Eco friendly what. ECO-friendly brand: marketing ploy or real standard? Use cloth napkins

Environmentally friendly or environment-friendly, (also use abbreviated expressions eco-friendly, nature-friendly And green) - are stable and marketing terms relating to goods and services, laws and policies that do not affect or reduce negative impact on our environment and nature.

Companies use these terms to promote their products and services, often backed by certificates and environmental labels.

Environmental Standards

International organization Standardization has developed the ISO 14020 and ISO 14024 standards to establish principles and procedures for environmental labels and declarations. This is what organic product certification bodies must comply with. More specifically, these standards relate to the avoidance of financial conflicts of interest, the use of proprietary scientific methods and the verification procedures adopted, as well as the conditions of openness in setting standards.

Environmental certification in Russia and Western countries

In Russia, environmental certification is not mandatory for many areas of business and only applies to products. IN Western countries environmental certification is required for:

  • products (remember the iPhone, where Tim Cook constantly claims that the product is environmentally friendly)
  • objects environment and environmental products
  • technologies and results of intellectual activity

Create an “eco-friendly” interior, plant live grass in the store, attach appropriate green labels to products, and you can call yourself an “eco-company”? No, things won’t work that way, and consumers, especially young people, will quickly “spot on” the fake.

In the photo: Anna Balandina, owner of the visual merchandising agency VM Guru

All more people and brands are aware of the scale of environmental problems. Therefore, they are actively “groping” for ways to help nature or at least reduce their harmful impact on it.

This is how the concept of eco-friendly (environmentally friendly) appeared.

It is predicted that in 10 years, companies whose assortment does not include products marked “Eco” will be in little demand. The reason is the consequences of the aggressive impact on the environment and the awareness of late millennials and representatives of generation Z. After all, they are the ones who will experience everything that scares us today: large-scale disasters and the uncontrolled rampant of the elements. And for them, the manufacturer’s activity in reducing harm to nature is the most important element for building trust in the brand.

Eco-friendly is not unprofitable, but even profitable. There are already people, brands that have made money exclusively from “green business”.

Why am I suddenly writing about this?

This year we are involved in a couple of global network restaling projects. Before developing one of the design pre-concepts in the “Eco” style, we studied the competitive environment of the Customer’s brand and understood the following:

Russian brands have heard and are aware of the success of Eco promotion strategies, but not everyone has realized that if you “declare” yourself as an eco-friendly brand, through POS communication, natural materials in decoration, a green logo that repeats the shapes of living nature, etc. At the same time, you do not have the right to remain an “empty” brand, a brand that is limited to branding only. You are responsible for your application and your status. And if now it’s “rolling”, and environmentally friendly design works, then sooner or later you will be caught in a lie, and buyers will turn away from you.

What kind of brand do you need to be to proudly be called “Eco-friendly” and broadcast this through your promotion strategies? Let's look at 5 brands that can safely be called flagships of the global eco-movement. They clearly and purposefully convey their values ​​and it is through their honest position that they attract millions of consumers.

Top 5 brands of "Eco-heroes"

Stella McCartney

It is unlikely that you will be able to find a more eco-conscious fashion designer than Stella McCartney (daughter of the famous Beatle). She is considered the creator of the first eco-friendly brand in the field high fashion. In life, Stella is a vegetarian and preaches healthy image life, never wears natural leather or fur.

“There is nothing fashionable about a dead animal,” she declares and completely refuses to use these materials in her collections.

Since launching his eponymous brand in 2001, the designer has increased the amount of organic cotton he uses every year and never uses strong dyes. Faux leather made from the right combination materials such as vegan, recycled plastic and tagflora.

Recently, the designer chose the location for her advertising campaign a real landfill in eastern Scotland. In the photo, the models are not afraid to wallow in mountains of garbage and lie on rusty cars.

Photos by Harley Weir


Patagonia– truly legendary brand, founded by Yvon Chouinard, an icon of mountaineering and rock climbing. In 1957, an American improved special equipment for rock climbing. At first I used it myself, and then I started selling it and created my own brand. Today the brand is one of the most successful in the segment of clothing and equipment for outdoor activities.

The basis for clothing development "Patagonia" two principles were adopted: the use of innovative technologies and environmentally friendly production.

It is difficult to compete with Patagonia in terms of manufacturability: the number of patents per company is measured double digit number. And most of the patents are environmentally friendly!

In 1996, the brand abandoned the use of conventional (ordinary) cotton and began developing new high-tech fabrics, mainly based on polyester from recycled materials. plastic bottles and items that have served their purpose.

Another know-how of the company is a special water-repellent Deluge technology, which is used to treat outerwear, thereby at least doubling its life.
Needless to say that jackets, parkas, cashmere are produced within the framework of sustainability and fair trade principles?

The life of Yvon Chouinard served as the basis for the film 180º South, directed by Chris Malloy.

On the cover:
Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard on the cover of Fortune magazine. Source: Getty Images


The founder of the brand, Blake Mycoskie, while traveling, saw how many children in poor countries did not have shoes. Then he decided that he needed to create a company that would give shoes to a child from a poor family for every pair sold. This is how the one-to-one business model emerged.

In 13 years, TOMS has donated more than a billion pairs of shoes to 40 developing countries. The brand's charitable programs include supplies of clean drinking water, ophthalmologist services, baby birth kits.

In addition to charity, the brand also “professes” the principles of eco-business. Shoes and packaging are made from environmentally friendly pure materials, which are then recycled.

Beyond Meat

The startup Beyond Meat has conquered its native America with vegetarian and vegan burgers. Instead of meat, they contain pea or soy protein, yeast, oils and plant fibers.

By 2019, the startup became one of the main suppliers of artificial meat for burgers in the United States, conquered the Hong Kong market and entered the UK.

Even one of the main investors, Bill Gates, could not distinguish the company’s products from burgers made from real meat. In addition to him, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Obvious Corporation, Tyson Foods and others invested in Beyond Meat.

Lush Cosmetics

The brand of natural cosmetics is, first of all, popular due to the fact that all products are made by hand and are not tested on animals.

The company reduced packaging waste and also introduced the fashion for solid shampoos (which look like a bar of soap). Discounts apply to customers who bring empty packaging for recycling. In addition, the company's success encourages other brands to follow suit.
And these are just five of my personal favorites, and there are many more brands and personalities – eco-heroes! Elon Musk (Tesla & Solar City), Apple, Freedom of Animals, Reformation, Wirpo EcoEnergy, Seventh Generation, Food bio Pack, Veja, and many others.

The trend towards environmental friendliness is developing dynamically, and brands that take this point into account and honestly and sincerely implement it in their products will certainly receive the strongest competitive advantage in communicating with a young audience, with those who will become the main consumers in ten years. This means, I am sure, that the list of interesting, powerful eco-oriented companies will only expand!

owner of visual merchandising agency VM Guru

More and more people are thinking not only about their personal interests and problems, but also about the world in which they live. The craze for a healthy lifestyle (and this makes me happy!), the frequent presence online and the not yet frequent, but increasingly tangible desire to look at real world, fashion for travel and a busy lifestyle, all of this in one way or another provokes us to think about the quality of what we do. And also look around and ask yourself the question: “What is happening around?”

Everything around here is not so rosy. I'm not talking about wars, total bitterness and indifference. No, about the most elementary, basic things. About the state of nature, about the cleanliness of our home, about planet Earth.

As usual, I don't want to focus on the negativity and horror stories about melting glaciers, ozone holes, disappearing forests and rare species of animals. About all these and other Real environmental problems everyone knows. I think it’s much more important not only to talk about it, but also to take active steps to work through the reasons.

It all starts with everyone. From small steps, habits, and then a lifestyle that can really change environmental situation towards improvement. I propose to talk (and put into practice) about extremely simple actions that can help everyone become eco-friendly(literally: environmentally friendly).

What is eco-friendly living?

In short, this is a manifestation of a caring attitude towards nature and the environment through one’s everyday habits and beliefs.

Of course, I am not suggesting that everyone unanimously abandon technological progress, become downshifters, adhere to the paleo diet and kick everyone who comes with a plastic bag. No. I suggest looking at your life more consciously, thinking about what can be done to preserve nature, and working a little on your everyday habits. Take literally a few important steps that can really influence the situation. How many of these steps will you take? personal choice. Even one is already an event and an eco-victory!

Where to start?

For convenience, I divided eco-habits into several areas. Choose what you can and want to do.


  • Replace light bulbs with energy-saving ones(this investment will save you money in the future).
  • Unplug appliances you are not using(plus, don't leave your computer in "standby mode", just turn it off).
  • Wash clothes at a temperature of 30-40 degrees.
  • Use environmentally friendly products to clean your home. You can do them according to folk recipes or buy ready-made ones, but watch the composition.
  • Recycle dangerous items Right. Do not throw batteries or accumulators into the trash. They can be handed over to special places (often collection points are in stores), their addresses can be found on the Internet.
  • Buy wood filler for cat litter.
  • Save water. Fill a glass with water to brush your teeth, watch for leaks from the taps (it’s better to fix the plumbing in a timely manner), press the small flush button in a public toilet, take a shower instead of a bath.

High level (advanced habits):

  • Sort your trash.
  • Recycle it, give it a second life. Spend it at home general cleaning, hand over waste paper, resell or donate to charity things that you don’t wear or use.
  • Make your home smart. This is an option for those who are buying an apartment, building a house or renovating. Use environmentally friendly materials in construction, do every square meter functional, take care of energy and heat conservation. Install meters and smart sensors. In general, this is a separate, very voluminous, interesting topic.


  • Get your own eco-friendly shopping bag. Minimize usage plastic bags. Again, this is not only your contribution to conservation, but saving money.
  • Make a shopping list and don't add too much. This will help you spend less, avoid spoilage and subsequent throwing away purchased products.
  • Read the ingredients carefully. Try to eat natural foods.
  • Buy less clothes. How much of what's in your closet do you actually wear? Review your shopping habits. Organize your wardrobe wisely: let it contain high-quality items that fit you perfectly and that you will definitely be happy to wear. Sell ​​or give away any excess.
  • Minimize the use of disposable tableware, napkins, and pay attention to packaging. Buy as few products as possible plastic packaging. Give preference to glass, paper, cardboard, aluminum (they can be recycled).

Health, lifestyle:

  • Use a reusable water bottle.
  • Walk more. Use the steps, not the elevator (at the same time you will pump up your legs and butt). If you need to travel, give preference to electric transport.
  • Take food with you to work and travel in your lunch-box. Cook for yourself with good ingredients.
  • Buy takeaway coffee in your own cup. Many coffee shops even give you a discount if you bring your own coffee cup. This not only helps reduce the consumption of disposable cups, but also makes coffee drinking special and cozy.
  • Use natural cosmetics. Read the ingredients, know the eco-friendly brands.
  • Be a volunteer in environmental events. Support interesting projects.
  • Buy the e-book. Buy less printed materials, read electronic versions.
  • Be in nature more often. Travel, see how beautiful it is, amazing world we live. But, don’t leave trash behind at picnics, don’t throw away pieces of paper (elementary, right?).
  • Grow plants. At home on the windowsill, in the country, in the yard. This is both a hobby and a benefit.

Life outside of nature, among high-rise buildings, cars, factories and “wax” fruits has become commonplace for each of us. Subway, noise, the smell of gasoline, cardboard cups of coffee, sticky and spoiled fruits and vegetables from the store around the corner - what else can you do, because high-quality mangoes cost a fortune!

Unfortunately, man's desire for a "civilized" life has in fact become the most terrible embodiment of his laziness. I didn’t want to wash, clean, cook, or grow. But I wanted to heat it in the microwave (life-threatening radiation), eat with plastic utensils (they do not decompose), wear ready-made inexpensive clothes (synthetics, which cause allergies) and move quickly (environmental pollution, greenhouse effect from automobile gases). The list goes on.

A consumer society, complete disconnection from nature, and an attempt to drown out this emptiness with various strange, unnatural entertainments - alcohol, attractions, gambling, illegal intimacy... this is where we find ourselves now. Even art has become for us an object of use, enjoyment of perversion, ceasing to glorify the beauty of Nature and the creation of the Universe, as it has been for millennia. Now the object of our attention is the ordinary, adventure, fictional characters and “self-expression” - because we no longer have the opportunity to draw strength and inspiration from nature, because we have focused on the beauty of technocracy, the artificial, perverted City, on the celebration of the Ego of man, instead of the inspiration for desire to the Ideal and Purity.

Understanding all this, we are already taking the first step towards change. The next step is not moving to an eco-village and living alone on a mountain, with a fruit dryer and a cellar full of pickles. It is necessary to take into account the principle “Time, place, circumstances”. Therefore, the second step will be to apply the “15 Principles of Ethical and Ecological Living” in your life, consistent with the city rhythms. Then - who knows, maybe you will settle in a house near Tver, as mine plans close friend, install eco-batteries on your roof, think about compost and year-round greenhouses. But now, I repeat, do not frighten yourself with the complexity of the path. The ocean is made of tiny drops - so be one, practicing even some of the recommendations below, listening to the rhythms of nature and adhering to the principle of “minimal violence”.

“Live according to the original needs of the body,

laws of nature and the universe"

Give your body a rest

This, of course, applies to going to a massage, spa, sauna, for women - hair masks and just home care behind the body. However, detox is equally important to us. Spending a couple of days on freshly squeezed juices, smoothies or salads at least once a month will help your stomach and intestines take a break from constant digestion and cleanse themselves of excess toxins and food debris. I can say from my experience of fasting once a month and detoxing twice a month - it helps get rid of headaches, feelings of heaviness, fatigue, excess weight, many diseases. It is best to do a detox and fast on Ekadashi (11th and 26th lunar day), on the full moon and new moon.

Add movement to your life

Man is created to move. Our lymphatic system, designed specifically to cleanse the body of toxins, cannot function properly if we don’t move enough - and all the load goes to the liver. Dancing, yoga, swimming, even just walking and strolling around the park, city or coast will significantly improve your internal state.

Choose what is closer to you - calm stretching and breathing in Sukshma-Vyama or Kundalini yoga or dynamic Ashtanga yoga practices. Or maybe you love water? Swim, walk along the water's edge, practice smooth dancing... Find what's right for you.

Listen to yourself on the path to harmony within

Listen to yourself, feel, know how to pay attention to your feelings in time. This way you will understand which habits and addictions are destroying you and which ones are developing you. For example, drinking water with lemon in the morning is a little unpleasant at first, but you feel great all day long. And rolling a cigarette on the way to work has been a favorite ritual for many years, but then you smell of it all day, and your wife is worried about lung cancer and her future children...

Just like that, having heard about the dangers or benefits of some rituals or innovations, it will be difficult to sincerely rebuild and follow the new rhythm of life. But it is by trying, listening to yourself, even keeping a diary of self-observation, that you can build your life as productively, comfortably and happily as possible.

Sort out your makeup bag, check the shelves in the bathroom

There is no doubt that about 90% of all skincare and makeup products that we use contain alcohol, unnatural dyes, artificial oils, or are generally tested on poor animals... Follow the 70/30 principle for starters, when most cosmetics are natural and homemade (believe me, most creams and scrubs require no more than 3 ingredients).

It’s difficult to immediately give up your favorite mascara and a comfortable, perfectly hard lip pencil of dubious composition. Don't rush yourself - let everything happen gradually.

Limit your consumption of unnatural and intoxicating foods

Try as much as possible to avoid preservatives, E-shek, palm oil, margarine, sugar, various Snickers ice cream, as well as fermented products - wine, any alcohol, blue cheese, mushrooms. I know from myself how difficult it is to give up your favorite chocolate in the morning when you already limit yourself in almost everything. Therefore, do everything consciously, according to your feelings.

Any important decision must be accepted both by the mind and the heart, otherwise it is just a game, which means a constant internal struggle. Approach the process thoughtfully: in order to refuse bad habit, you need to find a worthy taste replacement, get rid of harmful products in the house, find support among friends or loved ones, start cooking healthy and delicious desserts at home, or order proven ones in 4fresh, iherb or any other store healthy foods. Develop a plan, get inspired, find like-minded people. You do this for yourself and your well-being, no one forces or coerces you - realizing this very thought, it is quite easy to abandon the harmful and destructive in your life.

Follow the rhythms of nature

The main recommendations are to get up according to the rhythm of the sun and go to bed according to the rhythms of the moon. The Sun nourishes us if we get up before 6 a.m. solar time, and the Moon nourishes us if we go to bed before 10 p.m. The sun gives faith in oneself, confidence in the future, faith in the Creator and the Universe, strength of spirit, new opportunities for growth and development. The moon gives calm, peace, beauty, youth, freshness, creativity and the ability to believe in a man. As soon as I began to live according to the lunar and solar rhythms, almost all anxieties and worries disappeared from my life, as if some kind of support began to support me. higher powers. I stopped worrying about the future, began to look much better, and my productivity increased several times.

"Live without hurting anyone"

Don't harm the planet

Minimize your consumption of plastic cups, bags, even cocktail straws. If you can, bring your own cup or thermos when you take your coffee with you. Don't buy water - refill your own water bottle instead. Instead of buying a plastic bag at the store, bring your own string bag or purse. When you buy groceries, try not to take plastic bags - it’s better to bring your own bags and jars and they will put everything there for you.

If possible, do not use bags for garbage, but use your own bin. When you throw it away, just shake it out into the trash and when you bring it home, rinse it. This way you save on garbage bags and do not pollute the environment with excess plastic. Also try to choose clothes, dishes and bags marked recycle or organic, that is, recyclable and degradable.

For inspiration, check out these blogs on ZERO WASTE:

Avoid products of violence and murder

These are meat, fish and eggs. There is a lot of controversy about the fact that humans are animals and we have fangs and a certain size of intestines... But no one rushes at chickens and pigs with their bare teeth, like a predator! We instruct others, strangers to us, to kill them, then we boil or stew them, season them, and only then, when it looks more like a shapeless piece of food, do we eat them. But a person can easily “pounce” on raw fruits, vegetables, herbs and roots. It's quite simple. No lion will tame a Chihuahua to raise, feed and love. But a person - yes. We even have cartoons with animals leading role. I don’t think you would risk playing a series of “Smeshariki” to your child, and then taking him to the slaughterhouse and showing how they cut a pig, saying: “Look, this is Nyusha, we will eat her today.”

The same applies to industrial milk, where poor animals, stuffed with antibiotics and hormones, live their lives only to have the milk sucked out of them. Do not wear leather or suede clothing. Avoid animal flesh and only buy dairy products from trusted, clean farmers where the cows receive proper care, care and living conditions. This will be an important contribution both to your body and to the environment: more than 80% greenhouse gases produced by cattle farms, and 1 kg of meat takes the same amount of resources (water, electricity, land, food, space) as 100 kg of vegetables and fruits. There is something to think about.

“Make your home as eco-friendly as possible,

pure and natural"

Add some greenery

Let there be at least a few plants in your home - they produce pure oxygen, refresh, and cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Some plants even take away bad energy. For example, orchids. Grow vegetables and herbs at home, on your balcony, windowsill or in your home greenhouse.

Don't waste unnecessary electricity

Unplug anything you don't use. For example, a laptop for the night, a heater and underfloor heating if you don’t really need them. It is better not to use an electric kettle, or at least heat it only as much water as you need at the moment. Electricity is mainly burnt coal, the vapors of which affect the environment and destroy the ozone layer.

Separate your trash

If possible, separate your trash. In big cities there are tanks for separate waste and collection points for cardboard/plastic/glass for recycling. You can even get some money for this - the only question is how to store the glass and paper so that you can take them to the collection point once a week.

Give preference to natural home care products

Replace as much as possible chemicals home care products to natural or even homemade ones. Almost all air fresheners, for example, contain alcohol - and this is harmful to the skin, provokes allergies, feeds mold and has a very negative effect on the energy background of the house. Later, I will talk about homemade home care products.

“Put your priorities right”

Help organic businesses, eco-initiatives, farmers

If you have a choice - go to the farmer's market for fresh food or go to Auchan near your home, it is better to go to the market. The food there is of higher quality and fresher, and besides, you will support this private farming initiative, which means you will contribute to the development and popularization of shopping natural products from hand Farmers treat their plants much less with chemicals, do not bring fruit in a semi-ripe state from South Africa, and generally do not wax their apples.

If you have a choice, buy clothes in a small store specializing in natural fabrics and an eco-friendly approach, or go shopping in a huge shopping center, full of synthetics, then choose the first one. It’s also great to sew to order from good fabric or learn how to do it yourself.

Remember that the new is the well forgotten old

It also saves a lot of money and resources by buying dishes and clothes at second-hand stores, as well as at flea markets. It's a lot of fun, like going on a treasure hunt, and it also makes you look more unique. Almost all the wooden and aluminum utensils my husband and I have at home come from these flea markets, as well as all our outerwear, pants and some shoes. Of course, it is better to wash it several times and clear it of the subtle energy of the previous owner before you wear it. On Avito and similar resources you can find beautiful antique chairs, corduroy sofas and many interesting books. Why buy new and pollute the world? unnecessary things, objects, equipment, if you can use what has already been done, while saving ten times more money?

Practice charity

You can sell clothes, things and equipment that you don’t need. Or you can give it to an orphanage or a charity second-hand store.

I remember when I worked at orphanage, on Saturdays they brought gifts from philanthropists - children pounced on the boxes and sorted out toys, chocolates, and clothes for themselves. Having seen this at least once, you would definitely start donating things and toys to the orphanage every month.

The same goes for financial donations. There are many foundations, temples and organizations that exist on donations - by helping them, you not only make the world a little better, but also improve your karma and piety. If this is important to you. Of course, you need to be careful - you shouldn’t give money to a drunk man lying, as usually happens, at the entrance to the temple. By donating to alcohol, meat, or any violence, you make the world worse - and accordingly worsen your karma. Better feed the homeless person vegetarian food, buy him nuts and fruits.

You can set aside two hours a week and volunteer in an orphanage, a nursing home, or help in some way non-profit organizations. Help them with what you know - administration, teaching children, design, photography. Some programs allow you to go abroad and teach children English, art, and engage in art therapy with them. For example, a resource like WWOOF helps to start cooperation with organizations in other countries.

By making the lives of other people a little better, we benefit the world and nature, which means we not only consume the resources around us, but also give something in return. Of course, if you have problematic relationships with loved ones, with self-acceptance, with your own sense of harmony and happiness, if you cannot solve basic problems and are trying to justify yourself or escape from reality by volunteering, as more than half of volunteers do (in my experience ), you'd better focus on what's at hand. First, become happy and create a trusting, sincere atmosphere in communication and life with your family and with yourself. And only then can you help other, “strangers” people. Only by being an absolutely fulfilled, self-sufficient and fulfilled personality can you sincerely begin to give your love, care and help. Just not the other way around.

Following eco-tips can be very useful, even if you are skeptical about the increasingly popular movement. What is interesting about an eco-friendly lifestyle (besides “improving” the environment)? It's very simple - it can lead to awareness. After all, fighters for purity in nature are also adherents of the slow down philosophy, which many should think about, especially residents of noisy megacities.

Say no to takeaway coffee

Yes, this is due to the issue of environmental friendliness plastic cups, which are processed with great difficulty in Russia. But have you ever thought that a lifestyle based on take away takes away all the fun from the process? On the go, you are unlikely to fully appreciate the flavor nuances of coffee. Stop - take a drink in a cup and devote 10-15 minutes to yourself. No rush, you, coffee and your thoughts.

If you still find it difficult to give up takeaway coffee, consider a reusable coffee cup. Firstly, it looks stylish, and secondly, many coffee shops give a discount for it.

Buy a fabric bag

You may notice that many residents of big cities have acquired minimalist canvas bags. This is indeed a very convenient thing that will accommodate not only a laptop and notebooks, but also simple products. Taking a reusable bag with you to the store will help you avoid thousands of unnecessary plastic bags and add another stylish detail to your look.

Don't act automatically

We do a lot of things automatically. So before you make a purchase, stop and think. How many unnecessary impulsive purchases could be avoided if we asked ourselves more often: do I really need this antiseptic (after all, it dries out the skin) or why do I need another pair of trousers from the mass market? Conscious consumption is not only a step towards an eco-friendly lifestyle, but also towards the aesthetics of minimalism. A best way avoid spontaneous purchases - lists.

Get a water bottle

Not only for sports, but also for study or work. This will naturally reduce the amount of unnecessary plastic in your life and be more conscious of your hydration. After all, the bottle will always be at hand, and you will know exactly what quality it is.

Get out old things

Each of us has once told ourselves that “I have nothing to wear again.” And the first thing that comes to mind is that you urgently need to go to the store. But wait, review your own wardrobe and take out old things. Perhaps that blouse you wore 5 years ago has become fashionable again. Rifle through your mom's or grandma's closet and you might find some stylish vintage pieces that are just right for you. This approach corresponds to the environmentally friendly method of reuse - reusing any thing. To make an old skirt sparkle with new colors, sometimes it is enough to darn it slightly and add some detail.