Does tomato soup help you lose weight? Both lunch and snack! Simple and quick recipes for tomato soups for weight loss. Tomato soup for weight loss recipe.

No wonder our mothers and grandmothers told us: eat soup and you will be healthy and beautiful! Indeed, liquid food is simply necessary for our body, as it facilitates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces acidity in those who suffer from gastritis, and gives a feeling of fullness for a longer period than after eating solid food. Nutritionists have developed an excellent “lite” menu for those who want to lose weight without harm to their health, consisting of several soup recipes - healthy and tasty soups.

There are many recipes for soups for weight loss: tomato, Bonn, vegetable, cabbage, pumpkin, celery and so on. When losing weight on soups, you can choose this or that recipe yourself, but you need to follow several principles of this diet:

  • — there is one type of soup per day;
  • - eat only permitted foods and soup;
  • - drink as much fluid as possible;
  • - do not eat later than three hours before bedtime.

Onion soup for weight loss - recipe

If you can easily tolerate boiled onions (not everyone eats them), then you can prepare yourself the healthiest of dietary soups - onion soup!

  • In addition to six onions, it includes vegetables such as two bell peppers, two tomatoes, a small head of cabbage, and greens (one bunch each of parsley and celery). The use of spices and a small amount of salt is allowed.

All vegetables are finely cut into cubes and placed in a saucepan, filled with water or lean meat broth, brought to a boil and cooked until soft. At the very last moment, chopped greens are poured in. If you don’t have an appetite, you can use a small amount of Tabasco sauce or any sauce you like (except mayonnaise).

Celery soup for weight loss - recipe

  • To prepare yourself a healthy celery soup, buy a small head of cabbage, five medium-sized carrots, two peppers (sweet bell peppers), five small tomatoes, five onions, one and a half liters of tomato juice, four hundred grams of green beans (can be frozen), a large celery root , herbs and spices.

Cut all vegetables into small cubes, place in a saucepan and pour tomato juice. Cook until fully cooked, it is advisable not to add salt or salt in a plate; it is also better to add greens immediately before use.

You can use bouillon cubes and any seasonings and sauces, excluding mayonnaise and sour cream.

Tomato soup for weight loss - recipe

It is known that fresh tomatoes and tomato paste are powerful antioxidants that restore all processes in the body and promote renewal at the cellular level.

  • The basis of tomato soup is the following products: eight tomatoes, five tablespoons of tomato paste, two onions, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, herbs and garlic, vegetable broth or cubed broth (per liter), spices.

To begin with, the tomatoes are scalded, peeled, and cut as you like. Finely chop the onion and simmer in vegetable oil, adding tomatoes, garlic and herbs, salt and spices. You can add a little grated carrots or beets to taste. Vegetables are poured one finger of water on top and simmered until fully cooked.

You can prepare another version of tomato soup: in addition to tomatoes and onions, it includes half a head of cabbage.

Puree soup for weight loss - recipe

Puree soup is an ideal option for those who are afraid of feeling hungry. This is a unique alternative to solid food, which gives full satiety for a long time, but does not allow you to gain weight.

There are several recipes for puree soup, including for meat-eaters.

Cream soup with chicken

Take 400 g of chicken breast, the same amount of broccoli, one onion.

  • Boil the chicken, cut it into small cubes.
  • Boil the broccoli and onions in the broth left over from cooking the chicken, drain the broth as much as possible, cool the remaining vegetables and, after mixing with the meat, grind in a blender, adding broth as necessary.

You can boil brown rice separately and add it to a portion of soup before eating - it perfectly removes toxins from the body.

Cheese cream soup

We take low-fat cheese (“Fitness”) - 100 g, an onion, 400 g of cauliflower (you can use fresh, frozen will do in winter), one carrot, a little celery root. Boil the vegetables in water, cool and soften in a blender, add hot broth and add grated cheese, stir until it melts.

How many calories does a woman or man need per day to lose weight?

Cabbage soup for weight loss: recipe

For this soup you will need 6 onions, two green bell peppers, a couple of tomatoes, celery or parsley, one vegetable bouillon cube and, most importantly, a medium-sized head of cabbage. Chop all the vegetables, add a liter of water and cook until tender. At the end of cooking, throw in a bouillon cube, add a little salt and spices to taste.

In another option, add a can of canned beans and a glass of tomato juice to the vegetables.

Bonn soup for weight loss: recipe

Bonn soup is cooked for several days at once, for it you take one large head of cabbage, about six carrots, a couple of red sweet peppers, several onions (red ones are better), a couple of bunches of any greens (cilantro, parsley, celery, basil), spices.

First, boil finely diced carrots with chopped onions, then add cabbage and pepper to the broth, and at the end of cooking, add spices and herbs.

Vegetable soup for weight loss: recipe

Actually, a vegetable soup is any of those proposed that does not contain meat. Vegetable soup can be cooked in vegetable soup broth, or in water: weight loss soups include only non-starchy vegetables. Here is one example recipe.

Vegetable soup with Tabasco

Heat a little vegetable oil in a large saucepan, add chopped onion (one onion), lightly fry, add shredded cabbage (half a head), as soon as it becomes soft, add Tabasco sauce and a little sugar and salt, herbs.

There are other recipes for soups for weight loss, pumpkin soup, for example.

  • Take 100 g of pumpkin and zucchini pulp, one sweet pepper, one onion, tomato and two carrots, a tablespoon of olive oil, spices and salt.
  • Pumpkin, zucchini, and pepper are cut into cubes and filled with water, boiled until tender, then grated carrots and onions are added into the broth in half rings.
  • At the end of cooking, add thinly sliced ​​tomato, salt and seasonings.

Remember that when losing weight on soups, you cannot exclude other foods from your diet - your daily menu must include protein foods: lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese, milk and lactic acid products.

A common recipe for tomato soup for weight loss is extremely simple to prepare, contains a minimum of calories and promotes rapid weight loss of 3-5 kg ​​per week of consumption.

How to cook and take tomato soup for weight loss

The idea of ​​losing weight worries many modern women, and doing it quickly and without much effort. A very common option is to use a mono diet, which allows you to lose a few extra pounds in a short period of time.

One of the most used methods is a recipe for tomato soup for weight loss, which is consumed for 1 to 2 weeks.

What does eating a dietary dish do for the body?

Tomatoes cleanse the intestinal contents, helping to rid the body of waste and toxins. Tomato soup for effective weight loss is rich in fiber, which, swelling in the gastrointestinal tract, creates the illusion of satiety. However, it adds suffering to the body, which does not receive nutrients and vitamins. As a result, when consuming a soup recipe for weight loss, immunity decreases, muscle mass is consumed, and the body’s resistance to disease decreases.

Long-term consumption of a tomato diet irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, contributing to the occurrence of gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

How to prepare tomato soup base

Tomato soup, which forms the basis of a weight loss product:

  • For one liter of water you need to take 1 kg of red ripe tomatoes, from which, by pouring boiling water over them, remove the skin;
  • Finely chop the tomatoes, you can use a blender;
  • also chop 5 medium-sized onions;
  • add 1 finely grated carrot;
  • add salt when ready, adding a few cloves of garlic and a pinch of fresh or dried basil;
  • You can add spices if desired;
  • Cook the tomato soup until the vegetables are completely softened.

The intake of low-calorie content in large quantities into the body creates a stressful situation, causing the addiction to eat frequently and plentifully. If a person does not change the diet and quality of food after completing a mono diet, the lost kilograms will quickly return with the addition of a new portion of excess weight.

Tomato soup, used for more than 1 week without the addition of nutritious foods, causes significant harm to the body, unnecessarily increasing the load on the kidneys.

Diet recipes

Tomato soup, used for weight loss, has a variety of recipes that differ in the addition of a variety of vegetable ingredients.

Soup recipe with green celery:

  • add 2 branches of celery to the base, having first finely chopped it;
  • You can enrich the composition with 1 tablespoon of unrefined olive oil.

Recipe for weight loss soup made from tomatoes with beets and sweet peppers:

  • to the base of the soup you should add 1 medium red beet, grated on a fine grater and two medium-sized carrots;
  • bell pepper, 1 piece, seeds removed and cut into thin strips;
  • cook vegetables until softened.

When preparing soup for weight loss using this recipe, you should take into account the laxative effect of red beets.

Recipe for a dish with added potatoes:

  • add 1 potato to the base, finely cutting it into cubes;
  • the onion can be fried in olive oil until golden brown;
  • add 1 glass of tomato juice or tablespoons of tomato paste without preservatives.

If your body is under stress due to sudden weight loss, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of using a tomato diet so as not to harm your health.

Not only health, but also the attractiveness of your figure depends on a properly structured diet. To keep fit and lose weight, a nutritious soup will be useful. The dish has a bright taste and beautiful color. The article will tell you how to prepare delicious dietary tomato soup step by step.

Benefits of tomato soup

There are various options for preparing a tomato first course, but regardless of it, the soup will be healthy and light. The dish contains few calories and helps the body lose extra pounds. The soup is quick and easy to prepare.

The benefit of a tomato dish lies in the cleansing qualities of the main ingredient. As a result of tomatoes entering the body, the intestines are freed from toxins and waste. , contained in the dish, helps to achieve a feeling of fullness, as a result of swelling inside the stomach.

Soup should be consumed only during a balanced and varied diet, as a fasting dish up to 2 times in 7 days. To increase nutritional value, it is recommended to add fresh herbs to the finished portion.

If tomato is chosen as a dish for a mono-diet, then the duration of such food should not exceed the permissible limit. The first course should be eaten at every meal. As a result of the intake of a low-calorie product into the body on a regular basis, it begins to experience a situation of stress. Therefore, after leaving the mono-diet, it is important not to stop and continue to eat properly and rationally, otherwise the kilograms will return again in greater quantities.

Harm of a tomato diet

It is important to remember that the tomato soup diet is not rich in nutrients and vitamins. You cannot continue this diet for a long time, as there is a risk of negative consequences:

  • Immunity decreases;
  • Muscle mass begins to be used up;
  • The body ceases to resist negative external factors;
  • As a result of regular irritation of the walls of the esophagus and stomach by tomatoes, diseases such as ulcers and gastritis can develop.

Therefore, you should not eat tomato soup for more than 7 days without additional nutritious meals. It is important to consider that a tomato dish increases the load on the kidneys. Before starting a mono-diet or spending a fasting day on tomatoes, you should consult your doctor and rule out negative consequences for the body.

Step by step recipe

There is only one classic recipe for tomato soup; other recipes arise from the addition of vegetable components. The soup can also be served in two versions: hot or cold. Before choosing a recipe, it is important to decide what temperature the soup should be at the time of serving.

Hot tomato soup

For the hot dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Sweet bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • Vegetable broth – 1 l;
  • Fresh tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • Basil – 1 sprig;

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Tomatoes are washed and thoroughly peeled.
  2. The peeled fruits are cut into slices and poached in olive oil.
  3. Vegetable broth is made from onions and carrots with a little salt.
  4. Garlic and bell pepper are chopped and placed in the prepared broth.
  5. After the broth boils, tomatoes are added to it.
  6. Cook the soup for 5-7 minutes over medium or low heat.
  7. At the last stage, chopped basil is added to the first dish.

The soup is served hot. You can add any other fresh herbs to the dish to taste.

Cold tomato soup

Cold tomato soup has the same dietary qualities as first courses prepared according to other recipes. Ingredients for the cold dish:

  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • Basil – 1 sprig;
  • Green onions - to taste.

Cold soup does not require cooking. Its preparation will require less time.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The washed tomatoes are scalded with boiling water and peeled.
  2. The pulp is crushed using a blender.
  3. Finely chop the onion and basil or grind in a blender.
  4. Peel the carrots and finely grate.
  5. All crushed ingredients are added to the tomato porridge.

After thorough mixing, the soup is ready. The dish is served cold; if desired, you can also add additional fresh herbs.

With the addition of each additional ingredient, the dish acquires a new recipe and taste. You can combine tomato soup with various vegetables:

  • Celery greens;
  • Celery stalk;
  • Red beetroot;
  • Chinese cabbage.

A woman’s desire to live up to the pictures in glossy magazines pushes her to refuse proper nutrition. Girls in pursuit of a thin waist practically do not eat, but losing weight is not always synonymous with hunger. A diet based on soups will help not only get rid of those hated extra centimeters at the waist and hips, but also not see a delicious cutlet when you close your eyes. And today we will get acquainted with the most popular options.

Bonn cabbage soup diet

This is a fairly simple diet. You can practice it all year round, since buying fresh vegetables in any supermarket is not a problem. In addition, it requires almost minimal costs.

Together with a plate of Bonn soup, the body receives many essential vitamins and microelements. At the same time, the calorie content of the dish is very small and is equal to only 40 units. Bonn for weight loss can be eaten without restrictions, losing up to 6 kilograms of weight per week.

Soup recipe

To prepare it you will need the following set of products:

  • cabbage (small head);
  • carrots (5 root vegetables);
  • green beans (500 grams);
  • tomatoes (5 pieces);
  • sweet pepper (2 pieces);
  • tomato juice (100 ml);
  • onion (2 heads);
  • celery (bunch);
  • bouillon cube (2 pieces);
  • greens to taste.

Bonn for weight loss is very simple to prepare. Vegetables must be cut into small cubes. Transfer to a saucepan and add water. The liquid should cover the vegetables. Continue cooking until the cabbage becomes soft. After this, add salt to the soup to taste.

Diet menu

In addition to the fact that cabbage soup will become an indispensable dish during the week, you must also follow certain recommendations.

First day: in addition to soup, you can eat any fruit (with the exception of bananas), and also drink plenty of fluids, including unsweetened tea.

Second day: during the day we supplement the soup menu with fresh vegetables. For lunch, you can add baked potatoes to Bonn soup. Only water is allowed to drink.

Third day: eat fruits and vegetables. The exceptions are potatoes and bananas. For drinking - still water.

Fourth day: you can eat any vegetables and fruits. We drink only water and skim milk.

Fifth day: in addition to soup, we include in the diet a little boiled chicken (no more than 300 grams) and fresh tomatoes. Drink 2 liters of water during the day.

Sixth day: we supplement the menu with baked chicken and vegetables (potatoes are an exception). We drink a lot of water.

Seventh day: an additional dish will be with vegetables. During the day we drink only water.

Celery root soup

Celery is a unique plant. It can be consumed in any form. The root vegetable can be baked, boiled or eaten raw. By the way, nutritionists say that raw celery is especially useful. And here's why: in order to fully digest a vegetable, the body is forced to expend a huge amount of energy. We lose weight by eating celery root.

Soup for weight loss is prepared from a set of the following products:

  • fresh carrots (5 - 6 pieces);
  • cabbage (small head);
  • celery root;
  • tomatoes (5 - 6 pieces);
  • green bell pepper (2 pieces);
  • green beans (400 grams);
  • tomato juice (500 ml).

We cut vegetables into small pieces. Three celery and carrots on a coarse grater. Place the ingredients in a saucepan and add tomato juice. It should completely cover the contents. If necessary, the juice can be diluted with cold boiled water. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. Next, reduce the heat and leave the soup to simmer until the vegetables are completely cooked.

Onion soup

If you think that this diet soup for weight loss will be similar to its famous French namesake, then you are very mistaken. There will be no delicious croutons or baked cheese crust here.

How to prepare soup for weight loss in this case? You will need:

  • onions (6 heads);
  • cabbage (small head);
  • sweet pepper (piece);
  • carrots (one root vegetable);
  • boiled brown rice (1 spoon);
  • tomato paste.

Finely chop the vegetables and add water so that the liquid only slightly covers them. Cook the soup until the vegetables soften, then turn off the gas and leave the dish covered to steep. The taste of the soup, as they say, is not for everyone. And to improve it, you can add dried mushrooms or celery to the pan. This must be done after the fire under the pan has already been turned off. So, after brewing, the soup will take on the taste of the ingredients.

You can eat onion soup in unlimited quantities. You can supplement your diet with vegetables and practice the diet once every three months for 7 days.

Vegetable puree soups: recipes for weight loss

In general, there is no need to “sit” on a certain diet soup for weight loss can be different every day, the main thing is that it should not contain meat. And you need to eat it without bread, in small portions and 6 times a day.

For example, the first thing you will have is mushroom soup. Then you will prepare lean borscht. Next, you can take the recipe for vegetable soup. Here's one option. Cooked according to it and very tasty. You will need:

  • water (two glasses);
  • potatoes (200 grams);
  • celery (a couple of stalks);
  • zucchini (400 grams);
  • cauliflower (400 grams);
  • onion (head);
  • carrot.

Chopped potatoes, zucchini and cabbage inflorescences must be boiled until soft. Then pour into a separate bowl. We fry carrots and onions. The best oil to use is olive oil. Combine vegetables and fried carrots and onions. Grind everything with a fork, pour in the required amount of broth. You can adjust the consistency of the soup yourself. To get a more homogeneous mixture, it is best to use a blender. Then put the soup on low heat and bring to a boil. Before serving, let the dish sit for a while, covered.

Tomato soup

The soup diet is good because it does not allow you to starve in the truest sense of the word, and in addition, it is quite varied. Soups may look like a regular dish. But if desired, any can be turned into puree soups. Recipes for losing weight are numerous and here is another one.

To prepare tomato soup you will need:

  • cabbage (500 grams);
  • celery root (30 grams);
  • carrot;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • tomatoes (2 pieces).

The products are designed for 1.5 liters of water.

Finely chop the cabbage and place in boiling water. Then cut the celery and add to the cabbage. Cut carrots, onions, bell peppers and tomatoes into cubes and place the mixture in a frying pan. Sauté it in olive oil. When the dressing has simmered, add a little pepper (black and white), paprika, curry and red (hot) pepper. At the very end of cooking, add a couple of cloves of garlic.

Then the dressing is transferred to the broth. Ideally, the cabbage should be left slightly undercooked, and the body will have to spend a lot more energy digesting the food.

Tomato soup for weight loss is a healthy and very tasty dish that allows you to correct your figure. We bring to your attention two recipes for its preparation.

Useful properties of tomato soup for losing weight

Dietary tomato soup includes only low-calorie ingredients - the main component of this dish, of course, is tomatoes.

Tomatoes are low in calories (20-25 kcal/100 g). The healthy pulp contains organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric) - they stimulate metabolism, and therefore activate the burning of fat. Tomatoes contain vitamins (B, PP, E, K), as well as large amounts of ascorbic acid and carotene.

Tomato soup provides our body with minerals (it is worth highlighting iodine, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron, manganese). Tomatoes dull the feeling of hunger, provide a diuretic and mild laxative effect.

Recipes for making tomato soup for weight loss

You can prepare tomato soup yourself or use Leovit concentrate produced by one of the Russian manufacturers of dietary supplements. It goes without saying that it is better not to abuse concentrates - a fresh product is much preferable.

Cold Tomato Soup Recipe

Tomatoes – 1 kg
Carrots – 1 pc.
Green onions

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, plunge into cold water, and then remove the skin and chop by hand or using a blender. Grate the carrots, chop the onion and basil. Mix all ingredients.

Hot tomato soup recipe

Garlic – 2 cloves
Bell pepper – 0.5 kg
Vegetable broth - 1 l
Tomatoes – 1 kg
Olive oil – 1-2 tbsp.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes, cut into slices, simmer in olive oil, adding garlic and bell pepper cut into strips. Pour broth over the vegetable mixture and cook for 5-6 minutes. Finish with a pinch of dried basil.

Tomato soup diet plan

The above recipes can be used as lunch or dinner alternatives. If you eat only tomato soup in the evenings for a week, after a week you can lose 1-2 kg of excess weight. It goes without saying that successful weight loss is facilitated by maintaining a reasonable caloric content of the daily menu (you should not overeat).

In addition to this simple method, you can pay attention to a more strict version of the diet. In this case, throughout the day you need to eat tomato soup, supplementing it with certain products:

First day – sweet and sour fruits (1 kg)
Second day – non-starchy vegetables (2 kg)
Third day – vegetables and fruits (1 kg each)
Fourth day – boiled meat or fish (400-500 g)

The diet may include 3 cycles of 4 days. It is recommended to repeat it 2-4 times a year.


It is important to remember that tomatoes consumed in large quantities are contraindicated for problems such as stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. A strict diet involving tomato soup is not beneficial if you have any health problems.