Food for teeth and gums. Smile in a Million: Products for Healthy Teeth

Dental health directly depends on the quality of a person’s diet. This is clearly proven by our grandparents, who used only natural products, and research by scientists. What to eat and what harmful products for teeth exist? Read on, we'll figure it out.

Water is of great importance for our body. When dehydration occurs in the mouth, saliva ceases to be produced and dryness sets in, in which they multiply well. pathogenic bacteria. They penetrate microscopic cracks in the enamel and contribute to the occurrence of caries.

Drinking water enriched with fluoride is very beneficial for dental health. The main thing is to choose the right dosage and not overdo it with the use of this element.

Water should not only be drunk, but also used for rinsing. By rinsing the mouth after eating, we wash away plaque and harmful acids that destroy enamel.

Microelements beneficial for teeth

In order for your diet to be balanced and dental problems to be minimized, you need to maintain the required level of nutrients in your body. Particularly important are calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium and iodine, as well as vitamins B, C, D, E, PP and K. All of them are not only good for teeth, but also have a positive effect on the balanced functioning of all internal organs .

  1. Calcium is an essential element for the formation of tooth enamel. Increases blood circulation in the gums. Foods rich in calcium promote bone formation. Most of it is found in cheeses and low-fat milk. Rich in calcium are poppy seeds, lean fish, cabbage leaves, greens, dates. But we should not forget that an excess of this element threatens the formation of stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders.
  2. Fluorine. The popularity of pastes with fluoride, which strengthen and protect enamel from the destructive effects of acids, is well known. Fluorapatites - elements combining calcium and fluorine, increase the resistance of enamel to negative impacts. High fluoride content is found in tea, soy, fish, offal, and hazelnuts. But its excess is very dangerous with the risk of developing cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Phosphorus. This element forms bone tissue along with calcium. Your teeth need it to avoid excessive fragility. A lack of phosphorus not only has a bad effect on their condition, but also threatens the development of rickets, growth arrest and deformation of bone tissue. Maximum daily norm is no more than 4 thousand mg. An excess of this element causes calcium to stop being absorbed inside the intestines, and vitamin D is not converted into its active form. Yeast, bran, legumes, fish, meat, yolk, seeds, nuts are rich in phosphorus.
  4. Iron is a necessary element for hematopoiesis and is part of hemoglobin. It is found in large quantities in liver, spinach, lemons, apples, buckwheat, and pomegranates. If the body does not have enough iron, anemia may develop, gums will bleed, and there will be a risk of developing periodontal disease.
  5. Vitamin D. Improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, prevents. The source is eggs, fatty fish, sour cream, and liver.
  6. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant. Affects the level of acid content, improves metabolic processes in bone tissue. There are known cases of scurvy occurring with an acute shortage of this extremely important vitamin. Our body gets it from rose hips, currants, all sour berries and fruits, and sauerkraut.

Foods Rich in Calcium Rich in Fluoride Rich in Phosphorus Rich in Iron Foods with Vitamin D With Vitamin C

What foods are good for teeth?

Let's look at what products to strengthen teeth should definitely be present on our dinner table.

The video talks about the most useful and junk food for teeth:


A storehouse of fatty amino acids, a favorite product of nutritionists is sea fish. The presence of phosphorus, calcium, selenium, fluorine, vitamins D and B1 provide reliable protection against caries.

Sea fish and shrimp are very healthy

Larisa Kopylova


The champion among seafood in terms of the content of these microelements is shrimp. Easily digestible, they become ideal building material for teeth, and prevent the formation of plaque.

Residents of many regions of our country suffer from iodine deficiency. This threatens the thyroid gland, the weak functioning of which negatively affects the condition of the teeth. An inexhaustible source of iodine is kelp or seaweed, an accessible and inexpensive product whose benefits are beyond doubt.

Dairy products

The healthiest products for the teeth of not only children, but also adults should be found among dairy products. Milk, cottage cheese and yogurt accompany us from birth to old age. The calcium and phosphorus they contain complement each other. And casein and enzymes provide preventive and anti-inflammatory protection. Therefore, try to drink at least a glass of milk every day.

Hard varieties of cheese, such as Dutch, Russian, and Parmesan, are especially useful. Cheese contains not only calcium, but also phosphates, which enamel needs so much. When chewing this product with a small salt content, salivation significantly increases. This process has a positive effect on the normalization of the acid balance in the mouth and is detrimental to all kinds of bacteria and microbes.

Hard varieties of cheeses are especially useful: Russian and Dutch

Larisa Kopylova


Yogurt suppresses the production of hydrogen sulfide, helping to eliminate bad breath.
Cottage cheese contains lactic acid and magnesium, which are perfectly absorbed from this product. Phosphorus and calcium salts are a unique building material that is extremely necessary for the growth of bone and connective tissue.

Vegetables and fruits

The habit of soft and pureed food has led to the fact that our pampered gums in the process of evolution began to function worse. Vegetables and fruits are hard, so they need to be chewed thoroughly and as often as possible. Pay special attention to products grown in our climate. They are much healthier than their exotic counterparts, are inexpensive and can be found in every home.

The record holder for beta-carotene content is raw carrots. When you bite a carrot, you simultaneously clean the enamel from plaque, protecting your teeth from the formation of stone, and massage your gums, providing them with normal blood circulation.

Apples are no less useful. Vitamin C in combination with enzymes improves the microflora of the oral cavity. There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits. Such products will not only relieve fatigue and refresh the oral cavity, but also supply the body with energy and strengthen the immune system.

A good way to prevent caries is to consume lime. Pathogenic microbes in contact with it are destroyed, blood circulation in the gums improves, the natural microflora of the oral cavity is restored, and teeth are whitened.

Larisa Kopylova


The risk of inflammatory diseases will be reduced if you eat a grapefruit every day. The same applies to oranges. Potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium, together with vitamins, actively fight bacteria that cause caries.

Having healthy foods like raw beets, pumpkin, radishes, and cabbage on your dinner table will help keep your teeth healthy.

Green crops and nuts

Onions, dill, parsley, celery and mint are plants familiar to us from childhood, and there is no doubt about their usefulness.

Healthy greens

In addition to a whole complex of vitamins C, A, E, B and a variety of microelements, greens contain folic acid and beta-carotene. By including it in your menu, you will get rid of bleeding gums and strengthen blood vessels.

Chewing parsley and celery stalks is very beneficial. Green particles will penetrate into the most difficult to reach places and clean your teeth just as well as a brush. Some herbs can also have a whitening effect.

Nuts and seeds are good for teeth. Roasted seeds and nuts will have little benefit; they are best consumed raw.


Chewing honeycomb is beneficial. This disinfects the oral cavity and cleanses the teeth well. This reduces the amount of harmful enzymes.

Here we will finish the conversation about what is good for teeth and tell you what is harmful for teeth and gums.

What is harmful for teeth?

Bad eating habits have a very negative influence on oral health. Don't forget about what dishes and foods you should avoid:

  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • sweets and excess dried fruits;
  • roasted seeds and nuts;
  • products containing caffeine;
  • too much large number soft foods in the diet;
  • very hot and cold food and drinks.

Larisa Kopylova


All these categories of products contribute to damage and darkening of enamel, the appearance of caries, and injury to the gums. The habit of eating soft and thermally processed foods leads to plaque and lack of blood circulation, which are very harmful to the teeth.

In the video, Elena Malysheva talks about food that harms teeth:

To visit the doctor's office only for preventive purposes, watch your diet. If you eat foods that are good for your teeth, it will help you improve your quality of life, achieve a snow-white smile and increase your self-esteem.

Human food not only saturates the body nutrients, but also affects all departments digestive system which starts in the mouth. and gums, appearance unpleasant odor, the development of enamel sensitivity or its darkening - all this is closely related to dietary habits. There are foods that lead to a strong proliferation of bacterial flora in the mouth. And most often this category includes food that is loved by the majority. But there are also useful products for teeth that strengthen enamel and prevent plaque.

The connection between dental and gum diseases and food

All foods that a person consumes nourish not only the body, but also the bacteria living in the oral cavity. If food contains a large amount of carbohydrates, especially sugar, a favorable environment is created for microorganisms. During their life, they convert sugar into acid, which washes minerals from tooth enamel. As a result, enamel sensitivity develops. Then cracks appear on it, through which bacteria penetrate. Caries, pulpitis and periodontitis develop. Products also affect. For example, acids contained in some drinks or fruits corrode tissues, leading to the appearance of gingivitis, stomatitis, and ulcers.

But there are also foods that are good for teeth. They help remove plaque, massage and strengthen the gums, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, destroy bacteria and promote the mineralization of enamel. To maintain it, you need to include them in your diet daily.

Why are carbohydrates harmful?

Carbohydrates are needed by the human body to produce energy. They begin to break down already in the oral cavity. And the bacteria that live there feed on glucose. Products that contain confectionery and sweets are especially harmful to teeth. It is these sweets, so beloved by many, that destroy teeth.

In addition, carbohydrate foods are harmful to teeth because they are soft. In order for tooth enamel to receive all the necessary nutrients, they need to be subjected to regular stress. This improves blood supply to the gums. And food consisting of carbohydrates (baked goods, bread, confectionery, pasta) is too soft.

What destroys tooth enamel

Teeth are protected from external influences using a thin film of tooth enamel. It has a porous structure, so minerals that strengthen the teeth can penetrate through it. But if food contains harmful components, the enamel is destroyed. There are other factors that negatively affect it.

What foods are harmful to teeth?

It is believed that 90% of oral health depends on the food a person eats. Any food not only supplies the body with necessary and unnecessary substances, but also affects the gums, tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to consume foods that are harmful to teeth as little as possible:

  • Coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks interfere with the absorption of calcium and contribute to dehydration. In addition, with excessive coffee consumption, tooth enamel becomes yellowish.
  • Oddly enough, regular black tea can be harmful to your teeth. Often there is a high concentration of fluoride in its leaves.
  • Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, acid, dyes and other harmful substances that destroy teeth.
  • White bread, pasta, baked goods, chips and other starchy foods lead to plaque accumulation and bacterial growth.
  • Alcoholic drinks reduce saliva production and lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients.

What is good for teeth

For the normal formation of teeth in childhood, and then to maintain them in a healthy state, vitamins and minerals are needed:

  • calcium is contained in cottage cheese, sea ​​fish, sesame seeds, raisins, soybeans, walnuts;
  • fluorine can be obtained from boiled potatoes, buckwheat, whole grain flour, greenery;
  • the source of vitamin B12, necessary for healthy gums, is meat;
  • Vitamin C prevents bleeding gums and tooth loss; there is a lot of it in lemons, apples, currants, and sauerkraut.

In addition, teeth need load. Only regular consumption of coarse fiber foods helps accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes. Chewing fresh vegetables, such as carrots, helps remove plaque from the surface of your teeth.

Dairy products

It has long been believed that milk is the best source of calcium. But now there is an opinion that it is not so useful, especially if it is made industrially. And modern sweet dairy products are only harmful to tooth enamel. Sugar interferes with the absorption of calcium, so it is better to consume less smoothies, fruit yoghurts and ice cream.

Cheese is good for teeth. It contains a lot of casein and phosphates. Chewing cheese is believed to help restore tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. A large amount of calcium is contained in cottage cheese. In addition, there is phosphorus, which enhances its effect.

Vegetables and fruits

Plant foods are the healthiest foods for teeth and gums. Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and minerals essential for oral health. In addition to enriching the enamel with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine and other microelements, vegetables and fruits have a massaging effect. They help improve blood circulation in the gums and clean teeth from soft plaque. In addition, chewing hard vegetables and fruits stimulates saliva production. But it is precisely from its deficiency that many oral diseases develop. All vegetables and fruits are good for teeth, especially fresh:


These are also very healthy products for teeth. All seafood contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins D and B1. Namely, these microelements are the source of building and strengthening bone tissue. Therefore, eating such foods helps prevent dental disease. The following products are especially useful:

  • shrimp are a source of easily digestible calcium, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, and therefore prevent the destruction of enamel;
  • any fish is rich in selenium, calcium, iodine and fluorine, which protect teeth from caries;
  • seaweed contains a lot of iodine and beneficial amino acids.

What to drink to keep your teeth healthy

A sufficient amount of fluid is necessary for the normal functioning of all processes in the body. Its deficiency also affects oral health. First of all, because this causes very little saliva to be produced. The oral cavity dries out, and bacteria actively begin to multiply here. Saliva is very important means strengthening enamel and protecting against caries.

It's best to drink regular clean water. It is this that promotes the formation of saliva with a composition that protects the enamel from destruction and nourishes it with minerals.

In addition to water, drinking is good for your teeth herbal teas. If they are consumed without sugar, then in addition to stimulating the formation of saliva and cleansing the oral cavity, they have a therapeutic effect depending on what herbs are brewed from. They relieve inflammation, swelling and pain, strengthen enamel, improve blood circulation, and destroy bacteria. The most beneficial are teas made from chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, oregano, sage, and calendula.

The best foods for dental health

If you eat a varied diet and avoid junk food, you can keep your mouth healthy. But it is still recommended to ensure that foods that are good for teeth are included in your diet every day:

Best Teeth Whitening Products

Over time, tooth enamel can darken. This happens especially often among coffee and black tea drinkers, smokers and alcohol abusers. It is difficult to lighten enamel; many products are aggressive and destroy it even more. But there are products for whitening teeth. If you use them regularly, the enamel will lighten safely. Of course, it is difficult to achieve the same effect as from dental procedures in this way, but you can get rid of darkening and yellowness. To do this you need to use best products for teeth whitening:

  • nuts clean the enamel from plaque and stains;
  • apples have the property of not only mechanically cleaning teeth, but also lightening them by 1-2 tones when consumed regularly;
  • strawberries contain acids that destroy dark plaque on enamel;
  • carrots promote increased blood circulation and increased salivation;
  • celery helps destroy bacteria and effectively copes with dark plaque;
  • Broccoli can restore teeth to their natural whiteness.

We are all susceptible to bleeding gums and oral diseases. There are enough of these serious problems can be avoided by strengthening your gums and teeth folk remedies, and taking in food the vitamins necessary for our gums and teeth

Many people suffer from various diseases of the oral cavity, while considering problems with teeth and gums to be insignificant, and instead of starting treatment, they mask them in various ways. Oral problems usually begin with periodontal disease. At the initial stage, this disease is accompanied by bleeding gums when brushing your teeth. If this disease is not treated in time, the gums begin to become inflamed, the teeth become damaged, become loose, hurt and decay.

Most of us simply ignore the first signs of periodontal disease and turn to the dentist only when the teeth are already difficult to save. If you take this more seriously, you can eliminate all oral problems before they appear and prevent various diseases of the teeth and gums. To do this, you don’t have to go to the dentist; there are many options for preventing diseases of teeth and gums, strengthening and maintaining them in a healthy state with the help of folk remedies.

Strengthening gums and teeth with folk remedies

When your gums bleed, it means they are inflamed. If you brush your teeth incorrectly or infrequently, oral hygiene is disrupted, which contributes to the appearance of harmful microorganisms, tartar and plaque.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to brush your teeth regularly, and brushing should take you at least three minutes of time. Use various decoctions for rinsing the mouth, eat foods containing vitamins and nutrients that help strengthen teeth and gums.

Oral hygiene is the key to healthy teeth and gums

Even if your gums are completely healthy, strengthening and maintaining them is simply necessary. This will prevent the occurrence of various diseases and keep them in a healthy state. You can strengthen weak teeth and gums using folk remedies.

Recipes for decoctions and infusions of herbs that strengthen teeth and gums, for rinsing the mouth

    Prepare a solution of tea tree oil and rinse your mouth with it. The method for preparing it is quite simple: mix three drops of oil with a glass of water. Tea tree oil effectively strengthens teeth and gums, prevents bad breath, and fights periodontal disease and caries.

    Another folk recipe solution to strengthen gums and teeth: take an eggplant peel, dry it in the oven and chop it. A spoonful of the resulting powder must be dissolved in a glass of water and left for ten minutes. Then you need to add a teaspoon of salt to it and rinse your mouth with this solution.

    Cognac is also an effective strengthening agent. They also rinse the mouth. In addition, it is also a disinfectant due to its alcohol content.

    Regular salt can get rid of the unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth. Stir one dessert spoon salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth.

    You can get rid of bleeding gums with a solution of oak bark. Mix linden blossom and oak bark. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, let it brew, cool and strain. Rinse your mouth three times a day.

Oak bark decoction prevents bleeding

    Rinse your mouth after eating with the following solution: grate the horseradish and add two teaspoons of its juice to a glass of wine.

    A decoction of burdock will help freshen your breath and strengthen your gums. Pour one teaspoon of burdock into a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for several minutes. The broth should be infused for an hour, after which it must be strained. Rinse your mouth a couple of times a day.

    Another infusion that has a good healing effect for the oral cavity: mix equal parts of fireweed flowers, mint leaves and rosehip petals. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Let the broth brew for two hours, strain, add five grams of mumiyo to the infusion, and rinse your mouth with the resulting solution several times a day.

    Wormwood infusion is considered one of the most effective folk remedies for eliminating bad breath. To prepare such an infusion, you need to pour two glasses of boiling water over dry wormwood, leave for twenty minutes and strain. Rinse your mouth four times a day.

    To prevent caries, when gums begin to bleed, and for periodontal disease, an infusion of turnip leaves is used. Pour a glass of boiling water over crushed turnip leaves, leave for half an hour and use for rinsing.

Other folk remedies for strengthening teeth and gums

Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort

Helps get rid of bad breath and is effective against gum inflammation. The recipe is as follows: pour one tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort with alcohol in the amount of half a liter, close the lid tightly and leave to infuse for a week. You need to take this tincture twice a day, forty drops in half a glass of water for a week.

Lemon juice or plantain juice

Strengthens gums and heals ulcers. They need to lubricate the gums with a soft brush. Don't let it hit lemon juice on tooth enamel, it is quite harmful to it. You can also lubricate your gums with plantain juice; it is much safer for tooth enamel.

Use lemon juice for healthy gums

Gum massage

    Grasp the big one and index fingers gum on both sides. Massage with vertical movements ten times on each place. For this massage, you can use vegetable oil with the addition of finely ground salt.

    A good effect can be obtained with a simple gum massage. Every time you brush your teeth, use the brush to massage your gums for two minutes in a circular motion.

    There is another massage exercise: close your lips and touch the palate with your tongue. Tap your teeth twenty to thirty times. This will strengthen the muscles of your gums and mouth. This exercise can be done three times a day.

In order for your teeth to stop loosening and weak gums to become stronger, you need to eat fresh garlic every day, chewing thoroughly. You can also chew fresh primrose leaves or calamus root to strengthen your gums and get rid of unpleasant odor and inflammation in the mouth.

Take vitamins that help strengthen gums and tooth enamel.

Vitamins needed to strengthen teeth and gums

If you regularly use folk remedies, you can keep your oral cavity healthy. But in addition to this, you also need to eat right. Products that contain: essential minerals and vitamins. In addition, you need to use products that protect the enamel and neutralize the damaging effects of acids.

Vitamins B6, C, D3, A, phosphorus and, of course, calcium are especially important for the health of gums and teeth.

Without vitamin A, normal metabolism is impossible. With a lack of this vitamin, the mucous membranes in the mouth become coarser and secretion decreases. salivary glands, tooth enamel deteriorates. Teeth begin to loosen due to the fact that periodontal tissues receive insufficient nutrition.

Vitamin D is necessary for normal phosphorus and calcium. It promotes absorption by the body from digestive tract of these elements, their correct distribution in the tissues of the gums and teeth.

Eat foods rich in vitamins and calcium

Vitamin C stimulates the regeneration of bone tissue, participates in metabolic and redox processes, improves the condition of capillaries and vascular walls. Our teeth are located in bone cells that withstand a fairly large load when biting and chewing food. They require large amounts of calcium, the absorption of which is also facilitated by vitamin C.

Thanks to vitamin B6, the structure of bones, teeth and gums is maintained. Doctors often prescribe this vitamin for periodontal diseases in the form of intramuscular injections or other medications.

A global catastrophe for teeth is a lack of calcium. The amount of calcium that enters our body with food is not enough, so it must be taken as a dietary supplement or in pure form additionally.

Phosphorus is needed to maintain the integrity of bone tissue and support its growth. It forms salts by interacting with calcium, which strengthen teeth. From food products containing both calcium and phosphorus, calcium will be absorbed better in the body. But excess phosphorus can contribute to leaching, so it is necessary to choose a balanced diet.

Products that strengthen gums and teeth

By eating foods rich in calcium and fluoride, you can strengthen your gums and teeth. Include nuts, fish liver and various dairy products in your diet. To maintain the strength of the enamel, you need to eat solid foods. It could be apples or carrots. But it’s better to avoid sweets.

Many beneficial minerals and vitamins are found in tough vegetables and fruits. Eat cucumbers, beets, carrots, pears and apples. In addition, such fruits massage the gums and protect teeth from tartar and plaque.

Citrus fruits are also very rich in vitamins. They also contain potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals. Eating at least one orange or grapefruit a day will significantly reduce gum bleeding.

Tooth enamel is protected from bacteria by substances such as pectins, antioxidants and coloring pigments. Almost all berries, especially wild ones, contain them in large quantities. Berries such as cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries and other berries that grow in nature protect teeth from caries. Garden berries, such as grapes, raspberries or strawberries, also block the proliferation of microbes in the mouth.

Any fresh herbs will help strengthen not only your gums and teeth, but also your immune system. Parsley and green onions, since their juice whitens teeth and cleanses them of plaque, and also kills all oral bacteria.

In addition, there are many more foods that strengthen teeth and gums, and which should definitely be included in your diet:

    Almonds, hazelnuts, pine and any other nuts;

    Eggs are a source of calcium and vitamin D;

    Due to the high content of microelements in its composition - seafood;

    Honey prevents the occurrence of gum and tooth diseases, and also has pronounced antibacterial properties.

Treatment and prevention of teeth and gums with folk remedies can be carried out regularly for two months with the same break. And you need to eat well all the time, then your teeth and gums will always be healthy and strong.

To maintain dental health, the body must receive a whole range of vitamins and beneficial elements. Proteins, calcium, zinc, iron, antioxidants and fatty acids help strengthen enamel, prevent gum inflammation, and maintain normal microflora in the oral cavity.

Let's list the main elements:

  • calcium – 95% of our teeth are made of calcium. If the amount of the substance in the body decreases, the bone tissue becomes fragile, the gums become inflamed, and the enamel becomes thinner. The result is tooth decay;
  • phosphorus and fluorine are substances responsible for the condition of enamel. The surface of our teeth appears smooth, but in fact the enamel is porous. With a sufficient amount of fluorine and phosphorus, the pores do not expand and the enamel is not destroyed. The lack of these substances will immediately affect the strength of the coating: it will become “loose” and darken;
  • vitamins D, A, C - carotene, ascorbic acid and “sunshine vitamin” strengthen the ligaments of teeth and bone tissue, and provide the body with immunity to infections. In addition, they help in the absorption of calcium and promote normal dental development;
  • omega3 fatty acids are responsible for the condition of the gums, prevent inflammation of soft tissues, and prevent periodontitis and gingivitis.

Today medicine offers vitamin complexes to strengthen teeth and gums: vitamin preparations can be found in any pharmacy. But you shouldn’t hope that tablets and drops will solve all problems: oral health directly depends on nutrition and lifestyle. Next, we will tell you what foods will be healthy and what you should avoid.

Healthy Products

  • Drinks: water, green and black tea

Water – main source fluoride for humans. Clean drinking water prevents the formation of plaque, suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms. The easiest way to clean after eating is to rinse your mouth with water.

Black and green tea, rich in catechin and antioxidants, will help stop bacterial activity, freshen breath and protect gums.

  • Vegetables, fruits and greens

Carrots and apples, cucumbers and beets, parsley, onions, lettuce and dill - these ingredients should be on your menu. All of these products contain a complex of elements necessary for dental health.

Carotene, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, iron - you will get all this with a cup of salad from fresh vegetables and herbs. And don't neglect green onions, it perfectly removes plaque and has an antibacterial effect.

  • Fresh berries

Currants, cranberries, grapes are natural sources of vitamins. Cranberry juice prevents the formation of caries. Doctors use the antibacterial properties of berries to prevent inflammation of the oral mucosa. It is recommended to consume the berries fresh.

  • Citrus

Limes, lemons, oranges and grapefruits contain sodium and iron, potassium and calcium, vitamins B, E, C, PP. The invigorating aroma of citrus fruits is good for teeth and gums: grapefruit, for example, reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases, and lime inhibits the development of caries.

Important! Please note that citrus fruits contain acid that is harmful to enamel. Dentists recommend them as certainly healthy products, but warn about the need to clean the oral cavity after taking them.

  • Seafood

A source of omega3, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, manganese, iodine - what is not an ideal food for dental health? Include fatty fish, shrimp, and seaweed salads in your diet and you will prevent gum disease and ensure strong bone tissue.

  • Dairy and eggs

Dentists recommend regularly consuming cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt - these foods are rich in calcium and potassium. It is worth noting that cottage cheese, as a source of protein, iron and calcium, is indispensable for strengthening bone tissue in people of any age.

Eggs (chicken or quail) are a source of protein and vitamin D and will be a good component in your daily diet.

  • Nuts and honey

ABOUT healing properties More than one treatise has been written by honey. We will simply remind readers about propolis and its benefits for gums. If you consume one teaspoon of natural honey daily, you will minimize the risk of periodontal disease.

Rich in amino acids and vitamins, substances to preserve the integrity of the enamel. Special attention Pay attention to pine nuts: they contain vanadium, which promotes the development of bone tissue.

Harmful products

Let's list the main enemies of a snow-white smile:

  • Sweets and carbonated drinks

Pastries, cakes, sweets, caramels, lemonades - dentists consider these products to be the main pests for the strength of enamel. Quick snack A bar with nuts, muesli and caramel can lead you to the doctor: soft caramel immediately sticks to the enamel, creating an environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. In most cases, caries in the interdental space is caused by eating the “wrong” sweets.

Sweet carbonated drinks are especially dangerous: the PH acid they contain corrodes enamel and destroys teeth.

  • Poppy, sesame, small seeds

Although these products are beneficial for the body as a whole, they may have adverse effects. Poppy seeds will penetrate into the interdental spaces and get stuck there for a long time. If there is caries, then the probability of seeds getting there is very high. If your vegetable salad with sesame or poppy seeds - do not forget to rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating.

  • Dried fruits

In nutrition, these are one of the most valuable sources of vitamins and energy. But dentists remind us of the properties of dried apricots and prunes to penetrate into the smallest spaces between teeth. Therefore, if you take nuts and dried fruits for a snack at the office, take care of a toothbrush or floss.

  • Corn and popcorn

Everyone's favorite boiled young corn is the first enemy of a healthy smile. Soft particles of the product will stick tightly in the spaces between the teeth, causing inflammation and causing caries.

As for popcorn, it will not only damage even the strongest enamel, but will also get rid of your fillings.

Folk remedies

Maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth or relieve minor inflammation of the gums with home remedies - what could be easier?

Teeth whitening products:

  • lemon juice. We have already noted above the benefits of citrus fruits: lemons, limes, oranges. You can often find recommendations for teeth whitening with lemon juice. This is an effective procedure for quick fix dark spots after coffee, tea or tobacco. But we must not forget about the harm citric acid: If you have caries or thin enamel, lemon juice is strictly contraindicated. For healthy teeth, the procedure can be carried out no more than once every 7-10 days, remembering to thoroughly rinse the cavity with clean water;
  • tea tree oil. The oil is applied in a thin layer to the teeth, previously cleaned with paste. After 10-15 minutes you need to rinse your mouth warm water. In addition to a slight brightening effect, tea tree oil also has an antibacterial effect;

Relieving inflammation:

  • herbal infusion. Mix one part each of chamomile, sage and calendula and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Strain and use to rinse morning and evening;
  • medicinal tea. Melissa, St. John's wort, motherwort and valerian root in equal proportions are the basis for healthy tea. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. The healing drink will relieve the first signs of gum inflammation and ensure a restful sleep.

We will not be original in our advice; we will repeat the recommendations of experienced dentists:

  • limit your intake of sweets, replace sugar with honey;
  • eat more fiber, it is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. Chew a carrot or an apple and you will cleanse your teeth of plaque. In addition, eating hard vegetables is good for blood circulation in the mouth: one apple a day and a massage for the gums is guaranteed!
  • do not forget about water balance: clean drinking water is good not only for the skin, but also for the teeth;
  • Clean your mouth after every meal. The ideal solution is to brush your teeth. While in the office or on the go, you can use chewing gum, thread, rinsing water and other means convenient in a particular situation;
  • get rid of bad habits: smoking and strong alcohol are detrimental to enamel and health in general;

The health of teeth and gums is not only beautiful smile, but also feeling great. It is according to them appearance in the old days they could determine how productive a person was. On modern stage it is also an indicator of attractiveness and self-confidence. But teeth and gums perform not only a social and aesthetic function, but also have a very important anatomical significance. For them healthy condition Human nutrition means a lot. What foods are good for your smile, and what should you avoid?

So, teeth are specific bone deposits designed for grinding food. They are also of great importance for the full pronunciation of many sounds. These bone formations are located in the tooth-gingival pockets. The gums are also very important function: they protect teeth from falling out and loosening.

Healthy foods for our gums and teeth

Nutrition is one of the keys to our health. “We are what we eat,” said the famous classic. This is true. To keep your teeth and gums in good condition, you should include the following foods in your diet:

  • Dairy products. They contain large amounts of calcium, and it is a building material for all bone formations in the body.
  • Carrot. This vegetable is a source of carotene, which makes it beneficial for the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums. This substance also helps strengthen tooth enamel. Another function of carrots is training: if eaten raw, they turn into an excellent trainer for the functional elements of the oral cavity. These procedures are quite beneficial for oral health.
  • Fish. It is very important for your teeth to get enough phosphorus.
  • Sea kale. The product contains a lot of iodine, which allows it to have a positive effect on metabolism in the body. It contains many microelements, so it should be present in the diet.
  • Green. It is a natural source of calcium of organic origin.
  • Onion. This vegetable contains a huge amount of phytoncides and vitamin C, so it helps to avoid scurvy and helps strengthen the gums.
  • Apples. These fruits have long been used to massage gums and remove plaque, so they should be a mandatory component healthy eating.
  • Chicory. This healing root not only restores normal metabolism in the body, but also stimulates blood circulation in the oral cavity.
  • Pumpkin. It is used to whiten teeth, helps strengthen them, and contains microelements such as zinc, fluorine, and selenium.

Harmful foods for teeth

Improper nutrition can affect the condition of not only teeth, but also gums. in the best possible way. The following foods should be consumed with caution to maintain the beauty of your smile.

  • Rough food, especially crackers
    Too hard foods should be consumed in moderation, as such food leads to gum injury and damages the enamel.
  • Roasted seeds, peeled and unpeeled
    If seeds are peeled with teeth, this is a guarantee of mechanical damage to the enamel. If you constantly use the product in this way, the enamel may become so damaged that self-healing becomes impossible. In addition, the seeds themselves contain substances that contribute to the fragility of the outer shells of teeth, which is very harmful to their integrity. They are useful, but they need to be included in the diet in limited quantities.
  • Butter baked goods, fast food products
    Those who like to regularly pamper themselves with such nutrition should think about the condition of their teeth and gums. If a person receives only soft and purified food, then there is no full chewing load. As a result, the gum tissue becomes loose and the enamel becomes thinner. After this, teeth may fall out. Also, such processes contribute to the penetration of infections of various origins into bone tissue.
  • Oatmeal, sugar
    As it turned out, not only sugar, but also oatmeal - synonymous with a healthy diet for most - blocks the absorption of calcium.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks
    Of course, lemonade and cola were never part of the proper nutrition. In addition to a huge amount of sugar, they contain a huge amount of harmful chemicals which destroy tooth enamel.
  • Sour berries and juices
    Of course, berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, but at the same time, fruit acids have a destructive effect on enamel. For this reason, your diet should be varied with other fruits.
  • The condition of teeth and gums directly depends on how healthy the human body is as a whole. Experts recommend devoting time to sports, active leisure, strengthening the immune system and positive emotions.
  • Nutrition should be balanced. It should contain the optimal amount of vegetables and fruits (non-acidic varieties) to enrich the body with microelements and vitamins. Also, raw fruits help improve blood circulation in the mouth, cleanse gums and strengthen tooth enamel.
  • In addition to nutrition, other manipulations are also important. For example, finger massage of the gum area is a prevention of periodontal disease.
  • But it can be considered a preventative against dental plaque full-time job Gastrointestinal tract. In order to start the process, you need to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  • Cracks in the enamel can be caused by even the most healthy nutrition uncomfortable temperature. It is best if the food is not too hot or cold. Food should be at room temperature.
  • The main source of fluoride is water. If there is little fluoride in it, then the enamel becomes very weak, and if there is a lot, then the surface of the tooth becomes covered with black dots. You need to include water with an ideal balance of fluoride in your diet.
  • Some adherents healthy image Life and yogis use twigs of pear, oak or cherry instead of a toothbrush to clean their teeth. To do this, one end of the branch is flattened, divided into fibers, and used like a brush.
  • Experts believe that tooth powder is better for dental care than toothpaste. For cleaning, you can also use a mixture of salt and vegetable oil. This mixture doesn't taste good, but it works well.
  • Interestingly, healthy bananas and eggplants can be used not only as part of the diet. The ash from the peel of these fruits is used to clean teeth. This powder effectively whitens their surface.
  • You can strengthen your teeth and stop the development of caries by strengthening your body. To do this, improve nutrition by making the menu balanced and meals regular. Hardening procedures and feasible physical activity help stop caries.

Traditional medicine in the care of teeth and gums

At a time when modern dental treatments did not yet exist, teeth were strengthened using available methods. To do this, the following elements were included in the diet:

Stewed fish

It is an excellent source of phosphorus and iodine.

Chicory decoction with added milk

This is a good remedy for restoring tooth enamel. You can also add condensed milk with chicory to your diet. You need to eat a few tablespoons of it every day for at least 7 days.

Propolis tincture with calamus

Based on propolis, many medications have been developed for the treatment of periodontal diseases. If propolis tincture is combined with calamus, it can be used for rinsing (you need to add a few drops to the water). This is an excellent remedy for strengthening teeth and gums.


It is pre-ground to a powder. It contains a lot of calcium. In order for it to be absorbed, you need not only to add such powder to your diet, but also to take healthy sunbathing and consume fish oil.