Prayer for the health of the child. Prayer to children for health

As long as the children are healthy, we’ll make money on the rest. Surely this hackneyed expression is familiar and close to each of us. The health of the child is sacred - an axiom that does not require any proof or confirmation for normal, sensible parents. There is probably no greater torment than seeing the suffering of a sick child, regardless of whether he is small or is already nursing children.

Of course, the first thing we do is turn to doctors, we try to find a way to the luminaries of medicine, to get to the best clinic, even if it is located thousands of kilometers from home. To heal a child, we are literally ready to do anything. By the way, our willingness to do anything is a very thin bridge between two worlds: the world of reasonable actions and desperate actions. Despair is a bad advisor. It, of course, can mobilize unprecedented and unknown forces and capabilities of both the sick person and the mother of the one who fell into the clutches of the disease.

But often, unfortunately, this happens after pronouncing the terrible formula of renunciation of the soul, if only the child was alive and well. And even in moments of exacerbation of the disease, we begin to bargain something like this, calling on higher powers: “Lord, if my child gets well, I will forever give up such and such, or do such and such, or never do such and such again.”... Believing that we are making an immutable vow, the majority, unfortunately, forget it almost immediately after the child’s recovery. Heaven favors only sincere faith in the power of the Lord. The most powerful prayer is a mother’s sincere prayer for the health of her child.

Holy Helpers

First of all, having gathered all your will into a fist, so that the child sees on your face only the confidence that everything will be fine, turn to the Almighty with these words:

O Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy and Soul, worshiped and glorified in the indivisible Trinity, look with kindness upon Thy servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and peaceful blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Most Holy Theotokos, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name). All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen.

When reading the prayer, do not forget to take into account this nuance: if your child is no more than seven years old, you should not say “God’s servant,” but “God’s baby.” All children up to seven years old inclusive are God's angels, babies.

For the mother of a sick child, God is the chief physician, the luminary of medicine. He also has assistants, whose words and advice he listens to - saints who have the gift of healing body and soul. A prayer addressed to them for the child’s recovery receives additional power. The saint will pray to God for health with you.

Who exactly should I contact? Since ancient times, it has been considered the strongest healer, healing the most complex diseases according to the laws of the Lord. Healer Panteleimon. To make it easier for the great martyr to help you and your child, hold the image of the sick person in front of you and repeat three times in front of the icon of the saint:

“Protector and Healer, Panteleimon - Great Martyr. In a prayer of repentance I turn to you, just don’t refuse to help me. May my child be healed of evil, and may grace rush to him from above. I beg you, cast off all shackles, scabs, illnesses and secret angers. Let the mercy of Christ happen quickly, and let my child not languish. If I have guilt for my child, let her retreat as soon as possible. Let it be so. Amen"

You can do this in a church, a hospital ward, at home... The point is not in the place where you read the prayer, but in the faith of what you say. And remember: in home prayers you can even mention the name of an unbaptized sick person. God is merciful to the prayers of a mother, for whom there is nothing more valuable than her child. And unbaptized children can be partially helped by generous alms given for them, without mentioning their names.

Along with the prayer to the Healer, Panteleimon values ​​the prayer for the health of the child addressed to Matrona of Moscow.

“Blessed Elder Matrona, in this time of sorrow I turn to you. Forgive me all sinful weaknesses and reject all demonic nasty things. Help my child to heal quickly and drink in faith in God. Do not punish your child with pain, illness and bodily ailments. Do not torment his soul with suffering. I hope for your help and again I pray for your health. Thy will be done. Amen"

If the child has entered the age of adolescence or youth, you can read the following before the image of Saint Matrona:

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. I beg you for healing and ask for your generous forgiveness. Intercede before the Lord God for the sick servant (sick servant) (call the name of the sufferer). Reject all bodily ailments and mental turmoil. Send down a quick recovery and reject the severe test. Let the sick person recover quickly, and let his (her) soul be freed from grief. Thy will be done. Amen.

And it would be nice to have an icon with Saint Matronushka next to the bed of a sick person. She has the most powerful energy.

There is one more indisputable axiom: the aspirations and thoughts of a mother are most understandable to the same mother who has endured pain, bitterness, and suffering. In other words, a miraculous healing prayer will be the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, the mother of the Son of God. They address her like this:

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, as You are the Divine protection of Your servants. Amen"

The following prayer for the health of the child will be heard by the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen"

However, any words addressed to God will be heard. The main thing is that they are pronounced from the heart, with faith. Sincere maternal prayer is the most powerful. It always has been and always will be.

How do we know what God's will is? When you pray, you want to be sure that He listens to you and will do as you ask. But in order to be heard, certain conditions must be met. Prayer must be selfless. Only this one reaches heaven. If a person asks not for good, his request will not be fulfilled. The Holy Spirit unmistakably identifies the needs of those asking and intercedes with God. You need to turn to the Lord with deep faith. This should be an Orthodox prayer for the health of a sick child. There is no point in converting without faith, because faith is the main condition for prayer to be heard.

Before you can offer prayer, you need to truly feel your need for God. Narcissistic hearts do not feel such need. God gives help and blessing to those who recognize the need for His strength. To those who pray for it. If you want your prayer to be heard, do not break God's law. At least don't do it intentionally. “A parental blessing does not sink in water and does not burn in fire. A parent’s prayer will not allow a person to die, it will reach from the bottom of the sea!” And this directly relates to strong prayer for the health of a sick child. Here I will give examples of several prayers.

Mother's prayer for blessing children

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve this child of mine (name) with the power of Your life-giving Cross.

Prayer for health to the Guardian Angel of the child

Holy Guardian Angel of my children (names), cover them with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen. Angel of God, Guardian Saint, pray to God for my children!

Prayer for raising children

God and Father of all things! Teach me to raise the children given to me by Your goodness, in accordance with Your all-holy will, and assist me with Your grace in the fulfillment of this main duty of mine! May Thy judgment not befall me for my negligence in raising children, but may Thy eternal mercy cover me and them, and together with them may I glorify Thy love for mankind, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Daily prayer for the health of a sick child

Lord Jesus Christ, let Your mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil, take away every enemy from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel, and guide them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayer for the healing of a sick child, for health

Oh, Mother of Mercy! You see the cruel sorrow tormenting my heart! For the sake of the sorrow with which You were pierced, when a terrible sword passed into Your soul during the bitter suffering and death of Your Divine Son, I pray to You: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, intercede for his health bodily with Your Almighty Son, Physician of souls and bodies. O Loving Mother! Look how my child’s face has turned pale, how his whole body is burning from illness, and have mercy on him. May he be saved by God's help and serve with the joy of his heart Your Only Begotten Son, his Lord and God. Amen.

It’s hard for any mother to see her children sick. A prayer for the child’s health will help alleviate the baby’s condition and save him from illness. In these cases, mothers pray for their children.

You can ask any saint for health - maybe you fell in love with a certain saint of God more than others, or in your family it is traditional to resort to the help of a specific saint in all sorrows.

They usually ask the holy great martyr Panteleimon for the sick - during his earthly life he was a doctor, and was awarded by God many miracles of healing due to his boundless faith. They ask Panteleimon for healing from all sorts of illnesses, especially from the evil eye and other magic.

We should always remember that only God is capable of allowing human illness - and He is also capable of healing it.

The saints themselves, to whose help we resort, are intercessors and mediators between Almighty God and us, sinful people. It is important to warn all parents who pray for the health of their children about this - so that they do not accidentally show disrespect for God.

How to pray correctly?

If you pray (it doesn’t matter whether it is a mother’s prayer for the granting of health to a child, or a request for the success of a business begun) - keep your soul pure, do not believe in fortune-telling, spells, do not cast spells or cast spells, refuse all pseudo-Orthodox actions that you are offered to perform . Don’t be afraid to seem naive or look stupid - ask and ask the priest about the actions offered to you on the side - he will tell you exactly what is right and useful, and what is an act displeasing to God.

Types of prayers

A prayer for good health to the Most Holy Mother of God is said in church or in private (at home). It is usually customary to ask for help from the saint in front of whose icon petitions are offered, but if this is not possible, ask for help from any place and position - strong maternal prayer protects children in a moment of danger, even if you are far from the icons.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary “For good health”

“Now we are diligent to the Mother of God, sinners and humility, and let us fall, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having had mercy on us, struggling, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away your slaves, for you are the only hope of the imams. Offering to my queen, my hope Mother of God, friend of the orphaned and strange, the intercessor of the sorrowing, the joyful, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen."

In this case, one should distinguish between the impossibility of reading prayers in front of the icon and simple laziness. If you pray at home on the sofa, are not sick and can stand in front of icons, you are committing a sin, such prayer will be of no use.

Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker of the World of Lycia, became famous for many miracles during his earthly life, and relentlessly helps everyone who comes to him for help - especially a mother asking for her children. The Saint loved children very much and always protected and protected them. You can also pray to him for the health and salvation of children.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “For the health of children”

“O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling on your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice: strive, servant of God, not leave us in the sinful captivity of being, so that we will not joyfully be our enemy and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us. We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not be desecrated in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, a great saint of God, lived in pagan Rome and suffered for his faith in Christ. At the same time, he was a respected man, a famous doctor who healed children and adults with the power of medicine and faith. Panteleimon debunked the myths about the power of idols, exposed the demons that acted through them.

Prayer to Panteleimon “For the health of children”

“O holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, merciful imitator of God! Look with mercy and hear us sinners who pray fervently before your holy icon. Ask us from the Lord God, Who stands with the angels in heaven, for the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. Heal diseases the spiritual and physical servants of God who are now remembered, those who stand here and all Orthodox Christians who flow to your intercession. Behold, for our sin, we are fiercely possessed by many ailments and are not imams of help and consolation: we resort to you, as you have given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every disease. Grant therefore to all of us, through your holy prayers, health and well-being of souls and bodies, advancement of faith and piety, and everything necessary for temporary life and salvation, for having been granted great and rich mercies by you, let us glorify you and the giver of all blessings, wondrous in the saints of our God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Therefore, the healer Panteleimon has special power for healing various kinds of evil eyes, conspiracies and similar terrible consequences of witchcraft.

Read the life of St. Panteleimon aloud - it is written in an easy, entertaining way; learning about it is useful for both you and your child.

Mother Matrona of Moscow was crippled (she was blind), but at the same time she always helped those who resorted to her help in healing ailments. Mothers are accustomed to asking for their children from the blessed Mother, who always helps to recover from even the most serious illness.

Prayer to Matrona “For Children”

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope, those who resort to your intercession and help, quick help and miraculous healing to all serving; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Not only Christianity has its own mother’s prayers for the health of children: Muslim mothers pray in their own way. The main thing that Muslim prayers for children require is sincerity towards Allah and humiliation before Him. A prayer must be answered - this is what Islamic theologians say.

The most important thing for every parent is the health of their child. When he is sick, parents experience real grief, not knowing what to do in such a situation. But helping your child is very simple - you just need to read the correct prayer for the child’s illness, then he will always be healthy and happy, to the delight of his parents.

When to Pray

First of all, it should be understood that prayer is not a panacea for any disease. If your baby has a high fever that does not subside for a long time, pronounced symptoms of the disease, pain in the abdomen and various organs, you should first consult a doctor so that he can prescribe treatment. And only after the illness has subsided can one read a prayer that will protect him from illness in the future. You can also offer a prayer to God and the saints, when the child is not sick at all, so that he remains so in the future. But there are times when the child does not get better for a very long time, and the illness is very serious - in these cases, parents should whisper a prayer for the health of the child during the illness, which will strengthen his strength and allow him to recover quickly, so that he can continue to grow strong and healthy.

Prohibition on trading with higher powers

Despite the fact that there are special prayers that parents must say so that their children get better, in moments when their child is sick, they experience extreme despair and independently come up with words of prayer to higher powers. They no longer say the usual prayers for the child’s healing from illnesses, but try to bargain with God and the saints for the health of their child. When saying their prayer, they add the phrase that they are ready to do this or that, if only their child can get better. But as soon as the child is healed, this vow is immediately forgotten, which can then have a very negative impact on both the parents themselves and their baby. Therefore, you should not bargain with higher powers; it is better to sincerely ask the Lord or the saints for the health of the child, and this will be the most powerful prayer that will bring the desired result.

Rules for reading prayer

However, in addition to the prohibition on bargaining with higher powers, there are several more rules for a mother’s prayer for the health of her child during illness, which she must follow when turning to the Lord and the saints.

  1. It is best for a baptized mother to pray in church, where her words will have more weight.
  2. The words of the prayer must be pronounced to yourself with all sincerity and faith in God's help, passing each word through your heart.
  3. While reading the prayer, you need to think about your child, imagine how he will recover and be strong and healthy.
  4. In addition to praying in the temple, you need to pray for the health of your child and next to him, trying to remain calm and not nervous, so that your worries are not passed on to the child.
  5. If the child is not yet seven years old, then in your prayer for recovery when the child is ill, you should call him the baby of God, and after seven years - the servant of God.
  6. When leaving the church, you should definitely give out generous alms, which will enhance the meaning of prayer.

Appeal to the Lord

The strongest prayer for a child’s illness is a prayer request from the Lord for the recovery of the child: “Oh, Lord, you told us in the Word of God to pray for the healing of each other, therefore I pray to You for the health and healing of my child (full name). I ask You, so that no illnesses or illnesses spoil the life of my child. In whatever part of my child’s body the illness is hidden, lay Your hand on him and thereby heal my child and grant him complete recovery, protect him from injuries and diseases, protect him from all kinds. misfortunes. And if we need to see a doctor, point your finger at the best specialist and grant him wisdom so that he can help my child get better quickly. I expect and hope that you will give my child (full name) complete healing and the best health. he lived and glorified You in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! "

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

You can help your child to be healthy and strong with the help of a prayer from the child’s illnesses to the Most Holy Theotokos: “Oh, our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary! I tearfully pray to you and conjuring with all my maternal heart, save and keep my child (full name of the child) under your roof. How You protect all infants, baptized and unnamed youths, as well as those whom mothers are still carrying in their wombs. I pray to You, cover my child with the veil of your motherhood, help them to live in fear of the Lord our God and obey their parents. Your son Jesus Christ and the Lord our God, may he grant my child what will be necessary for his salvation. I entrust my child to You, so that You will look after him, for You are the Divine protection for Your servants!

Brief prayer to Our Lady

There is also another prayer for the health of a child in case of illness to the Mother of God, which is a little shorter than the previous one, but has enormous power: “Oh, Most Holy Mother of God! I sincerely ask You, bring me into the image of Your holy motherhood and heal the physical and spiritual wounds of my only child (full name of the child), which were inflicted on him because of my sins. I entrust my child completely and completely to the protection of the Lord my God Jesus Christ and You, Most Holy Mother of God, Amen!”

Prayer for children's illnesses to Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow dedicated her entire life to healing the sick and helping everyone who needed it, for which she was elevated to the rank of saint. But even now the suffering continue to turn to her with pleas for help, to which she always listens. Therefore, worried parents can also ask Mother Matronushka for the health of their children: “Our Mother, Blessed Matrono, let your body rest in the earth, but with your soul now you stand at the throne of God and with the power given to you you work all sorts of miracles. In my hour of sorrow, I turn to I beg you with a tearful request, forgive me all my sins and sinful weaknesses, take away all demonic nasty things from me and allow my only child (full name of the child) to quickly be healed of his illnesses and drink in the bright faith in God, do not punish my child with all kinds of pain. , with illnesses and bodily ailments for my sins, do not torment his soul with terrible suffering. I pray for the health of my child and I trust in your help Amen!”

Prayer to Matrona for the health of adolescents

If you have an adult child who has already become a teenager, in this case it is better to say another prayer for the health of children with Matrona’s illness, which will definitely help them: “Oh, Blessed Elder Matronushko! I tearfully ask and conjure you for generosity and forgiveness. I pray you, intercede before the Lord our God for my sick servant, my child (full name of the child), so that all his mental troubles and physical illnesses will be cast away. Help me end this severe ordeal for my child and grant him a speedy healing. , and his soul can then be freed from sorrow. May your will be done!”

Prayer ritual for health

In addition to the usual prayer to Matrona when children are ill, you can also perform a special prayer ritual that will serve their speedy recovery even in the most difficult cases. This ritual is divided into two stages. First, parents must visit a temple or church at their place of residence and submit a note to the clergyman there “On health”, where the full name of the child given to him by the church at baptism will be written down. Then you will need to take three simple candles and place one each at the images of Jesus Christ, the healer Panteleimon and the Matrona of Moscow herself. Moreover, standing at the icon of Matronushka, you need to say: “Oh, Mother Matrono, cleanse my soul and body, so that the first does not cry and the second does not get sick. Amen!” Then you need to cross yourself, buy 36 candles in the church shop, collect holy water, buy icons of Jesus Christ, St. Panteleimon and Mother Matrona and leave the church.

Then comes the second stage of the ritual for the child’s recovery, which will need to be carried out at home. To do this, you need to retire, put the purchased icons and a decanter of sacred water on the table, and then light 9 candles - three for each icon. Next, you should read the “Our Father” prayer 12 times and after each reading, cross yourself and take a sip of water from the carafe. After this, you need to imagine your child healthy and happy and begin to read prayers to Mother Matrona until the candles burn in front of her icon. Then you need to cross yourself again, drink holy water, hide the icons in the closet, throw the cinders in the trash and believe that the child will definitely recover.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It would not be superfluous to turn with a prayer for a child’s illness to Nicholas the Wonderworker, who since ancient times was considered the patron saint of children. That is why it is worth turning to him with a prayer for the recovery of your child: “Oh, our kindest shepherd and wisest mentor, Christ Nicholas! I tearfully ask you to hear us sinners, praying to you and calling on you for help. As you see, we are weak, all good deprived and poor in mind from our cowardice. So I ask, O saint of God, do not leave us to continue to live in sin, do not let our enemies feel the joy of this and do not let us die from our wicked deeds. Pray for us to our Creator. Vladyka, so that he will be merciful to us now and in the future, I trust in you and ask you not to be angry at my sinful sorrow and help my child (the child’s full name) to recover, so that he will not be responsible for my sins, Nikolai. , the Lord our God, that he may grant us life in peace and health and salvation for our souls now and ever, and forever and ever Amen!”

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon

Since Panteleimon was an outstanding healer, it would not be amiss to turn to him with a prayer for a child’s illness: “Oh, Great Martyr Panteleimon! You are our Intercessor and great Healer, and therefore I tearfully turn to you in a prayer of repentance, begging for your all-merciful help I ask you, may my child (full name of the child) quickly be healed from all evil, and may great grace rush to him from above. I beg you with all my heart, help him cast off all sorts of illnesses, shackles, scabs and malice, so that the mercy of Christ may soon come to him. and my child did not languish for a long time. And if I have a sinful guilt for my child, then let it be so now, and forever, and forever Amen!

A very strong prayer for the illness of a newborn child

But prayers need to be read not only for the recovery of sick children, but also so that they never get sick. Therefore, a request for the child’s health must be made even when he has just been born. It is for such cases that we need to pray to Simeon the God-Receiver, who lived to a ripe old age and was able to hold our Savior Jesus Christ in his arms before his death. Therefore, as soon as a mother gives birth to a child, she can immediately begin to read a prayer to this saint: “Oh, God-receiving Simeon! Hear us, the servants of God (full names of the child’s parents), and do not take away your sacred cover from us, and pray to the Lord Our God about mercy towards us, so that he would take away his anger from us, caused by our sins, so that he would turn his mercy on us and direct us to the path of repentance and the path of truth, so that we would henceforth keep his sacred commandments, so that we ask the Lord with our prayers. He gave us to live in peace and prosperity, so that our life would be quiet and silent in purity and piety, so that we would attain peace and in the future be able to reach the Kingdom of Heavenly Lord our God. And I ask you, let the baby of God live in health (full name of the newborn). ), so that then he too could live in purity and piety, glorifying the Lord God Jesus Christ together with his Father and the Holy Spirit Amen!”

However, you should not worry if you cannot memorize a prayer to the Lord God or the saints, because you can pray to them for the health of the child in your own words, the main thing is that they are sincere and come straight from the heart, and then the child will definitely get better and grow up healthy and happy.

Parents and child are connected by an invisible spiritual connection, which was created by God. The way parents live - they observe piety in life and profess love for the Creator, treat their neighbors and avoid sin - is reflected not only in their life circumstances and successes, but also in the health of their children. Prayer for the health of a child should be one of the usual in everyday life of an Orthodox Christian in order to protect the child from any voluntary or involuntary misfortune and illness.

Remember that your relationship with God is the foundation on which your home, everyday life, and connections with loved ones and children are built. So that nothing darkens your life, you need to sacredly observe that simple thing that is based on the Ten Commandments - Good. It can heal illnesses, protect from misfortunes and give consolation in sorrows, for Good is our Great Creator.

  • Pray to Him for the health of all relatives and children. A family is one whole, where thoughts and wishes form the general atmosphere. A sense of care, well wishes and God's blessing are most important for the safety of all its members. To prevent illness, just be with the Lord, pay tribute to him, perform rituals, and he will grant you his blessing and protect you from adversity.
  • Food nourishes the body, and prayer nourishes the soul. To effectively find solutions to problems, pray, open your heart to the Almighty. Having heard your call, the Holy Spirit will be sent to you with a hint. Even a random passerby can play such a role, who will alleviate the plight and help in the recovery of a sick son or daughter.
  • Keep God's commandments strictly. The first of them obliges us to honor the Heavenly Father, as required by the canons. Give Him your debts so that He will also favor you. Then the child’s health will not be threatened by any problem - the Lord will see everything and warn her.
  • Do not violate the commandments that prescribe a kind attitude towards your neighbors, so that the person offended by you does not pray to the Lord for intercession and revenge. The child, being one with his father and mother, will begin to answer for his parents’ sins. By offending other people with a bad attitude, a person exposes his own children to God's wrath.
  • Remember that frequent illnesses in a child may be the result of your indifference to your Christian responsibilities and aggression towards other people. Sometimes, in order for a child to recover, you need to confess and take communion - your spirit will be cleansed, and the mercy of God will give resolution to all sorrows.
  • When faced with trouble, when your baby is plagued by health problems, do not fall into despair. “Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you,” are the words of the Lord, with which he ordered not to give up, but to tirelessly pray for the salvation of your soul and body. To get what you want, you must not lose faith in the Creator, but diligently pray to Him and the Pleasers for help.

Important! Never lose hope, no matter what happens, and no matter what intrigues Satan plots. Having lost it, becoming a victim of the demonic teaching about the futility of all efforts, you lose faith in God - this is the goal of the devil. By faith it will be given - this law has not changed since the creation of the world.

Children's health is God's blessing

In order for the Lord to be merciful and help raise children, protect from serious illness or facilitate the recovery of a sick child, do not forget to offer him prayers and teach the child to do this. In Christian families, they try to involve children in prayers and canons from infancy. Only by raising a worthy replacement for yourself can you be confident about your own future.

  • Baptism should be one of the first sacraments for a baby, so that the Creator and the Queen of Heaven could surround him with their blessing, and the Guardian Angel would be a constant guardian for the child.
  • After the sacrament of baptism, it is customary for children to receive communion. Moreover, communion must be carried out as often as possible so that the Holy Spirit protects and does not leave the child.
  • The Lord is a merciless force against every demonic principle. After all, children often become victims of magical intrigues and demonic obsession - the evil eye, curse, envy. Often the sacrament of Communion becomes a decisive stage in the recovery of a sick child.

  • The very first prayer for children is recommended to be addressed to the Guardian Angel, so that he becomes a mentor and constant patron of the child. Along the way, they conduct lessons in Gospel education.
  • The mother of the child needs to constantly turn to the Mother of God in prayer so that she does not leave the child with her worries. The Queen of Heaven is merciful to maternal worries and will envelop every woman who asks with love.
  • When a child has been exposed to illness or misfortune, they pray to the saints who are entrusted with taking care of the flock for recovery. Prayers to Matrona of Moscow, Great Martyr Varvara, Xenia of St. Petersburg or those saints whose name the child bears can save you from any health problems. Their strong ability to perform miracles is very well known.

Important! We must not forget about the medicinal effect of icons. The holy images grant healing from all bodily misfortunes and illnesses. Even a strong prayer must be supported by the radiance of the holy face.

What icons are kept by the bed of a sick child?

The Orthodox Church blesses the use of consecrated faces as a symbol of the presence of the Holy Spirit next to us. To get rid of illness, those icons that help parents look after their children and protect their peace and safety are kept at the head of the crib.

  • The first icon, as well as a prayer for a child, is the image of the Guardian Angel. He is entrusted with guiding a person through earthly existence in order to protect him from vices and help him achieve the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • From the very baptism of a person, an icon of the saint in whose honor the newly baptized person was named becomes desirable. She protects a person throughout his life, just like the saint himself, and is his protector forever.
  • The Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow and Great Martyr Varvara are entrusted with the care of the child’s health. Their images must be kept with the child when health troubles occur. By turning to them in prayer, you are more likely to call on the protective power of the saints.

You need to understand that the most helpful prayer should come from the depths of your heart. Only faith and undivided love for the One Creator is the key to a successful struggle for the life of your child. No matter how powerful prayer may be famous, the emptiness in the heart of the reader can nullify its wonderful properties. They ask God for children only after sincerely believing in His omnipotence.

Matrona of Moscow - patroness of a sick child

They resort to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow in all everyday sorrows, asking for help and intercession before the Lord. Being our contemporary, the power of whose prayer people have become convinced of not from stories and legends, crowds of pilgrims rush to her grave, asking for protection. During her life, people flocked to Matronushka of Moscow for help and resolution of any troubles, and they did not know how to refuse her, for the main force was the Lord, who was invisibly present next to her.

She became famous for having the great gift of healing from any illness, being able to satisfy the spiritual sadness of the sufferer, and, of course, she was famous for her kindness to children. Therefore, the mother’s prayer for the health of the child, calling upon Blessed Matrona as an intercessor, gained the glory of being miraculous. Giving praise to Matrona and praying for the child’s recovery, many mothers found peace of mind, for the revered saint was merciful.

  • When you read a prayer to the Matrona of Moscow or another patron saint, be sure to light a lamp in front of their icon, so that your faith and admiration for the one to whom you are crying are visible.
  • When a child is sick, a mother's thoughts may be chaotic. However, remember - when calling a worldly doctor, do not forget about the Heavenly healer. It is imperative to submit a request to the temple to mention the name of the patient in health when a general service takes place.
  • There are different prayers to the Matrona of Moscow; for healing children from illness, two are distinguished - from bodily illnesses and from witchcraft or the evil eye.
  • When healing is achieved and a smile of happiness lights up on the face of the child and his parents, do not forget to thank the holy helper. Light a candle in the church where you are parishioners in gratitude to the Lord and Matrona, for through their efforts your beloved child was healed.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the health of the child

“Blessed Elder Matrona! I pray to you, I conjure you with my mother’s heart, go to the Lord’s throne, ask the Lord to grant health to the servant of God (name). I forgive you, holy mother Matrona, do not be angry with me, but be my helper. Ask the Lord to grant my child (name) good health. Getting rid of physical and spiritual illnesses. Remove all sickness and illness from his body. Forgive me for my sins, voluntary and involuntary. Pray for the health of my child (name) in the palace of the Lord. Only you, blessed Elder Matrona, are my intercessor and helper. I trust in you. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the liberation of a child from the evil eye

“Oh, blessed Elder Matrona. I turn to you with a heartfelt request. Give strength and health to my child (name), who is dying from witchcraft damage. If someone has bewitched him or put the evil eye on him, cleanse the child of anger and envy. I ask not for myself, but for a small, sinless child. Take away spiritual turmoil from him, take away sorrow and suffering, deliver him from the weakness of the body. Pray for him before the Lord God and ask him to forgive me for my maternal sins. Let it be so. Amen"

Instructions for parents of a sick child

When a child arrives in the throes of illness, the parent's heart is full of anxiety and worry. Try not to fall into despair, but to clearly fulfill your duty and care so that your beloved child can quickly free himself from painful shackles.

  • Every morning on an empty stomach let us drink holy water. This will give the child's body Divine strength.
  • Pray next to him so that the child can see your care for him.
  • Be sure to let the sick child taste the prosphora that is distributed after the liturgy.
  • Do not give up your efforts in prayer and diligently visit the temple, where you ask for health for your child.

Note! It is healing for a child to feel cared for by the whole family. Therefore, prayer, when all parents together ask the Lord for deliverance from an illness, will have enormous power and speed up healing.

Caring for a daughter or son is natural for any loving mother, especially for a sick baby or a newborn who has just come into this world. Contact the Mother of God, Matrona or other saints, but most importantly, pray sincerely and from a pure heart.