Tooth enamel: structure, color, damage, strengthening, whitening. Structure, composition and functions of tooth enamel Bacteria living in the mouth destroy tooth enamel

OPTION 5 Unified State Exam 2015

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, a word, a phrase or sequence of words, numbers . Write the answer in the answer field in the body of the work, and then transfer

in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3.

(1) The enamel on the surface of the tooth is the most durable material created by the human body. (2)But<...>Teeth may become damaged because invisible, small bacteria that live in the mouth break down food particles stuck in the spaces between teeth, producing acids that attack tooth enamel. (3) Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the oral cavity.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveysHOME information contained in the text?

1) Bacteria living in the mouth destroy tooth enamel, despite its strength, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the oral cavity.

2) Human teeth can become damaged over time because invisible small bacteria living in the mouth form acids that destroy tooth enamel.

3) It is necessary to maintain oral hygiene so that bacteria living in the mouth do not destroy tooth enamel.

4) Cavities can form in your teeth, so you need to brush your teeth every day.

5) Tooth enamel is the most durable material created by the human body, and invisible small bacteria are not able to destroy it.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

therefore thanks to this, despite this, because of this but


3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word FOLLOW. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TRACK , watching, following;unsov., behind someone and (obsolete) what.

1) Watch, observe.S. for the flight of birds. C. movements of stars.

2) Observe, delving into the development of something, the course of something.S. for the successes of science. S. for someone's thought. S. for literature. Tracking systems (automatic control systems; special).

3) Observing, caring.S. for the children. S. take care of yourself (take care of your appearance or health).

4) Observe someone's. actions in order to collect some. information, expose, catch.S. for a trespasser.


4. One of the words below contains an error in stress placement:WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.

driver airports starting narwhal expert


5. In one of the sentences belowWRONG The highlighted word is used.Correct the error and write the word correctly.

The architect developed EFFECTIVE, colorful illustrative materials, thanks to which the presentation of the new project was successful.

Behind the first workshop there were FACTORY warehouses.

The adopted law is intended to PROTECT Russians from dubious medicines that have not passed verification tests in the prescribed manner.

Before installing a new OIL filter, you should lubricate its rubber sealing gasket with oil and pour a little oil into its cavity.

Before creating an ARTIFICIAL pond in your garden plot, you need to assess the capabilities of the territory.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the error and write the word correctly.




7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Linguistics not only does not lose the originality of its methods, but also generously shares them with related sciences.

B) The reference book “Dictionary of Russian Art” contains beautiful reproductions of icons.

C) Some students of preparatory courses attend film lectures interested in gaining knowledge.

D) By breaking the rules of behavior, your friends will be ashamed of you.

D) Everyone who studied the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, knows many of his poems.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter

b..garage of..glazed..drizzle of water..if they lock up..lock up


9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

ra..reap, nor..fall on..say, oh..bor pr..handed, pr..neglect

with..glasie, pos..yesterday be in time,


10. E .


11. Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the gapAND .


12. Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the wordFULL . Open the brackets and write down this word.

It occurred to Bim: “Will the owner pass between the houses?”

Bustards walk in the dry, (UN)TOUCHED by the plowman steppe.

(NOT)SEEING the mayor for several days in a row, the citizens became agitated.

During the off-road season, I had to drive along a (NOT) LARGE but broken country road.

This person has chosen a profession that is (NOT) SUITABLE for him, so he is experiencing great difficulties.


13. Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are writtenFULL . Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Mandelstam composed his poems intuitively, (IN)DIFFERENCE from many other poets, just as a composer composes music.

For Bunin, and ALSO for many others, THROUGHOUT his entire life, Tolstoy remained the creator of absolute values ​​in the field of artistic creativity.

Lermontov, (NOT) DESPITE his painful doubts, firmly believes in fate, SO (THAT) life for him is not aimless wandering through the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bevery vanity.

Young Tchaikovsky made significant progress in piano technique, (SO) THAT (IN) SUBSEQUENTLY, at the conservatory, he was exempt from piano lessons.

“(AND) SO, Shishkin was and (FOR) ALWAYS remained an unsurpassed connoisseur of wood, an artist who had no rivals in depicting a coniferous forest,” the guide concluded his lecture.


14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place it is writtenNN .

The house stood somewhat away from the forest: its walls here and there were refurbished with fresh timber, the wooden window frames were painted with whitewash, a small porch on the side, decorated with carvings, still smelled of resin. .


15. Place punctuation marks . Indicate the numbers of the proposals in which you need to putONE comma.

1) Unsystematic procurement of medicinal plants can lead to a decrease in their stocks in collection areas.

2) From the road you could only see the dark-painted roof and the old poplar.

3) Both the green colors of the forest and the color of the water surface in lakes and rivers are constantly changing.

4) Polar explorers discovered islands and archipelagos in the Arctic and put them on the map.

5) This summer, luck smiled on the professor and after grueling excavations in Crimea, he discovered the remains of an ancient man.


16. Place punctuation marks:

Having adopted from the Etruscans and Greeks (1) a rationally organized (2) city layout (3), the Romans improved it (4) by implementing it in larger cities.


17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The vegetation in the yard became more crowded from everywhere, the house became (1) as if (2) smaller.

The owner (3) apparently (4) was waiting for guests: the doors and windows in all the rooms were open.


18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

In the meantime, the commander called Kashtanov (1) platoon (2) whose (3) was going tomorrow to cut wood (4) to prepare fuel.


19. Place punctuation marks : indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

There were several letters in the mailbox (1) and (2) if not for the commander’s strict prohibition (3), it is unlikely that anyone from the detachment would have resisted the temptation to immediately check (4) if there was any news from home.


Read the text and complete tasks 20 – 25.

(1) She was surprised that I arrived in Moscow at an inopportune time, in the midst of summer. (2) I told her that I ran away from the village because of the excellent weather.

(3) How is this possible? – she was surprised. – (4) They usually run away from rain and bad weather.

(5) I wanted to tell her in order about the river, fields and meadows... (6) But there was no order in my soul, disturbed by love. (7) Valeria listened to me dreamily and unexpectedly suggested:

Why don’t I go and look at all these delights of nature?

(8) I could not come to my senses from such a rapid implementation of the fairy tale. (9) Valeria is coming to our place! (10) I had not yet had time to recover from the overwhelming happiness, and the long-distance bus was taking us farther and farther from Moscow.

(11) You know,” she said, sitting more comfortably in the bus seat, “I’m a swimmer. (12) I really like swimming. (13) I'm sailing out to sea for three to four hours. (14) How long does it take to cross your river? (15) Half an hour or forty minutes?..

(16) You see, Valeria, you probably have the wrong idea. (17) In our village there is a small river, and not one that takes half an hour to swim across, or at least there and back.

(18) Now I thought with horror how I would bring Valeria to our river for the first time. (19) Ten meters from shore to shore... (20) I felt that a catastrophe was approaching me. (21) But you should still like the water lilies. (22) On the river there are large thickets of water lilies, yellow round dances ten to twenty meters in length and width.

(23) I mentioned water lilies in passing, waiting for Valeria’s enthusiastic attitude towards them. (24) She perked up and began to remember, but not about yellow water lilies, but about white lilies.

(25) You know, once I was sailing on a boat along the old bed of some river. (26) We sailed to such a place that it was impossible to swim further except on a carpet of white fragrant lilies. (27) And this tale lasted half an hour, maybe an hour...

(28) So my jug dances faded, went out like tremulous lights. (29) From a happy person that Valeria was going to our village, I suddenly turned into an unhappy person for the same reason.

(30) In upset feelings, I helped Valeria decide on the apartment of the old woman, Aunt Daria, and I quickly went home. (31) I wanted to be left alone. (32) When we parted, I said that I was not feeling well. (33) We'll see you tomorrow. (34) Valeria looked at me and said nothing: tomorrow is tomorrow.

(35) I sat at home all day, and in the evening I couldn’t stand it, I wandered to my favorite steep. (36) Suddenly it seemed to me that someone was coming. (37) I instantly jumped up and saw Valeria.

(38) Well, I knew that you were right here. (39) How is your health? (40) And I had a wonderful day. (41) Early in the morning I went swimming. (42) You know, where the river turns, and on the mountain there is a pine forest. (43) Not a single sea swim has brought me so much freshness. (44) Then she went across the river into the meadows and picked a huge bouquet of wildflowers. (45) I saw how wild poppies bloom in Central Asia. (46) But I never imagined such a variety of colors, such delicate shades.

(47) She sat down next to me. (48) Gradually I began to worry about a seemingly familiar, not strong, but fresh smell. (49) I noticed: hidden in her heavy hair was a golden water lily flower. (50) After a long silence, Valeria spoke.

(51) Eccentric. (52) Why were you afraid? (53) Is it possible not to be enchanted by such a night, such silence among the grass and stars? (54) And if he doesn’t charm, then it’s the man himself who is to blame. (55) Eccentric. (56) I doubted the power of nature. (57) Do you need an endless ocean and tons of flowers? (58) No, when there are tons of flowers, then they are no longer flowers, but silage. (59) What if there is one flower? (60) What if there is only one blade of grass? (61) So, is she no longer beautiful? (62) As you can see, out of a whole river, in fact, the whole world, we needed one single water lily.

(According to V. Soloukhin*)

* Vladimir Aleksevich Soloukhin (1924-1997) - Russian Soviet writer and poet, public figure.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) By the way the water lilies open, you can determine what the weather will be like.

2) Valeria, an acquaintance of the hero-narrator, loved to swim in the sea, sailed along the bed of the old river in a boat.

3) The narrator’s feelings remained incomprehensible to Valeria.

4) The narrator doubted that Valeria would like his favorite places, since the nature in his village was not distinguished by exotic beauty.

5) Valeria subtly felt the beauty of the surrounding nature, the charm of discreet flowers, pine forests, and a transparent, cozy river.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 3-4 present the reasoning.

2) Sentence 9 contains an indication of the reason for what is said in sentence 8.

3) Sentences 18, 20 contain a description of the human condition.

4) Sentences 25-26 contain reasoning.

5) Sentences 59-62 present the narrative.


22. From sentences 11-17, write down antonyms (antonymous pair).


23. Among sentences 23-27, find one that is connected to the previous one using a personal pronoun and lexical repetition. Write the number of this offer.


Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “Wanting to show the native places of his friend Valeria, the narrator character wants to understand how she will perceive them. His excitement is expressed, among other things, in such a form of speech as (A)__________ (sentences 11-17, 25-27, 38-46). The confusion in the hero’s soul helps express the trope - (B)__________ (“So my jug dances faded, went out” in sentence 28). However, the hero’s despair gives way to joy when he hears Valeria’s words. The way she perceives the nature of the narrator’s native places helps convey the following techniques: (B) __________ (sentences 57-58), (D) __________ (“such a night, such silence” in sentence 53).”

List of terms:

1) question-and-answer form of presentation

2) metaphor

3) quoting

4) lexical repetition

5) parcellation

6) dialogue

7) exclamatory sentence

8) series of homogeneous members of a sentence

9) comparison



Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.


OPTION 5 Unified State Exam 2015

to the tasks of part 1




Approximate range of problems

I study biology and chemistry at Five Plus in Gulnur Gataulovna’s group. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject and find an approach to the student. He adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives homework that is realistic in scope (and not, as most teachers do during the Unified State Exam, ten paragraphs at home, and one in the class). . We study strictly for the Unified State Exam and this is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects that she teaches and always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. I highly recommend it!


I am preparing for mathematics (with Daniil Leonidovich) and Russian language (with Zarema Kurbanovna) at Five Plus. Very pleased! The quality of classes is at a high level; the school now receives only A's and B's in these subjects. I wrote the test exams as a 5, I’m sure I’ll pass the OGE with flying colors. Thank you!


I was preparing for the Unified State Exam in history and social studies with Vitaly Sergeevich. He is an extremely responsible teacher in relation to his work. Punctual, polite, pleasant to talk to. It is clear that the man lives for his work. He is well versed in teenage psychology and has a clear training method. Thank you "Five Plus" for your work!


I passed the Unified State Exam in Russian with 92 points, mathematics with 83, social studies with 85, I think this is an excellent result, I entered the university on a budget! Thank you "Five Plus"! Your teachers are true professionals, with them high results are guaranteed, I am very glad that I turned to you!


David Borisovich is a wonderful teacher! In his group I prepared for the Unified State Exam in mathematics at a specialized level and passed with 85 points! although my knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very good. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the Unified State Exam, he himself is on the commission for checking examination papers. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thanks to Five Plus for this opportunity!


"A+" is an excellent test preparation center. Professionals work here, a cozy atmosphere, friendly staff. I studied English and social studies with Valentina Viktorovna, passed both subjects with a good score, happy with the result, thank you!


At the “Five with Plus” center I studied two subjects at once: mathematics with Artem Maratovich and literature with Elvira Ravilyevna. I really liked the classes, clear methodology, accessible form, comfortable environment. I am very pleased with the result: mathematics - 88 points, literature - 83! Thank you! I will recommend your educational center to everyone!


When I was choosing tutors, I was attracted to the Five Plus center by good teachers, a convenient class schedule, the availability of free trial exams, and my parents - affordable prices for high quality. In the end, our whole family was very pleased. I studied three subjects at once: mathematics, social studies, English. Now I am a student at KFU on a budget basis, and all thanks to good preparation, I passed the Unified State Exam with high scores. Thank you!


I very carefully selected a social studies tutor; I wanted to pass the exam with the maximum score. “A+” helped me in this matter, I studied in Vitaly Sergeevich’s group, the classes were super, everything was clear, everything was clear, at the same time fun and relaxed. Vitaly Sergeevich presented the material in such a way that it was memorable by itself. I am very pleased with the preparation!

Tooth enamel is the hardest and most durable surface layer of the tooth. Its function is to protect its tissues from chemical or physical influences.

It consists almost entirely of mineral substances (97%), in particular, hydroxyapatite (most of it), apatite carbonate, chlorapatite, fluorine apatite, magnesium carbonate. A considerable amount belongs to calcium (35%) and phosphorus (17%). The percentage composition of minerals in enamel may vary depending on a person’s nutrition, lifestyle, age, and environmental conditions.

When tooth enamel is damaged, it inevitably leads to tooth decay and destruction of the deeper tooth tissues.

Is tooth enamel restored? If we talk about the ability of enamel to self-heal, this does not happen, no matter how much we would like. We can only restore it artificially, using various dental techniques. And I will tell you exactly how tooth enamel restoration (regeneration) is carried out using artificial methods on www..

Factors that destroy enamel

There can be many reasons that destroy tooth enamel. This can be either external mechanical damage or destruction from the inside: a lack of minerals occurs in the enamel due to their leaching (demineralization occurs). The rapid loss of essential elements and their insufficient supply from food leads to the destruction of the protective enamel shell.

This, as a rule, is facilitated by insufficient or excessively hard toothbrushes, a love of sour or sweet foods, poor condition of the stomach and intestines, metabolic disorders, etc. There is evidence that frequent consumption of citrus juice during the day can lead to the “dissolution” of enamel . In this regard, the use of many modern tonic drinks is also not harmless.

What does modern dentistry offer to restore tooth enamel?

Methods for restoring tooth enamel

Dentists offer us two methods. Firstly, we can restore the missing ions of calcium, fluorine and other components in the structure of the outer layer of teeth. Secondly, use artificial materials.

In the first case, enamel fluoridation agents are used topically: fluoride-containing liquids, gels, varnishes. They strengthen tooth enamel, make it more resistant to adverse factors and suppress the activity of bacteria.

To achieve this, dental applications are widely used: a gel (liquid) containing fluoride and other necessary substances is placed in a ready-made mouthguard (or an individually made impression), then it is put on the teeth. With prolonged contact of the medicinal substance with the surface of the teeth (it is usually recommended to use it overnight), enamel regeneration occurs: ions of fluoride, calcium, etc. naturally fill empty spaces in its crystal lattices.

Instead of application, you can use a special varnish with the same effect. It is applied with a brush to the surface of the teeth.

In the second case, a special substance is used to restore tooth enamel - amorphous calcium phosphate. After treating damaged enamel, a reaction occurs in which calcium phosphate is converted into solid apatite, very similar in structure to tooth enamel. As a result, the local defect is eliminated, the sensitivity of the teeth is reduced, and their surface becomes denser and smoother. From a cosmetic point of view, teeth become more beautiful.

Enamel implantation

It is worth mentioning one new method of regenerating the surface of teeth - enamel implantation. It is used to restore large damaged areas of enamel or to achieve a cosmetic effect.

Using this method, the bite is corrected, the shape and color of teeth are changed, and especially sensitive teeth are protected. A specialist applies a special composition to the teeth, very similar to tooth enamel.

The implant connects with dental tissue at the molecular level. Therefore, artificial tooth enamel is able to perform the protective functions of natural enamel for a long time.

Self-restoration of tooth enamel

From all that has been said, we can understand that we can only partially restore tooth enamel on our own by adhering to the first method. Namely: you need to try to compensate for the deficiency of minerals and trace elements important for teeth. This is more effective at the initial stage of enamel destruction, as well as for prevention.

For this purpose, toothpastes with increased fluoride content and other medicinal additives are used. While brushing your teeth, you need to hold the paste in your mouth for a few minutes so that the process of nourishing the tissues of your teeth and gums is more effective.

Undoubtedly, nutrition plays a big role: you need to increase the amount of foods in your diet that contain more calcium and vitamin D, which helps its better absorption. Consume dairy products rich in calcium (cheese, yogurt, milk); Among plant products, white cabbage, broccoli, and Peking cabbage are preferable. Fortified foods (for example, juices), dishes using dry cereals (muesli) and soy are also useful.

Option No. 2147187

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Bacteria living in the mouth destroy tooth enamel, despite its strength, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the oral cavity.

2) Human teeth can become damaged over time because invisible small bacteria living in the mouth form acids that destroy tooth enamel.

3) It is necessary to maintain oral hygiene so that bacteria living in the mouth do not destroy tooth enamel.

4) Cavities can form in your teeth, so you need to brush your teeth every day.

5) Tooth enamel is the most durable material created by the human body, and invisible small bacteria are not able to destroy it.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Thanks to this

Despite this

Because of this


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word FOLLOW. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TRACK, watching, following; unsov., for whom and (obsolete) what.

1) Watch, observe. S. for the flight of birds. C. movements of stars.

2) Observe, delving into the development of something, the course of something. S. for the successes of science. S. for someone's thought. S. for literature. Tracking systems(automatic control systems; special).

3) Observing, caring. S. for the children. S. behind you(take care of your appearance or health).

4) Observe someone's. actions in order to collect some. information, expose, catch. S. for a trespasser.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.







One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

A participant in a business or tourist trip to the United States must submit a package of relevant documents to obtain a visa.

Calcium deficiency in the body will be helped, first of all, by products such as milk, cottage cheese, and cheese.

Participation in team games and other interesting sporting events gives us a VIVIDizing boost of energy.

When rolling out the dough, you must periodically shake off excess flour from the rolling pin.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


WAVE to those leaving

sing even louder


THEIR concerns


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

C) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) violation in the construction of a complex sentence

D) an error in the use of a numeral

1) Subsequently, he could not even explain to himself what made him rush across the horses.

2) For school, my parents bought two pairs of trousers and a couple of shirts, which I outgrew in just two months.

3) Under the light blow of the sultry wind, the sea trembled and smiled at the blue sky with thousands of silver smiles.

4) And Baba Yaga said that “I haven’t heard the Russian spirit for a long time, and then you came to me yourself.”

5) Everyone seemed to be waiting to see if he would sing again.

6) The expression “black sheep” has long become a metaphor, which means a sharp difference between a person and those around him.

7) The group of students sent for field practice includes forty-one people.

8) If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, then there is no need to be sad about them.

9) The bus has high steps and low dynamic performance.



Among sentences 25-30, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun and contextual synonyms. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) In the outskirts of our village there was a long room made of boards on stilts. (2) For the first time in my life I heard music here - a violin. (3) Vasya the Pole played it. (4) What did the music tell me? (5) About something very big. (6) What was she complaining about, who was she angry with? (7) I feel anxious and bitter. (8) I want to cry because I feel sorry for myself, I feel sorry for those who sleep soundly in the cemetery!

(9) Vasya, without ceasing to play, said: “(10) This music was written by a man who was deprived of the most precious thing. (11) If a person has no mother, no father, but has a homeland, he is not yet an orphan. (12) Everything passes: love, regret about it, the bitterness of loss, even the pain from wounds - but the longing for the homeland never goes away and does not go away. (13) This music was written by my fellow countryman Oginsky. (14) I wrote at the border, saying goodbye to my homeland. (15) He sent her his last greetings. (16) The composer has long been gone from the world, but his pain, his melancholy, his love for his native land, which no one can take away, is still alive.”

(17) “Thank you, uncle,” I whispered. (18) “For what, boy?” - (19) “But the fact is that I’m not an orphan.” (20) With ecstatic tears I thanked Vasya, this night world, the sleeping village, and also the sleeping forest behind it. (21) At those moments there was no evil for me. (22) The world was kind and lonely just like me. (23) Music sounded within me about the ineradicable love for the homeland! (24) The Yenisei, which does not sleep even at night, the silent village behind my back, the grasshopper working with its last strength against the autumn in the nettles, casting metal - this was my homeland.

(25)...Many years have passed. (26) And then one day at the end of the war I stood near the cannons in a destroyed Polish city. (27) There was a smell of burning and dust all around. (28) And suddenly, in the house located across the street from me, the sounds of an organ were heard. (29) This music stirred up the memories. (Z0) Once I wanted to die from incomprehensible sadness and delight after I listened to Oginsky’s polonaise. (31) But now the same music that I listened to as a child has been refracted in me and turned to stone, especially that part of it that once made me cry. (32) The music, just like on that distant night, grabbed the throat, but did not squeeze out tears, did not sprout pity. (ZZ) She called somewhere, forced them to do something so that these fires would go out, so that people would not huddle in burning ruins, so that the sky would not throw up explosions. (34) Music ruled over the city, numb with grief, the same music that, like the sigh of his land, was kept in the heart of a man who had never seen his homeland and had been yearning for it all his life.

(According to V. Astafiev*)

* Viktor Petrovich Astafiev(1924-2001), outstanding Russian prose writer. The most important themes of creativity are military and rural.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lvova - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pages.

Option 6.

(25)...Many years have passed. (26) And then one day at the end of the war I stood near the cannons in a destroyed Polish city. (27) There was a smell of burning and dust all around. (28) And suddenly, in the house located across the street from me, the sounds of an organ were heard. (29) This music stirred up the memories. (Z0) Once I wanted to die from incomprehensible sadness and delight after I listened to Oginsky’s polonaise. (30) But now the same music that I listened to as a child has been refracted in me and turned to stone, especially that part of it that once made me cry.


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

select..pick up, ex..image;

pr..gain, pr..bright; cherish, care for;

up..sloping, inter..grove;, subjective..


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.



sawing... cutting



Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.

getting stronger



Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The sun, still (in)visible to the eye, spread a transparent fan of sun rays across the sky.

And there is no one to complain to!

We wander along paths where the grass is (not) cut.

(There is) no one to ask when you yourself are to blame.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(IN) an EMPTY bottle they put a note, (ON) they sealed the neck tightly and threw it into the sea.

(B) Following his brother, Misha moved to live in the village and (NEVER) regretted it.

(NO) ANYONE recognized familiar places - the village had changed so much (IN) AS A RESULT of the flood.

We (SO) went to the airport to meet the delegation.

(C) AT THE BEGINNING the tourists did not find their way, but later EVERYONE got their bearings.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

On the one hand, the talented serfs of Count Sheremetyev were recognized (1) artists, musicians, painters, and on the other hand, they were powerless and unfree people living in a certain (2) personal constraint (3).


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma

1) In the hallway, the doctors are talking in Latin and this makes their conversation even more mysterious.

2) The golden-light west cleared and opened its arms to tired travelers.

3) Life itself dictates the plot, composition and colors to the artist.

4) She was a classy lady at the Institute for Noble Maidens for sixteen years and enjoyed exceptional respect from all her superiors.

5) There were no more instructions and Misha pushed the door to the room.


In Crimea, Vasiliev spent a long time admiring the mountains (1) reaching towards the sun (2) and (3) trees shrouded in pink haze.


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

“Nanny can’t sleep: it’s so stuffy here!

Open the window and sit with me.” -

“What (2) Tanya (3) what’s wrong with you?” - "I'm bored,

Let's talk about antiquity." -

“What (4) Tanya is talking about? I(5) happened(6)

I kept quite a bit in my memory

Ancient tales, fables

About evil spirits and maidens;

And now everything is dark to me (7) Tanya:

What I knew, I forgot. Yes,

A bad turn has come!

It's crazy..." - "Tell me (8) nanny (9)

About your old years:

Were you (10) in love then?” -

(Alexander Pushkin)


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Lecithin is a substance (1) deficiency (2) of which (3) leads to increased fatigue and memory impairment.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

And the mother kept telling and talking about her happiness (1) and (2) although her words were the most ordinary (3) Veronica’s heart suddenly ached sweetly (4) as if it too responded to unexpected happiness.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Boris was transferred to the Semenovsky Guard Regiment as an ensign.

2) Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya was her own person in the Rostov family.

3) The count pronounced the words of invitation to dinner with the same expression for everyone.

4) All the guests were waiting for Boris’s arrival.

5) There were no young people at the name day.

(According to L. Tolstoy*)


Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 6–8 present the reasoning.

2) Sentences 18–20 describe the character’s repeated actions.

3) Sentences 9–10 include description.

4) Sentences 1–5 contain a narrative.

5) Proposition 21 presents only reasoning.

(1) Prince Vasily fulfilled the promise made at the evening at Anna Pavlovna’s to Princess Drubetskaya, who asked him about her only son Boris. (2) He was reported to the sovereign, and, unlike others, he was transferred to the Semenovsky Guard Regiment as an ensign. (3) But Boris was never appointed as an adjutant or under Kutuzov, despite all the efforts and machinations of Anna Mikhailovna. (4) Soon after Anna Pavlovna’s evening, Anna Mikhailovna returned to Moscow, straight to her rich relatives Rostov, with whom she stayed in Moscow and with whom her beloved Borenka, who had just been promoted to the army and was immediately transferred to guards ensigns. (5) The Guard had already left St. Petersburg on August 10, and the son, who remained in Moscow for uniforms, was supposed to catch up with it on the road to Radzivilov.

(6) The Rostovs had a birthday girl, Natalya, a mother and a younger daughter. (7) In the morning, without ceasing, trains drove up and drove off, bringing congratulators to the large, well-known house of Countess Rostova on Povarskaya throughout Moscow. (8) The countess with her beautiful eldest daughter and guests, who never ceased replacing one another, were sitting in the living room.

(9) The Countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by children, of whom she had twelve. (10) The slowness of her movements and speech, resulting from weakness of strength, gave her a significant appearance that inspired respect. (11) Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, like a family person, sat right there, helping in receiving and engaging in conversation with the guests. (12) The youth were in the back rooms, not finding it necessary to participate in receiving visits. (13) The count met and saw off the guests, inviting everyone to dinner.

(14) “I am very, very grateful to you, ma chère or mon cher [my dear or my dear] (ma chère or mon cher he said to everyone without exception, without the slightest nuance, both above and below him to the people standing) for himself and for dear birthday girls. (15) Look, come to dinner. (16) You will offend me, mon cher. (17) I sincerely ask you on behalf of the whole family, ma chère.” (18) He spoke these words with the same expression on his full, cheerful and clean-shaven face and with the same strong handshake and repeated short bows to everyone, without exception or change. (19) Having seen off one guest, the count returned to whoever was still in the living room. (20) Drawing up his chairs and with the air of a man who loves and knows how to live, with his legs gallantly spread and his hands on his knees, he swayed significantly, offered guesses about the weather, consulted about health, sometimes in Russian, sometimes in very bad, but self-confident French. , and again, with the air of a tired but firm man in fulfilling his duties, he went to see him off, straightening the sparse gray hair on his bald head, and again called for dinner.

(21) Sometimes, returning from the hallway, he went through the flower and waiter room into a large marble hall, where a table for eighty couverts was being set, and, looking at the waiters wearing silver and porcelain, arranging tables and unrolling damask tablecloths, he called Dmitry Vasilyevich to him , a nobleman who took care of all his affairs, and said: “Well, well, Mitenka, make sure everything goes well. “Yes, yes,” he said, looking around with pleasure at the huge spread-out table. - The main thing is serving. That's it...” (22) And he left, sighing complacently, back into the living room.

(According to L. Tolstoy*)

*Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828–1910) – great Russian writer.


From sentence 14, write down the antonyms.

(1) Prince Vasily fulfilled the promise made at the evening at Anna Pavlovna’s to Princess Drubetskaya, who asked him about her only son Boris. (2) He was reported to the sovereign, and, unlike others, he was transferred to the Semenovsky Guard Regiment as an ensign. (3) But Boris was never appointed as an adjutant or under Kutuzov, despite all the efforts and machinations of Anna Mikhailovna. (4) Soon after Anna Pavlovna’s evening, Anna Mikhailovna returned to Moscow, straight to her rich relatives Rostov, with whom she stayed in Moscow and with whom her beloved Borenka, who had just been promoted to the army and was immediately transferred to guards ensigns. (5) The Guard had already left St. Petersburg on August 10, and the son, who remained in Moscow for uniforms, was supposed to catch up with it on the road to Radzivilov.

(6) The Rostovs had a birthday girl, Natalya, a mother and a younger daughter. (7) In the morning, without ceasing, trains drove up and drove off, bringing congratulators to the large, well-known house of Countess Rostova on Povarskaya throughout Moscow. (8) The countess with her beautiful eldest daughter and guests, who never ceased replacing one another, were sitting in the living room.

(9) The Countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by children, of whom she had twelve. (10) The slowness of her movements and speech, resulting from weakness of strength, gave her a significant appearance that inspired respect. (11) Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, like a family person, sat right there, helping in receiving and engaging in conversation with the guests. (12) The youth were in the back rooms, not finding it necessary to participate in receiving visits. (13) The count met and saw off the guests, inviting everyone to dinner.

(14) “I am very, very grateful to you, ma chère or mon cher [my dear or my dear] (ma chère or mon cher he said to everyone without exception, without the slightest nuance, both above and below him to the people standing) for himself and for dear birthday girls. (15) Look, come to dinner. (16) You will offend me, mon cher. (17) I sincerely ask you on behalf of the whole family, ma chère.” (18) He spoke these words with the same expression on his full, cheerful and clean-shaven face and with the same strong handshake and repeated short bows to everyone, without exception or change. (19) Having seen off one guest, the count returned to whoever was still in the living room. (20) Drawing up his chairs and with the air of a man who loves and knows how to live, with his legs gallantly spread and his hands on his knees, he swayed significantly, offered guesses about the weather, consulted about health, sometimes in Russian, sometimes in very bad, but self-confident French. , and again, with the air of a tired but firm man in fulfilling his duties, he went to see him off, straightening the sparse gray hair on his bald head, and again called for dinner.

(21) Sometimes, returning from the hallway, he went through the flower and waiter room into a large marble hall, where a table for eighty couverts was being set, and, looking at the waiters wearing silver and porcelain, arranging tables and unrolling damask tablecloths, he called Dmitry Vasilyevich to him , a nobleman who took care of all his affairs, and said: “Well, well, Mitenka, make sure everything goes well. “Yes, yes,” he said, looking around with pleasure at the huge spread-out table. - The main thing is serving. That's it...” (22) And he left, sighing complacently, back into the living room.

(According to L. Tolstoy*)

*Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828–1910) – great Russian writer.

(1) Prince Vasily fulfilled the promise made at the evening at Anna Pavlovna’s to Princess Drubetskaya, who asked him about her only son Boris.


Among sentences 6–13, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using personal and possessive pronouns. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) Prince Vasily fulfilled the promise made at the evening at Anna Pavlovna’s to Princess Drubetskaya, who asked him about her only son Boris. (2) He was reported to the sovereign, and, unlike others, he was transferred to the Semenovsky Guard Regiment as an ensign. (3) But Boris was never appointed as an adjutant or under Kutuzov, despite all the efforts and machinations of Anna Mikhailovna. (4) Soon after Anna Pavlovna’s evening, Anna Mikhailovna returned to Moscow, straight to her rich relatives Rostov, with whom she stayed in Moscow and with whom her beloved Borenka, who had just been promoted to the army and was immediately transferred to guards ensigns. (5) The Guard had already left St. Petersburg on August 10, and the son, who remained in Moscow for uniforms, was supposed to catch up with it on the road to Radzivilov.

(6) The Rostovs had a birthday girl, Natalya, a mother and a younger daughter. (7) In the morning, without ceasing, trains drove up and drove off, bringing congratulators to the large, well-known house of Countess Rostova on Povarskaya throughout Moscow. (8) The countess with her beautiful eldest daughter and guests, who never ceased replacing one another, were sitting in the living room.

(9) The Countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by children, of whom she had twelve. (10) The slowness of her movements and speech, resulting from weakness of strength, gave her a significant appearance that inspired respect. (11) Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, like a family person, sat right there, helping in receiving and engaging in conversation with the guests. (12) The youth were in the back rooms, not finding it necessary to participate in receiving visits. (13) The count met and saw off the guests, inviting everyone to dinner.

(14) “I am very, very grateful to you, ma chère or mon cher [my dear or my dear] (ma chère or mon cher he said to everyone without exception, without the slightest nuance, both above and below him to the people standing) for himself and for dear birthday girls. (15) Look, come to dinner. (16) You will offend me, mon cher. (17) I sincerely ask you on behalf of the whole family, ma chère.” (18) He spoke these words with the same expression on his full, cheerful and clean-shaven face and with the same strong handshake and repeated short bows to everyone, without exception or change. (19) Having seen off one guest, the count returned to whoever was still in the living room. (20) Drawing up his chairs and with the air of a man who loves and knows how to live, with his legs gallantly spread and his hands on his knees, he swayed significantly, offered guesses about the weather, consulted about health, sometimes in Russian, sometimes in very bad, but self-confident French. , and again, with the air of a tired but firm man in fulfilling his duties, he went to see him off, straightening the sparse gray hair on his bald head, and again called for dinner.

(21) Sometimes, returning from the hallway, he went through the flower and waiter room into a large marble hall, where a table for eighty couverts was being set, and, looking at the waiters wearing silver and porcelain, arranging tables and unrolling damask tablecloths, he called Dmitry Vasilyevich to him , a nobleman who took care of all his affairs, and said: “Well, well, Mitenka, make sure everything goes well. “Yes, yes,” he said, looking around with pleasure at the huge spread-out table. - The main thing is serving. That's it...” (22) And he left, sighing complacently, back into the living room.

(According to L. Tolstoy*)

*Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828–1910) – great Russian writer.

(6) The Rostovs had a birthday girl, Natalya, a mother and a younger daughter. (7) In the morning, without ceasing, trains drove up and drove off, bringing congratulators to the large, well-known house of Countess Rostova on Povarskaya throughout Moscow. (8) The countess with her beautiful eldest daughter and guests, who never ceased replacing one another, were sitting in the living room.

(9) The Countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by children, of whom she had twelve. (10) The slowness of her movements and speech, resulting from weakness of strength, gave her a significant appearance that inspired respect. (11) Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, like a family person, sat right there, helping in receiving and engaging in conversation with the guests. (12) The youth were in the back rooms, not finding it necessary to participate in receiving visits. (13) The count met and saw off the guests, inviting everyone to dinner.


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

In this fragment from the famous book, L. Tolstoy introduces us to a family that will play a very important role in the further narrative. For a detailed story about how members of the Rostov family and their guests look and behave, Tolstoy uses (A)_____ in almost every sentence, which become syntactic means of expressiveness (for example, in sentences 9 - 13), as well as (B)_____ , necessary to describe the repeated actions of the head of the family and servants, preoccupied with receiving guests and preparing for the feast (sentences 20 - 21). The speech of the owner of the house is characterized by affectionate (B)_____ in Russian and French. The mentioned and acting characters are characterized with the help of (G)_____, sometimes ironic (“adored Borenka”, sentence 4), sometimes affectionately mocking (“full cheerful face” - in sentence 18, “very bad, but self-confident French” in sentence 20).

List of terms:

1. rows of homogeneous members

2. metaphor

3. hyperbole

4. professional vocabulary

5. separate definitions and circumstances

6. lexical repetition

7. opposition

8. epithets

9. appeals

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) Prince Vasily fulfilled the promise made at the evening at Anna Pavlovna’s to Princess Drubetskaya, who asked him about her only son Boris. (2) He was reported to the sovereign, and, unlike others, he was transferred to the Semenovsky Guard Regiment as an ensign. (3) But Boris was never appointed as an adjutant or under Kutuzov, despite all the efforts and machinations of Anna Mikhailovna. (4) Soon after Anna Pavlovna’s evening, Anna Mikhailovna returned to Moscow, straight to her rich relatives Rostov, with whom she stayed in Moscow and with whom her beloved Borenka, who had just been promoted to the army and was immediately transferred to guards ensigns. (5) The Guard had already left St. Petersburg on August 10, and the son, who remained in Moscow for uniforms, was supposed to catch up with it on the road to Radzivilov.

(6) The Rostovs had a birthday girl, Natalya, a mother and a younger daughter. (7) In the morning, without ceasing, trains drove up and drove off, bringing congratulators to the large, well-known house of Countess Rostova on Povarskaya throughout Moscow. (8) The countess with her beautiful eldest daughter and guests, who never ceased replacing one another, were sitting in the living room.

(9) The Countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by children, of whom she had twelve. (10) The slowness of her movements and speech, resulting from weakness of strength, gave her a significant appearance that inspired respect. (11) Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, like a family person, sat right there, helping in receiving and engaging in conversation with the guests. (12) The youth were in the back rooms, not finding it necessary to participate in receiving visits. (13) The count met and saw off the guests, inviting everyone to dinner.

(14) “I am very, very grateful to you, ma chère or mon cher [my dear or my dear] (ma chère or mon cher he said to everyone without exception, without the slightest nuance, both above and below him to the people standing) for himself and for dear birthday girls. (15) Look, come to dinner. (16) You will offend me, mon cher. (17) I sincerely ask you on behalf of the whole family, ma chère.” (18) He spoke these words with the same expression on his full, cheerful and clean-shaven face and with the same strong handshake and repeated short bows to everyone, without exception or change. (19) Having seen off one guest, the count returned to whoever was still in the living room. (20) Drawing up his chairs and with the air of a man who loves and knows how to live, with his legs gallantly spread and his hands on his knees, he swayed significantly, offered guesses about the weather, consulted about health, sometimes in Russian, sometimes in very bad, but self-confident French. , and again, with the air of a tired but firm man in fulfilling his duties, he went to see him off, straightening the sparse gray hair on his bald head, and again called for dinner.

(21) Sometimes, returning from the hallway, he went through the flower and waiter room into a large marble hall, where a table for eighty couverts was being set, and, looking at the waiters wearing silver and porcelain, arranging tables and unrolling damask tablecloths, he called Dmitry Vasilyevich to him , a nobleman who took care of all his affairs, and said: “Well, well, Mitenka, make sure everything goes well. “Yes, yes,” he said, looking around with pleasure at the huge spread-out table. - The main thing is serving. That's it...” (22) And he left, sighing complacently, back into the living room.

(According to L. Tolstoy*)

*Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828–1910) – great Russian writer.


Complete testing, check answers, see solutions.

Help please!! (1)The enamel on the surface of the tooth is the most durable material created by the human body. (2) But despite this, damage may appear on the teeth because invisible small bacteria that live in the mouth decompose food debris stuck in the spaces between the teeth, forming acids that destroy tooth enamel. (3) Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. Questions: 1. Select two correct statements from the list. 1.The text is written in an artistic style. 2.Sentence 3 contains the conclusion. 3. Sentences 1 and 2 are connected using conjunctions and word forms. 4. The word “living” is used in a figurative sense. 5. "tooth enamel" is an epithet in sentence 2. 2.Indicate the incorrect statement. 1. Sentence 1 is complicated by a participial phrase. 2. The second part of sentence 2 is complicated by an adverbial phrase. 3.Proposition 3 is simple. 4. "enamel-material" - grammatical basis of 1 sentence. 3.Copy out the passive past participle from the text. 4. Determine how the word DAMAGE is formed. 1. Prefixal 2. Suffixal 3. prefix-suffixal 4. suffixless 4. Replace the word APPEAR from sentence 2 with a synonym. Thanks in advance))

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