Should you eat soup? The benefits and harms of the dish, without which many cannot imagine a full meal. Should I eat liquid every day?

Soup is the main element of any complete lunch. Not many people think about whether eating soup is healthy. After all, from the very early childhood The truth is learned that soup is important for health. However, now disputes often arise between fans of this liquid and nutritious dish and opponents who claim that the soup is a liquid chatterbox that does not provide much benefit to the body.

Today in the article we will find out whether it is healthy to eat soup every day. Let's look at the pros and cons of eating the dish. Let's remember some of the most preferred dishes belonging to the category of soups.

What is soup: definition

Before we get closer to the question of whether soup is good for the body, let’s remember the variety of the dish (there are already about one hundred and fifty recipes for its preparation on the planet) and what it represents.

The basis of the dish can be various meat broths, fish or vegetable broths. Soup can also be called any dish consisting of at least half water or other liquid. Every country and every nationality (even the smallest one) must keep at least one recipe for a liquid dish in its traditional kitchens.

We also need to remember that almost any soup (or rather, its method of preparation) has more than one option. Let's take, for example, the familiar and adored borscht. There are more than a hundred variations of its preparations.

Benefits of soup

The soup can be prepared hot or cold. Gazpacho and okroshka are cold dishes and are very refreshing in the heat, and are also easy to digest. Rich thick cabbage soup or chicken soup are good in cold weather. It will warm you from the inside and give the body a lot of vitamins.

Continuing to consider the question of whether eating soup is healthy, let's study a few more properties of this dish.

Chicken broth and soup

The human body recovers faster and more confidently from colds and some other infections on soup. Strong chicken broth is considered the most healing. It not only facilitates the progression of colds, but is also able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels through which blood moves. Such soup, when regularly appearing on the dinner table, can be a prevention of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. By the way, it is normalized due to the balancing (balance) of fluid throughout the body. Colds are also relieved by being sick and often dehydrated. high temperatures The body receives a liquid in which many useful elements are dissolved, which are quickly absorbed by the body.

Should I give a liquid meal to a child?

Is it useful? Some mothers categorically reject it and remove it from the menu of their baby and older child. They say that broth is a solvent of all elements of the meat ingredient and can do more harm than good. Is it good for a child to eat soup? Certainly! The first course should be light. You should not generously flavor children's soups with frying and other fatty additives that are not entirely beneficial for a fragile body.

Delicious soup works wonders for children's digestion. It improves digestive processes, strengthens the child’s immunity, and quickly and efficiently satisfies hunger due to its easy absorption by the child’s body. It is better to give babies homogeneous soups during complementary feeding. Cream soup and puree soup will well prepare the child’s digestive system for more serious meals in the future. Broth for children's menu It’s better to take the second stage, or even the third.

For the stomach

Is soup good for the stomach? Increasingly, during the day a person has to “break in” with snacks at work and school. Rarely does any enterprise or educational institution concerned true benefit products offered for lunch (or rather, snacking outside the home). Who among us has not experienced a feeling of heaviness, discomfort and more “lovely” effects from daily use buns and pies on the run. If you listen to your body, you can hear it asking for soup. Is it good to eat soup when your stomach is “begging” for help? Yes, it's useful. A warm liquid dish has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

People who have encountered certain pathologies digestive system, should eat soup at least once a day. However, broths for such dishes need to be vegetable, fish or chicken. The main thing is that the soup base is light. If you nevertheless decide to cook soup for yourself using meat broth, drain the first one after boiling, then add new, fresh water to the meat and use it to prepare a healthy first course.

Sorrel soup

In spring, it is customary to eat soup made from this leafy vegetable. There are disputes and rumors surrounding sorrel and dishes made from it. How to find out if sorrel soup is healthy? Let's start with the positive aspects of eating this famous and adored dish by many. This green soup can “wake up” the bile ducts. It has a slight choleretic effect. The soup can also slightly loosen the intestines, which will relieve constipation. Increasing hemoglobin and getting rid of vitamin deficiencies is also possible with this dish.

With all the indisputable soup for healthy person One cannot ignore the fact that the dish has some contraindications. The soup is absolutely not suitable for people who have weakened kidneys or oxalate stones in them. Those with stomach ulcers should also be careful not to eat it. With increased bone fragility this type soup is excluded from the menu.

Nettle in soup

Along with the debate about the benefits and harms of sorrel dishes, there is often a debate about whether nettle soup is healthy. The opinion about the increased benefits of such a dish is correct. Nettle, which shows its green and stinging leaves from the ground in the spring, is essentially a concentrate of multivitamins.

Spring is the best time to make soup from this plant. The body, boosted by the vitamins contained in the leaves (and transferred into the broth), can easily cope with vitamin deficiency. The soup also helps in the fight against excess cholesterol. It is recommended to eat dishes containing nettle if you are prone to high blood sugar. Restore nervous system and help cope with stress and nervous tension. Nettle is also known for its diuretic properties. All this is good when the body is healthy and has no contraindications to consuming all nettle delicacies.

It is permissible to prepare soup only from young shoots and leaves. Usually they are collected in April-May (depending on the general annual temperatures in your region of residence). Avoid soup greens that grow in (or near) waste areas. It would also be logical to avoid nettles growing on the sides of roads.

Who can be harmed by nettle soup?

Nettle is a medicinal plant, but can sometimes cause harm to humans. Before enjoying the healing soup, remember what diseases you (possibly) have or have had. And only after that make a decision for yourself whether or not to eat nettle soup.

First of all, you need to know that any dish or even a water infusion from this plant can significantly thicken the blood. People with varicose veins are not recommended to consume this soup. Hypertension and atherosclerosis are also factors prohibiting green nettle soup. If there is sand or stones in the kidneys, nettle should not be consumed without prior consultation with a specialist.


To summarize, we can confidently say that eating soup is a good and good habit. The variety of dishes allows you to choose the most acceptable variations for any person. Some soups have contraindications for certain categories of people. But they can successfully find a replacement. Pea, with pasta, with cereals included in the dish - soups must be in the daily diet.

However, if you do not have the luxurious opportunity to eat the first course during every lunch, maintain a normal balance of flora in your stomach with fermented milk products and unsweetened tea. And make soup your guest (welcome) on the table at least a couple of times a week.

Soups should be present in the diet at least two to three times a week, ideally daily. Plain water, juice, milk cannot serve as an alternative to the first course. If an adult or child categorically refuses soups, there is little good. Because with them the body not only receives the required amount of dietary fiber - broths stimulate the production of gastric juice, but also the mechanical effect of solid food on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is reduced. Alternate soups made with meat and vegetarian ones.

Classic first courses are best eaten warm, temperature 36–38 degrees, and balanced in spices. Hot (over 60°C) and cold (below 15°C) dishes have an irritating effect on the stomach receptors. Too spicy also causes hypersecretion of gastric juice. Over time, this can lead to gastritis.

Vegetarian soups contain a lot of dietary fiber, which improves intestinal motility. It is good to use broccoli for such dishes, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, these vegetables are harmless to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). For those who have such problems, it is not advisable to add white cabbage. It negatively affects the pancreas, causing inflammation. Borscht lovers can, of course, eat them, but don’t get carried away. But soups made from legumes - beans, peas, lentils - are poorly digested, and therefore provoke exacerbations in those who have stomach or intestinal problems.

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Vegetables are cooked with the lid closed. The vitamins contained in them, when exposed to ultraviolet rays and oxygen from the air are destroyed. Don't overcook them. Are the vegetables soft? Remove the pan from the heat.

When cooking meat broth, drain the first water after boiling. Otherwise, it turns out to be too concentrated, which means it contains many extractive substances that irritate the mucous membrane and can contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. When they are in moderate quantities, they stimulate the formation of gastric juice, but do not disrupt the digestion process. Second broths are optimal for health. To do this, take the meat, wash it, put it in water, bring to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes (beef - 15-20), drain and add another water. The bulk of the extractive substances will be boiled off during the first boil, and the soup will be much healthier.

Lean meats are good for broths: chicken, turkey, beef. The healthiest thing is rabbit meat; it is recommended for all gastrointestinal diseases. When preparing meat for cooking, get rid of excess fat and remove the skin from poultry: it is high in fat and cholesterol. Their excess contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases; fat is not very beneficial for the pancreas. Regarding the use of offal - liver, heart, ventricles; the main thing is not to overdo it.

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Jellied meat is not good for health. From a medical point of view, broth cooked on the bone is not best dish, since it contains large number extractives. But if you use a little meat on ribs or bones, there is nothing terrible if you follow the cooking rules. As for the popular festive table Jellied meat is essentially an insanely concentrated broth. After all, they cook it for six hours, don’t drain the first water, otherwise it won’t work. Eat jellied meat no more than once a month and remember that this is not a dietary product.

Broths are not recommended for sick people. Doctors do not advise them to weakensick patients, especially those who have undergone surgery. Anesthesia already contributes to the development of ulcerative processes, and broth increases the risk of their development because it stimulates the production of gastric juice. This applies to any surgical interventions, not necessarily related to the gastrointestinal tract, even in gynecology, orthopedics, and cardiology. Patients are given nutrition through a vein, so-called parenteral. There are also special therapeutic foods in the form of dry mixtures that are diluted with water. They are easily digestible and healthy.

Previously, doctors advised giving infants broths from six months, now - closer to one year. Because gastritis and pancreatitis have become “younger”. They start with soups cooked in water with the addition of meatballs.

You can get better from puree soups. Heavily chopped vegetables are deprived of dietary fiber and, as a result, take longer to digest. In addition, in the form of puree, carbohydrates and fats are easier to digest, and when such a soup sits in the stomach for a long time, it turns out to be higher in calories, which cannot but affect the figure. Those who are sure that pureed soups are suitable for losing weight are mistaken. Especially if potatoes or cream are added to them. For a person with gastrointestinal problems, the fat content of products should not exceed 3.5%. Cream has at least 10%, which is unacceptable for the pancreas. This does not mean that pureed soups should not be prepared at all, they just should not be in the diet all the time.

For most Russians, the concepts of “soup” and “lunch” are related. Those who refuse the first course are usually told: “You’ll ruin your stomach!” It will be useful for everyone who is interested in proper nutrition to know how true this fear is, whether it is necessary to eat soup or whether our body will do just fine without it.

Is soup really that healthy?

To make the soup fat-free, you need to put it in the refrigerator, and then skim off the frozen fat.

The fact that eating soups is not at all necessary is indirectly confirmed by the gastronomic tradition of many countries around the world. This dish or its analogues practically do not appear on the menu of most of them, which, according to medical statistics, does not have a negative impact on public health.

However, what is good for a resident of the USA or Australia is not always good for a Russian: geography still leaves its mark on culinary preferences.

For residents of Russia, who traditionally eat more than 30 billion plates of cabbage soup, borscht, noodles and other first courses a year, soup is an excellent food in the cold season: it warms you up and quickly restores energy reserves in the body.

Besides this, there are other reasons why soup has the right to be on our table:

  • after cooking, the soup retains beneficial substances that are lost as a result of frying and other methods of heat treatment of ingredients;
  • soup provides the body with the necessary fluid balance, which is important for those who are not used to drinking enough water during the day;
  • in people with reduced secretory function of the stomach, soup stimulates the formation of gastric juice, without which high-quality digestion of food is impossible;
  • Some types of soups (for example, chicken) due to their composition have a positive effect on the immune system, which protects the body during the cold season;
  • soups are often used in weight loss diets as low-calorie but satisfying dishes;
  • soups are the fastest and relatively inexpensive way to feed big family or team.

In order for the soup to retain its beneficial properties as much as possible, it is important that it is not very hot, but not cold either.

However, not everything is rosy when it comes to soups. Experts had to debunk some myths:

  • Soups are very useful for people with stomach problems.. In fact, if a person suffers from gastritis or ulcers, first courses (especially those cooked in meat broth) increase the formation of acid in the stomach and worsen health.
  • Soups are digested much easier than any other food. According to recent studies, a liquid first course significantly reduces the concentration of gastric juice, as a result of which the process of digesting food slows down. To prevent this from happening, adherents of separate meals began to refuse to eat soups, and allow themselves tea or coffee only half an hour after eating.
  • The soup is good for people of any age, including the elderly. Rich, fatty broth is dangerous for old people, as a rule, those suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney disease, and gout.
  • Long-cooked soup is free of harmful substances that may be in its ingredients. This is wrong. After prolonged cooking of the meat, the broth is “enriched” with antibiotics, steroid hormones that were used in raising livestock. From the bones, heavy metal salts, carcinogenic substances and other harmful compounds that accumulate in the bone tissue throughout the life of the animals get into the soup.
  • Cooking allows you to at least partially preserve vitamins in foods. Today, experts are more categorical in their assessments; they claim that already at a temperature of 57 °C from beneficial properties There is no trace of vitamins left. This means that vegetables (cabbage, carrots, tomatoes) are best consumed fresh, for example, in a salad.

The healthiest thing to use for broth is chicken.

The body quickly gets used to “good things” - soft and liquid food does not need to be thoroughly chewed, because of this, the gums weaken, teeth may begin to fall out, and the intestines will lose their natural functions.

Some methods of preparing them are also not in favor of soups. For example, housewives like to add carrots and onions fried in oil or its substitutes to the first dish. Often they use ready-made “frying”, the manufacturers of which stuff it with various dubious ingredients to enhance the taste. As a result, your plate may end up with a “hellish mixture” of fats, carcinogens and cholesterol.

In cabbage soup with sorrel, the natural acid of this green after heating turns into inorganic and combines with calcium, thereby depriving the body of this vital substance (its deficiency results in caries or osteoporosis), and provokes the formation of kidney stones.

When preparing soup, do not use seasonings or bouillon cubes, as they are toxic to the body.

Chicken broth is becoming dangerous due to the fact that poultry farms in recent years They began to actively use the antibiotic tetracycline when raising chickens. After 30 minutes of cooking, it is found in all parts of the carcass (most of all in the skin), and after another half an hour, a substance harmful to human health is found in the broth. To correct the situation, nutritionists advise draining the first liquid from the pan, adding fresh water and cooking the soup in the so-called secondary broth.

Traces of human carelessness also affect the fish, and therefore the ear. Recent studies by Japanese scientists have established the presence of sea ​​water in fishing areas such dangerous substance like mercury. Researchers from Russia, Norway, and the USA have similar data.

Even a seemingly harmless milk soup can cause harm, for example, to an elderly person, since over the years the body has fewer and fewer enzymes capable of breaking down milk sugar.

Today, experts do not urge Russians to completely exclude soups from their menu, but they recommend that they be more careful when choosing a recipe, and when cooking, take into account and exclude them using various techniques. possible risks. It is also important to purchase products for soup from a reliable manufacturer, because nitrates can get into the dish with vegetables, antibiotics with meat, toxins with mushrooms, and carcinogenic substances with various flavoring additives.

Date: 2017-04-18 Views: 25 555 Grade: 3.4

How often do you ask about soup at PP ( proper nutrition). “What if it’s on the breast?”/“I can’t live without soup!”/“Soup is good for the stomach!” and your other endless questions.

What is soup? Soup is vegetables that have been boiled in water or meat broth. Let's dwell separately on meat broth. ⠀

Meat is a source of protein and fat. Saturated fats that a person needs in small quantity. And even if you cook broth on a lean piece of meat, you will still get broth with fat. Meat a priori contains fat.

When boiled into broth, meat releases both fat and substances that “fertilized” the animal during its life or the meat (carcass) of the animal after slaughter. Can you guarantee yourself (not me, but yourself and your family) that the animal ate grass and did not eat dry food, and after slaughter the meat was not injected with anything to increase the amount of moisture, for example? I don't. I cannot guarantee this to myself. That’s why I don’t cook soups for children using the first broth. On the second - yes.

When cooked in water, meat gives up fat (the same fat that we don’t eat, by the way) and all its “best” substances. Therefore, as soon as the water boils for the first time, boil for 5 minutes and drain. Fill with new cold water and after that cook the broth. ⠀

This is the broth I use to cook soup. But I myself eat it extremely rarely.

Besides the fact that I don't see anything healthy in the broth from the soup, I don't eat it because I don't understand why there is a bowl of soup and not being full. You can fill yourself up with protein or by filling your stomach with fiber. There is practically no one or the other in the soup.

Yes, of course, you got a filling of your stomach due to hot liquid food. By the way, broth, unlike water, lingers in the stomach. That is, it gives you a feeling of fullness in your stomach. But in essence, this is a deception. You filled your stomach with broth (essentially water, which contains virtually no useful substances and calories).

Also, you cannot calculate a bowl of soup based on BZHU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). The whole pan - yes. But not a plate. You cannot exactly calculate the amount of meat/fish/chicken, carrots, potatoes/rice/pasta and other vegetables that you put on a plate. You can't. You can roughly estimate the amount. But you won't get the point. Imagine how many bowls of soup you need to eat to get 20 grams of protein? There are definitely 5 plates, if not more.

The second question is about satiety. By eating a plate of the second dish and a salad, we will be full and will walk around without being hungry for 2-3 hours. And if you eat a bowl of soup without everything and without anything else, will you be full for a long time? That is why we are used to eating a couple of pieces of bread with a bowl of soup. And then another second. Because that's how we get full.

Do you even know the history of soup?

In medieval times, the issue of food was acute. And so people had to figure out how to inexpensively feed themselves and their families. So they came up with the idea of ​​boiling bones in water and adding vegetables to it. So that there is a lot (the plate is large in volume) and there is no need to give meat to everyone (meat is too expensive, and bones are cheap). So think about the history of a food-saving product.

And also about the benefits for the stomach. Soup is one of the foods that greatly stimulates the stomach. If we are talking about dietary nutrition, in the medical sense of the word “diet,” then soups are excluded from the diet. The menu of people with problems in the gastrointestinal tract includes lean lean meat and fish, cereals, sometimes dairy products, boiled vegetables and baked fruits, and omelettes. Eliminate or minimize as much as possible:

  • dishes containing extractive substances (meat, fish, mushroom broths; strong broths from vegetables);
  • spices (mustard, cinnamon, horseradish, etc.);
  • fried foods;
  • canned food;
  • tomato sauces;
  • stewed in own juice meat and fish;
  • salted and smoked meat and fish products;
  • salted, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits;
  • hard-boiled eggs, especially yolks;
  • rye bread and pastry products;
  • stale or overheated edible fats;
  • fermented milk products with increased acidity, skim milk, whey;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • drinks containing alcohol;
  • drinks containing carbon dioxide (carbonated);
  • sour and insufficient ripe fruits and berries, raw vegetables.

This entire list of products strengthens the functioning of our gastrointestinal tract, and during stomach illness we try not to burden the stomach.

I hope now you understand that the essence of the question is “is it possible to have soups on PP?” not entirely clear and correct. I can't think for you. My task is to tell you, and you will draw your own conclusions. So what should soups be on your table?