What does communication with living nature give to a person? Communication between a child and nature is the most important means of personal development

Man always strives to communicate with nature. Nature not only provides people with food and other necessities for life, but also helps them learn new things, see beauty, become kinder and more observant.

Communication with nature occurs differently for everyone. One takes a fishing rod and spends many hours with it on the river bank; another goes with a basket into the forest to pick mushrooms; the third travels with a backpack to unfamiliar lands. Everyone wants to see, hear, feel something of their own and preserve forever the impressions of meetings, the severity of experienced emotions, the warmth of the summer rays of the sun. But what more people gravitates towards communication with nature, the more difficult it is for her to resist them. Apparently, the time has come to seriously think about the fact that such dates are not possible everywhere, not always and not for everyone.

The invasion of countless hordes of berry pickers, mushroom pickers and tourists into the suburban forests of the city of Vladimir, thousands of amateur fishermen onto the shores and ice of reservoirs in the Vladimir region are already becoming an unacceptable luxury - most of them are not prepared to communicate with wildlife. So many people harm her without even knowing it.

People need to be prepared for a meeting with wild - big - nature. Prepare as carefully as a pilot or captain is prepared before he is entrusted with the helm. For this we need new forms of contact, adapted to modern conditions, with birds, animals, forests, rivers - communication in small nature: in a suburban park, dacha area or suburban forest.

Another form of contact can be communicating with someone living at home. Many people strive to have certain plants, fish, birds, turtles or animals in their apartment. Such a piece of wild life always becomes an object of close observation, a source of knowledge. Of course, you should take into your home only those animals that tolerate captivity well and are very numerous. Not all animals suffer from encounters with humans. On the contrary, some of them are people of their own economic activity provided additional opportunities for life. And their number not only does not decrease, but even, on the contrary, increases. There are many such types. Therefore, it is with their help that one can and should comprehend the basics of communication with living objects. Having learned to feel and understand their needs, everyone will know how they can harm this or that wild creature in the wild and how, when entering the forest, not to cause harm. Being able to help someone who is alive is undoubtedly more important than wanting to help without being able to do so.

The life of birds can also be studied in the wild. This is what most ornithologists and nature lovers do now. But any researcher, if he is seriously engaged in studying the ecology of birds, sooner or later has a need to get his hands on a bird. A gun is a bad help here. It will not be able to satisfy either a specialist biologist who needs to examine that particular, perhaps only, individual, or an amateur who wants to study the bird by contacting it. After contact, the bird should remain alive. There is only one way out - catch, look and release.

This section of the site was created in order to bring people closer to nature loving, to the world of birds, to help, first of all, the city dweller, take a piece great nature to your home, without causing damage to it, in order to introduce nature lovers to one of the most exciting and emotional types of recreation - bird catching, a type of Russian national hunting, which, unfortunately, is quickly becoming a thing of the past in our 21st century. And if I’m lucky, maybe there will be at least a few more people who have come to know and love birds with intelligent love.

Many will think: “Strange!? Catch birds. Put them in cages. This, of course, contradicts the ideas of nature conservation.” With this section I hope to convince the site visitor of the opposite. It is only because we bird lovers, ornithologists, love birds that we keep them at home. We keep them in order not to be separated from them for a day or an hour, in order to save the wounded and sick from death, we keep them in order to study them, to understand how best to protect them.

Birds often create a lot of difficulties and troubles: you can’t leave home when you want - you have to feed them on time, water them, turn the lights on and off, stay awake at night, calming them down during the period of migratory restlessness, treat them and simply observe in order to notice all the problems in a timely manner. But on the other hand, when you see a bird in nature, you will notice so many things about it that only a person who caught the bird, kept it in captivity, and accustomed it to life at home could notice. This seen and understood forces you to work 20 hours a day and do many things that “normal” people would consider an unworthy occupation. But it is precisely this kind of life that I consider the best that fate could provide me with.

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Communicating with nature is useful - probably most of us will agree with this statement. At the same time, each of us puts our own content into the concept of “communication with nature”. For some, a country picnic with plenty of food and loud music from the radio is also a vacation fresh rest. But sometimes after such a vacation you have to rest thoroughly...

An opportunity to recharge with positive energy and restore peace of mind gives a completely different pastime. Have you heard about green tourism? This is when all around is nature, greenery, birds singing, and no TVs or computers, and in the morning - early rise, exercise and going out on the route with a backpack. We decided to talk to a person who knows well from his own experience how communication with nature changes the way we look at life. the world around us. Our interlocutor - Eduard Arkushin, psychologist and organizer of tourist trips to picturesque corners of Ukraine.

When you lead a group on a hike, what is your goal? Give people the opportunity to admire natural beauty and test their strength; maybe you want to introduce people to tourism?

I wouldn’t say “involve”, rather, introduce. There is an opinion that you can feel something special while hiking. And in order to feel this, I try to make people not only enjoy clean water, clean air, beautiful landscapes, sounds of nature, but also from communication. This is an emotional component. There is also an intellectual one. If people are wondering why we eat vegetarian food while camping, why we go to bed at ten in the evening and get up early in the morning, I talk about it.

Does regular communication with nature leave an imprint on your lifestyle?

Communicating with nature provides a pattern of cleanliness that is very difficult to achieve in the city. It’s hard for us to imagine how much the urban pace of life affects us, our mood, attitude towards the world and ourselves. The city is a certain background, vibrations that create disharmony, preventing many people from understanding who they are and what they want. Nature has the ability to calm, harmonize, balance and delight.

Is it possible to say that people who regularly communicate with nature cannot knowingly cause harm to it? From this point of view, does green tourism affect the value system?

It’s difficult to say, because it’s difficult to measure how it was before and what happened after. Of course, there is a culture of being in nature, and it can be formulated as follows: “After us it should not be the same as it was, but better.” We tell people not to throw away candy wrappers and other trash at crossings. The parking lots remain clean after us. How ingrained these values ​​are in people... I think many are aware of them before the hike, and many are aware of them during the hike. One hike that lasts, for example, 4 days is too short a period of time. So it would be very bold to say that during this time a person’s values ​​can change dramatically.

What would you say to someone who has never been a green hiker but has an interest in hiking? Why does it make sense to try?

In any case, it makes sense to get acquainted. To try to part with too strong attachments or fears. This is a rewarding experience to overcome. Although overcoming should also be reasonable. On a hike, everyday difficulties and stress are usually compensated for by pleasure.

From time to time you need to communicate with nature. IN everyday life It is difficult for us to restore psychological harmony. Without it inside, we replicate disharmony in communication with other people .

Is it true that the mountains have a special atmosphere? It’s not in vain that the mountains are covered in romance...

Mountains in a certain way influence people. It is believed that a lot of energy is concentrated in the mountains. Here and physical activity are well tolerated, and people feel good, cheerful and optimistic mood. Here people become softer and more attentive to others.

Which place that you saw made the strongest impression on you?

Amazing places so many. I don't want to offend any of them. They have a special power, people are drawn to them, try to visit them, remember these places when they want to return to a certain emotional state. In Crimea, these are the Grand Canyon, Demerdzhi, Yalta Yayla... there are a lot of such places.

If you can’t go hiking, you can have a picnic... and this is also communication with nature. Or not?

Create conditions for inner harmony You can also go to the river, going there for the weekend. True, there is a risk here that if a person has a lot of unrealized energy, it will be directed in the wrong direction. From this point of view, a hike is useful because it fills the day with healthy content. In the morning, gymnastics, gathering the camp, setting up the camp, collecting firewood, moving, cultural program, communication. On a hike, there is usually very little distance between participants, and people discuss topics that really interest them.

However, location is not that important for connecting with nature. With creativity and smart organization, you can create a special atmosphere by gathering in the park.

Communication between man and nature V. Fedorov has wonderful lines: In order to save ourselves and the world, We need, without wasting years, Forget all cults and introduce the Infallible cult of Nature. Man always strives to communicate with nature. Nature not only provides people with food and other necessities for life, but also helps them learn new things, see beauty, become kinder and more observant. How does this communication happen? Communication with nature occurs differently for everyone. One takes a fishing rod and spends many hours with it on the river bank; another goes with a basket into the forest to pick mushrooms; the third travels with a backpack to unfamiliar lands. Everyone wants to see, hear, feel something of their own and preserve forever the impressions of meetings, the severity of experienced emotions, the warmth of the summer rays of the sun. But the more people gravitate towards communicating with nature, the more difficult it is for it to resist them. Apparently, the time has come to seriously think about the fact that such dates are not possible everywhere, not always and not for everyone. People need to be prepared for a meeting with wild - big - nature. Prepare as carefully as a pilot or captain is prepared before he is entrusted with the helm. For this we need new ones, adapted to modern conditions, forms of contact with birds, animals, forests, rivers, communication in small nature: in a suburban park, dacha area or suburban forest. Another form of contact can be communicating with someone living at home. Many people strive to have certain plants, fish, birds, turtles or animals in their apartment. Such a piece of wild life always becomes an object of close observation, a source of knowledge. Of course, you should take into your home only those animals that tolerate captivity well and are very numerous. Not all animals suffer from encounters with humans. On the contrary, people, through their economic activities, provided some of them with additional opportunities for life. And their number not only does not decrease, but even, on the contrary, increases. There are many such types. Therefore, it is with their help that one can and should comprehend the basics of communication with living objects. Having learned to feel and understand their needs, everyone will know how they can harm this or that wild creature in the wild and how, when entering the forest, not to cause harm. Being able to help someone who is alive is undoubtedly more important than wanting to help without being able to do so. Man can never exist without nature. ...And nature can do without us. We need to remember how much joy the world around us gives us: a blossoming bud, the rustle of rain, the shine of the sun, the greenness of foliage - how can you not love it? We and nature are one big family and should live together! Work performed by: Ruslan Kurmanov, Vika Yunyakina

We are all children of nature, but most of us live in an artificially created environment - cities. Life in large cities is fraught with a number of problems that arise for almost everyone modern man. This is constant bustle, lack of time for rest, various stresses, air pollution, continuous communication and lack of opportunities to be alone with oneself.

Consequently, a person experiences conditions such as apathy, fatigue, depression, decreased performance, and a constant desire to rest, as well as various “urban” diseases, such as asthma or allergies.

Many of us, living in the city and working all year from vacation to vacation, dream of finally having a good rest at this wonderful time and taking a break from everyday work. Most people only go somewhere outside the city during vacation to communicate with nature.

And she is an unpredictable “lady”. It may happen that all the days there will be bad weather, it's cold and rainy, and you either hastily pack your things to head back to the city, or spend your days indoors again. Therefore, communication with nature does not need to be postponed just for vacation. It can be enjoyed much more often. This will at least put you in a good mood.

We are accustomed to receiving a lot of information per day and to constant noise outside the windows - constant city companions, so even in nature, city life does not want to let us go. We go out for a barbecue or a hike, and we are afraid to remain in silence. We take players, phones with us, turn on the tape recorder at full blast, drowning out the natural sounds of nature.

In order to completely immerse yourself in the pristine world and gain strength, you need to disconnect from the city realities, so “forget” your phones and players, and if you can’t “forget” and there is no such opportunity, then turn them on only occasionally.

The influence of nature on humans

Communication with nature carries a number of undeniable advantages.

  1. We are filled with energy and strength, and receive moral satisfaction. Of course, we may also get tired from such a rest, but this fatigue will be pleasant.
  2. We get the opportunity to live in the present time. Immerse yourself and your emotions, meditate. After all, contemplation of nature has a beneficial effect on our entire body as a whole.
  3. We can feel like we are part of nature and return to our “roots”. And thereby experience joy and peace from the very feeling that we live and exist in this world.
  4. We are able to experience unforgettable sensations from communicating with nature. For example, touching the river sand, plunging your feet into the padding water, pressing your cheek against the warm bark of a tree heated by the sun, watching the clouds flying across the sky.
  5. We feel better and sleep better. Air filled with oxygen has a beneficial effect on our entire body.
  6. We receive emotional release, the level of anxiety and stress decreases, and the body's immunity increases.
  7. We can be distracted from various tasks and problems. The intake of unnecessary redundant information is reduced, which allows our brain to rest.

How to communicate with nature

  1. Get into the habit of walking regularly, preferably where there is no traffic or crowds. It could be a park, a square, or just a quiet street. If you can’t walk aimlessly, take up jogging, then such walks will have double benefits.
  2. Take your family on a picnic or go skiing or snowboarding in winter more often. If possible, go hiking, this will not only give you a boost of energy, but will also bring you closer to your loved ones.
  3. If you don’t have the opportunity to be in nature (and you almost always have it, it all depends on our desire), then create a living corner at home - fill it with plants. Caring for them and working with the soil for your own pleasure will also bring you many pleasant moments.

Remember that our health and happiness depends only on ourselves. And our communication with nature helps us feel this happiness and harmony within ourselves.

Option 1. Unique and indescribably beautiful nature in autumn. Despite the fact that rain and fog are quite common, there are also clear, quiet days for a walk in the nearest forest. Sit down and admire golden robe of the forest, listen to the singing of birds, watch the birds fly away. Somewhere in the distance thunder roared. Drop by drop it began to rain. Hiding under a tree, he looked around. How beautiful it is all around I like it autumn nature . The air is so fresh! I don't want to go home at all.

Option 2. Man and nature are closely related to each other. Nature creates all the conditions for human life, which is why it is so important to live in harmony with it. Beautiful landscapes of nature fill a person’s soul with delight, only this beauty is truly mesmerizing. Man's interest in nature is limitless; how many secrets and mysteries the forests and seas contain. There's a lot we don't know yet about nature. To enjoy the beauty of nature, you don’t need to travel far, just go to a park or forest. Nature is especially beautiful in the fall, when you want to sit on benches and absorb all its beauty and enjoy it. It is then that you feel how your soul is filled with new colors, how it is saturated with the beauty of the world around you. At these moments you realize how closely people are connected with nature.