Autumn Fedorovskaya autumn at the edge. Golden autumn: poems for children in pictures

Dmitrieva Irina Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "D⁄S No. 19"
Locality: Kasimov city, Ryazan region
Name of material: GCD summary
Subject:"Autumn was spreading paint at the edges"
Publication date: 20.07.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 19"

municipal formation - urban district city of Kasimov


direct educational


using unconventional drawing techniques

"Autumn at the edge of the forest"

mixed paints"

Prepared by:

Dmitrieva I. Yu.

Kasimov, 2017

“Autumn was spreading paint at the edges”


Introduce a new unconventional type of drawing technique

“poke” using cotton swabs.

Develop a vision of the artistic image through natural forms and

Develop a sense of composition and color perception.

Bring up



environmental objects in the autumn.

Shape careful attitude to nature.

Material for the lesson:

Twigs and leaves different breeds trees,

album sheets of A4 size with previously drawn palms instead




reproductions of autumn landscapes; cotton swabs tied in a bundle; napkins.





nature, learning songs and poems about autumn, talking about the signs of autumn,

examining the trees growing on the site.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Guys, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale about one autumn leaf.

In one old park there was a lonely tree. Autumn has come. All leaves

flew off to travel, and there was a very small one left on one branch

leaf. He was too young to dare to fly alone. He was so bored

I thought and came up with it. He sees a passerby wearing a hat. The leaf plucked up courage and

jumped into the hat. A passerby did not notice the leaf and brought it home. In the house

it was warm, but very lonely and the leaf began to miss its tree, its

friends, he was afraid that he would dry up completely and be thrown away. Then the leaf

shouted: “Wind, wind!” The wind was his great friend. He heard and

flew into the room, saw a leaf, picked it up and carried it to the park. They are in the park

parted and the wind said goodbye to the leaf: “Without a home, no one

will be able to live: he will get bored, dry up, so do not part with your home and

park. And so that our leaf doesn’t feel lonely, let’s find him a family

and friends.

Guys, do you know what time of year it is now? What is the name of the natural phenomenon?

when do the leaves fall?

A colorful park, a colorful garden.

The leaves have begun to fall, the leaves have begun to fall.

The leaves rustle merrily under the children’s feet.

Now I’ll tell you why trees shed their leaves in the fall. After all

no one tells a tree when to shed its leaves, but autumn is approaching and

the leaves on the trees change color to yellow, orange, red and fall off. On

there are a number of reasons for this:

With water and air, harmful substances and wood can enter the tree

may get sick;

winter will come, the water will freeze and will not be able to reach the branches and leaves;

falling, the leaves free the tree from the weight of snow, which

falls in winter.

That's why, guys, in the fall, leaves fall from all the trees and the wind blows them away

along the streets, parks and squares. And next year in the spring they will appear on the trees

new leaves.

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples began to glow,

In purple there is aspen, only oak is green.

Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,

Look, the grove is dressed in gold.

Guys, look at the reproductions and photographs about autumn. What are they wearing?

The trees were given beautiful bright colors. Yellow, orange, red. Depending

on them you can be sure that autumn is a great artist, because she herself

designs outfits for trees. Everyone wants to admire such beauty

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold -

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!.. I. Mikhailova

And let us fly together with the leaves and the breeze.

Physical education lesson “Leaves”

We are autumn leaves, Children swing the leaves in their hands above their heads.

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew. Running in different directions.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat down quietly on the ground. They squat.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

They stand up, raise their hands with leaves up,

shake them.

They started spinning and flying, running in different directions. Returning to their places

And they sat down on the ground again.

Guys, let's look at our autumn bouquet from different branches. What are they like

different and beautiful. We watch them on a walk. Every tree

The shape of the leaves is different. This is a birch branch, this is a maple, this is a linden. But if

look closely at the leaf, you can see in each of them

small tree. There is a vein running through the middle of the leaf, from which

thinner veins - twigs - extend from the sides. The leaf resembles a crown

tree. And the main vein looks like a trunk.

And today we will draw an autumn tree, but in a somewhat unusual way

way. Magic wands will help us with this. If their tips are dipped in

paint, and then poke it on the paper, then a trace of our

sticks. With these prints we will draw multi-colored crowns on our

trees. And today I will show you how we will do this.

Practical part.

Children are given a sheet with a picture of a tree in the form of a child’s hand with a palm,

which resembles a trunk with branches of a tree.

Bunches of cotton swabs are taken and dipped into a jar of gouache alternately with

in different colors. Then poke the paper with chopsticks and it turns out

imprint. Children's work.

You tried, you drew, your fingers are tired, and now we’ll rest the game with

Let's start with palms.

Finger game "Fists - palms"

Children hang their work on the stand.

We have a wonderful autumn grove with beautiful trees. This

our cotton swabs helped us create such whimsical

crowns and draw these unusual trees. Now our leaf has

many friends. And I would like to end with these poems by V. Berestov.

And at 10 years old, and at 7 and at 5, all children love to draw.

And everyone will boldly draw everything that interests him.

Everything arouses interest: deep space, nearby forest,

Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dancing...

Let's draw everything: if only there were paints and a sheet of paper on the table,

Yes, peace in the family and on earth.

Autumn Z. Fedorovskaya Autumn spread paint at the edge, quietly brushed across the leaves: The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed, In the purple of autumn only the green oak. Autumn consoles: -Don’t regret summer! Look - the grove is dressed in gold! Christmas tree O. Vysotskaya Not a leaf, not a blade of grass! Our garden became quiet. And the birches and aspens stand boring. Only one Christmas tree is cheerful and green. Apparently she's not afraid of the cold, she's obviously brave! Learn with us

Autumn V. Avdienko Autumn walks along the path, Her feet got wet in the puddles. It's raining and there's no light. Summer is lost somewhere. Autumn is walking, Autumn is wandering. The wind threw the leaves off the maple tree. Underfoot there is a new rug, Yellow-pink - Maple. Oak Oak is not afraid of rain and wind. Who said that an oak tree is afraid of catching a cold? After all, before late autumn It's green. This means that the oak is hardy, which means it is hardened. Autumn The leaves are falling, falling - The leaves are falling in our garden... Yellow, red leaves curl and fly in the wind. Birds fly south - geese, rooks, cranes. Now the last flock is flapping its wings in the distance.

Familiarization with inanimate nature carried out through short-term observations and games during walks. From time to time, draw children's attention to the weather in connection with their everyday life and activities. First, you yourself say what the weather is like: “How bright the sun is shining today, how warm it is, we can have a nice walk.” In the future, you can ask the children or give instructions to one child to look out the window and say, as the weather drops: is it possible to go for a walk, how to dress, what toys to take. Such assignments gradually teach the children to pay attention to the weather themselves, to conclude that it rains in the fall, it’s cold, and they need to dress warmer. We must teach them to notice changes in the color of the sky: on a sunny day, ask them to look at the sky and say how clear, blue, and clean it is. Another time, the children will see that the sky is covered with clouds, the clouds are dark, covering the sun, and it will rain soon. As in younger group, on windy days, children of the fifth year of life are given pinwheels and windmills to play with. Observations in autumn

Plant observations. Leaf fall is one of the most characteristic autumn phenomena. On walks, they observe the trees and shrubs of the immediate environment. It is advisable to note the most visible changes: the leaves have turned yellow or red, dry leaves are falling off, the branches of the trees have become bare, there are no leaves left on them. It is interesting to watch how the leaves crumble under the gusts of wind, to listen to how they rustle as they fall and rustle under your feet. While admiring the beauty of the autumn landscapes, the teacher finds trees familiar to the children: maple, poplar, birch. Draws attention to the different colors of their leaves. Observations are associated with activities: children, on assignment, collect yellow, red, orange leaves of maple, poplar, and birch; offer to find the most beautiful ones, asks which tree the leaf comes from; Bouquets are made from leaves. Several times during the fall, observations of flower garden plants are organized on your site, in a park or square. At the beginning of autumn, children examine the flower beds and admire the beautiful flowers. It is necessary to suggest finding familiar plants: nasturtium, asters, pansies. Their names are specified. It’s good to take a closer look at the flowers, determine what color they are, smell them, and say how beautiful and fragrant they are. In front of the children, the teacher digs up several flowering plants for a corner of nature.

Observations should be repeated later, when after the frost the grass turns brown and the flowers wither, draw the children’s attention to the fact that the flowers died from the cold. Walk through the fallen leaves, listen to their rustling underfoot. Go to a brightly colored tree and ask the children: “What kind of tree is this? What color are the leaves on it? What kind of leaves were there in the summer?” Watch the leaves fall, listen to their rustling. You can also admire the colorful carpet on the ground green grass covered with colorful leaves. “What color are the leaves on the ground?” Offer to collect the most beautiful ones, catch falling leaves; play, run in the park, collect bouquets of leaves. Animal observations. Observations of domestic animals continue: cats, dogs, cows, etc. Observations of birds should be carried out throughout the fall. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are fewer birds, their singing is no longer heard, as it was in the summer, the swallows that lived under the roof in the summer are no longer there, the starlings have flown away. Most often you can observe sparrows and crows, pigeons...

Tatiana Botyakova

Topic: "Autumn brought color to the edges."

Educational area: " Artistic creativity».

Type: productive activity (drawing).

Integration educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Reading” fiction", "Socialization", "Health", "Physical education", "Music".

Target: develop children's interest in fine art through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.



Learn to draw a landscape using sheet printing.


Develop interest and positive attitude to drawing.

Develop fine motor skills hands


Foster a caring attitude towards living nature.


Expand and clarify children's ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Reading fiction:

To develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving artistic words.


To cultivate in children a desire to communicate and play with the teacher.


Teach children to exhale for a long time.

Physical Culture:

Develop the need for physical activity.

Cultivate interest in musical works.

Equipment: Tinted A4 paper, yellow, red gouache, Brown, tree leaves, brushes, cups of water, rags, reproductions of paintings, leaves on strings, a tape recorder with an audio recording.

Vocabulary work: activate the words clear, sunny, cloudy, rainy in speech.

Preliminary work:

1. Educational conversations about the season - autumn.

2. Examination of illustrations, reproductions of paintings, photographs on the topic.

3. Reading poems about autumn, solving riddles.

4. Observing beauty autumn nature while walking.

GCD move:

I went to kindergarten today,

To meet the guys there.

I see a letter in the box...

Who did it come from?

You guys don't yawn,

Answer quickly and unanimously!

Riddle about autumn.

What kind of sorceress took the paint?

I painted the leaves, swept them off the branches,

I hid the midges to sleep until spring,

“What kind of sorceress?” - you ask.

Children: Autumn!

The teacher reads the text of the letter: Guys, I invite everyone to take a walk around autumn forest!

Playback : Do you want to go for a walk through the autumn forest!

Playback : And we’ll go to the forest on a train!

You guys don't yawn,

Take your seats in the carriage!

Ready? Go!

(To the song “Locomotive Bukashka” by the children’s ensemble “Semitsvetik”, children walk and perform movements in accordance with the text).

Playback : So we arrived in the forest!

(Children are greeted by Autumn).

Autumn: Hello guys! I'm glad you accepted my invitation! Look how beautiful it is around! What do you see?

Children: Trees.

Autumn: What color are the leaves on the trees?

Children: Red, yellow, orange, brown.

Autumn: Why do you think the trees are so beautiful? Who painted the foliage?

Children: Autumn.


Autumn was spreading paint at the edges

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed.

In the purple green only the oak is green.

Autumn consoles: do not regret summer!

Look, the grove is dressed in gold!

Z. Fedorovskaya

Autumn: What trees do you know? (Maple, birch, spruce, oak, etc.)

Exercise “Which leaf?”

If the leaf is from oak, then what kind of leaf is it - oak?

If a leaf from a birch tree is birch

If a maple leaf is maple

If a leaf from a rowan tree is rowan

In autumn it often rains, the sun is not so hot, birds are going to fly to warmer climes.

What happens to trees in autumn?

What colors do tree leaves turn in autumn?

Let's look at the illustrations. The group organized an exhibition of works by famous artists and photographs on the theme of autumn.

(Children look at the exhibition).

Autumn has come, and the nature around us has changed. Trees, bushes and grass stand in autumn attire. The leaves on the trees in autumn are very diverse in color. They have green, red, yellow and other shades. It’s not for nothing that autumn is called golden.


We are autumn leaves, sitting on a branch,

The wind blows - we fly.

They flew, flew and landed on the ground.

The wind came again and lifted all the leaves,

He turned them over, circled them and laid them on the ground.

Autumn: At this time of year, gusty winds often blow and leaves rustle on the trees.

“An autumn breeze blew and a leaf trembled.

The leaves are flying in the wind and circling, circling, circling.”

Now I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the leaves. (Hands out leaves on a string.) Do you know how to blow correctly? We inhale deeply through our nose, without raising our shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out your cheeks. (Children take leaves on strings and blow on them for a long time, watching the leaves swirl).

P/game: “Sunshine and Rain.”

The sun is shining in the morning. The sun is showing.

So it's time for us to go for a walk

It's nice in the sun Children walk around the group

Run and play

Good in the sun

Walk in the yard

Drip-drip-drip! - along the path Children are hiding under an umbrella.

Droplets can do it - peas

Hide, children, under the umbrella

We'll wait out the autumn rain.

Vosp: Thank you, autumn, for an interesting walk through the autumn forest. And it’s time for the boys and I to return to the kindergarten.

(The children return on the train back to the kindergarten.)

Vosp: Guys, did you like our walk? (Yes). And I really liked it!

Forest in autumn time especially beautiful this year! It's the good sorceress Autumn who painted everything around bright colors. Today I invite you to become wizards too and paint a magical autumn picture.

(Teacher shows how to depict it).

I'll smear a leaf from a tree

Red and yellow paint.

I'll turn it over and iron it -

A tree will emerge, just like in a fairy tale.

This is how to draw trees -

Nothing could be simpler.

I can stamp

A small grove.

(Children work to the music of Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Autumn.”

After the drawings have dried, the missing details can be completed). Vosp: Look what beautiful landscapes you have created. You are real wizards.


Where have we been today?

What interesting things did you see?

How did we draw trees?

What did you like?

It is generally accepted that autumn is a sad time. However, this is not at all true. Yes, after a fun and warm summer It's hard to accept that the days are getting shorter and colder. But at the same time, it’s hard not to notice the beauty of nature falling asleep - the riot of colors around is mesmerizing. Even the autumn rain does not upset the children, because measuring the depth of every puddle encountered along the way is a real pleasure.

In children's literature, many poets have not ignored autumn mood. Poems about autumn for children, like nothing else, can draw a child’s attention to the miracles that happen around at this time of year. Be sure to read and memorize poetry with your child, so you will broaden your horizons and replenish your child’s vocabulary.

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage:
The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed,
In autumn purple only green oak.
Autumn consoles:
- Don't regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

Autumn in the park

Autumn is coming in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Pink apron - aspen,
Red beads - rowan,
Yellow umbrella for poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

First of September

A huge bouquet is walking along the road.
Feet in shoes,
From above - takes.
Walking to school
Bouquets of flowers -
By the school year

Trees in autumn

The birch trees unbraided their braids,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars were flooded.
The willows have drooped by the pond,
The aspen trees began to tremble,
Oak trees, always huge,
It's like they've become smaller.
Everything calmed down, shrank,
It has drooped and turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is beautiful
By winter she looked better.

It's damp in the clouds -
Even at noon it shines
Dull and timid.
From the cold grove
In field,
to the path,
The bunny blew out -

If in the trees
The leaves have turned yellow
If to a distant land
The birds have flown away
If the sky is gloomy,
If it rains,
It's that time of year
It's called autumn.

In the autumn garden,
By the path
Aspen claps
In the palms.
That's why
That week
Her palms

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
There's rustling outside the window in the morning
Yellow snowstorms.
The first ice is underfoot
It crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh,
And sing -

I walk and feel sad alone:
Autumn is nearby somewhere.
A yellow leaf in the river
Summer has drowned.

I throw him a circle -
Your last wreath.
Only summer cannot be saved,
If the day is autumn.

Here it is autumn

Here is autumn before us:
The field is compressed, the meadow is mown.
And over the forest in shoals
The geese are heading south.
Behind the barn there is a stack of straw
And a rowan tree in the yard
From the window of my home
Visible to rural children.
Frequent rain rings through the window.
The wind wanders everywhere,
Golden leaves drive
Along the silver water.

The sky was gloomy in the morning

In the morning the sky was gloomy
And everything seemed despondent.
Autumn loves to cry,
It's raining on the ground.
Loves to rustle leaves
And pluck them from the trees.

Leaf fall

fallen leaves
The conversation is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From an oak tree...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the way!

Rain, rain, drip and drip!

Rain, rain, drip and drip!
You wouldn't drip on dads,
You wouldn't drip on moms -
It would be better to come to us:
It's damp for dads, it's dirty for moms,
It’s wonderful for you and me!

Summer is flying away

Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in the sun's rays.
This dress is golden
On the birch tree's shoulders...
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...
Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle.
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everyone is flying! This must be
Our summer is flying away.

Autumn on the fox

See it all: in all its glory
Autumn is rushing on the fox.
And where the fox waves his tail,
Everything turns red in place:
Paint with a red brush
She has grass and leaves.
And the bushes will turn red,
Paths, streets, bridges,
Houses and late flowers...
Look: don't get red either!

Summer has passed

Summer, giving away warmth,
It got boring and went away.
The wind tore off the leaves
And he scattered it under his feet.
The sun hid behind the clouds,
The gray day was boring with rain.
And for some reason he cries, cries -
That's how bad it is.
Let's ask him.
The rain will answer: “It’s just autumn...

A hedgehog curled up under a bush
Wet and prickly.
And the rain mows down the forest,
Dispersing the clouds.
Dressed in red leaves
The tree stump smiles.
Stood dry all summer,
And now I'm completely wet.

Autumn has come

Autumn has come,
Our garden has turned yellow.
Leaves on a birch
They burn with gold.
Don't hear the funny ones
Songs of the nightingale.
The birds have flown away
To distant lands.

The year decided to say goodbye to summer

The year decided to say goodbye to summer,
The river suddenly became cloudy,
The birds became a friendly flock
Getting ready for vacation.
And so that everything becomes like in a fairy tale,
Giving beauty to the earth,
The year has spilled colors on autumn
From September boxes!