How to choose ripe pitahaya. Dragon fruit (pitaya, pitahaya, dragon's eye): what kind of fruit is it and how to choose it correctly? Seedling care

Fans of travel and exotic fruits know the original and seemingly not very remarkable longan fruit, which has another name - “dragon eye”. It rarely appears on the shelves of our stores, and that’s all the more interesting. Let's see where and how this plant grows, what is remarkable about it, what kind of beneficial properties, and with whom he should not be confused.

Longan, or “dragon eye”: what is it

First, let's figure out what kind of fruit the “dragon eye” is. This is the fruit of the same name evergreen tree.

Dragon eye plant with fruits

It is not for nothing that he received the second name “dragon eye”. The fruits of this tree are small and round, covered with a hard skin. Inside there is light and translucent glassy pulp, in the center of which there is a large black or dark red seed, occupying almost half of the entire fruit. When cut, longan really resembles the eye of a dragon or a strange reptile.

Why not the dragon's eye?
Longan in all variations

How does dragon eye grow?

China is considered the birthplace of this plant, but it is also common in Taiwan, Indonesia, Burma and Vietnam. It is grown on a large scale in China and Burma. The trees are quite tall and can reach a height of 10-20 meters. The leaves vaguely resemble laurel leaves in shape.

The Dragon's Eye has just been picked from the tree.

The fruits grow on trees in large clusters, which is why longan is often compared to grapes. The closest relatives of the “dragon eye” are lychee and rambutan. The fruit ripens from June to August. Fruits purchased at the beginning of summer have not reached their ripeness and therefore may taste bitter or sour. To help them reach greater maturity, leave them at room temperature for a few days.

Longan ripens in such luxurious bunches

The diameter of the fruit is from 1 to 2.5 cm. The color of the skin varies from yellowish-red to brown. The skin itself is hard and dense, a bit like a shell quail egg and cleaned accordingly.

In markets, dragon eye berries are sold in bunches tied with an elastic band. This is how they sell greens and viburnum bunches in our markets.

What does dragon eye fruit taste like and how to peel and eat it?

Longan pulp is very juicy and soft. Its color can vary from completely transparent to white or pinkish. These fruits taste sweet or more sour, depending on the degree of ripeness. In the taste, many hear shades of musk, kiwi or melon.

You can't eat the bone because it's poisonous.

Similar to its appearance, the texture of the dragon's eye pulp resembles that of a grape. Before eating the dragon's eye fruit, you need to peel it from its thick skin. To do this, you need to place the berry between the large and index finger, press lightly. The skin will crack and can be easily peeled off. A round, glassy fruit will remain, with a dark seed visible inside.

The texture of the fruit is most similar to grapes

Beneficial properties of the dragon's eye fruit and its calorie content

Longan contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. It is especially rich in vitamins A and C. Thanks to the content of corylagic, gallic and ellagic acids, the fruit has antioxidant properties.

Longan fruits "to scale"

“Dragon Eye” is a dietary fruit because it contains only 60 calories per 100 g. Its low sugar content allows it to be consumed even if you have diabetes. Eastern doctors recommend introducing longan into the diet of people suffering from anemia, pallor and chronic fatigue. The fruits of this plant are an excellent tonic.

“Dragon Eye” helps cleanse the liver and protect it from the effects of adverse factors. It helps cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is an excellent anthelmintic. This fruit is also considered a good aphrodisiac.

Longan is one of the fruits that has virtually no contraindications for use. The only risk factor is individual intolerance. Therefore, if you are trying this fruit for the first time, you should not eat it large quantities.

The berries sit quite tightly on the cuttings

How to select and store the exotic dragon eye fruit

If you come to China, Taiwan or Indonesia, where these fruits are sold in any market, it will be easier for you to choose the right longan. You will be able to taste the fruits from the bunch before purchasing. The sweetest and ripest fruits are considered not to be those that have just been picked from the tree, but those that have already been lying on the counter. Good fruits do not have any external defects, signs of mechanical damage or cracks. Longan can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. At room temperature it will begin to deteriorate in 2-3 days.

Dragon eye fruit: growing at home

Longan is quite easy to grow at home. The main thing is to comply simple rules planting and caring for the plant.

How to prepare the soil and container for growing

After you have eaten the fruit, the pit must be carefully cleared of any remaining pulp and planted as soon as possible. If it is not possible to plant right away, dry the seed well so that it does not rot, and wrap it in paper napkin. In this form it can be stored for up to 12 days.

The root system of the plant is quite extensive, so the container for planting must be chosen wide and deep. A drainage layer of river sand or small stones is laid at the bottom. Specialized flower shops sell ready-made soil mixtures for exotic plants. You can use them.

Before planting, the seed can be soaked in water.

How to plant seeds and care for crops

There is a small light spot on each seed. When landing, it should be on the side. Don't bury it too deep. You can even simply sprinkle it with soil to make it easier for the sprout to break through to the surface.

Since the plant is very sensitive to drafts, it is necessary to arrange a “greenhouse” for it. You can make it from a simple glass. The sprout will appear approximately on the 10th day.

The plant loves light and humidity, do not forget to water and spray it warm water
Make sure that painful spots do not appear on the leaves

Seedling care

Longan is a very heat-loving plant. The temperature around it must not be allowed to drop below +22°C. To maintain the optimal temperature, you can even use a special heating mat that is placed under the pot.

The plant loves wet soil and good lighting. Use a spray bottle of water room temperature and phytolamp. Longan takes any organic and mineral supplements very well. The plant dies at a temperature of -2°C. Therefore in winter period It is necessary to bring it into a heated and well-lit room.

IN open ground can be planted in the winter garden

The fruit begins to bear fruit only at 4-5 years of age.

Photo of dragon heart fruit

Dragon eye fruit is often confused with dragon heart fruit. However, these are two completely different fruits that are not even remotely similar to each other. “Dragon's Heart” is also called pitahaya or pitaya. It has a very bright and attractive appearance. Its color is bright pink, and its body is covered with scales with bright green tips. The plant itself belongs to the Cactus family. Inside the fruit there is juicy pulp with many small black seeds. The color of the flesh can be white or bright purple.

Fruit “Dragon”: front and profile photos

How to clean and eat the "heart of the dragon"

Those who came across this fruit asked themselves the question: how to clean the “dragon fruit”? Despite the fact that its bright peel seems quite hard and dense, it is quite soft and can be easily peeled with a knife.

This is how dragon fruit grows

There are several options for eating dragon heart fruit:

  • cut the fruit into slices and eat like a watermelon;
  • cut into two pieces and serve with small spoons;
  • Peel the fruit and cut into small slices that can be eaten with a fork.

The fruit can be eaten with a spoon, like ice cream.

Before eating the dragon fruit, you can remove the skin from it.

You can also cut the fruit into slices

Pitahaya also comes in such an unusual color

Fruit “Dragon Heart”: beneficial properties and contraindications

One of the most important beneficial properties of pitahaya is its low calorie content. Therefore, nutritionists recommend consuming this fruit during various diets or fasting days. It helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cope with bloating. Pitaya seeds are rich in tannin, so consuming them will be beneficial for those with impaired vision. The fruit is also recommended for people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

“Dragon Fruit” will decorate any table!

The fruits have a positive effect on the endocrine and cardiovascular system. A large amount of calcium makes the fruit useful not only for adults, but also for children.

Photo of "dragon fruit" in Thailand
You can also buy “dragon fruit” in our stores

This fruit is included in various drinks and desserts. The beneficial properties of “dragon fruit” are also used for cosmetic purposes, adding it to masks, creams and shampoos.

Bring a little exoticism into your life with dragon fruit

As you understand, “dragon eye” and “dragon heart” are two completely different fruits, and they should not be confused at all. They both deserve a place in your diet. If you go on holiday to Thailand or China, be sure to treat yourself to these delicious fruits!

One of them is pitahaya. The fruit (you can see the photo below) is also called prickly pear, pitaya and dragon heart. Pitahaya is native to America. It is believed that the first people to use the plant were the Aztecs. And this was around the thirteenth century.

As a rule, the pulp of the so-called dragon heart was eaten raw. Aromatic seasonings were obtained from its ground and pre-roasted seeds.

Pitahaya is a fruit that is the fruit of a tree- or vine-like cactus. The plant is very unpretentious and can grow even in arid areas of the tropics. Currently, pitahaya is actively cultivated in Mexico and Vietnam, China and Thailand, Japan and the Philippines, as well as Hawaii. The yield of the plant exceeds all expectations. More than thirty tons of exotic fruit are obtained from one hectare.

Pitahaya is a low-calorie fruit. One hundred grams of fresh pulp accounts for no more than forty kcal. There is a white core inside the fruit. It contains many small seeds, similar to poppy grains. The fruit pulp comes away from the peel easily.
There are many varieties of pitahaya. In addition to the raspberry fruit with pulp white there is also its Costa Rican relative. Its skin is red. The flesh is the same color. Yellow pitahaya is also found. The fruit of this type differs in the same yellow cores and surfaces.

On average, the weight of the fruit is 200-250 grams. Sometimes there are specimens weighing more than a kilogram. How do you eat pitahaya? Very in a simple way. The fruit is pre-cooled and then cut into slices or small slices. The pulp from these pieces is eaten with a teaspoon.

However, pitahaya is a fruit that can be consumed not only in fresh. Residents of Guatemala, Colombia and Nicaragua use its juice in the production of ice cream and candies, sorbets and yoghurts. It is also good for refreshing juices. Pitahaya pulp is often used to make sauces, jams and marmalade. And Mexican farmers make it alcoholic drinks. Even the flowers of tropical plants are used in cooking.

A very aromatic tea is brewed from them. Not so long ago, prickly pear was used in cosmetology.

The pulp is included in a variety of body and face masks, lotions, serums, scrubs and creams. At the same time, pitahaya extract serves not only as a fragrance. It is also used as a vitamin and mineral raw material. And this is no coincidence. Pitahaya contains ascorbic acid and thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. The fruit is rich in iron and potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

Use tropical fruit shown to people who have problems with their work endocrine system. This includes diabetics. Eating this healing fruit helps heal stomach ulcers. It is recommended to include pitahaya pulp in the menu when traveling to tropical countries. Amazing fruit in as soon as possible regulates the digestive process, which may be disrupted during a change climatic conditions. Pitahaya also has great benefits for vascular and heart diseases.

Dragon fruit not only tastes interesting, but also helps fight many diseases. Let's learn how to choose and use them correctly to bring maximum benefit body.

What does it look like and where does it grow?

Pitahaya (or pitaya, dragon fruit, dragon fruit, dragon eye, dragon heart) grows on a vine-like cactus that can reach a height of 10 m. It is a close relative of papaya. The flowers open at night and have a specific smell. After 30-50 days you can see the first ripened fruits. The cactus bears fruit up to 6 times a year, provided there is a dry climate and no temperature changes.

The fruits are the size of big apple, oval, somewhat reminiscent of a pineapple. Weight varies between 100-800 g. The peel is scaly.

There are 3 types of pitahaya:

  • White. The peel is pink or red with greenish scales. Inside - white, sometimes pinkish with small black seeds, which are located chaotically inside. The smell is herbaceous, the taste is rich.
  • Yellow. The second name is prickly pear. The peel has scales more like pimples. Inside there is white pulp with black seeds. The sweetest and rarest species.
  • Red. The peel is bright pink. The inside is red with small black seeds. It has a very pronounced aroma.

South America is considered the birthplace of the dragon. Today it can be found in countries Southeast Asia. Very common in Thailand, as well as Japan, Australia, Israel, Hawaii, and Armenia.

Due to poor keeping quality and shock intolerance, the fruits are very rarely imported. And those that can be found here are expensive.

How do you eat dragon?

The density of pitahaya pulp resembles kiwi or thick sour cream, and its taste is a mixture of kiwi and banana. Minus: somewhat bland.

Some tips for eating the fruit:

  • Refrigerate dragonfruit before use; warm it loses its properties. taste qualities.
  • Store the fruits for no more than 3-4 days. Otherwise they lose their properties.
  • Eat only the pulp. The skin may cause pain and stomach cramps.
  • Chew the seeds well to extract the beneficial substances from them. Unchewed seeds are not digested.
  • Do not combine with fruits that have a strong taste and smell.

There are several ways to clean Dragon Fruit:

  • Remove the skin from the top and eat the pulp inside with a spoon.
  • Cut into slices like a melon.
  • Cut the peel from the center, like petals.
  • Cut the fruit in half and scoop out the pulp, or eat it with a spoon.

Calorie content and chemical composition

90% of the fruit is water. Pitahaya is rich in vitamins and minerals. Calorie content 100 g – 30-50 kcal.

Table of useful substances in dragonfruit:

Name mg per 100 g of fruit


Water 85 400-90 000
Dietary fiber 350-900
Ash 500
Fats 100-580
Squirrels 520
Carbohydrates 10 000-13 500


Ascorbic acid, C 5,0-25,0
Niacin, B3 0,2-0,4
Thiamine, B1 0,25-0,30
Riboflavin, B2 0,35-0,45
Tocopherol, E 0,06-0,08
Nicotinic acid, PP 0,02-0,45
Carotene, A 0,010-0,012


Potassium 110,0-115,0
Calcium 6,0-9,5
Phosphorus 15,5-35,0
Iron 0,3-0,7

Beneficial properties for the body

Rich vitamin composition pitahaya has a beneficial effect on the body. Among her useful qualities can be distinguished:

  • Antioxidant properties neutralize free radicals, which often cause cancer. They have a rejuvenating effect and increase skin turgor.
  • Fat-containing elements contribute to organ protection and good cell permeability. Activate the work of enzymes, reduce the level of bad cholesterol.
  • Fiber promotes smooth functioning of the intestines, removes waste and toxins.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties reduce harm from chronic diseases, for example, arthritis, joint irritation, swelling. Reduce harm from bacterial and fungal infections. Accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • In diabetes, it helps regulate blood sugar. Positively affects the endocrine system.
  • High content ascorbic acid strengthens the body's defenses and prevents asthma.
  • Helps fight influenza, ARVI, scurvy.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart, increases the number of leukocytes in the blood, and fights anemia.
  • Removes excess water from the body, which facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and heart.
  • Helps fight overweight, reducing it systematically.
  • Improves vision.
  • Helps strengthen tooth enamel.
  • Increases muscle tone, especially useful for people experiencing high physical activity.
  • Has beneficial influence on fetal development and general condition pregnant.
  • Has a sedative effect and improves the condition of the nervous system.
  • When applied externally, it treats acne and improves skin condition. In cosmetology, pitahaya is used to make toning, firming, rejuvenating masks, tonics, and facial lotions.
  • The pulp helps to restore faster skin after sunburn.

The presence of many microelements and vitamins ensures their sufficient intake into the body only when daily use fruit.

Harm and contraindications

Dragonfruit currently has no known contraindications to doctors. The only precaution for use may be allergic reaction, flatulence, heartburn or diarrhea, as with any exotic fruit. For this reason, it is recommended to try completely for the first time. small quantity fetus If no negative reactions are observed after a day, you can safely eat it.

If you have chronic diseases, to be on the safe side, it is better to consult a doctor before trying pitahaya.

For children under 5 years of age, eating pitahaya may cause the development of diathesis.

How to choose the right dragon?

To choose high-quality pitahaya, pay attention to:

  • Color. Smooth, consistent with the variety, without brown or dark spots.
  • Density. The fruits should be soft. You can buy unripe, hard fruit and leave it in a cool place for several days.
  • No plaque. The fruits should not have any plaque or mold.

The darker the color of the peel of red varieties of pitahaya, the richer its taste.

Healthy recipes

In Thailand, all kinds of desserts are prepared from pitahaya, as well as soft and alcoholic drinks, wines, and flowers are added to tea.

But, all over the world, dragon fruit is usually consumed raw and as part of salads.

Salad recipe for weight loss contains only 475 kcal, designed for 2 persons. Step-by-step preparation:

  • cut the pitahaya in half, peel and carefully remove the pulp;
  • cut it into cubes;
  • peel 1 mango and also cut into cubes;
  • stir the fruit;
  • fill empty dragonfruit skins with them;
  • season the salad with sauce from 1 tsp. honey and fresh juice of 1 orange.

Nutritious high-vitamin salad, which will help fight vitamin deficiency and recover from severe exhaustion of the body. Calorie content is 870 kcal. How to cook:

  • peel 2 pitahayas and cut the pulp into cubes;
  • prepare a sauce from 150 g of sour cream, a bag of vanilla sugar and chopped nuts in an amount of 50 g;
  • mix the ingredients or spread the sauce over the pieces of fruit.

What pitahaya looks like, what to look for when choosing, how to clean it and what to prepare from dragonfruit can be seen in the video:

Today, even without visiting tropical countries, you can see many exotic fruits - the shelves of domestic supermarkets are full of them. But what they are, how to eat them correctly, what their benefits or harms are - not everyone knows about this. Dragon fruit is one of these exotics, and we’ll talk about it.

What is dragon fruit, or pitahaya?

Dragon fruit (or pitahaya) is a fruit that belongs to the Cactus family of the genus Hylocereus. This exotic fruit does not tolerate transportation well and cannot be stored for long periods of time (it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week), so it is not often seen on sale in our stores, and its cost is quite high.

What other names are there for this fruit?

Dragon fruit and pitahaya are not all the names of the fruit. In various sources this is tropical plant are called differently. What names can be invented for it! Dragon fruit, dragonfruit, pitaya, long yang, dragon eye, dragon heart, dragon berry are all names of the same fruit.

Legend of origin

Exists old legend, explaining one of the versions of the origin of the name. According to ancient legends, the first pitaya was a fruit that came out of a dragon’s fire-breathing mouth. This happened when the beast was mortally wounded and could not defend itself from the people attacking it with spewing flames. Then he began to defend himself, spewing out strange fruits, and so the dragonfruit appeared, which the warriors who defeated the monster liked.

Even externally, the fruit somewhat resembles dragon skin with its scales.


All pitahayas are similar in appearance to each other, but among them there are several varieties:

  1. White pitahaya has a bright crimson shell, and the inside has white flesh. It is the most grown plant.
  2. The yellow variety of pitahaya (long yang, or prickly pear) is covered with a yellowish skin, like that of quince and bananas. Inside there is whitish pulp. It is found much less frequently than other species, but differs from them in a more intense aroma and to a greater extent sweets.
  3. Red, or Costa Rican, pitahaya has a red skin and an equally red flesh. This variety is quite whimsical to grow.

How and where does it grow?

The birthplace of pitahaya is Central America. Today the plant grows in all areas with tropical and subtropical climate and is distributed in many countries of Southeast Asia, China, Mexico, Japan and the Australian continent.

Hylocereus is an epiphytic spreading shrub. The plant is quite large. The length of the wide fleshy stems is about 3 meters; they most often have a triangular appearance in diameter and a drooping shape. Aerial roots grow in the internodes, with which the plant clings to the support.

The stems have spines that are not too sharp and soft. In these places, buds and new stems are formed. The cactus blooms only during one night. Flower white or pink color emits a pleasant fragrance. The flowers are large - up to 30 cm in diameter, pollinated by nocturnal insects.

Hylocereus does not tolerate excess moisture, which negatively affects the development of the plant. In such conditions, the ovaries rot and fall off.

Under appropriate conditions, for example, with industrial cultivation, a cactus can bear fruit up to several times a year (4-6).

Description of the fruit

What does a dragon's eye look like? Is it possible to compare the strange fruit pitahaya with something more familiar? What is it?

Externally, the berry looks like a large apple, only it has a more elongated shape, and the outside is covered with a rather dense, but not rough, skin. It has leafy growths that vaguely resemble the scales of a cone or pineapple; the tips of the growths are light green. The color of the peel, depending on the variety, can be pinkish, bright crimson or yellow. Dragon fruit and all its inherent colors are shown in the photo.

Inside, the fruit with a yellow and pinkish shell has white pulp and small black seeds. The Costa Rican variety has red or raspberry flesh inside with black seeds. The weight of one piece ranges from 300-500 grams, but some specimens can weigh even a kilogram.


We figured out what pitahaya looks like. Now let's find out what it tastes like. What does the pitahaya fruit taste like most? If you make an association with products that are familiar to everyone, you will get something reminiscent of an assortment of kiwi pulp and banana at the same time. But the taste qualities are more erased, sometimes they are almost not felt, and in some cases they may be completely absent.

The yellow variety has the richest taste and is also the sweetest; other types are more tasteless and bland.


Pitahaya has a subtle aroma. Again, the smell differs between varieties:

  • yellow dragon heart is the most fragrant;
  • The red species has a scent interspersed with herbaceous tones.


The consistency of all fruits is similar in structure to the pulp of kiwi, but they are more dense; the seeds of pitahaya are edible.

How to choose ripe fruit?

The taste of a dragon's heart largely depends on its ripeness, so you need to learn how to choose it correctly. This is usually determined by external inspection. There should be no damage or darkened spots on the skin, which indicates overripeness.

Ripe pitahaya is slightly soft, while unripe pitahaya is hard. Unripe fruit can ripen if it is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

How to clean and eat?

This is an unusual curiosity for us, so we’ll tell you how to eat it. Dragon fruit is consumed mainly raw and is also used as an ingredient in salads. In the countries where it grows, jams, sorbets, sweets and yoghurts are prepared from it. They make drinks, juices, cocktails, smoothies and even wine.

To enjoy it, remove the skin. There are several ways to do this, choose the most convenient:

  1. Starting from the top, peel off the peel in small strips (just like a banana) and eat the pulp.
  2. Cut into several thin slices, like an orange, with the inside, leaving the skin.
  3. Cut in half and use the halves as utensils, scooping out the contents with a spoon.

It is better to eat the fruit slightly chilled, this will enhance the taste sensation.

How to store?

Pitahaya should not be stored for long periods due to loss nutrients, taste and simply spoilage of the product. The maximum period of storage in the refrigerator is no more than a week.

Pitahaya is the name for several species of cacti and their often edible fruits. Pitaahaya is native to South America.

This plant belongs to the cactus family of the genus Hylocereus. Grown in the tropics, some species of the genus Hylocereus have large fruits with large scales, giving them the name dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit. Photo

Pitaahaya grows in tropical forests, using trees as supports, reaches 10 meters in height and is widespread in Central America and northern regions South America. In addition, it is cultivated in Southeast Asia, China, Australia and Israel.

The fruits of this plant are oblong-ovoid berries. The peel is hard. The usual weight is from 300 to 850 grams, the record is 1.5 kg. The fruits are edible, juicy and with numerous, small, black edible seeds in the pulp, about 1 mm. The hard outer shell is inedible. Dragon fruits have sweet taste kiwi-like and very subtle smell. They're good Compatible with almost all foods.

Pitahaya contains minerals, vitamins (especially the red-skinned fruits) and fiber. Pitahaya is red in color and contains more phosphorus, while the yellow fruit contains more calcium.

According to research on dragon fruit contain many antioxidants, including:

  • beta carotene,
  • lycopene,
  • vitamin E.

They may also represent a potential source of probiotic that promotes development beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, the seeds should not be consumed large quantities, as they are rich in omega-6 fatty acids at approximately 50 percent, compared to omega-3 (about only 1 percent) and omega-9 (about 20 percent). Considering that the abundance of omega-6 can lead to an imbalance of anti-inflammatory compounds in the body, it is better to limit the consumption of seeds.

Due to its high fiber content, consumption of dragon fruit promotes intestinal motility, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, helps regulate blood pressure, and also aids in weight loss. The high vitamin C content is beneficial for strengthening the immune system and for collagen production. Beta-carotene is an important antioxidant precursor to vitamin A, which protects the eyes and skin from ultraviolet rays, and also improves the body's immune response. Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is one of the key antioxidants in the fight against free radicals. It prevents heart disease, various forms of cancer and age-related macular degeneration.

Chemical composition

Fruits consist mainly of water (the amount can vary between 80–90%), fiber, protein and fat.

Pitahaya contains:

  • vitamin A,
  • vitamin C,
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3 and vitamin E, which is contained in the seeds.


  • potassium,
  • iron,
  • sodium,
  • phosphorus and calcium.

Pitihaya fruits also contain flavonoids and substances that have antioxidant properties.

The abundance of fiber gives this fruit mild laxative properties, so this fruit is a good preventive method for constipation.

Availability vitamin C and other substances with antioxidant properties have beneficial effects on health. Its consumption strengthens the immune system and helps combat the effects of free radicals, which has a positive effect on slowing down the aging process of body cells. Free radicals, a byproduct of human metabolism, are the cause of many serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and degenerative diseases.

Consumption of pitahaya is in a good way to prevent many of these diseases. Fiber, in addition to useful substances, present in pitahaya is useful for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. This will reduce the risk of dangerous plaques forming in the blood vessels and is therefore a good prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin C present in pitahaya, in addition to strengthening the immune system, helps cope with stress.

Recent studies have shown that this fruit is capable of reduce level Sahara in people with type 2 diabetes.

Flavonoids have wide range biological activity. In addition to antioxidant properties, they also have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Pitahaya: benefits and harm

Dragon fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. Its consumption may be useful in solving problems associated with joint inflammation. The pulp of the fruit, in addition to having a good taste, can be used to treat and prevent pimples and blackheads by applying to the skin.

Recent studies have been conducted on leaf, peel, pulp and flower extracts of various varieties of dragon fruit. Experiments conducted on laboratory rats showed that this plant and its fruits accelerate the healing process of wounds.

100 g of pitahaya pulp has only 38 calories.

Consumption of fruits prevents the formation of tumor cells, cleanses the blood and liver, and also accelerates the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body. In addition to preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease, it regulates blood pressure. Phosphorus contained in the fruit stimulates brain activity, improves memory and concentration.

Dragon fruit also has diuretic properties and fights cellulite. Beta-carotene, an important antioxidant, protects the eyes and skin from ultraviolet rays, vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and, together with vitamin E, fights free radicals, is a good preventative, various forms cancer and age-related macular degeneration.

Consumption and contraindications

When choosing this fruit, you should pay attention to the color; it should be bright and rich, which indicates its ripeness. There should be no traces of rot anywhere.

Dragon fruit is cut in half and eaten using a teaspoon. To improve the taste, the pulp is seasoned with sugar and lemon. A juicy drink is also prepared from the pulp.

There are no identified health risks associated with the consumption of pitahaya fruit. Consumption of this fruit is safe for pregnant women. There may be mild allergic reactions.

Consumption of red pulp pitahaya suggests a reddish color to urine and stool; this is a temporary change that goes away in a day or two.

It is advisable not to give this fruit to small children, so as not to provoke diathesis.