Who is a choleric person: description of temperament, characteristics of communication. Who are you by temperament type: complete characteristics and features by age

Methods for determining and characterizing temperaments.

Each person is an individual and is not like anyone else. But there are still people who have similar character traits. This is due to temperament and psychotype. It is the psychotype that allows us to communicate well with friends and not find a common language with people we don’t like.

Temperament - stable combination individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with dynamic rather than meaningful aspects of activity. Temperament has nothing to do with social development and the peculiarities of personal upbringing, but it significantly influences the development of the individual.

Simply put, this is the speed of mental processes that occur in the nervous system. It is impossible to influence temperament, but it is possible to achieve its correction in order to eliminate negative qualities.

There are four main types of temperament. In life, it is difficult to identify a pure psychotype, since mixed variants most often predominate.

Temperament types:

  • Phlegmatic person. Among your acquaintances there are definitely individuals who are difficult to outrage with anything. They are very calm and patient. Sometimes there is slowness. But meticulousness and scrupulousness allows you to treat your work carefully. They are usually assigned difficult tasks that require patience. Sometimes such people are referred to as “Armor Man”.
  • Choleric. This psychotype is completely different from the phlegmatic person. It is characterized by increased nervous excitability. Choleric people usually get nervous over trifles, quickly waste their energy and cannot finish what they start. The mood changes very quickly. They tend to invent a lot and twist reality.
  • Sanguine. This psychotype is similar to a choleric person, but his mental reactions are more stable. Such people are very lively and active in communication. It is difficult not to notice such a person, since his facial expressions are very expressive. They respond quickly to everything that comes. Unlike choleric people, they are more persistent and can finish what they start.
  • Melancholic. Nervous excitability is high, very emotional temperament. Such people often live in their own experiences, not noticing reality. Quite whiny and pessimistic.

This is a fairly bright psychotype, which has both negative and positive sides.

Negative aspects of choleric:

  • Can't stand being defeated by others
  • Impatient, always in a hurry, which is why they end up in unpleasant situations
  • Emotional and truthful. People often get offended by them for this
  • Hysterical. The slightest unpleasant word can cause a storm of emotions and indignation
  • Superficial. They rarely delve into the essence of the problem; they are not interested in digging into something and delving into it
  • They quickly get to work, but just as quickly they quit what they started without finishing it

Positive qualities of a choleric person:

  • Fast and agile. Can instantly complete assigned tasks
  • Decisive. They always know what to do in a specific situation without hesitation
  • They are not afraid of change. Always go on adventures
  • They don't hold grudges. They move away quickly and don't get angry
  • Designer
  • Geologist
  • Artist
  • Photographer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Advertising agent

It is better to give preference to a flexible schedule rather than hourly work. Choleric people are better off working for results rather than spending hours in the office.

Choleric - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and types of activities

This is one of the most pleasant psychotypes. Unlike choleric people, they are emotionally stable.


  • Superficiality
  • Haste
  • Reluctance to delve into the depth of the situation
  • Frivolous
  • They like to brag
  • No sense of proportion


  • Leaders. They often take on the task of organizing some kind of community and succeed in this matter.
  • Stress-resistant and harmonious. They try not to react painfully even to the most unpleasant situations. It's hard to piss them off.
  • Rarely suffer mental illness. Due to their stable psyche, there are no patients among them in mental hospitals.
  • Optimistic. Even in the most difficult situations they try to find something positive.
  • Administrator
  • Teacher
  • HR Manager
  • Economist
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer

Sanguine person - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Quite a complex psychotype with unstable reactions.


  • Gullible
  • Creative personalities
  • Prone to compassion
  • Friendly
  • They know how to listen
  • Loyal to your soulmate
  • good friends


  • Prone to depression
  • Pessimistic
  • Prone to criticism
  • They don’t know how to communicate with people and don’t want to
  • Avoid noisy companies
  • System administrator
  • Programmer
  • Librarian
  • Editor

Melancholic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

People with this psychotype are the golden mean between other temperaments. They are balanced, calm and positive.


  • Workaholics. These are the worker bees of society, the best workers
  • Stress-resistant. It's very difficult to piss them off
  • Patient. They endure for a long time not because it is necessary, but because everything suits them
  • Purposeful. They methodically carry out their work and bring it to completion.


  • They don't like change. For them, moving is a natural disaster.
  • Difficult to find common language with people. They are generally not very sociable by nature.
  • Inhibited. They are often lazy and do not strive for anything. Complete absence initiatives
  • Engineer
  • Vet
  • System administrator
  • Dispatcher
  • Laboratory assistant
  • Jeweler

Phlegmatic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Pure psychotypes are very rare. Usually these are various variations of two or more temperaments.

Mixed temperaments:

  • Phlegmatic/sanguine. Active, but not in a hurry, have a lot of friends, like to be in company, but not attract much attention. Stress-resistant, efficient. They can speak beautifully, but also remain silent when necessary.
  • Melancholic/phlegmatic. Reserved, scrupulous and pessimistic. They are often depressed, but quickly get out of it. They love to do one thing and see it through to the end.
  • Sanguine/choleric/phlegmatic. Balanced and very active psychotype. They always attract attention and achieve success in business. They get along well with people, but dominate when necessary.
  • Choleric/sanguine. Strong, caring, able to communicate with people. These are always leaders and individuals prone to dominance. Active and purposeful.
  • Choleric / sanguine / melancholic. Active and purposeful, but at the same time ready to make concessions. They perform well in front of an audience and can lead.
  • Phlegmatic/choleric. They finish what they started. They love stability and always stand their ground. They try to dominate, although they don’t always succeed.
  • Sanguine/melancholic. Persuasive, critical and persistent. They are trying to turn the situation in their favor. True friends, picky, do not like speaking in public.
  • Melancholic / sanguine / phlegmatic. They do everything according to the rules, are not aggressive, caring and secretive. Kind to people and sensitive. Good friends and helpers.
  • Melancholic / phlegmatic / choleric. Stable, cautious and persistent. Caring and positive. Too critical and demanding.

There is a certain method for determining a psychotype. At the same time, you should not expect that you will receive 100% belonging to any a certain type. Usually this is the percentage of different psychotypes in one person.

To determine the types of temperament, the psychological methodology of the English psychologist G. Eysenck is used, who developed a two-factor model, the main characteristics of which are extroversion and neuroticism.

VIDEO: Determination of psychotype, G. Eysenck test

Determining your temperament type will allow you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and adjust your behavior.

VIDEO: 11 tests for each

Temperament is a set of psychophysiological characteristics of a person. Temperament is divided into 4 main types, which have their own characteristics and characteristics that can briefly tell about a person.

Temperament test

To find out what type of person you are, we recommend taking a temperament test.

I am fussy and restless.

I am a cheerful person.

I am restless and hot-tempered.

I'm usually calm and cool-headed.

I can be suspicious and suspicious.

I am sharp and straightforward in my communication.

Sometimes I listen to someone inattentively, without delving into the essence of the story.

In work and in life, I adhere to the usual pattern.

I am usually reasonable and careful.

I can easily tolerate loneliness.

I place high demands on myself and those around me.

I easily get involved in new work, and also switch from one type of activity to another.

I am very resourceful in an argument.

I prefer to hide my thoughts from others.

I am neat and like order in everything.

Even in difficult and unforeseen circumstances, I do not lose my composure.

I'm easily offended.

I often take risks.

I usually fall asleep and wake up without difficulty.

I am lenient when it comes to jokes directed at me.

Failures depress me.

Personality type test



Phlegmatic person


General information

The concept of “temperament” was first introduced by the ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates. His theory of 4 types of personality is based on the predominance of one or another liquid in the body or, as the scientist called it, “vital juice.”

Accordingly, based on this hypothesis, 4 main personality types were identified:

  • choleric - predominance of bile (from other Greek chole - bile);
  • sanguine - predominance of blood (from Latin sanguis - blood);
  • phlegmatic - predominance of phlegm (from other Greek phlegma - phlegm, “phlegm”);
  • melancholic - predominance of black bile (from other Greek melas chole - black bile).

Later, the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov emphasized not only physiological characteristics personalities, but also their similar mental characteristics. He noticed that each personality type is characterized by a certain set of basic innate properties nervous system.

In addition, each personality type is characterized by certain pronounced character traits and possible mental pathologies:

  • choleric - impulsiveness and aggression, diseases - impulsive personality disorder;
  • sanguine - mobility, sociality, self-confidence, diseases - hypomania;
  • phlegmatic - social withdrawal, self-absorption, diseases - schizoid personality disorders;
  • melancholic - sadness, cowardice, depression, weakness, illness - anxious personality disorder.

As a rule, it is customary to distinguish 3 areas of manifestation of temperament:

  • general activity level;
  • level of emotionality;
  • features of the motor sphere.

General activity is expressed in the degree of human interaction with the surrounding world - both natural (nature) and social.

The motor or motor sphere determines the speed of reactions, rate of speech, speed and clarity of movements.

Emotionality is characterized by receptivity, sensuality and speed of change emotional state and moods.

Typology and properties of temperament

To correctly draw up a psychological profile, it is necessary to take into account 9 basic properties of temperament.

  1. Sensitivity is the threshold strength of external influences that can cause a minimal reaction.
  2. Reactivity is the number of reactions to an external stimulus.
  3. Activity - determines how fast a person’s actions are (physiological and mental processes).
  4. The ratio of activity and reactivity determines what motivates a person more: his own emotions or external factors and society.
  5. Plasticity is a person’s ability to adapt to a specific situation and adapt in life.
  6. Rigidity - determines a person’s inertia and how accustomed he is to “go with the flow.”
  7. Rate of reaction - speed of speech, facial expressions and gestures, clarity of thinking and speed of mental reactions.
  8. - psychotypes that determine the source of energy: internally “I” or the external world.
  9. Emotional excitability - talks about how quickly a certain reaction occurs to any irritating factor.

Depending on how the combination of these factors develops, a person’s temperament is determined.

Having put all the “puzzles” of personality types together, we can briefly characterize the types of temperament as follows:

  1. Sanguine is fast and cheerful, hot and sociable. Such a person is “alive” - his actions can outpace his thoughts, he easily puts up with minor troubles.
  2. Phlegmatic - unhurried in action, knows exactly what he wants from life. He is never in a hurry, even if he is catastrophically late. He shows perseverance in his work and often achieves success in his career.
  3. Choleric is the most unbalanced of all types. Characterized by frequent mood swings and periodic loss of strength. It quickly lights up with a new business, but also quickly goes out.
  4. Melancholic - constantly worries, is very vulnerable and susceptible to the opinions of others. He rarely shows his true feelings to others, but he takes even minor defeats too close to his heart.

Description of types

Each personality type is special and individual. Next we will consider brief description, advantages and disadvantages of each type of temperament.


A personality type that is characterized by flexibility of thinking and pliability.

Anticipation of something new or unreasonable fear of the future can indicate a good sixth sense. But it doesn’t always “work like a clock” - in the article “” you can find several tricky tricks for opening the “third eye”.

A cheerful and active sanguine person quickly gets along with people and knows exactly what he wants from life. Such a person cannot sit still and is extremely skeptical about monotonous work. A sanguine person switches quite easily from one type of activity to another, and almost always succeeds in any endeavor.

Such a person is easily given control over emotions, he easily meets new people and is always open to communication. Facial expressions and speech are very expressive; a sanguine person loves and knows how to speak in public.


  1. The sanguine type of temperament is characterized by cheerfulness, energy, cheerfulness, and responsiveness.
  2. The mood tends to change often, but generally a good mood prevails.
  3. Feelings of affection, hostility, joy and grief arise quickly in sanguine people, but they are shallow.
  4. Quickly grasps everything new and interesting.
  5. Quickly switches from one type of activity to another.
  6. He experiences his failures and troubles easily.
  7. Easily adapts to various life circumstances.
  8. Has good performance and endurance.
  9. He takes on any new business with enthusiasm.
  10. Characterized by loud, hasty, but at the same time clear speech, accompanied by active gestures and expressive facial expressions.
  11. When communicating with new people, he does not feel fear or constraint.
  12. Maintains self-control in stressful, critical situations.
  13. He is able to defend himself with arguments and at the same time tries to normalize the situation.
  14. Quickly wakes up and falls asleep.
  15. Shows persistence in achieving the assigned task and goal.
  16. Good organizer.


  1. If a sanguine person loses interest in the work he has started, then he abandons it without completing it.
  2. They don't like monotonous work.
  3. They tend to overestimate both themselves and their capabilities.
  4. The sanguine type is characterized by instability in interests and inclinations.
  5. A person with a sanguine type of temperament finds monotonous, everyday painstaking work a burden.
  6. Hasty in decisions, rash decisions, not collected.
  7. Unstable mood.
  8. It is difficult to develop strong-willed qualities.

To achieve success in their activities, sanguine people should not waste time on trifles; they need to be purposeful, careful, and diligent.

Phlegmatic person

Calm and measured, slow and absolutely balanced phlegmatic people are distinguished by their slowness and perseverance. They always clearly think through their every action, bringing everything they start to its logical conclusion. They are not used to giving in to difficulties and often become successful businessmen.

They are not used to showing off their feelings, for which they often receive the status of “cold” and “heartless.” Phlegmatic people are always in a stable mood and rarely succumb to external provocations.


  1. The phlegmatic type of temperament is characterized by calmness, composure, prudence, caution, patience, perseverance, balance and endurance, both in ordinary life and in a stressful situation.
  2. Shows consistency and thoroughness in his work, as a result of which he brings the work he begins to completion.
  3. Persistent and tenacious in achieving their goals.
  4. Phlegmatic people do not have a tendency to affect.
  5. Speech is calm, measured with pauses, without clearly expressed emotions, without gestures or facial expressions.
  6. Phlegmatic people are not talkative.
  7. Able to perform monotonous, long-term intense work.
  8. He calculates everything and does not waste his energy in vain.
  9. She adheres to a systematic approach to her work.
  10. They tend to adhere to the established, familiar routine of life.
  11. Follows the routine with ease.
  12. He has good self-control, which easily allows him to restrain his impulses.
  13. Unforgiving.
  14. Treats barbs directed at him condescendingly.
  15. They are characterized by constancy in relationships and interests, often monogamous.
  16. They love order and neatness in everything.
  17. In phlegmatic people, reason prevails over feeling.
  18. They communicate well with people of other temperaments.
  19. Has a good memory.
  20. Phlegmatic people are reliable people who are difficult to anger.
  21. The feelings of phlegmatic people are deep, but carefully hidden from prying eyes.


  1. Phlegmatic people are practically not susceptible to approval and censure addressed to them.
  2. They react poorly to external stimuli, so they cannot quickly react to new situations.
  3. Stingy with emotions.
  4. The facial expressions and movements of a phlegmatic person are inexpressive and slow.
  5. Thorough to the point of being boring.
  6. He starts work slowly and just as slowly switches from one task to another.
  7. Has difficulty adapting to a new environment and is slow to get along with new people.
  8. There are many stereotypes and patterns in life.
  9. Unresourceful.

Phlegmatic people should develop the qualities they lack, such as mobility and activity. Avoid the manifestation of such qualities as: inertia and lethargy.


The choleric type of temperament is characterized by decisiveness, initiative, and straightforwardness. Mental processes proceed too quickly, which makes people with this temperament somewhat unbalanced and abrupt. They are often unrestrained and hot-tempered, easily losing their temper even over trifles.

When communicating with a choleric person, you should be prepared for his irritability and impetuosity - people of this type can, in an emotional outburst, say nasty things that they will regret in a couple of seconds.


  1. Agile and fast.
  2. He gets down to business with passion, works on the rise, overcoming difficulties.
  3. Almost always resourceful in an argument.
  4. Forgiving and non-offensive.
  5. Has expressive facial expressions.
  6. The speech is lively and emotional.
  7. Able to quickly make decisions and act.
  8. Tirelessly strives for something new.
  9. He quickly falls asleep and wakes up, sleeps soundly.
  10. In a critical situation, he shows determination and drive.
  11. Feelings quickly arise and manifest themselves clearly.


  1. The choleric person is too hasty.
  2. The choleric type of temperament is characterized by sharp, impetuous movements, restlessness, imbalance, and a tendency to get hot.
  3. Not very patient.
  4. In relationships and in communicating with people, he can be harsh and straightforward.
  5. May provoke conflict situations.
  6. Stubborn, often capricious.
  7. Characterized by a sharp rise and rapid decline in activity, i.e. The choleric person works in fits and starts.
  8. Sometimes he does not delve into the essence of the problem, skims the surface, and gets distracted.
  9. Prone to risky behavior.
  10. Choleric people's speech is fast, sometimes confused, and passionate.
  11. Aggressive, very hot-tempered and uncontrollable.
  12. Inclined to drastic changes moods, nervous breakdowns.
  13. When his energy supply is depleted, his mood plummets.
  14. Intolerant of the mistakes and shortcomings of others.
  15. Touchy.

Cholerics need to learn to restrain themselves and not be arrogant. They may be advised to count to ten before reacting to a situation.


People with a weak nervous system are very vulnerable and vulnerable. They are often offended and take any criticism personally. They take failures very hard and reproach themselves for mistakes in life for a long time. They love to be pitied and look for protectors among stronger individuals.

In the life of a melancholic person, everything is always bad - even if there are a lot of good people, there is a good job and the house is full of prosperity, a melancholy person will find a reason for sadness.

Everything new puts people of this type into a stupor - spontaneous solutions to problems are alien to them, and if something does not go according to plan, it immediately leads melancholic people astray.


  1. The melancholic type of temperament is characterized by increased sensitivity.
  2. Melancholic people are able to perceive approval and censure.
  3. Makes high demands both on himself and on the people around him.
  4. They feel good about other people.
  5. At favorable conditions reserved and tactful.
  6. The emotional states and feelings of people with a melancholic type of temperament are distinguished by their depth, duration and great strength.
  7. Melancholic people are characterized by constancy and depth, acute susceptibility to external influences.
  8. In a familiar and calm environment, people with a melancholic type of temperament feel calm and work very productively.


  1. Melancholic people are distinguished from other types by their high emotional sensitivity.
  2. They have a hard time withstanding grief and resentment, although this may not appear outwardly.
  3. They keep their thoughts and experiences to themselves.
  4. Even minor failures are greatly experienced.
  5. Very shy, shy, vulnerable, secretive, indecisive, unsure of himself and his abilities.
  6. Always pessimistic, rarely laughs.
  7. At the slightest failure he feels depressed and confused.
  8. In an unfamiliar environment, he gets lost.
  9. A melancholic person is embarrassed when contacting new people.
  10. It takes a long time to adapt to a new team.
  11. Has a small circle of close people.
  12. Melancholic people have a tendency to loneliness, depression, suspicion, they become isolated and withdraw into themselves.
  13. They get tired quickly and need to take breaks while working.
  14. The melancholic type of temperament is characterized by weak, quiet speech up to a whisper, impressionability to the point of tearfulness, excessive touchiness and tearfulness.
  15. The slightest trouble or nervous environment at work can throw a melancholic person out of balance.
  16. At unfavorable conditions melancholic people are withdrawn, fearful, and anxious.
  17. Melancholic is the only type of temperament characterized by slight vulnerability and touchiness.
  18. Prefers to obey rules and authorities.
  19. On the eve important events always overly worried and worried.
  20. What a choleric person sweeps away on his way, a phlegmatic person does not notice, and a sanguine person bypasses, becomes an obstacle for a melancholic person. He gets lost, gives up, and it is at such moments that he needs sympathy and support from family and friends.

In terms of self-improvement and self-realization, melancholic people need to be more active, engage in organizational activities in order to feel their importance, confidence and increase self-esteem. This is also facilitated by physical education and sports, gymnastics.

Type Compatibility

The types of temperaments and character leave a special “imprint” on the relationships between people. In addition, personal characteristics bring some diversity to the behavioral reactions of all sociotypes and are reflected in their worldview.

When one partner suppresses the feelings and desires of the other, certain difficulties arise. In the article “” you can learn more about all the complexities of such relationships.

It can be very difficult for people with different temperaments to understand each other - their desires, aspirations and life rhythms are fundamentally different. But, despite individuality, certain trends are visible in the relationships of certain types.

  1. Choleric - phlegmatic
    One of the most successful combinations is that a phlegmatic person is able to balance a “violent” choleric person and, if necessary, will put him in his place. In addition, in work the phlegmatic person complements the more hysterical choleric person, directs him to the right direction and often places responsibility on himself.
  2. Melancholic - sanguine
    A good-natured and open sanguine person will easily console a whiny and pessimistic melancholic person. He will become a “light at the end of the tunnel” for him and will happily try to fill his depressed friend with vital energy. The compatibility of these personality types is extremely successful - a melancholic person will periodically help a sanguine person get rid of “rose-colored glasses,” and he, in turn, will make the melancholic person’s life brighter and more fun.
  3. Choleric - sanguine
    This is a rather complex combination, so an unbalanced and irrational choleric person will greatly irritate a logical sanguine person. In addition, such a couple cannot avoid frequent quarrels based on “pulling the blanket” - everyone will try to take the dominant position in the duet.
  4. Phlegmatic - melancholic
    The most depressing couple - none of the partners feel vitality, both rarely go out in public and are not used to communication. Their relationship is very difficult - they rarely understand each other’s desires and often complain about others.

If temperaments are not very compatible, partners should follow simple recommendations.

  1. In tandem choleric - melancholic, choleric people need to restrain themselves more, and melancholic people should not take everything so personally and try to abstract themselves from difficulties.
  2. Once in a phlegmatic-sanguine union, phlegmatic people need to try to show their feelings more openly and directly and not be so persistent and unapproachable in their behavior, and sanguine people should try to be more consistent in their deeds and more reliable in their promises. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to cope with their partner’s growing irritability.

If people have a similar type of nervous system, then the most favorable interaction is between two phlegmatic or melancholic people, somewhat worse - between two sanguine people, and very bad - between two choleric people.

Interesting to know! Phlegmatic people are the most balanced people; they are difficult to anger.

Melancholic people are impressionable, very vulnerable and touchy, but they are quite compliant and prone to compromise in order to achieve peace of mind. Sanguine people are independent and emotional, but easy-going. Noticing that the brewing conflict could take a serious turn, they easily compromise to restore balance in the relationship.

It is most difficult for straightforward, excitable and uncontrollable choleric people to maintain a balance in relationships, who often cannot stop in their statements and actions in time and therefore can offend others without meaning to.

Psychological characteristics of choleric temperament (choleric)

Choleric is one of the types of temperaments. The most lively, ardent, passionate, impulsive and impetuous, reacting quickly and vividly. A choleric person is emotional, easily excited, easily provoked by both laughter and tears: unbalanced.

Choleric - perpetual motion machine, a fidget, he always needs something somewhere: to rush somewhere, to do something.

A choleric person is a determined person who does not think about the consequences and often loses his sense of proportion. Freedom-loving, optimistic, often cordial in communication.

In ancient times, the choleric type of temperament was described very figuratively:

“Bile exists - it is unbridled in people.

A person like this strives to surpass everyone and in everything.

He eats a lot, grows well and is easily susceptible.

Always disheveled, crafty, irritable, bold and unrestrained.

He is slender and full of cunning, dry and with a saffron face.

Generous and generous, invariably strives for the heights.”

(Salerno Health Code)

According to the definition of I.P. Pavlova choleric is a strong, unbalanced type of nervous system. The nervous system of a choleric person is determined by the predominance of excitation over inhibition; the imbalance of his nervous system predetermines the cyclical changes in his activity and vigor.

Already in early childhood, people of the choleric type of temperament love to command and feel like the master of the situation. Choleric children who do not yet know how to walk are the first to completely subjugate their mother. A child can cry, get angry and be capricious for hours until he gets what he wants. In his family, he becomes a commander (sometimes even a dictator or tyrant). He doesn't listen to anyone and makes everyone dance to his tune. But no one will have as much fun, play and give thanks, love with all their hearts and uncontrollably express their joy as a little choleric person. He easily wins the hearts of adults and becomes the idol of the family. The child grows, and the type of temperament over the years, as a rule, retains its basic features.

Choleric temperament, in activity, characterizes a hot-tempered person. They say about such a person that he is too hot, unrestrained. At the same time, such an individual quickly cools down and calms down if they yield to him or meet him halfway. His movements are impetuous, but short-lived.

These are energetic, impetuous, combative, perky, courageous, confident, decisive, enterprising people. They get to work with passion. At a critical moment they can work long and uncontrollably with maximum concentration of strength. They quickly solve problems and overcome difficulties. Capture information on the fly. They remember quickly, without even having time to realize it, but they are quick-tempered, unrestrained, impatient, straightforward, and self-confident. They have poor self-control.

They cannot do monotonous, slow work.

Long waits or failures can make them angry. Trying to get results as quickly as possible, they begin to get ahead of events and fuss. They are especially depressed by the need to restrain their excessive activity.

People belonging to the choleric type are easily excitable, prone to emotional breakdowns, their speech and movements are rapid, their reactions are impulsive, and they are sometimes aggressive. They think quickly and are also capable of an instant system of polar feelings.

All mental processes occur quickly and intensely in a choleric person. Choleric is the fastest tempo. He speaks a lot and quickly, and answers his interlocutor without delay. He often interrupts when the interlocutor has just started talking about something; the choleric person has already understood everything and has a ready answer.

The predominance of excitation over inhibition, characteristic of this type nervous activity, clearly manifests itself in the lack of restraint, impetuosity, hot temper, and irritability of the choleric person. Hence the expressive facial expressions, hasty speech, sharp gestures, unrestrained movements. The feelings of a person with choleric temperament are strong, usually clearly manifested, and arise quickly; the mood sometimes changes dramatically.

Cholerics are efficient and proactive, they love difficulties and obstacles and know how to overcome them. Such employees always set clear goals, love their work and are ready to do anything if they are sure that they are right. They put existing plans into action, complete the work, but sometimes, due to too much enthusiasm, they can lose adequate orientation in the situation. The main thing for a choleric person is to achieve his goal. Here he stops at nothing. Often he reaches his summit alone, losing his like-minded people along the way. His loneliness is due to the inability of others to keep up with him and be as energetic. People can't keep up with his pace.

Such people strive for independent work and do not obey authority well, especially in cases where the leader is less developed than the subordinate - a choleric person.

A choleric person is good when having fun, because, as a rule, he is good with humor, but he cannot stand ridicule and irony addressed to him.

Cholerics are very fond of creativity, they are sociable, easily make new business contacts, and are often emotional and business leaders at work. They are valuable workers in cases where it is necessary to start a new business. They work well where business trips and meetings with new people are needed. You should not suppress the activity of a choleric subordinate; it is better to establish relationships with him good relationship and subject to your influence. You can interest such an employee with money, and most importantly, with the significance of his work. High goals for a choleric person empty word, he needs social recognition, service to the cause.

They are realists. Their heads are usually busy with calculations different numbers and time. Representatives of this temperament love to plan and are enthusiastic about their plans, but do not tolerate obstacles and delays well. They need to learn to listen to others and not immediately reject their suggestions.

By nature, these are aggressive and punchy people. The predominance of choleric traits promises success in work where pressure and unrestraint are valued (pioneers settling in harsh lands, overcoming obstacles).

The ideal job for this temperament type should offer enough challenge to occupy their time, but without the stress that comes with intense competition.

There is a job that no one can do better than a choleric person. Only a choleric person can calmly withstand frequent and long business trips. Only he knows how to instantly switch from one type of activity to another. It is the choleric person who is constantly in an active state, ready for quick decisive action.

Showing initiative is a constant factor in the existence of a choleric person. Going somewhere, making an agreement with someone, resolving issues over the phone - these are activities that a choleric person will do brilliantly. Only he needs to be given clear, concise instructions.

There is no point in explaining to a choleric the whole essence of the matter. It is better to pay maximum attention to specifics and the expected result. And, most importantly, under no circumstances should a choleric person be left without work. Initiative is a good thing, but it is better to keep it under control.

A contact, sociable and open choleric person can be a very good colleague. If he feels an unbiased (and even better - kind) attitude towards himself, he joyfully harnesses himself into working together and will willingly do both the largest and most difficult part of it. And if you praise him, he will generally “sow and plow” everything himself, freeing his colleagues from unnecessary effort.

However, a choleric person cannot stand being disliked or scolded.

If you convince him that he is not capable of this activity, then he may lose interest in work completely or begin to make mistakes. However, even in a good mood, he finds it difficult to carry out activities that require methodfulness and precision. He rarely completes such work, especially if everything is ruined by bad personal circumstances, for example, failures in love or the breakdown of his own car.

In addition, a choleric person is prevented from working regularly and smoothly by the eternal desire for novelty and variety. So don’t be surprised if, tired of tedious work, your choleric colleague leaves you alone (alone) to complete it, and he eagerly rushes to organize an intra-office party, or begs his superiors for some urgent business trip and drives off to distant lands.

People with a choleric character find it difficult to separate their profession from their personal life. They must respect the boundary between their career and family more strictly than others. They need to allocate time in their daily routine that will be “wasted” when they are available to their family and can do what they consider to be unimportant activities.

The imbalance characteristic of a choleric person is clearly associated with his activities. Over the years, gaining life experience and knowledge about his temperament, an energetic choleric person will learn to restrain his activity, and a clear vision of the goal, the ability to captivate oneself, and the desire to dominate in any situation allow choleric people to become excellent leaders over the years.

A choleric leader also has his own characteristics. A clear statement of the task at hand, open emotional communication, the ability to instantly assess the situation, increase employee motivation, control performers, manipulate people - qualities inherent in leaders. Such managers often have an authoritarian management style, with high control and criticism of employees who make mistakes. Allows himself to have a temper and can yell at a subordinate.

For a leader with a bright expressed type choleric temperament, only a large office will do. It will be a little cramped for him in a small one. His unbridled energy will “tear” the room into pieces. He is impulsive and impetuous, so he needs a decent amount of space so as not to jump over the table and chairs, but just run around them in moments of mental instability.

The main desire of a choleric person is to be first. First in everything. In the speed of renovation of the office and the delivery of that furniture, “which no one here has ever seen,” in the execution of the plan and exactly as he sees it.

Choleric is an active and energetic leader, with high motivation and “burning eyes.” His subordinates should be the same. He is an avid workaholic and demands the same dedication to work from his subordinates. A choleric leader likes it when his employees are like him. If he conducts interviews with candidates himself, he hires mostly choleric people. However, conflicts often begin between choleric people in a team, because choleric people are competitive people.

A choleric leader often confuses fairly intelligent, but not mentally mobile people with his onslaught. They perceive his assertiveness as rudeness. It hurts them and they become even more lost. He is annoyed by the inhibition of his subordinates when he does not see the emotions expected and acceptable to him. He must visually determine whether the employee understood the task or not. And it's best to let it show active listening(nodding his head, repeating the last phrase, etc. as a sign that everything is clear), i.e., he needs “ feedback"from an employee.

A choleric leader gives recommendations briefly and quickly, does not like to be asked again and clarified, does not like to repeat and explain for a long time. Subordinates are expected to have the same assertiveness in completing tasks, speed of decision-making, and independence. Although, in fact, it would be more comfortable for him (the choleric leader) to do everything himself, since no one can do the work better than him (in his opinion).

The choleric temperament of a leader has the advantage that it allows him to concentrate significant efforts in a short period of time, but during long-term work, a person with such a temperament does not always have enough endurance.

Rejoice if a choleric employee comes to work in your office. This is an opportunity to create the fastest growing structure.

For the immediate superior, a subordinate with such a temperament is luck, on the one hand, and a test of strength, on the other. This is an ambitious specialist. His leading need is new information and new experiences. Loves to learn and always strives to improve competence.

A choleric employee is active, proactive and energetic. He doesn’t need to be pushed, tested or specifically motivated to work: he is self-motivated for success and achievement. A choleric person can “move mountains,” but in a short period of time, while at the same time over a long period of time, he often lacks endurance.

Due to the high level of their mental activity, energy of action, swiftness, strength of movements, their fast pace this type of temperament will leave any opponent behind. Quick thinking allows you to immediately break down the assigned task into separate parts. Having assessed the abilities of his assistants, he quickly distributes tasks, well understanding who is in front of him and what kind of help he can count on.

He will select a suitable task for slow people, but he will do the most important and responsible work himself, leaving others to work out the details. When a group is needed to achieve a goal, he works in a team with great pleasure, because communication on business only increases his energy, and he never wastes time on empty chatter.

However, with subordinates who are choleric, the manager should be restrained, avoid a harsh tone, and instead of making comments, he should give tasks that would correct the mistake. The mistakes of a choleric person can be brought up for collective discussion, since choleric people are not afraid of punishment. Pointing out mistakes activates them and makes them strive for more. high quality work.

When reprimanding, the situation must be taken into account. The character and temperament of a choleric specialist who is criticized can give the exact opposite of the expected effect.

The difficulty of working with a choleric person is that he is practically uncontrollable. His actions depend on his emotions. It is necessary to find an incentive that will keep the choleric person from hasty actions and cultivate balance. One of the incentives could be a well-developed structure with stable income. It is also necessary to work with its structure, resolving conflicts and increasing its authority. Monitor his activities as often as possible. Treats shortcomings tactfully and publicly celebrates achievements.

In communicating with people, a choleric person admits harshness, irritability, and emotional incontinence, which often does not give him the opportunity to objectively evaluate people’s actions, and on this basis he creates conflict situations in the team. Excessive straightforwardness, hot temper, harshness, and intolerance sometimes make it difficult and unpleasant to be in a group of such people.

When organizing a team, you should always remember that choleric people work well with melancholic and phlegmatic people, but never with choleric people; rivalry will immediately arise, which may end in conflict.

Thus, a choleric person, for example, is best calmed and complemented in his work by his opposite - a phlegmatic person.

Another combination of choleric and sanguine requires mutual adjustment to each other, as a result of which leadership problems may arise.

It is more problematic to interact with each other in a choleric-melancholic pair. In a choleric-melancholic couple, choleric people need to restrain themselves more, and melancholic people should not take everything so personally, although this will not be easy for both. It is difficult for a choleric person not to hurt a melancholic person, whose touchiness affects both.

In a choleric-choleric pair, in extreme situation both can either bang their heads against the wall out of a sense of solidarity (if the situation consists of an external threat), or wave their hands too bravely in front of each other, which is unpleasant for both and serves as a reason for awakening mutual aggression.

The choleric-sanguine union is in some ways calmer. All their conflicts boil down to finding out “who is the boss in the family?”, but at the same time, the situation can be changed more by a choleric person than by a sanguine person (he is still more sensitive).

Choleric is melancholic. It will be a bit difficult. The melancholic person is sensitive to any statements, blames only himself for everything, which simply irritates the choleric person. And yet they are interested in each other.

Choleric-phlegmatic. The almost obvious leader is choleric. He resolves all issues related to the external environment. A phlegmatic person endures without hysterics stormy character choleric: in “bad weather” he simply goes to bed, and when he wakes up, he already sees a smooth surface of water.

Only patient people can successfully communicate with a choleric person. He should always be given the opportunity to develop his powers and use them for peaceful purposes.

Thus, a person who is very energetic, capable of devoting himself to a task with particular passion, quick and impetuous, prone to violent emotional outbursts and sudden changes in mood, with rapid movements is called choleric.

For example, Hamlet by temperament is “a choleric person with a strong, active, but unbalanced nervous system - he has sudden flashes of joy, unexpected periods of pessimism, he is subject to untimely whims, but, as a rule, not for long - they disappear as quickly as and appear." This is how the hero of the historical drama was described by psychologists of our time.

And if we remember the fairy tale about Pinocchio, and try to determine the temperament of the heroes of this fairy tale, then we will see that Pinocchio behaves very childishly: he pokes his long nose anywhere. He knocks his wooden forehead against all sorts of objects, gets into various adventures and rarely loses heart, because he is a typical choleric person.

It should be added, however, that “pure” temperaments are rare; as a rule, people have mixed psychotypes, but each person has his own leading temperament.

There are no “good” or “bad” temperaments either; each person is an individual, and each type of temperament can manifest itself in both positive and negative psychological traits.

Thus, the energy and passion of a choleric person, if they are aimed at worthy goals, can be valuable qualities, but lack of balance, emotional and motor, can be expressed, in the absence of proper education, in incontinence, harshness, and a tendency to constant explosions.

Among representatives of all temperaments there are great people. Choleric people traditionally include A.S. Pushkina, A.V. Suvorov, M.V. Lomonosov, Marshal Zhukov also belonged to choleric people.


temperament choleric mental behavior

Thus, concluding the work, let us briefly note the following.

Temperament is a combination of properties that determine the dynamics of the functioning of mental processes and human behavior. Basically, the properties of temperament are biologically determined, i.e. are innate, but their influence on the formation of human character and behavior is very great. Temperament largely determines a person’s actions and individual manifestations. Traditionally, there are four main types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic.

So, we know that a choleric person is a very energetic person. Choleric temperament is characterized by high level neuropsychic activity and energy of action, sharpness and swiftness of movements, as well as strength, impulsiveness and vivid expression of emotional experiences.

Having set a goal, he immediately proceeds to action and successfully achieves his goal. A choleric person is characterized by low sensitivity, high reactivity and activity, passion and energy, and is prone to violent emotional outbursts. In a choleric person, reactivity clearly prevails over activity, so he is unbridled, unrestrained, impatient, and quick-tempered. Hence - greater stability of aspirations and interests, greater persistence, and possible difficulties in switching attention.

In order to facilitate understanding and communication with other people, a choleric person needs to: be more aware of the needs of others, be more tolerant of others, learn to forgive and sympathize, cooperate on programs and plans, share ideas, listen more, talk less, do not put pressure on others .

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Choleric, from a psychological point of view, this is a very strong personality type for which characteristic feature is imbalance. Translated into simple language, choleric people can endure very heavy mental stress, perhaps greater than any other psychological type can withstand, but at the same time, they are characterized by high irritability and mental instability.

Psychological characteristics of choleric people

Thanks to the naturally strong type of nervous system, choleric people can overcome any difficulties and obstacles without much difficulty. But, despite their perseverance and stability, in some situations they cannot restrain their emotions and simply splash them out on others, which greatly discourages them.

Psychologists have noticed that the more pronounced the features of a choleric temperament are in a person, the more hot-tempered and unbalanced he is. The most striking and well-known features of a typical choleric person are uncontrollability, hot temper and aggressiveness.

Movement and gait

There is nothing easier than recognizing a person of choleric temperament in a crowd. A choleric person's gait is swift, his movements are sharp and fast, a little tense, he is always in a hurry, because there are still so many things to do. Choleric people always strive to explore the world, every day, every hour, every moment, so they are always in a hurry.

Self-esteem of a choleric person

Cholerics are always self-confident people, sometimes even self-confident. They have early childhood high self-esteem and no less high ambitions. Cholerics can always calculate their strengths, and never show others their few weaknesses.


This is not to say that choleric people are not productive. If a choleric person has a goal that he wants to achieve, he will make every effort, and, as they say, will demolish all obstacles, but will definitely achieve what he wants. There is no more assertive and purposeful person than a choleric person. But if the work is not interesting to him and its very essence disappoints the choleric, he will leave it without further explanation or regret. Thus, the performance of a choleric person is greatly influenced by external circumstances and personal interest.

Communication skills

At their core, choleric people are very sociable; they always have easy contact with others. But, in any company, a choleric person should occupy a leading position and be in the very center of everyone’s attention. Cholerics tend to see everyone as rivals, so they try to subjugate everyone. For many, constant leadership and hot temper make the character of a choleric person difficult.

Love and friendship

Choleric people do not have many friends, but they are very attached to those few who can withstand their inconstancy and intemperance. IN love relationships choleric people dominate, are often jealous, and can repeatedly break off relationships in a fit of anger.

Sleep and appetite

Cholerics sleep a little, as they are strong nervous system allows them to recover in a short period of time. It is quite normal for them to work at night; this does not affect the quality of work or well-being. Cholerics eat a lot, quickly and with appetite.

Hot, impulsive, quickly reacting to the situation, passionate and unbalanced - here main characteristics a person with a temperament type choleric. Among the features of this type is that he never sits still, is able to overcome many difficulties, but is subject to sudden mood swings and strong emotional outbursts. Choleric is restless man, perpetual motion machine, who is always in a hurry somewhere, tries to do several things at the same time, but does not always complete them. Unlike a sanguine person, a choleric person can hardly be called cheerful - he energy sometimes takes the form of conflict.

Characteristics of a choleric person

According to Hippocrates’ definition, yellow bile predominates in the body of choleric people, which makes representatives of this type of temperament hysterical, unrestrained, unbridled. They are characterized by aggressiveness, they are easily wound up, splashing out emotions on others, and just as easily they cool down and calm down, especially when they feel that they are being met halfway.
Strong character allows choleric people to easily solve many problems, however, such a trait as instability, prevents you from controlling your own behavior and finishing what you start.

It is often not difficult to identify a choleric person: representatives of this temperament are individualists who always have their own opinion. Choleric people often have a desire to be first - this is primarily due to innate leadership qualities, desire to attract attention. People with this personality type can often be seen as active participants in disputes initiated by themselves, as well as in charitable and political events.

Plus, motor skills and actions - a representative of this type of temperament - allow you to visually determine choleric temperament impetuous and dynamic in movements. His facial expressions are always expressive, his gestures are sharp and feverish, his gait is swift. A choleric person is characterized by rapid speech, the use of exaggeration and the most colorful words. Such people often sleep little, eat a lot and with appetite. Cholerics are those personality types who slam their fists on the table and believe that the best defense is an attack.

Choleric: pros and cons

Among strengths, advantages of choleric people - practically inexhaustible energy. A representative of this type of temperament will fight for his ideals, sometimes becoming almost obsessed with them. However, if enthusiasm dries up for some reason, the choleric person is unlikely to complete what he started. Many choleric people need challenges that fuel interest in their goals. Such people tend to quick decision making and impulsive actions(however, these same quick solutions often turn out to be the most correct). Among the disadvantages of choleric people, we highlight the fact that their energy often goes for irritability, conflicts, rudeness. On the other hand, unlike melancholic people, whose vital juice is black bile, the yellow bile of choleric people allows them not to be so vindictive.

As a rule, representatives of this temperament react sharply to injustice and can protect until they lose hearts those who, in their opinion, need such protection. The character traits of choleric people will not allow them to remain on the sidelines. On the other hand, because of this trait, sometimes they have too pronounced desire for dominance. Choleric parents can demand almost unquestioning obedience from their children, and often explode because the child does something differently than they said, or did not understand something the first time. Despite the fact that representatives of this type try to be sensitive and caring about their household, in reality negative manifestation They can become family tyrants. Those who communicate a lot with choleric people find it difficult to relax in their presence.

Cholerics at work

Decisive and proud, choleric people have a hard time experiencing a subordinate position and dependence on others. They prefer independent work , which does not require minute-to-minute reporting. If, due to the prevailing circumstances, choleric people have to remain in subordination, they don't listen well to leaders, especially if they have less developed willpower.

Work for representatives of this temperament should consist of solving many problems that will take up all their free time. Only representatives of this type are able to withstand high rates labor, long business trips and regular shifts different types activities. Among the characteristics of a choleric worker are: showing initiative, prompt action, constant activity. But if the task does not work out or something does not go according to plan, the choleric person may flare up. However, when he cools down, he often realizes that the matter was not at all difficult.

People with choleric temperament make excellent leaders and entrepreneurs. Sociability and the ability to clearly express thoughts allow them to work effectively with a team, and their disruptive nature high speed thinking and determination help to achieve success in your chosen field. The main thing is that the employees of the choleric leader maintain the pace of work set by him.

Traits of a choleric child

Choleric children often become the center around which the whole family revolves. They can be capricious until they get what they want, and believe that everything should be just the way they want. At the same time, such children are very grateful to loved ones even for small surprises and signs of attention. If choleric children are happy with everything, they become very affectionate, sweet and responsive.. In adolescence, they are characterized by hyperactive manifestations of emotions - a teenager-bully with aggressive behavior is a classic type of choleric person.

Mixed temperament

In modern psychology, there is an opinion that characters in which choleric traits dominate are extremely rare. According to the teachings of Gennady Sukhodolsky, most choleric people have intermediate types - choleric-sanguine and melancholic-choleric. In the first case, a person’s temperament is characterized by the same rapid change of emotions, but in a more soft forms. Continuing to go ahead towards the goal, such people are still more fruitful (which is more characteristic of sanguine people) and build relationships with others not only according to the principle “I want everything to be the way I want.”

Melancholic-choleric The character type is less common than the choleric-sanguine type and is characterized by a cyclical emotional state. People with this temperament regularly experience periods of impulsivity and apathy. They combine the impetuosity characteristic of a choleric person and the internal reserve of strength inherent in a melancholic person. At one moment they strive for a goal, try to do high things, and after some time they become quite indifferent to everything - during such periods they are able to look at the situation more soberly than pure choleric people sometimes do. Thanks to this combination, such representatives of temperament can reach greater heights than people with a predominantly choleric temperament.

Creative work suits melancholic people, which does not require initiative and communication with a significant number of people, and is also not subject to a large number changes. In addition to increased sensitivity, representatives of this temperament are also characterized by increased observation, which also allows them to achieve success in various fields that suit their temperament. There are practically no melancholic bosses, since they are poorly suited to managerial work. However, if this does happen, then the melancholic boss is quite liberal and sensitive to his subordinates, but at the same time does not forget about his demands and