Sports diet for muscles. How to eat right when you're lifting

If you decide to pump up your muscles, sign up for a fitness club and work out with persistent desire, this article is for you. In addition to desire, you also need to know how to eat properly. Nutrition plays a big role when exercising gym, if you don’t follow it, there will be no good results at best; at worst, you risk undermining your immunity and health in general. Below are some recommendations that will allow you to eat properly when playing sports.

1. The basis of everything is protein

Proteins are part of all human tissues: blood, brain, eyes, internal organs and also muscles. These proteins in the body are constantly replaced with new ones, and old ones are eliminated from the body, so a person (not lifting) needs to consume 100-150 grams of protein per day. When we practice physical activity, and especially with greater weight, protein consumption almost doubles. The principle of muscle growth The point is that when we swing, a micro-tear of the muscle fiber occurs, and at the site of the break, new tissue is formed, even thicker. If the body is for a long time It’s not time to get protein, then as we see from the above, it won’t lead to anything good.

Proteins (amino acids) are divided into two groups: synthesized by humans and non-synthesizable (non-replaceable). Non-synthesized ones are found in meat, milk and fish. Look for information on how much protein a product contains (directories, labels) and calculate, 200-300 grams per day. It must be taken into account that a person can only absorb 30-40 grams in 3 hours; there is no point in eating more. I had a friend who set the alarm for 3 am so he could eat. Eating meat is expensive, so many people buy the so-called “ protein“, it also needs to be consumed 30 grams for 3 hours. Energy is needed for protein to be absorbed. For 1 gram of protein you need to eat 3 grams of carbohydrates(porridge is best) and 3 grams of water because muscles are 75 percent water. You can take multivitamins (Complivit, etc.).

2. Eat more carbohydrates

In proper nutrition during training, the main source of carbohydrates should be vegetables, cereals and fruits, as well as carbohydrate powder concentrates. If there is a chronic lack of carbohydrates in the diet, the body uses your muscle tissue as “fuel”. It is clear that all the training is going down the drain.

3. Calories are a growth factor

Scientists measure the amount of food in special units - calories. They also measure the energy expenditure of a person. It would seem that no matter how many calories you burn, you need to replace the same amount at the kitchen table. No, you need to “eat” more calories! Remember, muscle growth itself requires an influx of energy. So, if your diet provides exactly as many calories as you expend, nothing gets into your muscles, and they don’t grow. The effect of post-training growth, on the contrary, is based on excess calorie consumption. The famous “Mr. Olympia” Dorian Yates offers the following formula: “Start with 350-500 grams of carbohydrates per day, and then rely on the scale readings. If you train hard, but the mass does not grow, it means that you are not getting enough calories. Then you can safely “throw on "Another 100 grams of carbohydrates per day. And so on until the scales show confident weight gain."

4. Food should be varied

What if instead natural products take protein and carbohydrates in powder, fish oil in teaspoons, and vitamins and minerals in tablets? Is it possible to grow up on such a diet? Hardly. Today, nutritionists have discovered about fifty fundamentally new compounds called phytosubstances in “living” plant foods. They have the properties of powerful antioxidants, are able to prevent the development of serious diseases, strengthen the immune system, and neutralize pathogenic microorganisms, and in general make us stronger and healthier. There are almost no such herbal substances in freeze-dried store products. Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that city residents are increasingly suffering from cancer, tuberculosis, skin and nervous diseases. Bodybuilding experience shows that on a diet poor in natural vegetables and fruits, muscles refuse to grow. Your daily menu should include at least 3 servings of fruits and the same amount of vegetables. In winter, fresh frozen blueberries, currants, strawberries or melon pieces can be added to yogurt, oatmeal or a protein shake. Shredded stewed cabbage, mushrooms and finely chopped onions and sweet peppers go well with rice or pasta. Eat a large portion at least once a day (preferably 2 times a day) vegetable salad, preferably with seasoning based on natural vegetable oil. In winter, such salads can be prepared from fresh cabbage, adding pre-cooked beans to it, green onions and chopped bell pepper.

5. More is better

You need a lot of carbohydrates to restore the huge energy costs of training. This means that you need to choose foods that contain the most carbohydrates. Such “mass-gaining” foods include: mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, raisins, honey, pancakes, oatmeal cookies, baked goods, apples and ripe bananas. These products will allow you to reach your daily “norm” of carbohydrates, without the risk of filling your stomach until you can’t breathe.

6. Eat slow-release carbohydrates before your workout.

There are two types of carbohydrates: “fast” and “slow”. Some are digested almost instantly. Others linger in the intestines, gradually releasing energy. How to distinguish one from the other? Foods with “fast” carbohydrates are usually sweet. Here are examples: jam, pastries, pies, sweets... Oatmeal, rice, potatoes are “slow” carbohydrates. They do not have a sweet taste. These carbohydrates are ideal for fueling before a workout. They gradually “feed” the blood with glucose. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood remains stable, and this is a condition for an even mood and high muscle tone. If, on the contrary, you eat something desperately sweet before training, then the glucose will “burn out” quickly. The body will be left without “fuel” and will begin to consume glycogen - emergency reserves of carbohydrates in the liver. As a result, the rest interval between workouts will be longer. Until the body restores what was spent, you will feel overwhelmed.

7. Focus on post-workout nutrition

Ultra-intense training causes an increase in the secretion of cortisol, glucagon and catecholamines, hormones that can trigger a chain reaction of destruction muscle tissue. These hormones are always released in response to stress, physical or nervous. (This is why stress usually leads to weight loss.) Your goal is to fuel up with “fast” carbohydrates immediately after your workout. They provoke the secretion of insulin, and it is the first enemy of the evil trinity and neutralizes its destructive influence. Excellent sources of “fast” carbohydrates are bagels, raisins, honey, etc. You can try Jay Cutler's Mr. Olympia formula for yourself. He advises eating 1.5 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of your weight while still in the locker room. Jay himself takes a box of rice with him to training, to which raisins and honey are added. As for protein, he recommends whey, in powder form - such protein is quickly “absorbed” by tired muscles.

8. Follow the scale

The reading on your bathroom scale is directly related to the amount of carbohydrates you consume. How? It's very simple: if the scale shows that you are gaining from 200 to 500 g per week, then you are eating enough carbohydrates. If your weight is not growing, then the carbohydrates you ate are most likely not enough.

You should aim for a daily intake of 4-6 g of carbohydrates per kilogram own weight. If the weight does not increase, add another gram per kilogram of your weight. Simply put, if you honestly eat 4-6 years. carbohydrates, but there is no result, try to bring this number to 5-7 years. True, here you can no longer do without powdered carbohydrate concentrates.

9. Drink more water

If you don’t drink the right amount of water, you will remain at your previous weight. Why? Yes, because your body is 75% water, and no growth without it is simply impossible. When the body becomes dehydrated, water leaves the muscle cells and thereby triggers the destruction of muscle tissue.

Don’t forget, by the way, that the effect of creatine and glutamine is largely based on the effect of “swelling” of the muscles, that is, filling them with fluid. By “attracting” water into muscle cells, creatine and glutamine push muscles to further growth.

In addition, you need to eat extra and count the calories of food so that they coincide with the energy expended during training.

What's the best way to eat?

There is nothing special about an athlete’s diet. The main thing is regularity. Try to consume at least two grams of protein per day per kilogram of your body. But remember that the important thing is not so much to eat them at all, but to eat them regularly! More than 30-35 grams of protein will not be absorbed at a time. And if you eat a pack of dumplings or a pan of cutlets at once, then there’s nothing but extra stress on your body. digestive system If you don’t get it, 2/3 of a pack of dumplings or 75% of cutlets will simply fly down the toilet. Ask yourself: do you mind wasting money on groceries? Eat less, but regularly. First of all, dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, cheese. They, in addition to a significant amount of protein, contain calcium necessary for bones, which, in particular, is washed out by various proteins.

Soybeans are very good. High in protein and carbohydrates and virtually zero fat. The only drawback is the bad taste. However, this is the place where you can test your own culinary skills.

And of course - meat, fish, poultry. Your body must receive a variety of protein - both plant and animal. If your daily routine does not allow you to have a thorough meal 4-5 times, take food with you on the road - fortunately cottage cheese is sold in various plastic packaging and with flavored additives.

Next, your physique plays a role. For those who are inclined to be overweight, it is better to exclude as much as possible all fatty foods from their diet. And also reduce your carbohydrate intake (including, alas, beer...). On the contrary, thin people should consume more high-calorie foods (sweets, cereals, etc.)

Your day should start with a carbohydrate meal to give your body energy for the day. I recommend a good bowl of porridge and something protein like scrambled eggs, cottage cheese or the like. At night, on the contrary, it is better to eat only protein foods and fiber.

Is it true that if you eat protein, your muscles will grow??

Alas, no.

Therefore, those who eat a lot of protein while sitting on a perch or lying on the sofa can not be afraid - their muscles will not grow an ounce. Moreover, I can reassure you even more: if protein consumption exceeds the body’s physiological need for it, excess protein will, at best, be simply excreted from the body or converted into energy, and if you sit or lie very well and get too much energy from the breakdown of fats , carbohydrates and excess protein, then this unspent energy will be stored in the form of body fat reserves. In addition to this, you also get a significant share of undigested protein “shards” that overload the excretory system.

Thus, under certain conditions, protein can cause fat gain and even deteriorate health, but in order to build muscle, you need to sweat a lot in the gym! Protein is needed for the growth of growing muscles, and only intense weight training makes muscles grow. I emphasize - intense! Muscles do not grow from barbell alone, just as children are not born from love alone.

In my opinion, our women are too scrupulous about the volume of their muscles. It seems to them that cellulite buttocks and thighs are at least feminine, but a pronounced bulge of the biceps is wow, it’s masculine! Dear women! First, take a tailor's meter and measure the bicep circumference of a woman who is not the fattest; you will find that its volume is more than 40 centimeters, that is, equal to the size of a biceps, which not every bodybuilder has! Only for a bodybuilder this is the circumference of the “dry” biceps (“meat” as such), and for the mentioned woman it is the circumference of fat covering a small untrained muscle (although, excuse me, it is sufficiently trained by carrying heavy bags, which I bow to you for). And secondly, I dare to assure you that if women by nature could gain muscle mass as easily as men, then many female bodybuilders and fitness experts would sleep peacefully at night, without racking their brains about how to make their biceps and triceps grow, and without exhausting yourself in grueling daily training with maximum weights, and, moreover, they would not use chemistry.

I'm confused - what's better to drink, proteins or gainers? And when should I do it?

Let's immediately define the terms. Proteins are high-protein products (70-90% protein) with virtually zero fat and carbohydrates. Gainers are, on the contrary, high-carbohydrate mixtures (15-30% protein and 50-80% carbohydrates) with high calorie content. Proteins provide muscle cells with protein - the building material of the athlete's future muscles. Gainers - due to their high calorie content, provide a serious surge of energy, which increases performance during training and gives a powerful impetus to the growth of mass and strength indicators. It would seem logical to drink gainers - they also contain protein, which will serve building material muscles. However, there is another pitfall here - high calorie content can cause the growth of not only muscles, but also the subcutaneous layer of fat. And muscles without relief... Getting deposits on the stomach and sides along with the “meat” is not a very pleasant prospect. Therefore, it is better to combine the intake of these products. In their pure form, only ectomorphs (thin body type) can drink gainers at the initial stage of training until sufficient muscle mass is gained. For the rest, I advise mixing proteins and gainers. Add 70-80% of the protein serving to half or one third of the recommended gainer serving. As a result, you will get a high-protein mixture with increased calorie content - just what you need.

I will give an approximate daily nutrition plan using my own example. I drink EGG PRO and MASS GAIN protein from the Hercules brand (for more details, see the Bodybuilding store). Every day in 500-600 grams of water I dilute 2 measuring cups (a cup is a single serving) of EGG PRO and 3 cups of MASS GAIN (a single serving of gainer is three cups). As a result, I get two servings of protein containing 30 g of protein each and a fairly high calorie content.

As a result:

8:30 breakfast. (porridge + eggs or curd mass)

10:30 second breakfast (curd mass + baked goods)

12:00 first protein meal

13:30 lunch (meat, rice)

16:00 second protein meal

17:30 afternoon snack (curd mass)

Naturally this schedule very conditional, everyone has their own daily routine. But general principle, I hope it's clear. On the day of training, dinner is shifted even later. And, preferably, swap the afternoon snack and the second protein meal so that the second protein meal is an hour and a half before training. You can add more gainer to this protein intake, and less protein - this will give you additional energy during training. You can also eat something else so that your appetite won’t be disturbed later.

Choose your own menu. Endomorphs ( fat people) there is absolutely no need to eat baked goods. Just as you shouldn’t eat baked goods if you are trying to lose weight. You can safely include eggs and soy products in your diet. If you cannot eat this regularly, then add another protein meal to your regimen.

IN recent years All more people began to pay attention to their excess weight or obesity. Of course, quite often they are not satisfied appearance However, we must not forget that behind the cosmetic problem there is a much more formidable one - a whole “bouquet” of various diseases.

Therefore, both men and women flock to fitness clubs to exercise. Moreover, the goal of the “weaker sex” is to reduce weight and remove fat folds, while men are concerned about how to achieve weight gain. muscle mass and see the long-awaited abs.

As expected, the approach to such a good goal must be comprehensive. Naturally, in order to see pumped up muscles, you need to remove the fat layer that hides them. Otherwise, you even risk gaining weight, due to the fact that muscle mass is much heavier than fat tissue. Therefore, proper nutrition is at the forefront and in this case has its own characteristics.

Let's take a closer look at how to eat properly when you're training to gain muscle mass.

First of all, you should pay close attention to proteins. After all, as you know, muscles are mainly composed of protein. Considering that proteins in our body are constantly transformed and partially excreted from the body, it becomes clear that this deficiency must somehow be compensated. How? The answer is simple - eat more of them. The main sources of protein include:

* seafood;

Cheese is also a good source of protein. And among the plant sources of protein, legumes can be distinguished - beans, beans, peas, chickpeas, and especially soybeans. Another thing is that plant proteins are not absorbed well enough by our body, so for muscle mass, use only proteins in isolation plant origin ineffective.

Separately, it must be said that in any, even protein product, it is imperative to know the fat content, otherwise, if you eat, for example, pork or goose (it’s not even worth mentioning sausages), you risk gaining excess fat.

You should definitely include it in your menu and main sources energy - grains, otherwise how will you gain strength to gain muscle mass by doing exercises?! The main thing is that the food is made from whole grains, that is, it contains fiber and vitamins that increase the tone and resistance of the body under stress from the external environment.

What else will help free muscles from the oppression of fat and show them in all their glory to the world?

Of course vegetables and fruits. In addition to dietary fiber, they contain quickly digestible carbohydrates, which will indirectly prevent the breakdown of protein in the body, as they replenish the lack of glucose, which is actively consumed during training.

We should not forget about dairy products, which contain a certain amount of animal protein casein, which can also be used for the needs of the body, that is, muscle tissue.

What's most interesting is that drinking water also has a huge impact on weight loss and, as opposed to increasing muscle size, with corresponding strength loads.

Do not limit yourself in drinking, as you need to drink before, during and after classes, approximately one to two glasses. The source of fluid can be simply water or special sports drinks.

Those who visit a fitness club have probably seen the jars and bottles offered there, colorfully calling to you. However, you need to be careful. The main thing in these drinks is the presence of a certain amount of sodium and glucose. By the way, chilled liquid quenches thirst better.

Protein cocktails deserve special mention. Most people looking to gain muscle size likely have experience using them. However, you must understand that such protein sources cannot replace full meals.

Therefore, try to get as much protein as possible from food. But the cocktail can be used on the day of exercise as an additional portion of protein. However, be also careful about its contents. Choose a product without unnecessary additives, strive for the greatest naturalness.

And of course, it is worth mentioning that it is extremely dangerous for health to use hormonal drugs. When interfering with the balance of biologically active substances in your body, it is extremely difficult to predict how it will turn out later. Therefore, be moderate, stick to proper nutrition and select optimal physical, including strength, loads.

Muscle mass is built not in the gym, but in the kitchen and while sleeping. Proper nutrition is a guarantee that all your work will bring results in the form of beautiful muscles. Find out how to eat healthy when you lift!

Beginners want to know how to get pumped, but experienced athletes usually dig deeper and are interested in how to eat properly when lifting in the gym. Indeed, they are right: to build the body of your dreams, for efficient work It is necessary to supply your body with high-quality fuel. Transforming your body means giving it your all in every workout. And in order for you to have the strength to give your best, it is important to eat right. Find out more about useful and essential macro- and microelements in this article.

Macronutrients are what the diet consists of. These include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Microelements mean vitamins and minerals that are essential for health and beauty. Microelements are found in everything you eat, and fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains are especially rich in them. We will tell you in more detail about the most important elements for an athlete.

Eat carbs when you lift.

Despite the fact that in modern society Carbohydrates get a bad rap, but they are actually the most acceptable source of energy. By eating the right carbs, you'll build tons of muscle without excess fat.

Focus on two types of carbohydrates:

  • Complex starchy carbohydrates such as sweet potato, brown rice, oatmeal and whole grain bread
  • Complex fibrous carbohydrates, such as broccoli, spinach and other vegetables

Fruits are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain many vitamins and minerals essential for health. However, they are high in sugar and calories. Considering your goal is to gain muscle mass, you should consume them in moderation. Give preference fresh fruit, not cocktails or canned food.

Protein nutrition will help build muscle

When you are lifting, proper nutrition requires the presence of proteins in the diet. They are responsible for the restoration and growth of muscle tissue. You should get at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight.

Excellent sources of quality protein include chicken, lean turkey, egg whites, whole eggs, soy products, tilapia and other white meat fish.

As a supplement, you can take protein supplements - protein shakes and bars. They are convenient and you can always snack on them when you can’t a full lunch. However, remember: supplements are only an addition to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods.

Proper and healthy fats for pumping up muscles

Not all fats are created equal, and to achieve a beautiful, muscular body, it is important to consume only healthy fats and fatty acids, such as Omega 3, which is found in fish and flax seeds, as well as fats from olive oil and avocado. They play an important role in hormone production, skin color and brain function. Fats keep energy levels constant and provide the body with essential nutrients. The main rule is moderation, since fats are high in calories.

Include natural peanut, olive or almond oil, and avocado in your diet as sources of fat. In addition, fats will come from eggs, meat and fish.

IN lately are gaining popularity food additives containing Omega-3 essential fatty acids, namely fish oil and linseed oil in capsules. They help support healthy level essential fatty acids in the body. If you enjoy foods like fish, seeds, nuts and avocados, you won't be short of healthy fats from whole foods. Although supplements containing EFAs and Omega-3s will be a great addition to your diet.

And a few words about “bad” fats. If there are good fats, what are the “bad” ones? Consumption of such fats large quantities may cause health problems. Avoid foods high in saturated fats, which are found in animal products and some vegetable oils(coconut and palm). Choose low-fat or skim dairy products and trim excess visible fat from meat. Chemically produced trans fats and hydrogenated oils are used to extend the shelf life of processed foods such as candy, margarine, packaged foods and instant cooking. Such foods are not at all consistent with proper training nutrition, so try to completely eliminate trans fats from your diet.

How to eat as a vegetarian while building muscle

Many people don’t know how to eat properly when lifting, and this dilemma especially applies to vegetarians. Even if you don't eat meat or animal products, you can still transform your body and build muscle. Use your imagination, as every meal should provide the body with high-quality proteins. If you consume dairy products, then increase the amount of protein in your diet through low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.

In addition, soy products are suitable for vegetarians. They are an excellent source of protein and are available in almost every supermarket. You can also try meat analogues that are made from plant proteins: soy, mushrooms, etc. These products look and smell like real meat. It comes in the form chicken cutlets, hamburgers and even tacos. These substitutes will add flavor and variety to your diet, but always read labels to make sure there is no sodium, corn syrup, or saturated fats or hydrogenated oils in the ingredient list.

Many vegetarian and vegan diets include nutritious combinations such as beans and brown rice, natural nut butters, and bread. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition for building muscle mass: eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, choose whole foods and create a small surplus of calories for bulking.

How much should you drink when lifting?

What should you drink while on a diet? Water, lots of water. Without adequate hydration, muscle growth is stunted and health and performance can suffer. It is ideal to drink 4 liters of water per day. Just because you're on a high-calorie diet doesn't mean you can drink milkshakes, sugary juices, or whole chocolate milk in any quantity. Main factor here is moderation. Read food labels and try to stay within your daily calorie allowance.

What portions should you eat to build muscle?

Portion sizes go hand in hand with calories. Don't think that measuring portions is difficult. There is a little trick that makes life easier for many bodybuilders. Each meal should consist of:

Add some healthy fats 2-3 times a day. This could be 1 teaspoon of flax or olive oil in a dish, or as a snack, spread a piece of bread with natural peanut or almond butter. Eat 1-2 servings of fruits a day, and don't forget that vegetables can be consumed in large quantities. They don't have much of an impact on your diet, but they are a source of vital vitamins, minerals and fiber!

What foods should you avoid when building muscles?

When you lift, you should eat in a special way. Avoid refined, "white" carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, cakes, cookies and sweets. They have too many calories and almost no nutrients. Avoid packaged and processed fast food or ready-to-eat foods, which are loaded with preservatives and bad fats that will ruin your fitness goals. Try not to drink carbonated soda water or fruit juices that contain sugar!

Alcohol is allowed only in small doses, and it is better to avoid it altogether. Alcoholic drinks contain empty calories, usually from sugars. But not all types of alcohol contain the same amount of calories and sugar. For example, if you are trying to gain muscle mass, mixed drinks with added sweet juices or cream are not suitable for you. Choose red wine or cocktails with soda and lime. Several drinks of alcohol special occasion are quite acceptable, but try to alternate them with plain water.

Eating in restaurants and pumping up muscles

It's hard to stick to rules when you're meeting friends at a restaurant or forgetting food at home. You realize that it's time to eat, but there are no healthy foods nearby.

If you find yourself without food and decide to have a meal at a restaurant, just choose the right dishes. Order a grilled chicken sandwich without mayonnaise, cooked on the grill chicken breasts, steamed vegetables or baked potatoes. Avoid fried foods, processed or "white" carbohydrates, and creamy or cheese sauces. Please order salad dressing separately. Instead of soda, give preference to plain water, and a slice of lemon will give it a pleasant aroma and taste.

Try another trick: split the meal with friends or ask them to pack half of it to take home. Thanks to these simple nutrition rules, you will enjoy your food and not destroy everything that you have achieved so hard by pumping up your muscles in the gym.

So, you have decided to pump up your body muscles, while doing everything necessary, without saving on time and money, as well as on your health. In order to achieve visible results, you don’t need to hang out in the gym for a long time, spend cash for the purchase of various kinds of drinks and mixtures for building muscles. In addition, you forget that not only doing exercises and constantly pumping muscles will give excellent results, but also choosing the right diet. What should you eat to build muscle? It's simple - approach this issue seriously and choose those products that best suit your daily routine and training. This means that we conclude that in order to have excellent muscle definition, gain strength and maintain health, you need to pay attention not so much to the time of training, but to the quantity and quality of food consumed.

Have you ever seen real athletes or professional athletes who probably do not eat only powders? If this were the case as you think, then they would have been in the hospital long ago with stomach and intestinal disorders. So, in order to maintain your physical fitness and activity, you need to consume the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates daily. Attention to those who just want to lose weight, this is not for you. In this case, weight gain occurs due to muscle strengthening due to pumping. So, if you want to get rid of extra pounds, you should turn to another source.

Why do many people envy bodybuilders? Yes, because their diet can be rich in a variety of foods, meat and cheeses occupy a leading place, and sweets are doubly welcome, since they provide energy and great mood. In addition, many people love bananas, but do not eat them because of their high calorie content. But on the contrary, they are recommended for strongmen to get quick and positive results. They don’t ask the question “what should you eat to build muscle?”, because they already know that they are allowed to do everything at once. They are not afraid to step on the scale, because they will know that body weight will be increased not due to the appearance of fat deposits, but due to the appearance of beautiful cubes, relief of the shoulder blades and back.

So, rule number 1 - you need to include at least 2 g of protein in your diet for every kilogram of your body. For example, if you weigh about 60 kilograms, then your protein intake should be 120 grams. Just pay attention to the fact that protein takes a very long time to digest and therefore, if you only eat protein foods and do not exercise properly. Then it will not be absorbed and your body will become blurry and no muscles will be visible. Do you really need such a result? Of course not, so let's take a closer look at what we eat and how we exercise.

Rule number 2 - eat little but often. Typically, models or ballet dancers adhere to this diet, since their profession does not have time for a full lunch or dinner. They are forced to quickly swallow a piece of fish or salad or even chocolate so that they have energy and so that they can keep their back straight. If there is a lack of a certain product in the body, a vitamin or microelement. Then there is a feeling of fatigue, a desire to sleep and do nothing, there is absolutely no strength. To build muscles, you need to eat little by little, for example, try to eat milk, cottage cheese and cheese more often, they have a lot of protein. Even if the label says that this product is low in calories, then looking at the amount of protein, you can be happy. After all, there is enough of it to take the product to training and sometimes get distracted to saturate the body. By the way, meat, poultry, fish are necessary food products for lunch and dinner. Your diet should contain both vegetable and animal fats. So, eating 4 or 5 meals a day is your key to getting the ideal muscle body. Pumping them up won’t be a problem now, the main thing is to think everything through in time and make a trip to the store.

Rule number 3 - correct, healthy and delicious breakfast. Since you will be training a bit and losing strength, you need to eat well before starting the day. If your breakfast was not enriched enough, then after 20 minutes of intense training you will want to eat, and your body will stop responding to the training and commands coming from the brain, because the only thought will be to eat. What breakfast is ideal for you so that you can build up your muscles and at the same time not want to eat ahead of time? Firstly, this porridge, both semolina and oatmeal will give a positive effect. Secondly, scrambled eggs and bacon, or pancakes with rice or jam. Steamed rice with vegetables will also have a good effect. Eat something from citrus fruits, it will cheer you up and give you energy, but a handful of raisins or prunes will help both the stomach and the functioning of the heart muscles. You shouldn’t overeat too much, but you need to saturate your body.

Rule number 4. If you think that you can’t eat after a workout, you’re wrong. To build muscle, you need to be sure to eat certain foods after your workout is over. This would be an excellent solution - immediately drink a carbohydrate shake, milk or with the addition of a banana, and eat it after a while. The food received after training helps the body grow, strengthen bone tissue, and provide all the necessary particles for muscle growth. Rolls, chips and crackers are not the food that should be used to replenish strength, but vegetables and fruits meat products or milkshakes are ideal.