 km) and larger than that of the Tunguska self-propelled gun, the size of the aircraft destruction zone at altitude (0.025-5 km), as well as approximately the same characteristics of the effectiveness of aircraft destruction.

But this did not take into account the specifics of the armament of the regimental air defense division for which the ZSU was intended, as well as the fact that when fighting helicopters, the Osa-AK air defense system was significantly inferior to the Tunguska ZSU, since it had a significantly longer operating time - more than 30 s against 8-10 s for the Tunguska self-propelled gun. The short reaction time of the Tunguska air defense system ensured successful combat against helicopters and other low-flying targets that appeared briefly (“jumping”) or suddenly took off from folds in the terrain, which the Osa-AK air defense system could not provide. In the Vietnam War, the Americans first used helicopters armed with anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM). It became known that 89 out of 91 helicopters with ATGMs were successful in attacking armored vehicles, artillery firing positions and other ground targets. In each US division, special helicopter units were created to combat armored vehicles. A group of fire support helicopters, together with a reconnaissance helicopter, occupied a position hidden in the folds of the terrain 3-5 km from the line of combat contact of the troops. When tanks approached, the helicopters “jumped” up 15-25 m, hit the tanks with ATGMs, and then quickly disappeared. In such conditions, the tanks found themselves completely defenseless, and the helicopters went unpunished.

By decision of the Government in 1973, a special comprehensive research project “Zapruda” was launched to find ways to protect the Ground Forces, and especially advancing tanks and other armored vehicles from attacks by enemy helicopters. The main executor of this research work was the 3rd Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense (scientific supervisor of the work - S.I. Petukhov). During the course of research work on the territory of the Donguz training ground (head of the training ground O.K. Dmitriev), an experimental exercise with live firing was conducted various types

weapons of the Ground Forces against target helicopters. As a result of the research work, it was determined that the reconnaissance and destruction weapons available to modern tanks , as in general, weapons used to destroy ground targets in motorized rifle, tank and artillery formations are not capable of hitting helicopters in the air. The Osa air defense systems can provide reliable cover for advancing tank units from aircraft attacks, but they are not capable of protecting tanks from helicopters. The positions of these air defense systems will be located at a distance of up to 5-7 km from the positions of helicopters, which, when attacking tanks, will “jump”, hovering in the air for no more than 20-30 seconds. Based on the total reaction time of the complex and the flight of the missile defense system to the position of the helicopters, the Osa and Osa-AK air defense systems could not hit the helicopter. The Strela-2, Strela-1 and Shilka air defense missile systems, due to their combat capabilities, were also not capable of fighting fire support helicopters with similar tactics.

combat use

The only anti-aircraft weapon capable of effectively combating hovering helicopters could be the Tunguska ZSU, which had the ability to accompany tanks as part of their battle formations, had a sufficiently far border of the affected area (4-8 km) and short operating time (8-10 s ).

The military anti-aircraft missile and gun complex (ZRPK) 2K22 "Tunguska" is today widely known in the world and is in service ground forces Russia and a number foreign countries. The appearance of just such a combat vehicle is the result of a real assessment of the capabilities of existing air defense systems and a comprehensive study of the experience of their use in local wars and military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. ZPRK 2K22 "Tunguska", according to the US (NATO) classification SA-19 ​​(Grison), was created as an air defense system for direct protection of tank and motorized rifle military formations (regiments, brigades) from attacks, primarily from low-flying enemy aircraft and helicopters. In addition, the complex can effectively combat modern cruise missiles (CR) and remotely piloted aircraft(RPA), and, if necessary, used to destroy lightly armored ground (surface) targets and enemy personnel directly on the battlefield. This has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of live firing in Russia and abroad.

The creation of the 2K22 Tunguska, as well as other air defense systems, was a rather complex process. The difficulties that accompanied him were associated with a number of reasons. Many of them were determined by the requirements set before the developers and the tasks that were to be solved by an anti-aircraft complex designed for operations in combat formations of covered first-echelon troops in the offensive and in defense, on the spot and on the move. This situation was further complicated by the fact that the new autonomous anti-aircraft complex was supposed to be equipped with mixed artillery and missile weapons. The most important requirements that the new anti-aircraft weapon must meet were: effective combat against low-flying targets (LTC), especially attack aircraft and combat helicopters; high mobility, corresponding to the covered troops, and autonomy of action, including when separated from the main forces; the ability to conduct reconnaissance and fire on the move and from a short stop; high density of fire with a sufficient supply of portable ammunition; short reaction time and all-weather use; the possibility of use to combat ground (surface) lightly armored targets and enemy manpower and others.

Anti-aircraft missile and gun complex 2K22 "Tunguska"

The experience of the combat use of the ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" during the Arab-Israeli wars in the Middle East showed that, to a certain extent, it ensured the fulfillment of such requirements and was a fairly effective all-weather air defense weapon in a simple and complex air and electronic environment. In addition, it was concluded that anti-aircraft artillery, in comparison with missiles, retains its importance as a means of combating low-altitude air and ground (surface) targets and enemy personnel. However, during the fighting, along with the positive ones, certain shortcomings of the Shilka were also revealed. First of all, this is a small area (up to 2 km) and the probability (0.2-0.4) of hitting targets, the low physical impact of a single projectile, Significant difficulties in the timely detection of high-speed, low-flying air targets by standard reconnaissance means, which often led to their pass without shelling, and some others.

The first two shortcomings were eliminated by increasing the caliber of cannon weapons, which was confirmed by the results of scientific and practical studies of a number of organizations and industrial enterprises. It was found that small-caliber projectiles with contact fuses hit an air target mainly by the high-explosive action of the blast wave. Practical tests have shown that the transition from 23-mm to 30-mm caliber makes it possible to increase the mass of explosives by 2-3 times, adequately reduce the number of hits required to destroy an aircraft, and leads to a significant increase in the combat effectiveness of the ZSU. At the same time, the effectiveness of armor-piercing and cumulative projectiles when firing at lightly armored ground and surface targets increases, as well as the effectiveness of defeating enemy personnel. At the same time, increasing the caliber of automatic anti-aircraft guns (AZG) to 30 mm did not reduce the rate of fire characteristic of the 23 mm AGP.

To experimentally test a number of issues, by decision of the USSR government in June 1970, the Instrument Design Bureau (KBP, Tula), together with other organizations, was instructed to carry out scientific and experimental work to determine the possibility of creating a new 30-mm ZSU 2K22 “Tunguska” with the development of a preliminary design. By the time of its creation, it was concluded that it was necessary to install it on the Tunguska own funds detection of low-flying targets (LTC), which made it possible to achieve maximum autonomy of the ZSU actions. From the experience of combat use of the ZSU-23-4, it was known that timely firing of targets with sufficient efficiency is achieved in the presence of preliminary target designation from the battery command post (BCP). Otherwise, the efficiency of autonomous circular search for targets does not exceed 20%. At the same time, the need was justified to increase the cover zone of the first echelon troops and increase the overall combat effectiveness of the new ZSU. This was proposed to be achieved by installing weapons with a guided missile and an optical target sighting system.

In the course of special research work, “Binom” determined the appearance of the new anti-aircraft complex and the requirements for it, taking into account all its features possible application. It was a kind of hybrid of anti-aircraft artillery (ZAK) and anti-aircraft missile (SAM) systems. Compared to the Shilka, it had more powerful cannon armament and lighter missile weapons compared to the Osa air defense system. But, despite the positive opinion and feedback from a number of organizations about the feasibility of developing the Tunguska ZSU in accordance with such requirements, at the initial stage this idea was not supported in the office of the then USSR Minister of Defense A.A. Grechko. The basis for this and the subsequent cessation of funding for work until 1977 was the Osa air defense system, which was adopted in 1975 as a divisional air defense system. Its aircraft engagement zone in terms of range (1.5-10 km) and altitude (0.025-5 km), and some other characteristics of combat effectiveness were close to or superior to those of the Tunguska. But when making such a decision, it was not taken into account that the ZSU is a regimental-level air defense system. In addition, according to the tactical and technical specifications, it was more effective in the fight against suddenly appearing low-flying aircraft and helicopters. And this is one of the main features of the conditions in which they conduct fighting first echelon regiments.

A kind of impetus for the start of a new stage of work on the creation of the Tunguska was the successful experience of the combat use of American helicopters with anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) in Vietnam. Thus, out of 91 attacks by tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery in positions and other ground targets, 89 were successful. These results stimulated the rapid development of fire support helicopters (FSH), the creation of special airmobile units within the ground forces, and the development of tactics for their use. Based on experience vietnam war Research and experimental troop exercises were carried out in the USSR. They showed that the Osa, Strela-2, Strela-1 and Shilka air defense systems do not provide reliable protection of tanks and other objects from attacks by high explosive weapons, which could hit them from heights of 15-30 in 20-30 seconds. 25 m at a range of up to 6 km with high probability.

These and other results became a cause of serious concern for the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the basis for opening funding for the further development of the 2S6 Tunguska ZSU, which was completed in 1980. In the period from September 1980 to December 1981, state tests were carried out at the Donguz training ground and after their successful completion in 1982, the air defense missile system was put into service. ZSU 2K22 "Tunguska", which had no analogues in the world at that time, was fundamentally different in a number of characteristics from all previously created anti-aircraft systems. One combat vehicle combined cannon and missile armament, electronic means of detection, identification and tracking and firing of air and ground targets. Moreover, all this equipment was placed on an all-terrain tracked self-propelled vehicle.

This arrangement ensured the fulfillment of a number of requirements set before the creators of the air defense system - high maneuverability, firepower and autonomy of action, the ability to fight air and ground enemies from a standstill and on the move, to protect troops from attacks by their air-launched missiles in all types of combat operations day and night, and others. Through the joint efforts of a number of organizations and enterprises, a unique anti-aircraft complex was created, which, according to a number of indicators, currently has no analogues in the world. The ZPRK 2K22, like any other anti-aircraft complex, includes combat assets, maintenance equipment and training equipment. Military means- this is the ZSU 2S6 “Tunguska” with an ammunition load of eight 9M311 anti-aircraft guided missiles and 30-mm anti-aircraft rounds in the amount of 1936 pieces.

The normal functioning of the 2K22 Tunguska combat vehicles is ensured by a set of technical means. It consists of: a 2F77M transport-loading vehicle for transporting two rounds of ammunition and eight missiles; repair and maintenance vehicles (2F55-1, 1R10-1M and 2V110-1); automated control and testing mobile station 9B921; maintenance workshop MTO-ATG-M1. ZSU 2S6, the main element of the air defense missile system, is a complex of means and systems for various purposes, most of which are located in the installation tower. The main ones are: a radar reconnaissance and target tracking system (radar detection stations - SOC and tracking - STS targets, ground-based radar interrogator - NRZ), a gun-missile weapon system (two 30-mm 2A38 assault rifles with a cooling system and ammunition, eight launchers with guides, eight 9M311 missiles in transport and launch containers and other equipment), a digital computer system (DCS), sighting and optical equipment with a guidance and stabilization system, a system of power hydraulic drives for pointing guns and missile launchers and a number of other support systems .

SOC is a radar station (radar) of all-round visibility in the decimeter wave range with high performance characteristics. It solves the problem of round-the-clock detection of air targets in any weather, climate and radio-electronic conditions, determination of their coordinates, subsequent tracking in range and azimuth, as well as automatic delivery of target designation to the STS and the current range to the digital computer system. Electromechanical stabilization of the radar antenna allows reconnaissance of air targets in motion. With a probability of at least 0.9, the station detects a fighter in the altitude range of 25-3500 m at a distance of 16-19 km with a resolution of 500 m in range, 5-6° in azimuth and up to 15° in elevation. In this case, the magnitude of errors in determining target coordinates on average does not exceed 20 m in range, 1° in azimuth and 5° in elevation. STS is a centimeter-wave radar with a two-channel signal for identifying and automatically tracking moving targets in conditions of passive interference and reflections from local objects. Its characteristics ensure, with a probability of 0.9, the tracking of a fighter in three coordinates at altitudes of 25-1000 m from ranges of 10-13 km (7.5-8 km) according to target designation data from the SOC (with independent sector search). In this case, the average target tracking error does not exceed 2 m in range and 2 divisions of the protractor in angular coordinates.

These two stations provide reliable detection and tracking of targets that are difficult for air defense systems, such as low-flying and hovering helicopters. So, with a probability of no less than 0.5, the detection range of a helicopter at an altitude of 15 m is 16-17 km, and the transition to its automatic tracking is 11-16 km. In this case, a helicopter hovering in the air can be detected due to the rotating rotor. In addition, both radars are protected from the effects of enemy electronic interference and can track targets when they use modern anti-radar missiles of the Kharm and Standard ARM types. The 30-mm rapid-firing double-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun 2A38 is designed to destroy enemy air and ground lightly armored targets, as well as to combat enemy personnel on the battlefield. It has a common belt feed and one percussion-type firing mechanism, which provides alternate firing with the left and right barrel. Remote firing control is carried out by an electric trigger. Cooling of the barrels, depending on the ambient temperature, is carried out with water or antifreeze. Circular shelling of a target with high-explosive fragmentation incendiary and fragmentation tracer shells is possible at barrel elevation angles from -9° to +85°. The ammunition load of projectiles in belts is 1936 pieces.

The machines are distinguished by high reliability and wear resistance of the barrel in different conditions operation. With a general rate of fire of 4060-4810 rounds/min and an initial velocity of projectiles of 960-980 m/s, they operate reliably at temperatures from -50° to +50°C and icing, in precipitation and dust, when firing with dry (degreased) ) automatic parts without cleaning and lubrication for six days with daily shooting of 200 rounds per automatic machine. In such conditions, at least 8,000 shots can be fired without changing barrels (when firing 100 shots per machine gun with subsequent cooling of the barrels). The 9M311 solid propellant missile can hit Various types optically visible high-speed and maneuvering air targets when firing from a short stop and from a standstill on oncoming and catching courses. It is made according to a bi-caliber design with a detachable engine and a semi-automatic radio command control system, manual target tracking and automatic launch of the missile to the line of sight. The engine accelerates the rocket to a speed of 900 m/s within 2.6 seconds after launch. To prevent smoke from the optical tracking line of the missile, it flies to the target along an arc-shaped trajectory with an average speed of 600 m/s and an available overload of about 18 units. The absence of a main engine ensured reliable and accurate guidance of the missile defense system, reduced its weight and dimensions, and simplified the layout of on-board equipment and combat equipment.

High accuracy characteristics ensure a direct hit of the missile on the target with a probability of about 60%, which allows it to be used, if necessary, for firing at ground or surface targets. To defeat them, the missile is equipped with a fragmentation rod warhead weighing 9 kg with contact and non-contact (laser, activation radius up to 5 m) fuses. When firing at ground targets, the second one is turned off before the missile launches. The warhead is equipped with rods (length about 600 mm, diameter 4-9 mm), placed in a kind of “shirt” of ready-made cube fragments weighing 2-3 g. When the warhead ruptures, the rods form a ring with a radius of 5 m in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the rocket. At high level autonomy, "Tunguska" can successfully operate under the control of a higher command post. Depending on the conditions of the situation and the type of targets, the ZSU is capable of conducting combat work in automatic, semi-automatic, manual or inertial modes.

All equipment and systems of the 2K22 Tunguska ZSU are placed on the GM-352 self-propelled all-terrain tracked chassis manufactured by the Minsk Tractor Plant. According to a number of its indicators, it is unified with the chassis of the well-known anti-aircraft missile system"Thor." The chassis body houses the power plant with transmission, chassis, on-board electrical equipment, autonomous power supply, life support, communications, collective protection systems, fire-fighting equipment, surveillance devices with a windshield wiper system, and an individual set of spare parts and accessories. The main part of all equipment is installed in the control compartment (the left bow of the hull), where the driver is located, in the engine-transmission compartment (the aft part of the hull), as well as in the compartments of life support and fire-fighting equipment, batteries, and an autonomous power supply system (SAES) , gas turbine engine and others.

With a mass of about 24,400 kg, the GM-352 ensures the operability of the 2K22 Tunguska ZSU at ambient temperatures from -50° to +50° C, dust levels in the ambient air up to 2.5 t/m relative humidity 98% at a temperature of 25° C and at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level. Its overall dimensions in length, width (along the fender liners) and height (with a nominal ground clearance of 450 mm) do not exceed 7790, 3450 and 2100 mm, respectively. The maximum ground clearance can be 580+10-20 mm, the minimum -180+5-20 mm. The power plant is an engine with its servicing systems (fuel, air cleaning, lubrication, cooling, heating, starting and exhaust). It ensures the movement of the Tunguska self-propelled gun at speeds of up to 65, 52 and 30 km/h on highways, dirt roads and off-road conditions, respectively. As power plant The Tunguska air defense missile system uses a liquid-cooled diesel engine V-84M30, installed in the engine-transmission compartment and capable of developing power up to 515 kW.

Hydromechanical transmission (HMT - turning mechanism, two final drives with brakes, connecting parts and components) ensures the transmission of torque from the engine crankshaft to the drive shafts of the final drives, changing the traction force on the drive wheels and driving speed depending on road conditions, driving in reverse during constant rotation of the engine crankshaft, its disconnection from the final drives when starting and stopping, as well as from the torque converter when the engine warms up. A hydrostatic turning mechanism and hydropneumatic suspension with variable ground clearance and a hydraulic track tensioning mechanism allow shooting while moving without reducing speed. The transmission has a planetary gearbox with four forward gears and reverse in all gears in reverse. To turn them on smoothly, a spool-type hydraulic mechanism is used, which is duplicated by a mechanical one when engaging second gear and reverse gear.

The GM-352 chassis consists of a tracked propulsion system and a hydropneumatic suspension with variable ground clearance, providing high maneuverability, speed and smooth movement over rough terrain. For one side, it includes six double rubber-coated road wheels, three support rollers, a rear drive wheel and a front idler wheel. Top part The tracks are covered on both sides with narrow steel screens. Each track consists of tracks, each of which is a stamped steel sole with a ridge welded to it. The tension of the tracks is controlled by hydropneumatic mechanisms, which are installed inside the product along the sides in the bow of the hull. The tracks are tensioned or loosened by moving the guide wheel in an arc. When the BM moves, the tension mechanisms provide tightening of the tracks, which reduces the vertical vibrations of their upper branches.

The rear drive wheels are mounted on the driven shaft of the final drive. Each wheel consists of a hub and gear rings of 15 teeth attached to it, the working surfaces of which and the supporting areas are surfaced with a wear-resistant alloy. The drive wheels of the left and right sides are interchangeable. The guide wheels are located on both sides in the nose of the tracked vehicle. Each wheel consists of two identical stamped aluminum discs pressed onto a steel ring and bolted together. To protect the discs from wear by the track ridges, there are flanges. The wheel is symmetrical and can be turned over when the outer disc flange wears out. Track rollers (aluminum double-band with massive 630x170 tires) take the weight of the product and transfer it through the tracks to the ground. Each roller is double-row and consists of two rubber-coated stamped aluminum disks, pressed onto a steel ring and connected with bolts. There are flanges attached to the ends of the discs to protect them from wear. rubber tires and discs from the impact of caterpillar ridges. Support rollers (aluminum single-band with a massive tire with a diameter of 225 mm) provide support for the upper branches of the tracks and reduce vibrations when they are rewinding. Three rollers are installed on each side of the product body. All rollers are single-tire with rubber-coated rims and are interchangeable.

The suspension system (hydropneumatic, independent, 6 removable blocks on each side) consists of 12 independent removable suspension blocks and travel limiters of the road wheels. The suspension blocks are attached to the product body with bolts and connected to the body position control system via a pipeline. The hull position control system (hydraulic with remote control) provides a change in ground clearance, gives the hull trim, tension and loosening of the tracks. Starter batteries of type 12ST-70M, connected in parallel, with a rated voltage of 24 V and a capacity of 70 A*h each, are used as the primary power sources of the power plant. The total battery capacity is 280 Ah.

In general, the autonomous combat operation of the 2K22 Tunguska ZSU against air targets occurs as follows. The SOC provides all-round visibility and transmission of data on the air situation to the SOC, which carries out the acquisition and subsequent automatic tracking of the target selected for firing. Its exact coordinates (from the SOC) and range (from the SOC), as well as the pitching and heading angles of the ZSU (from the system for measuring them) are sent to the on-board computer system. When firing cannons, the TsVS determines the affected area and solves the problem of the projectile meeting the target. When the enemy sets up powerful radio-electronic jamming, the target can be tracked manually in range, using the SOC or CVS (inertial tracking mode), and in angular coordinates - using optical sight or CVS (inertial mode). When firing missiles, the target and missiles are accompanied by an optical sight along angular coordinates. Their current coordinates are sent to the central control system, which generates control commands sent through the transmitter to the rocket. To prevent thermal interference from entering the field of view of the optical sight, the missile flies away from the line of sight of the target and is launched at it 2-3 s before meeting it. 1000 m from the target, on command from the self-propelled gun, the laser fuse on the missile is cocked. When hitting a target directly or flying at a distance of up to 5 m from it, the missile's warhead is detonated. In case of a miss, the ZSU is automatically transferred to readiness to launch the next missile. If there is no information in the central military system about the range to the target, the missile defense system is immediately displayed on its line of sight, the fuse is armed 3.2 s after launch, and the air defense system is made ready to launch the next missile after the missile's flight time to the maximum range has expired.

Organizationally, several 2K22 Tunguska air defense systems are in service with an anti-aircraft missile and artillery battery of an anti-aircraft division of a tank (motorized rifle) regiment or brigade. The PU-12M command post or the Ranzhir unified battery command post (UBCP), which are located in the control network of the anti-aircraft battalion command post, can be used as a battery command post (BCP). As a rule, the mobile reconnaissance and control point PPRU-1 (PPRU-1M) is used as the latter.

ZPRK 2K22 “Tunguska” is a constant participant in numerous exhibitions modern weapons and is actively offered for sale to other countries with an average cost of one complex within $13 million. About 20 Tunguska self-propelled guns were used in combat operations in Chechnya to fire at ground targets during fire support for troops. The tactics of their actions consisted in the fact that the ZSU were in cover and, after receiving precise target designation, came out of it, opened sudden fire in long bursts at previously reconnoitred targets, and then returned to the cover again. There were no losses of military equipment or personnel.

In 1990, a modernized version of the Tunguska-M complex (2K22M) was put into service. Unlike the Tunguska, new radio stations and a receiver were installed on it for communication with the Ranzhir UBKP (PU-12M) and PPRU-1M (PPRU-1), as well as a gas turbine engine for the combat vehicle’s power supply unit with an increased hourly speed of up to 600 instead of 300 hours) work resource. The Tunguska-M self-propelled gun system passed state field tests in 1990 and was put into service in the same year. The next stage in the modernization of the ZSU is the Tunguska-M1, first shown at the arms exhibition in Abu Dhabi in 1995 and put into service in 2003. Its main differences are: automation of the process of missile guidance and exchange of information with the battery command post, the use of a new 9M311M missile with a radar fuse and a pulse lamp instead of a laser fuse and tracer, respectively. In this version of the ZSU, instead of the Belarusian GM-352, the new GM-5975, created by the Metrovagonmash production association (PO) in Mytishchi, is used.

The GM-5975 chassis, with a weight of 23.8 tons and a maximum load of up to 11.5 tons, ensures the movement of the self-propelled gun at a speed of up to 65 km/h with an average specific ground pressure of no more than 0.8 kg/cm. The chassis base reaches 4605 mm, ground clearance - 450 mm. The power plant is a multi-fuel liquid-cooled diesel engine with a capacity of 522 (710)-618 (840) kW (hp). The fuel range when fully refueled is at least 500 km. The characteristics of the chassis ensure its operation at ambient temperatures from -50° to +50°C, relative air humidity of 98% at a temperature of +35°C and dust content in motion up to 2.5 g/m." A microprocessor system is installed on the new chassis diagnostics and automatic gear shifting.

In general, the level of combat effectiveness of the Tunguska-M1 complex in conditions of interference is 1.3-1.5 times higher in comparison with the Tunguska-M self-propelled gun. The high combat and operational characteristics of the Tunguska air defense system of various modifications have been confirmed many times during exercises and combat training shootings. The complex has been repeatedly demonstrated at international arms exhibitions and has always attracted the attention of specialists and visitors. These qualities allow the Tunguska air defense missile system to maintain its competitiveness in the global arms market. Currently, the Tunguska is in service with the armies of India and other countries, and a contract for the supply of these systems to Morocco is being fulfilled. The complex is being improved with the aim of further increasing its combat effectiveness.

30 mm shells 1904

anti-aircraft missile and gun complex

In 1973, during the Yom Kippur War, Israel used helicopters armed with powerful anti-tank missiles. Their tactics were simple, but very effective: a helicopter at a distance of 1.5-2.5 km took off from behind cover and, hovering, launched an anti-tank missile, controlled it until it hit the target, and then hid behind cover again. This style of combat use was called jump shooting. In a similar way, the Israelis destroyed more than 70 Egyptian tanks with virtually no losses. At the same time, the jump time, which the helicopter was available for anti-aircraft weapons to detect and fire, was 3-5 minutes. And the lungs anti-aircraft systems such as Strela-1, Strela-2 and Shilka, although they had a good reaction time, their weak ammunition could not penetrate the armor of a well-protected helicopter.
Following the results of the Yom Kippur War, as well as the results of the Zapruda research project carried out in 1973, within the framework of which issues of protecting troops from attack helicopters were studied, it became obvious that a promising ZSU should be equipped with anti-aircraft missiles in order to improve its capabilities in combating by helicopters.
In 1973, the technical design was completed and the project was submitted to the Ministry of Defense. Having received a positive conclusion and approval of the work, the KBP and related teams, under the control of military representative offices accredited at industrial enterprises, began developing documentation and then manufacturing the first sample of the ZSU 2S6.
Its assembly was carried out in the KBP pilot production facility and was completed in 1976. Two prototypes for preliminary and state tests were already manufactured at the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant, which was determined to be the serial manufacturer of the combat vehicle.
By the end of the 1970s, development was completed. Based on the results of tests carried out in 1980-1981, the complex was modified and put into service on September 8, 1982. Armed Forces THE USSR.

Initially it had four missiles, then eight.

The anti-aircraft self-propelled gun was made on a six-wheel tracked chassis GM-352, which had a very high qualities in terms of smoothness and at the same time stiffness of the suspension to ensure the firing of guns in motion.
A turret was installed on the GM, which was rotated by a horizontal guidance drive. It housed two radars - a detection, identification and target designation station and a target tracking station, an optical sight, launchers rocket launchers for eight missiles, two double-barreled 30-mm cannons, vertical guidance drives. In addition, a crew consisting of a commander and two operators was located inside the tower. The driver was in the front compartment of the GM.

1 – proximity fuse; 2 – steering gear; 3 – autopilot; 4 – gyro device; 5 – power supply; 6 – warhead; 7 – radio control equipment; 8 – stage separation device; 9 – engine.

SAM 9M311 is designed to engage visually observable air targets and is a two-caliber two-stage missile with a detachable solid-fuel rocket engine, made according to the aerodynamic “canard” configuration, placed in a sealed transport and launch container.

The air defense missile system uses a semi-automatic radio command system with an optical communication line for the missile defense system. When launching a missile defense system, the luminous flux from the torch of a running engine during the acceleration phase of the missile defense system's flight or from a special infrared flashlight, which is turned on on the missile defense system after separation of the propulsion system, falls into the field of view of the infrared direction finder, the optical axis of which is aligned with the optical axis of the ZSU sight, and is converted into electrical signals proportional to the deviation of the missile defense system from the target line of sight. These signals are sent to the central military control system to generate flight control commands for the missile defense system. The onboard SAM equipment decodes the SAM flight control commands and converts them into mechanical moments of force that bring the missile to the target line of sight. The target is hit by the missile's combat equipment, which consists of a warhead, radar non-contact fuses and contact fuses.

The 9M311 missile weighing 42 kg (the transport and launch container with the missile weighs 57 kg) is built according to a bi-caliber design with a detachable engine. The rocket has a single-mode propulsion system, consisting of a lightweight launch engine with a plastic casing with a diameter of 152 mm. This engine told the rocket initial speed and separated upon completion of work approximately 2.6 s after start. To eliminate smoke from a running engine during the optical sighting of the missile at the launch site, a program (via radio commands) for an arc-shaped launch path for the missile defense system was applied.
After the missile was brought into line of sight of the target, its sustainer stage (mass – 18.5 kg, diameter – 76 mm) continued its flight by inertia. The average speed was 600 m/s, and the average available overload was 18 units, which makes it possible to ensure the defeat of targets flying at speeds of up to 500 m/s and maneuvering with an overload of 5...7 units on oncoming and overtaking courses. The absence of a sustainer engine eliminates smoke from the target's line of sight, which ensures reliable and accurate guidance of missiles, reduces the weight and dimensions of the missile, and simplifies the layout of on-board equipment and combat equipment. The use of a two-stage missile design with a ratio of the diameters of the launch and sustainer stages of 2:1 made it possible to almost halve the mass of the missile compared to a single-stage missile with the same performance characteristics, since engine separation significantly reduced the aerodynamic drag of the missile in the main part of the trajectory.
The missile's combat equipment consists of a rod warhead, a non-contact target sensor and a contact fuse. Occupying almost the entire length of the sustainer stage, the warhead weighing 9 kg is made in the form of a large elongation compartment with rod-shaped striking elements. The length of the rods is about 600 mm, the diameter is 4–9 mm, the diameter of the rod ring is about 5 m. A layer of ready-made striking elements in the form of cubes weighing 2–3 g is laid on top of the rods. The warhead provides a cutting effect on the structural elements of the target airframe and an incendiary – on the elements of its fuel systems. For small misses (up to 1.5 m), a high-explosive effect was also provided. The warhead was detonated at a distance of up to 5 m from the target using a signal from a non-contact sensor, and in the event of a direct hit (the probability of which reached approximately 60%) - with a contact fuse.

The 9M311 missile is delivered to the troops in a transport and launch container in equipped condition and does not require maintenance for 10 years.

The 2A38 double-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun of 30 mm caliber fires cartridges fed from a cartridge belt common to the two barrels using a single feed mechanism. The machine gun has one firing mechanism that serves the left and right barrels alternately. Firing control - remote - using an electric trigger. Cooling of the barrels is liquid: water or using antifreeze at negative air temperatures.
The machine gun operates at elevation angles from -9° to +85°. The cartridge belt consists of links with cartridges having high-explosive fragmentation-incendiary and fragmentation-tracer shells (in a ratio of 4:1). Ammunition of shells - 1936 pcs. The assault rifles provide a total rate of fire of 4060-4810 rounds/min. The survivability of the machine gun (without changing barrels) is at least 8,000 shots (with a firing mode of 100 shots per machine gun with subsequent cooling of the barrels). The initial speed of the projectiles is 960-980 m/s.

The interaction of systems and the solution of combat missions was ensured by a high-performance digital control machine.
Sufficiently powerful armor of the GM hull and turret confidently protected the crew and equipment from bullets and enemy shell fragments.
A surveillance radar installed in the rear of the turret made the vehicle autonomous, capable of performing a full cycle of combat work from target detection to its destruction. This eliminated another drawback of the Shilka, which did not have means of reconnaissance of the surrounding area.
In 1990, modernization of the complex was undertaken. Its main task was to introduce the possibility of combating big amount small-sized targets. The equipment included equipment for interfacing with the 9S482M control point and the PPRU-1 mobile reconnaissance and control point, thanks to which a system for distributing targets between installations was introduced and combat effectiveness was significantly increased. The gas turbine unit was also replaced with a new one with a twice as long service life. The complex was put into service at the end of 1990.
The Gulf War showed a new strategy for warfare. First, a massive strike is carried out by unmanned aircraft outside the air defense coverage area for reconnaissance of air defense radar systems, then the air defense system is destroyed and manned aircraft are involved in combat operations. Taking into account the experience gained, in 1992, work began on further improving the Tunguska air defense missile system. The modernization concerned the replacement of the base chassis with the GM-3975 chassis. Equipment for receiving and implementing automated target designation from the battery command post, an infrared missile direction finder and an upgraded system for measuring pitching angles were also introduced. The new computer has higher speed and memory. The missiles used were improved and designated 9M311-1M. Noise immunity has been increased; instead of a tracer, a continuous and pulsed light source has been installed. Thanks to the improvements introduced, the affected area was increased in range to 10 km. On September 2, 2003, the Tunguska-M1 complex was put into service. The complex included: ZSU 2S6M1, TZM 2F77M, repair and maintenance vehicle 1R10-1M1, maintenance vehicle 2V110-1, repair and maintenance vehicle 2F55-1M1, maintenance workshop MTO-AGZ-M1.

The position of the gunner-operator on Tunguska of the first generation

Gunner-operator position on Tunguska M1

See also:

The world's first mobile phone was Soviet

Why were Chechens and Ingush deported in 1944?

Rating of countries in the world by the number of armed forces

Who sold Alaska and how

Why we lost the Cold War

The mystery of the 1961 reform

How to stop the degeneration of a nation

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The Tunguska-M1 anti-aircraft gun-missile system (ZPRK) was designed in the second half of the 1990s and was put into service Russian army in 2003. The main developer of the Tunguska-M1 anti-aircraft missile system is the State Unitary Enterprise Instrument Design Bureau (Tula), the vehicle is produced by Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant OJSC. The main combat weapon of the modernized complex is the 2S6M1 Tunguska-M1 ZSU. Its main purpose is to provide air defense tank and motorized rifle units both on the march and during combat operations.

The Tunguska-M1 ZSU provides detection, identification, tracking and subsequent destruction of various types of air targets (helicopters, tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones) when operating on the move, from short stops and from a standstill, as well as the destruction of surface and ground targets , objects that are dropped by parachute. In this anti-aircraft self-propelled unit For the first time, the combination of two types of weapons (cannon and missile) with a single radar and instrument complex was achieved.

The cannon armament of the Tunguska-M1 ZSU consists of two 30-mm anti-aircraft double-barreled rapid-firing machine guns. The high total rate of fire - at the level of 5000 rounds per minute - guarantees the effective destruction of even high-speed air targets that are in the complex’s fire zone for a relatively short time. High aiming accuracy (achieved due to good stabilization of the shot line) and high tempo shooting allows you to fire at air targets while on the move. The transportable ammunition consists of 1904 30-mm rounds, and each of the machine guns has an independent power supply system.

The missile armament of the Tunguska-M1 air defense system consists of 8 9M311 missiles. This rocket is bicaliber, solid fuel, two-stage, it has a detachable starting engine. Aiming the missiles at the target is radio command with an optical communication line. At the same time, the missile is very maneuverable and resistant to overloads of up to 35 g, which allows it to hit actively maneuvering and high-speed air targets. The average flight speed of a rocket at maximum range is 550 m/s.

The experience that was gained during the active operation of previous versions of the Tunguska air defense missile system demonstrated the need to increase the level of noise immunity when firing missiles at targets that have means of creating optical jamming. In addition, it was planned to introduce into the complex equipment for automated reception and implementation of target designations received from higher command posts in order to increase the combat effectiveness of the Tunguska anti-aircraft missile system battery during an intensive air raid.

The consequence of all this was the development of the new Tunguska-M1 air defense missile system, which has significantly improved combat characteristics. To arm this complex, a new anti-aircraft guided missile was created, equipped with a modernized control system and a pulsed optical transponder, which significantly increased the noise immunity of the missile defense control channel and increased the likelihood of destroying air targets that operate under the cover of optical interference. Besides, new rocket received a non-contact radar fuse, which has a response radius of up to 5 meters. This move made it possible to increase the effectiveness of the Tunguska in the fight against small air targets. At the same time, increasing the operating time of the engines made it possible to increase the air strike range from 8 thousand to 10 thousand meters.

The introduction into the complex of equipment for automated processing and reception of external target designation data from the command post (similar to PPRU - a mobile reconnaissance and control point) significantly increased the effectiveness of the combat use of the complex's batteries during a massive enemy raid. The use of a modernized digital computer system (DCS), built on a modern element base, made it possible to significantly expand the functionality of the 2S6M1 ZSU when solving control and combat missions, as well as increase the accuracy of their execution.

The modernization of the complex's optical sighting equipment made it possible to significantly simplify the entire process of target tracking by the gunner, while at the same time increasing the accuracy of target tracking and reducing the dependence of the effectiveness of the combat use of the optical guidance channel on the professional level of the gunner's training. The modernization of the radar system of the Tunguska anti-aircraft missile system made it possible to ensure the operation of the gunner’s “unloading” system, the reception and implementation of data from external target designation sources. In addition, it was increased general level reliability of the complex equipment, improved operational and specifications.

The use of a more advanced and powerful gas turbine engine, which has 2 times large resource operation (600 hours instead of 300), made it possible to increase the power of the entire power system of the installation, achieving a reduction in power drawdowns during operation with the hydraulic drives of the weapon systems turned on.

At the same time, work was underway to install thermal imaging and television channels on the ZSU 2S6M1, equipped with an automatic target tracking system; in addition, the detection and target designation station (SOC) itself was modernized in order to increase the target detection zones at flight altitude to 6 thousand meters (instead of existing 3.5 thousand meters). This was achieved by introducing 2 angles of the SOC antenna position in the vertical plane.

Factory tests of the ZSU 2S6M1 model modernized in this way confirmed the high efficiency of the introduced options when operating the complex against air and ground targets. The presence of thermal imaging and television channels on the installation with an automatic target tracking system guarantees the presence of a passive target tracking channel and the 24-hour use of existing missiles. ZSU "Tunguska-M1" is able to provide combat work while on the move, operating in battle formations covered military units. This system Air defense has no analogues in the world in terms of the combination of qualities and effectiveness of protecting units from enemy air attacks launched from low altitudes.

Differences between the Tunguska-M1 air defense missile system and the previous version

The modification of the Tunguska-M1 complex is distinguished by a fully automated process of pointing missiles at the target and exchanging information with the battery command post. In the missile itself, the laser non-contact target sensor was replaced with a radar one, which had a positive effect on the defeat of ALCM-type cruise missiles. Instead of a tracer, a flash lamp was mounted on the installation, the efficiency of which increased by 1.3-1.5 times. The range of anti-aircraft guided missiles was increased to 10 thousand meters. In addition, work began on replacing the GM-352 chassis produced in Belarus with the domestic GM-5975, created in Mytishchi at the Metrovagonmash Production Association.

In general, the 2K22M1 Tunguska-M1 complex, which was put into service in 2003, managed to implement a number of technical solutions that expanded its combat capabilities:

Equipment for receiving and implementing external automated target designation was introduced into the complex. This equipment is interfaced with the battery command post using a radio channel, and this in turn allows you to automatically distribute targets between the battery’s self-propelled guns from the Ranzhir battery command post and significantly increases the effectiveness of the combat use of the complex.

- The complex included unloading schemes, which significantly facilitated the work of the Tunguska gunner when tracking moving air targets using an optical sight. In fact, everything was reduced to working as if with a stationary target, which significantly reduced the number of errors when tracking the target (this has a very great importance when firing at a target with a missile defense system, since the maximum miss should not exceed 5 meters).

The system for measuring heading and pitching angles was changed, which significantly reduced the disturbing effects on the installed gyroscopes that appeared while the vehicle was moving. It was also possible to reduce the number of errors in measuring the heading angles and inclination of the ZSU, increase the stability of the control loop of the ZSU, and therefore increase the probability of hitting air targets.

In connection with the use of a new type of rocket, the coordinate selection equipment was modernized. In addition to a continuous light source, the rocket also received a pulsed source. This solution increased the noise immunity of missile defense equipment and provided the ability to effectively engage air targets that have optical jamming systems. The use of a new type of missile also increased the range of destruction of air targets - up to 10 thousand meters. In addition, a new radar non-contact target sensor (NDTS), with a response radius of up to 5 meters, was introduced into the missile design. Its use had a positive effect on the destruction of small air targets, such as cruise missiles.

In general, during the modernization work, a significant increase in efficiency was achieved. The Tunguska-M1 air defense missile system is 1.3-1.5 times more effective in enemy jamming conditions than the previous version of the Tunguska-M complex.

Tactical and technical characteristics of "Tunguska-M1":
Damage zones by range: SAM - 2500-10000 m, ZAM - 200-4000 m.
Damage zones by height: SAM - 15-3500 m, FOR - 0-3000 m.
The maximum firing range against ground targets is 2000 m.
Target detection range is up to 18 km.
Target tracking range is up to 16 km.
The maximum speed of air targets hit is up to 500 m/s.
Ammunition: SAM - 8 in launchers, FOR - 1904 30 mm rounds.
The mass of the missile defense system in the transport and launch container is 45 kg.
The mass of the warhead of the missile defense system is 9 kg, the damage radius is 5 m.
Operating conditions of the complex: FOR - from a standstill and on the move, SAM - from short stops.

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