Harmful and beneficial qualities of soy sauce. What is soy sauce, composition and properties for the body, how to use it, store and choose it correctly

A salty, dark brown liquid with a pungent aroma - soy sauce. Benefit or harm? Why does a person need this specific product, what beneficial features and does it have contraindications for use? Read more about this product in our material.

Soy sauce: briefly about the product

Antioxidants, which are found in abundance in soy sauce, have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body and fight aging.

Soy sauce became part of the diet of the inhabitants of our country relatively recently, largely due to the increased popularity of oriental cuisine. For some, this product has become indispensable, for others - a pleasant addition to their usual dishes. Indeed, soy sauce is ideal for preparing various dishes, gives them an original taste and is the best substitute for salt and mayonnaise. In the culinary tradition of Asian countries, soy sauce is special place and is almost iconic, because soybeans have been grown there for more than five centuries.

Today there are two main types, or varieties, of soy sauce, which is supplied to the world market by Japan and China - light and dark. The first of them has very wide range uses: it is added not only to rice, but also to other dishes; various sauces are made on its basis. Dark soy sauce has a thick consistency, which is explained by long aging, and is used for marinating fish, poultry, and beef. It is also added to dark-colored dishes.

Soy sauce: composition

Soy sauce contains a large number of the vitamins we need, macro- and microelements, amino acids, which makes it a valuable product for vegetarians. A high-quality soy product contains calcium, zinc, iron, B vitamins, antioxidants (there are 10 times more of them than in antioxidant-rich red wine!), 20 essential and essential amino acids.

As for the nutritional value of soy sauce, 100 grams of this product contains 6 grams. proteins, 6.6 g. carbohydrates, the same amount of mono- and disaccharides, 5.6 g. ash. At the same time, soy sauce has an average calorie content and can be safely included in the diet of those who are obese or on a diet. But you should not overuse this product, as this can lead to salt deposits.

Soy sauce - benefits

The main benefit of soy sauce is its high content of amino acids and antioxidants, which are 150 times more abundant than citrus fruits rich in vitamin C. What are the health benefits of antioxidants? They are a “shield” that protects cells from free radicals and helps the body fight various infections.

Including soy sauce in the diet improves blood circulation by 50%, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthens blood vessels, prevents the development of neurodegenerative diseases and, in general, has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Soy sauce is extremely useful for those who want to lose weight or are obese: this product does not contain harmful cholesterol and has only 70 kcal per 100 grams. product.

Spotted beneficial influence soy sauce for insomnia, swelling, headaches, muscle spasms and sprains.

Soy sauce - harm and consequences of abuse

Excessive use of soy sauce is no better than indulging in regular salt - both can cause salt deposits.

The harm of soy sauce is also associated with the quality of the product. Therefore, your choice should be approached very carefully and responsibly. To avoid the dangers of soy sauce, buy only a high-quality, original product and avoid cheap imitations.

How to choose a good soy sauce

Today, store shelves are simply bursting with abundance, and finding a truly high-quality product is quite difficult, but possible. The first thing you should pay attention to is the presence of a certificate: certified products are always a guarantee of the authenticity of the product. The second is the container in which soy sauce is sold. A high-quality product is sold in transparent glass containers, since plastic bottles they simply cannot preserve and convey the taste and aroma of soy sauce. The next thing is to know how to read the ingredients. A respectable manufacturer will indicate on his product that it is made by natural fermentation, while a cunning one will dilute the sauce with water and write the word “artificial” on the bottle. If you don’t find anything on the label, it means it’s better to refuse to purchase such a product.

The ingredients listed on the soy sauce label should not include anything other than soybeans, wheat, sugar, salt and vinegar. Garlic may be present.

Real soy sauce can be stored for several years without any preservatives. If you notice peanuts in the composition, you should think about the quality of the product you are purchasing.

When choosing soy sauce, carefully examine the bottle. The liquid in it should be transparent and light brown in color. When in doubt, double-check the product label.

Today, soy sauce is familiar to almost every housewife. It is consumed not only with traditional Asian dishes, but also added to salads, soups, dressing mixtures and other dishes. The growing popularity of the product gives rise to a discussion of questions regarding the benefits and harms of soy sauce, the possibility of its use during pregnancy, lactation, weight loss, the effect on male, female and children's health. In this article we will look at how the sauce is prepared, what is included in its composition, why it is useful and what you should be afraid of, how it can be consumed and who should avoid it due to individual characteristics.

From this article you will learn:

What is soy sauce

Soy sauce is a natural liquid product obtained from soybeans and wheat grains through fermentation with fungal microorganisms. It has a rich brown or black color and has a sharp spicy aroma with sourness. Consumed in liquid form. Its culinary popularity is due to its ability to highlight the flavor notes of dishes, which is due to the presence of glutamic acid in the composition.

The historical homeland of this product is China, from where the sauce subsequently spread throughout the Southeast and East Asia. Researchers believe it came from mixing beans with fermented fish. At first, this seasoning was widely used, and then fish disappeared from it. Soy sauce came to Europe on the ships of the Dutch East India Company, and already in the 18th century it gained enormous popularity in the region. At first it was supplied from Japan, but in the 19th century the market was filled with Chinese products.

Soy sauce production: technology

The world-famous Chinese salad and snack seasoning is made from soybeans through fermentation or separation from hydrolyzed protein. Most manufacturers prefer the first option because it is traditional and considered natural, which increases the popularity of the product among consumers. Such brands include soy sauce “Sen Soy”, “Bamboo Stalk”, “Kikkoman”.

What does soy sauce consist of (the initial raw material for fermentation):

  • soya beans;
  • wheat grains;
  • fungal spores necessary for fermentation.

Depending on the technology, microorganisms such as:

  • Fungi Aspergilius oryzae or sojae. They are an important ingredient due to their high content of the protease enzyme.
  • Mushrooms Aspergilius tamari. Used to produce tamari sauce.
  • Baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thanks to them, sugars are converted into ethanol.
  • Bacilius bacteria. Due to them, soy sauce acquires a characteristic odor during the fermentation process.
  • Lactobacilius bacteria. They produce lactic acid, which makes the sauce more acidic.

The technological production cycle takes several months and consists of the following stages:

  1. Soybeans are soaked in water and then boiled until tender.
  2. Wheat grains are roasted and pounded.
  3. Wheat grain and beans are mixed in equal proportions, fungal spores and bacteria are added to them.
  4. The pulse mixture is sprinkled with salt and left alone for a period of 1.5 to 36 months to ferment. If the technology involves wet fermentation, the mixture is processed saline solution. At this time, the starch from the ingredients is converted into simple sugars, and proteins into free amino acids. The sauce takes on its depth Brown color. After the formation of sugars, they are fermented into lactic acid, and under the action of yeast, ethanol is formed, filling the product with new components.
  5. As a result of fermentation, soybean paste is obtained, which is then pressed to separate the liquid and solid parts.
  6. To kill yeast and molds, the liquid sauce is heated, filtered and packaged for sale.

The preparation time for the hydrolyzed soy protein product is several days, but its smell and taste are different from traditional ones. The main advantage of this technology is long term expiration date, the product does not contain food supplements. The main disadvantage is that hydrolysis can provoke the formation of carcinogenic substances.

Due to the deep inclusion of soy sauce in the cooking of East Asian peoples, it is represented in one form or another in every country in the region:

  • Chinese sauces are made from beans with the addition of grains and are divided into boiled and mixed;
  • in Japan there are a dozen varieties of soy sauce, differing in composition and method of preparation;
  • in Indonesia, the sauce is called “ketchap”, and it can be not only salty, but also sweet (Indonesians call all fermented sauces kechap, for example, Tabasco sauce and Achim soy sauce);
  • the proportions of the product in Korea are different from Japanese and Chinese because here it is made without grain as a by-product of making doenjang;
  • in the Philippines it is made from wheat, soy, caramel and salt;
  • soy sauce for salad and appetizer dipping is called sizau in Vietnam.

Soy sauce: which is the best?

Today in Russia there are many soy sauces from different manufacturers: both those for whom it is a core product, and those for whom it is only a small part of the food line.


In terms of taste and aroma qualities, most consumers recognize the leadership of Kikkoman. This is a world famous sauce from a Japanese manufacturer. The features of Kikkoman sauce are its completely natural and safe composition, the ability to choose between classic and sweet options, and high-quality flavor and aroma characteristics.

"Bamboo stalk"

Bamboo Stem soy sauce is an inexpensive product whose manufacturer strives to create a traditional taste and aroma. For production it is used classical technology fermentation with the addition of mushrooms and yeast. Most consumers recognize that Bamboo Stem nutritional characteristics more than justifies its low price.


The world-famous food brand produces soy sauce from the middle and high-end segment, which is produced in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The product is made only from natural raw materials using traditional fermentation technology. The only deviation from the strict classics is the addition of caramel, which adds a delicate sweetish taste.


This company specializes in the production of inexpensive sauces and seasonings, so to reduce their costs it is necessary to use modern food technologies. Thus, this sauce contains preservatives E201 and E211, as well as E621. They are also included in the ingredients of other types of soy sauce from this brand.

What is soy sauce made from: composition

The composition of classic soy sauce, with the exception of water, is represented by proteins and carbohydrates. This explains the high content of amino acids that are formed during the fermentation of raw materials.

The main nutrients in the product are in the following proportions:

  • fats – 0.3%;
  • carbohydrates – 5.59%;
  • proteins – 9.05%;
  • water – 75.14%;
  • inorganic substances – 9,92 %;
  • sugar – 0.5%;
  • fiber – 0.7%.

The calorie content of soy sauce is approximately 57 kcal per 100 grams.

Content useful substances in 100 g
Vitamins Minerals
Thiamine0.04 mgCalcium30 mg
Riboflavin0.24 mgIron1.35 mg
A nicotinic acid1.14 mgMagnesium69 mg
Pantothenic acid0.425 mgPhosphorus155 mg
Vitamin B60.16 mgPotassium352 mg
Folic acid44 mcgSodium3598 mg
Betaine38.6 mgZinc0.79 mg
Kholin30.8 mgCopper0.049 mg
Alpha tocopherol0.41 mg
Beta tocopherol0.01 mgManganese1.008 mg
Gamma tocopherol0.05 mgSelenium0.5 mcg
Delta tocopherol0.01 mg
Beta tocotrienol0.16 mg

The amino acid composition of soybean sauce is represented by more than 15 components, the largest share of which is glutamic and aspartic acids, proline, serine, arginine, leucine, lysine, isoleucine and threonine.

Soy sauce benefits and harms

Many supporters healthy eating When asked whether soy sauce is good for the body, they will answer positively and be right. With a wide variety of minerals, amino acids and vitamins, this fermented product affects almost everything to varying degrees. internal organs and systems.

Benefits of soy sauce for men and women:

  • Due to its high content of antioxidants, it slows down cell aging and prevents the development of cancer.
  • It has a sedative effect on the nervous system, helping to overcome insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and constant headaches.
  • Maintains a healthy water-salt balance, preventing swelling and kidney overload.
  • Strengthens cardiovascular system, due to which it has a positive effect on the health of people with ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and other cardiac ailments.
  • The health benefits include strengthening immune functions, which are important for preventing diseases of any organs and parts of the body.

The extensive benefits of soy sauce for the body are due to the action of minerals and vitamins from its composition:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Necessary for proper lipid, protein and water-alkaline metabolism.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Included in the processes of breaking down proteins, sugars and fats into simpler compounds.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Required for energy production.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Necessary for the extraction of amino acids from proteins.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Maintains tone nervous system and health of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin PP (niacin). Important for proper metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in the body.
  • Sodium. An extremely important element for stable water-salt metabolism.
  • Potassium. Prevents the appearance of edema, regulates the volume of water in tissues.
  • Phosphorus. Stimulates brain functions and maintains the strength of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Calcium. Maintains healthy teeth and bones.
  • Iron. Necessary for high-quality absorption of oxygen, as it regulates the content of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Magnesium. It is an indispensable element for metabolic processes and the synthesis of most useful substances.
  • Zinc. Supports the functioning of the reproductive system, protects skin and hair from diseases.
  • Selenium. It is one of the strongest antioxidants. Prevents cancer and preserves youth.
  • Copper. Acts as a disinfectant in the blood and strengthens the vascular system.

Benefits of soy sauce for women

In addition to the general beneficial effects listed above, the benefits of soy sauce for women include its high isoflavone content. These are phytoestrogens that act in the body similarly to natural hormones produced by the endocrine system. Thanks to their action, the cycle is normalized and the negative symptoms of menopause and menopause are reduced. In some cases, phytoestrogens have a beneficial effect on the whole body: mood improves, strength appears for new things, quality sleep, anxiety and irritability disappear.

Benefits of soy sauce for women

Is soy sauce bad for your figure? Based on the indicator of 57 kcal per 100 grams, we can say that it is not very good. Moreover, its use is always limited to a couple of spoons. Therefore, dial extra pounds It's simply impossible with him. Moreover, he can become excellent choice to replace oil when dressing salads and other dishes.

Soy sauce: benefits and harm for men

For men who are often busy physical work or sports, soy sauce supplements the diet with proteins and amino acids. These substances are necessary for proper recovery of the body after exercise, strengthening muscles and removing toxins and waste from them.

Those who know about the presence of isoflavones in soy are wondering whether soy sauce is good for the male body? The answer is yes. This product has a lot various substances, which only have a positive effect on health. Estrogens are not dangerous for men's health and are even produced by the body as one of the necessary hormones. Therefore, phytoestrogens can only be dangerous if soy products are abused. Considering that it is almost impossible to consume a lot of sauce, it does not affect the functions of the endocrine system.

Everything is good in moderation: can pregnant women drink soy sauce?

During pregnancy, many women face problems with water-salt metabolism and therefore limit their salt intake (it retains fluid in the body). As an alternative to the white product, you can consider soybean sauce. It is quite salty, but also has tartness and sourness. In addition, naturally fermented soy sauce without sugar is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. It is convenient to add to salads, side dishes, meat and fish dishes, and soups.

The main thing is to choose the right soy sauce during pregnancy. Preference should be given to those liquids that are obtained by aging or fermentation. The manufacturer is required to indicate this information on the packaging.

Is it possible to use soy sauce while breastfeeding?

A woman needs to take a careful approach to her diet when feeding breast milk, since she is essentially sharing her food with the child. Therefore, most mothers are interested in the benefits and dangers of soy sauce when breastfeeding. In general, doctors say that you should not expect characteristic negative effects from it. Naturally, you should restrain yourself from excessive consumption by adding it to salads, main and first courses. A serving of a couple of tablespoons a day will not harm anyone.

If the mother has doubts about the benefits or has received warnings from the supervising doctor, soy sauce breastfeeding It is better to move the newborn away.

Soy sauce for children - from what age?

Today, soy derivatives are present in many formulas and products intended for feeding children. However, their use remains a matter of great controversy. Parents who are wondering whether soy sauce is harmful to the health of their babies should know that in order to avoid allergies or other negative reactions, it is better to add it to the diet no earlier than 1.5-2 years after birth. Natural soy sauce without sugar contains many amino acids and vitamins that benefit the young body.

Is soy sauce good for the human body for pancreatitis?

For pancreatitis this product from soy can be useful, but it should be included in the diet only with the permission of a doctor who will give an objective prognosis. As a rule, it is completely prohibited in acute pancreatitis. The fact is that the liquid contains a lot of salt and acid, which stimulate the secretion of the stomach and pancreas. In addition, the technology for preparing this liquid sometimes requires the addition of spices, garlic or vinegar. Such ingredients also negatively affect the functioning of the organ.

The key advantage of using this product for pancreatitis is the enhanced taste. Food acquires more pronounced flavor and aromatic properties and there is no need to supplement it with salt, mayonnaise, ketchup, and oils.

Soy sauce benefits and harm to the liver

Is soy sauce harmful to the liver?

Squeezing fermented soybeans does not have any specific effects on the liver that would be considered harmful. Due to its lecithin content, it can even be beneficial, although it is not consumed in such quantities that could lead to significant changes.

Is soy sauce harmful to health if you have gastritis?

The global popularity of Asian cuisine is confronting people with medical conditions digestive system, asking whether soy sauce can be used for gastritis. Modern gastroenterologists and nutritionists are inclined to believe that this product has the right to be consumed, with the exception of periods of exacerbation. It is important to note that we are talking about an exclusively natural liquid made through fermentation. The presence of preservatives, flavorings and flavor enhancers requires that such a product be abandoned.

To avoid stomach problems when consuming Asian sauce, you should limit yourself to small volumes - no more than 2-3 times a week, a couple of spoons. Is it possible to have rolls for gastritis? Yes, if they do not contain ingredients that irritate the stomach walls.

How soy sauce is used in cooking

Most known variant consumption of soy sauce is Japanese sushi and rolls. The product has become so accustomed to this role that it is considered an integral component of the presentation. The demand for sauce in this case is due to the fact that it enhances the taste of the ingredients and the fact that boiled rice with fish it can sometimes be too dry.

Is soy sauce good for the human body?

What can you eat soy sauce with besides sushi?

In general, with anything. If the combination of liquid seasoning with any dishes and products is to your liking, do not deny yourself the pleasure. The main thing is to choose a high-quality natural product before using soy sauce in dishes. It perfectly complements and enhances dishes with fish, seafood, meat, poultry, and vegetables. In Asian cuisine, it is included in many sauces that are added to noodles or rice. To do this, it is mixed with coconut milk, unagi, fish broth, sesame oil, tomato paste, spices, mustard, mushrooms, sugar, herbs, etc.

How to use soy sauce:

  • fry chicken, fish or meat on it;
  • added to salad dressings;
  • added to soup broths;
  • used in marinades for fish, seafood, and meat.

Another popular question on this topic is whether you can drink soy sauce just like that? Provided that it is a natural product without third-party enhancers and preservatives, this is possible. However, it should be understood that a large amount of salt and microelements is more likely to be harmful than beneficial, entering the body in large doses. In addition, the acidity of the sauce in this case will negatively affect the walls of the stomach, increasing the chance of developing gastritis or ulcers. It is advisable to limit your consumption of sauce to a reasonable amount of no more than 40-50 ml per day.

Making soy sauce at home

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make Chinese sauce yourself, because it is difficult to create the necessary conditions for proper fermentation and get the right mushrooms. However, there is a recipe that allows you to make a product similar in its properties to the original soy sauce.


  • 70 ml beef or chicken broth(vegetarians can take mushroom or vegetable);
  • 150 g soybeans;
  • 75 g wheat flour;
  • a little fine salt.


  1. Rinse the beans in a colander under running water. cool water. Place them in a thin layer on cloth napkin and wait for it to dry.
  2. Place the beans in a saucepan, cover with cold filtered water and leave to soak for 12 hours.
  3. Pour water into an enamel pan with a thick bottom. Wait until it boils and add the soaked beans. As soon as the boiling process begins, reduce the flame of the burner to a minimum. Leave to simmer for 90-120 minutes.
  4. Drain the broth and pass the beans through a meat grinder or blender to form a homogeneous porridge.
  5. Pour the broth into the mixture and, stirring constantly, add flour. The formation of lumps is unacceptable. Add salt.
  6. Place the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Stirring, cook for 5 minutes, remembering to remove the paste from the sides of the pan so that it does not burn.
  7. Remove sauce from heat. If it is too thick, dilute with a small amount of broth and simmer for another 2 minutes.
  8. Once you have reached the desired consistency, cool.

Soy sauce: contraindications

  • People with gluten intolerance should be careful when choosing a product. Only the sauce that does not use wheat grains is suitable for them.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Soy intolerance.
  • Problems with protein metabolism.
  • Obesity.

Shelf life of soy sauce in the refrigerator

Shelf life of soy sauce in the refrigerator

Modern technological standards say that soy sauce in a closed container remains usable for two years when stored in a temperature range from +1˚C to +25˚C. There is no need to freeze it. This does not increase the shelf life, but the properties of the product may change.

The shelf life of soy sauce in the refrigerator after opening practically does not change, because it contains a lot of natural preservative - salt. However, it is recommended to use it within a year, and keep the container closed so that the product does not absorb extraneous aromas and does not erode too much.

Basic recommendations on how to store soy sauce require isolation from sunlight, because under its influence fatty acids and other components change. The product should also not be allowed to heat up.

How to choose a good soy sauce

  1. Avoid buying different sauces. A quality natural product simply doesn't sell that way.
  2. Conscientious manufacturers pack their products in transparent bottles. The liquid should be very dark, but slightly transparent.
  3. The product should not contain any additives with the prefix “E” - a good natural sauce does not need flavorings or preservatives. Ideal composition: wheat, soybeans, water, salt.
  4. The protein content should be at the level of 7% - this is average for a product of excellent quality.

It is difficult to imagine Asian cuisine without soy sauce; it is added to marinades for meat and fish, salads and simply served with almost all dishes. Due to its pleasant taste and smell, it quickly spread throughout the world and is widely used in cooking. In our country, soy sauce became popular 10-15 years ago with the arrival and spread of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

Soy sauce is obtained as a result of fermentation of soybeans under the action of Aspergillus fungi. Sometimes wheat is added to activate fermentation, in which case the finished sauce has a slightly different taste. Natural soy sauce contains soybeans, water, salt and sometimes wheat. The finished sauce is rich dark brown, almost black, in color, thicker in consistency than water, has a very salty taste and a specific pleasant smell. Preparing sauce using the classic method takes a long time (from one and a half months to three years), which is unprofitable for manufacturers. Therefore, to speed up and reduce the cost of production, it is produced by hydrolysis of soy protein under the influence of chemical substances. The result is a product whose taste and properties, of course, differ from the natural one. To improve the taste and consistency of such a sauce, various dyes and flavors can be added to it.

Soy sauce contains a lot of protein.

Soy sauce has many beneficial properties. In 100 g natural product contains 6-8 g of protein, about the same amount of carbohydrates, but there is practically no fat in it. The calorie content of soy sauce is about 50 kcal per 100 g, so it can be classified as a dietary product. And although the sauce is very salty, it is still added to dishes in small quantities, which allows it to be safely used by people on diets.

Soy sauce uses a large amount of table salt to make it, so it contains quite a lot of sodium. There is an opinion that soy sauce can replace salt, which is very important for many people suffering from diseases in which it is limited or completely excluded from the diet. This opinion is partly correct, since the sodium content in a tablespoon of soy sauce is many times less than in the same amount of table salt, and a dish to which 10 ml of sauce has been added will no longer be bland. In addition, soy sauce contains a lot of useful substances that, of course, are not found in regular salt. Therefore, it can help people on therapeutic diets reduce the amount of sodium entering the body when consuming table salt. However, for this purpose you need to choose high-quality soy sauce.

In addition to sodium, soy sauce contains a little manganese and copper. It also contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins that are formed as a result of the fermentation process. However, considering the small quantities in which the sauce is used, we can conclude that significant influence The poor vitamin-mineral complex included in its composition does not have any effect on the body.

The amino acid composition of soy sauce is very rich: it contains almost all replaceable and essential (not synthesized in the body) amino acids. And given the fairly high content in the sauce, it can be argued that even a small amount of this product in dishes is beneficial for humans. Proteins are building material for all cells of the body and perform many other functions.

Special attention should be paid to glutamic acid, which is present in soy sauce in the form of salt -. IN last years There are ongoing discussions about the dangers of this chemical compound. It is thanks to monosodium glutamate that dishes seasoned with soy sauce seem tastier and more appetizing to us, since it increases the sensitivity of some taste buds. Glutamic acid and monosodium glutamate, which are formed in soy sauce naturally, are absolutely harmless to the body. Natural monosodium glutamate is found not only in soy sauce, but also in a huge number of products (meat, hard cheeses, legumes, etc.). When we're talking about about the dangers of monosodium glutamate, this refers to a chemically produced seasoning that unscrupulous fast food manufacturers especially generously add to chips, crackers and other snacks.

Harm of soy sauce

Even natural soy sauce made from low-quality raw materials (spoiled soybeans) is unlikely to be beneficial to the body. Sauce made by hydrolyzing soy protein may contain harmful carcinogens. Flavorings, dyes and preservatives that should not be in a high-quality natural sauce, but which are added to it by unscrupulous manufacturers, can also be harmful to the body. Therefore, you should not buy cheap, low-quality soy sauces.

Currently, the majority of soybeans on the market are transgenic (obtained using genetic engineering), therefore, most likely, the vast majority of soy sauces are made from genetically modified soybeans. Disputes about the dangers of transgenic products are ongoing, and the long-term consequences of their consumption by humans are still unknown.

Soy sauce still contains a fairly large amount of salt, this should be taken into account by people who observe, as well as suffer from, kidney and liver diseases.

People suffering from diseases of the digestive system, especially in the acute stage, should not abuse soy sauce. Also, you should not give soy sauce in pure form children.

TV channel “GuberniaTV”, “Household Economics” section on how to choose soy sauce:

Store-bought sauces in their huge variety are now very popular. Most of them have a mayonnaise base. They are good because they not only add piquancy to dishes, but are also stored for a very long time, while homemade mayonnaise is unlikely to “live” longer than a couple of days. But why are these sauces so bad and are they worth buying at all?

Why are store-bought sauces harmful?
The main disadvantage of store-bought sauces is the large number of additives - flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers and colorings. Thanks to them, sauces not only acquire good taste, pleasant color and consistency, but can also be stored for a very long time, sometimes up to a year.

Such additives are primarily harmful to the human digestive system. For example, sodium nitrite retains water in the body and causes swelling. Frequent consumption of hot sauces damages the intestinal mucosa, causing ulcers and gastritis. Flavor enhancers in ready-made sauces, when used regularly, dull the sense of taste by affecting the papillae located on the surface of the tongue. As a result, ordinary food that is not seasoned with sauces seems tasteless.

Are all sauces the same?
Of course, not all ready-made sauces in stores are potentially harmful. For example, you can find a lot of tomato ketchup and sauces based on it, which do not contain any preservatives or flavor enhancers. But with mayonnaise sauces- much more difficult.
More about supplements
Now I would like to talk in more detail about the main additives in store-bought sauces and their effect on the body.

Flavor enhancers

The most common and discussed flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate (E621). In fairness, it must be said that the sodium salt of glutamic acid is an essential amino acid for the human body. Natural monosodium glutamate is found in meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, mushrooms and soy.

But manufacturers of ready-made sauces usually add synthetic monosodium glutamate to them, which does not have the properties of its natural counterpart. Foods containing artificial flavor enhancers, over time, make the most regular products tasteless to the tongue receptors.


Of course, preservatives that are hazardous to health are prohibited by law. But often manufacturers, taking advantage of loopholes in the rules, provide incomplete information on the packaging. For example, an “antioxidant” can be either natural or artificial (butyloxytoluene or butyloxyanisole). The second option can hit the intestinal microflora hard and ultimately lead to liver and kidney diseases.


Thanks to emulsifiers, sauces have a homogeneous mass and do not separate into their constituent components. The most common natural emulsifier is soy lecithin. But the content of artificial emulsifiers in sauces is strictly limited, since in high concentrations they can be dangerous. The very common magnesium carbonate can cause heart pathologies and nervous system disorders. Sodium carbonate in excess doses leads to allergic reactions and stomach pain. Potassium sulfate can cause stomach upset and even poisoning.

Perhaps these three points are enough to rethink your attitude towards store-bought sauces and minimize their use, or better yet, abandon them altogether.

Do you buy ready-made sauces? Share in the comments!

This product appeared on our market relatively recently. Let's find out whether soy sauce is harmful, what are the benefits and harms of the product for the body.

In the short time it has been on the market, it has managed to gain popularity because it can perfectly improve the taste of your favorite dishes. And if you use the product in moderation, it will not only not cause harm, but will also turn out to be useful to women and men.

Is the sauce healthy?

First of all, it contains some natural antioxidants. They help slow down the aging of the human body. Clinical studies suggest that regular consumption of even small amounts of soy sauce can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and other pathologies.

The presence of natural estrogens is beneficial for the female body. Thanks to the presence of these substances, a woman:

  1. Later it detects the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Easier to bear pain during menstruation.
  3. Has less chance of developing postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  4. The transition to menopause is less intense.
  5. Has a lower risk of developing breast cancer.
  6. Tolerates menopause much better.

That is why gynecologists advise women after 35 years of age to consume small amounts of soy sauce as part of proper nutrition.


This product is made by fermenting soybeans with the help of some bacterial cultures. Soy sauce contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin A;
  • iron.

High-quality brands, such as Kikkoman or Sensei, do not contain harmful synthetic preservatives or substitutes and have only beneficial properties. Therefore, the products are not harmful to health, unless consumed in liters. But buying low-quality brands is harmful to the body, because all the raw materials on which the products are made are either of low quality or artificial, created by chemical means and hazardous to health.

Effect of the product on the body

Regular consumption of this sauce in reasonable quantities is beneficial to the human body. The benefits of fermented soybeans are:

  1. They prevent early aging of the body.
  2. Significantly reduces the risk of malignant tumors.
  3. They have a slight sedative effect.
  4. Able to combat pain in the head and neck area.
  5. Fight negative effects nervous tension.
  6. Prevents the development of edema and dermatitis.
  7. They support the heart and blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
  8. Reduce the risk of developing arthritis and osteoporosis.
  9. Fights the manifestations of seasonal vitamin deficiency.
  10. They improve mood in the off-season and prevent the development of depression.

The benefits of protein in sauce

Without proteins, the human body cannot function normally. Unfortunately, some people have an individual intolerance to animal proteins.

Thanks to soy sauce, you can partially solve the problem of lack of protein in your diet. This does not mean that you can eat a lot of it: you are allowed to add only small amounts of the additive to dishes to make their taste unusual.

Sauce and vessels

Despite the fact that it contains salt, moderate consumption of the sauce has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. Even half a tablespoon of the product significantly increases blood circulation. The use of this additive in food promotes:

  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • their cleansing from cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening blood vessels.

Doctors say that regular use of even small amounts of soy sauce helps prevent heart attack and stroke.

When is the product indicated for use?

It can be not only a tasty food product, but also a medicine. It is indicated to be used in such cases.

  1. For women during the natural decline of ovarian activity and the inability to consume hormonal drugs(for example, in the case of development varicose veins).
  2. Intolerance to certain proteins contained in animal products.
  3. Diseases of the heart or blood vessels. Even small amounts of this product help patients recover faster after a heart attack.
  4. Obesity is a reason to have a little sauce on the table every day as an addition to your weight loss meal. The calorie content of the product is low, which makes it a means of quickly normalizing weight.
  5. As an additional maintenance therapy, the supplement can be used in food for people with diabetes.
  6. To prevent exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of soy extract to food every day.
  7. The supplement is used as an excellent alternative to laxatives. And all because they have a mild laxative effect.
  8. For people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, this food supplement will be simply necessary.

In these and other cases, we may add soy sauce to food during cooking or ready meals. Of course, the amount of additive should be within reasonable limits.

Some people wonder if this sauce can be consumed on a diet. The product is used for dietary nutrition in reasonable quantities. Reviews of people who used it as dietary supplement positive.


It was said above that the sauce is healthy. Where do the claims that it is harmful come from? It's all about quantity. If you use it without measure, literally pouring it on dishes, then this will do more harm than good.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Quality products cannot be cheap. When producing it, unscrupulous manufacturers replace natural ingredients with their chemical analogues.

Soy sauce contains a large amount of salt and components that irritate the intestinal or stomach mucosa. So, persons suffering from cardiovascular pathologies should limit the content of this product.

It can only be used in limited quantities, which is what Asian chefs do. But for some reason, we have a common habit of adding it to almost all products, without exception, and even just drinking it. Due to the constant consumption of such a “culinary masterpiece,” a person may develop the following diseases:

  • gout;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • joint inflammation;
  • arthrosis, that is, a progressive degenerative disease cartilage tissue joints;
  • chronic kidney pathologies.

The significant protein content in this product negatively affects the condition of patients with chronic kidney failure. There are cases where children developed allergic reactions precisely because of the consumption of even a small amount of soy sauce.

It contains estrogens. This product has a negative effect on pregnant women because future baby may be born with numerous brain pathologies. The product is contraindicated for persons with disorders of the endocrine system and liver. If breastfeeding, it is best to avoid this product.

It is prohibited to use the product with expired suitability.

Video: soy sauce - benefits and harm.

Is it possible to get poisoned by the sauce?

Cheap product samples may contain the following components:

  1. Artificial dyes.
  2. Flavors.
  3. Preservatives.
  4. Mineral acids.
  5. Alkaline liquids.
  6. Genetically modified organisms.

Consuming sauces in large quantities can cause allergies. The most dangerous of them is anaphylactic shock. People who abuse low-quality soy sauces develop hypertension, urolithiasis, and joint damage.

If poisoning develops due to the consumption of large amounts of sauce, it should be treated as normal food intoxication. The patient needs to induce vomiting by first drinking a large amount of warm water, and pressing on the root of the tongue. Sometimes vomiting occurs automatically after drinking liquid. Then you need to give a mild laxative and activated charcoal.

The first day after poisoning, dense food is not recommended. Drinking plenty of fluids (teas, fruit drinks, compotes) is recommended. On the second day, you can slightly expand the diet. In the future, eat as usual, but you need to remember that excessive consumption of the product will cause harm.

Soy sauce is an excellent addition to your favorite everyday dishes. It not only changes their taste, but is an excellent means of strengthening the body and preventing many diseases. All its beneficial properties are relevant when a person consumes the sauce in reasonable quantities. Abuse of the additive leads to poisoning and the development of dangerous diseases.