Feedback. Gun collecting license How to obtain gun collector status

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How to get a permit for edged weapons?

Today I would like to answer a question from one of my readers and provide clarification about acquisitions cold weapons V Russian Federation, And procedure for obtaining a license for collecting edged weapons, and will also consider some controversial issues, taking into account current legislation.

What guides us?

Today in the Russian Federation all actions related to the circulation and storage of official, civil and manual cold and small arms regulates It is worth noting that in 2013 and 2014 this the federal law Several significant additions and amendments have been made, so please use only the most recent versions of this document. .

Download Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 150 “On Weapons” Can .

Besides, gun regulations regulated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814“On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation” dated July 21, 1998.

The rules regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons, main parts firearms and cartridges for it, including production, trade, sale, transfer, acquisition, collecting, exhibiting, accounting, storage, carrying, transportation, transportation, use, withdrawal, destruction, import into the territory of the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation.

The Rules do not apply to the circulation of weapons of cultural value, except for cases expressly provided for by these Rules.

Collecting edged weapons

Do you want to start collecting edged weapons?

Let's find out what it is collecting weapons, and what it is eaten with.

To begin with, I will explain what is meant by the concept of edged weapons from the point of view of legislation and judicial practice.

Steel arms - a weapon designed to hit a target using human muscle power in direct contact with the target (Article 1 of the Law).

Clause No. 6 of the Plenum Resolution Supreme Court"ABOUT judicial practice on cases of theft, extortion and illegal trafficking of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices" dated March 12, 2002 No. 5 specifies that under cold steel should be understood as manufactured industrially or homemade:

  1. objects intended to hit a target using human muscular power in direct contact with the target, which include cold bladed weapon ( ; combat, national, hunting knives, which are weapons; bayonets; ; ; and so on.),
  2. other weapon cutting, piercing, chopping or mixed actions (bayonets, , and so on.),
  3. impact weapon( , and so on.),
  4. objects intended to hit a target at a distance with a projectile receiving directed movement using human muscular power (and axes, etc.) or a mechanical device ( bows, crossbows and so on.).

Does not apply to weapons products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that are structurally similar to weapons (hereinafter referred to as products structurally similar to weapons).

Like this interesting story it turns out. I hope all points are clear. Now let's move on to the concept of collection and collecting.

In accordance with Article No. 13 of Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons” - collection– this is a weapon acquired by a legal entity for the purpose of collecting, as well as acquired for the same purpose by a citizen of the Russian Federation and exceeding the number of 5 units.

In addition, a citizen of the Russian Federation can apply for recognition of the weapons he already owns as a collection, but not exceeding five units. A license for collecting.

What is gun collecting?

Under collecting weapons means the acquisition and storage of pneumatic, gas, signal, bladed and other weapons by persons (both legal entities and individuals), for the purpose of creating cultural, historical, scientific collections and meetings for use for educational and informational purposes.

In Russia, collecting weapons and purchasing weapons for the purpose of collecting requires a license.

Stipulates the right of a citizen to purchase weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation for collecting or exhibiting them.

What can you collect?

  1. Weapons not prohibited for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Cold steel and other weapons removed from the arsenal of various organizations.

What can't you collect?

  1. , , and others adapted for use as weapons of throwing and impact-crushing action, except for sports projectiles.
  2. Cold bladed weapons, blades in which are removed and fixed automatically when the trigger is pressed, or due to gravity and accelerated movement, with a blade length of more than 90 mm.

What is a collectible weapon?

What is not a collectible weapon?

  1. Weapons designed for educational process or research.
  2. Weapon models that are structurally similar to the original products.
  3. Dummy weapons.

Persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to collect (collect) civilian weapons, if there are no restrictions on their acquisition provided for by the Federal Law “On Weapons” No. 150.

What is a civilian weapon?

Civilian weapons - This is a weapon that is used by citizens of the Russian Federation for sports, hunting and for self-defense. It is important to note here that there are several subtypes of bladed civilian weapons:

  1. Cold bladed sporting weapon
  2. Cold bladed hunting weapon
  3. Edged weapons to be worn with Cossack uniforms and national costumes.

Award weapons can also be included in the collection after obtaining a license.

And now to the main thing.

What is prohibited?

Citizens of the Russian Federation are prohibited from:

  1. Collect weapons without obtaining the appropriate permit.
  2. Collect types of weapons not covered by the collecting license.

Obtaining a license

Permission to collect bladed and other weapons

On the territory of the Russian Federation, issuing licenses (permits) for purchasing and collecting edged weapons, and antique weapons, various replicas and artistically designed weapons are handled by the territorial licensing and permitting departments of the internal affairs bodies.

Basic, Required documents:

  1. Identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. Two photographs 3x4 cm

I also note that the “collectible” is issued without any monetary fees. And all copies of documents are certified by a seal.

If you want to collect a numbered edged weapon, an award or other weapon, you must also provide a list of the numbered registration of your existing weapons, attaching the original permits.

In addition, you need to know that when submitting an application, you will be required to provide information about the conditions for storing and ensuring the safety of weapons. These requirements are also set out in the Federal Law “On Weapons” No. 150. The storage locations and conditions are usually checked by the local commissioner and an inspection report with a conclusion is drawn up.

After submitting all papers and documents, the materials will be reviewed and, within one calendar month a decision will be made to issue the citizen a license to collect weapons.

Permission to purchase and store edged weapons

Also in the Russian Federation, a procedure has been established for exercising the right to purchase bladed hunting edged weapons and edged weapons, which are necessary when wearing the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as with the Cossack uniform.

This right is granted to citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of eighteen and have received a license to purchase a specific type of weapon from the territorial licensing and permitting department (LRO) of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Bladed hunting bladed weapon – purchased by citizens of the Russian Federation who have permission to store and carry hunting firearms. Hunting edged weapons are registered upon sale, in a document certifying the right to hunt (hunting license).

National and Cossack bladed weapons – purchased by citizens of the Russian Federation who have a license to purchase chemical weapons and subsequent registration of weapons with the LRO, within two weeks from the date of purchase. A maximum of five weapons may be included in a license. The license is valid for five years and is also a permit to store and carry weapons.

To obtain a license to purchase edged weapons, you must submit to the territorial licensing and permitting department of the internal affairs bodies:

  1. An application filled out according to the specified form.
  2. Medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon.
  3. Identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. Two photographs 3x4 cm.
  5. Act of inspection of places and conditions of storage of weapons.
  6. Receipts for payment of state duty.

That's all that concerns the acquisition and storage of edged weapons in a nutshell.

By the way, today, almost all models of bladed weapons are made as souvenirs and, in fact, are not weapons. Therefore, a license is not required to purchase such products. You can find out more about what edged weapons are and which bladed products are chemical weapons and which are not. In any case, when purchasing such a specific product as a knife, you need to know exactly how to use it certified, and whether special permission is required for its storage.

Certification of civilian weapons

According to current legislation, mandatory All are subject to certification produced on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as imported into the territory of the Russian Federation and exported from the Russian Federation civilian weapon models, as well as products structurally similar to weapons. The certificate of conformity is the basis for the circulation of civilian weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

By the way, do not forget about the most important point - in the Russian Federation, in accordance with current legislation, it is prohibited to carry weapons during mass street meetings, rallies, processions, demonstrations, as well as to carry bladed weapons for self-defense. Therefore, even if you have a household item with a sharpened blade on you, Do not under any circumstances tell law enforcement officers that you are carrying this piece of iron with you for self-defense.


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In addition, I started working

Where does simple gun ownership end and collecting begin? How to legally document the presence of murder weapons in the house? These are not idle questions, considering that ignorance of them entails liability, including criminal liability.

Since ancient times it has been admired and feared. Many collected huge collections of weapons, passing them on from generation to generation. Currently, interest in all kinds of weapons does not wane; weapons are still purchased, collected and exhibited. But now collectors may face a number of difficulties associated with updating weapons legislation.

In 1996, on December 13, the Federal Law “On Weapons” was adopted, which secured for individuals and legal entities the right to collect and exhibit weapons, a list of weapons permitted for collecting and exhibiting, and some restrictions on engaging in such activities. The rules for collecting and exhibiting weapons are established by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1998 (Chapter 8, paragraph 30), on the territory of the Russian Federation, the collection and storage of firearms, pneumatic, gas, signal, cold and other weapons and cartridges by legal entities and individuals for the formation of cultural and historical collections (meetings ) in scientific, information and educational purposes carried out on the basis of licenses issued by internal affairs bodies in the manner established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The collection can be ancient weapons, acquired for the purpose of collecting by a legal entity, as well as a citizen of the Russian Federation, exceeding the amount established by Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” (five units). In addition, upon application of a citizen, weapons in his possession may be recognized as a collection, not exceeding the number established by Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”.

Collectors should pay attention Special attention in the law for an exhaustive list of weapons that are allowed to be purchased for collecting purposes. This:
weapons not prohibited for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation;
firearms, cold steel and other weapons removed from the arsenal of state paramilitary organizations;
cartridges for the specified weapon.

According to Federal Law, collectible weapons and ammunition may include:
weapons recognized as material evidence in criminal cases, including homemade, illegally converted or prohibited for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, after the completion of the consideration of cases in judicial procedure;
weapon foreign production, which is not civil or official;
weapons manufactured in a pilot batch or imported into the territory of the Russian Federation and which have not passed certification tests;
weapons used only in the training process, the firing of a shot from which is impossible without special repair work (training weapons);
a weapon designed to simulate a shot from it with special imitation cartridges, the possibility of using other types of cartridges in which without carrying out special repair work is excluded (drained weapons);
copies of weapons made from originals or drawings of weapons that have been discontinued, provided that their design and artistic design are accurately reproduced without the use of genuine parts, as well as replicas of weapons that have author’s changes in appearance and artistic decoration;
cartridges for the weapons specified in this paragraph, including test, model, blank and training cartridges.

The collection and storage of weapons and cartridges intended for the production or educational process, cut samples of weapons and cartridges, the restoration of the working condition of which is technically impossible, cartridges with a drilled case without gunpowder and with a pierced primer are not recognized as collecting and are not subject to licensing; models of weapons (products structurally similar to weapons, reproducing the design of weapons and simulating their action), products structurally similar to weapons that are not models of weapons; dummies of weapons and cartridges (products similar in appearance with weapons and cartridges, the design of which does not allow their use as weapons and cartridges).

This means that these models can be collected and stored, but they are not included in the concept of “collecting weapons”; a license is not required to collect and store them.

Persons awarded weapons may include award weapons in their collections, but only after obtaining permission to store and carry these weapons from the internal affairs bodies.

According to paragraph 40 of Chapter 8 of the Government Decree of July 21, 1998. Legal entities and individuals are prohibited from: collecting weapons and ammunition without obtaining the appropriate license; collecting types, types and models of weapons and ammunition not provided for by the collecting license.

Many collectors, having huge collections of all kinds of weapons, do not always look into the law, do not know their rights and, of course, responsibility for violating the rules of collecting. So, the main limitation when collecting weapons is the availability of a license to engage in this activity.

Licenses for collecting or exhibiting are issued by internal affairs bodies based on an application from a citizen of the Russian Federation. The validity period of licenses for collecting or exhibiting is three years from the date of issue.

An application for a license is considered by the specified authorities within one month from the date of its submission. The application shall indicate information about the types of weapons planned for collection or exhibition, and the measures taken to ensure their registration and safety. The applicant is also required to submit constituent and registration documents legal entity or documents proving the identity of a citizen.

The validity period of licenses for collecting or exhibiting weapons may be extended by five years upon application by the holder of the relevant license. An application to extend the validity period of these licenses is submitted three months before their expiration.

In case of refusal to issue a license or extend its validity, the internal affairs bodies are obliged to inform the applicant in writing about this, indicating the motivated reasons. Refusal to issue a license or extend its validity period, or violation of the terms for consideration of the application, can be appealed by the applicant in court (Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”).

Grounds for refusal to issue a license or extend its validity period may be: failure by the applicant to submit necessary information or providing them with incorrect information, failure to provide conditions for accounting and safety of weapons, or failure to provide these conditions.

In addition, I consider it necessary to pay special attention to liability for violation of the collection order. Illegal collecting, i.e. collecting without required license, may face punishment under Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for “ Illegal possession and collection of weapons and their main parts.” This act is punishable in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by restriction of freedom for a term of two to four years, or by arrest for a term of up to 6 months, or by imprisonment for a term of two to four years with a fine in the amount of 200 to 500 times the minimum wage or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months or without it.

It is also necessary to focus on antique weapons, which have a high cost and are the personal property of citizens. When exchanging, donating or transferring such weapons from collection to collection, they are formalized in the general manner with the only limitation - the parties must have appropriate licenses for the sale or purchase of weapons, which are issued by the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated April 12, 1999. To obtain a license to collect civilian weapons, edged weapons, artistic weapons, copies and replicas of antique weapons, as well as other weapons permitted for collecting, citizens of the Russian Federation submit the following documents at their place of residence to the internal affairs body:
a) statement;
b) a document proving the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation;
c) two photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm.

When collecting firearms and other numbered weapons, the applicant must additionally submit a list of the registration number of the existing weapon, and if he intends to include an award weapon in the collection (assembly) being formed, indicate its data. The list is accompanied by original licenses and permits.

In accordance with this Order, control over the collection and display of weapons and ammunition is carried out by employees of internal affairs bodies together with representatives of specially authorized bodies for the preservation of cultural property, taking into account compliance with the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality of information about weapons and their owners.

Inspections of organizations and individuals involved in the exhibition of weapons and ammunition are also carried out before the start of each exhibition organized by them and upon its completion.

sale of collectible firearms

Amendments to the law “On Weapons”, which came into force on January 1 of this year, will please many weapons collectors. It would seem that such amendments are minor, but for most interested people they are very important. This is exactly the case when any comma decides the fate of a weapon. Remember? You cannot execute and pardon.

Legislative adjustments have brought weapons kept in private collections back into the legal field. Often it is in the old grandfather’s house in the attic or basement that a real treasure is preserved, which any museum will be delighted to acquire. Previously, such guns were simply hidden - God forbid someone finds out, they would immediately go to prison for possession. However, there was also slyness here; people did not want to bother with the official registration of weapons with history.

Now everything has become much simpler. The point here is this: do you want to have some kind of dueling pistol- have it. And in unlimited quantities. But you still have to formalize it. First you need basic registration civilian weapons. But if previously historical trunks were strictly recorded, now they can be collected in any quantity. Before the adoption of this law, it was possible to have no more than ten historical trunks in private hands. If more, they should have been re-registered.

But there are, of course, limitations. These weapons must be identified in the museum collection.

That is, collectible weapons must be recognized as a historical exhibit. After such an examination, it no longer matters where and with whom it is stored, for example, flintlock musket. It is important that this is a historical relic. You no longer need to license it.

The law contains an important prohibition. Shoot from historical weapons absolutely not possible. Basically. Even if someone rented this beautiful gun.

How does it usually happen? The historical reenactors club organizes a show battle, say, on the Borodino field. The case is very spectacular, important and useful. But if earlier it was possible in such performances to shoot from truly historical, that is, museum weapons, now it is not. You can show off, show off with him. But filling it with gunpowder and knocking out a spark - alas. Copy such a fusee (which is very expensive) and shoot. Now such specimens are of state value and will be protected. And reenactors will apparently have to make their own working copies of ancient weapons.

By the way, in some remote Siberian and Far Eastern villages, old-timers still use the so-called Sibirka or Suzgunka. There is a village in Siberia - Suzgun, where these weapons were made. Same locality There are truly skilled people in Dagestan - Kubachi. Many people know this village as a place for the production of silver products - jewelry, dishes. But the main thing is that for almost a thousand years the best edged weapons in Eurasia were made here. Moreover, the “trick” is not only in the silver notch on the blade. Caucasian craftsmen knew how and still know how to make blades that have no equal in the world. And they are very expensive.

You cannot shoot from historical weapons. Even at costumed historical re-enactments

And in Suzgun they made high-quality firearms. These are muzzle-loading capsule shotguns. They began to be made in Russia when the Tsar allowed their commercial production.

The local residents really liked the loading scheme for such weapons. If necessary, you just need to bite off a piece of lead with your eye (many people bit it off with their teeth, if their health allowed it) - enough for a bird or more large animal, again, if necessary, pour out the gunpowder and insert the primer. All. It was necessary to operate it manually, gunpowder was poured into the barrel, and wads were driven in with a ramrod. In general, like Chingachgook. The main thing is dexterity and eye. Some local hunters still shoot from such guns. Some Siberian hunters believe that this is cheap and convenient - no shell casings are needed. Lead and gunpowder are consumed solely as needed, no more and no less. But now such “economical” shooting is illegal. It is impossible to register such a fusée, because there is no number on the barrel, and no identification marks at all. Moreover, the data in the police bullet casing file. Therefore, the new law requires such a trunk to be designated as a museum exhibit.

The law will designate these weapons as some kind of historical value. And - literally, that is monetary equivalent. And, indeed, maybe it makes sense to sell the old flintlock gun and buy a modern smooth-bore gun?

These rifles from the times of the Great Patriotic War can be used to open blank fire if they are replicas. Photo: Alexander Demyanchuk / TASS

The meaning of the new law lies elsewhere - in the legalization of weapons collections. There are many of them, including in Russia. And they cost incredible amounts of money. You can argue that there is the most valuable thing in the caches of this or that tycoon - a jewelry collection, a collection of paintings, say, Flemish painting, or an ancient, but still military arsenal. It is known that some oligarchs consider it an honor to have a serious collection of trunks, blades and knightly armor.

Here's an example. Who remembers what the future British Prime Minister Lieutenant Churchill used to shoot at the beginning of the century? Let us remember that young Winston, participating in the African imperial wars, shot from the famous revolutionary Mauser pistol-carbine. This is a weapon with a large wooden holster. True, then this pistol was not yet revolutionary. The famous German pistol was created by the Federle brothers, the eldest of whom, Fidel, was in charge of the experimental workshop of the Mauser plant. The owner of the plant, Paul Mauser, joined the work on the pistol at the stage of improving the design. The pistol was patented for it.

The Mauser was easily converted into a light cavalry carbine, for which a wooden holster was used as a butt. A powerful cartridge with a caliber of 7.63 mm made it possible to pierce through timber 15 centimeters thick from 25 meters. It was loved by both the Reds and the Whites, and was used by the Basmachi and partisans. Before the war in Africa, this “toy” was given to Churchill by his mother, the Duchess of Marlborough - this not poor lady could afford such a gift for her beloved son. Then it cost her 5 thousand German marks. At that time, an Opel car cost 3.5 thousand marks. According to legend, in the fall of 1898, during the Sudan campaign, the patrol of the 21st Hussars, led by 25-year-old Churchill, was ambushed and surrounded by a superior enemy force. Churchill and his soldiers were very lucky - the dashing young officer managed to shoot back straight from the saddle. What should I say, good weapon and excellent dexterity. Subsequently, Churchill began collecting Mausers. A question that concerns many historians: no one knows where exactly this pistol is now. Can you imagine how many Moscow apartments you can buy for such a “toy”?

It is known that Mao Zedong’s guards were the so-called Mauserists. And Ivan Papanin took the Mauser to the polar winter.

In Germany, production of the Mauser C-96 ceased in 1937, and in China in the 1980s.

Weapon collections often make up a significant part of the inheritance and even the family fortune. Moreover, surprisingly, our legislation has not yet allowed the legalization of weapons collections. The 18th century musket was believed to still be a live barrel. Perhaps this is true. But it’s unlikely that anyone with a musket will take to the battlefield today. But many will be interested in looking at such a product. And whoever has the means to buy it, hang it on the wall and show it to friends. This was allowed in Russia.

According to experts from intelligence agencies and law enforcement, the value of Russians’ weapons collections can be estimated at tens of billions of rubles. For example, weapons collection the famous MUR, which was compiled by the heroic employees of the criminal investigation department, is worth fabulously. By the way, the operatives collected these guns, taking them from the bandits, at their own peril and risk. They beautifully and lovingly decorated a real museum in the capital’s police headquarters. Where access is only for its experts. Let's say we need to compare the caliber, powder residue, and bullet deformation. But it is made and decorated so beautifully that any museum will envy. Again, let us remind you about the cost of the exhibits - there are confiscated flintlock pistols, capsule revolvers and even homemade machine guns from the 70s. And everything can “work” so far. This is the point of the “Moore” museum - any exhibit is functional, it can be used as a sample, that is, shoot, look at the range of the shot, penetration.


Leonid Vedenov, Head of the Main Directorate of State Control and Licensing and Permitting of the Russian Guard, Lieutenant General of Police:

Many collectors were waiting for amendments to weapons legislation. Now collecting and exhibiting weapons will become much easier. New law states that “ancient (antique) weapons, copies of ancient (antique) weapons, replicas of ancient (antique) weapons and edged weapons that have cultural value have the right to acquire legal and individuals who have a license to collect weapons." The federal law introduced an exception in relation to certain types and types of weapons, the circulation of which is prohibited on the territory of Russia, if such weapons are cultural value. The acquisition, exhibition and collection of such weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of Russia are not subject to licensing in the case of acquisition, exhibition and collection by state and municipal weapons museums.

Yes, you can collect weapons, but not all of them. On the territory of Russia there is a ban on the acquisition for the purpose of collecting “sporting and firearms short-barreled weapons with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it.” In general, don’t expect the legalization of combat pistols.

Help "RG"

The following are registered with the Russian Guard:

  • 4.2 million gun owners, owning 6.7 million guns
  • 23.3 thousand private security organizations, of which 5.8 thousand private security organizations using 51 thousand units of service weapons
  • 686.1 thousand private security guards
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation, the circulation as civilian and service weapons of flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other items of impact, crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons is prohibited - Article 6 of the Law “On Weapons”.
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation, the circulation of cold steel weapons as civilian and service weapons is prohibited. bladed weapons and knives, the blades of which, with a blade and blade length of more than 90 mm: are either automatically removed from the handle when you press a button or lever and are fixed by them, or are extended due to gravity or accelerated movement and are automatically fixed.

Hobbies are different. Some people calmly collect stamps or coins, while other people get overly excited when they pick up a weapon. And this is no coincidence: an armed person feels more protected. And besides, his strength increases.

Also, the desire to know history pushes him to collecting weapons. After all, the entire history of Mankind is connected with these objects, without which it was impossible to defeat the beast, defeat enemies, or protect oneself.

It happens…

The first copies have already taken their place in the collection. Someone gave him a dagger inherited from his great-grandfather; another good friend ordered a copy of the robber flail of some famous murderer; employees gave me an inlaid saber for my birthday.

And one evening, when you working day sat at the table and admired the collectibles, police officers came to you with a warrant to search and seize the so-called “collectibles”.

It turns out that you violated a whole series Articles of the Law and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The punishment will not be too severe, but the items will be confiscated, and in the future you will definitely not receive a legal license. You should have immediately consulted a lawyer and not created problems for yourself.
Collecting weapons from a legal point of view

Collecting weapons involves the acquisition and storage of these dangerous items. Collections can be collected by both individuals and organizations. The main goals of creating a collection are educational and informational. With the help of such objects, people gain a deeper understanding of their historical roots and culture. Weapons can also be collected for scientific purposes.

In the Russian Federation, in order to purchase and exhibit collectible weapons, a license is required (Article 10 of Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”).

Cold steel, as well as other weapons that have already been withdrawn from service, are not prohibited for circulation in Russia. Citizens of Russia have the right to collect weapons, if there are no restrictions on this provided by the Law.

But it is prohibited to collect it without appropriate permission. You also cannot have items in your collection that are not covered by the license.

It is forbidden to collect

1. The law prohibits collecting:

  • brass knuckles;
  • flails;
  • shurikens ( throwing blades, stars);
  • other devices that can be used as throwing, impact and crushing weapons.

The only exceptions are sports equipment.

2. You cannot make a collection of bladed weapons that have the following characteristics:

  • if the blades are automatically (by any means) withdrawn and locked when the trigger is pulled;
  • if the blade jumps straight out when the trigger is pressed;
  • if the blade is fixed due to accelerated movement and gravity;
  • if the blade length is over 90 cm.

What weapons can you collect?

1. If a weapon was used as evidence in a criminal case, but the process was completed, it has the right to become a collector's item. It can also be a weapon:

  • illegally transferred;
  • homemade.

2. Uncertified weapons imported into Russia. It is necessary to involve a lawyer in the work and legalize this subject.

3. A copied copy, if this type of weapon is no longer in production. Execution can be made according to original drawings.

What items are not considered collectible weapons?

1. These are items intended for research or educational purposes.

2. These are weapon models that are structurally similar to the original.

3. Dummies.

What items fall into the category of civilian weapons?

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to use these weapons:

  • for sporting purposes;
  • during hunting;
  • for self-defense.

Cold steel types of civilian weapons include:

  • blade sports;
  • blade hunting;
  • XO in the attributes of a Cossack uniform or national costumes;
  • reward if a license is obtained.

Getting permission

We can highlight the main provisions that a citizen who purchases chemical weapons for collection purposes needs to know.

1. A permit in the Russian Federation is considered to be a license to purchase chemical weapons, including for collection purposes.

2. The same provision applies to the acquisition rules:

  • antique copies;
  • all kinds of replicas;
  • items with artistic design.

3. The issuance of a license is carried out by the territorial OLRR of the ATC.

4. Required documents:

  • application according to a certain sample;
  • identification documents;
  • photo 3x4 – 2 pcs.

5. Copies of documents must be certified by a seal.

6. When registering collectible items, payment of monetary fees is not required.

7. If you collect a numbered or award weapon, then you must also provide a list of license plates and attach the original permits.

8. When submitting an application, you need to understand what you will need to provide correct condition storage of weapons. That the place and storage conditions comply with the rules must be verified by the district police officer, who will draw up an inspection report and issue an appropriate conclusion.

9. The decision to issue a license is made within 1 month.

How to simplify the task

Of course, you can get a license yourself, but it may not be issued for any reason. For example, you may accidentally mention that you need collectibles for self-defense. But this is a completely different purpose! Even for the reason that you have not decided on the purpose of the weapon you are purchasing, you may be refused a license.

It is better to immediately seek the help of a competent lawyer. He will not only advise you on all issues related to collecting, but will also help you prepare all the necessary documents. Then the employees of the agency issuing licenses will understand that there is no point in asking tricky questions.