Presentation "modern weapons". Presentation on the topic "Russian small arms" Presentation of military equipment of the Russian army for children

SS-18 ("Satan") missile SS-18 ("Satan") missiles terrify Americans. Therefore, the American lobby is doing everything to force Russia to destroy these weapons along with a simultaneous withdrawal from the ABM Treaty. Russia could not be afraid of the arms race and, in particular, missile defense, having in its arsenal the SS-18 (“Satan”). This missile with multiple warheads, both now and in the medium term, is not vulnerable to any missile defense. The SS-18 missile carries 16 platforms, one of which is loaded with decoys. When entering a high orbit, all the heads of the “Satan” go “in a cloud” of false targets and are practically not identified by radars. SS-18 ("Satan") missiles terrify Americans. Therefore, the American lobby is doing everything to force Russia to destroy these weapons along with a simultaneous withdrawal from the ABM Treaty. Russia could not be afraid of the arms race and, in particular, missile defense, having in its arsenal the SS-18 (“Satan”). This missile with multiple warheads, both now and in the medium term, is not vulnerable to any missile defense. The SS-18 missile carries 16 platforms, one of which is loaded with decoys. When entering a high orbit, all the heads of the “Satan” go “in a cloud” of false targets and are practically not identified by radars.

Aerial target MA-31 Flight range: MA-31 reaches 130 kilometers. The altitude range is from 100 to meters. The flight route is entered into the on-board computer. The rocket's flight speed during the mid-flight section of the trajectory is 750 meters per second. Energy capabilities make it possible to implement a low-altitude flight mode (3 - 5 meters) at a speed 2.4 times higher than the speed of sound. Thanks to these properties, MA-31 has no analogues in the world. Flight range: MA-31 reaches 130 kilometers. The altitude range is from 100 to meters. The flight route is entered into the on-board computer. The rocket's flight speed during the mid-flight section of the trajectory is 750 meters per second. Energy capabilities make it possible to implement a low-altitude flight mode (3 - 5 meters) at a speed 2.4 times higher than the speed of sound. Thanks to these properties, MA-31 has no analogues in the world.

X-55 strategic cruise missile The strategic version is capable of hitting with high accuracy stationary targets away from the launch point. Each Tu-95MS bomber can carry up to six Kh-55 missiles located on a catapult-type launch drum in the cargo compartment of the aircraft. The two cargo compartments of the supersonic Tu-160 can accommodate 12 cruise missiles long-range (with additional tanks) or 24 conventional cruise missiles.

Supersonic, one of the best in the world, missile "Yakhont" The main advantage of the "Onyx" family of missiles is its supersonic flight speed, making the missile low-vulnerable from modern means Air defense. The anti-ship missile system is equipped with an autonomous inertial control system with a navigation system and a radar homing head. "Yakhont" is capable of hitting a modern cruiser-class warship at a range of up to 300 km with a warhead weighing 1 kg. Several missiles can destroy an aircraft carrier. The main advantage of the Onyx family of missiles is their supersonic flight speed, which makes the missile less vulnerable to modern air defense systems. The anti-ship missile system is equipped with an autonomous inertial control system with a navigation system and a radar homing head. "Yakhont" is capable of hitting a modern cruiser-class warship at a range of up to 300 km with a warhead weighing 1 kg. Several missiles can destroy an aircraft carrier.

Cruise missile 350 "Burya" The missile was designed according to a normal aircraft design with a mid-mounted delta wing with a sweep angle along the leading edge of 70° and a thin supersonic profile. The rocket body had a cylindrical shape, slightly narrowed at the front and rear; inside it, along its entire length, ran the air intake channel of the sustainer supersonic ramjet engine (SPVRD) RD-012, designed by OKB-670 M.M. Bondaryuk. The missile was designed according to a normal aircraft design with a mid-mounted delta wing with a sweep angle along the leading edge of 70° and a thin supersonic profile. The rocket body had a cylindrical shape, slightly narrowed at the front and rear; inside it, along its entire length, ran the air intake channel of the sustainer supersonic ramjet engine (SPVRD) RD-012, designed by OKB-670 M.M. Bondaryuk.

Sea-based cruise missile "Granit" Solving the problem of fighting aircraft carriers, which has been one of the main ones for our Navy for the last 50 years, the leaders of the Soviet and Russian fleet made the main bet on anti-ship cruise missiles (ASC). Such a struggle is planned and practiced in the form of special maritime operations or fleet operations in the Northern and Pacific fleets.

Kh-29T missile The Kh-29T missile is designed to destroy visually visible ground and surface targets such as: reinforced concrete shelters, stationary railway and highway bridges, industrial structures, warehouses, concrete runways, ships and landing craft.

"Moskit" missile The 3M-80E ("Mosquito") missile is the main element of the 3M-80E anti-ship strike missile weapon system, which includes, in addition to the missile, a launcher and a ship-based launch control system located on the carrier ship. Designed to destroy surface ships and transports from naval strike groups, landing formations, convoys and single ships, both displacement and hydrofoil and hovercraft, in the conditions of modern and promising means of fire and electronic countermeasures. The 3M-80E ("Mosquito") missile is the main element of the 3M-80E anti-ship strike missile system, which includes, in addition to the missile, a launcher and a ship-based launch control system located on the carrier ship. Designed to destroy surface ships and transports from naval strike groups, landing formations, convoys and single ships, both displacement and hydrofoil and hovercraft, in the conditions of modern and promising means of fire and electronic countermeasures.

Anti-aircraft missile system S-300 is optimized to combat precision weapons, cruise missiles and ballistic targets, including subtle ones. It not only destroys air targets, but also undermines their warhead. The probability of hitting specified targets with one missile without taking into account operational reliability is: at least 0.9 for manned targets, including those made using stealth technology, loitering and performing anti-aircraft maneuvers; optimized to combat precision weapons, cruise missiles and ballistic targets, including stealth ones. It not only destroys air targets, but also undermines their warhead. The probability of hitting specified targets with one missile without taking into account operational reliability is: at least 0.9 for manned targets, including those made using stealth technology, loitering and performing anti-aircraft maneuvers;

Anti-aircraft missile system S-400 S "Triumph" (according to other sources, the system is called S - 300PM - 3). The new air defense system is intended to replace the S-300P and S-type air defense systems and should provide increased effectiveness when combating new types of targets - stealth aircraft made using Stealth technology, small-sized cruise missiles S "Triumph" (according to other sources, the system is called S - 300RM - 3). The new air defense system is designed to replace the S-300P and S type air defense systems and should provide increased effectiveness when combating new types of targets - stealth aircraft made using Stealth technology, small-sized cruise missiles

Anti-aircraft missile system "Gyurza" The anti-aircraft missile system "Gyurza" was created on the basis of the anti-aircraft missile system "Strela-10M". The modernized combat vehicle (CM) of the new complex, unlike the basic version, is capable of conducting round-the-clock combat work. In addition, the presence of new optical-electronic reconnaissance and control means allows for the exchange of information between combat vehicles of an anti-aircraft unit, as well as remote control of the process of combat work when repelling enemy air strikes. The Gyurza air defense system was created on the basis of the Strela-10M anti-aircraft missile system. The modernized combat vehicle (CM) of the new complex, unlike the basic version, is capable of conducting round-the-clock combat work. In addition, the presence of new optical-electronic reconnaissance and control means allows for the exchange of information between combat vehicles of an anti-aircraft unit, as well as remote control of the process of combat work when repelling enemy air strikes.

Anti-aircraft missile system "Strela-10 SV" The latest version of the modernized complex - "Strela-10M3", adopted for service in 1989, has an increased affected area, is highly effective and immune to interference in conditions of intense organized optical interference, and ensures firing at all types low-flying air targets (airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles, remotely piloted vehicles). The development of the complex was carried out by a cooperation of enterprises that developed the Strela-10 air defense system and its other modifications. The latest version of the modernized complex - "Strela-10M3", put into service in 1989, has an increased destruction zone, is highly effective and noise-immunity in conditions of intense organized optical interference, and ensures firing at all types of low-flying air targets (airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles , remotely piloted vehicles). The development of the complex was carried out by a cooperation of enterprises that developed the Strela-10 air defense system and its other modifications.

Electromagnetic bomb When such a bomb explodes over a target in the air, all nearby computers will burn out or at least stop working, and the operation of television and radio stations, power lines and other power supply circuits will be disrupted. And if you drop it over an airfield, not a single plane will take off. The wave affects people in much the same way as it does equipment; it disrupts the functioning of the body and the functioning of the brain. But since nature “designed” us with a very large margin of safety, the victims, having lost only short time consciousness, will wake up without feeling any serious consequences

Air bomb KAB-1500 Adjustable air bombs KAB-1500 caliber 1500 kg are designed to destroy ground and surface stationary targets, including particularly strong and buried objects - fortifications, command posts, entrances to tunnels, runways, bridges, dams, etc. Depending on the modification, the bombs are equipped with one of two guidance systems - semi-active laser (KAB-1500L) or television-command (KAB-1500TK). The warhead of the bomb is high explosive or penetrating. Adjustable aircraft bombs KAB-1500 caliber 1500 kg are designed to destroy ground and surface stationary targets, including particularly strong and buried objects - fortifications, command posts, entrances to tunnels, runways, bridges, dams, etc. Depending on the modification, the bombs are equipped with one of two guidance systems - semi-active laser (KAB-1500L) or television-command (KAB-1500TK). The warhead of the bomb is high explosive or penetrating.

The aircraft carrier cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" After completion of tests at the end of the same year, it entered service with the USSR Navy. In January 1991, it was included in the Northern Fleet, and in December it sailed around Europe from Sevastopol to Severomorsk. Currently, it is the only aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Russian Navy, which provides the basing and combat use of highly effective Su-33 naval fighters, as well as the largest surface ship of our fleet. After completion of tests at the end of the same year, it entered service with the USSR Navy. In January 1991, it was included in the Northern Fleet, and in December it made a passage around Europe from Sevastopol to Severomorsk. Currently, it is the only aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Russian Navy, which provides the basing and combat use of highly effective Su-33 naval fighters, as well as the largest surface ship of our fleet

The newest nuclear submarine "Gepard" Nuclear boat"Gepard" is designed to destroy aircraft carriers, as well as coastal objects and targets. The Gepard's armament is 28 Granit cruise missiles with a launch range of up to three thousand kilometers, which can be equipped nuclear warhead with a capacity of 200 kilotons. The Gepard nuclear boat is designed to destroy aircraft carriers, as well as coastal objects and targets. The Gepard is armed with 28 Granit cruise missiles with a launch range of up to three thousand kilometers, which can be equipped with a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 200 kilotons.

TARK "Peter the Great" Some time ago, the first warship meeting the requirements of the 21st century was introduced into service in the Russian Navy. This is the heavy nuclear missile cruiser (TARK) "Peter the Great". The ship provides the ability to engage large surface targets

The strategic missile carrier Tu-160 Bomber is equipped with an analog fly-by-wire control system with four-channel redundancy in pitch, roll and yaw channels, providing optimal stability and controllability characteristics in all flight modes. The principle of “electronic stability” is implemented with a flight alignment close to neutral. The bomber is equipped with an analog fly-by-wire control system with four-channel redundancy for pitch, roll and yaw channels, providing optimal stability and controllability characteristics in all flight modes. The principle of “electronic stability” is implemented with a flight alignment close to neutral.

Fighter Su-33 (Su-27K) The first domestic carrier-based horizontal take-off and landing fighter. The first flight of the aircraft took place on August 17, 1987 (test pilot V.G. Pugachev), the first landing on the deck of the Tbilisi aircraft carrier (currently renamed Admiral Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov") November 1, 1989 (V. G. Pugachev). The first domestic carrier-based horizontal take-off and landing fighter. The first flight of the aircraft took place on August 17, 1987 (test pilot V. G. Pugachev), the first landing on the deck of the Tbilisi aircraft carrier "(currently renamed "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov") November 1, 1989 (V. G. Pugachev).

Attack aircraft Yak-130 As experts note, the Yak-130 is a full-fledged light attack aircraft and will not only serve as a “flying desk” for young pilots. Thus, many regions of the world and CIS countries are characterized by conflicts of limited intensity, and it is in them that the new aircraft should become an integral part of a single reconnaissance and strike complex, including unmanned aircraft and ground aviation gunners operating in combat formations of troops. As experts note, the Yak-130 is a full-fledged light attack aircraft and will not only serve as a “flying desk” for young pilots. Thus, many regions of the world and CIS countries are characterized by conflicts of limited intensity, and it is in them that the new aircraft should become an integral part of a single reconnaissance and strike complex, including unmanned aerial vehicles and ground-based aircraft gunners operating in combat formations of troops.

Combat helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator" Combat helicopter Ka-52 is a two-seat combat helicopter for round-the-clock use, developed by the Kamov company. Ka-52 saved everything combat capabilities single-seat prototype Ka-50: anti-tank guided missile weapons, high-precision cannon installation, unguided missile weapons. The Ka-52 combat helicopter is a two-seat combat helicopter for round-the-clock use, developed by the Kamov company. The Ka-52 retained all the combat capabilities of the single-seat Ka-50 prototype: anti-tank guided missiles, a high-precision gun mount, and unguided missiles.

The Ka-50 "Black Shark" helicopter Ka-50 is capable of "hanging" in one place for 12 hours. The helicopter is equipped with two TVZ-117 gas turbine engines with a power of 2200 hp each. each, which are equipped with dust-proof screen-exhaust devices. If one of them fails, the helicopter is able to continue flying on one engine. The basis of the Ka-50's combat power is the Vikhr anti-tank guided missiles. The Ka-50 is capable of "hanging" in one place for 12 hours. The helicopter is equipped with two TVZ-117 gas turbine engines with a power of 2200 hp each. each, which are equipped with dust-proof screen-exhaust devices. If one of them fails, the helicopter is able to continue flying on one engine. The basis of the Ka-50's combat power is the Vikhr anti-tank guided missiles.

Carrier-based helicopter Ka-27 The crew of the Ka-27 is three people. The helicopter's armament consists of an anti-submarine homing torpedo or an APR-2 anti-submarine guided missile, depth charges (including guided S-3B), as well as other means of destroying submarines and surface ships. It is possible to equip the helicopter with X-35A anti-ship guided missiles.

Tank T-90 The tank is crowned with a low, flat turret with a command cabin shifted to the right. The barrel of the 125 mm gun is protected from overheating by a mobile four-section radiator. To the right of the barrel is a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. The T-90 is equipped with 2 IR illuminators, which are part of the Shtora ATGM system. The front part of the turret is reinforced with second-generation active tile armor. Mounted armor blocks can also be installed on the roof of the tower, creating additional protection against air strikes. To the right and left of the tower there are tanks with a mixture to create a smoke screen.

Tank T-80 Represents further development tank T-80BV. The improvements affected all basic combat and operational properties. First of all, the survivability of the tank has been significantly increased due to changes in the design of armor barriers, the inclusion of built-in dynamic protection, and a slight increase in the mass of material allocated for the armor. The capabilities of conducting both long-range and close-range fire combat have been improved thanks to the use of a new complex of guided weapons, improved characteristics of the weapon and the fire control system.

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United District Training Center for pre-conscription training of the Vyborg region Armament of the Russian Army teacher-organizer Builov V. A.

Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun “A self-propelled anti-tank gun emerged from the landing Mi-26T military transport helicopter and immediately rushed towards the river. Without slowing down, the vehicle 125-mm self-propelled anti-tank gun 2s25 "SPRUT-SD" Experts note that new self-propelled guns with the parameters of a light tank, comparable in maneuverability and maneuverability to the BMD-3, but at the same time has the firepower of the main battle tank and can even be compared with the T-90. In addition, the Sprut-SD has a unique hydropneumatic chassis, which allows the combat vehicle to move smoothly in off-road conditions at speeds of up to 70 km per hour and significantly improves the conditions for firing while on the move. Sprut-SD also has amphibious capabilities. The self-propelled gun is capable of overcoming water obstacles at afloat speeds of up to 10 km per hour. Tests carried out in the North Sea showed that in storms up to force 3, the armored vehicle freely fires at designated targets. In addition, she parachute from cargo ships onto the water surface and independently returns to the ship. All these qualities, plus the circular rotation of the turret and the stabilization of weapons in two planes, determine the possibility of using the Sprut as a light amphibious tank. In terms of combat and operational capabilities, Russian lightly armored vehicles are superior to all existing foreign analogues. For example, not a single car in the world is capable of working in the mountains at an altitude of up to 4000 meters, changing the ground clearance by 400 mm, swimming in sea conditions up to 3 points, getting in and out of the water on landing ship and land with the crew.

Long range rocket system volley fire(MLRS) "Smerch" (9K58) is designed to destroy at distant approaches any group targets, the vulnerable elements of which are open and covered manpower, unarmored, lightly armored and armored vehicles of motorized infantry and tank companies, artillery units, tactical missiles, anti-aircraft systems and helicopters in parking lots, destruction of command posts, communications centers and military-industrial structures. Specifications Caliber, mm 300 Projectile weight, kg 800..815 Firing range, km: - maximum 90 - minimum 20 Number of BM guides, pcs 12 Salvo time, s 38 BM loading time, min 20 Time to transfer the BM from traveling to combat position - not more, min. 3 Time to urgently leave a firing position after a salvo, min 1 BM crew, people 3 TZM crew, people 2 Climatic conditions Operating Temperature Range combat use RS, °C -50..+50 Temperature range for combat use of combat vehicles, °C -40..+50 Range of short-term (up to 6 hours) stay RS, °C -60..+60 Surface wind, m/s up to 20 Relative humidity air at 35°C, % up to 98 Rain intensity, mm/min up to 2.7 Surface air dust content, g/m3 up to 2 Altitude above sea level, m up to 3000

Transport-loading vehicle 9T234-2 Technical characteristics Chassis MAZ-543M Number of transported shells, pcs 12 Weight of TZM with shells and crew, kg 41500 Crane lifting capacity, kg 850 Maximum speed, km 60 Fuel range, km 850 Dimensions in stowed position, mm: - length - width - height 13600 3130 3250

Technical characteristics Chassis TATRA 816 Caliber, mm 300 Number of guides, pcs 12 Full salvo time, no more, s 40 Weight of combat vehicle with shells and crew, kg 38400 Combat crew, persons 3 Maximum speed, km/h 90 Dimensions in stowed position, mm : - length - width - height 12400 3025 3435 Fuel reserve, km 1000 Equipping the 9A52-2 combat vehicle with on-board control and communication equipment (ABUS) and an automated guidance and fire control system (ASUNO) provides: - automated high-speed reception (transmission) information and protecting it from unauthorized access, displaying information on the board and storing it; - autonomous topographical reference, navigation and orientation of a combat vehicle on the ground with display on an electronic map; - automatic guidance of the guide package without the crew leaving the cabin.

Transport-loading vehicle 9T234-2T Technical characteristics Chassis TATRA 816 Number of projectiles transported, pcs 12 TZM weight with projectiles and crew, kg 36200 Crane lifting capacity, kg 850 Maximum speed, km/h 90 Fuel range, km 1000 Dimensions in stowed position , mm: - length - width - height 12660 3050 3535 Calculation, persons 3

Projectiles of the Smerch 300 mm complex missile 9M55K with a warhead with fragmentation combat elements Designed to destroy manpower and unarmored military equipment in places where they are concentrated. Technical characteristics Weight, kg 800 Length, mm 7600 Weight of the warhead, kg 243 Length of the warhead, mm 2049 Number of combat elements, pcs 72 Weight of the combat element (ME), kg 1.75 Number of ready-made destructive fragments of the combat element, pcs: - by weight 4.5 g - weighing 0.75 g 96 360 Self-liquidation time of BE, s 110 Firing range, km: - maximum - minimum 70 20 Weight of container with two projectiles, kg 1934

Projectiles of the Smerch complex 300-mm 9M55K1 rocket with self-aiming combat elements Designed to destroy groups of armored military equipment and tanks from above. Technical characteristics Weight, kg 800 Length, mm 7600 Weight of the warhead, kg 243 Length of the warhead, mm 2049 Number of combat elements, pcs 5 Weight of the combat element (ME), kg 15 Weight of the explosive BE, kg 4.5 Armor penetration at an angle of 30 ° from normal to armor from a distance of 100 m 70 mm homogeneous armor Firing range, km: - maximum - minimum 70 20 Weight of container with two projectiles, kg 1934

Projectiles of the "Smerch" complex 300-mm 9M55K4 rocket with a warhead for anti-tank mining of terrain Designed for the operational remote placement of anti-tank minefields both in front of enemy military equipment units located at the attack line and in the area of ​​their concentration. Technical characteristics Weight, kg 800 Length, mm 7600 Weight of warhead, kg 243 Length of warhead, mm 2049 Number of anti-tank mines, pcs 25 Weight of mine, kg 4.85 Overall dimensions of mine, mm 330x84x84 Weight of explosive, kg 1.85 Time mine self-destruction, hour 16-24 Firing range, km: - maximum - minimum 70 20 Weight of container with two projectiles, kg 1934

Projectiles of the Smerch complex 300-mm 9M55K5 rocket with a warhead with cumulative fragmentation combat elements Designed to destroy open and covered manpower and lightly armored military equipment. Technical characteristics Weight, kg 800 Length, mm 7600 Weight of warhead, kg 243 Number of combat elements, pcs 646 Weight of combat element (MC), kg 0.24 Firing range, km: - maximum - minimum 70 25 Self-destruction time of combat element, s 130 ..260 Thickness of pierced homogeneous armor, mm 120

Projectiles of the Smerch complex 300-mm 9M55S rocket with a thermobaric warhead Designed to destroy manpower, open and hidden in fortifications open type and objects of unarmored and lightly armored military equipment. Technical characteristics Weight, kg 800 Length, mm 7600 Weight of warhead, kg 243 Weight of explosive mixture, kg 100 Self-destruction time of warhead, s 110..160 Firing range, km: - maximum - minimum 70 25

Projectiles of the Smerch complex 300-mm 9M528 rocket with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead Designed to destroy manpower, unarmored and lightly armored military equipment in places where they are concentrated, destroy command posts, communications centers and military-industrial structures. Technical characteristics Weight, kg 815 Length, mm 7600 Weight of warhead, kg 243 Weight of explosive mixture, kg 95 Weight of finished striking element, g 50 Firing range, km: - maximum - minimum 90 25

Projectiles of the Smerch complex 300-mm 9M55F rocket with a detachable high-explosive fragmentation warhead Designed to destroy manpower, unarmored and lightly armored military equipment in places where they are concentrated, destroy command posts, communication centers and military-industrial facilities. Technical characteristics Weight, kg 810 Length, mm 7600 Weight of warhead, kg 258 Weight of explosive, kg 95 Weight of striking element, g 50 Firing range, km: - maximum - minimum 70 25 Weight of container with two projectiles, kg 1954

Technical characteristics Firing range, km: - maximum 35 - minimum 10 Number of combat vehicle (BM) guides, pcs. 16 Projectile caliber, mm 220 Projectile weight, kg 270..280 Salvo time, s 20 Number of projectiles carried by the transport-loading vehicle ( TZM), pcs. 16 BM crew, people 4 TZM crew, people 3 BM loading time, min 20 Time to transfer the BM from traveling to combat position, no more than, min 3 Time to urgently abandon a firing position after a salvo, no more than, min 1.5 Climatic conditions operation Temperature range for combat use, °C - rockets(RS) -50..+50 - BM, TZM -40..+50 Temperature range for short-term (up to 6 hours) stay RS, °C -60..+60 Surface wind, m/s up to 20 Relative air humidity at 20..25°С, % up to 98 Dust content of ground air, g/m3 up to 2 Altitude above sea level, m up to 3000

Transport-loading vehicle 9T452 Transport-loading vehicle 9T452 is designed for transporting Uragan MLRS shells and for loading and unloading the 9P140 combat vehicle. Technical characteristics Chassis ZIL-135LM Number of carried shells 16 Weight of loaded vehicle with rocket, kg 20000 Maximum speed with full load on paved roads, km/h 65 Fuel range, km 500 Crew, persons 2

Tactical missile system 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" Missile system 9K79-1 "Tochka-U" Year of adoption 1989 Developer Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering, Kolomna Minimum firing range, km 15 - 20 Maximum firing range, km 120 Maximum trajectory altitude, km 26 Flight time at maximum range, s 136 Preparation time for launch from readiness No. 1, min 2 Preparation time for launch from march, min 16 Inclined launch at an angle of 78 degrees

Anti-tank missile system "Chrysanthemum-S" The firing process is fully automated. The complex is located on the BMP-3 chassis, the ammunition rack contains 15 missiles, and the loading is automatic. The operator can select the type of missile with a particular warhead without leaving the vehicle. The ability of the Chrysanthemum-S to fire at two different targets in two channels - radar and laser - has no analogues. This is the most powerful anti-tank missile in the world, capable of hitting not only any modern, but also all promising tanks. The missile penetrates 1,100-1,200 mm thick armor behind dynamic protection. Three Khrysantema-S combat vehicles are capable of successfully repelling an attack by a company of fourteen tanks.

122-mm multiple launch rocket system BM-21 "Grad"


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“Military equipment of Russia” - Tank T-90. Self-propelled gun “Tulip”. Air Force. Army aviation. Air Force equipment. Air Force. Self-propelled gun "Hyacinth". Mig-31. Self-propelled gun "Msta". Infantry fighting vehicle. Su - 27. Motorized rifle troops. Yak-36. BMD-2 airborne combat vehicle. S – 300. Anti-aircraft missile system “Shilka”. BTR-T.. BMP - 2. Armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle BRDM-2.

"World small arms" - Dragunov SVD sniper rifle. NSV "Utes" machine gun. Kalashnikov AK103 assault rifle. Single machine gun PKM. Cartridge. Self-loading pistol PMM-12. RPK. Makarov pistol. Automatic AKS-74U. Stechkin automatic pistol. Sniper rifle V-92. Modern small arms. Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle.

"Kalashnikov AK-47" - State Prize Laureate. Kalashnikov assault rifle. History of the development of automatic machines. Survey results. Musket. Weapons of people in ancient times. Kurinsky local history museum. Automatic machines. Shoulder. Mechanism. Creator of the best slot machine in the world. Kalashnikov. Medal. Order of the Red Star. Desire to serve your people.

“Forensic weapons science” - Determining the location of the shooter. Types of sleeves. Physical evidence. Track formation when fired. Gas rifles. Sleeve shape. Marking when placing a cartridge in a magazine. Types of shots depending on the impact of damaging factors. Wiping belt. Pneumatic weapons.

"Russian military art" - Independence. A blow to Rus'. Russian military art based on the experience of Alexander Nevsky. Vladislov Grzeszyk. History of the state. Russian history. Battle of the Neva. German knights. Studying military handwriting. Comparative analysis. Secrets of success. Military doctrine. The secret of success. Military traditions of the Russian army.

"Conventional weapons" - Napalm was adopted by the US Armed Forces. Napalm (fire) bombs. Volumetric explosion ammunition. Disadvantages of laser weapons. Regular weapons. Psychotropic weapon. Conventional means of destruction. Incendiary weapon. Types of fundamentally new weapon systems. Napalm. Fragmentation, ball, high-explosive ammunition.

There are a total of 38 presentations in the topic

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The main small arms of the armed forces Russian Federation– Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK). Designer: Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov. His merits were noted by two titles of Hero of Socialist Labor (1958 and 1976), and the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called (1999). A bronze bust was erected to him in his homeland. Kalashnikov weapons are widely known throughout the world, an image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle is included in state emblem African state of Mozambique. Slot machines

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The new family of Kalashnikov assault rifles is designated AK-101 through AK-105. AK-101 and AK-103 have a standard barrel length of 415mm; AK-102, AK-104 and AK-105 have a shortened barrel with a length of 314mm. Sighting range – 800 meters. The rate of fire is 800 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 30 rounds.

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As part of the “hundredth” series, Izhevsk designers created machines with balanced automation. These are AK-107 and AK-108. In terms of accuracy of fire from unstable positions, these assault rifles are 1.5-2 times superior to conventional Kalashnikov assault rifles.

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The closest expected replacement for the Kalashnikov assault rifle is the Nikonov assault rifle (AN). Production of the machine gun began in 1998 at Izhmash. The AN-94 assault rifle (designer Gennady Nikonov) won the test competition of the Abakan program, where they presented latest developments Russian gunsmiths in the field of automatic weapons.

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Caliber – 5.45 x 39mm. Sighting range – 600m. Rate of fire – 1800 and 600 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 30 and 45 rounds. Sight - front sight; diopter sight, adjustable. Length: with the butt unfolded – 943mm, with the butt folded – 728mm.

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Gennady Nikolaevich Nikonov worked at Izhmash all his life. He is the holder of the honorary title “Best Designer of the Enterprise” and “Best Designer of the Ministry”. His most famous works: the Izubr hunting carbine and the AN-94 assault rifle. Currently, the AN-94 assault rifle is in service with the forces special purpose Russia.

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The AEK-973 assault rifle, which was created at the Kovrov Mechanical Plant (KMZ), uses “balanced automation”, i.e. the bolt carrier and the balancer move in different sides at equal speeds, which reduces recoil and increases shooting accuracy. It is used by special forces. Caliber – 7.62mm. Sighting range – 1000 meters. The rate of fire is 900 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 30 rounds.

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At the beginning of 1998, the Tula Instrument Design Bureau (TKBP) made a statement that there was a new A-91M rifle-grenade launcher system ready for serial production. Caliber – 7.62mm. Sighting range – 800 meters. Rate of fire – (600-800) rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 30 rounds.

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In 1993, the Tula Arms Plant produced the OTs-14 “Groza” rifle-grenade launcher system. The machine gun was created specifically for combat in urban areas and is in service special units Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is planned to equip army special forces units with this complex. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 400 meters. The rate of fire is 700 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 20 rounds.

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To carry out special operations, TsNIITOCHMASH has developed a small-sized Vikhr assault rifle. Its small mass and size are combined with the bullet’s penetrating ability against a protected target at a distance of 200m. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 400 meters. The rate of fire is 900 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 10 or 20 rounds. Weight – 2kg.

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Sniper rifles The SVD sniper rifle designed by Dragunov is well known both in our country and abroad. The SVD was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1963. Caliber – 7.62mm. Sighting range – 1300 meters. The rate of fire is 30 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 10 rounds.

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Since 1991, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been armed with a shortened, automatic sniper rifle (SVU-AS). Caliber – 7.62mm. Sighting range – 1300 meters. Rate of fire - 650 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 10 rounds.

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In 1994, TKBP introduced a self-loading sniper rifle with a special 12.7mm cartridge for destroying manpower in personal armor protection, lightly armored vehicles, counter-sniper combat, and disabling enemy technical equipment. Caliber – 12.7mm. Sighting range – 2000 meters. Rate of fire - 350 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 5 rounds.

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In 1998, KMZ designers (Kovrov) developed a 12.7mm magazine sniper rifle SVN-98, which later became known as the army rifle sniper rifle large-caliber (ASVK). Caliber – 12.7mm. Sighting range – 2000 meters. Rate of fire - 350 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 5 rounds.

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Machine guns Light machine gun Kalashnikov (RPK) entered service in 1961. The design of the RPK is similar to the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The 590mm long barrel made it possible to increase the effective firing range to 800m. The bipod improved accuracy when shooting from a rest. Caliber – 7.62mm. Sighting range – 1000 meters. The rate of fire is 600 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 75 (40) rounds.

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The modernized Kalashnikov machine gun (PKM) was put into service in 1969. The machine gun has a quick-detachable barrel, fire is automatic, and the butt is designed to be held with the left hand. Based on the PKM, night (PKMN) and heavy (PKMS) machine guns were developed. Caliber – 7.62mm. Sighting range – 1500 meters. Rate of fire - 650 rounds per minute. Belt capacity – 100, 200 and 250 rounds.

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A group of TsNIITOCHMASH employees implemented a set of measures to improve the accuracy of fire from the PKM machine gun, barrel survivability and reduce aiming errors. This is how the Kalashnikov infantry machine gun “Pecheneg” appeared. Caliber – 7.62mm. Sighting range – 1500 meters. Rate of fire - 650 rounds per minute. Belt capacity – 100 and 200 rounds.

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In 1972, the NSV (Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov) machine gun of 12.7mm caliber entered service. In the army, the machine gun was called “Utyos”. The NSV is distinguished by its relatively low weight (25 kg without ammunition), good maneuverability and accuracy of fire. Caliber – 12.7mm. Sighting range – 2000 meters. The rate of fire is 700 rounds per minute. Belt capacity – 50 rounds.

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In the early 1990s, specialists from the Kovrov plant named after. V.A. Degtyarev received a special order from the RF Ministry of Defense to carry out work on modernizing the NSV. This is how the “Kord” machine gun was born (Kovrov gunsmiths-Degtyarev workers). New barrel with muzzle brake and a modernized barrel locking system ensured an increase in firing accuracy by 1.5-2 times compared to the NSV. Caliber – 12.7mm. Sighting range – 2000 meters. The rate of fire is 750 rounds per minute. Belt capacity – 50 rounds.

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Pistols The Makarov pistol (PM) was created at TsKB-14 and chambered for 9mm and was adopted by the Soviet army in 1951. Jacket bullet 9 x 18 PM with steel core capable of breaking through three 25.4mm thick pine boards at a distance of 20m. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 50 meters. Combat rate of fire is 30 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 8 rounds.

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In 1994, the modernized Makarov pistol (PMM) was created. The combat properties were increased, first of all, due to the use of a new high-impulse cartridge 9 x 18 PMM. The penetration and stopping effect has increased. The accuracy of fire increased by 2-2.5 times. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 50 meters. Combat rate of fire is 30 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 12 rounds.

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In January 2000, the GSh-18 (Gryazev-Shipunov) pistol, developed at TKBP and chambered for 9 x 19mm, entered state testing. At a distance of 20m, a bullet penetrates 8mm steel sheet. In 2003, the GSh-18 was adopted as an army pistol. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 50 meters. Combat rate of fire is 20 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 18 rounds.

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In 1951, simultaneously with the PM, the 9mm Stechkin automatic pistol (APS) entered service. The safety lever of this pistol also serves as a fire mode translator. The flag has three positions - safety, single fire and continuous fire. The sight is designed for ranges of 25, 50, 100 and 200m. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 200 meters. Combat rate of fire – 40 (90) rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 20 rounds.

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In 2003, the Russian army adopted self-loading pistol Serdyukov (SPS) chambered for 9 x 21mm. This pistol is a logical continuation of the “Gyurza” (1993) and “Vector” (1996) pistols. Bullets fired from SPS reliably hit targets in armored vehicles, in cars, and pierce 5mm steel sheet at a distance of 40m. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 100 meters. Combat rate of fire is 36 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 18 rounds.

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In 1993 The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced a competition for the invention of a pistol for the Russian cartridge of increased penetration 9 x 19mm. The Yarygin pistol (PYa), produced in Izhevsk (IMZ), reached the finals of the competition. In 2003, the PYa was put into service. At a distance of 10m, a bullet penetrates a 7mm steel plate, at a distance of 35m – 5mm. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 50 meters. Combat rate of fire is 20 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 17 rounds.

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Submachine guns At the beginning of 1990. The Ministry of Internal Affairs required a weapon of an intermediate class between a pistol and a shortened machine gun (AKS 74U). By 1994, IMZ supplied the Kedr (PP-91) submachine gun to the troops. The PP-91 uses standard Makarov pistol cartridges. In the same year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs received the Klin PP, which could use PMM cartridges. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 50 meters. Combat rate of fire – 40 (100) rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 17 rounds.

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In 1991, Tula KBP introduced the PP-90 folding pistol. The weapon is designed to suddenly appear in the owner's hand and open fire. The weapon is brought into combat from the folded position in 3-4 seconds. depending on the fighter’s training. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 100 meters. The rate of fire is 800 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 30 rounds.

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In the early 1990s, the Kovrovsky Metallurgical Plant developed the Kashtan product. For this PP, box magazines for 20 and 30 rounds have been developed. The Kashtan PP is equipped with a device for low-noise shooting (LQS). Can be used red dot sight or laser pointer. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 100 meters. Combat rate of fire – 40 (100) rounds per minute. Magazine capacity - 20 or 30 rounds.

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In the mid-1990s, the FSB of the Russian Federation was the customer of a submachine gun chambered for 9 x 21mm cartridge, which ensures guaranteed destruction of a single target wearing personal armor at a range of 200m. Aimed shooting with one and two hands should be allowed. In 2000 The FSB adopted the Veresk SMG (SR.2). Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 200 meters. Combat rate of fire is 900 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity - 20 or 30 rounds.

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In 1996 designers of the Izhevsk Metallurgical Plant created a submachine gun based on the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The Bizon SMG entered service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Most interesting feature"Bizona" is an auger magazine with cartridges placed in screw grooves. Caliber – 9mm. Sighting range – 150 meters. Rate of fire – 680 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity – 64 rounds.

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Motorized Rifle Troops MOTORIZED TROOPS, the largest branch of the Ground Forces (since 1963). Motorized rifle troops have preserved the best traditions of Russian and Soviet infantry, which was called the “queen of the fields.” They consist of motorized rifle formations, units and subunits, which include motorized rifle, artillery, tank and other units and subunits.

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TANK FORCES TANK FORCES, branch of the ground forces. They consist of tank, motorized rifle (mechanized, motorized infantry), missile, artillery and other units and units. This is the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are equipped with tanks (T-72, T-80, T-90), self-propelled artillery (Geocint, Msta), rocket weapons etc. Tank troops are characterized by high maneuverability and increased resistance to the effects of nuclear weapons. Modern tank troops capable of making rapid marches over long distances, breaking through defenses and developing an offensive at a high tempo, and immediately overcoming water obstacles to ford and on crossing facilities.

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ROCKET FORCES AND ARTILLERY ROCKET FORCES AND ARTILLERY, a branch of the Ground Forces, created in the early 60s. in the Armed Forces of the USSR for nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy. Rocket troops and artillery, as a branch of the military, are retained in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently, the missile forces and artillery are armed with Grad, Smerch, Uragan multiple launch rocket systems, D-30 artillery guns and other weapons. All types of weapons have been tested and shown to be highly effective during combat operations in Afghanistan and on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

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AIR DEFENSE FORCES Air defense of the ground forces is a complex of combat operations of various air defense forces and means in service with units and subunits of the ground forces. The air defense of the ground forces is organized with the goal of defeating the enemy’s air attack means, repelling attacks from his aircraft and missiles on troops and rear facilities, and also prohibiting aerial reconnaissance. Today, the air defense of the ground forces is equipped with effective and mobile anti-aircraft missile systems: "Shilka", "Stlela-10", "Kub", "Tunguska", man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) "Strela-3", "Igla" , "Igla-1", etc.

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SPECIAL TROOPS SPECIAL TROOPS, units and units designed to perform special tasks to support the combat and daily activities of the armed forces (engineering, radio engineering, chemical, etc.) and having special technical equipment. To successfully and timely solve the assigned tasks, there are units of military intelligence, radio and radio engineering, engineering and other special types of intelligence. Currently, many special forces have been created to combat illegal armed gangs in the Chechen Republic and Tajikistan. During the Afghan war of 1979-1989, special forces units proved their effectiveness, they engaged in reconnaissance, destroyed caravans with weapons and gangs of dushmans.

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INTELLIGENCE TROOPS For successful conduct modern combat It is necessary, first of all, to know the enemy well, his forces, means and nature of action. To provide commanders and staffs of all levels with this data, there is the most important type combat support troop actions - reconnaissance. Only where reconnaissance is carried out successfully and actively, purposefully, are combat missions accomplished successfully and with the least losses. On the contrary, poorly organized intelligence has always been main reason failures of military operations of troops. This is evidenced by the experience of conducting combat operations during the Great Patriotic War, during the actions of a limited contingent Soviet troops in Afghanistan, during actions to combat illegal armed groups in Chechnya.

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COMMUNICATION FORCES Military communications are an integral part of the management of the Armed Forces, its material basis. The efficiency of troop leadership and the timeliness of the use of combat assets and weapons largely depend on its condition and functioning. In its development, military communications have gone a long way and difficult path, inextricably linked with the history of the creation of the Armed Forces, changes in the forms and methods of their use, and the improvement of military art. From the simplest audio and visual means of communication for transmitting signals and commands directly on the battlefield to widely branched multi-channel, modern automated systems, capable of providing communications over an almost unlimited range with both stationary and mobile objects located on land, on water, under water and in the air - this is the historical path of development and improvement of military communications

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ENGINEERING TROOPS ENGINEERING TROOPS, special troops designed to provide engineering support for combat operations of troops. IN Russian army consist of engineering-sapper (sapper), engineering-road, pontoon-bridge, ferry-landing and other formations, units and subunits. They are equipped with a variety of high-performance equipment for complex, labor-intensive engineering work, various landing and pontoon-bridge means for crossing water obstacles at high speeds, and means for quickly creating anti-tank, anti-personnel and other obstacles.

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FORMATIONS, UNITS AND INSTITUTIONS OF THE REPORT Modern combined arms combat is, first of all, characterized by widespread use nuclear missile weapons, participation in them large quantity troops. It is also characterized by great tension, maneuverability, high tempos, rapid and abrupt changes in the situation, and actions of subunits and units in separate directions and with separation from the main forces. Modern combat will require significant consumption of ammunition, fuel, lubricants and other material resources. During combat operations, it will become necessary to organize the evacuation and repair of a large number of armored vehicles, motor vehicles and weapons, as well as the evacuation and provision of medical care to the wounded and sick. Consequently, logistics support is one of the important factors ensuring victory in battle. It includes measures to organize and implement material, technical and medical support for troops. Rear units and subunits with reserves of materiel that are part of formations, units and subunits constitute the military rear. They are intended for their material, technical and medical support. Consequently, the military rear consists of the rear of divisions, regiments and battalions; it is the lower level that directly provides units, subunits and each serviceman with everything necessary for life and battle.

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RADIATION, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROTECTION TROOPS Radiation, chemical and biological defense troops are special troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Their main purpose is to organize the protection of troops, the population and rear facilities from radiation, chemical and biological hazards both in peacetime and in wartime. Thus, the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops are currently entrusted with the following tasks: detection and detection of nuclear explosions; conducting radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance, dosimetric and chemical monitoring; assessment of the radiation, chemical and biological situation after the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction, destruction (accidents) of radiation, chemical, and biologically hazardous objects; carrying out special treatment of personnel, weapons, equipment, disinfection of areas and military facilities; control over changes in the degree of contamination of the area with radioactive products; inflicting casualties on the enemy using incendiary weapons; aerosol counteraction to enemy high-precision weapons and reconnaissance equipment; implementation of aerosol (smoke) camouflage of troops and objects; supplying formations and units with weapons and means of radiation, chemical and biological protection; repair of weapons and radiation, chemical and biological protection equipment; assessment of consequences and forecasting of possible radiation, chemical and biological conditions; liquidation of consequences of accidents (destructions) at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous facilities.

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PARTS AND DIVISIONS OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT Special technical support includes: - nuclear technical; - rocket technology; - technical and metrological. In turn, technical support along with support by type of equipment: - artillery and technical; - tank technical; - auto technical; - engineering and technical; - chemical and technical; - aviation engineering (including technical support for logistics services); - technical support for communications and automated control systems.

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FIGHTER-BOMBER AVIATION is a branch of military aviation; designed to destroy enemy air and ground assets. It is armed with jet supersonic fighter-bombers. FIGHTER-BOMBER AVIATION is a branch of military aviation; designed to destroy enemy air and ground assets. It is armed with jet supersonic fighter-bombers

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ATTACK AVIATION ATTACK AVIATION is a type of combat aircraft designed to destroy, as a rule, small and mobile ground (sea) targets. The main task of attack aviation is air support for ground forces and naval forces. Organizationally, attack aviation formations can be included in army (military), front-line (tactical) aviation and naval aviation (Navy), and in a number of foreign armies - also in carrier aviation or marine aviation.

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FIGHTER AVIATION FIGHTER AVIATION is a type of military aviation; designed to destroy enemy air assets.

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RECOVERY AVIATION Reconnaissance aviation, a type of long-range (strategic), front-line aviation and naval aviation, designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance in order to obtain information about the enemy in land and sea (ocean) theaters of military operations. In the armies the most developed countries R. a. is armed with manned aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles with special technical equipment that allows reconnaissance day and night in various ways: visually, photographing and radar detection. In Russia, aircraft for aerial reconnaissance were first used during maneuvers of troops of the Petrograd, Warsaw and Kyiv military districts in 1911. In World War 2, the number of aircraft specially equipped for aerial reconnaissance and used to perform reconnaissance missions increased sharply. To the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 in the Soviet Armed Forces for conducting aerial reconnaissance the following aircraft were used during the day: Su-2, Pe-2, Pe-3, Il-2 and Il-4; at night - SB, DB-3, R-5 and Po-2 aircraft. In the post-war years, the army received modern jet aircraft equipped with high-quality photo and electronic equipment; its units and subdivisions, in addition to flight units, included ground units with equipment for darkroom and photogrammetric work.

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TRANSPORT AVIATION Military transport aviation consists of airborne transport and special aviation. Its main tasks are: air transportation of troops to the areas of the combat unit during the strategic deployment of the Armed Forces, air transport troops, military equipment and cargo to areas of armed conflicts; air transportation in the interests of maneuvering aviation formations and units in order to create new aviation groups and strengthen those operating in the most important strategic directions.