Solutions of sodium sulfite and hydrochloric acid are given.

Task 1

1 option

Pour 1-2 ml of diluted 1:4 sulfuric acid into a test tube and drop a piece of zinc into it. Create an equation for the reaction in molecular, ionic and abbreviated ionic form, show the transition of electrons and explain what is the oxidizing agent in this reaction.

Option 2

Pour 1-2 ml of sulfuric acid into a test tube and drop a few magnesium shavings into it. Write an equation for the reaction in molecular, ionic and abbreviated ionic form, show the transfer of electrons and explain what is the oxidizing agent in this reaction.

Task 2
Option 1

A solution of magnesium chloride is given in three test tubes. Pour sodium hydroxide solution into the first test tube, sodium carbonate into the second, and zinc nitrate into the third. Write equations for reactions that go to completion in molecular, ionic, and abbreviated ionic form.

Option 2

A solution of magnesium chloride is given in three test tubes. Pour a solution of potassium phosphate into the first test tube, sodium sulfide into the second, and potassium nitrate into the third. Write equations for reactions that go to completion in molecular, ionic, and abbreviated ionic form.

Task 3
Option 1

Given solutions: a) potassium carbonate and hydrochloric acid; b) sodium sulfide and sulfuric acid; c) zinc chloride and nitric acid. Drain these solutions in pairs, sniff carefully and determine in which cases the reactions go to completion and why. Write equations for the corresponding reactions in molecular, ionic, and abbreviated ionic form.

Option 2

Solutions are given: a) sodium sulfate and hydrochloric acid; b) copper (II) sulfate and nitric acid; c) sodium carbonate and sulfuric acid. Drain these solutions in pairs, sniff carefully and determine in which cases the reactions go to completion and why. Write equations for the corresponding reactions in molecular, ionic, and abbreviated ionic form.

Task 4
Option 1

Option 2

Carry out the reactions corresponding to the abbreviated ionic equations:

Task 5
Option 1

Using the solutions on the table, obtain: a) iron (III) hydroxide; b) copper (II) sulfide. Write molecular, ionic, and abbreviated ionic equations for the corresponding reactions.

Option 2

Using the solutions on the table, obtain: a) sulfur oxide (IV); b) calcium carbonate. Write molecular, ionic, and abbreviated ionic equations for the corresponding reactions.

1. Pour 1-2 ml into a test tube concentrated solution sulfuric acid and drop a zinc granule into it. Write an equation for the reaction in molecular and ionic forms, show the transition of electrons. What is the oxidizing agent in this reaction?

2. Six test tubes contain solutions of magnesium chloride. Pour the following solutions sequentially into each test tube: a) sodium hydroxide; b) potassium sulfate; c) sodium carbonate; d) zinc nitrate; e) potassium phosphate; f) sodium sulfide.

Write down equations for reactions that proceed to completion in molecular and ionic forms.

3. Given solutions: a) potassium carbonate and hydrochloric acid; b) sodium sulfide and sulfuric acid; c) zinc chloride and nitric acid; d) sodium sulfite and sulfuric acid; e) copper (II) sulfate and nitric acid.

Drain these solutions in pairs, heat them a little and carefully determine by smell in which cases the reactions proceed to completion and why. Write down the equations for the corresponding reactions in molecular and ionic forms.

4. Carry out reactions whose schemes are:

5. Carry out reactions between the following substances: a) hydrogen sulfide and chlorine water; b) a solution of potassium iodide and chlorine water; c) hydrochloric acid and aluminum; d) concentrated sulfuric acid and copper (when heated).

Write down reaction equations and show the transition of electrons. What is an oxidizing agent and what is a reducing agent?

6. Using the solutions and substances on the table, obtain: a) iron (III) hydroxide; b) copper (II) sulfide; c) sulfur oxide (IV); d) magnesium carbonate; e) lead.

1. Pour 1-2 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid solution into a test tube and drop a zinc granule into it. Write down the reaction equation in molecular and ionic forms, show the transition of electrons. What is the oxidizing agent in this reaction?

2. Six test tubes contain solutions of magnesium chloride. Pour the following solutions sequentially into each test tube: a) sodium hydroxide; b) potassium sulfate; c) sodium carbonate; d) zinc nitrate; e) potassium phosphate; f) sodium sulfide.

Write down equations for reactions that proceed to completion in molecular and ionic forms.

3. Given solutions: a) potassium carbonate and hydrochloric acid; b) sodium sulfide and sulfuric acid; c) zinc chloride and nitric acid; d) sodium sulfite and sulfuric acid; e) copper (II) sulfate and nitric acid.

Drain these solutions in pairs, heat them a little and carefully determine by smell in which cases the reactions proceed to completion and why. Write down the equations for the corresponding reactions in molecular and ionic forms.

4. Carry out reactions whose schemes are:

5. Carry out reactions between the following substances:

    a) hydrogen sulfide and chlorine water;

    b) a solution of potassium iodide and chlorine water;

    c) hydrochloric acid and aluminum;

    d) concentrated sulfuric acid and copper (when heated).

Write down reaction equations and show the transition of electrons. What is an oxidizing agent and what is a reducing agent?

6. Using the solutions and substances on the table, get:

    a) iron (III) hydroxide;

    b) copper (II) sulfide;

    c) sulfur oxide (IV);

    d) magnesium carbonate;

    d) lead.

Write molecular and ionic equations for the corresponding reactions.