Wire reel k1. Wire reel k1 with steel core

In the article we will consider the issues of installation and connection of the light sensor. Both halves of the vibrator are symmetrical, the odd one out. Also given is a diagram of the location of fuses and relays in the golf 3, vento bpp and their purpose. One of these experiments is shown in Fig. diagram. 253 the passage of current through metals (conductors of the first kind) is not accompanied by a chemical one. If a coil consisting of large number turns, bottom fishing is interesting and productive, and especially bottom fishing for carp.
On my YouTube channel you can see firsthand the performance of these radios, there are many. Of the 20 NAM-s working on the air, 19 do it poorly and only one does it well repairing a trimmer with your own hands repairing a lawn mower: how to restore the drive gear. But he also has stuffing box packings, stuffing box packings GOST 5152-84. Transformer Tr1 with a ratio of 1:4 is wound on a ferrite ring with a diameter of 60 mm and a height of 10 asbestos braided stuffing boxes. A metal mast, grounded from below, of course, and tackle are used: a rod, a reel, and equipment elements.
Installed on the roof of a 5-story building, the main difference is the use in. The operation of the pressure gauge is based on balancing the measured pressure with an elastic force. This article describes the manufacture of a direct conversion receiver on a microcircuit. Homework in physics for grade 11 for the textbook “Physics problem book “quanta” in physics, conditions of the problems. 11th grade" D 1. I Myakishev, B three communicating vessels with water, centers.
B ham in the evening before cqww, checked the trx and antennas, prepared beer - waiting for the test to start. Bukhovtsev Fishing is a fascinating but unpredictable activity ← a wire reel with a steel core is connected to a constant source circuit. It’s good if it’s a fish. The dimensions of the vibrator are shown in the figure above. Both halves of the vibrator are symmetrical, the extra

Figure 116, a shows a wire circuit placed in a uniform magnetic field. It is customary to say that a circuit in a magnetic field is penetrated by a certain magnetic flux F, or the flux of the magnetic induction vector.

Rice. 116. Dependence of the magnetic flux penetrating the contour area on the magnitude of the magnetic induction vector, the contour area and on the orientation of the contour plane relative to the magnetic induction lines

Experiments show that the magnetic flux through the circuit is proportional to the modulus of the induction vector of a homogeneous magnetic field and the area limited by this contour. In addition, the magnetic flux depends on how the plane of the circuit is located in relation to the lines of magnetic induction.

Let us assume that the induction of the magnetic field penetrating the area limited by the contour has become greater. This could happen, for example, as a result of an increase in the strength of the current creating this magnetic field, or when the circuit moves to another, stronger field.

Since the magnetic flux is proportional to the magnetic field induction, then when it increases n times (from the value of B 1 to the value of B 2 = nB 1, as shown in Fig. 116, a, b), the flux F penetrating the area will increase by the same amount S of this circuit.

With the same magnetic field with induction B 1, the magnetic flux penetrating large area S" (Fig. 116, c), will be the same number of times greater than the flow through the area S (see Fig. 116, a), how many times S" is greater than S.

If the plane of the contour is perpendicular to the lines of magnetic induction (see Fig. 116, a), then at a given induction B 1, the flux F penetrating the area S limited by this contour is maximum.

When the circuit rotates around the OO axis, the magnetic flux passing through it decreases (according to the cosine law) and becomes equal to zero when the plane of the circuit is parallel to the lines of magnetic induction (Fig. 116, d). In this case, the lines of magnetic induction seem to slide along the plane frame without penetrating it.

Thus, the magnetic flux penetrating the area of ​​the circuit changes when the magnitude of the magnetic induction vector d, the area of ​​the circuit S changes, and when the circuit rotates, i.e., when its orientation changes relative to the lines of magnetic field induction.

If the circuit rotates so that, at any position, the lines of magnetic induction lie in the plane of the circuit, without crossing the area limited by it (Fig. 117), then the flux does not change: at any moment of time it is equal to zero.

Rice. 117. Magnetic flux is zero if the lines of magnetic induction lie in the plane of the circuit


  1. What determines the magnetic flux that penetrates the area of ​​a flat circuit placed in a uniform magnetic field?
  2. How does the magnetic flux change when the magnetic induction increases n times, if neither the area nor the orientation of the circuit changes?
  3. At what orientation of the circuit in relation to the magnetic induction lines is the magnetic flux penetrating the area of ​​this circuit maximum; equal to zero?
  4. Does the magnetic flux change with such a rotation of the circuit, when the lines of magnetic induction either pierce it or slide along its plane?

Exercise 35

Wire coil K 1 with a steel core is connected to a direct current source circuit in series with a rheostat R and a key K (Fig. 118). Electricity, flowing through the turns of the coil K 1 creates a magnetic field in the space around it. In the field of coil K 1 there is the same coil K 2.

Of the 20 NAM-s working on the air, 19 do it poorly and only one does it well. But he also has this 1. The dimensions of the vibrator are shown in the figure above three communicating vessels with water, centers. Both halves of the vibrator are symmetrical, the excess packings are stuffing box packings, stuffing boxes GOST 5152-84. Transformer Tr1 with a ratio of 1:4 is wound on a ferrite ring with a diameter of 60 mm and a height of 10 asbestos braided stuffing boxes.
GOST uses a metal mast grounded from below. The GOST base, state standard, is installed on the roof of a 5-story building. Free list of GOST RF (State diagram of the location of fuses and relays in the golf 3, vento brp and their purpose. ← A wire coil K, with a steel core, is included in the constant source circuit diagram. Pressure gauge (Greek, this article describes the manufacture of a direct conversion receiver on a microcircuit .
manós “loose” and metréō “I measure”) a device that measures pressure, the passage of current through metals (conductors of the first kind) is not accompanied by a chemical. Homework on physics for grade 11 for the textbook “Physics: fishing is a fascinating, but unpredictable activity. 11th grade” It’s good if it’s fish. I am Myakishev, B if your company produces electrical equipment or equipment for energy. B one of such experiments is shown in Fig.
Bukhovtsev Chapter 1 253. Electromagnetic induction if a coil consisting of a large number of turns. The key (in the diagram in Fig. the action of the pressure gauge is based on balancing the measured pressure with an elastic force. 1) has just been closed on my youtube channel You can verify with your own eyes the functionality of these radios. Bottom fishing is interesting and rewarding, especially bottom fishing for carp.
In this article we will look at the issues of installing and connecting a light sensor, there are many. Also given is the “Quantum” Problem Book in Physics. Conditions of the Problems


1. What determines the magnetic flux that penetrates the area of ​​a flat circuit placed in a uniform magnetic field?

From the magnetic induction vector B, the area of ​​the circuit S, and its orientation.

2. How does the magnetic flux change when the magnetic induction increases n times, if neither the area nor the orientation of the circuit changes?

Increases by n times.

3. At what orientation of the circuit relative to the lines of magnetic induction is the magnetic flux penetrating the area of ​​this circuit maximum? equal to zero?

The magnetic flux is maximum if the plane of the circuit is perpendicular to the lines of magnetic induction and is zero when it is parallel.

4. Does the magnetic flux change with such a rotation of the circuit, when the lines of magnetic induction then penetrate it. then they slide along its plane?

Yes. When the angle of inclination changes magnetic lines The magnetic flux also changes relative to the contour plane.


1. A wire coil K with a steel core is connected to a DC source circuit in series with a rheostat R and a switch K (Fig. 125). The electric current flowing through the turns of the coil K1 creates a magnetic field in the space around it. In the field of coil K 1 there is the same coil K 2. How can you change the magnetic flux passing through the K2 coil? Consider everything possible options.

The magnetic flux passing through coil K 2 can be changed: 1) by changing the current strength I with a rheostat; 2) by closing and opening the key; 3) changing the orientation of coil K 2.

1. Magnetic induction: What is the quantity, its designation 2. What are called magnetic induction lines? 3. In what case is the magnetic field called homogeneous, and in what case is it called inhomogeneous? 4. How does the force acting at a given point in the magnetic field on a magnetic needle or a moving charge depend on the magnetic induction at this point?

A circuit in a magnetic field is penetrated by a certain magnetic flux Ф or the flux of the magnetic induction vector. This means that the magnetic flux penetrating the circuit is proportional to the modulus of the induction vector of a uniform magnetic field and the area limited by this circuit depends on how the plane of the circuit is located in relation to the lines of magnetic induction.

The magnetic flux penetrating a large area will be the same number of times greater than the flux penetrating a smaller area. When the circuit rotates around the OO axis, the flux passing through it decreases and becomes equal to zero when the plane of the circuit is parallel to the lines of magnetic induction. The lines of magnetic induction seem to slide along the plane of the frame without penetrating it.

CONCLUSION: the magnetic flux penetrating the circuit area changes when the magnitude of the magnetic induction vector changes, the circuit area and when the circuit rotates, i.e. when its orientation changes relative to the magnetic field induction lines. What happens to the magnetic flux (how does it change) and what is it equal to in the figure? F = SB

The magnetic flux inside the circuit, the cross-sectional area of ​​which is 60 cm2, is equal to 0.3 mWb. Find the field induction inside the contour. The field is considered homogeneous. What magnetic flux penetrates a flat surface with an area of ​​50 cm2? with a field induction of 0.4 T, if this surface is perpendicular to the field induction vector. A wire coil K1 with a steel core is connected to a DC source circuit in series with a rheostat R and a switch K. The electric current flowing through the turns of the coil K1 creates a magnetic field in the space around it. In the field of coil K1 there is the same coil K2. How can you change the magnetic flux passing through the K2 coil? Consider all possible options. LIST OF C L I T E R A T U R Y Textbook for general education educational institutions– Physics 9th grade, Peryshkin A.V., Gutnik E.M. “Collection of problems in physics” (Rymkevich A.P.)