Guides here are M46 Patton CR. From Pershing to Patton

Video WOT

Having ridden a certain number of battles and earned experience and , you have finally become the proud owner of a cardboard, but very prickly American top-end CT M46 Patton World of Tanks. In the M46 Patton video guide review, you will learn which sets of additional modules are best installed on it, what consumables to use, and what are the positive and negative qualities of this machine. Let's start with.

Combat use and gaming performance characteristics of the M46 Patton

To understand how best to use the “Raccoon” (this car has a lot of nicknames), you first need to understand its pros and cons.


  • high DPM of the top gun;
  • high shooting accuracy on the move, thanks to smooth running;
  • excellent dynamics;
  • the best view in the game;
  • large margin of safety;
  • very strong turret forehead.


  • very poor all-round booking (everyone and everywhere gets through you);
  • frequent fires and module crits;
  • high silhouette and visibility.

Using competently all the pros and cons of the car, the Amer turns into a terrible “bender”. But, nevertheless, this is an incomprehensible tank. There is no universal tactic for him. It all depends on the situation on the map, what composition is in the team, how much artillery and the situation. The M46 Patton is a creative machine. You will always have to come up with something and act solely according to the situation. This is an excellent simulator for straightening your arms, driving forward while shouting “Hurray!” It won’t work on this machine - everything will end in just a couple of meters. Your best bet is to roll with and use them as a human shield while supporting them with your formidable weapon. You can, of course, drive along ST routes, but in this case you must have a “pisyaty-four” in front of you: it will take (or rather not take) damage, and you will distribute it to spiteful critics. You also simply have to use your review for the benefit of the team. You will turn out no worse than . The only difference is that the Soviet needs to go directly into close contact with the enemy, while you can sit out at a distance from him. World of Tanks also has penetration zones for the M46 Patton and they are located on the tower.

M46 Patton tank video World guide of Tanks

Additional modules and consumables

Which modules to use on the M46 Patton WOT tank, of course, depends on the preferences of the tanker himself. But there are two popular assemblies. The first is a medium-caliber gun rammer, vertical stabilizer and improved ventilation. The second is a medium-caliber gun rammer, a vertical stabilizer and coated optics (to miss the best view in the game is simply blasphemy).

As for consumables, everything is standard - a first aid kit, fire extinguishers and a repair kit.

World of Tanks video guide

That's all. Good luck on the battlefields!

The M46 was the main US tank, but with the advent of the more advanced M47 Patton II tank, obtained by installing the turret of an experimental T42 tank on a modified M46 chassis, it was soon supplanted by it in the army and was completely withdrawn from service in the late 1950s - early 1960s. x years. M46s were not exported, with the exception of the temporary transfer of 8 tanks to Belgium for crew training.

History of creation

Since January 1945, as part of the program to create tanks for the post-war period, a project was being developed for a 45-ton medium tank, which was supposed to have frontal armor equivalent to 203 mm, a 76-mm gun stabilized in two planes, capable of penetrating 203 at a distance of 900 meters. -mm armor with a slope of 30° and equipped with an optical rangefinder. It was also planned to develop a tank radio rangefinder and a ballistic computer, an automatic loader for the gun and special tank engines - gas turbine and multi-fuel piston engines. In reality, the end of the war also entailed a sharp reduction in military spending. At the same time, the main efforts of the military and the bulk of the available funding were focused on the development of nuclear weapons, the carriers of which were the Air Force and Navy. The army received a relatively small part of the funding, both due to its lack of role in the nuclear forces and due to the uncertainty of its views on the future ground forces in conditions of nuclear war.

However, the M26 in service did not completely satisfy the military; The greatest criticism was its low mobility, caused by the use of an insufficiently powerful Ford GAF ​​engine, which provided the 42-ton tank with a specific power of only 10.8 hp. s./t. In addition, the tank's maneuverability and range were considered unsatisfactory. In the absence of funds for the development and production of a new, more advanced tank, it was decided to limit ourselves to improving the M26. To solve the mobility problem, a new specialized air-cooled tank engine AV-1790, developed by Continental Motors, was used in combination with a hydromechanical transmission CD-850. With a slightly shorter length power plant, AV-1790 developed a power of 704 (810) hp. With. versus 450 (500) for the old engine, and the CD-850 transmission provided more efficient maneuvering. Such a power plant had previously been tested on a series of experimental heavy tanks T29, developed during the war and the first post-war years. The M26 modernization program was initiated in January 1948. For installation in a medium tank, the engine and transmission were tested in a redesigned M26, designated M26E2 and delivered to Aberdeen Proving Ground in May 1948. Testing of the M26E2 revealed numerous reliability problems with the new powerplant, common when developing completely new equipment, but overall the results were considered positive. It was planned to install a more powerful 90-mm cannon on the modernized tank. T54, which provided the caliber armor-piercing projectile with an initial speed of 975 m/s versus 853 for the old one. As an option, the installation of a 76.2 mm cannon with a barrel length of 70 calibers and the ballistics of a naval anti-aircraft gun was also considered. However, in the spring of 1948, it was decided to leave the old gun, limiting its modernization to the installation of an ejector and a new muzzle brake, as well as the introduction of more advanced sights. The reason for this was the perceived lack of such heavily armored potential targets that would justify the introduction of a new gun with longer and heavier shots.

The deterioration of the international situation by the end of the 1940s caused a slight increase in the priority given to the tank program and, within the framework of funds allocated for 1948, the construction of a series of 10 prototypes of the new tank, which was designated T40, was planned. The future tank differed from the M26 in a new power plant and a change in the roof of the engine compartment associated with air cooling of the engine, which began to consist almost entirely of louvers. In addition, the exhaust pipes, instead of the rear sheet, were routed into the roof and rear of the tank, through mufflers installed on the fenders. In the undercarriage, a small-diameter roller was added between the last road wheel and the drive wheel, which served to maintain track tension when turning. In addition, the tank received a modernized cannon and sighting and observation devices, but this was not an external distinguishing feature, since part of the M26 was subsequently also rearmed with these guns.

Prototypes were assembled by the Detroit Arsenal. The second prototype T40 arrived at Aberdeen Proving Ground on 2 August 1949 and was used for technical testing, while the third prototype, which arrived on 8 September, was loaded to a combat weight of 43.4 tons and entered long-term reliability testing. The remaining seven T40s were also used in various test programs at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Detroit Arsenal and Fort Knox, with the final example retained at the factory for conversion into an armored prototype. engineering vehicle T39. Eight of the prototypes that arrived at the test site were later returned to the factory and upgraded to the M46A1 standard, and the remaining one was converted to test the power plant for the promising T42 medium tank. Based on test results, the Armament Committee protocol No. 32312 dated July 30, 1949 T40 was standardized under the designation medium tank M46 MediumTankM46). The same protocol gave the name "General Patton" to M46. GeneralPatton) in honor of General George Patton. The M46 became the first US tank to receive an official name in addition to the index.

General characteristics

Traditionally, we will start the review with general characteristics and we will analyze everything by category, and as the material is presented, I will make certain inserts reflecting the private opinion of the author. So, let's get started and consider, as usual, the strength and weight of the tank as the first characteristics.

Figure 2. Full specifications M46 "Patton"

As you can see, I decided to slightly change the graphical form of describing the characteristics of the tank, to a more expanded one, let's see what comes of it, if you prefer the old type of image with brief characteristics(like in the game), then write about it in the comments.

Strength and weight


The strength of the tank is one of its strengths - 1650 HP with the stock turret, and 1700 with the top turret, this is a very good indicator, considering that the T-54 has 1550hp, as well as the Laura and WZ-120 ", and only the "E-50" is equal to us in terms of safety margin. Of course, the E-50 has more powerful frontal armor, but the M46 wins due to speed, maneuverability and a certain tightness (unlike the E-50, which is very tall).

A large margin of safety allows us to remain in service longer. For example, we can, having received three penetrations from “Ferdinand”, still drive up close to it and dismantle it with the remaining margin of safety. Appreciate this resource and don't waste it.


The tank's mass of 45 tons is its plus and minus at the same time. The downside is that even despite the presence of a good chassis and powerful engines (704 and 820 hp, respectively), we cannot boast of the same rapid speed gain as, for example, the T-54, since the weight of the tank introduces physical adjustments. On the other hand, so heavy weight as for a medium tank (we weigh almost the same as the heavy IS tank) allows us to actively use a ram, as the German STs do, because the E-50 weighs 64 tons, and the E-50M - 67 tons. Of course, the Germans are stronger than us in this regard, but their excess weight often gives them surprises in the form of skids, and the height makes them an easier target. So we're at least pretty well balanced.


In stock we have a 101-mm hull and turret in the front, the top turret is not much different in terms of the thickness of the armor, but its elongated shape plus a strong gun mantlet do their job - the top turret very often averts trouble from our tank, even when it gets penetrated by a shell sharpens the gun in the mantlet or, cutting through some layer of armor, goes tangentially into the air without causing much harm to the tank. In any case, when it comes to the M46, you shouldn’t particularly count on armor, we are not equal to the T-54, much less the E-50, we are us and we win battles due to a powerful weapon, excellent visibility and good overall dynamics. Of course, we have armor, we are not as weak as the French, but this armor is just enough to prevent the tank from dying from the wind. In this respect, it most reminds me of the AMX 50 100 or the Soviet TT IS. Both have the required minimum armor - 100-120 mm plus streamlined shapes in the front part, but beyond that there’s no need to look for super-armor like the KV-4 or IS-3.

What can you say about the side armor? – 76 mm on the sides is not an indicator with which you can spit on every little thing like “T-34-85” or “VK3001(H). This means that it is better not to substitute the sides at all, but to rely on maneuverability and flank attacks. Fortunately, frontal armor gives us a chance to withstand damage from tanks like the IS-3, and therefore we can win back due to this, it has been tested and works.

I think there is no point in talking about the rear armor; all experienced tankers know that this is the weakest point of the tank, but on the M46 it is somewhat special. The fact is that in the rear of the hull we have only 50 mm and this is only enough to cover it from lung fire anti-aircraft guns, but the tower is a separate conversation.


Smoothly moving the conversation from the topic of armor, we will cover this issue, and at the same time we will learn something about the vigilance of this vehicle, so - the stock turret has 76 mm armor on both the sides and the rear. I must say that this is a pretty good indicator, but the whole point is that the shape of the turret has a somewhat outdated design and cannot boast the same “ricochetiness” as, for example, the T-54 or WZ-120 turret. Both vehicles have 200 mm of armor in the forehead and 160 mm of armor on the sides (although only 65 mm in the rear). Just imagine - 200 mm in the forehead and almost the same on the sides, and this despite the fact that both vehicles used a round, streamlined, flattened turret. Even if they only had 130mm of armor, even then their turrets would be much harder to penetrate than ours. Their towers are very strong and ricochety, but we also have our advantages. Both types of M46 turrets have a fairly powerful gun mantlet, which often absorbs damage, and the top turret is made so elongated that everything that goes to the sides of the mantlet will certainly fall into the bevels and almost always go into ricochet. And indeed, the two places where the top Patton turret is pierced into the forehead are the base of the turret and the commander’s cupola. Sometimes the damage goes just above the barrel into the roof, but this most likely applies to the most powerful guns.

Figure 4. Turrets for the M46 Patton

And what should we do with the stock turret - after all, it only has 100+1 mm of armor, and it doesn’t have such an intricate and ricocheting shape as the top turret (M46T119)? Don’t be upset, just take a close look at the shape of the stock tower - do you see how large and powerful the mask is, which almost completely covers the entire front part of the tower? This is ours little secret, I don’t want to say that we have a super-strong turret, but it tends to very often extinguish with this mask hits from fairly powerful guns of the 8th and even 9th level. At the same time, we are almost always penetrated, but the damage does not always occur; it is “extinguished” by the gun’s mask. So, knowing this secret, do not be afraid to tank with a tower; by doing this skillfully you can more than once confuse quite strong opponents. Among other things, the Patton stock turret (“M46M73”, which, in fact, is a slightly modernized version of the Pershing stock turret - “M26M67” - visibility is 120 meters greater and the turning speed is 2 degrees greater) has excellent visibility for both stock – 400 meters. In general, there is something to fight with, and there is something to tank the enemy with.

As for the top turret (M46T119), in addition to the forms described above, it also has 90 mm of armor in the rear. Just imagine - almost 100 mm of armor on the “back of the head”, this is somewhat reminiscent of the T34, which has 200 mm of armor at the rear of the turret. So sometimes we will catch miraculous non-penetrations from behind when hitting the turret, thanks to the strong armor and the special shape of the turret (in general, it is difficult to imagine such situations, because they are extremely rare for experienced M46 specialists who never stand still for long). In addition, the turret rotates very quickly – 40 degrees/sec and this is one of the best indicators in the game, because “Laura” has 38 degrees/sec, and “E-50” with the top turret only 30 degrees/sec. Only Chinese and Soviet medium tanks of the 9th level are better than us, they have approximately 42-44 degrees / sec for top turrets, and the same T-54 surprises with the rotation speed of the stock turret - 48 degrees / sec, probably this is one of the best indicators in the game.

And finally, one of the most magnificent advantages of the M46 turret, just like one of the main advantages of the tank in general, is its huge viewing radius, no one else has this except a couple of British ST levels 9-10. And our older brother, the M48 Patton, has the best visibility in the game, which has a sky-high range of 420 meters. In our country this figure is slightly lower and amounts to 410 meters.

With such visibility, we can perform the functions of a scout no worse than fireflies - install a stereo tube or optics, add “Eagle Eye” plus “Radio Interception” to them, and here you have the most sighted tank on the map. With such a view, you can shine the light on the enemy base on the “Lasvil” or on the “Ensk” from respawn, just move a little to the side - towards the water and towards the carriages, respectively. Thanks to its excellent visibility, our tank is able to earn a lot of credits and experience due to damage based on our intelligence data. So, if you are on the front line and at the same time cannot penetrate the enemy (for example, you collided head-on with an “E-100” or “T110E5”), then do not worry - half of what your artillery leaders and allied tanks shoot will go into your pocket . Therefore, it is recommended to actively shine on the M46 and shine again, you will see much more more enemies than anyone else, and the same sighted Briton as you “Centurion MK. 7/1" with significantly lower dynamics cannot compare with you in terms of initiative. That is, you can potentially illuminate many more targets than he can, since you get to key positions faster.

I’ll tell you a little secret - if you fully learn “Camouflage” (plus “Sixth Sense” just in case), you can collect 2-3 thousand damage without firing a single shot. For example, on “Westfield” you can stand in the woods in the center of the map on the right and if the enemy has a lot of ST or fast TT (such as “IS-3”), then they will rush along the lowland. In this case, all the artillery and those allied tanks that defend the lowland will work at your coordinates. Another example - on “Lasville” you climb along the serpentine road to the center and stand under a stone behind the bushes, and shine the entire map on the right side of the mountain, of course, you may encounter an enemy tank (or even two or three) on the way, which also went to this place, but if everything works out and you survive, then even with 10hp you can then shine for thousands of damage. In this case, it is important not to shoot at all or only at distant targets, so as not to unmask yourself (this is where the “Sixth Sense” skill is needed). What else does such a huge review give us, let's list:

  1. We notice opponents before they notice us (of course, unless they are standing in dense bushes and with a net, in which case the distance is reduced);
  2. By detecting enemies at extreme distances, we can fire at targets with impunity, while tanks such as the IS-3 often do not even see us;
  3. A large overview gives large bonuses for indirect experience, that is, you get more experience for damage based on your intelligence, while the level of profitability also increases;
  4. With good visibility and crews, we are less likely to be ambushed, since we see the enemy at considerable distances;
  5. A good overview often highlights several targets, not just the closest ones, and therefore gives work not only to allies, but also allows you to choose the most convenient targets

I think this will already be enough in terms of armor and visibility, and now let’s move on to the general dynamics of the tank.


Our chassis weighs 10 tons, can carry up to 45.05 tons, and at the same time has a maximum turning speed of 38 degrees/sec. This means that the tank turns very quickly, and the wide tracks provide good maneuverability on soft and medium soils. In this part, the M46 is very similar to the Soviet T-34-85, it is also excellent in terms of maneuverability, has excellent maneuverability and turns around very quickly on the spot. So if you have spent more than one hundred battles on the legendary Soviet tank, then getting comfortable with the M46 will be as easy as shelling pears. What else can be noted is that the difference in the carrying capacity of the stock chassis and the top one is as much as 4 tons, so attach best guns and modules won’t work right away, but in any case you can install torsion bars. In addition, we have a fairly durable chassis, which is traditional for the post-war series American tanks, so we sometimes absorb damage through movement. In combination with torsion bars, this effect is enhanced, and if we install anti-fragmentation lining, it will be difficult for us to knock down the tracks with a splash even from such monsters as the S-51.

Figure 5. Chassis M46 “Patton”

The thing is that having an initially strong chassis, plus, by strengthening it with torsion bars and reducing the damage from land mines due to the “Anti-fragmentation lining”, we increase its survivability by at least 30%. In addition, this combination of modules in addition to the “Bam Master” skill will help make ramming more effective. And this, combined with the considerable weight of the tank and high maneuverability and the ability to gain good speed even on difficult soils, gives us the opportunity to destroy and damage various targets with a ram, or at least those that are equal to us in weight or lighter than us.


We have three types of engines to choose from, and all of them have a 20% chance of fire, and therefore we must not forget about this problem. I recommend that you, at a minimum, carry a fire extinguisher with you, but if you are “Russian”, and therefore “what Russian doesn’t like driving fast” and you, of course, too, then do the following:

  1. Learn the “Cleanliness and Order” skill for the driver, this will reduce the chance of fire by 25% (the skill only works if fully studied);
  2. Teach the “Fire Extinguishing” skill to 2-3 crew members, this will allow you to extinguish the tank in a matter of seconds, even if you do not have fire extinguishers;
  3. Install the module “Filling CO 2 tanks” - this will reduce the chance of a fire in the engine compartment by 50% (this is the highest figure);
  4. If possible, use “Automatic fire extinguishers”, they not only instantly extinguish the flame, but also reduce the chance of a fire by 10% (nano technology, probably);
  5. Tie a sand cart to the tank (just kidding)

Now about the power - the stock engine (Ford GAN) is 500 hp. doesn't deserve special attention, we are more interested in the next one after it - the 704-horsepower Continental AV 1790-1. This engine is available to us for only 10,500 experience points, and therefore it can be researched very quickly. I strongly recommend that after the chassis, or even before examining it, you study this particular engine and here’s why:

  1. We immediately get +204 hp;
  2. The dynamics of the tank are changing dramatically, now it is a dynamic ST, and not an “under-armored” heavy vehicle;
  3. Increased dynamics allows us to seize the initiative and hit the enemy from the flanks, where most tanks can penetrate even with level 7-8 guns

That is, even with a stock chassis and a level 7 gun with 172 mm armor penetration, we will still cause damage and almost always be in the right place at the right time, and with our armor and in stock condition this is very important.

After us comes the top-end “Continental AV 1790-5A” with a power of 820 hp. and this makes it possible to make the M46, if not as nimble as the T-54, then to significantly bring it closer to these indicators, significantly increasing maneuverability, speed and reducing the time it takes to reach cruising speed.

In general, engines are very important for our tank, they allow us to quickly take advantageous positions, attack the enemy from unexpected sides, and this allows us to deal more damage and lose less of our own hp. So pumping engines should be given top priority.


The topic of guns for the M46 is a completely different matter. The fact is that we have five guns to choose from, but the strongest one is naturally the 105-mm top gun, two more 90-mm guns deserve attention, and two more make battles extremely difficult. However, even with a stock barrel you can fight, although the consumption of gold will be enormous (or silver instead). After all, the stock M3 gun is capable of penetrating a conventional 160-mm armor-piercing gun, and this, to put it mildly, is not enough to cope with the targets that we most often come across. But this weapon is capable of penetrating 243 mm of armor on average with sub-caliber weapons, and this is enough to hit even level 10 tanks at weak points. So there is only one question - gold consumption is a costly issue and you will have to farm to feed the stock Patton until it receives a top-end barrel.

The 7th level M36 gun, 90 mm caliber, is a kind of “golden mean”, slightly better than the stock barrel and not much worse than the pre-top gun T15E2M2. It is capable of penetrating 172 mm armor with conventional ammunition and 262 mm sub-caliber ammunition. The gun is short and relatively light (2080 kg), does not overload the tank and is less susceptible to vibrations when moving, is quickly aimed and is quite accurate. A weapon similar in terms of performance characteristics is installed on the “Superpershing” and it has proven that it can be used to fight with gold in the kit. What I like most is the fact that this gun gives the tank an unforgettable and unique look; with it and the top M46 turret it looks very much like the legendary M41 Walker Bulldog. The tank looks very, very good, so for the sake of this unique look You can even sacrifice gold for shells. In the end, people play tanks for the sake of good emotions, and aesthetic pleasure from the sight of their favorite combat vehicle is one of the components of this complex of emotions.

In general, the weapon is very good, but it has only one significant drawback - it does not have an intimidation factor. That is, everyone is accustomed to the fact that the M46 is a threat, since it quickly appears from the most inconvenient directions and at the same time hits very painfully. You never know - the top gun does the same damage as the top IS gun - the 122-mm D-25T, that is, 390 units. Few people like to receive 400 units of damage at a time, and everyone perfectly remembers the shape of the formidable "Patton" - an elongated turret and a long barrel with a large muzzle brake at the end. Now imagine that they see you with an elongated top turret, but at the same time you have a short gun - which means that it is either stock or a little higher, but definitely not a top one, and therefore there is nothing particularly to be afraid of you. Many people think this way, and therefore behave more arrogantly, however, sometimes this plays into our hands. For example, powerful targets like “E-100” can ignore us; even if we drive into their flank and quietly stand behind a pebble, they still won’t pay attention to us, but will exchange fire with “IS-3”, “E- 75" and similar targets. But, in general, we can easily make two or three holes in the German’s sides, because the gold can penetrate 262 mm on average, and by the time he reacts, we will already have time to place a couple of shells where needed.

On the other hand, in battles like urban ones, when we may find ourselves in a situation where you and your opponent are standing around the corner of a building or shelter and both have less than 350 units of strength, the enemy will not dare to get out first in 80% of cases if you have a top barrel , since it is almost guaranteed to go to the hangar. But if we are standing with our favorite short-barreled 90-mm “M36” caliber gun, then the enemy will certainly notice this and attack, since he will be confident that he can inflict more damage at once than we can and will send us to the hangar. This is generally a typical situation of a collision with the “random Chinese” (I call them that because there are a lot of them) among the TTs - the IS-3 tanks. If we have a long-barreled gun, then we can “show off” to draw out the battle, and we only have two long-barreled guns:

  1. Top 105-mm "T5E1M2" - armor penetration of the base 218-mm BB, damage 319 units, rate of fire - 6.82 v/m;
  2. 90-mm caliber gun "T15E2M2" - armor penetration with the basic 180-mm BB, damage 240 units, rate of fire - 7.89 v/m;

Even if we have not yet upgraded a top gun, we can install a 90 mm gun that is very visually similar to it and thus mislead the enemy. Of course, if you meet an experienced enemy, and only you shoot at him, he will quickly determine by the damage what kind of gun you actually have. But, firstly, there are few such experienced tankers, and secondly, in the turmoil of battle it is not always possible to notice these nuances.

In any case, the best of the 90-mm guns, the one that was in the top configuration of the Pershing, the 90-mm T15E2M2, has very good performance:

  • Armor penetration/damage – basic – 180/240, sub-caliber – 268/240, land mine – 45/320;
  • Scatter – 0.37;
  • Mixing time – 2.3 seconds;
  • Rate of fire – 7.32-7.89 v/m;
  • Gun weight – 2250 kg

So it can be used quite successfully on targets up to level 9, but with tanks and tanks of level 9 and even some tanks of level 8 problems will arise and sometimes it can be so annoying that you want to quickly research the top gun , albeit for gold (meaning translation of experience). But I don’t advise you to do this, anyway, during leveling you will spend about the same amount on gold shells as on transferring experience, so you shouldn’t rush what will happen over time.

Note: 1 - full stock, 2 - top turret and 7th level 90 mm M36 gun, 3 - stock turret and 105 mm T5E1M2 gun, 4 - top turret and 90 mm T15E2M2 gun

What do we get with the installation of a top gun? Firstly, now we can penetrate 218 mm of armor on average with regular AP, and therefore we will use expensive gold shells much less often. Secondly, the damage from one projectile increases by about 70%, now we will be able to destroy enemy tanks much faster and take less risks, since we will have to crawl out to the enemy less often. Thirdly, a powerful landmine allows us to inflict damage on very strong targets that are difficult to penetrate even with gold, this saves us from situations where we can only shoot down the tracks and rely on the help of our allies Fourthly, the total damage for the battle that we were able to do increases inflict, as practice shows, with the installation of a top gun, the amount of damage inflicted on average increases by at least 50%.

We pay for all these goodies with three things:

  1. Expensive shells, cost more than a thousand, which is almost 4 times more expensive than for 90 mm guns;
  2. The rate of fire decreased by approximately one shot per minute;
  3. Accuracy dropped to 0.42 (from 0.37)

In general, it’s not much, but it’s still a little sad, because once upon a time the Patton was famous for its universal top gun and could shoot accurately even on the move, but now it has become much more difficult to do this.

Radio stations

We have two radio stations at our disposal - SCR 508 and SCR 528, the first has a range of 395 meters, and the second - 745 meters. It’s clear that you will need to get rid of the stock radio station over time. With a top radio station, there should be no problems covering most of the territory even on large maps, but for those who school years I went to amateur radio clubs and came up with the “Repeater” skill. Study it and get a 20% greater overview, however, why do we need almost 900 meters of overview, except to transmit data from the very nooks and crannies of huge maps to artillery experts.

Skills and Modules

I don’t want to elaborate on this point, since I have already described this for medium tanks more than once in my previous articles, read them and you will learn a lot. Here I just want to dwell on the specific features of the M46 tank.

Weak ammunition - traditionally for Americans, hits on the sides knock out the ammo. It rarely explodes, but driving with a damaged ammo rack is not very convenient, so we teach “Non-contact ammo rack” to the loader and set “Wet ammo rack”;

The engines have a 20% chance of catching fire, and although we are maneuverable enough not to expose the stern to attack, sometimes the tank is set on fire, very unexpectedly and in not the best conditions, under crossfire. Of course, it is very difficult to simultaneously retreat into cover with a burning tank, and also frantically try to press the required combination to extinguish the fire. And if you don’t want to take up the slot for “Filling CO 2 tanks,” then at least learn “Cleanliness and Order” and teach several people “Fire Extinguishing”;

The gun and speed are the breadwinners of the tank, and therefore rate of fire and accuracy are very important to us, and the Rammer and Vertical Stabilizer modules come in handy here. You can also install reinforced aiming drives, but priority still goes to the stabilizer, since you often have to fire on the move or from short stops. The rate of fire allows us to attack more often, which further increases our damage per minute. The skills “Smooth movement/turret rotation” will also not be superfluous, but first learn repairs mixed with camouflage, since it is important to repair tracks very quickly and at the same time you need the tank to be noticed as little as possible in order to more clearly use the advantage in visibility;

Weight of 45 tons and speed of up to 48 km/h allow the tank to be used as a battering ram, and very effectively. To make this process even more interesting and increase efficiency, you need to perform a combination of the following order:

  1. Anti-fragmentation lining;
  2. Ram Master;
  3. Reinforced torsion bars

In total, they will give a 30% increase in ramming power, and the protective effect of the ram will be even greater thanks to torsion bars (do not forget to expose the tracks to the attack, and not the tank hull itself)

Yield table

Now let's see how much a tier 9 medium tank will cost us. And although medium tanks are not as expensive as heavy ones, they are still quite expensive to maintain due to their high level.

As we can see from the table, for 10 battles without a premium account we earned 238,117 silver, and with PA this amount was 357,176. The total costs were:


This means that without PA we went into the red by:


And with a premium account our profit was:


That is, even with PA, the tank earns almost no money, which is not surprising, since we almost always fight in the “world of pain”, with tanks of levels 9-10, and a rare battle is completed without damage to the tank and with low consumption of ammunition and equipment, namely, these cost items form the high cost of maintaining a tank.

In terms of experience, we received 6469 without PA and 9704 with PA, that is, on average 640 units of experience per battle in the first case and 970 units in the second, respectively.

You can reduce the cost of a tank if you use 90 mm guns, but keep in mind that this technique only works if you are at the top of the table, and in other cases you will either have to get very clever or use gold shells, which is expensive.

To further familiarize yourself with the capabilities of this tank, I recommend that you look at this guide to the M46 Patton:


The M46 Patton is the predecessor of the M48 and the older brother of the Pershing, on the basis of which the Patton was created. This tank is distinguished by high maneuverability, good speed, strong tower with excellent visibility and a powerful, fast-firing weapon. Yes, we cannot count on strong frontal armor like the T-54 or E-50, but the sum of our advantages, with reasonable tactics, can give pepper to more eminent rivals. After all, coupled with good dynamics, few people have such a powerful weapon and just as much good review like "M46". The sum of these factors makes the tank both a sniper, shooting from extreme distances, and an excellent rusher, which is capable of both supporting the attack of heavy tanks, catching the enemy’s light by the tail, and entering into a clinch with a top-end tank and emerging victorious from the battle. And only the total lack of armor makes this tank not so powerful that it can be raised to level 10; on the other hand, this saves it from nerfs due to requests from the always dissatisfied part of the tank community.

And finally, I recommend that you watch a video of a very effective battle on the M46 Patton for general development and so that you know that on this tank, due to its cardboard armor, you do not need to go straight ahead, on the contrary, you need to actively use folds of the terrain, a system of shelters and means camouflage. In addition, on this video channel you will find many more interesting videos with replays of battles in World of Tanks and more.

Enjoy watching and good luck on the battlefields of World of Tanks.

IN game World of tanks Patton 46 is at the ninth level in the development branch of US medium tanks. Of the main advantages machines can be distinguished:
1. Damage per minute or DPM with a base value, excluding equipment and crew abilities, amounting to more than two and a half thousand strength points per minute. This indicator is one of the best among all medium tanks of the 9th level and is not particularly inferior to some medium tanks of the 10th level.
2. Best review at the level. It has a range of 410 meters and allows you to effectively detect opponents.
3. Elevation angles. In this indicator, the tank is one of the best in the entire World of Tanks game.
4. Excellent stabilization of the weapon in motion.

TO cons worth mentioning:
1. Large sizes.
2. Weak armor.
3. Not the best mobility and maneuverability
The combination of pros and cons makes playing on a tank very specific. Patton is rightfully considered one of the best cars to straighten your arms in the game.

History of the tank.
The American medium tank M46, also called General Patton, received its name in honor of George Patton, the commander in chief tank troops US Army during World War II. The M46 replaced the M26 and was mass-produced in the late forties of the 20th century.

Which perks, equipment and modules to choose.
As a crew perk, first of all we upgrade the sixth sense bulb, the Brotherhood of War, repair, camouflage, gun stabilization and visibility capabilities.
Let's analyze the equipment of the machine. We enhance the advantages of the tank with a vertical stabilizer, coated optics and a medium-caliber gun rammer. Please note that the stock Patton is one of the worst tanks in the game. Therefore, take your time and make sure that when you open the M46 you have enough free experience to research the top modules of the tank. Otherwise, you risk facing pain, suffering and permanent defeat.

How to play a tank correctly.
The main task when playing on this machine is the implementation of the PDM and the transfer of intelligence data to the allies. This information can be given while standing in the bushes or balancing on the edge 400 meters from the intended enemy. Our visibility, enhanced by coated optics, is almost 450 meters, and most opponents will see us from a distance of no more than three hundred and ninety meters. The distance can be determined using those posted on our website.
The second task, but not least, is to realize the capabilities of our formidable weapon. To achieve this, the tank has excellent elevation angles, an alpha strike of 390 points, and fast reloading. Good cross-country ability and a small rebound turret will also help us. It is not an insurmountable obstacle to enemy projectiles, but it is very difficult to hit.
The gun is not particularly accurate. You can only get into vulnerable areas of enemies with full aim. However, if you have experience playing Soviet heavy tanks, then you won’t notice anything unusual. Penetration with a standard armor-piercing projectile is 218. Of course, we will not be able to penetrate level 10 tanks head-on without gold. But a medium tank is not intended for head-on battles with heavy tanks.

Bottom line.
The tank can be called an ideal solution for improving a player’s personal skill. M46 is rare view a vehicle that has neither armor nor excellent dynamics. If you do not have a reliable escape route or cover, getting carried away by frontal attacks on the enemies that are waiting for you is strictly prohibited. You can immediately forget about armor. For every rebound or non-penetration, praise the FBR. But you won’t be able to stay away from the fighting. Shooting from long distances is ineffective. The sum of these factors will force you to better study the card's capabilities and develop good habit- before attacking the enemy, take care of a safe retreat, and also pay attention to the alignment of allied forces. Excellent windage angles will allow you to look into the sniper scope more often, as it will open up many new positions for potential shooting and allow you to find hot spots on many maps to shoot at unlucky opponents.
These skills will undoubtedly be useful to you on any other technique.

General Patton - In honor of General George Smith Patton, usually shortened to "Patton".

In 1946, the M26 Pershing tank, which performed well in the battles of World War II, was subjected to modernization, which included the installation of a new, more powerful engine, the use of a large-hydromechanical power transmission, the installation of a gun of the same caliber, but with slightly improved ballistic data, new system control and new fire control drives. The design of the chassis was also changed. As a result, the tank became heavier, but its speed remained the same. In 1948, the modernized vehicle was put into service under the designation M46 Patton and until 1952 was considered the main tank of the US Army.
In appearance, the M46 tank was almost no different from its predecessor, except for the fact that the Patton tank had different exhaust pipes installed and the design of the chassis and gun was slightly changed. The hull and turret design and armor thickness remained the same as on the M26 tank. This is explained by the fact that when creating the M46, the Americans used a large supply of Pershing tank hulls, the production of which was discontinued at the end of the war.

The M46 "Patton" had a combat weight of 44 tons and was armed with a 90-mm semi-automatic MZA1 cannon, which, together with the mantlet, bolted to the gun cradle, was inserted into the turret embrasure and mounted on special trunnions. An ejection device was mounted on the muzzle of the gun barrel to clean the barrel bore and cartridge case from powder gases after the shot. The main armament was supplemented by two 7.62 mm machine guns, one of which was coaxial with a cannon, and the second was installed in the frontal armor plate. A 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun was located on the roof of the turret. The gun's ammunition consisted of unitary rounds, most of which were placed on the bottom of the tank hull under the fighting compartment, and the rest were removed from the lower ammunition rack and placed on the left side of the turret and on the sides of the fighting compartment.

The M46 "Patton" had a classic layout: the engine and transmission were located in the rear of the vehicle, the fighting compartment was in the middle, and the control compartment was located in front, where the driver and his assistant (who was also the gunner from the course machine gun) were located. In the control compartment, the units were located quite freely, which cannot be said about the power compartment, which was arranged so tightly that in order to wash fuel filters, adjust the ignition system, service generators, change gasoline pumps and other components and assemblies, it was necessary to remove the entire power plant and transmission unit .

This arrangement was caused by the need to place two large-capacity fuel tanks and a large 12-cylinder engine in the power compartment. gasoline engine air cooling"Continental" with a V-shaped cylinder arrangement, which developed a power of 810 hp. With. and ensured movement on the highway with a maximum speed of 48 km/h. The Allison Cross Drive transmission had hydraulic control drives and was a single unit that consisted of a primary gearbox, an integrated torque converter, a gearbox and a turning mechanism. The gearbox had two speeds when moving forward (slow and accelerated) and one when moving backward.

The gearbox and turning mechanism were controlled by one lever, which served both to change gears and to turn the tank. The undercarriage of the M46 tank differed from the undercarriage of its predecessor M26 in that on the M46, one additional small-diameter roller was installed between the drive wheels and rear road wheels to ensure constant track tension and prevent them from being thrown off. In addition, second shock absorbers were installed on the front suspension units. Otherwise, the Patton's chassis was similar to that of the M26. The M46 tank was adapted for operations in low temperature conditions and had special equipment for overcoming water obstacles.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the M46 "Patton" medium tank:

Combat weight, T 44
Crew, people 5

Dimensions, mm:

length with gun forward 8400
width 3510
height 2900
clearance 470


90-mm MZA1 cannon, two 7.62-mm Browning M1919A4 machine guns, 12.7-mm M2 anti-aircraft machine gun


70 rounds, 1000 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber and 4550 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber
Engine "Continental", 12-cylinder, V-shaped, carburetor, air-cooled, power 810 hp. With. at 2800 rpm
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm2 0,92
Highway speed km/h 48
Highway range km 120

Obstacles to be overcome:

wall height, m 1,17
ditch width, m 2,44
ford depth, m 1,22


  • B. A. Kurkov, V. I. Murakhovsky, B. S. Safonov “Main battle tanks”;
  • G.L. Kholyavsky "Complete encyclopedia of tanks of the world 1915 - 2000";
  • V. Malginov. From Pershing to Patton (medium tanks M26, M46 and M47);
  • Hunnicutt, R. P. Patton: A History of the American Main Battle Tank;
  • S. J. Zaloga. M26/M46 Medium Tank 1943-1953;
  • Steven J Zaloga, Tony Bryan, Jim Laurier - M26-M46 Pershing Tank 1943-1953;
  • J. Mesko. Pershing/Patton in action. T26/M26/M46 Pershing and M47 Patton;
  • Tomasz Begier, Dariusz Użycki, Patton Cz.I - M-47.
First a little interesting information about the M46 Patton KR tank itself. The letters KR at the end mean Korea, this is where the tank fought and got this attractive coloring that attracts the attention of absolutely all players on the field. In the period from January 25, 9:00 (Moscow time) to January 31, 9:00 (Moscow time), you can purchase this premium tank in the store; there is a standard set (costs 1,650 rubles) and there is a premium package for 2,145 rubles. The difference is that the premium package gives 750 gold plus a gift of 1750 gold. Considering the minimal difference in cost, the second option personally seemed preferable to me.


Let's talk right away about the disadvantages of the tank that I discovered and noted for myself personally.

First- accuracy. The dispersion per 100 meters is 0.38 and this is a rather bad indicator. There is no point in shooting at long distances; at medium distances the tank sometimes misses, which was a little disappointing. In close combat, of course, there are no problems. I had several situations when at a medium distance I saw the side of the enemy, fired a shot and saw how the shell flew over the enemy, although I aimed the sight exactly at the target and the distance was completely small.

Second- mixing time. The tank belongs to the medium category, which means we will move more than others, and sometimes we also have to shoot offhand. But, stopping for 2.5 seconds for an accurate (or maybe not quite accurate - see point above) hit is almost equal to death. If you shoot sharply offhand or even on the move, then you won’t be able to hit without aiming.

Third- not the highest armor penetration. During all the time I played on this tank, I never came across equal opponents, there were always tens and nines, and they usually have better armor, it is quite difficult to penetrate them and you have to constantly go overboard, which makes you sweat excessively before each shot.


Now about those advantages that are difficult not to notice.

First- color. Yes, quite a lot of time has passed since the introduction of the tank into the game, but every time you get on the field, all the players look at you, write in the chat and point their fingers. There are not many tank skins that are so attractive in the game, hence the amount of attention. And, you will be lying to yourself if you say that this attention does not bring pleasure.

Second- This is a balanced tank. Everyone has been saying for a long time that the tank is not immature and that it is a fairly balanced premium tank. Nobody said that premium tanks would have any huge advantage. All characteristics are balanced, this gives you the opportunity to play the way you want and not adapt to the enemy.

Third - maximum speed. Here it is 48 kilometers per hour and this is far from the best indicator, but the tank accelerates quite quickly due to its weight and horsepower, in general it is quite maneuverable and, coupled with its weak penetration, this gives you an excellent balance. You can move from cover to cover, find weak spots enemy and quickly get to a convenient shot range.

Fourth- armor. Despite the fact that the tank is pierced by shells from the sides and rear like butter with a hot knife, the front part turned out to be quite stable and if you choose your positions correctly, it will not be so easy for the enemy to penetrate you. Strength, by the way, is 1450 HP.

Bottom line

It is also worth noting that in update 9.17 the tank was slightly improved. The armor of the turret's forehead was strengthened, hence the difficulty in penetrating it; the armor of the gun mantlet was increased to 203.2 mm. Of course, this will not cover all the shortcomings of the tank, but strengths became even stronger.

In my humble opinion, the tank is ideal for those players who like to play an active game, rather than stand in one place and hunt down the enemy. Speed ​​allows you to change position, thanks to the armor on the front, you can fire with equal opponents; with older models you will have to be cunning and approach from the flank. But, in fact, this is why we love World of Tanks - you not only need to shoot, but also think with your head.

Comments and reviews M46 Patton KR

2017-02-02 16:00:08 Ehllina Snezhkova:

2017-02-02 15:58:59 Ehllina Snezhkova:

2017-01-30 13:40:04 Guest:

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