Walk excursion autumn outfit nature goal. "Excursion to the autumn park"

SIGNS OF AUTUMN (plan - outline of an excursion into nature) Objectives:     to introduce children to the features of nature in autumn, the changes that occur in the plant and animal world; develop the ability to observe plants and animals in the autumn; cultivate a love for the nature of the native land; expand your horizons, vocabulary, the range of ideas on this topic. Equipment and design: notebook (notebook) for notes and sketches, pencil (pen), instruction cards, camera, boxes, jars, small bags, excursion magnifying glasses. Location of the excursion: surroundings of the school (forest plantation, stream). Preparing the teacher for the excursion: 1. Plan an excursion route to places with different vegetation: forest, roadside, coastal (to show the learning features of the withering nature of different biocenoses). 2. Prepare plant identification cards. 3. Have a conversation about nature conservation. 4. Introduce students to works of literature and painting that glorify the beauty of nature (M. Prishvin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, I. Levitan, etc.). Preparing students for the excursion: 1. Talk with students about the different periods of autumn (weather patterns, changes in flora and fauna, the beauty of fading nature, issues of its protection). 2. Introduce three new concepts about autumn and indicate the timing of their onset: “calendar autumn”, “astronomical”, “biological”. 3. Instruct students to prepare characteristics of each period of autumn (September, October, November). 4. Prepare children to perceive nature, draw attention to the objects of the “forest” ecosystem. Develop the ability to behave correctly in nature. PROGRESS OF THE EXCURSION: 1. Organizational moment beginning of the lesson - excursions: . Game "Mirror": look at your friend. Is he ready for the excursion? . Game “Count the hats”, “Count the buttons”, “Count the scarves”, “Count the pockets”. A. Opening remarks. Teacher: Guys, today I want to take a journey into nature, a journey that is not simple, but magical. Listen carefully to the poem and guess where we will travel today: Falling leaves are wandering in the grove Through forests and maples. Soon he will look into the garden with a golden ringing sound. Let's assemble a fan from the leaves, Bright and beautiful. The wind will run through the leaves, light and playful. And obediently the leaves followed the Birds' flight... Teacher: Can you guess what time of year this poem is about? (Autumn.) That's right guys, I invite you to an excursion called “Autumn” B. Repeat TB on the excursion. Teacher: But first, let's remember how to behave on an excursion: 1. We must observe discipline and rules of behavior on the road. 2. Do not taste any berries, plants, or mushrooms. 3. Do not touch unfamiliar suspicious objects. 4. You cannot break branches or tear up plants. 5. You cannot pick up or throw sticks or stones. Teacher: Well done guys. We remembered the rules safe behavior and now we can begin our journey 2. The main part. A. Updating the students’ previously studied experience: Teacher: Now guys, look around you. And tell me, what is autumn like? (Determine early / late) - What can we say about early autumn? What is it like, what is happening in nature at this time? What is another name for early autumn? (leaves are yellow, red, orange, leaves are falling, birds are going south, the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer). - Why do birds fly south? (insects hibernate, there is nothing to eat) - What happens in nature late autumn? (It’s getting cold, the days have become short, the night is long, the birds have flown away, the first snow is falling, the sun is not warming, it’s cold). Teacher: Well done, you know a lot about autumn. Game “Name the Sign” Guys, I will now name natural phenomena for you, and you must form signs from them, for example: Wind - windy Rain - rainy Cloud - cloudy Fog - foggy Cold - cold. B. Game-exercise “Don’t lose a couple” “Children walk one after another in pairs, holding hands. At the signal, they quickly lower their hands and continue to walk side by side, not lagging behind and not overtaking each other. After the second signal, they join hands again and continue walking.” B. The story is an observation about autumn. Teacher: Let's walk a little and see what color is autumn? Look to your left and tell me what color are the leaves on this tree? - They are still green. Now look to the right and tell me what color are the leaves on this tree? (Yellow, golden.) Due to the yellow, golden leaves on the birch tree, autumn is called “golden”. Let's all say together: " Golden autumn" Teacher: Autumn is the time of ripening seeds and harvesting. Yellow color is a symbol of autumn. The sunny outfit of gardens, parks and forests gave the name to this time of year - golden autumn. Except yellow Autumn landscapes are characterized by gray and crimson colors. And it is very interesting to observe how nature, using the same colors, paints first a joyful, bright, sunny landscape, then a sad and tender one, and finally a dull, gloomy and dull one. - How changes in inanimate nature affected the life of insects? (There are fewer of them) - Butterflies die with the first autumn cold, only the eggs they lay overwinter. Many insects climb under the bark of trees, into the cracks of buildings, and overwinter there. The ants are not visible; they gather in the depths of the anthill and close the entrances to it. The entire population of the bumblebee family dies out, leaving only young bumblebees, which will build a new nest in the spring. - September is the month of “bird flocks”. Why? (Children's answers) - There are fewer insects, so birds - swallows, swifts - fly away, since they feed only on insects. Other birds change without flying away warm regions cranes, rooks, cuckoos. The last to fly away are geese, ducks and swans. As long as the reservoirs are not frozen, they have enough food. D. Dynamic pause. Teacher: Oh, guys, it’s getting cold! Let's warm our hands. Let's clench our hands into fists and wait a little. We will blow on our palms, we will blow all the snowflakes off them. We will take each finger and press it hard. (Children perform movements corresponding to the text). D. Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves” One, two, three, four, five. (Bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.) We will collect the leaves. (They clench and unclench their fists.) We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, maple leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves, Mama autumn bouquet we'll take it. (“They walk” with their fingers.) D. Game “I believe - I don’t believe” The teacher reads out the statements. Students listen carefully. They answer “I believe” if the statement is true, “I don’t believe” if it is false. - We are walking through the forest in the fall and see snowdrops blooming under the trees (“I don’t believe it”) - Cranberries hanging on the trees (“I don’t believe it”), - Mushrooms drying (“I don’t believe it”), - They are sitting among yellow leaves swallows sing songs (“I don’t believe it”). - The dog barked (“I believe”) and jumped out of the grass white hare(“I don’t believe”) - At the same time, he scared the lark (“I don’t believe”) - And the partridge, which rose high into the sky and sang songs (“I don’t believe”), - And the bunny jumped into the water (“I don’t believe”), - I dived into my house (“I don’t believe it”), climbed into a soft bed and only then calmed down, fell asleep for the whole winter (“I don’t believe it”). E. GROUP WORK. Labor activity (in accordance with the individual developmental characteristics of pupils). 1st group - collecting seeds, cones, acorns. 2nd group - collecting leaves from trees and bushes. Group 3 - observation of insect behavior and its description. 4th group - observation of something unusual that will be noticed during the excursion, and description. Teacher: Collecting leaves. Clarification from which tree and what color leaves the children collected. Exercise “Make a bouquet.” Children make a composition of leaves, alternating them by color. 3. Summing up the excursion. - Guys, now you know why autumn is called yellow and golden? (Children's answers.) - What did you like and what did you remember about our excursion? - Well done guys, you all answered well today and worked hard. Homework: tell your parents about your impressions on the excursion, pay attention to the colors of autumn, its signs; Find riddles and books about autumn in the library. Card No. 1. 1. There are 10 tits on the branch. 6 tits flew away. How many are left? 2.Artyom has 9 kopecks. He found 1 kopeck. How many has it become? 3. There are 9 boys in the class and 4 fewer girls. How many girls? 4. There are 6 books on the table, and 2 more notebooks. How many notebooks? 5.Kostya received 5 ratings. Of these, 4 are A's. How many fours? 6. Kostya received 1 “A” in mathematics, 2 more “A”s in reading, and 1 more “A” in music. How many ratings are there in total? 7. Lyuba has 3 stamps, Lena has 7 stamps. How much less does Lyuba have than Lena? Card number 3. 1. Borya bought 8 stamps. He lost 4 marks. How many are left? 2. Lena received 6 A's, then another 3. How many in total? 3. There are 3 roses in the vase, and 2 more lilies. How many lilies? 4. 8 ducklings are going to the river, and there are 2 less ducks. How many ducks? 5. There are only 7 candies in the package. Of these, 1 is toffee. How many chocolate ones? 6. Misha and Vanya have only 9 lollipops. Misha ate 4 lollipops, and Vanya the same amount. How many are left? 7. Lily has 3 chocolates and 1 lollipop. How many more chocolates are there than candies? Card No. 2. 1. There were 8 candies. Petya ate 2 candies. How many are left? 2. There are 5 pears and 3 oranges on the table. How much in total? 3. Timur has 6 books, and Alina has 2 more. How much does Alina have? 4. We subscribed to 3 newspapers and 2 fewer magazines. How many magazines? 5. There are 10 flowers in a vase. Of these, 3 are tulips and the rest are roses. How many roses? 6. There are 3 flowers in a vase, 4 more flowers were put in, and 2 flowers withered. How many are left? 7. There are 5 roses in the vase and 4 tulips. How many more roses than tulips? Card No. 4. 1. There were 10 chickens. 3 ran away. How many are left? 2. Petya has 7 kopecks, Vova has 2 kopecks. How much in total? 3. Eli has 5 candies, and Arthur has 1 less. How much does Arthur have? 4. There are 5 pears in the bag, and 3 more in the bag. How much is in the bag? 5. There are 5 cats in the yard. Of these, 1 is red, the rest are gray. How many gray kittens? 6. There were 7 kittens. 2 kittens left and 3 came. How many has it become? 7. There are 7 kittens and 5 puppies in the yard. Who is more and by how much? Card No. 5. 1. There were 7 cups. 2 were broken. How many are left? 2. There are 4 crows and the same number of sparrows on the branch. How much in total? 3. Diana is 7 years old, and Vitya is 1 year younger than Diana. How old is Vita? 4. The store sold 8 irons and 2 more lamps. How many lamps did you sell? 5. There are only 7 trees in the park. Of these, 3 are linden. How many birches? 6. There were 4 trees in the park. First they planted 2 birch trees, then the same number. How many has it become? 7. There are 6 birches and 2 aspens in the park. How many fewer aspens than birches? Card number 6. 1.Vova has 7 postcards. He gave Misha 3 postcards. How many are left? 2. There are 7 birds on the tree. 3 more arrived. How many are there? 3. There are 2 books on the first shelf, and 5 more on the second. How many books are on the second shelf? 4.Lida is 5 years old, Anton is 2 years younger than Lida. How old is Anton? 5. There are 10 children in the class. Of these, 6 are boys. How many girls? 6. There are 10 children in the class. 5 people left and 3 entered. How many has it become? 7. There are 9 boys and 10 girls in the class. How many more girls than boys? Card No. 7. 1. The coat had 6 buttons. 3 came off. How many are left? 2.Ilya ate 4 apples and 3 pears. How much in total? 3. Sveta lives on the 3rd floor, and Kolya lives 1 floor above. What floor does Kolya live on? 4. There are 10 breams in the lake, and 2 less perches. How many perches? 5. Vasya had 10 kopecks. After he bought the notebook, he had 7 kopecks left. How much does a notebook cost? 6. Vasya had 10 kopecks. He bought a notebook for 4 kopecks and a notepad for 5 kopecks. How many kopecks are left? 7. Lena has 5 rubles, Yulia has 9 rubles. Who has more and by how much? Card No. 8. 1. There are 8 plums in a plate. Kostya ate 2 plums. How many are left? 2. There are 6 roses and 3 peonies growing in the garden. How many flowers are there in total? 3. There are 5 cabinets in the classroom and 2 fewer windows. How many windows are there in the classroom? 4. There are 4 books on the top shelf, and 3 more on the bottom shelf. How many books are on the bottom shelf? 5. There were several shovels in the barn. When 3 shovels were taken, 5 shovels remained. How many shovels were there in the shed at first? 6. Denis had 2 pencils. Timur gave Denis 2 more pencils, and Anna 3 pencils. How many pencils does Denis have? 7. There are 10 tulips and 5 roses in a vase. What more and by how much? Card number 9. 1. It was 10 kopecks. We spent 4 kopecks. How many are left? 2. The car has 4 wheels. How many wheels do two cars have? 3. Kolya is 9 years old, and Igor is 2 years younger. How old is Igor? 4. Kids are playing in the yard. There are 5 girls and 1 more boys. How many boys? 5.Total 7 pencils. Of these, 3 are red. How many blue ones? 6.Vova had 7 pencils. 1 he lost. Then he bought 4 more pencils. How many has it become? 7. Vova had 7 blue pencils and 2 red ones. How many fewer reds are there than blues? Card number 10. 1. There were 8 balls. 3 burst. How many are left? 2. Katya has 3 yellow balls and 4 green ones. How much in total? 3. Roman has 9 pencils, and Danil has 1 more. How much does Danil have? 4. There are 6 bells in the bouquet, and 1 less daisies. How many daisies? 5. There are 8 vegetables in the plate. Of these, 4 are cucumbers. How many tomatoes? 6. There were 8 vegetables in the plate. First we ate 2 cucumbers, then 3 tomatoes. How many are left? 7. There are 8 cucumbers and 5 tomatoes in a plate. How many more cucumbers than tomatoes? Card No. 11. 1. There are 10 dirty spoons on the table. 5 spoons washed. How many are left? 2. Santa Claus gave Yulia 3 chocolates and the same number of sweets. How much in total? 3. There are 8 planes in the sky, and 3 less helicopters. How many helicopters? 4.Ole is 6 years old, Seryozha is 2 years older. How old is Seryozha? 5.Mitya has 7 balls. 2 of them are large. How many little ones? 6. Mitya had 7 balls. 1 burst, 2 flew away. How many are left? 7. Mitya has 3 large balls and 4 small ones. How many fewer large balls are there than small ones? Card number 12. 1. The teacher has 10 notebooks. 8 she has already checked. How many are left? 2.Danil first drank 4 cups of tea, then 1 more. How many in total? 3. Artyom made 6 crafts, and Stas made 1 less. How many crafts did Stas make? 4. Sveta is 7 years old. Yura is 3 years older than Sveta. How old is Yura? 5.Petya caught only 5 fish. Of these, 3 are perch. How many bream? 6. Petya caught 5 fish, then the same number. Mom made soup from 3 fish. How many are left? 7.Petya caught 3 perch and 10 bream. How many more bream than perch? Card number 13. 1. The postman has 8 letters. He distributed 5 letters. How many are left? 2. There are 4 hares in the clearing. 2 more arrived. How many are there? 3. Vera lives on the 5th floor, and Yulia lives 2 floors above. What floor does Yulia live on? 4. Our house has 5 floors. The house next door is 4 floors higher. How many floors are there in the neighboring house? 5. There are 9 people on the bus. Of these, 5 are men. How many women? 6. The chicken laid 10 eggs. The mouse broke 4 eggs, but the chicken still laid 3 eggs. How many has it become? 7. The postman has 4 letters and 3 magazines. What more and by how much? Card number 14. 1.There were 9 colors. 4 wilted. How many are left? 2. There are 8 books on the first shelf. On the second - 2. How many in total? 3. Vasya has 7 flags, and Anton has 3 less. How much does Anton have? 4. They brought 5 turnips from the garden, and 1 more carrots. How many carrots? 5. There were 10 eggs. The mouse ran and broke several eggs. 8 eggs left. How many eggs did the mouse break? 6. There were 5 people on the bus. 3 people left and 8 people entered. How many has it become? 7. There are 9 men and 3 women on the bus. How many fewer women are there than men? Card number 15. 1.Vitya learned 4 poems. 3 he forgot. How many are left? 2Lena is 4 years old. How old will Lena be in 2 years? 3. Lyuba lives on the 10th floor, and Yura lives 4 floors below. Which floor does Yura live on? 4. There are 4 apple trees in the garden, and 3 more raspberry bushes. How many raspberry bushes? 5. There are 10 officers traveling in the carriage: 4 of them are majors, and the rest are captains. How many captains? 6. There are 7 passengers in the carriage. 1 entered, 5 left. How many left? 7. There are 3 apple trees and 5 pear trees in the garden. What more and by how much? Card number 16. 1. There are 6 people on the bus. 4 left. How many are left? 2. Marat invited 2 girls and 3 boys to his birthday. How much in total? 3. Volodya lives on the 4th floor, and Olya lives 3 floors above. On what floor does Olya live? 4. There are 6 oak trees in the park, and 2 fewer spruce trees. How many firs? 5.Mom baked 8 pies: 3 of them with cabbage. How much with jam? 6. Mom baked 8 pies. Nadya ate 2, Yulia ate the same amount. How many are left? 7. There are 6 oaks and 10 birches in the park. What more and by how much? Card No. 17. 1. There were 9 children. 2 boys left. How many are left? 2. There are 5 girls and 4 boys in the class. How much in total? 3. Darina is 7 years old, and Olya is 2 years older. How old is Ole? 4. We bought 10 oranges and 3 less lemons. How many lemons did you buy? 5. There are 6 birds on the branch. Of these, 3 are crows. How many tits? 6. There were 3 tits on the branch. 4 more arrived, and 2 flew away. How many are left? 7. There are 3 crows and 5 tits on the branch. How many more tits are there than crows? Card No. 18. 1. Grandmother baked 8 pies. Sasha ate 3 pies. How many are left? 2. 7 stars lit up in the sky. Then another 3 stars. How many stars are there in the sky? 3. There are 3 roses in the vase, and 3 more asters. How many asters are there in a vase? 4. There are 7 tits on the tree, and 5 fewer crows. How many crows are there on a tree? 5. There are only 8 mushrooms in the basket. Of these, 6 are edible, and the rest are toadstools. How many toadstools are in the basket? 6. The chicken laid 8 eggs. The mouse broke 3 eggs, then the chicken laid 4 more eggs. How many has it become? 7. The chicken laid 8 gold and 3 plain eggs. Which eggs are there more and by how many? Card No. 19. 1.The book has 9 pages. Kolya read 4 pages. How many are left? 2. There are 3 carnations and 2 daisies in a vase. How much in total? 3.The length of the notebook is 9 centimeters, and the width is 2 centimeters shorter. What is the width? 4. There is 1 crocodile in the zoo, and 2 more hippos. How many hippos? 5. There are 8 planes at the airfield. Several flew away, 4 remained. How many planes flew away? 6. There are 8 planes at the airfield. 2 arrived, 5 flew away. How many are left? 7. There are 9 planes and 3 helicopters at the airfield. How many more airplanes are there than helicopters? Card number 20. 1. There are 7 stars in the sky. 4 stars went out. How many are left? 2. There are 6 toys on the Christmas tree. Lada hung 1 more. How many are there? 3.Petya ate 4 pears, and Katya ate 1 more. How much did Katya eat? 4. Kolya is 9 years old, Olya is 4 years younger than Kolya. How old is Ole? 5. There are 7 berries on the plate. Of these, 3 are cherries. How many plums? 6. There are 7 berries on the plate. Vova ate 3 berries, Nastya ate 2 berries. How many are left? 7. There are 8 cherries and 5 plums on the plate. How many fewer plums are there than cherries? Card number 21. 1. There were 10 tomatoes. We made a salad out of 2. How many are left? 2. Nastya has 5 stamps. Vera has the same amount. How much in total? 3. Lena is 5 years old, and Lilya is 2 years older. How old is Lila? 4. There are 6 rubles in the left pocket, and 1 ruble less in the right pocket. How many rubles are in the right pocket? 5.Ira collected 8 mushrooms. 2 of them are toadstools. How many edible mushrooms are there? 6.Ira collected 2 mushrooms, then found 4 more mushrooms, and threw away 1 toadstool. How many are left? 7. There are 8 porcini mushrooms and 2 toadstools in the basket. How many fewer toadstools are there than porcini mushrooms?

Tina Matryonina
Outline of an excursion to the autumn forest “Through the Eyes of Nature” with children 6–8 years old


Nowadays, children's interests are most often related to technology. Children have little contact with nature and rarely walk in the forest due to their parents’ busy lives. Guys living in the city do not hear the trills of the nightingale, the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves due to the hum of cars. In this regard, we want to draw children’s attention to the nature around us, to the simple phenomena of the surrounding world in the fall, we stimulate children’s curiosity and interest in autumn forest, its inhabitants and objects. Phototherapy helps children concentrate on what is especially important to them, and focus their gaze on something unusual around us.

Children's age: 6-8 years

Purpose of the walk: create a culture of communication with nature.

Walking objectives:


1. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature, about characteristic seasonal phenomena.

2. Learn to see relationships and interdependencies in nature, independently establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

3. To develop knowledge about the autumn forest, its inhabitants and characteristics.


1. Develop perception of color, shape and size, tactile, visual and auditory perception.

2. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination.

3. Develop skills in observing changes in nature, arouse the desire for independent research.


1. Educate children careful attitude to the forest and its inhabitants (animals, plants, mushrooms).

2. Stimulate children's curiosity.

3. Cultivate proper behavior in the forest.

Equipment and materials: multi-colored baskets (boxes, bags, containers, folders) in red, yellow and green; cereals, seeds and bread; camera, pictures of leaves different trees and objects in the forest.

1. Introductory conversation.

2. Main content.

3. Summing up.

Location of the excursion: forest (n Kugesi).

Preparing the teacher for the excursion:

1. Plan the excursion route.

2. Prepare equipment and materials for the excursion.

3. Have a conversation about the seasons and their signs, about nature conservation.

Preparing students for the excursion:

1. Examination of illustrations.

2. Reading poetry.

3. Asking riddles.

4. Reading stories about wild animals.

5. Listening to the music “Autumn Song” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

6. Talk with students about various types plants: trees, shrubs, mosses.

Progress of the excursion.

Organizational moment.

Familiarize students with the rules of behavior in the forest and safety precautions during the excursion.

Teacher: Hello, guys! Today we are going for a walk in the autumn forest. Before we go out, let's review the rules of behavior in the forest. (Children answer)

In the forest you cannot: speak loudly (shout, play loud music, uproot flowers, mushrooms, break tree branches, light fires, destroy nests, anthills, shoot birds with a slingshot, leave garbage behind, break glassware, smoke.

In the forest you can: talk quietly, feed animals and birds, hang bird feeders, collect leaves, pine cones, flowers (without roots), walk along paths, touch trees, sit on a stump, watch animals.

Main part.

Teacher: So we came to the forest. Tell me the rules that we talked about? (Children repeat). You can’t shout here, because the animals that live here might get scared and run away, and then you won’t be able to see them. Therefore, today we will talk to you in a whisper. We came to visit the forest, to visit squirrels, hedgehogs and other animals. Who else lives in the forest? (Children answer).

If on trees, the leaves have turned yellow.

If to a distant land, the birds have flown away.

If the sky frowns, if the rain pours,

This time of year, what is it called?

Teacher: There are many interesting objects in the forest that we will see now. It's autumn now, and in the fall it gets cold in the forest, the wind blows, sometimes it's raining, the leaves on the trees also freeze, turn red, yellow, green and fall to the ground. Look how many leaves, how colorful the carpet is under our feet. Now we will collect them.

Game “Match by color”

Teacher: Here we have three baskets. In each you need to put leaves of its color. The green basket contains green leaves, the yellow basket contains yellow leaves, and the red basket contains red leaves. We collect only the most beautiful leaves, clean, neat. Big and small. Smooth and rough. Different. (Children collect)

Game "Find the same"

Teacher: Well done! Now let's see what kind of leaves you collected. Look at my pictures and answer the question: do we have such a sheet? But this one? Let's try to find them. (Children are looking)

Exercise “Forest find”

Teacher: In the forest there are not only leaves, some trees have cones. For example, at a Christmas tree or pine tree. Let's find them? Or maybe we'll come across acorns along the way? Or some pretty twigs? Or a stump? Moss? Maybe we will see a hole or hollow? Or an anthill? Or maybe animals? (Children carefully look at the forest around them.)

Exercise “Help the Animals”

Teacher: Many animals live in the forest. Let's remember them. Who lives in the forest? What do animals do in the forest in autumn? That's right, getting ready for winter. They make supplies, collect food and put it in their house. For example, a squirrel loves to eat seeds. Let's feed her. She will definitely come running and take them into her hollow. What do birds eat when it gets cold? Look, in our forest in the trees good people hung feeders. Why are they? (Children's answers) Let's feed the birds. They love cereals and bread very much. (Children put bird food in the feeders and watch them fly up and eat.)

Exercise “Minute of Silence”

Teacher: Now you and I will listen to the forest. If you close your eyes, how many different sounds can you hear? (Children close their eyes and listen carefully to the sounds around them.) What did you hear? (Children's answers) Did you hear someone knocking? This is a woodpecker. Let's try to spot him among the tree branches.

Animal Sounds Game

Teacher: And now I invite you to depict the sounds that you just heard (the sound of a woodpecker, the snort of a hedgehog, the trill of a nightingale, the chirping of a sparrow, the rustling of leaves).


Exercise “Phototherapy”

Teacher: You guys see how many interesting things we saw in the forest. Let's capture these moments as memories. I suggest you take photographs. Each of you will be able to photograph what you liked most in the forest. Let's try it. (Children take pictures)

Teacher: This ends our excursion, it’s time for us to return to school.

At school - creating a collective collage using collected natural materials and photographs.


1. Skorolupova O. A. Wild animals. M.: Publishing House Scriptorium, 2006.

2. Sladkov N. Conversations about animals. M.: “Dragonfly - Press”, 2002.

3. Soboleva A.V. Riddles - savvy. A practical guide for speech therapists, educators and parents. M.: Publishing house “Gnome and D”, 2000.

4. Surova, Dryzlova: Finders. We walk and play - we explore the world.

M: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: Expand and consolidate children’s understanding of autumn. Pay attention to changes in nature, how the forest looked in summer, and what happened.

Summary of educational activities on cognitive development with a gender approach in the middle group (4–5 years old) “Journey to the autumn forest” Summary of a lesson on cognitive development with a gender approach middle group(4-5 years) “Journey to the autumn forest” Educational.

Summary of educational activities for young children “Journey to the autumn forest.” Educational area: cognitive development. Integration educational areas: speech development Type of lesson: intellectually developmental.

Summary of an open lesson with children of the middle group “Journey to the autumn forest” Journey to the autumn forest. Program content: consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “autumn”, teach them to answer and justify their answers.

Theme of the drawing lesson: “Autumn Forest” Age of children: 5-6 years. Integration of all educational areas. Goal: to activate and encourage.

(section Cognition)

The children of the group, their parents, and the teacher participated.


  • develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of our native Russian nature;
  • cultivate love for native nature, instill the basics of ecological culture;
  • develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;
  • create a healing effect nervous system child through aesthetic experiences and strengthening of physical health;
  • create conditions for the assimilation of ideas about autumn changes in wildlife, in the life of plants and animals in connection with the arrival of autumn.


  • teach to recognize the most characteristic phenomena wildlife inherent in autumn;
  • develop general educational and research skills: observation, comparison, systematization and classification;
  • to form ecological consciousness, an idea of ​​the interconnection of living nature objects.



Walk-excursion into the autumn forest" Amazing world nature"

(section Cognition)

Children of the 11th group, their parents, and teacher participated.


  1. develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of our native Russian nature;
  2. cultivate love for native nature, instill the basics of ecological culture;
  3. develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;
  4. to form a healing effect of the child’s nervous system through aesthetic experiences and strengthening physical health;
  5. create conditions for the assimilation of ideas about autumn changes in wildlife, in the life of plants and animals in connection with the arrival of autumn.


  1. teach to recognize the most characteristic phenomena of living nature inherent in autumn;
  2. develop general educational and research skills: observation, comparison, systematization and classification;
  3. to form ecological consciousness, an idea of ​​the interconnection of living nature objects.

Preparing excursion equipment:

  1. Route plan, compass.
  2. Garbage collection bags, gloves.
  3. Drinking water, wet wipes, first aid kit.
  4. Folders for plants - 2.
  5. Baskets for cones, leaves - 4.
  6. Bread for feeding ducks.

Progress of the excursion.

I. Organizational part. Updating basic knowledge:


Guys, good afternoon! I am very glad to meet you! Today we will take a walk-excursion into the autumn forest and learn a lot about the life of nature at this time of year. First, let’s remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

The guys name the rules of behavior in the forest: walk along the path, do not make noise, do not tear plants, do not break branches, do not destroy nests and anthills, etc.Next, students and pupils with a teacher take a walk-excursion into the autumn forest.

Having arrived at the place, the adults and the teacher, together with the children, choose a convenient clearing and put their backpacks in one place. They are resting.

Conversation in the forest, the teacher begins by reading V. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “When you enter the forest, fragrant and cool...”.


Children, what time of year is it now?



Educator: How did you guess?


The trees and grass turned yellow.

Educator: Well done! What other signs of autumn do you know?

Children: Frequent rains, first frosts, leaf fall, birds flying away.

Organizing games with parents and children.

  1. Game "What do we see?" Describe in one word what they see around (sky, sun, trees). You need to speak quickly and not repeat words said by others.
  2. Game “What is it? " Children take turns naming an object and its property: the sky is blue, the path is long, the pebble is rough, the earth is warm.
  3. Game "Kind words". Emphasize that there are many kind words, they need to be said more often to adults and children. Come up with different words for birch, poplar, hemp, grass, birds.
  4. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.


Guys, let's breathe clean air, with the bitter, pungent aroma of birch trees, let's listen to the silence, stand quietly - quietly and listen to nature.

Children listen and say what they heard.

The teacher offers to listen to a poem about a birch tree.

Scattered across the lawn

A carefree, light flock,

Like teenage girls

White-trunk birch trees.

They joined hands, and so -

The round dance began to spin.

Educator: Guys, please come to the birch tree. Hug her, tell her she's beautiful.

Competition for children and parents “Say as much as possible” beautiful words about birch."

Children together with their parents perform the round dance “There was a birch tree in the field.”


Let's look carefully again at who is in the trees and near the trees?


Birds, squirrel.


What can they do on trees and around trees? How can animals and plants and trees be connected?


Animals get food from trees, birds hide in trees, build nests on branches and in hollows.


Fine! Animals benefit from plants, but what about plants?

Children: Probably nothing.

Educator: A

Is this true or not? Listen to my story(tell about the life of plants and animals in the forest).

Educator: Who helps spread maple seeds?




What are the fruits of oak called?




Who helps spread the fruits of the oak tree?




Who helps distribute rowan fruits?


Blackbirds and other birds.


Well done, you remember well!

Stage II - learning new material.


Guys, look around, listen to the forest silence, admire the beauty of the autumn landscape. What autumn sounds do you hear? Stand with your back against the trunk of an oak tree and listen to the sounds of autumn. Tell us about them so that we can hear them too.


The leaves rustle underfoot, the birds chatter sadly, the breeze barely rustles the leaves, and a mouse rustles.


What music suits this fall?


Calm and sad.

Educator: How do you feel about the autumn forest? How can you say in poetry about the beauty of autumn leaves?Children read by heart lines from poems by I. Bunin, V. Semenov, A. Pushkin.

Educator: And now we will remember from which trees the leaves fell, which I will show you.The teacher shows the leaves to the children various trees, the children say which tree the leaf is from.

The game is being played “We are autumn leaves.” Children stand in a circle with leaves in their hands, say and make movements: “We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves, we were sitting on branches, the wind blew - we flew (children run away). We flew , we were flying, and then we got tired of flying. The breeze stopped blowing - we all sat down in a circle, (the children squatted, raising the leaves above their heads), the wind suddenly blew again and the leaves quickly blew away, (the children ran away, waving the leaves). and sat quietly on the ground (the children throw the leaves up and watch where they fall).

Educator: Do all the trees in the forest have leaves?

Children: No. Christmas trees and pine trees have green needles - needles that do not change their color either in winter or in summer. These trees are called - coniferous trees, they have a pine smell (let you smell the smell of a spruce branch).

Educator: That's right, there is even such a riddle: In winter and summer, one color (Christmas tree).

What can you call the rest of the trees?

Children: Deciduous trees because they don't have needles, but leaves!

Educator: Let's take a walk along the forest paths and see what conifers and deciduous trees grow in the forest.


Our tour of the autumn forest continues, let's talk about the life of animals in the fall, how do these animals prepare for winter in the fall? Let's start with the bear.


The bear is preparing to hibernate.




The hare changes its fur from gray, summer - to white, winter and warmer.




The hedgehog is preparing to hibernate.

Educator: Squirrel.


The squirrel is stocking up.


On our excursion, we not only observed, noticed, looked and listened, but also collected natural material: fallen leaves of different colors, cones, acorns, chestnuts.The collection of natural material is necessary in the future for conducting creative hours in the group.

Stage III - consolidation and primary control of what has been learned.


Now let’s summarize the excursion! Today we studied changes in nature that occur at what time of year?


In autumn.


Autumn can be distinguished from other seasons by what phenomena?


Frequent rains, first frosts, short days, leaf fall, flight of some birds to the south, abundance of mushrooms in the forest.


What happens to trees in autumn?


They change the color of foliage, shed leaves, and spread seeds with the help of animals and the wind.


How do animals behave in the fall?


They change their fur to a warmer one, some change color, prepare for hibernation, and make supplies for the winter.


What a great fellow you are! Thank you all very much for a pleasant excursion and for your good work.

Stage IV - homework.


At home, guys, dry the leaves with an iron through a newspaper and use them to make a beautiful applique on the theme “Autumn Nature” on a sheet of paper.

Nature awareness lesson

“Excursion to Golden Autumn Park”

Compiled by: Popova E.A.

Target – introduce children to changes in nature in autumn. Teach them to make herbariums from fallen leaves of various trees. Start introducing the life of insects and birds.

Excursion plan:

    Observation and conversation on the questions: What trees grow in our park? How did they change in the fall? Do all trees have the same leaves? Do you like autumn park? Why do you like him?

    Invite the children to collect leaves for the herbarium (take only those leaves that are on the ground).

    Watch insects and birds. Conversation on the questions: What birds did you see in the park? Where did the insects hide? Tell that the migration of birds is associated with the onset of cold weather and the disappearance of food: first, birds that feed on insects fly away, then those that feed on grain, berries, and lastly, waterfowl.

    Reading by the teacher and children of poems about the forest and autumn.

    Game “Guess which tree this leaf is from?”

Excursion to the park " Late autumn»

Target – clarify and generalize children’s ideas about changes in nature in late autumn. Continue to develop their powers of observation. Give an idea of ​​the seeds of various plants.

Excursion plan:

    Observation and conversation on the questions: What happened to the trees and their leaves? What's good about autumn?

    Draw the children's attention to the sky (in autumn it is usually dark blue at the top and lighter at the edges). Offer to look at the dry leaves (they are warped, gusts of wind carry them along the paths) and run along them (listen to how they rustle).

    Bend the branch and examine the buds with the children, explain that the trees have not died, they have only shed dead leaves and are preparing for winter.

    Invite the children to look for insects. (They are not there: all the beetles, flies, butterflies hid in the cracks of the tree trunks and fell asleep). Find curled leaves on the branches. (They are entangled in a web. Inside the “package” there are white cocoons - this is the hawthorn butterfly caterpillar overwintering. In the spring it will wake up and cause harm to the buds and young shoots). Help the children remove them from the trees and destroy them.

    Do all the work you can to clean the park.

    Collect fruits and study them appearance. Teach children to prepare grass seeds for winter feeding of birds (for example, ash spatulas, which are useful for feeding bullfinches).

To consolidate children’s knowledge about seeds in the group, it is recommended to conduct didactic games:

- “Children on a branch” - the teacher lays out pine and spruce cones, maple seeds, birch catkins, then shows dried tree branches one by one and asks: “Where are the children of this branch?”

- “Confusion” - the teacher places the fruits of a tree with the leaves of another and invites the child to untangle the “confusion.”

Lesson-excursion to the city park “Autumn changes in nature.”

Venue: Rowan Alley.

Time: golden autumn period.

Purpose of the excursion: watch the autumn mountain ash, within the city.


    develop the ability to observe autumn changes in nature;

    cultivate a caring attitude towards native nature.

    develop the ability to observe, compare, and draw conclusions.

Preparatory work for the excursion. Conversation about rules of conduct, safety precautions in nature.


I. Organizational moment II. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson Updating students' knowledge.


Think about who will meet us now?

Dresses up in summer and undresses in winter. (Tree).

You’ll find out what it’s called by guessing the riddle:

It was green in the spring, sunbathed in the summer,
In the fall I wore red corals. (Rowan).


We are now standing next to the rowan trees. Look at them. Why are there so many colorful leaves on rowan trees? What happened to them? They must have gotten sick. Are they alive?
– Touch the leaves, stroke the tree trunks. Of course, all mountain ash is alive.
– Take a closer look: you can see tiny holes on the trunk and branches, through which the tree breathes. It's alive. In autumn, only the leaves change color and die, because the days are not so long and it has become cold.
– Today we will learn a lot of interesting things about the mountain ash, because she invited us to visit her.

3) Repetition


Guys, why do we go to visit nature?


To hear the singing of birds, admire its beauty, enjoy the fresh, fragrant air, and reveal new mysteries of nature.
Teacher: - Who remembers how to behave when visiting nature?

Children remember the rules of behavior in nature:

1. Don’t make noise or disturb the inhabitants of the forest.
2. Don't pick flowers, don't break trees.
3. Don't leave trash in the forest.
4. Don't light fires.


Eat good words: “You have come to visit nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do while visiting.”

III. Main part


Our people have a special relationship with mountain ash. She is a symbol of Russia. She is the patron saint of those born from January 21 to February 17. Many songs and poems have been written about her. What folk songs and poems about rowan do you know? (children's answers).

Physical education minute
1. "Watch". Standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. Swing your straight arms back and forth, saying “tick-tock.” Repeat 5 times.
2. “Grow like a mountain ash.” Stand, legs together, arms along the body. Raise your arms up, stretch, rise on your toes – inhale; lower your arms down, lower your entire foot - exhale. Say "u-h-h-h." Repeat 5 times.

3. "Locomotive". Stand one after another and slowly, walking between rowan trees, make alternating circular movements with your hands, saying “chuh-chuh-chuh.”


While we were playing, the rowan trees prepared tasks. Divide into groups and each choose a rowan tree and go your separate ways. (Near each rowan tree there is a packet with a task).
– Now, guys, try to answer the questions from the cards in groups.

1) Independent work.

The task is given to all groups at the same time. Work in progress in groups (5 – 7 minutes). After checking the work of each group, a game is played.

Assignment to the first group.

Look and tell me what or who do mountain ash look like?

Children's answers: - Red, like a fire.
- Multi-colored, as if they hung a scarf on their shoulders, like girls.
- Sisters in colorful sundresses.
- The crooked old lady “bent over as if looking for something.”


Take a closer look, how are all mountain ash alike? (Children: -Thin trunks, fragile, branched, all thin-legged beauties, variegated, etc.).

Teacher: - Indeed, rowan is pockmarked, which means motley. It even makes your eyes dazzle.

Assignment to the second group.

Consider the rowan leaves. What color and shape are they? Remember what words poets use to describe autumn leaves?
Conversation based on observational materials.

Children's answers:

Red, yellow, brown, golden, spotted, painted, etc.


The rowan leaf is very complex, it looks like a whole branch with several leaves located opposite each other. Each leaf is toothed and more oval.

Competition "The best bouquet of rowan leaves."

2) Game “Leaves are Flying”

Children move along the path. At the signal from the presenter “Leaves 2!” Children stand in pairs and move until a certain signal. A new signal “Leaves 3!” is given. Children break into groups of three and continue moving.

3) Game “Autumn leaf fall”

In a pile of leaves, the children find an envelope addressed to them. When they opened it, they found a letter from rowan trees in it. They asked to tell them what interesting things they know about rowan.

Conversation about autumn rowan(additional material is provided by a teacher or trained student).


The scientific name of mountain ash means "bird catcher". Already in early autumn, heavy clusters of round orange and red berries attract birds. Rowan wood is hard, shiny and very valuable. Most often used to make wheels. The materials for crafts are dried branches and roots of trees.

Assignment to the third group.

Consider rowan berries. Why do you think they say that the autumn rowan looks like christmas tree?

Conversation based on observational materials.

Children's answers:

Berries are like balls on a Christmas tree.
– And rowan berries also look like small apples.


At the bottom of each rowan berry, there is a five-pointed hole cut out, which from a distance appears to be a black dot.
The orange-red clusters of fruit remain on the trees throughout the winter, just as the fruits are picked after the first frost. They make jam and make fillings for sweets. No wonder they say that in haymaking it is bitter, but in frost it is sweet. Rowan berries are very rich in vitamins and are widely used in medicine. September 23rd is called Fieldfare. On this day, the rowan harvest began. But not all the rowan trees were plucked; some of the berries were left for the blackbirds and bullfinches.

Why do you think?(Children: - For feeding birds).
– What should we do? Will we prepare it for the birds or leave it on the trees?
? (Children: - Let’s leave it, because many animals feed on rowan berries: blackbirds, waxwings, bullfinches, crows, foxes, hares).

4) Game "Fast Train"

Two teams play. Rowan branches are placed 3–4 meters from the team. On command, players quickly walk towards the branches, go around them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second players and together they again make the same path, etc.

IV. Result of the excursion


Well, we visited the mountain ash. What interesting things did you learn? (children's answers).
Teacher: - And as a farewell, she asks us to write an essay - a miniature “My observations in autumn park"and draw her autumn girlfriends.

Let's look at each other. What a gift the rowan trees gave us all? (Children: - Pink, rosy cheeks) .
- Why?
(Children: - Fresh air improves health and healthy person always beautiful).
– Let us thank the mountain ash for the beauty and joy that they generously shared with us.

At the end of the excursion, the teacher evaluates the children’s behavior in nature and thanks them for their help in their work.