How and why to do Kegel exercises for women at home? Correct execution of exercises

Hi all! Very often we complain that “ I squat, but my butt is not a nut», « I'm pumping up my abs, but I don't have any six-pack"... and a bunch of questions from the series " what to do - worked my abs, neck/back hurts», « knees hurt after squatting"etc. I suggest standing in front of a mirror and repeating all the exercises that cause you discomfort, working on your technique, and below we’ll look at the most common mistakes in these exercises (turn on wi-fi, lots of pictures :)

This exercise mainly works the pectoral muscles and triceps. Load for pectoral muscles will be higher if your hands are positioned a little wider than usual. If you place them narrower, the load will go to the triceps.

Execution technique- starting position - emphasis on the palms, arms straight, hands located vertically under the shoulders. The back is straight, the abs tense. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and lower your chest towards the floor, but do not touch it. Push with your hands and rise to the starting position.

How to properly perform push-ups

Common mistakes in push-ups

Errors: relaxed abs, strong arch in the lower back, sagging pelvis. All core muscles should be tense.

Errors: the arms are almost not bent, the pelvis is raised up, the back is arched. If it is difficult to do push-ups with a straight back, then it is necessary to strengthen the core muscles (do abdominal exercises, stand in a plank), triceps (perform push-ups with a reverse grip), shoulder girdle muscles, and pectoral muscles. You can also try push-ups from your knees.

Depending on the position of the legs, we shift part of the load to different muscle groups, but they are always involved when squats: quadriceps, hip adductors, soleus muscles, large gluteal muscles. With a wide stance, the load shifts to the inner thighs and buttocks; with a narrow stance, the outer thigh is more actively involved.

Execution technique– place your feet shoulder-width apart or wider, back straight, look in front of you, do squats by moving your pelvis back, and then slowly bend your knees to squat, while we spread your knees to the sides and your back is always straight

How to do squats correctly

Common mistakes in squats

Errors: heels lift off, emphasis on toes, knees go very forward. When squats, the pelvis should move back, and the emphasis should be on the heels.

Errors:"X" shaped bringing the knees together or bringing the knees inward. This technique creates a dangerous load on the knees and possible injury in the future.

  1. Lunges forward

Wide lunges in to a greater extent load the buttocks, and short lunges transfer the main load to the quadriceps. In general, lunges are undoubtedly a very effective form of exercise for our legs.

Execution technique- stand straight, feet hip-width apart, back straight. Take a step forward and sit down. Watch your knee - it should not go beyond your toe, and both legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Push off with your front leg and return to the starting position, repeat with the other leg.

How to perform lunges correctly

Common mistakes in lunges

Errors: stride too short, dangerous strain on knees.

Errors: bending the back, leaning forward strongly, short strides.

  1. Ab crunches

We don’t have “upper” or “lower” abs, there is only one large abdominal muscle - the rectus abdominis muscle, and it is quite large in size, so pumping up the abs is not difficult, the main thing is to load it correctly, but as for the visibility of the “pack” , then of course this is more difficult, since their presence depends on the level of subcutaneous fat.

Execution technique– starting position – lying on a flat surface (it is better to use a mat), place your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, bend them at the knees, hands in front of/behind your head, elbows to the sides. It is important to twist your body and not rise up with a straight back.

How to do abdominal exercises correctly

Common mistakes in abdominal exercises

Errors: lifting the straight body, jerking, relaxing in lowest point(lying on the floor) and at the top point (sitting position). This exercise technique is often accompanied by lower back pain.

You can diversify standard abdominal crunches by lifting your legs while lying down. The exercise is simple, but there are several nuances.

Execution technique- the lower back should be pressed to the floor (mat), the legs should not fall to the floor and should not rise above 45 degrees, so the load does not leave the muscle during the exercise. No forced repetitions, we do everything smoothly and slowly.

How to properly perform lying leg raises (abs exercise)

Common mistakes in lying leg raises

Errors: separation of the pelvis, high angle of leg lift (the load is removed from the abs).

Some more abdominal exercises in this video :)

P.S. Write in the comments which exercises you find difficult, and I will try to analyze the technique and common mistakes. Great training to everyone, good technique, correct load, always feel the target muscle group and avoid injuries 😉

Is there an exercise that helps avoid female and male sexual problems, improves sex life and prepares the body for childbirth? Yes, and many have been using it successfully for a long time. It's about about the popular Kegel technique. Regular exercise will ensure gradual strengthening of the pubococcygeus muscles, which support the urethra, uterus and end of the colon.

This gymnastics helps to avoid vaginismus, hemorrhoids, constipation, encopresis or incontinence, and contributes to the emergence of orgasm in those who have not yet experienced it. Next we will talk about contraindications, effectiveness and basic rules for performing a set of Kegel exercises for women at home.

Execution Rules

The complex was developed by the famous obstetrician and gynecologist Arnold Kegel. The technique is based on contracting and relaxing the hip muscles to strengthen them.

Only if performed daily does this gymnastics give good results.

Beginners need to identify the location of the perineal muscles. To do this, try to stop the stream while urinating. Those muscles that are tense and need to be trained.

Basic rules for performing Kegel exercises (wumbuilding):

  1. Watch your breathing, it should be even and deep. Moreover, you need to breathe, not through your chest.
  2. Tighten your hip muscles (do not use your buttocks or abdominal muscles).
  3. Be sure to alternate moments of tension with complete muscle relaxation during breaks.
  4. Beginners perform exercises only in a supine position. Only after reaching a certain level can you train in a standing or sitting position.

Video tutorial “how to properly do Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles”:

Indications for implementation

Warnings and contraindications

Vumbuilding, like any physical exercise, has its contraindications, and therefore before training it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Perform the exercises strictly according to technology.

use only abdominal breathing, even and measured, while the chest does not move.

It is unacceptable to perform gymnastics in a bathtub with hot water.

Main contraindications:

  • Inflammatory or infectious genitourinary diseases;
  • Exacerbations of heart and vascular diseases;
  • Prolapse or loss of internal genital organs;
  • Benign or malignant formations in the body;
  • Damage or major operations on the perineum;
  • Repeatedly pregnant women after a miscarriage or premature birth.

A set of exercises for women

Exercise is simply necessary for women to prevent diseases genitourinary system and to improve the quality of intimate life.

Starting position - lying on. Tighten and relax your pubococcygeus muscles for 6 to 8 seconds. In the first days, perform 2 - 5 approaches per day, over time the number of approaches should be increased to 40 - 55 times per day.

Lie on your back and quickly tense and relax your muscles before they start to flutter. You need to perform the exercise in 10 approaches.

Alternate muscle contraction and relaxation for 8 - 12 seconds, total duration - 5 minutes per day. And another 60 seconds in fast pace contract and relax your muscles.

Make thrusting movements with the vagina, but without the help of the anus. Hold the tension for 2 - 5 seconds, the number of sets is 10 per day. This is a great exercise for women who have not yet given birth.

Imagine that you are pulling a foreign object into your vagina. Maintain the tension for 3 - 6 seconds. Increase the time depending on muscle development.

Beginners perform the exercise 3 times a day, each set 10 times.
After 3 - 5 days, they will be able to withstand tension for 10 seconds, and the exercises will seem too simple. If everything matches, then check the strength of your muscles during urination. If at the moment of holding urine not a single drop was released, and this result was repeated 2-3 times, you can move to the next level. If you couldn’t contain the flow, work a little according to the old program.

The first week, do 5 exercises per approach, over time their number can be increased up to 30 times. The maximum for women is 150 repetitions per day, this will help maintain muscle tone.

Basic exercises for advanced:

Male complex

If performed daily, a man gets the opportunity to control ejaculation and experience multiple orgasms. Blood flow in the pelvic area increases, which increases the level of erection. Kegel exercises are necessary for the prevention of prostatitis.

Before classes, it is necessary to identify the pubococcygeus muscle.

Basic exercises:

    Alternate tensing and relaxing the pelvic muscles 8 to 12 times per set. Frequency - from 2 to 3 approaches per day of your choice.

    After 3 - 4 days, increase the number of repetitions to 6 times for each approach. The maximum you should strive for is 300 times a day.

    After 7 - 14 days of regular training, move on to more complex exercises. To do this, tense the muscle and hold it in this state for 2 - 3 seconds. Then relax for 3 seconds too. Increase the time every day, up to 30 seconds.

    Having reached the maximum in the previous stage, move on to short and long contractions. Decide on the rhythm yourself.

    Don't miss the opportunity to exercise the muscle every time you urinate (hold the stream at least 5 times during one visit to the toilet).

Do gymnastics every day, gradually increasing the load.

Complex for pregnant women

Women cannot do without this gymnastics different dates pregnancy. It helps reduce labor pain, avoid ruptures and involuntary release of urine and feces.

During the period from 14 to 18 weeks of pregnancy, train only in a standing or sitting position and never lie down.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women:

    The starting position is lying on your back with your knees bent and legs spread apart, as in childbirth. Your back and head should be at the same level, but slightly higher than your lower body; to do this, place a mattress under them and relax. Contract your pubococcygeus muscles as if you want to stop urination. Hold this position for 6 - 12 seconds. Relax for the same amount of time. Do 10 to 30 reps for 8 sets per day.

    Think of your vaginal tube as an elevator. Tighten the muscle on the lower floor, freeze for a second, and so increase the tension with each floor, holding each for a second. Having climbed, go down to the upper floor, gradually reducing the pressure to the lower tier.

    Tighten the muscles of the vagina and anus in turn, and then relax the anus first, and only then the vagina.

    Sit with your knees bent and legs wide apart, relaxing your pelvic muscles as much as possible. Inhale, stay in this position and make pushing movements with the vagina. The main thing is to be careful and perform the movements smoothly. To feel the effectiveness of the action, press your hand to the perineum. Then inhale, tense your muscles and repeat. It is necessary to protrude the pelvic muscles at the moment of passage of the fetus, this way you will help the child pass through the birth canal faster and more painlessly. In this case, the intestines and bladder should be empty.

Such gymnastics should be performed after childbirth to quickly restore the vaginal muscles without surgical intervention.

The main benefits of Kegel exercises

  • Sensitivity improves during sexual intercourse;
  • Blood flow in the pelvic area increases;
  • The pubococcygeus muscles are strengthened;
  • Increased sexual reactivity;
  • The tone of the vaginal muscles increases after childbirth;
  • A person controls the duration and strength of an orgasm;
  • The woman controls labor and does not experience much pain;
  • Strong and elastic muscles do not tear during childbirth;
  • A woman recovers faster after childbirth;
  • A person controls the process of urine excretion;
  • Improved sexual health;
  • Prolongation of sexual activity for many years;
  • Sex hormones are produced faster;
  • Improved mood, well-being and appearance person.

Thanks to the Kegel complex, intimate muscles become firmer and more elastic.

For effective training It is not enough for athletes to lift heavy weights or take steroids. The technique of performing the exercises is no less important, and this is what will be discussed in this article.

It is necessary to take the maximum possible from each exercise, thus making the entire workout effective. Benjamin Franklin once said that if you don't take proper care of a nail in a horse's shoe, you could lose your entire army. This statement is also true for athletes. The smallest detail, which at first glance seems insignificant, can help make your training even more effective.

Experts advise athletes to work hard with extreme intensity and lift the maximum weight possible. It’s hard to disagree with this; such hard training sessions will definitely give the desired result. They still need to be added sports diet, thanks to which the body will receive all the necessary useful substances, and a vitamin-mineral complex.

You should also remember about rest, monitoring the condition of your body. And of course, you need to try to avoid injuries, which, however, is quite difficult with such training. By following these rules, you can quickly learn how to perform the exercises correctly.

Cheating: pros and cons

However, among athletes there are also those who treat their training somewhat carelessly, and do not care at all about a slim figure, but at the same time achieve great heights in sports. In this regard, one can immediately recall Bertil Fox and John Brown. They often used cheating in their training sessions, but it worked! Even Arnold Schwarzenegger himself resorted to cheating quite often at the beginning of his career. But just repeating is not enough, the main thing is to do the exercise correctly.

This brings to mind the story of one young bodybuilder, Vince Taylor. He once had the honor of training with John Brown for one week. Very quickly, Vince became disillusioned with his career as a professional athlete, belaying Taylor during a set of barbell presses weighing 230 kilograms without locks. Later he was able to find his own path and won quite a few different tournaments. However, he recalls training with Taylor with obvious reluctance.

At that time, there were, as it were, two schools of bodybuilding. Adherents of one of them used a pumping style in training, while the second tried to work as powerfully as possible. Among the fans of the pumping school are Frank Zane, Freddy Ortiz, Steve Reeves and others. They liked to work with moderate weights and a large number repetitions and sets, the number of which was 20 or more.

Another part of the athletes, Fox or Brown, preferred the maximum weights and small quantity repetitions. There was another group, for example, Marvin Eder, Chuck Sais and the same Schwarzenegger, who used both styles in their studies.

Of course, you can give a bunch of other examples that it is not necessary to adhere to technique when performing exercises. However, it is better for everyone to conduct an experiment and understand what suits them best: cheating or technique.

Exercise technique

Many are sure that cheating is quite simple. Why perform an exercise technically correctly when you can add a few kilograms? This approach is not capable of providing a stimulating effect on the target muscle group, but it gives a feeling of high efficiency, it’s not for nothing that so much iron was raised! At the same time, people tend to brag about themselves more than to think about the training process itself.

Only you can decide for yourself whether your weight is excessive or acceptable. Here again, Vince Comerford, who gave an interview about back training, can be cited as an example. He admitted that he began to gain muscle mass only when he reduced weight and began to pay attention to the technique of performing exercises. Try it yourself and see that lifting 105 kilograms according to the rules of technique is much more difficult than carelessly tossing 145 kilograms. It is also very important that when the exercise is performed correctly, the lower back receives less stress.

There are many similar examples. For example, Lee Labrada also noted an increase in the effectiveness of training only after he began to pay attention to technique, sacrificing weight for this. The same applies to Tony Pearson, who only used 85kg in his bent-over deadlift. This man was strong and could easily handle a lot of weight, but this was the one that was optimal for the growth of the target muscles. Notice the word "optimal". That's right, not "maximum". In any case, it is very important to perform each exercise correctly.

Of course, it’s impossible to do without Arnold Schwarzenegger here. When Arnie found himself in the USA, he was already quite strong, using cheating very often in training. But with all of the above, he clearly lacked symmetry and completeness in his muscles. But as soon as he started doing the exercises technically competently, his physique began to improve.

He was able to find the strength to overcome his own ego and find the path that led him to worldwide fame. Already being famous person, Schwarzenegger only used weights that were effective. You can recall one case when Arnold worked with dumbbells weighing 32 kilograms during training, while most of the guys used 45 kilograms. They could not understand why, raising more weight, their hands cannot catch up with Arnold’s in size. But here everything is simple: when performing the exercise correctly, Schwarzenegger used the biceps, and the guys with heavy weights also used the deltoids and trapezius.

But even if you stick to the technique, it is very difficult to achieve complete isolation and muscle stimulation without knowing how to shift the emphasis to the desired muscle group. Most athletes understand that to get the benefits of training, it is not enough to simply move up and down. Although it is worth admitting, this opinion is very common among bodybuilders. Any exercise aimed at stimulating target muscles has its own pattern and trajectory. Only by adhering to this can you achieve results.

Most likely, few people thought about this. But as practice shows, observing the necessary trajectories in any exercise is very important. Moreover, such sports stars as Gunnar Sikka, John Parillo, Scott Able and others agree with this.

How to do the bench press correctly

By the way, it was Parillo who first drew attention to the need to follow the trajectories and angles in the matter of correctly performing this exercise. Here it’s worth saying right away that everything, even the simplest movements, in bodybuilding turns out to be complex. It is very difficult to perform them completely technically correctly, since you have to pay attention to all the little things. For example, you can take the bench press. Among bodybuilders this is considered the most simple exercise. But this is a wrong opinion. When using the bench press as an exercise to develop chest muscles, it becomes one of the most difficult.

Parillo advises that when performing a press, imagine that you are pulling your shoulders down towards your buttocks. This allows you to use the rear bundles of the deltoids and ensures the necessary position of the chest muscles, gradually shifting the load on them and freeing the deltoids. John says that in order to isolate the muscles in the chest area as necessary, you must first get into the correct position.

The shoulders and chest should be positioned so that the load falls on the target muscles, and not on the deltoids. Otherwise, it is the deltoids and triceps that will be stimulated. As a result, it turns out that there will be no progress in the growth of the pectoral muscles. Very often, seeing the futility of their efforts, athletes begin to cheat. But you just need to do the exercise correctly.

And now a recommendation on how to properly perform the bench press. Remove the bar and move your shoulders down and back under your body. After this you can start the set. When the bar is at the top of the trajectory, you should engage your elbows while simultaneously lifting your sternum. Try to tighten your shoulder blades at this moment. This way you can work the upper chest, stimulating the muscles.

You need to make sure that the bar does not move in a straight line up and down, being in a plane perpendicular to the body. But this is what most athletes think. Parello is confident that the trajectory should look like a deformed "S". He also recommends touching the bar to your lower chest to activate the lower muscles.

At the moment the bar begins to move upward from the chest, it must be slightly shifted towards the legs, about 5 centimeters. But it is important that at this moment the shoulders are pulled down and back, and the chest is raised and turned out. When the bar has passed halfway, it must be returned again closer to the head. At the moment when the chest muscles contract, the bar should be at eye level, and just before turning off the elbows, move the bar again towards the legs. It should go down in the area of ​​the nipples.

This technique will seem quite complicated at first, but the effect can be seen soon enough. In order to understand whether the bench press was performed correctly, you need to feel it. To do this, you should sit with your back to the wall and move your shoulders back and down, while simultaneously turning and lifting your chest. At this moment, imagine that you are going to touch your chest to the ceiling. All these movements should be performed simultaneously. If everything is done correctly, you will immediately feel tension in the chest muscles, and the deltoids will practically not work.

When you feel the target muscles are ready to be stimulated, raise your arms as if you were bench pressing a barbell and imitate the movements of a bench press. It is important to follow the trajectories of the natural movement of the hands. This way you will work out the necessary trajectory, after which you can go to the gym. You should not immediately use heavy weights, but the best option would be to press an empty bar. Once you've done a few sets this way, you can start with 80% of your optimal load.

It will be just great if gym The place you visit will turn out to be a bench with a curved surface. These benches are produced by Parillo Genetic Equalizer specifically for training the chest muscles. Such a bench makes it possible to take the correct position to isolate the muscles of the pectoral group, so that it is almost impossible to perform an incorrect bench press.

You should also remember the importance of all repetitions. The first two should not be inferior in difficulty to the last. You don’t need to quickly complete the set and do other things, but rather load your muscles efficiently.

In conclusion, high intensity is important, but even the most powerful training will not be able to stimulate the muscles effectively without the correct exercise technique. It is necessary to combine technique and high intensity - this is the only way to achieve great success.

Video on how to do the exercises correctly:

How to properly perform bodybuilding exercises to harmoniously build muscle? Find out the main secrets of successful training!

Everybody wants to have beautiful muscles and enthusiastically perform the exercises of bodybuilding programs, doing exercises for mass and. However, not everyone follows the correct technique, which leads to mistakes and lack of progress. Read this article and you will learn the main mistakes in performing bodybuilding exercises, as well as the main secrets of successful training!

Pull bodybuilding exercises

When you perform bodybuilding pulling exercises for the upper or midsection (rowing machine exercises, overhead rows), you should start the movement from the shoulder blade, not the biceps.

It's natural to initiate a pulling movement with your arms (i.e., biceps), but if you want to work your back muscles, you should forget about this. Before starting the exercise, grasp the barbell with your hands, keep your body straight, and twist your shoulders and shoulder blades slightly forward (for exercises on a rowing machine) or upward (for overhead rows or pull-ups).

Hold with an overhand grip, this will provide more grip. In addition, this grip reduces the impact on the forearm.

Rowing machine exercises

Start doing them by bringing your shoulder blades towards your spine. A similar recommendation applies to performing overhead pull-ups or pull-ups, with the exception of the angle of tension. The shoulder blades should be lowered and pulled back; in this position, tense your back for a few seconds. Keep your chest high throughout the movement and maintain a natural angle in your lower back.

Once you master this movement, you will feel the difference! You may have to lighten the weight at first, but you'll be rewarded with incredible fatigue and tension in your back, and you'll realize that you weren't training as effectively before. The next day your back should not hurt.

Perform mass exercises correctly

If your goal is, you shouldn’t spend a lot of time on isolation exercises and bodybuilding exercises to build muscles.

Your program should include multi-joint exercises that target multiple muscle groups and allow you to lift heavier weights for maximum impact.

Instead of triceps isolation exercises such as one-arm or two-arm cable extensions, which target a specific triceps head (depending on technique), you should do triceps exercises that promote muscle growth. For example, close-grip presses, dips, standard arm extensions, and bench extensions.

Exercises to increase muscle mass affect several muscle groups, allowing you to lift heavy weights and successfully load the involved muscles. The main thing is to perform the correct and proven mass exercises that are guaranteed to increase all the triceps muscles or that also work the chest.

Exercises with the correct grip

If you are bench pressing for big and strong, make sure you have the optimal grip width.

Most people hold the barbell too narrow and push their elbows out to the sides. To correct your technique, lie down on a bench and place a loose bar on your chest near the nipples or just below (you can ask a partner to help you). Place your elbows in line with your shoulders and forearms perpendicular to the floor. Remember where your hands and fingers are located on the bar.

When you are ready to start, place your hands in the appropriate place and begin the exercise! If within many years you used narrow grip, there is a chance that you may not be able to lift your usual weight initially. After just one approach, you will feel how changing the technique affected the sensations in the pectoral muscles.

Keep in mind that keeping your elbows in line with your shoulders may cause discomfort for people with shoulder problems, especially if you lower the bar below nipple level. The priority of bodybuilding exercises should be comfort and preventing joint injury. To avoid impact on the shoulder girdle, simply place your elbows in a comfortable position.

Don't get tired before a bodybuilding workout

And this is provided that you have a good warm-up before starting your work workout. However, some athletes make the mistake of warming up with too much weight or too many sets.

When you do this, warm up naturally turns into work training. The purpose of a warm-up is to prepare your muscles, body and mind for stress and prevent injury. The problem with overloading too much before starting your work sets is that by the time you get to them, you're not only warmed up, but also tired.

Basic full body workout program

If your muscles are tired, you won't be able to lift the weights you could if they were completely fresh, and you won't be able to apply optimal progressive load to your muscles. Therefore, your results will not be as good as they could potentially be if you perform bodybuilding exercises correctly.

Instead, warm up with light weights and high reps (12-15) at a slow, controlled pace, performing full-body exercises for no more than 2 sets. When warming up, never get yourself to the point of fatigue or even close to it - you just want to get blood flowing to the muscles and prepare the ligaments and tendons for stress.

However, if you use low reps in your workout and really heavy weight(typical of powerlifting or strength training), you need an additional warm-up set called a “weight acclimation set.” It involves using relatively heavy weights and high reps, typical of a working set (8-10), which will force you to exert some effort without causing you to fatigue.

The goal of weight acclimatization is to move from light warm-up resistance to very hard and strenuous work. It will prevent shock and injury to the body when you perform your first working set with weights.

If you don't do a weight acclimation set before bodybuilding exercises like heavy bench presses, you run the risk of injury.

It is necessary to warm up for the muscle groups that are involved in the first exercise of the working approach. The remaining muscles will be fully warmed up due to the previous exercises, and extra warm-up sets will only lead to fatigue and will not provide a progressive load for muscle strength and growth.

You must focus on a work approach. Think of a new way to warm up as a way to save energy so you can lift more weight and perform better.

Less crunching for better exercise results

In a good workout, the quality of execution is much more important than the number of repetitions.

Frankly, it doesn't matter how many hundreds or thousands of times a day you do abs. If you do it correctly, there won't be a need for as many repetitions - unless you have nowhere to put your time and energy, or your goal is to impress someone.

The abdominal muscles have stronger fibers and they tend to respond better to high reps. However, if you can do more than 20-25 repetitions of any bodybuilding exercise, then you are either doing it incorrectly or working with insufficient resistance. In addition, the abdominal muscles are more trained and get tired from maintaining DC voltage. This means that even when you return to the starting position, the abdominal muscles are still tense and contracting isometrically (contraction without movement).

Another key to training is to contract the muscles as much as possible at the top of the movement for 1-2 seconds (also isometric contraction or so-called peak contraction).

After properly performed mass exercises, you should allow your abs to rest and recover, just like other muscle groups. At proper training You should not put stress on your abdominal muscles more than 2-3 times a week. You should experience muscle soreness the next day just like you would after any other productive workout. If you experience pain, even with a strong desire, you will not be able to train your abdominal muscles. Plus, you won't achieve your goals because you won't be able to apply progressive overload.

Now you can correct your mistakes when performing bodybuilding exercises, improving your progress and becoming one step closer to the body of your dreams!

Most guys are faced with this question when they first come to a gym where there is no individual trainer. Often, even having a personal mentor in the gym does not help, as I noticed that many of them are slacking, constantly sitting at the computer or talking with left-wing people. In fact, there are not so many really good and professional trainers, and most often they are completely absent. For such reasons, many young athletes have to train on their own and learn from their mistakes by studying the correct strength exercise technique. Many people make very serious mistakes, as a result of which they can easily get injured, sprained, and so on. In addition, if a person trains for a long period of time without a trainer and everything is fine, this does not mean that he is training correctly and that health problems will not arise in the future due to mistakes made.

It is best not to make mistakes and train correctly from the very beginning. To make this happen, I will tell you how you can learn it yourself strength exercise technique in the gym and in general, is it possible to do this without the help of a trainer. Let's go! First, let's look at common reasons why it is difficult for an athlete to learn the correct technique.


In order for a movement to be performed correctly and effectively, the cooperation of several levels that build the movement is necessary. Such interaction cannot be developed by snapping a finger; you need to work on it for a long time. It is this work that exercise implies. Motor skill, simply put, is collaboration human consciousness and body. Why am I saying all this? Many people believe that after watching one video where a trained athlete shows the correct technique for performing any exercise, after which you can easily repeat the same movements. If you are a beginner athlete, you most likely will not be able to do this, because it takes some time to perform the movements perfectly correctly so as not to injure yourself. In such situations, a trainer helps a lot, since he can not only show how to correctly perform this or that exercise, but guide you in the right direction, correcting your movements one way or another.

The most in a valid way The one I keep talking about is working with light weights. This is really the most the right decision, with which you can practice the movement correctly until it becomes automatic, and then take on heavier weights. This principle of working with light weight has worked and will always work. The most important thing is that even if you perform the movement incorrectly, you will not be able to injure yourself or somehow strain ligaments, etc., since the weight is quite light. But this does not mean that the exercise can be done haphazardly, try to take printouts with you or watch a video and at the same time repeat the movement with all the details (bends in the lower back, elbow in one direction and not the other, and so on).

There are situations when a person develops incorrect motor skills. This happens when a person tries to repeat this or that movement, but he fails, and without knowing it, the athlete gets used to just such movements. It’s very bad when a beginner or even an experienced athlete who makes mistakes has no one to correct him or put him on the right path, so to speak.


As I noticed, the vast majority of athletes, having seen enough of the big guys on the Internet,
chasing big weights. You can especially see this in the bench press. I think this has happened to everyone, when you’ve been working out in the gym for a month, and your friends, having learned this, immediately ask: “Well, how much do you bench?” The pursuit of big weights, the fear of seeming somehow frail and so on in the eyes of others, this, for me, is the most common reason violations of correct technique in strength exercises.

Let's look at an example of how our muscles work when performing this or that exercise. Go deep into scientific terms we won't, so don't be alarmed. A person who more or less knows human anatomy and physiology can immediately determine which exercise affects which muscle group. But in principle, even this is not necessary in terms of the fact that the name of some exercises speaks for itself, for example, let’s take the same barbell lift for biceps, it is immediately clear that the exercise is primarily aimed at working out the biceps. Don’t think about it, you need to know anatomy, it’s even necessary, well, everything comes with practice, so let’s move on. So we took, for example, the movement that pumps the biceps. Correct technique consists in lifting the barbell strictly by contracting the biceps, while the elbows and shoulder parts of the arms (from the deltas to the elbows) are pressed to the body. At some points, you can slightly raise your elbows up, thereby helping to lift the barbell, but only the elbows, the body remains motionless. By performing the exercise correctly, the biceps receives the proper load, as a result of which it begins to gradually grow. What happens if you perform barbell curls with heavy weight? The biceps is a relatively small muscle group; if it is overloaded, the athlete simply will not be able to lift the barbell. In this case, very often athletes use the force of inertia, helping their body to push the barbell upward by swinging. Agree that in this case a significant load is removed and the exercise technique is disrupted.

If you do biceps exercises incorrectly, it’s not a big deal. However, there are some exercises that place more stress on the lumbar region, such as deadlifts. If you do these exercises incorrectly, you can easily injure yourself and ruin your health. As I already said in the first point, do not chase heavy weights, if the exercise is new to you, work on it with small weights, and after you have perfected the correct technique, gradually increase the weight.


The fact is that often in various videos they show you the standard technique that is used in a particular exercise. The video does not take into account the fact that a person may have some individual needs. For example, after some kind of injury, it is better to perform the exercise this way, and not as shown in the video, and so on. In general, the standard approach may not suit everyone. For such reasons, an athlete can perform an exercise according to a generally accepted scheme, but it will not suit him individually.


Technique for performing strength exercises It happens different types complexity. If anything, the first step to learning the correct technique should be to watch an instructional video. It is necessary that it shows not only the movements themselves, but also explains the various nuances of a particular exercise. In order not to search for such videos for too long, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the correct exercise technique in this section -. There is a large video series in which every detail is explained and explained in detail.

In order to thoroughly, and most importantly, correctly study in practice the technique of a particular exercise, you need to start with small weights. As mentioned above, working with light weights will allow you to understand and practice each movement without any disruption. It is very important to practice the movements slowly and smoothly, without jerking. If you work out in a gym with enough mirrors, take advantage of it. Stand in front of a mirror, take a dumbbell or light barbell and begin to smoothly practice each movement.

In the end, if everything is correct on your part, you should feel a little fatigue in the target muscle groups that this exercise was aimed at. If, at the time of work, completely different muscles get tired, it means that you are not performing the movements correctly. Try changing the angle, grip width, and so on.

Now, in the age of accelerated development of technology, you can easily record a video on your phone or log in via Wi-Fi and watch the correct technique for performing a strength exercise that interests you and repeat the movement again until you feel that the target muscles are getting tired.


  • Remember, under no circumstances should you hunch your back. This is perhaps the most important rule that you will encounter very often. In any exercise you should always keep your back straight and slightly arched at the lower back.
  • When you lift weights, you need to do it smoothly and without jerking. For a beginning athlete, “cheating” is useless.
  • Always warm up before your workout. Also, you need to warm up before performing any basic exercise. For example, many have probably seen how healthy guys perform the same bench press with an empty bar; this is done for a reason, but to pump blood into the shoulder and elbow joints. In general, warm up if you want and protect yourself from injury.


Well, I think this is all clear. The correct technique for performing strength exercises comes with experience when you feel your body during training. In any case, it is not difficult to study it yourself, the main thing is desire, and the opportunity is always there. Remember, it is better to learn not from your own mistakes, but from others. That is why such portals as a website exist, in order to help beginners or even experienced athletes deal with this or that problem that arose during the training process, or so that it does not arise at all. Don't repeat their mistakes: