Runes to find out the truth about a person's thoughts. Find out the truth with the help of runes

Sometimes you desperately need to find out the truth. Runes will make it possible to obtain hidden information, find out a person’s attitude towards you, even find out the truth in a dream if other methods are not available. Let's find out how to get to the truth with the help of runes.

What runes are suitable

Here is a list of runes that are used in formulas to find out what is hidden:

  1. Perthreveals secrets, makes them obvious. Under the influence of the rune, a person’s intuition sharpens and insight increases. Some practitioners believe that it is enough to apply the image of a symbol to the body and pronounce it correctly in order to see the true state of affairs. An inverted sign means a secret that will soon be revealed.
  2. Nautizin combination with other symbols, it creates a slight coercive effect, forcing a person to speak truthfully.
  3. Teyvaz, which is stipulated to reveal the truth, pushes towards honesty.
  4. Raidoremoves obstacles that prevent a person from speaking out.
  5. Direct Kanoreveals other people's secrets, mirror - weakens a person's internal control, deceives and hides traces of magical influence.
  6. Ansuzin stavs symbolizes speech, truth.
  7. Laguzpersonifies the flow in which the object of influence is placed, forces a person to speak until the truth comes out, does not allow one to realize the influence.
  8. Soulueliminates understatement in communication between two people.
  9. Dagazwraps circumstances around a person so that the truth itself comes to him in the form of reports from other people, overheard conversations, dreams.
  10. Fehuused in formulas with which practitioners receive information in dreams, and helps to fix visions in memory.

Runic becoming “Find out the truth”

Becoming - “Find out the truth.”

Famous among practitioners, lov_ushka compiled a runic formula so that a person would see the truth after its activation. Reviews on the forums say that after using the runescript, information comes from unexpected places - in a dream, in the form of insights, verbal confessions from the right person, etc. The formula contains Northumbrian runes.

  • Perthmeans hidden truth, makes circumstances work for the operator;
  • Kenpersonifies the fire of knowledge, makes the operator insightful and helps to see the essence of things;
  • Irhelps to correctly assess the events around a person, guarantees the work of the stave and the necessary outcome of the magical influence.

The operator applies the formula to the left side of the body no lower than the waist, stipulates the operation of the signs in free form, and indicates what he is going to find out. The spell is also cast on a photo of another person to make him see the light. In this case, the agreement is drawn up taking into account the circumstances. The formula will not work if the operator casts a spell on a person's photo to find out the necessary information.

In this article:

As the Russian folk proverb says: “The less you know, the better you sleep.” This is true. But not in all cases. Sometimes it is ignorance of the truth that prevents you from falling asleep peacefully and even living a full life. Is the desire to know the truth driving you crazy? Are you ready to find out the necessary information by any method? Then read the conspiracy of truth, maybe it will help you find out what is being hidden from you.

How to find out the truth in a dream

Fast for three days, after which arm yourself with a long black cloth and make a pentacle out of it. With a burning candle, draw two circles so that one is in the other. In the small circle you should write the name: Raphael. Then draw crosses at the corners of the pentacle. Turn the rag over and draw the same circles on it, writing your name in a small circle and drawing crosses at the corners of the rag. You can't talk to anyone until the morning. When you go to bed, read the spell below and place the pentacle under your pillow. Important! You should sleep alone. Spell:

“Oh, glorious name of the Lord the living God,
Who from the creation of time.
Everything earthly belongs.
And I, Your servant (name).
O Eternal Father,
I beg You to send me
Your Angel
whose name is written in a circle,
So that he can show me everything
What do I want to see and know?
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let it be so. Amen".

For a person to tell the truth

Looking at the bridge of a person’s nose, you need to repeat the following spell to yourself three times:

“Go, Judas, don’t be cunning. Go, Jesus, and protect me, The head of the servant of God (name) is a crumb, His impudence and cunning are a fig. Hitri (name), I don’t buy it! Amen".

So that the husband does not lie

When the person hiding the truth from you falls asleep, stand next to him, and, crossing his mouth, whisper a conspiracy against lying:

“With the sign of the cross I fly away lies,
With the sign of the cross (spouse’s name) I will wean you from lies.
Not in the morning, not in the afternoon, not in the evening, not at night
You will not say a word that is cunning and unrighteous.
And if you want to lie,
Let your tongue go numb
And your eyes will darken.
The Lord himself will be your judge.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Spell of Truth

"For those who want to know the truth,
Who longs to open hearts and minds.
From now on until the memory runs out.
Those who are in this house
Let them hear the truth from other lips.”

How to Increase Your Ability to Recognize the Truth

Repeat the following spell three times, which will help you recognize the true nature of a person and his actions:

“Lord, who is in heaven, who lives in me, open my heart, open my clear eyes and grant me the ability to see in true light what is hidden behind the veil of darkness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Magic ritual “Mirror of Truth”

This ritual helps to identify the cause of your problems and troubles, and, if there is a negative program, completely neutralize it. For the ritual you will need: a frameless mirror (30 x 40 cm), a new black cloth slightly larger in size than the mirror, dry wormwood (2 tablespoons), dried sage (1 tablespoon), a strand of your own hair, a candle, a metal cauldron, a box new matches.

Be sure to use natural fabric

The ritual should begin on the full moon. A candle is lit, herbs and hair are thrown into the pot, which are burned to ashes, while the plot is read:

“Burn the candle, burn the grass, burn not the body, but the dirty deed. The hat on the guilty one is on fire, but the mirror tells the truth. Exactly!"

The mirror is evenly covered with ash, and with the index finger of the right hand scales with bowls in balance are drawn on it. After this, the mirror is covered with black cloth and the reflective side is turned to the east and left in this position for 9 days, after which the cloth is removed.

If, when you open the mirror, you see the scales in balance, there is no damage to you, but if the image has changed, then the damage can be easily removed by simply washing the mirror. If additional signs appear on the mirror, then you are the cause of your troubles and misfortunes, for example, your constant lies. Look for answers in symbols and in yourself, this will help you discover the truth about the state of your affairs today.

Becoming "Tell Me the Truth" Runic stub with the name “Tell me the truth.” Helps to expose a liar, forces you to tell the truth in the matter you need. Moreover, he actually forces even the most notorious liar to tell the truth.

Work runes; Nautiz, Raido, Teyvaz.
The central rune is Nautiz. Goal setting, coercion. It is necessary to clearly state what exactly the person must admit. When activating and applying it, it is advisable to specify the picture to whom exactly and under what circumstances he should confess, and also to instill in him a burning need to tell the truth. So burning that this thought prevented him from sleeping or eating.

Teyvaz - the rune of a warrior of the spirit, puts into a person’s consciousness the need for honesty (remember Asa Tyur, who gave his hand). Also, when applied and activated, conjure it to reveal the truth at any cost.

Raido is a rune for removing obstacles on the path to achieving a goal - stipulate the absence of barriers on the path to recognition.
I advise you to additionally surround the entire area with four Nautiz runes. The stipulation is the same as for the central rune.

When activating the entire stave, take a close look at the shape that the Nautiz runes form - this is a pyramid. It concentrates and strengthens the energy of the entire movement in the right direction. Use this when activating and visualizing your end goal.

Today we will talk only about ACTUAL rune formulas. In general, runes are a very powerful tool with energy that is different from the Tarot. Not everyone can handle them and not everyone will talk to them. To be honest, they speak badly to me, but they work magically with a bang.

Today I’ll tell you about my experiments with runic formulas.

I’ll make a reservation right away that I don’t create the formula myself, but I can advise on this or that fagot, or the action of one rune, choose the runic script you need, etc.

The formulas I present here have been tested by myself or clients with real results.

Perth - circumstances are in your favor to place you in conditions where you will learn the truth. A turn of events to reveal the truth.
ken is a splinter, it will allow you to shed light on what is closed to you
Il - the arrow will fly to the target, the truth has been found out.

Apply to yourself with the proviso to find out everything you need.

What's happening? The side effect is that you end up talking more than you should about issues related to the situation you want to shed light on.

For example, a woman wanted to know what kind of relationship her lover had with his wife.

After applying the formula (it lasted for three months), she learned from her boyfriend’s friend that her rival was deceiving her husband and one of their common children was actually spoiled (and her husband was aware). Secondly, the circumstances were such that the client spoke with her lover’s wife and more details of their life were revealed.

The side effect was that not only the client found out the truth, but also the wife realized that her husband was cheating on her with our heroine.



Apply to yourself with a stipulation that you want to find out, you can write on paper and put it under your pillow at night. The action is similar to the above formula.


It's even easier. Just take the perth and place it under the pillow at night (I took a rune from my set, you can draw it on paper, you can even visualize it before going to bed, be sure to voice a request, for example: “I want to know how to communicate with my mother-in-law,” “How will the situation be resolved?” with employment”, “What should I do in this situation?”

Usually in a dream, all the exciting moments will be sorted into shelves; I had the feeling that someone was dictating to me, like a note at an institute:

“Do this, this and that. Do you remember?

Interestingly, advice and forecasts from Perth usually come true completely.

Side effect: if you can’t cope with the flow of energy (perth is powerful), you’ll just get a very vivid, chaotic dream and that’s it.

Gebo - reunion, reconciliation
2 pp asuza - forgot the grievances
2 vunye - joy and happiness from reunion
sovilo - positive energy, a spark that arises between those who have reconciled.

Use when you need to make peace with someone. In the photo of the character with his blood. All grievances will be forgotten, and people will make peace very quickly.

FROM EXPERIENCE. You can draw not with blood, but with a red marker, or even on an electronic version of the photo in Photoshop or any graphic editor, the beauty of your drawing does not matter, the main thing is that all the runes are applied correctly with the correct reservation.

It is promoted within two weeks, people really make peace.

Gebo-raido-vuno is written in a line on the photo (visualized on the object).

Gebo is the union of two people, raido is the road, vunyo is the joy of communication.

A person arrives, calls, and appears very quickly. Moreover, you will see the formula working immediately if you visualize it before going to bed, imagining the object. If a person is well disposed towards you and there are no obstacles (of any kind) to communication, you will see that he comes to you himself. If during visualization you see that a person does not approach you or even runs away, it means that something is wrong with your relationship, and the formula cannot work.

Let me emphasize that this is not a love spell, it’s just a challenge.


The Dagaz rune is drawn surrounded by four raidos, preferably in blood, it can be in a photo, it can be on paper (in this version you write above the drawing “Vasya Pupkin (Vasya’s date of birth), you will come to me - Masha Tyutkina, as soon as possible” in general, You can distort here as your imagination allows, even in poetry).

It works very quickly, within a week, usually with the arrival of the Vasya you desire.

It’s a very interesting product, tested by me personally.

Elm was created in order to find a patron.
It is applied to the photo of the person whom you want to see as your patron, assistant, sponsor or simply an older friend (with your blood). Or on yourself - in search of some unknown patron in some issues in which you need.
Odal - shelter, help, adoption into a family.
gebo - partnership with a patron, strong ties
yera - obtaining results in the process of cooperation.

I set my sights on a very famous man, whom I didn’t know, but wanted to work for him. The effect is this: within a month, circumstances brought me together with people working in his company, I fell into his social circle, however, I was not able to see him myself.

I repeated the formula a couple of months later. And I was offered a job with him.

In general, this formula brings you together with the right person, introduces you to his environment, and then it’s up to your efforts whether you can seize the opportunity or not.

Becoming is a psychological block.
Ansuz (four) - its essence, constantly spinning inside the block

“Under the influence of this RF, a psychological block appears and strengthens in the consciousness and subconscious of the object, prohibiting (forcing) the object to do this and that.”

Can be used when you want to quit smoking, it really reduces the need for nicotine, for women on a diet, etc. If you are doing it for yourself, apply it to your body. For someone - in the photo.

Disadvantage: it does not work for long, you need to constantly update it.

CROSS OF RETURN (dangerous and powerful formula, modernized by the author divina, I quote her text)

Created on the basis of one of the strongest “binding” formulas VAEDARVERA HOURMAT, this formula is almost seven hundred years old.

The formula was created by King Edward II Plantagenet in a moment of despair, at the moment of farewell to his beloved, Hugo Despenser, who was being taken away for execution, and shortly before his own death in September 1327.
Therefore, few people have since decided to use this sign just like that, and even on a living person. They don’t do this so easily, out of self-indulgence or curiosity. Basically, they were “tied” to some material things, money, so that they would leave and return.
Again, the magic of the Silver Family, to which this formula belongs, does not work for everyone; blood also means a lot. Therefore, I decided to rework the idea with runes and so that it would work for everyone, even non-Silver ones.
Becoming one of the “last hope” series.
Will hold back at the last minute someone who is already about to leave. Will bring back someone who has already left. True, not forever, but you will have a chance to talk or improve relationships. And then, as it turns out, what your strengths and abilities are enough for. Again, if you do it to someone who is in a couple and doesn’t think about leaving, then he won’t even think about it, such thoughts won’t even arise.
I tested the original version of the stav on myself, the Eduardov version. Works. Moreover, I tested both on money and on a person (I confess), but the person is still nearby.

Elm from 2 runes: Eyvaz and Hungarian E, at the intersection they give the secondary Nautiz
Eyvaz – connection
E is a spring, a hidden hidden, almost indestructible connection, very flexible, difficult to see, and even more difficult to break. You can get it just from one attempt to break the spring.
Nautiz - coercion

According to the diagnosis: he will keep the one who is leaving, he will return the one who has already left, but only you are responsible for your decision, because it is also up to you to improve the relationship after returning to you, and to clear up the mess in the relationship. So before you do, think: maybe, well, let him go...

“Go away and come back... Die and be resurrected... But wherever you are, you will return to me... You have been ordered, and you will return. Even against your will."

Application order:
Part 1: From above - follow the arrow to the left and down - horizontally from left to right - follow the arrow from right to left and down
Part 2: Right and side – follow the arrow to the left and up – vertically from top to bottom – from bottom right to left and up
Then we draw the Eyvazy: first horizontal from left to right, then vertical from top to bottom.
Then, in the same order as we applied, we draw the lines at E: first at the top left, then at the bottom right, then at the top right, then at the bottom left.

EFFECT: IT REALLY BRINGS BOTH PEOPLE AND THINGS BACK. But sometimes it turns into eternal chatter: left, came back, left. The person for whom the “Cross” is made really does not leave you alone, but a strong relationship, which many people want when turning to runes, is not guaranteed to you. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful with this formula.

We won’t talk about safety precautions with runes, or how to thank them for their work. This topic is sufficiently covered, so Google can help.