How to train the gluteus medius muscle. Gluteus Medius Exercises - Work Your Whole Butt

There is an opinion that you can pump up your buttocks with long daily walking. This is fundamentally wrong. Of course, walking keeps the whole body in good shape, but the gluteal muscles require more. Success depends on compliance with three main factors.

What you need to pump up your buttocks:

proper nutrition;
regular training;
recovery and rest.

All these three factors are interconnected and ignoring at least one of them will not lead to the desired result.

If you exercise but don't eat right

    1. . There will be no result. Muscle growth requires a certain amount of nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates).

If you eat right but don't exercise

    1. . You'll just get fatter. Regular exercise triggers muscle growth. Moreover, you need to exercise with sufficient weight, the weight of which should constantly progress.

If you eat right and exercise, but don't rest

    . Effective muscle growth is impossible. Muscles, including the gluteal ones, grow during rest. Therefore, sleep at least 8 hours and try to go to bed before 11 pm.

It is impossible to pump up a big butt without using heavy weights; you can only strengthen it and give it the correct shape. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, buy two collapsible dumbbells up to 16 kg and special leg weights and exercise at home. But home workouts will still be inferior to gym workouts.

Proper nutrition for butt muscle growth

It all starts with proper nutrition. As mentioned earlier, in order to start the process of muscle growth, you need to adhere to a certain diet. Proper nutrition involves maintaining daily caloric intake and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The optimal ratio of BZHU for weight gain is as follows::

proteins – 20-30%;
fat – 10-20%;
carbohydrates – 50-60%.


poultry meat;
chicken eggs;
low-fat cottage cheese;
beans, legumes.


olive and linseed oil;
red fish (trout, salmon, salmon).


cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, brown rice);
durum wheat pasta;
breakfast cereals without sugar;
sweets (honey, dried fruits, kozinaki);
vegetables and fruits.
Eating fruits is allowed up to 1-2 pieces per day, as they contain a large amount of fructose. Despite the fact that it is a natural sugar, when it enters the body, it turns into glucose. If energy is not spent on time, it will be stored as fat. Moreover, fructose is more easily converted into fat than glucose.

Calculation of daily calories

The energy we get from food must be spent. If we do not maintain a balance between calorie intake and expenditure, we will begin to gain excess weight.

Calculation of daily caloric intake without taking into account physical activity:

BMR = 447.6 + (9.2 x weight, kg) + (3.1 x height, cm) – (4.3 x age, years)

Calculation of daily caloric intake taking into account physical activity:

minimal – no physical activity = BMR x 1.2;
low – workout 1-3 times a week = BMR x 1.375;
average – training 3-5 times a week = BMR x 1.55;
high – workout 6-7 times a week = BMR x 1.725.

For example, a 27-year-old girl, height 168 centimeters, weight 55 kilograms, works out 4 times a week, and the rest of the time leads an inactive lifestyle.

BMR = 447.6 + (9.2 x 55) + (3.1 x 168) – (4.3 x 27) = 1358
Calorie intake = BMR x activity level = 1358 x 1.55 = 2105 kcal.

It is impossible to pump up big buttocks and lose weight at the same time. First we grow muscle mass, and then we lose weight. And these 2 processes are constantly repeated.

If you are overweight, then first you need to lose weight. To do this, we reduce the caloric content of the diet by 10-20% due to carbohydrates.

To ensure the growth of the gluteal muscles, increase your daily caloric intake by 200-500 calories due to carbohydrates.

Nutrition for building buttock muscles consists of two stages:

Stage 1 – high-calorie nutrition to gain muscle mass;
Stage 2 – reduced calorie nutrition to dry the body.

Take dumbbells in your hands (you can do without them), stand straight, place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Step forward and squat until your thigh is parallel to the floor. At the same time, the shoulders are straightened and the arms are lowered. Return to your original position. So 8-12 repetitions on each leg.

Make sure your back remains straight and does not lean forward. This exercise involves not only the muscles of the buttocks, but also the front surface of the thigh.

Take a chair. Holding your back for balance, perform powerful back swings with your right leg. Then turn the other side and repeat the movements with your left leg. Use special leg weights. Perform 8-12 repetitions on each leg.

As you move your leg back, try to strain your buttocks as much as possible in the final position.

On your knees, place your palms on the floor. Bend your leg and lift it up as much as possible, return to the original position. Use weights as additional load. So 12 repetitions on each leg.

While performing this exercise, pause at the top point, trying to contract the muscles as much as possible.

(lying pelvic lift). Lying on the floor, bend your legs and position them shoulder-width apart. In this position, raise and lower your pelvis. To make the exercise more difficult, you can extend one leg or put something heavy on your hips. Number of repetitions: 8-12.

As you rise, pause at the top point, trying to squeeze your buttocks as much as possible.

On your knees, place your palms on the floor. Take your leg to the side, hold it a little, lower it. You can use weights to increase the load. Do 12 reps on each leg.

When performing this exercise, try to abduct your leg as much as possible in order to properly engage the lateral muscles of the buttocks.

Lie on your side, lean on your elbow. Raise and lower your leg up, pausing at the top point. Perform 12 repetitions with each leg. Any swings to the side are the best exercises for girls, because with their help you can give smooth contours to your hips and smooth out protruding pelvic bones.

Make sure that your body is in a straight line and your leg is not bent at the knee. Don’t forget, in order to pump up the lateral (middle) gluteal muscles, the range of movement should be maximum.

Home workout program

Exercises at home are inferior in effectiveness to exercise in the gym. If in the latter case it is recommended to pump the buttocks once a week, then you will have to do it at home more often. We present the optimal buttock training program for girls at home, designed for classes to be held 2 times a week with an alternating set of exercises.

Training program on the first day:

deep squats – 3 sets of 8-12 reps;
lunges – 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions on each leg;
plie squats – 3 sets of 8-12 reps;
swings back on the floor - 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions on each leg;
swings to the side on the floor - 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions on each leg.

Training program for the second day:

Romanian deadlift – 3 sets of 8-12 reps;
split squats – 3 sets of 8-12 reps;
standing back swings – 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions on each leg;
gluteal bridge – 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions;
swings to the side while lying on your side - 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions on each leg.

Each session consists of a 5-10 minute warm-up, core workout and stretching. At first, exercise with light weights, and when you get involved in the training process, gradually increase the weight of home dumbbells.

Gluteal Stretching Exercises

Now let's look at why it is so important to do stretching exercises at the end of each glute workout.

Each muscle is encased in a framework of connective tissue (fascia) that holds them in place. This frame inhibits muscle growth, preventing them from fully expanding. As a result of performing stretching exercises, we stretch this frame, thereby giving more space for muscle growth.

Exercise 1. Lying on the floor, grab the knee of your right leg with your left hand and pull it towards you. The shoulders should be pressed to the floor. Hold this position. You should feel a stretch in your gluteal muscle. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2. Sitting on the floor with your legs extended, grab one leg with both hands so that your knee and heel rest against your elbows. Pull your leg towards your chest in this position. Repeat the same for the second leg.

Exercise 3. Since almost every exercise for the buttocks also involves other muscles - the hamstrings, the adductor (internal) thigh muscles, the quadriceps, pay attention to them too. To do this, sitting on the floor, resting your palms behind your body, spread your legs as far apart as possible. In this position, you should feel the inner thigh stretch.

Exercise 4. Sitting on the floor, bend your knees and press your heels toward your perineum. Place your hands on your knees and “sway” them. The inner thigh also stretches well here.

Exercise 5. Sitting on the floor, legs extended. Take your socks with your hands and pull them towards you. This exercise gives a good stretch to the back of the thigh.

Exercise 6. Standing on the floor, bend one leg at the knee and grab its heel with your hand. Pull your bent leg towards your buttocks. This exercise gives a good stretch to the front of the thigh (quadriceps).

Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds. This is enough to stretch the muscle well, thereby giving it more opportunity for growth in the future.

Rest is the main condition for buttock muscle growth

It is a mistake to believe that training is the main reason for the growth of muscle mass, including buttocks. Exercise destroys muscle tissue, and proper rest and proper nutrition ensure their restoration and subsequent growth.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure proper rest after training. Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours. You need to go to bed no later than 12 o'clock and fall asleep only in complete darkness and silence, without TV or laptop. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed.

The main task is to set up your rest mode in such a way that you wake up in the morning on your own without an alarm clock and feel rested and full of energy.

How quickly can you pump up a girl’s buttocks?

As for the timing and the final result, how long it takes to pump up a girl’s buttocks, it all depends on what kind of result is needed: simply tighten and tone the butt, or significantly increase its volume. In the first case, you will notice changes within 1-2 weeks, in the second, it will take months, or even a year of regular training.

Not the easiest, but The most effective way to pump up a big butt is to go to the gym. After all, the most effective exercises for the buttocks for girls are the same as for men - squats with heavy weights, deadlifts and lunges with dumbbells. This is the only way to pump up an appetizing Brazilian butt. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym, work out at home using dumbbells and other weights.

Based on all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

training should be strength training including basic exercises;
working range – 8-12 repetitions in 3-5 sets for each exercise;
weight should be maximum;
the rest between sets is relatively short – up to 1 minute;
adherence to diet;
night sleep for 8 hours, as well as daytime rest for about 30 minutes.

Developed gluteal muscles in girls are not only pleasant to the touch, but also pleasing to the eye. Don’t be lazy to practice, as a reward you will receive many admiring glances from the opposite sex.

2. Squats with weight.- a universal exercise, thanks to which all the muscles of the buttocks are used.
How to do it: We stand up straight, with our feet slightly wider than our shoulders, with dumbbells or other weights in our hands, then move our pelvis back and squat (the deeper the better).

3. Swing your legs while lying on your side. This exercise will not only help give your buttocks an attractive shape, but will also correct the leg area and help remove excess fat from the waist.
How to do it: Lie on your side with one hand on your waist and the other holding your head, then lift your leg and lower it. Repeat at least 2-3 sets of 25-30 times on each side. Perform leg swings continuously, this will increase the effectiveness of your workout. And also do not forget about various weights (if possible).

4. Lunges on a step platform (with weights). Don’t be afraid if you don’t have special equipment; you can use any available means.
How to do it: we stand up straight, holding dumbbells (or an alternative to them), then climb up to the platform and back. Perform 2-3 approaches 30-35 times.

5. Squats plus jump. The exercise is useful for working out the entire muscle group of the buttocks.
How to do it: we stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart (or slightly wider), then do a squat (90 degrees) and jump out of this position as high as possible. Repeat at least 30 times (without stopping). If you take dumbbells, the effectiveness of this exercise will increase at least 5 times!

This set of exercises at home will help significantly improve the appearance of your buttocks.

Don't put it off for later - start creating the buttocks of your dreams right now!

Girls most often care about the appearance of their figure than about developing strength qualities. Women can perform a set of effective exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle at home. To achieve the desired result, you should train regularly, paying attention to the technique of performing each of the exercises presented.

Effective exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle at home

Before you start pumping up your butt, do a good warm-up. Jump or run in place. Bend in different directions to stretch your joints. Spend at least 5 minutes warming up.

A set of exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle at home

Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
3 12
3 20
Climbing to higher ground 3 15
3 20
3 15


  1. Stand near a bench or sofa. Place one foot on a raised platform and the other foot forward. Keep your back straight, look ahead. Hands are lowered along the body.
  2. Inhale and lower yourself. Squat on one front leg. The second one maintains balance. Fix the knee of your front leg and do not move it forward.
  3. Exhale and rise to the starting position. Push through the heel of your front foot.

If your level of physical fitness allows, use weights.


  1. Get on all fours. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Look only forward.
  2. Raise one leg bent at the knee. Reach your heel toward the ceiling.
  3. Then lower it. Change the leg you are training and repeat the movement you have already mastered.

Climbing to higher ground

The good thing about this exercise is that it eliminates unwanted stress on your back.

Climbing to higher ground


  1. Stand up straight. Lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Fix the body in this position.
  2. Place the foot of one of your legs on a small hill. Get up. Shift your weight to the exercised leg.
  3. Return to your original position. Do the same for the other leg.

A more complicated version of the basic exercise.


  1. Lie on your back. Bend your knees. Place one of your shins on the thigh of the other leg.
  2. Lift your buttocks off the floor. Stay in the achieved position for as long as possible.
  3. Lower your pelvis. Don't forget to work the other leg.

The best exercise for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle. Lower it as low as possible in order to properly strain your buttocks and do full work. As additional weight, you can use dumbbells, bottles filled with water or sand.


  1. Straighten up. The distance between your legs should be greater than the width of your shoulders. The toes of the feet are directed in different directions. Direct your gaze forward. You can use something as a weight to put maximum stress on your gluteus maximus muscle.
  2. Tighten your abs. Move your pelvis back. Get down as low as if you want to sit on a chair. Press into your heels. Watch your posture.
Bodyweight squats


Normalizing your diet directly affects the results of your workouts. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Drink plenty of water. Don't eat anything an hour before your workout to avoid dizziness and nausea. You shouldn't eat a lot before bed. It is better to prefer low-fat cottage cheese or vegetable salad. Avoid starchy and sweet foods. Eat foods that contain protein: chicken breast, seafood, beans.
Eliminate carbonated drinks and alcohol from consumption. Give up bad habits.

It is important to determine the purpose of your activities.
  • If you are overweight, you need to get rid of it. Eat fewer calories each day than you burn. However, do not allow the feeling of hunger to be present: the body needs energy.
  • If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then burn fewer calories than you consume. Eat often and a lot. The main component of the diet is complex carbohydrates, that is, pasta, rice and buckwheat. And protein will help achieve the desired effect even faster. The butt will become much larger.

Number of approaches and repetitions

Each exercise should be performed at least 12 times in 3 sets. Progress the load gradually, increasing the number of repetitions. Spend at least a minute on static exercises, perform in 4 approaches. Train three times a week. Take breaks between training days to give your muscles time to recover.

  • Regulate your breathing. Make any effort while exhaling. Inhaling, the muscles need to relax.
  • If you're just starting to train, don't lift heavy weights. Spend as much time as possible on the technique of doing the exercises.
  • Don't forget about cardio exercises. They help reduce the amount of fat.
  • At the end of your workout, do a cool-down. Stretch. Go to the bathroom to relax your muscles.
  • Travel on foot whenever possible. Go for a walk every day. This way you can tighten your butt and improve your endurance.
  • Start every morning with gymnastics.
  • Prefer shoes with heels. This will provide stress on the buttocks.
  • Stop using the elevator. Take the stairs whenever possible.

Muscles trained

Gluteus maximus muscle occupies the main part of the buttocks. Located above the rest. It is this muscle that is responsible for flexion and extension of the hip and is responsible for stabilizing the pelvis. Thanks to the gluteus maximus muscle, unnatural pelvic tilts are excluded during gait.

Training the gluteus maximus muscle is relevant for most athletes. Athletes, figure skaters, and martial arts enthusiasts include pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle in their training complex. If you pump up this muscle, the frequency of steps will increase and the dynamics during hip extension will improve.


Have patience and decent motivation. Concentrate on the process of training the gluteus maximus muscle.

During the first classes you will get used to the loads. When you get into the rhythm of training, then the development of the target muscle group will begin. Remember about rest: it is necessary for the muscles to recover. After a week of training, your butt will become toned.

A visually noticeable effect will appear after three weeks of performing effective exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle. It is possible to tighten your butt in a month. To pump up your buttocks well, you will need several months of hard work. Exercise regularly.

What determines the volume of the buttocks?

The muscles of the buttocks support the spine. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest human muscle. It is she who forms the shape of the pelvis, which depends on several points:

  1. The gluteus maximus muscle needs to be properly trained. This helps to tighten the buttocks. Gives them elasticity.
  2. Excess fat in the buttocks area only hinders the results. You need to get rid of it: limit yourself to the consumption of certain foods, perform cardio exercises in combination with strength training.
  3. Women are genetically predisposed to fullness in the hip area. The shape of the buttocks also depends on genetics: heart-shaped, pear-shaped, oval, flat. Training will help girls change the ratio of subcutaneous fat to muscles. The size of the buttocks can also change. However, the shape of the butt itself directly depends on genetics. It should also be remembered that the athlete needs to experiment with sets of exercises in order to be able to determine the most effective ones specifically for himself and his body.

With the advent of the first rays of sunshine, every girl makes a promise to herself that a new life will begin from tomorrow. Grandiose plans are made for the week ahead, gym memberships are purchased.

What rules and principles should a girl follow to get round buttocks?

They study all the diets on the Internet. But, as a result, work limits opportunities in time - and there is neither the strength nor the desire for change. If you know some rules and exercises for a round buttock, then a toned butt is guaranteed.

Rule 1: Knowledge is power

To pump up muscles, you need to at least know how they work and what, in fact, needs to be pumped up. The human buttocks are made up of various muscles.

The main ones that affect the shape and structure of the butt are:

  • small muscle;
  • middle muscle;
  • big muscle.

Please note that by understanding the structure of the gluteal muscles and the set of exercises the desired result will be obtained. To do this you need to know the functions of the gluteal muscles.

The structure of the gluteal muscles when selecting exercises for a round buttock shape

Gluteal muscles Hip extension Internal rotation of the hip (hip flexed) Hip abduction External rotation of the hip (hip extended)
Small ü ü ü
Average ü ü ü

The most important function of giving the buttocks a rounded shape was taken over by the gluteus maximus muscle. By working this particular muscle, you can correct the appearance of your butt.

If you constantly do gymnastics for the gluteal muscles, you can quickly achieve the desired result. No special equipment required. It is necessary to strain the muscles one by one, then together. This can be done anywhere. This exercise will tone your muscles.

Rule 2: Massage that improves blood circulation

Regular massage of the gluteal muscles will also be effective in quickly achieving the result of tightening and gaining elasticity.

Massage can be done at home, having learned the most effective movements and manipulations. For example, after taking a shower, when the skin is most steamed, it is necessary to make circular movements. Movements can be arbitrary and done in any direction.

Rule 3: Proper healthy food

Control of diet is also an important factor. Since the gluteal area is the first to take the full impact of the calories eaten, thereby storing most of the fat deposits.

And here it is important to remember that any momentary pleasure will inevitably lead to long-term disappointment.

Exercises to pump up a girl’s buttocks at home

It is worth understanding that to achieve maximum results in the form of an elastic and toned butt, you need to tune in to a constant and long-term process.

And exercises for a round buttock shape at home will help you achieve the desired success. The complex is specially designed for girls with different body types.

Exercises for round buttocks include:

  • Bridge– regular pelvic lifts while lying on your back. The exercise is performed with legs bent at the knees. In this case, the feet should be spread apart to the width of the pelvis and as close to it as possible. The trajectory between the feet and buttocks should be 30 cm. The exercise is done slowly. At the top point, the raised pelvis is held for 3-5 seconds. If performed correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in the gluteal muscle. Perform 20 repetitions in 3 sets. The break between approaches should not exceed 2 minutes;
  • Swing your legs– alternating movements of the legs on all fours. Take a pose so that your knee, shin, elbow and hand are in contact with the floor. The back should be straight, parallel to the floor. From this position alternately raise your legs up at an angle of 90 degrees. Note that upward swings strengthen the gluteal muscle, while sideways swings from the same position work the outer thigh. The exercise is done in 3-4 sets of 25-30 times. To enhance the effect, the leg can be held at the highest point for 3-5 seconds;
  • Squats and Lunges– step forward while lowering the body. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, stomach tucked, knees bent. A slight curvature of the back is allowed. An important point is control over the respiratory system. As you exhale, lunge forward with a squat, and as you inhale, return to the starting position.
  • To avoid muscle strain during sudden movements, you need to perform the exercise smoothly. to give time for muscle mass to adapt. When lunging, your leg should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The knee should not extend beyond the line of the toes. Perform 3 sets of 15 times on each leg. With the next workout, increase the frequency of repetitions, adding 2-3 lunges. You can add weight if desired. These can be ordinary dumbbells;
  • Lunges- a big step forward. The lunge should not be deep. The starting position is standing, straight back, toes pointing straight. As you exhale, lunge forward with your leg, forming an angle of 90 degrees. Control of the forward leg is key. The leg in front must coordinate the movements and at the same time keep the entire body load on the heel. The exercise must be done 15-20 times in 3 approaches;
  • Crab– alternately raising the legs while loading the bulk of the body weight on the arms. The starting position is sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the back. The palms should rest on the floor with the fingers facing in different directions, reminiscent of the structure of a crab's claw. When lifting the body up, the points of contact with the floor should be the feet and palms. And from this position, the legs are raised one by one to the maximum possible height. The exercise is performed 15-20 times on each leg for 3 approaches. The break between approaches is no more than 3 minutes;
  • Star– simultaneous extension of arms and legs in different directions. The exercise is performed from a lying position on your stomach. Legs straight, arms extended forward. As you exhale, move your arms and legs synchronously in different directions. The back is slightly arched when performing the exercise, the head is raised. When you inhale, everything returns to its original position. Repeat frequency 20 times. It is necessary to perform 3 approaches with a break between them of 2-3 minutes;
  • boat– simultaneous raising of arms and legs. The starting position is lying on your stomach. The arms are extended along the body, which resembles the shape of a straight line. When exhaling, both legs rise up synchronously with each other, forming a boat shape.. At the highest point, the legs linger for 2-3 seconds. When inhaling, they return to their original position. The exercise is considered very effective for giving a round shape to the buttocks. It is recommended to perform 15-20 times in 3 approaches;
  • Lunch– transferring the entire body weight from one leg to the other. The starting position is sitting, one leg extended to the side, palms on the floor, shoulders slightly back. The load of body weight is directed to the bent leg. In a light jump, the position changes. The bent leg straightens, the straight leg bends. That is, the load of body weight moves alternately from one leg to the other. Hands come off the floor when changing position. The exercise is performed 15 times on each leg in 3 approaches. The break between approaches is 3-4 minutes.

This set of exercises is performed 3-4 times a week. To enhance the effect, you can additionally use weighting agents. To make the exercises easier and in greater quantities, you need to monitor your breathing technique.

A set of exercises in the gym

Every girl wants to achieve instant results with minimal effort. Especially when it comes to the buttocks. They are deservedly considered the most attractive part of the body, therefore the approach to exercises to give a rounded shape to the buttocks should be careful and thoughtful.

Be careful! With a thoughtless approach and chaotic exercises in the gym with dumbbells, there is a high probability of muscle overload. In the future, the muscles will simply stop responding to any load. Therefore, you need to choose the right exercises for a round buttock.

Before starting training in the gym, try to always do a light warm-up.

Warm-up is necessary to stimulate muscle function. Let the warm-up be light and short, but it must be mandatory. 5 minutes is enough to give the muscles the desired tone. This could be running on a treadmill or cycling.

Exercises for round buttocks in the gym include:

  • Deep squat with weight– can be performed with either a kettlebell or a barbell, depending on preference. You need to start with a small weight of 1 kg, gradually increasing the load. Don't forget to watch your breathing. Initially, it is performed 10-15 times in 2 approaches with increasing effect. If pain occurs in the knee joint, stop the exercise;
  • Lunges with a barbell– done at a slow pace. A person must be as focused as possible, since the weight of the barbell can pull to one side. To begin with, lunges are done with a pin, gradually adding loads in the form of weights with different masses. Perform the exercise 10 times in 3 approaches. The break between approaches should not exceed 5 minutes;
  • Bench press with legs- one of the effective exercises. Any gym has a special platform designed for pumping the gluteal muscles. The back should be pressed, and the legs should be bent and rest against the center of the platform. When extending the legs, both the gluteal muscles and the inner part work. The exercise is done 15 times in 3 approaches. Additional weight can be added to the platform tanks.

Exercises you can do even at work

There are simple exercises that do not rely on sports equipment. The main advantage of such exercises is that they can be performed almost anywhere.

The gluteal muscles are pumped not only at home or in the gym, but also at work. One of these exercises is done without getting up. You need to sit up straight, your back straight. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, simultaneously tense the muscles of your buttocks and draw in your stomach.

Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. In this case, both the gluteal muscles and the abdominal muscles are involved. The frequency of this exercise is on average 20 times, 3 approaches. Suitable for daily training.

Squatting is also one of the common exercises for creating a rounded buttock shape.

To do this, you need to take a step away from the chair. Take the pose of a tin soldier. As you exhale, try to touch your butt to the edge of the seat. Return to starting position. Do not sit on a chair. Perform 20 times in 3 approaches. The break between approaches is 3-4 minutes.

Calf raises are a favorite exercise for most girls. To do this, you need to stand behind the chair in such a way that your hands can comfortably hold onto its back. When rising on your toes, you need to tense your gluteal muscles, as if pulling your butt inward. Relax in the starting position. When performing this exercise, all leg muscles are involved.

On average, it is recommended to perform 30 times in 3 approaches. With a set of simple exercises you can give your buttocks a round shape. Moreover, the exercises are simple and do not require special equipment. Performed in any convenient place and at any time.

If you perform the entire set of exercises every day for 2 weeks, this will become a good habit.

Within 3 weeks the first result will be noticeable. And also there will be a desire to keep yourself in shape constantly.

Tips from fitness trainers: how to quickly pump up firm round buttocks for a girl

Experts place the main emphasis on nutrition. Products should be as useful as possible.

Pay attention! Exercises for a round buttock shape will be effective only when the entire diet is reviewed. Remember that fasting will never give you a rounded butt.

The important point is regularity. It is necessary, especially at first, to perform the exercises constantly. You also need to remember that all movements during training should be slow and concentrated. Speed ​​of action will not produce instant results.

The most important point is correct breathing. When exhaling, the exercise itself should be performed, and when inhaling, the starting position should be taken.

You also need to remember about your daily routine. Sleep should be constant and average 7-8 hours. A tired person will perform many times fewer exercises, which will affect the desired result.

There are no unattainable peaks, the main thing is to strive and then everything will work out. The mindset to perform exercises to give a round shape to the buttocks is half the success. When the first results appear, an even greater incentive will appear.

Useful video about the most effective exercises for pumping up the gluteal muscles of a woman

How to do exercises for a round buttock shape - watch this video:

To learn how to round your buttocks, as well as a set of exercises, watch this video:

In humans gluteus maximus the muscle is a pelvic extensor, it does not play an important role when walking, however, with increasing load, for example when walking or running quickly, the muscles of the buttocks come into action to vigorously straighten the pelvis and straighten the torso.

These biomechanical observations make it clear that when performing exercises such as "good morning" and lifting a barbell from the floor with straight legs using a heavy weight, the gluteus maximus muscles are recruited more and the hamstrings are much less involved.

The gluteal muscles, like the deltoids, consist of three parts and are called gluteal delta.

  • This exercise primarily targets the gluteus maximus muscle. Smith machine lunges are one of the best exercises for beautiful buttocks.
  • This exercise primarily targets the gluteus maximus muscle.
  • This exercise mainly develops gluteus maximus muscles and quadriceps muscles.
  • This exercise primarily engages the gluteus maximus and to a lesser extent the ischiotibial muscle, excluding the short head of the biceps femoris.
  • This exercise primarily targets the gluteus maximus, and to a lesser extent the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and long head of the biceps femoris.
  • This exercise, performed with a straight leg, develops the ischial-popliteal muscles and gluteus maximus. With the leg bent at the knee, only gluteus maximus muscle, but less intensely.
  • This exercise primarily works the ischiopopliteal and gluteus maximus muscles.
  • This exercise engages the gluteus medius and deeper muscles. gluteus minimus muscle.
  • This exercise is great for shaping the gluteus medius and the deeper gluteus minimus. To achieve better results, we recommend performing this exercise more often and with multiple repetitions.
  • This exercise involves gluteus medius and minimus muscles.
  • This exercise is great for women because the increased muscle tone in the hips gives them a rounder shape, which helps define the waist and make it appear slimmer.


Anatomy of the gluteal muscles: the first step to the perfect buttocks

To pump up ideal buttocks, you need to know what functions they perform. Read all about the structure and characteristics of the buttock muscles in women in the article.

I understand perfectly well that articles related to anatomy are usually boring to read and no one wants to do it. But this is a case where I highly recommend doing it. Why? Because the query “how to pump up your buttocks” is on the list of the most popular in search engines. Which is not surprising, because the “world” is now experiencing a real “butt boom”


Training program for men and women

Fix the error

Buttocks are the most attractive part of the human body. As psychologists have established, men primarily evaluate their buttocks and chest, while girls are intuitively interested in the width of their shoulders and the volume of their buttocks.

According to anthropologists, the buttocks are one of the main factors of attractiveness for both men and women because they reflect a person's ability to run long distances, which was an important evolutionary factor for survival.

A 2015 study by a team from King's College London found that developing leg strength could improve brain function as you age.

In a 2016 study, British scientists concluded that larger buttocks have a positive effect on the health and intelligence of women due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids in the lower body.

Pay Attention!

To pump up your buttocks, be sure to use additional approaches(in order of importance).

If you are overweight:

If you have a thin build:

Anatomy of the buttocks and pelvis

Anatomy of the gluteal muscles: side viewAnatomy of the gluteal muscles

To choose the right exercises for the buttocks, you need to know their anatomy and morphological features well.

Women's pelvis naturally has a slightly greater forward tilt than men's, which increases the lumbar lordosis of the spine and emphasizes the convexity of the buttocks. Poor posture and weakened hamstrings also cause the buttocks to appear disproportionately large.

The buttocks are formed by three main muscles:

  1. Gluteus maximus muscle- the largest and most prominent of the gluteal muscles. It has a diamond shape and is located above all other gluteal muscles; it plays a large role in fixing the torso and hip extension.
  2. Gluteus medius muscle- a small muscle located laterally on top of the gluteus maximus muscle. It is visible when viewed from the side or behind. The gluteus medius muscle works in hip abduction and in exercises that involve the pelvic area; its anterior bundles are involved in inward rotation of the thigh, and its posterior bundles are involved in movements where the thigh rotates outward.
  3. Gluteus minimus- a small muscle located laterally under the gluteus maximus muscle, therefore not visible at all. The function of the gluteus minimus muscle is similar to that of the gluteus medius. The gluteus minimus muscle is worked during leg movements and all movements that involve the pelvic area and torso.

The glutes support the hamstrings when you need to increase your speed. When you walk slowly they barely work. But when you speed up and start running, your buttocks are actively involved in the work.

The gluteal muscles help the quadriceps to extend and rotate the thigh outward, and together with the muscles of the back of the thighs, they extend the torso from a tilted position. In addition, they tilt the body to the side.

Lack of mass in the gluteal muscles automatically means their weakness, and with it low results in all leg exercises, from squats to jumping and running.

If you sink into squats with a barbell on your shoulders, but cannot get up, this suggests that you should equally increase the strength of your quadriceps and buttocks. Leaving the glutes alone means reducing the lifting force by almost half.

Shapes of female buttocks: 1. Inverted “V”; 2. Square; 3. Round; 4. “Heart” An easy way to instantly “pump up” your buttocks

Basic exercises for pumping up the buttocks

The gluteus maximus muscles are well worked when performing basic leg exercises - squats, lunges and deadlifts.

But for the medium and small bundles of the gluteal muscles, you need to perform special exercises - swinging your legs in a block device, or with leg weights.

To fully work out the “minor” muscles of the gluteal region, you need to perform these exercises both in a standing position and lying on your side.

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle

Exercises for the gluteus medius and minimus muscles

Read more: Exercises for buttocks and legs

Ideal butt shape


The best exercises for the buttocks - For different muscle groups

Website about sports and healthy lifestyle I noticed that firm ass attracts men's gaze bigger than breasts? Even if you haven’t, then know that according to statistical data, this is really true. This means it’s time to seriously take care of your “fifth point”, make it as strong as a nut and as appetizing as possible.

Get to work!
If you are overweight: Power control. It is necessary to reconsider your diet in the direction of reducing calories, perhaps go on a diet. Interval cardio training for general weight loss. Strength training for the gluteal muscles up to two times a week with a mandatory rest break.

If you are underweight:

Increase the calorie content of food, include sports supplements (protein) in your diet. Commit to strength training.

There are other ways to achieve attractiveness:

  • lipolifting - liposculpture of the target area (transplantation of one's own fat from the abdominal area and hips to the buttocks area). It is known that Iggy Azalea, Kylie Jenner and Jennifer Selter resorted to this procedure at one time.
  • implants are an operation similar to breast augmentation, but technically a little more complex and “new”. The most famous “silicone butts”: Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, etc.
  • shapewear or underwear with padding in the buttock area. The easiest way to make the shapes perfect :)

If you are satisfied with any of these three methods, then you don’t need to read further. And for those who are “for” natural and durable, we suggest following below.
We assume that you want to quickly move on to the main topic of the article - exercises for the buttocks, but don’t be lazy to read about the gluteal muscles and their morphological features. Anatomically, women's buttocks are more convex than men's, and this is not only due to greater fat deposition in this part of the body. The girl’s pelvis is slightly tilted forward, and the lumbar lordosis (deflection) is more pronounced, and this can be considered a bonus from nature.
What we call the general definition of the “buttock” is the combination of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. Let's take a brief look at these muscles:

Gluteus maximus muscle(m. gluteus maximus) is the most noticeable muscle of the group, a giant muscle, one of the most powerful in the entire body. Performs the function of fixing the torso, extension and rotation of the hip.

Gluteus medius muscle(m. gluteus medius) is a small muscle that becomes noticeable when viewed from the side or behind. Located laterally on top of the gluteus maximus. Participates in hip abduction, internal and external rotation of the hip.

Gluteus minimus(m. gluteus minimus) is a small muscle lying laterally under the gluteus maximus muscle. It is impossible to see her. therefore it is not visible at all. Functionally similar to the gluteus medius muscle.

There is a certain classification of female butt shapes:

  1. Inverted “V”.
  2. Square.
  3. Round.
  4. Inverted "heart".

The most visually advantageous option is the “heart” shape.

Only 3 factors influence the appearance of our buttocks:

1. Shape of the pelvis. 2. Development of the muscle corset. 3. Volume of adipose tissue. It is impossible to influence the shape of the pelvic bones - this is our genetic baggage. But we can completely control the condition of the muscles and the thickness of the fat layer: improve the first, reduce the second. Of course, our lifestyle is to blame for everything. Sedentary work and “lying down” weekends lead to muscle atrophy, including the gluteal ones. Sitting for many hours has a particularly detrimental effect - degenerative changes begin in muscle tissue. In addition, lovers of high heels also reduce the elasticity of their buttocks with this addiction. But don’t be upset, because the main feature of working with this part of the body is its responsiveness to training. Below are four butt exercises ranked by their popularity and effectiveness. By the way, don’t forget to warm up before your main classes! The simplest and most effective exercise for this muscle group. If you think your butt is too flat, squat. Just squat!

Benefits of squats:

  • The exercise actively involves the main target muscle - the gluteus maximus, as well as the quadriceps femoris muscle and the spinal “corset”.
  • help get rid of the appearance of cellulite, grow the buttocks and improve the shape of the hips.
  • have a positive effect on the condition of the joints and reduce the risk of injury (provided the correct technique is used).
  • Squats improve coordination of movements and are a general strengthening exercise.


  • stand straight and stable, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, back straight.
  • start the movement by moving your pelvis back, similar to the movement when sitting on a chair.
  • Smoothly lower yourself to a position where your thighs are parallel to the floor and the angle of your knees is straight (90°). Do not extend your knees further than your toes; they should be in the same vertical line.
  • also smoothly, without jerking, straighten your legs, straining your gluteus maximus and quadriceps muscles.
  • Do squats exclusively with emphasis on your heels. It is strictly forbidden to place your body weight on the forefoot.
  • keep your back straight, do not round your lower back.

This exercise is distinguished by a wide variety of execution: they can be done in simulators, with free weights (for example, squat with a barbell) and with its own weight, that is, at home. After squats, this is the second most effective exercise that specifically targets the butt. However, lunges are used mainly to improve the shape of the buttocks, and not to increase volume. If you systematically do lunges after squats, you will increase the response of the target muscle group many times over, which means you will quickly pump up perky, firm buttocks.

The benefits of lunges:

  • improve the relief of the hips (including the back of the thigh) and buttocks.
  • increases the power of the quadriceps, which will be useful to you during impact training in squats.
  • additionally affect the abdominal muscles.
  • develop coordination, stability and balance.


  • stand up straight, bend slightly at the waist, tense your abs, place your feet together, parallel to one another.
  • take a wide step forward with one foot, first resting on your heel, and then transferring your body weight to the entire foot and squatting on that leg. The step should be so wide that the knee of the lunging leg bends to a 90° angle, but does not extend beyond the line of the toes.
  • At the same time, bend the other leg at the knee to a right angle, resting your toes on the floor.
  • return from the squat to the starting position, leaning on your forward foot with the force of your lunging leg. The leg remaining behind serves only as a support to maintain balance.
  • In the initial phase of the exercise, inhale, in the final phase, exhale.

To avoid injury, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Do not allow the body to tilt forward or backward.
  • keep your back straight and your lower back slightly arched.
  • Direct your gaze only forward (not up or down), keep your head level.
  • Before fully mastering the technique, do a series of lunges, first with one leg, then with the other, this will help maintain balance.
  • Women are strictly prohibited from performing lunges with a weight of more than 15 kg, as this can have a detrimental effect on the pelvic organs.

Lunges can be done with free weights (dumbbells, barbell), or you can do it in a Smith machine.
A very simple, non-traumatic exercise that works on the gluteal muscles in isolation. Also, the “bridge” works and strengthens the back of the thigh. Body-bar has a whole article dedicated to this exercise.


  • lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your arms along your body.
  • Tighten your buttocks and smoothly lift your pelvis as high as you can.
  • At the top point, strain your buttocks to the maximum.
  • Slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

Since the exercise is easy, it is recommended to complicate it for greater effectiveness: use weights, a footrest, or perform lifts on one leg.
One of the isolated exercises that directly affects the gluteal muscles. Leg swings will never fully replace squats, but they will be very useful as an additional exercise. Article about the exercise moving the leg back.

Technique (leg abduction in crossover):

  • put the cuff on your leg and hook the carabiner to the block.
  • stand up and grab the machine with your hands, this will help you maintain your balance.
  • tilt your body slightly forward and do not straighten until you finish the exercise.
  • As you exhale, using your gluteal muscle, move your leg back.
  • while inhaling, without jerking, return your leg to its original position.
  • Do the required number of repetitions in this manner, then change legs.

In addition to the crossover, moving the leg back can be done in other simulators (in the “pendulum”, for example), as well as with or without various types of weights. After your workout, don't forget to cool down! Good luck to you!


How to pump up your gluteal muscles?

Beautiful, toned gluteal muscles always adorn the figure. This can be achieved with the help of special exercises. At the same time, you must try not to increase the volume of your legs, which is why the selection of exercises and their correct execution is so important.

The soft tissues of the back of the thigh consist of several groups of paired muscles:

The appearance largely depends on the condition of the gluteus maximus muscles, since they occupy almost the entire volume of this part of the body. The middle and small muscles are located higher and deeper, almost covering the large one. The lateral muscles play an important role in the beautiful design of the butt.

If you take your training seriously, results will be visible within the second month of training. To achieve your goal, you must adhere to certain rules.

Principles of classes:

  1. 1. Regularity. You need to exercise for at least 15 minutes 3 times a week. If you want to achieve results faster, you should exercise every day.
  2. 2. An integrated approach. You can’t pump up only the buttocks; the whole body needs physical exercise. That’s why you need to add aerobic exercise from the first day (2 times a week for 40-60 minutes). This could be jumping rope, swimming, running and other active activities. Walking is not suitable; the muscles of the buttocks are little involved when walking.
  3. 3. Quantity. We must remember that to get a good result there must be a lot of repetitions. They start with 15 repetitions, every week their number is increased by 10, gradually bringing this number to 100.
  4. 4. Weighting. For better muscle development, you need to work with weights. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can put water or sand in plastic bottles and exercise with them. There are special weights in the form of belts that are attached to the body.
  5. 5. Temp. All exercises for the gluteal muscles are done at a slow pace. At the very beginning of working on these muscles, you need to put your hand on your butt and feel how the muscles move. This allows you to concentrate on the lesson and control the correct execution of the exercise.
  6. 6. Contrast shower. This water procedure not only refreshes, but also tones the muscles, helping them to recover.

In the training process, it is necessary to take into account the slightest nuances, for example, the technique of performing the same exercises differs for men and women. And it’s all about the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of representatives of different sexes.

Men are more resilient than women and can endure significant loads and strain their muscles more during training. Women have less norepinephrine and testosterone in their bodies, so they cannot perform the same strength exercises as men.

There are fewer muscle fibers in a woman’s body, and to achieve the same results you have to do more repetitions, for example, at the very beginning it will be 13-15 repetitions, then this number must be increased.

The most important thing!

And for males, only 7-8 repetitions will be enough to obtain similar results.

The break between repetitions for men should be no more than 30 seconds, and women can rest for 1 minute.

To choose a weight for yourself, you need to take any apparatus and do an exercise with it at an average pace. On the third approach, you should feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the buttocks. And on the next approach, the burning should be so strong, as if the muscles were failing. In this case, the weight is chosen correctly, and such refusal approaches are the main ones in pumping up muscles.

Basic exercises:

  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • swings.

For squats, your feet should be shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. When squatting, you need to move your butt back, as if sitting on a chair. It is very important to sit down deeply, that is, as low as possible. To increase efficiency, you need to pick up dumbbells.

You cannot lower your head, you must look straight or even slightly above eye level. You just have to lower your eyes, and your back will begin to round, and this cannot be allowed. In addition to a straight back, you need to control your knees - they should not protrude beyond your toes.

The next type of squats comes from ballet, as indicated by the name “plie”. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your toes as far as possible to the sides, and your knees will also point to the sides. You need to squat slowly, deeply with a straight body. Also, slowly return to the starting position.

In this squat, the internal thigh muscles, which are usually poorly developed in a person leading a sedentary lifestyle, are additionally loaded. After 2 weeks of training, you can do this exercise with weights. You need to take the weight with both hands and hold it in front of you with your arms down.

Here it is important to ensure that the back remains straight, then the load on the lumbar region will be minimal, but the gluteal muscles will be pumped.

Lunges help to pump up the gluteus maximus muscle well. The first 2 weeks they are done without weights. Put your feet together, take a step forward and sit down. The thigh on the extended leg should be parallel to the floor.

At this time, the arms are lowered along the body, the shoulders are straightened, the back is straight. After 3 seconds (count to three), return to the starting position.

You need to do 15 repetitions for each leg in one approach, gradually increasing the number.

Helpful Advice!

Swings are performed with support on the back of a chair. You need to stand facing the chair, holding the chair with your hands for balance. Perform 15 powerful back kicks. In this case, you can lean forward slightly, but do not lean on the back of the chair. In the extreme position when swinging, you need to strain your gluteal muscles as much as possible.

Another type of swing is done on the floor. You need to kneel down and lean on your straight arms. Bend one leg at the knee, pull it to your chest, then take it back and lift it up as high as possible, then put your leg back. There is no need to arch your back at the waist and lower your head.

The so-called “gluteal bridge” is considered a very effective exercise. It is done from a supine position. In this case, your legs should be bent at the knees and rest on your full foot. You need to slowly raise and lower your pelvis, while leaning on your feet and shoulder blades.

Swings will help pump up the gluteus medius muscle. To perform the first type of swing, you need to kneel and straight arms. The leg bent at the knee should be moved to the side, it is advisable to achieve a parallel position to the floor. You need to stay in this position for 2-3 seconds and lower your leg. You can subsequently attach weights to the femoral part of the leg.

The next exercise targets the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. You need to lie on your side, lean on your hands for balance. The body should lie strictly in a straight line.

During the exercise, you should ensure the correct body position; this is very important for compliance with the execution technique. You need to slowly raise and lower your leg up, and linger at the top point for 2-3 seconds.

You should not bend your knees; you should try to increase the amplitude as much as possible.

This is one of the most problematic areas in the body. The so-called breeches really spoil the appearance. This phenomenon must be combated comprehensively: reduce body weight and constantly perform special exercises. Even if the lateral muscles of the buttocks acquire the desired shape, you cannot stop doing the exercises.

Another feature of training with these muscles is that you need to include a massage of this area. It will help:

  • remove excess water;
  • break down fat;
  • improve blood circulation.

The lateral muscles are well worked out when walking on your butt. To do this, you need to sit on the floor and move your legs, as if walking with your left or right buttock. You need to do this exercise for at least 15 minutes. The “bicycle” and “scissors” exercises, which are performed lying on your back, show good results.

Rejection approaches are very effective. You need to set a timer for 45 and 15 seconds. Perform leg swings to the side from a standing position for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, and swing again with the same leg.

It must be performed until muscle failure occurs, that is, it will be impossible to further perform the exercise on the same leg. Then you need to move to the other leg.

This technique allows you to quickly burn calories in the right places.

Pay Attention!

Another exercise for the lateral thighs is side lunges. You need to stand straight with your feet together. Lunge with your foot to the side, while placing your feet parallel to each other. To return back, you need to bend your extended leg at the knee and tilt your torso slightly forward. With each leg you need to perform 15 repetitions, gradually increasing this number.

Lie on your back, put your legs together. Slowly raise your legs up 90° relative to your body. At the top point, spread your straight legs apart, then bring them together. Do this about 3-5 times, then lower your feet to the floor. You should feel fatigue in the muscles, this indicates sufficient physical activity.

Also, lying on the floor, slowly raise your legs at a right angle. Move as far apart as possible, stop in this position for 2-3 seconds. Then bend your knees and bring your feet together. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Conducting workouts at home is inferior in effectiveness to training in the gym. You will have to exercise more often at home to achieve positive changes in your figure. Maximum perseverance, patience and hard work will help you achieve a good result.