Perpetual motion machine drawing. The eternal question of the perpetual motion machine

This section of the site will be dedicated to Perpetual Motion Machines. It would be more correct to say: Sources of cheap energy. Why cheap and not free? Let me explain: “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap!” It was a joke, but seriously, let's first take a short excursion.

Let's start with what is a “perpetual motion machine”, and how is it (they) classified?

Modern classification of perpetual motion machines

On any encyclopedic site, for example Wikipedia, you can read what a perpetual motion machine is:

Perpetual motion machine of the first kind- an imaginary device that can endlessly perform work without consuming fuel or other energy resources. According to the law of conservation of energy, all attempts to create such an engine are doomed to failure. The impossibility of a perpetual motion machine of the first kind is postulated in thermodynamics as the first law of thermodynamics.

Examples of perpetual motion machines using gravity (gravity) are given below:

The operating principle of the first mechanical Perpetuum mobile (Perpetuum mobile) Indian poet, mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara (about 1150), was based on the difference in the moments of gravity created by a liquid moving in vessels placed on the circumference of a wheel. Bhaskara's justification for the rotation of the wheel is very simple: "The wheel thus filled with liquid, being mounted on an axle lying on two fixed supports, rotates continuously on its own."

All experiments to create such structures were successful - the structures were obtained, but, to our regret, they never rotated. If you try to spin such a device by hand, it will stop faster than a simple wheel with the same mass. There are now a lot of videos on the Internet in which the engine shown in Figure 2 and its modifications in Figure 3 actually rotates. Do you believe this nonsense? Then close this page, there is no point in reading it further! Watch more videos designed for people with thick foreheads! I’m not saying that you shouldn’t look, but that you shouldn’t believe everything you see! By going to such a site and watching videos, you simply increase traffic to the site and thereby give their owner the opportunity to earn money. He does not indicate his address and the source of the material presented on the site. Even if you write to him, asking where the material comes from, or why he is deceiving you? He simply won’t answer you, at best he will answer like this: “Don’t believe me? Then don't look! And that's his right. When you watch the movie "Avatar", you don't ask: Are these real events or fantasy? Because you immediately understand everything yourself.

For those who have not seen such videos of the “work” of a perpetual motion machine, you can watch it here and now! 😉

Let's continue on the topic:

Perpetual motion machine of the second kind- an imaginary machine that, when put into operation, would transform into work all the heat extracted from the surrounding bodies. The impossibility of a perpetual motion machine of the second kind is postulated in thermodynamics as one of the equivalent formulations of the second law of thermodynamics. Both the first and second laws of thermodynamics were introduced as postulates, after repeated experimental confirmation of the impossibility of creating perpetual motion machines. From these principles grew many physical theories, tested by many experiments and observations, and scientists have no doubt that these postulates are correct and the creation of a perpetual motion machine is impossible.

Kelvin's postulate- it is impossible to create a periodically operating machine that performs mechanical work only due to cooling and a heat reservoir.

Clausius's postulate- spontaneous transfer of heat from colder bodies to hotter ones is impossible.

The law of conservation and transformation of energy.

Julius Robert Mayer- one of those who, with his research, opened a new energy era, at the age of ten he constructed his first and last perpetuum mobile. The boy built a small “dry” water mill with a water wheel and an Archimedean screw to pump water back to the water wheel blades. Perhaps it was the failure that befell him, like everyone else, that gave the future researcher material for thought. Mayer managed to formulate one of the most important laws of modern physics - the law of conservation of energy, according to which energy in an arbitrary closed system, during any processes occurring in the system, remains a constant value and only passes from one form to another.

Independently of Mayer, the law of conservation of energy was also established by the English physicist James Prescott Joule. Joule received the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat. It turned out that one unit of heat - a kilocalorie, defined as the amount of heat required to heat one kilogram of deaerated water at normal atmospheric pressure from 14.5 ° C to 15.5 ° C, corresponds to 4186.8 joules (418.7 kgm) mechanical work.

I will not consider options for these “devices”; if you want, look for yourself on the Internet or in the library. For me personally, they are of no interest to me, because I believe in the Law of Conservation of Energy. I suggest you take a closer look at those “devices” that are aimed at extracting real energy from various kinds of substances and natural phenomena that are present in the environment. Substances that, under certain conditions, can turn out to be sources of cheap energy.

Substances, phenomena and devices for extracting energy from these substances and phenomena:

1. Permanent magnets and magnetic motors created on their basis;

2. Ordinary water and devices for extracting hydrogen from water as fuel;

3. Natural physical phenomena from which energy can be extracted:

— electromagnetic field of the Earth;

— electrostatic charge of the Earth’s atmosphere, ionization;

- sunlight;

- the temperature effect of heating during the day and cooling at night of various bulk materials (there are places on our planet where the daily temperature varies within enormous limits).

Someone else would like to add, or ask: What about the energy of the infinite ether? If you asked this, I will answer: Close this page and do not go to this section of the site at all! If you are so ignorant, then read the books of Hans Christian Andersen! Until they learned to extract energy from the “Ether” invented by the alchemists of the Middle Ages, even putting in a hundred times more energy. What should I talk to you about then? Nobody has any idea what “Ether” is? You, as a connoisseur of Andersen’s incredibly true stories, can say: What about the experiments of the famous scientist Tesla? He used the energy of the ether! I’ll answer: He also loved to cross-stitch! When I was fishing, I used a club to kill the fish! And when he slept, the blanket kept falling off of him because he was floating in the air in his sleep!

There is no need to confuse the name of the great scientist with various kinds of fairy tales! How do you get such confidence that he used ether, from articles on RuNet? So they won’t even write to you, as long as you come to the site. Perhaps you have seen enough films about Nikola Tesla? Look at health, but they are more biographical and sensational in nature, rather than scientific. Anyone can assume and express their assumption. Both you and I can assume and then present our vision of incomprehensible things, but if this is not supported by scientific explanations, or at least concrete practical evidence, then it is called in a simple word - fiction. But if they present their assumption as truth, this is already a deception, and those who “wrap deception around their ears” are ignorant people.

Well, now, let’s go back and look at substances, phenomena and devices for extracting energy from these substances and phenomena.

Electromagnetic motor - generators

Modern compact and powerful permanent magnets contain significant hidden magnetic field energy. Coal, when burned, releases 33 J per gram, oil, which in 10-15 years will begin to run out in our country, releases 44 J per gram, a gram of uranium produces 43 billion J of energy. A permanent magnet theoretically contains 17 billion joules of energy. Of course, like conventional energy sources, the efficiency of the magnet will not be one hundred percent; moreover, a ferrite magnet has a lifespan of about 70 years, provided that it is not subject to strong physical, temperature and magnetic loads, however, with such an amount contained in If you don't have energy, it's not that important. In addition, there are already serial industrial magnets made of rare metals, which are ten times stronger than ferrite ones and, accordingly, more efficient. The question “where does so much energy come from in a permanent magnet” remains open in science. Many scientists believe that energy into a permanent magnet is continuously supplied from the outside from the ether (physical vacuum). And other researchers argue that it simply appears in it due to the magnetized material of the permanent magnet. There is no clarity here yet.

There are already many patents and engineering solutions in the world for various designs of magnetic motors - but practically no such operating magnetic motors in the “perpetual motion” mode have yet been demonstrated.

Some famous magnetic motors

— Magneto – Dudyshev’s mechanical magnetic motors;

— Kalinin magnetic engine;

— Electromagnetic motor “Perendev”;

— Magnetic engine Minato. In the picture on the right.

— Johnson motor is an analogue of the electromagnetic motor “Perendev”;

— Magnetic motor – Shkondin generator;

— Magnetic Motor – Adams generator.

Videos of this engine are simply teeming on the Internet. The video interestingly demonstrates its operation: They quickly insert the rotor into the stator, it begins to spin sharply, and when it starts to stop, they remove it just as quickly. That is, first they give a push and that’s it, you are in a state of pleasure. And when the energy of the push by the magnetic field ends and the rotor actually stops on its own, then the rotor is taken out and it actually stops before the eyes of amazed observers. Who is deceiving whom? They also say that this engine is the most promising.

Other MDs are also known, but they have approximately the same operating principles. The simplest one is shown in the pictures below.

Significant real progress in MD has been observed in low-cost combined magnetic-electromagnetic motors using highly efficient permanent magnets - electromagnetic motor-generators (EMG) with electromagnets and permanent magnets on the stator or rotor. Moreover, they actually already exist, are continuously being improved, and even some of them are already being mass-produced. Some of the simplest designs of combined EMDGs have even reached serial production and mass implementation. These are, for example, serial electromagnetic motor-wheels of Shkondin, used on electric bicycles.

However, the designs and energy of all known EMDGs are quite inefficient, which does not allow them to operate in the “perpetual motion” mode - without an external source of electricity. And I want to conclude: There are no “Eternal” magnetic motors, there are magnetic motors with high efficiency (tending to 100%).

If I’m wrong and you can prove the opposite to me, write to my mailbox, just attach proof, otherwise I will accept your letter as another fairy tale by Hans Christian, and then I’ll simply delete it like garbage.

Much of what I wrote about in this article is available in an endless number of copies on different sites on the RuNet. The way the Runet works is that many make money from editing videos and articles with implausible information. Moreover, they don’t spend any money on it at all. If only their material was sensational. It is easy to find two videos in which a plastic food cap is placed on a regular brushed DC motor, onto which several small permanent magnets are glued. A small digression: a brushed DC motor can operate as a generator. The motor leads are connected to a light bulb or LED. The engine is fixed on the table using plasticine. And the climax: Another permanent magnet is brought closer to the magnets and “OH MIRACLE!” - the lid began to rotate the engine, and it began to generate electricity - the light bulb came on. And now I’ll reveal the secret of eternal energy: under the table the same motor, powered by a real battery, rotates the same lid, with the same magnets glued to it, but they don’t show you this. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself a question: Why is this structure attached to plasticine not horizontally to the table surface, but at an angle? Didn't you guess? Yes, in order to reduce the distance to the magnets located under the table. The shorter the distance, the better the fakir's trick!

I am not very strong in magnetic fields, and I do not use right or left hand rules in my activities, so this topic is not for me. Moreover, if I really saw the “real thing,” I would spend my nights gnawing on science and experimenting. But, alas, in the field of magnetic motors, progress is only towards approaching efficiency to 100%, absolutely the same as in other types of motors known to you and the whole world. Therefore, this is a topic for magnetic field specialists.

I am particularly interested in:

1. Ordinary water and devices for extracting hydrogen from water as fuel for further combustion.

2. Natural physical phenomena and methods of using them as energy sources.

And I'll start with methods of extracting energy from ordinary water by decomposition into hydrogen and oxygen, because I think this is the most interesting and promising area of ​​research.

I. They are widely used for the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen. electrolyser plants. One of them is presented in the section Practical device diagrams called: Portable electrolyzer installation. The installation is interesting in that it can be used in amateur conditions for small jobs of various types. Since electrolyzers consume a large amount of energy, they can only be used permanently. In addition, the electrolyte in the electrolyzer heats up under the influence of electric current, so there is a time limit for continuous use of the electrolyzer, or its design is made in such a way as to ensure heat dissipation into the surrounding space. The deficiency indicates that the electrolysers have low efficiency. The “thing” is simply wonderful for a good craftsman, but it does not pretend to be a “Source of Cheap Energy”.

II. The concept has recently appeared in the media "fuel cell". At its core, a fuel cell works in the same way as an electrolyser. But there are significant differences. Special catalysts, intermediate layers, gas outlet channels and other modifications and tweaks are introduced into the fuel cells. As a result, such fuel cells require significantly less applied electrical current for gas generation than electrolyzers. Such cells have high efficiency and could easily claim the title of “Source of Cheap Energy” if not for their expensive cost, due to the fact that such cells use precious and rare earth metals. The cells themselves are not durable, and the costs of their production as a result of operation are recouped with great difficulty.

III. Articles appear periodically on the release of hydrogen from water by "electro-osmosis". Let me explain what it is. Electroosmosis plants used in construction to quickly harden concrete. A metal mesh is installed above the concrete-filled surface, to which a positive high-voltage wire is connected. The negative wire is connected to the reinforcement, filled with concrete, which must be dried. Thus, a high-potential electrostatic field is formed, which allows accelerating the process of evaporation of water from the surface of concrete, the hardening time of the latter is significantly reduced. Some experts suggest that it is not the simple evaporation of water molecules that occurs, but the decomposition of molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Moreover, these specialists also patent their ideas just in case. And what? What if they are right?! You don't need a lot of current to create a high-voltage electrostatic field, and the effect can be really significant. If I have nothing else to do, maybe I’ll do it someday. But not in “our” time, it will probably be in retirement.

IV. There are articles on the Internet about Bakaev's prefix. They say that he places this attachment somewhere in the area of ​​the carburetor of the internal combustion engine of a car. The attachment creates enormous pressure that compresses the water; when the latter is released, it simply “scatters” into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, which enter the combustion chamber of the engine. They write that the car drives on ordinary water. Bakaev keeps his console a secret, and installs it only to those whom he considers worthy people for this. At the same time, for ten years, more than a thousand of his attachments have been in use, but for some reason none of the authoritative scientists and engineers still know how Bakaev’s attachment works. It’s strange, for this Bakaev, authoritative people would have come long ago and told him about his mother-Motherland and other things useful for a Russian person. I don’t know anything about the behavior of water under compression and rarefaction, so I consider Bakaev’s prefix a myth, and as a result, not my hobby.

V. There is also this video on the RuNet: Two men - scientific workers (with faces that have often seen volatile drinks) are sitting and talk about their research with water. Water was poured into plastic bottles, they drank and said, “Oh ya, ya!” Real, tasty water!” Afterwards, diesel fuel was added from a syringe and shaken. We sat and chatted. Then they opened the bottle, dipped a strip of paper into it, and set the strip on fire. And “OH MIRACLE!”, the piece of paper quickly and brightly caught fire. Cool, they have burning water! In fact, you can do the same thing, and your paper will also burn. Instead of water, you can even use your own waste products. After all, while they were sitting and chatting after shaking the bottles, the diesel fuel formed a film on the surface of the bottle. When the paper was lowered into the bottle, a wetting effect occurred, during which diesel fuel, enveloping the paper on all sides, did not allow water access to the paper. Of course, a small amount of water got onto the paper, because during combustion a crackling and hissing sound was heard. But they could shoot this video many times until they get something that “is not a shame to show.” In addition, you can choose the type of paper, because they all have different absorption and wetting abilities - is it printer paper, or simple toilet paper?

VI. Now we come to what, in my opinion, is the most interesting part. Have you read the article? "Water instead of gasoline"? If not, let me explain: We are talking about Mayer fuel cell, assembled by this American techie in his garage. It produces a huge amount of hydrogen with low electrical current consumption. If you wish, you can find a lot of material about this on the Internet. Don't confuse this 20th century inventor with Julius Robert Mayer. So, this Mayer Cell really interested me. At first I studied it thoughtfully for a week, then, deciding that this was another deception, I abandoned this futile business. But I just thought I quit. Ideas were still swirling in my head. Now I can say that This Mayer cell has prospects, and its existence is quite real! I will discuss this in future articles.

The perpetual motion machine has haunted scientists and engineers for many centuries. Indeed, the idea of ​​​​creating a device that will constantly work without wasting energy seems very tempting. Is it really possible to create it, scientists say.

What is a perpetual motion machine?

Perpetual motion machine or Perpetuum Mobile is an imaginary device. Some believe that it is theoretically possible to create a machine that will endlessly do work without expending any energy resources. At the same time, scientists gradually became disillusioned with this idea and admitted that it was better to abandon attempts to create such a device, because they were pointless. The impossibility of creating a perpetual motion machine is postulated as the first law of thermodynamics. But the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine is still of great interest.

An ideal perpetual motion machine should work until the end of the Big Freeze. Proponents of this theory believe that until the end of time the Universe will expand at a very smooth acceleration. This process is called the Big Freeze, and when it is completed, it will be the end of everything. When this will happen has not been determined exactly, but we still have approximately 100 trillion years. So, a perpetual motion machine must work at least as long to be considered a real perpetual motion machine.

What are perpetual motion machines?

Perpetuum Mobile are divided into engines of the first kind and second kind. Engines of the first type could operate without fuel - and generally without energy costs that arise, for example, when mechanism parts rub against each other. Engines of the second type could extract heat from colder surrounding bodies and use this energy in work.

There are many projects on the Internet that claim to be working on a perpetual motion machine design. However, if you study these projects carefully, it becomes clear that they are all very far from the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine. But if someone manages to make such a device, the consequences will be stunning. It is believed that we will receive an eternal source of energy - free energy.

Unfortunately, according to the fundamental laws of physics of our Universe, the creation of a perpetual motion machine is impossible.

Why is it impossible to create a perpetual motion machine?

There are probably a lot of people who will say “never say never,” especially when it comes to science.” To some extent this is true. But if it turns out that it is possible to create a perpetual motion machine, it will revolutionize physics as we know it. It turns out that we were wrong about everything and none of our previous observations make any sense.

The first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy. According to this law, energy can neither be created nor destroyed - it simply passes from one form to another. In order to keep a mechanism in constant motion, the applied energy must remain in that mechanism without any loss. This is precisely why the creation of a perpetual motion machine is impossible.

In order to build a perpetual motion machine of the first kind, we must fulfill several conditions:

  1. The machine should not have any “rubbing” parts, any moving parts should not touch other parts, otherwise friction will arise between them. This friction will eventually cause the machine to lose energy. When parts come into contact, heat is generated, and it is this heat that is the energy lost by the machine. You will say that then you need to make a device with a smooth surface so that friction does not occur. But this is impossible, since there are no completely smooth objects.
  2. The machine must operate in a vacuum, without air. This comes from the first condition. Operating a machine anywhere will cause it to lose energy due to friction between moving parts and air. Although energy loss due to air friction is very small, it is a serious problem for a perpetual motion machine. If there is even minimal energy loss, the machine will start to stall and eventually stop completely due to these losses, even if it takes a very long time.
  3. The machine should not make any sounds. Sound is also a form of energy and if a machine makes any sound, it means that it is also losing energy.

Engines of the second type, which use the heat of surrounding bodies, do not contradict the law of conservation of energy. However, these cunning designs are powerless against the second law of thermodynamics: in a closed system, spontaneous transfer of heat from colder bodies to hot ones is impossible. For this, some kind of intermediary is needed. And for the mediator to work, energy from an external source is required. Moreover, there are no truly reversible

But most importantly, creating a perpetual motion machine may turn out to be pointless. People expect that if such a device is made, we will get a free source of energy. But is this true? In fact, we will receive exactly as much energy as we send into this engine. We remember that according to the laws of physics, which have not yet been refuted, energy cannot be created from nothing, it can only be transformed. So, it turns out that a perpetual motion machine is a useless device.

Perpetual motion machine, perp e tum-m O bile (Latin perpetuum mobile translated perpetual motion) - an imaginary machine that, once put into operation, would do work for an unlimited time without borrowing energy from the outside. The ability to operate such a machine indefinitely would mean obtaining energy from nothing.

The idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine apparently originated in Europe in the 13th century (although there is evidence that the first design of a perpetual motion machine was proposed by the Indian Bhaskara in the 12th century). Before this, projects of perpetual motion machines were unknown. The Greeks and Romans did not have them, who developed many effective mechanisms and laid the foundations for scientific approaches to the study of nature. Scientists suggest that cheap and virtually unlimited labor in the form of slaves slowed down the development of cheap energy sources in antiquity.

Why did people so persistently want to build a perpetual motion machine?

This is not surprising. In the XII-XIII centuries, the Crusades began and European society began to move. The craft began to develop faster and the machines that set the mechanisms in motion were improved. These were mainly water wheels and wheels driven by animals (horses, mules, bulls walking in a circle). So the idea arose to come up with an efficient machine driven by cheaper energy. If energy is taken from nothing, then it costs nothing and this is an extreme special case of cheapness - for nothing.

The idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine became even more popular in the 16th-17th centuries, during the era of the transition to machine production. The number of known perpetual motion projects has exceeded a thousand. Not only poorly educated artisans dreamed of creating a perpetual motion machine, but also some prominent scientists of their time, since at that time there was no fundamental scientific prohibition on the creation of such a device.

Already in the 15th-17th centuries, visionary naturalists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Girolamo Cardano, Simon Stevin, Galileo Galilei formulated the principle: “It is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine.” Simon Stevin was the first who, based on this principle, derived the law of equilibrium of forces on an inclined plane, which ultimately led him to the discovery of the law of addition of forces according to the triangle rule (addition of vectors).

By the middle of the 18th century, after centuries of attempts to create a perpetual motion machine, most scientists began to believe that this was impossible. It was just an experimental fact.

Since 1775, the French Academy of Sciences refused to consider perpetual motion projects, although even at that time French academicians had no solid scientific grounds to fundamentally deny the possibility of drawing energy from nothing.

The impossibility of obtaining additional work from nothing was firmly substantiated only with the creation and approval of the “law of conservation of energy” as a universal and one of the most fundamental laws of nature.

First, Gottfried Leibniz formulated the law of conservation of mechanical energy in 1686. And the law of conservation of energy as a universal law of nature was formulated independently by Julius Mayer (1845), James Joule (1843–50) and Hermann Helmholtz (1847).

Doctor Mayer and physiologist Helmholtz took the last important step. They found that the law of conservation of energy is true for animals and plants. Before this, the concept of “living force” existed and it was believed that the laws of physics may not be fulfilled for animals and plants. Thus, the law of conservation of energy was the first principle established for the entire known Universe.

The final touch in generalizing the law of conservation of energy was Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity (1905). He showed that the law of conservation of mass (there was such a law) is part of the law of conservation of energy. Energy and mass are equivalent according to the formula E = mс 2, Where With - speed of light.

In continuation of our course “Physics for Dummies”, we will begin to consider the basics of such an important section as thermodynamics.

The active development of thermodynamics began in the nineteenth century. It was then that people began to build the first steam engines, and then actively introduce them into production. The Industrial Revolution began, and, naturally, everyone wanted to increase the efficiency of machines in order to produce more products, travel further and, in the end, get more money. All this very well stimulated the development of science and vice versa. But let's get to the heart of the matter.

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that studies macroscopic systems, their most general properties, methods of transfer and transformation of energy in such systems.

What are macroscopic systems? These are systems consisting of a very large number of particles. For example, a gas cylinder or a balloon. It is simply impossible to describe such systems using classical mechanics methods - after all, we cannot measure the speed, energy and other parameters of each gas molecule individually. Nevertheless, the behavior of the entire population of particles is subject to statistical laws. In fact, any object visible to us (with the naked eye) can be defined as a thermodynamic system.

- a actually or mentally distinguished macroscopic physical system consisting of a large number of particles, which does not require the use of microscopic characteristics of individual particles for its description. Accordingly, to describe a thermodynamic system, macroscopic parameters are used that are not related to each particle, but describe the system as a whole. This temperature, pressure, volume, mass of the system and so on.

It is important to note that thermodynamic systems can be closed And open. A closed system is a system that is protected from the environment using a real or imaginary shell, while the number of particles in the system remains constant.

The system can be in different states. For example, we took a gas cylinder and started heating it. Thus, we changed the energy of the gas molecules, they began to move faster, and the system moved to some new state with a higher temperature. But what happens if the system is left alone? Then after some time the system will come to the state thermodynamic equilibrium.

What does it mean?

Thermodynamic equilibrium is a state of a system in which its macroscopic parameters (temperature, volume, etc.) remain unchanged over time.

Thermodynamics stands on its three pillars. There are three basic postulates or three laws of thermodynamics. They are called the first, second and third laws of thermodynamics, respectively. Let's consider the first law or the first law of thermodynamics.

First law of thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics states:

In any isolated system, the energy supply remains constant.

By the way, this postulate has several more equivalent formulations. Let's list them below:

The amount of heat received by the system goes to change the internal energy of the system, as well as to do work against external forces.

A perpetual motion machine of the first kind (an engine that does work without expending energy) is impossible.

Let us also write down the mathematical expression of the first law of thermodynamics:

Here Q is the amount of heat, delta U is the change in internal energy, A is work against external forces. For different thermodynamic processes, due to their characteristics, the recording of the first law will look different.

Why is a perpetual motion machine of the first kind impossible?

Since ancient times, people have been attracted to Her Majesty Freebies. A philosopher's stone that turns any metal into gold, a self-assembled tablecloth with which you don't need to cook, a genie that makes any wish come true. Another such idea was the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine.

A perpetual motion machine is impossible because that’s how the world works. The laws of thermodynamics tell us this. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the amount of heat received by the system goes to change the internal energy of the system, as well as to do work against external forces. For example, a gas placed in a cylinder with a piston, receiving a certain amount of heat, increases its internal energy, the molecules move faster, the gas occupies a larger volume and pushes the piston (work against external forces). In other words, if work is done without an external influx of energy, it can only be done due to the internal energy of the system, which sooner or later will dry up, transforming into perfect work, at which point everything will end and the system will come to a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. After all, energy in the world does not go or come anywhere, its quantity remains constant, and only its form changes. Of course, you noticed that we are talking about the so-called perpetual motion machine of the first kind (which can do work without energy). We hasten to assure you that the existence of a perpetual motion machine of the second kind is also impossible and is explained by the second law of thermodynamics, which we will talk about in the near future.

We hope that your acquaintance with thermodynamics was pleasant and that you will love it with all your heart. If this does not happen, you can always assign tasks in thermodynamics to to our authors while you are doing more enjoyable things.

Last year, the magazine, in the first issue of which welcomed readers A. Einstein, fulfilled 85 years.

A small editorial team continues to publish IR, whose readers you are honored to be. Although this becomes more and more difficult every year. A long time ago, at the beginning of the new century, the Editorial Board had to leave their native place of residence on Myasnitskaya Street. (Well, really, this is a place for banks, not some body of inventors). However, it helped us Yu.Maslyukov(at that time Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Industry) move to NIIAA near the Kaluzhskaya metro station. Despite the strict compliance by the Editorial Board with the terms of the contract and timely payment of rent, and the inspiring proclamation of a course for innovation by the President and Government of the Russian Federation, the new director at NIIAA informed us about the eviction of the Editorial Board “due to production needs.” This is with a decrease in the number of employees at NIIAA by almost 8 times and the corresponding release of space, and despite the fact that the area occupied by the editorial office did not account for even one hundredth of a percent of the vast areas of NIIAA.

We were sheltered by MIREA, where we have been located for the last five years. Moving twice is the same as burning once, the saying goes. But the editors are holding on and will hold on as long as they can. And it can exist as long as the magazine "Inventor and innovator" read and write out.

Trying to reach a larger number of interested people with information, we have updated the magazine’s website, making it, in our opinion, more informative. We are digitizing publications from previous years, starting with 1929 year - the time the magazine was founded. We are releasing an electronic version. But the main thing is the paper edition IR.

Unfortunately, the number of subscribers, the only financial basis for existence IR, both organizations and individuals, is decreasing. And my numerous letters about support for the magazine to government leaders of various ranks (both presidents of the Russian Federation, prime ministers, both Moscow mayors, both governors of the Moscow region, the governor of my native Kuban, heads of the largest Russian companies) did not yield any results.

In connection with the above, the Editors would like to ask you, our readers: support the magazine, of course, if possible. A receipt by which you can transfer money for statutory activities, that is, the publication of a magazine, is published below.